Heat in the Pride Lands Pt II

Story by DarkWolf79 on SoFurry

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#2 of Heat in the Pride Lands

Kiara and Kion return to Pride Rock, and don't waste any time before getting Kovu to join them in their fun. Not wanting Fuli to feel left out, Simba decides to have some fun of his own...

Not really a plot to this one, just straight on to the smut. But I think that's what we all secretly wanted for part 2 anyway

Despite the thorough fucking he'd given them both such a short time ago, Kion, Kiara, and Fuli made it back to Pride Rock in excellent time. Sure, things had started off a little slow, spent as they were from the fun of multiple orgasms, but the knowledge of what was waiting for them re-energized the trio quickly. Kion let the two females lead the way, allowing him to enjoy the sight of his spunk leaking out of each of their pussies as the moved across the savannah. By the time they made it back to Pride Rock, Kion was having a little trouble walking, as the viewed he'd been enjoying combined with the knowledge of what was about to happen had brought his erection back to full hardness, the stiff length swinging between his legs as he moved.

As the group entered the cave that their pride called home, they found that the other lionesses were still out hunting, leaving only Simba and Kovu to enjoy the relief from the day's heat that the cool shaded cave provided. As they walked in Kovu stood to greet them.

"Welcome back! How was the hunt, Kiara? Kiar-mmmpph!"

Kovu was cut off mid-sentence as Kiara walked right up to him and kissed him, her tongue invading his muzzle as she felt a renewed surge of lust as thoughts of what was about to happen rushed through her brain. When she pulled back moments later, it left Kovu gasping for air.

"What's gotten into you?" Kovu asked, laughing warmly.

Kiara walked around Kovu, pressing her body against his, the tuft on the end of her tail brushing against his nose as she based. The feeling of his mate pressed up against him definitely got Kovu's attention, especially when he noticed her scent. This wasn't just Kiara feeling horny. She was in heat! Kovu could feel his sheath starting to thicken and swell when Kiara nuzzle under his chin, her face pressed into his mane.

"Oh, so that's it."

"Uh-huh. Think you can give me what I want?"

A shiver ran through Kovu's body, the first two inches of pink lion-cock sliding out of his sheath.

"I think that can be arranged." Kovu glanced back at Simba. It wasn't that any of them had a problem with others seeing them mating, but he wasn't so sure about breeding the king's daughter right in front of him. "Do you, uh... want to go somewhere a little more private?"

"I don't think we need to worry about that," said Kiara. "Besides, if we stay here there's plenty of room for the three of us to have our fun."

Kovu tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean, 'the three of us'?"

But Kiara didn't answer. Instead, she simply took a couple of steps away from Kovu, getting out of the way just in time for Kion to spring at him, tackling Kovu and sending them both tumbling until Kion landed on top, pinning Kovu to the floor of the cave.

"She means me," said Kion matter-of-factly, before swooping down and kissing his sister's mate even deeper than she had.

Kion slowly slid his body down until both their chests and bellies were pressed together. Kiara stepped up behind the pair, getting a perfect view as her brother lowered his rear until his golden-furred balls and stiff, slick erection were pressed up against Kovu's dark-furred sac and his own growing cock. Wrapping his paws around Kovu's neck and pulling him deeper into the kiss, Kion started humping against the other lion, rubbing their packages together as Kovu started to get more involved. Murring at the feeling of another male's warm, stiff cock rubbing up against his, Kovu's paws dropped to Kion's rump, humping up to meet the other lion-boy while pulling him down, pressing his now full erection against Kion's.

As much as she was enjoying the sight of her mate making out with her little brother, Kiara decided she'd kept her distance long enough, bending down to run her tongue over both lion's balls, giggling to herself as she watched their sacs tense at the feeling of her rough tongue for a few minutes before she stepped back, licking her lips eagerly.

"Okay, Kion, I think he's ready now."

Kion climbed off of Kovu - though not without a parting lick to his cheek - leaving his own erection dripping between his legs, while Kovu's was leaking a growing puddle of precum onto his belly.

The dark furred lion stayed on his back, looking up at the pair nervously, an aroused flush on his face.

"Ready for what?" asked Kovu. "You two are planning something, aren't you."

"Yes, we are," said Kion.

"But nothing you won't like. Promise," said Kiara. The lioness stepped over Kovu, already starting to pant in need as she looked down at him. "I've been thinking that, as much as I enjoy your cock - and you know how much I enjoy it - right now I don't think I'll be happy with just one. I need more. So, here's what I was thinking..."

And with that Kiara lined herself up and sank down onto Kovu's cock, slowly but steadily, until he was completely hilted inside her. She flexed her inner muscles and rocked her hips, pulling a moan from Kovu at the tight grip of her warm pussy around his penis.

"... You and Kion are going to give me what I want. And what I want right now is to feel the two of you fucking me at the same time. I want to feel the stretch and fullness that only a pair of big, stiff lion cocks can give me."

She laid down over Kovu, pressing her chest against his, and hiking her tail up out of the way, letting Kion see his sister getting stuffed full of her mate's dick. He moved into place on top of Kiara, lining himself up and pressing his tip against her already stuffed pussy.

"I want you to fuck me until I can't move," continued Kiara. "I want you both to pump me so full of your cubs that we may never know who the father is."

Kiara stopped there, her words stolen from her as she moaned loudly as Kion pushed forward, stretching her wider than she'd ever been stretched before as he forced his way inside her, both lions trembling and moaning at the exquisitely erotic feeling of having another males penis pressed so tightly against their own combined with being hurried in warm, wet lioness pussy, their furry balls once again pressed together as they worked themselves even deeper inside Kiara.

"And once you two are done fucking me, you're going to give my little brother the fucking he deserves."

Kovu eyes shot wide open. "Wait, you really want me to fuck Kio-oooooohhhhhh..."

Kovu's words bled away into a warm moan as Kion pulled back and humped hard into Kiara, the feeling of Kion's hard dick sliding against his own enough to make his legs tremble. Kion's paws latched onto Kiara's shoulders, while Kovu's dropped down to her hips, and together the two lions started to work up to a steady rhythm, moving together, so that when they pulled out Kiara felt an emptiness she thought would never be filled, only to be quickly stuffed so full on lion-dick it took her breath away. And then it happened again. And again. And so it continued, the breathless mewling being pushed out of Kiara with every thrust, Kion and Kovu moaning deeply as they worked together to give the sexy lioness sandwiched between them exactly what she wanted.

The trio were so engrossed in their own pleasure, they completely failed to notice what else was happening in the cave only a few feet away.

The sight of the three young lions rutting right in front of him had Simba growing out of his sheath, his cock standing proud and stiff between his legs where he sat, his own needs growing stronger by the moment. Needs that were quickly seen to as he beckoned Fuli over and gently, but firmly, placed a paw on the back of her head, forcing the young cheetah down and stuffing her muzzle with his dick, the lithe female's cheeks bulging around the biggest penis she'd ever seen on a feline as Simba pushed her head up and down his length. Soon, Fuli was slurping noisily on Simba's cock, the paw on her head no longer having to guide her movements, instead kept there to offer a gentle reminder of who was in charge.

Since he hadn't had a chance to get off yet that day, it didn't take Simba long before he was blowing a load down Fuli's throat, holding the squirming young cheetah down as he pumped shot after shot into her muzzle, which quickly overflowed, the volume to much for Fuli to keep up with. Simba's cum spilled down her chin, thick streams of hot lion spunk dripping down to splatter on the cool stone floor of the cave.

One orgasm was hardly enough for Simba, even if he hadn't been so pent up. He lunged forward playfully, grabbing a hold of Fuli and rolling over onto his back, the slime back of the spotty-furred female pressed against his belly. He slid his hind-legs between hers, keeping Fuli's legs spread wide as he got into position and stuffed her full of his stiff dick so quickly she had no time to prepare. If it wasn't for Kion's earlier load still inside her keeping her slick and easing SImba's entry, he would have had to take it far more slowly. He immediately started thrusting up into her, filling her so very full, hitting places she'd never known she could feel. Fuli writhed and squirmed on top of Simba, mewling and squealing like a cub before SImba wrapped one foreleg around her chest, pinning her legs to her sides, while using the other to clamp Fuli's muzzle shut, silencing her sounds of pleasure as much as he could.

"Quiet now, Fuli," growled Simba into the cheetah's ear lustily, making the skinny female tremble at the lust behind his words. "We don't want to interrupt the others, no do we? Kion's still growing. Just lay back, and let me show you what it's really like to get fucked by a lion."

And then SImba really opened up his hips, pounding away hard and fast, his barbed cock raking and stroking against the inside of Fuli's pussy in all the best ways. All combination of sensations was too much for the young cheetah, and Simba could feel her belly quivering in his grip, her slick insides spasming around him as the Fuli cried out into his paw, eyes rolling back in her head as her young mind was overloaded by the pleasure of near continuous, back-to-back, earth-shaking orgasms.

As they worked to give Kiara the thorough fucking she craved so badly, Kion and Kovu had begun more or less in sync, but as time passed that started to change, until finally as one lion was pulling out, the other was thrusting in, giving Kiara an unending sense of fullness that had her paws kneading at Kovu's chest. This also made things even better for the males, letting them enjoy the feeling of another male's barbs stroking over the length of their penis, an incredible feeling that neither Kion nor Kovu got to enjoy as often as they liked.

Kovu could feel his balls starting to pull up closer to his belly, as were Kion's, as their pleasure was nearing its peak. Humping even faster as they raced towards climax, Kiara was the first to go over the edge, screaming her pleasure as the most glorious orgasm of her life washed over her, clamping her pussy down even harder on the pair of thrusting lion-cocks stretching her so very full. That was all it took, and both lions thrust up into Kiara as hard and as far as they could, roaring as their double-load of cum quickly filled Kiara to the brim, gushing out around their lengths as the all continued moving, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that before to long, Kiara would be welcoming some new cubs into the pride.

After whispering something in Kiara's ear, Kion was the first to pull out, another spurt of cum following his withdrawal. Kiara dropped down to rest on top of Kovu, pulling her panting mate into a deep kiss, still impaled fully on his cock, enjoying a moment of quiet closeness, everything and everyone else in the cave completely forgotten.

Well, for a moment, anyway.

Breaking the kiss, Kiara licked Kovu's cheek.

"Thanks, love. I needed that."

Panting, a warm tingling spreading across his body, Kovu nuzzled her cheek. "I'd do anything for you Kiara, you know that."

A sly grin spread across her muzzle. "Glad to hear it, because there's one more thing I need you to do." She rolled off of Kovu, his still stiff dick slipping free and slapping wetly against his belly. She nodded her head to towards one side of the cave to draw his attention to what - or rather, who - was waiting there. "I need you to go over there and give Kion a good, hard fuck."

Kovu followed Kiara's gaze, and what he saw made his dick jerk so hard it came up off his belly until it was almost upright. Kion was up on his hind-legs, his forepaws planted against the wall of the cave, grabbing onto gaps in the rock for purchase. His legs were spread wide, his golden-furred sac hanging between his legs, his hard cock still dripping from a combination of his sister's juices and his and Kovu's cum. His rear was thrust out, tail raised high, the tuft of fur on the end dangling over his tight pink pucker like a lure. Though he didn't know it, Kion had positioned himself for Kovu just like Kiara had done for him down at the watering hole. And the display was definitely having an effect.

Fuck this sexy male freely offering his ass? Oh yeah, that was something Kovu would be happy to do.

Scrambling to his feet, Kovu quickly moved over to Kion, rearing up onto his hind-legs and planting his paws on the other lion-boy's shoulders. In this unusual position, it took Kovu a few tries before he found his target, but as soon as he did, he used the cum covering his cock as lube and slammed into Kion until he was balls deep in that tight, golden-furred ass. Kiara told him to give Kion a good, hard fuck, and that was what he was going to do.Without giving the other lion any time to adjust, Kovu started hammering away at his rear, making Kion whimper in need at the feeling of a hot, stiff dick blowing his backside.

Kovu's size, combined with the energy he brought to sex and the feeling of his barbs prickling at his insides made Kion see exactly why his sister enjoyed sneaking off with Kovu every chance she got. Kion bit his lower lip, precum splashing against the stone wall before his penis slapped wetly against his belly, matting his fur every time Kovu thrust into him. The younger lion whimpered every time he felt Kovu's heavy balls slap against his, the feelings overloading his senses. As the force of his thrust grew, Kovu started lifting Kion off his feet with every thrust, causing the speed of their fucking to slow, but the crushing of Kion's prostate against that hot dick more than making up for it.

Both males were still so over-sensitive from their recent orgasms that it didn't take long for them to reach their limits. As Kovu buried himself deep under Kion's tail one last time, he was lifted clear off the floor, and the pressure on his prostate plus such a deep stretching was too much for him. His whole body clenched as he came, spots filling his vision as he splattered the wall in thick, sticky lines of lion cum, the waves of pleasure leaving him unable to even moan his release, let alone roar.

As he felt Kion's tailhole clamp down on him, Kovu took the scruff the other male's neck in a mating bite, pulling on it and leaving Kion as weak as a newborn cub as his muscles instinctually relaxed. Well, except for the ones pumping his load on the rocks, and squeezing Kovu's cock so deliciously tight. Snarling into the fur and flesh in his mouth, Kovu came, pumping Kion full of his cum, and even as stuff and tightly stretched as his rear was, there was no way for Kion to keep so much inside. Kovu's cum spilled out around his penis, coating his balls and hips as they slapped against Kion's sac and rear, covering them both in his scent.

When their orgasms had finally run their course, Kovu let Kion down gently, his slick, cum covered penis sliding out of him as Kion collapsed on his side, pleased and exhausted and thoroughly spent, just like his sister. Flopping on his back between Kion and Kiara, Kovu settled in to enjoy his afterglow, his slick cock slowly retreating back into his sheath.

Or at least it was, until a warm, rich voice growled gently in his ear.

"Rest up, Kovu. You need to get your energy back."

Opening his eyes, Kovu was greeted with Simba's grinning face, the large lion standing over him. Glancing at where Simba had been sitting, Kovu spotted Fuli, laying in a crumpled heap, panting breathlessly as cum spilled out of her gaping and thoroughly used up pussy. Looking down nervously, Kovu spotted SImba's cock, standing proudly between his legs, dripping onto the base of Kovu's tail.

"Because once you've had a chance to catch your breath, the things I'm going to do to you will make the fucking you gave Kion look like amateur-hour. I grew up surrounded by only males. I know how to make them squeal for more. I hope you're ready, Kovu, because I can't wait to see how loud I can make you squeal."

Kovu gulped nervously, his eyes flicking down to Simba's impressive length. Without realizing it, he licked his lips, his tailhole aching to be filled by that big, barbed dick. Kovu was sure if he was ready to take what Simba had to give.

But he was certainly looking forward to trying.