Just Punishment

Story by Toumal on SoFurry

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Just Punishment

(c)2010 Toumal


Based on the following artwork by Winddragon

Just Punishment

Dread. Humiliation. Defeat. These and a thousand more emotions coursed through Krath as he lay there, bound and on his back. The dragon's saliva was oozing from his maw, which was inevitable thanks to the gag-ball he was forced to wear. But that was not the worst part. Not even the fact that he was stark naked and his legs were raised up high, exposing his firm, green ass. As the Keeper of the Shrine of Lust he was quite used to the idea of carnal pleasures, even with members of his own gender, but that was not all that was at stake here.

No, the worst thing about his punishment was that he was about to become enslaved by lust, by none other but his own former slave. He fought the effects of the herbs and potions he'd been forced to swallow, he tried to resist the magic that was about to make him a devoted pet to the large orca whose beak was just inches from his nose, the very same orca whom he'd subdued and used the same magical ritual on to imprison his will in a cage of carnal desire towards himself. However, he knew that it was useless. No muscle in his body would move, the fire of yearning desire grew in his chest. It was going to happen soon. Just as the orca's resistance had been futile, he knew that eventually he too would succumb and become a loyal pet that lusted for nothing other than his master's cock, day and night.

It had all begun so innocently, with him having just a crush on that stranger from a far-away continent. He lusted for his smooth skin, his thick tail, the way the light reflected from his black and white body when he was wet... Getting to know the orca was easy enough. His name was Toumal and although he didn't speak much about his home, he found him to be quite open-minded and friendly. As the days passed he made sure he'd run into him more often, eventually making romantic advances towards him, making it clear that he was interested in a carnal bond.

But that had not been the whole story. In his daydreams, he envisioned Toumal naked, on his knees before him, with a collar around his wide neck and a devoted look on his face. He realized that he didn't just want him, he wanted to possess him, to call him his own, his pet and property. He knew that Toumal had a mate back home, but that didn't bother him. It was love he seeked - but unconditional love, the pure love and utter devotion only a pet could show towards his owner. He wanted that tail hiked high and needy whines coming from his throat. He wanted the orca, his orca, to yearn for his draconic member like no normal person could, and to have him feel empty and hungry whenever he was not being fucked silly by his dragon master.

The fact that the magic required to turn a person with free will into a willing slave was utterly forbidden just added to the fire of lust burning within Krath. Despite not being one of the elder dragons he knew that forbidden magic well. After all, a keeper of the shrine had to be well versed in both light and dark magic. In addition, he himself was a creature born from magic, so advanced rituals were something he was naturally adept to perform. It was relatively simple to concoct the potions, Most ingredients were quite easy to obtain, and the few very rare ones he could aquire with a bit of cunning. After all he was not only one of the few dragons allowed to access the forbidden archives and the locked area of the great stockroom, but he also knew exactly when and how to get what he needed without anyone else knowing.

Back on that fateful day, his heart was beating furiously, his dragonhood stirring in his loins as he brewed the main potion and cast the required supportive spells. It was all done, ready for his soon-to-be pet. The offer of a relaxing cup of tee and some gentle snugglings were more than enough to lure his prey into his lair. He had carefully planted rumors of a possible departure of the orca, subtle clues that would not easily be discovered as such, but they would make the orca's disappearance easier to accept for the others. He smiled when he opened the door for Toumal, led him in, padded the cushions for him on the chair, and handed him the "tea".

"Here you go! This is a very rare selection you're about to sample - in fact, this is one of the last remaining stockpiles since sadly, it's extinct now..."

"My goodness - we shouldn't... should we be drinking this then?", the orca voiced his concern.

"My dear friend, now is as good a time as ever. In fact, it's probably the best time...", Krath said with a sultry smile, a slight hint of passion in his voice.

"You and your community are so wonderfully hospitable... People seem worried that I might travel home overnight - I assure you I wouldn't just vanish."

"Mmhmm, I'm sure", the green dragon said absently, walking up behind the orca, gently rubbing his shoulders - and resisting the urge to make him gulp down the potion by force, right then and there.

"Now, taste it and tell me what you think", he tried to sound as casual as possible.

Toumal sniffed on the eery-looking liquid. It wasn't terribly inviting - but he couldn't get himself to reject it. He liked Krath and wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, especially since this was a rare treat, apparently... He brought the cup to his beak and tried to ignore the odor as he sipped on it.

He had to stifle the urge to vomit as the intense and disgusting taste spread thick and warm over his tongue, creeping into his maw.

"Oh my what's wrong?", Krath said with feigned concern, quickly wrapping his arms around the surprised and distracted orca's neck, grabbing the cup before it was spilled, and forcing the contents into his maw.

"Wha-arrrrrgl", the orca gurgled as more of the vile stuff poured in, a clawed hand on his snout forcing his beak closed and tilting it upwards, the orca struggling to stand up but there was suddenly a warm touch on his throat, massaging... he HAD to get the stuff out of his mouth. He fought to try and spit it out but in a moment of distraction, aided by the treacherous rubbing on his throat, he swallowed.

The effect was immediate. With a surprised look of horror, Toumal instantly forgot everything about the bad taste in his mouth, for he felt his muscles going limp as a warm fuzzy blanket crept over his mind.

"That's it... relax...", his dragon assailant cooed softly, easily pushing the big orca onto the floor. He quickly moved the furniture aside, making room for his future slave and the procedure. Mumbling a dark spell, Krath reached for a gag ball with a hole in it, and secured it in Toumal's maw. The opening was specifically designed to facilitate the introduction of liquids. With a look of horror in his eyes, the orca watched helplessly as his former friend dropped his garments, stripping him as well, and putting a beaker full of a cloudy white liquid to his gag-ball. He wanted to move his head sideways - but no muscle would move, his own body did not obey his commands anymore.

With a grin that could only described as wicked and evil, Krath poured the collected seed of over a week of masturbation sessions into the orca's maw. He fought valiantly, trying not to swallow - but in the end the cetacean was helpless to prevent his reflexes from swallowing the liquid to keep it from entering his lungs. A wave of heat surged through him, he realized that whatever was going on was not just some act of sexual perversion. And then, something happened - a single thought formed in his mind, and began to drown out everything else:


He lusted. What he lusted for, he didn't really know for sure, but the need was there. It began to throb within him, just as his cock hardened and grew, but he paid it no attention as he found himself concentrating on swallowing more and more of the liquid he knew was the dragon's cum. As he was finished, he snapped out of it - he was trapped! Something bad was going to happen to him, if he didn't....

He never had a chance to finish that line of thought as three things happened: His legs were hoisted up onto the shoulders of the dragon who knelt at his rump, sitting on his tail... a taloned hand grasped his engorged orcahood, and the fat tip of an undeniably erect cock pressed against the exposed and vulnerable tailhole of the orca.

The pain of the initial penetration was utterly dulled by the potion cursing through his body now, a million stars exploded in his view as every coherent thought was washed away by the ultimate solution to all his worries, the answer to all his questions. It was right there, entering his body in a painless and fulfilling way... he had been on the receiving end of such activities before, but the drug-induced stupor made him feel this as the pinnacle of sexual desire, the cock entering him becoming the sole object of his desires. He looked up at the eyes of the heavenly creature that possessed this magical rod, his benefactor that would give him his long-yearned relief. As the dragon's crotch came to rest against the smooth rump of the cetacean, and the first globs of precum entered his body, the orca was still dimly aware of something very wrong going on - but the thought grew more distant with every successive thrust. He himself was harder than ever before in his life, and he started to weep - first it was because of... something... something he forgot about, it must have been something bad... but that was past him now, wasn't it? He looked up at Krath, who huffed erotically with each thrust, stroking the orca in time with his defiling motions. He kissed Toumal on the beak, but it was not just a loving kiss - it was possessive. The first words he heard forever inscribed themselves into the orca's mind:

"I am your caring master. You are my obedient pet.", the dragon stated.

It felt so heavenly, the way the orca's tight muscles rippled and quivered, giving the dragon a perfect place to sheathe his rigid maleness in - and he shuddered in joy at the thought of this happening every day for the rest of their lives.

Toumal wept again, but they were tears of joy. Little did he know that he was subject to an ancient dark ritual that would rob him of his own free will and replace it with utter devotion to the dark magician. Little did he care, either. Slowly, the strength of his muscles returned to him, and he found himself pushing back shamelessly.

He was lost, and didn't even know that he spelled his own doom. The fact that the orca now actively worked towards his enslavement fanned Krath's desire even more. He smiled down on his pet. He was close, oh so close. He would breed his pet, and lock the magical shackles on him with his seed. To his surprise, the orca whined and then spoke with tiny gasps between words:

"I... love... master!"

He felt it, it was happening! His balls drew upwards close to his thick dragoncock. And then, the act that sealed Toumal's fate, the moment of his seeding. Two cocks, exploding as one, one destined to forever fill a slutty orca hole, the other cursed to forever spill his cum uselessly onto the floor, to only serve as a means to pleasure his master's superior shaft. With every vile spurt of draconic cum entering his spasming body, the orca expelled his own all over himself. He felt himself falling into an endless pit - it was his free will that vanished - while at the same time something new blossomed, the forced devotion solidifying in his mind, erasing all thought of his home, his former life, any other person he cared about.

He was a pet. Krath was his master. He had been caught in the web of lust, and he no longer cared. He loved being a pet, there was no greater pleasure than to be fucked by his master, to carry his seed.

Nobody knew where the orca had went to. Everyone figured he'd just traveled home, probably on that ship that left a couple days ago, but nobody knew for sure.

In the weeks after his enslavement, Toumal was kept in a small, secret room. There was only a single bed, but he didn't mind - after all, he only had a single purpose. He was let out three times a day during the weekdays, but he enjoyed his master's company all day long during weekends. He never got to leave the private chambers of his master, nor did he ever want to - except for those times when his master was gone during the day. Sometimes he was summoned to sit between his master's legs, suckling on that godly dragonhood, his own erection drooling precum onto the floor... but he never touched himself. He didn't want to. It was up to his master to touch him, to make him cum, shoot his precious load in the most demeaning ways possible, emphasizing the fact that he'd never breed another being again, that his cock would only ever feel his master's paws. And he was hard all the time, his need never relenting, his burning desire only sated when his master's massive organ was plowing him, claiming him, filling him.

Krath had his darkest fantasy fulfilled, and he was not a gentle master. Again and again he would test the limits of his pet, only finding that regardless of what he did, those eyes only looked at him with unfettered devotion. It was a mindless love, the kind of love one would expect from a puppy, only distilled down to the raw sexual urges. This only spurred the dragon on to indulge in even more depraved and humiliating practices, knowing full well that a good number of these acts were things that the old Toumal had not been fond of, to say the least. But he just loved to rub it in, to watch him smile and do what he was commanded to without question or hesitation. Toumal was the perfect toy for him.

And as with every perfect toy, he had to take full advantage of him in order to not tire of him. He milked the orca for his cum, adding his own in a large container, and after a week he had the orca filled with it from both ends, he had him sleep in sticky cum, he had him lie naked on the floor with only his feet on his cock, he had him do the dog and run around on all fours for days, forbidding him to talk. He dressed him up in the sparse loincloth of a prisoner, he deprived him of water and food, claiming that the products of his cock were the only sustenance he needed. He deprived him of air and suffocated him, holding him under a pool of collected cum, yet even when his carelessness resulted in the risk of death for his pet, there was nothing but love shining back at him. Krath had everything, but like a spoiled child, he still wanted more.

He was not a good master.

Fate had its way of being unpredictable. Perhaps the spirits guided events, seeing that Krath was not meant to be a master, perhaps they saw him fit for other purposes. Regardless, Krath's position and considerable wealth, the very fact that he already had everything was his undoing.

One moonless night, he returned late from his officiall chores. Rounding the corner to where his private chambers lay, he suddenly felt his heart sink into his stomach as he spotted armed guards flanking his doors. He felt the urge to run, yet he kept walking forward, each step feeling heavy - they knew.

The lock on his door... had been broken. Was it the guards? Thieves?

The two massive armored dragons looked at him with a cold gaze. He jumped as he felt a heavy clawed hand on his shoulder.

"Krath, Keeper of the Shrine"

He winced as he turned around, to find the captain of the guards towering before him. Straightening himself he gathered his strength, determined to play this through. Maybe they haven't found...

"What happened here?", he inquired, feigning a certainty and strength that he did not possess.

"Your quarters have been broken in to"

"Oh my... who did this? Did they steal something?"

"They were looking for gold and jewelry, I'm afraid it's quite possible."

Good, I guess they haven't...

"...but the thieves searched your quarters very well. Extremely well, one might say."

Krath wanted to die right then and there. Or turn into the proverbial fly on the wall. He wanted to be anywhere but in his own scales right now. Little did he know that his wish at that very moment would be granted, in a way that would have never crossed his mind.

"Have you...", he began weakly.

"We found him", the captain stated flatly, reaching for the arms of the surprised dragon, there was no resistance when the shackles clicked around his wrists.

"By the order of the elder council, you are hereby taken into custody until your trial, where your fate shall be decided."

Dark hallways, heavy magic-enforced doors, steel bars and the cold reality of imprisonment.

The days in the prison were not the worst thing, even though the irony of his situation - being forced to wear the scant, barely-sufficient loincloth of a lowly prisoner while being locked up in a room with nothing but a bed - was not lost on him. There was no law to fit his crime, that much he knew. For the first time since he forged his evil plan he pondered the consequences. He probed his conscience, but there was no remorse. No, what he had done... he'd do again. He wanted the orca. But a nagging thought in his mind surfaced - he had never been satisfied. For short periods of time, yes, but his restless mind was not able to settle for what he had. He tried to reason it away, to talk himself into believing that he'd been perfectly content, that he would have found a balance and learnt to be satisfied. He found himself torn between thoughts about his predicament, the pending punishment and the time with his pet.

He wanted the orca. He wanted to possess him, but something was amiss. Something that caused him to lock the orca away during the later nights. He wanted something that his pet could not give to him. Not like this. He also knew that he would not have been satisfied with a normal relationship either. That much was certain.

Recovery was a slow process. The elders gathered their collective experience, healing spells, unbinding spells, cleansing herbs and carefully selected potions were administered to the cetacean, who was still bound to his master, deprived of his only source of fulfillment. Like a drug addict, only the withdrawal was a lot more painful. He would whine and sob for days, the magically and chemically forced devotion shaking his big body. Ordered to help with his recuperation was Winddragon, the spirit-father of Krath. Himself a magical creature, he was like an opposite, a mirror image, yet also something competely different. Just as he was born in a magic ritual, Krath was summoned from parts of his own spirit - yet he had a mind of his own, a restless, lust-driven one it seemed.

The caring, blue dragon cared for Toumal, staying at his side day and night, trying to ease his pain. And pain the orca suffered, for he whined, begged, even offered depraved sexual practices for being returned to his master, his pityful pleas making Winddragon's ears flush in embarassment.

Slowly, the unnatural devotion was subdued, some of his old personality surfacing. He began to refer to himself as "Toumal" again and began to ask for food and water. At the fourth day of concentrated treatment, he was released from the bounds that had to be put on him to prevent him from trying to get to his former master.

"How do you feel today?", the blue dragon asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"I... feel strange. Better... I guess?", Toumal didn't sound so sure. Taking a few tentative steps then turning to face Winddragon he leaned in for a kiss. The initial reaction was one of shock, the dragon trying to prevent it - but he noticed that this wasn't a lust-driven kiss, but a sign of affection and gratitude. As the kiss broke, they both smiled at each other.

"There... is something you have to do. It's necessary for you to recover, I'm afraid."

The orca was unsure how to respond, and just nodded meekily. Little did he know what was being asked of him, as the gentle dragon placed a large beaker onto the floor before hugging the cetacean from behind, both paws grasping the thick flesh, aiming it at the container, slowly pumping away.

"Now just relax, and let me take care of you..."





One after another, the elder dragons voiced their final judgement. They sat on their high seats, a circle of stone surrounding the criminal in a way that left him nowhere to hide from their gaze. He was standing there naked, stripped of his rank, his clothes, his pride. Krath wanted to hold his ears, he felt the maddening urge to cry and laugh at the same time. Here they were, condemning him. He was a creature of magic, damnit! He blamed the elders, he blamed the rules... but it didn't help distract him from the growing sense of pure dread. The gray elder dragon stood, looking at him with a piercing stare.

"Krath, Keeper of the Shrine, you have been found guilty."

The green dragon shook visibly - then threw his head back in mad laughter.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?? Go for it, I'm not scared of you! I'm not scared of-"

"You are sentenced to death...", the gray elder stated with a firm voice. The words cut into Krath's soul like a sharp blade. A sob wrecked him. It was all over.

"...of your old self", his judge continued.

A million thoughts flashed through his eyes. My old self?

Muscular arms grabbed him, held him in place. He put up a struggle, yet knowing full well how futile this was. His hands were tied behind his back, something was pushed into his maw - something oddly familiar. Then a stench hit his nostrils, one that he recognized immediately.

That potion.

He wailed and struggled with all his might, but the guards holding him were far too strong. They just stood there, waiting until he had exhausted his energy. Looking up again, he saw the faces of his judges, looking at him without flinching. Suddenly his head was yanked back, forcing him to look up. The vile liquid was poured into the opening of his gag-ball, after which they held the hole closed, another set of hands cupping his nose. He knew exactly what was going to happen. He would eventually have to breathe, and they would not let him until he swallowed the burning concoction. He ignored the taste, but he felt his lungs on fire as every passing second become more unbearable. He knew that if he swallowed, he would be lost. But he was lost already, wasn't he? He clung to the thought of resisting... but it was no use. He wanted to pass out, to die there, not having to swallow and lose his free will - but as the old saying goes, the spirit is strong but the flesh is weak.

His body betrayed him. Like Toumal's body had betrayed the orca, Krath's last clear thought was one of hatred for his physical form for swallowing the liquid that would corrupt him, break him, remold him.

He knew of the theory behind the ritual involved, but he never expected to be subjected to it. The effects of the potion were immediate and fearsome in their intensity. Krath felt a single shocking moment of panic - knowing that he was lost now. A single tear was shed by his old self - and then it came rolling over him, the warm stupor that felt like he was covered by fuzzy cotton, the magically-enhanced chemicals breaking into his mind, flooding it with numbness.

He fell onto his knees as the guards released him, drool oozing from the hole in his gag-ball as he knelt there with his head hanging low.

A second, larger beaker was brought forth, the guards had a much less difficult time holding him, they just needed to tilt his head upwards for the incapacitated dragon to accept the thick white liquid, the soon-to-be-pet swallowing down the contents with loud gulps.

Several of the elders blushed as a long, drawn-out moan came from Krath's throat. It had begun. His body felt on fire, the green dragon's maleness surging to life, hardening as he felt the aching need to... have SOMETHING. It welled up in him much like the need to breathe earlier, but this time there was no physical limit, no end to his want. And he wanted. Every fiber of his being wanted. He needed, and he did not know what it was! At the same time he realized the effects of the potions for what they were. He hung his head in shame and defeat, until another wave surged through him.

With big, begging eyes he looked at one of the guards, who promptly turned around and left the stone circle. He was alone, safe for the intensive stares of the elders around him.

Someone appeared in the circle. Krath wailed in need at the blurry shape, his eyes teary from the heart-breaking ache. Then he recognized him.

It was the orca. He was naked too, smiling - and fully erect. His eyes had an unnatural gleam to them, but the subtle hint of the supportive magic that had been cast over the cetacean was lost on them both. Krath knew what was going to happen; his pet was about to take him. He whined and wanted to crawl away, but it was no use - the gentle grip on his hips felt like iron even though it wasn't forceful at all. He stumbled and fell on his side as the potion weakened his muscles, only to find the orca kneeling there, turning him onto his back. He looked at his face and their eyes met. Former pet and future pet, former master and future master. Krath whimpered. He did not want it to end this way. Not this way! Not as a sex slave, a pet to another male. He was the Keeper of the Shrine of Lust, he was a magical being, a dragon for godssake.

Slowly, deliberately, the orca spread his legs and rested them up on his shoulders, the rigid shaft brushing hotly against the dragon's own painfully hard arousal. That mere touch made them both moan in a most sexually charged manner. In the background the elder dragons shifted in their chairs, it was not often that they got to see such a intense and erotic execution. And an execution it was, for Krath was about to end his life and begin a new one in precious few moments.

Something was amiss, that much the orca knew. The ritual called for him to penetrated his pet, to claim him, yes - but there was something else that he needed, something that could not wait... As his hips began to grind against the green dragon beneath him Toumal looked back over his shoulder. Winddragon stood at the edge of the circle, watching the ritual unfold with rapt attention, his garments tenting visibly. Their eyes met, and Toumal let out a single whine. It was all the invitation the blue dragon needed, and he stripped himself as he walked closer, gently grabbing the orca's tail, lifting the heavy appendage and lining up his own draconic member with the orca's quivering and needy tailhole.

One of the elders stood up from his chair at this perceived intrusion - but a claw on his arm from a fellow elder dragon made him calm down and slowly sink onto his seat again.

Krath wept again, the sobs forced from his throat through the gag. He was lost. He would become a pet to the orca, the very one he did unspeakable things to - and he knew he'd ask for more, like a perfect slut would. He thought it was worse than death. Why, oh why didn't they just kill him? The moment the orca's cock kissed his tailslit was the time of his greatest peril, his eyes wide open, unable to move any other muscle, helpless to prevent it from happening.

And that was when the sea-mammal leaned close, and did something Krath would never have expected: He kissed him on his cheek.

"Krath...", the orca husked, barely able to keep himself from thrusting into that quivering and relaxed hole of his, "...I will take care of you."

The green dragon wailed at these words, he wanted to say "Noooooo!" but all that came from his throat was a guttural gurgle and another pathetic whine. The orca licked his cheeks again - it felt so warm, so gentle...

Behind them, Winddragon nuzzled the cetacean tail, slickening up the needy hole with his precum, guiding his rod against the puckered entrance, poised to enter the one he had cared for the past days.

"I promise...", Toumal continued, slowly building up pressure, feeling the muscles part without resistance, his black and smooth hands caressing his dragon's scaly chest, "...I will be... a good master. I will be good to you."

Krath was shocked. Something inside him clicked - and there was no telling whether it was the potion, or something else, something... genuine.

All three males gasped in unison as two tailholes parted to accept another maleness, under the watchful eyes of the elder council.

At that moment, the orca's eyes met the eyes of his dragon. Master and pet, at last. At that moment the pet knew who his master was. Any doubt was erased from his mind. But it was not just the forced submission induced by the potion - there was something else... the realization that he'd be happy, he'd be content. His restless spirit would find peace in the arms of his master. He would no longer seek for more and more depraved thrills, instead his greatest reward would be pleasing his master, and he would do so many times every day.

Instead of being a bad master, he would become a good pet.

Then the breath was knocked from his lungs as the virile cetacean speared his tapered shaft deep inside. It was a smooth thrust of a smooth orcan cock, but both of them felt every bit of friction as the orca slid into his pet for the first time. Then it was his time to gasp at the feeling of the dragon's considerably-sized spear forced into him, the familiar feeling of fullness adding to his pleasure as the former pet felt the reassuring grasp on his tail. They nestled their crotches against each other's rump for a few moments before pulling back out, only to begin thrusting anew. Krath's rock-hard member was the only one not getting to breed a tight hole, as it should be for good pets. But his fate was not yet sealed, he needed his master's first load of cum in him to be complete. The tears on his cheeks began to dry as he found himself pushing back into the thrusts, eyes wide open and lost in the beautiful gaze of his master, the one who would take good care of him, the orca who had even promosed so...

Quite a few dragons in the room had to adjust something when the breeding started. Gasps could be heard Winddragon pulled out of Toumal, his length glistening in moisture, then sliding back in just as the orca pulled back out of his moaning pet. His cetacean length was equally lubricated in precum, splurching wetly as it wormed back into the accepting orifice. The two dragons and the orca rocked against one another, Winddragon giving Toumal's tail and fluke lusty licks while the orca had his gaze fixed on his pet, watching him open up his mind and letting the potion do its work. There was no resistance anymore, no shame at being taken in front of the elders. Contrary to the breaking of the orca, Krath was no longer fearing the change - he welcomed it. The mind-altering effects of the magical drink oozed like honey over his brain, seeping in deeper than they could on their own. The green dragon mewled as Toumal unlocked the gag-ball from his maw, the huge beak pushing strongly against the draconic snout as master and pet kissed for the first time. Oh, Krath had kissed his orca pet - but they had never locked lips like this. Blue hips thrust against shiny black skin, the three of them moving like a perfect machine, a colorful concert of motion as three males moved as one.

Both master and pet gasped for air when their maws parted. There was a more than a look of devotion in his pet's eyes, there was happyness, even... love?

"I.. I never knew...", Krath whispered between gasps, then pushing his snout against the orca's in another hungry kiss, their tongues meeting, entwining, rubbing over each other.

Mere moments separated the former Keeper of the Shrine of Lust from sealing his fate. He knew it would be permanent, that there would be no going back. And for the first time in his life he just... gave in. He decided he wanted it to happen. Maybe it was good that he hadn't been killed. Maybe...

Toumal gave a high-pitched shriek as the blue dragon behind him hilted him with a brutal thrust, biting into the strong tail that shuddered at this dominant gesture. The orca blushed crimson-red as he received the draconic seed before the eyes of the elders - but his concerns lasted only a moment before he succumbed to the tightness and warmth of his pet - or was it the other way around?

Krath let out a long whine, he no longer cared if he was humiliated before the others as he felt that fateful torrent of male seed shoot into him, triggering his own neglected cock, making the once-proud dragon cream his own belly without having touched himself. A faint glow emanated from the center of the stone ring as the magical bond was forged, ecliting a gasp from the elders who had not anticipated the side effects of a master and a pet trading places with the same ancient ritual. Winddragon panted as the tight orca clenched around his throbbing cock, just like his spirit child's muscles milked Toumal for his rich, creamy cum. As the bull orca bred his pet, he surprised his pet yet again with another loving kiss. It was possessive, yes, but there was more than that, there was his loving master who took care for him who grasped his throbbing and cum-spurting dragonhood and carefully milked him for his seed, caring for his pet's pleasure just as his pet yearned to please his master.

They stayed like this for a long time. The elders began to break the silence, whispering among them at this magnificent display. The ritual was done - why did they not separate? Was this normal? One elder gasped a bit as a a fellow scaly paw rubbed a rather private spot...

Their quarters were simple, yet for all the loss in gold and richness, Krath would never want to go back to his old life. He had a purpose now, he would be there for his master for the rest of their lives, taking care of his needs, maybe even travel back with him someday, and maybe even please him and his mate together if they'd let him...

He stood there on the balcony, looking down on the busy street, wearing nothing but a sparse leather flap over his private parts, a collar around his scaly neck. His master was so kind, he even gave him toys to keep his ass stretched for the times when he was gone - which was never more than a few hours. He had no bed of his own, but was allowed to sleep in his master's, prefering to curl up at his feet when allowed to, but most of the time he found himself pressed against the smooth chest of the gentle loving orca. He stared at the horizon, lost in thought about his luck, when the doors opened and his master returned from his errands. Krath knelt down as his dominant approached, yet he was asked to raise immediately, as always. It was their usual ritual. This time however, the orca smirked as he turned his pet around, making him facing the open street, a needy cetacean cock worming between his buttocks, slimy and hot. Finding his pucker, his master filled him mercifully, making him cry out in unabashed pleasure. People on the street looked up, shaking their heads as they saw a male dragon, apparently some shameless slave, displaying his humiliating breeding to everyone. Some of them shook their heads muttering "shameless slut", others averted the eyes of their younglings from the scene, while yet others licked their lips and shot quick, lusty stares at the pet who was obviously enjoying to be taken by another male. A few of them gasped as a black hand lifted the leather flap of the green dragon, exposing his needy cock to the world, stroke it for everyone to see. And the slutty pet visibly pushed back against the thickness invading his tailhole, rubbing his horns against his master's neck. He was such a good slut for his master.

A knock on their door went unanswered, the duo too wrapped up in their pleasure to notice. With a creaking sound the door opened, a smiling Winddragon entering, finding the two in this familiar position. He meant to come there to discuss business matters - but watching the sensual display of male lust, he figured that business could wait a little. He stepped closer and dropped his garments, surprising Krath, who had his eyes closed, with a gentle hug. He and the orca exchanged knowing looks. Krath was oblivious to their plans until his spirit-brethren grabbed his legs and lifted them upwards, only to press his draconic erection against the sea-mammal's cock, pushing against that pucker with the next thrust, spearing and spreading the slutty pet on two cocks. Leaning in to kiss each other, the blue dragon and the gentle orca pushed their pet down, smiling at his pleasured squeals, their tongues entwining. Krath was taken like a female in front of all the people on the street, but he did not care. He cared for his master, he wanted to please him, if possible every moment of his life. Every touch of his master was heaven, and he needed nothing else.

In the distant past, he was never fulfilled, never satisfied. Now, he realized, he finally had found what he was looking for. He had found his pleasure by the most pure way possible for any living creature: By pleasing another.

He barely registered his own cock surging and spraying his cum straight up in the air, making a musky mess of himself - he smiled happily only because he could please his master and his friend by bringing them to climax within his body, their combined seed dripping from his stretched hole, making his green ass shine with cum.

He was such a good pet for his master. Such a lovely, good pet.