Thunderstruck Chapter 3

Story by Avaganthemos on SoFurry

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#3 of Thunderstruck

Feign stayed in Lu's arms for a few more moments. Lu's fur was so soft he felt like he could fall asleep any second. However his mind began to race. "What am I doing?" he thought. Feign found it weird that he had just met this stranger and here he was in his arms being caressed by him. As he thought about it more he became more uncomfortable by the second. He tried to move his head, but found that Lu's head was on top of his. Lu had taken this hug to the next level. Lu was holding Feign like he was a newborn child. He held Feign tenderly in his arms and ever so often stroked his paw against his back. Feign searched within himself for the courage to break this up.

"Could you put me down now?" Feign meekly said.

"Hmmm" Lu sounded like he wasn't paying attention. He was enjoying this embrace too much. Lu rubbed his head lovingly on Feign's

Feign pushed he head free, "Um put me down...." Feign was losing courage and his voice was hardly audible.

"Of course." Lu heard him this time. He pulled Feign off his chest and gently placed him on the ground, he smiled wildly at Feign. Feign couldn't find his voice as he recounted on the event that just happened. He stared at the ground, his face feverishly red. Lu's smile faded "Are you ok Feign?" he asked worried. "Maybe I went a little overboard there, I hope you can forgive me." He pleaded.

Feign jerked his head up to face him. "Yeah i's fine." He stammered. He found it hard to make the words come out. His heart was ready to beat out of his chest, it was beating so fast.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. Its just when you jumped into my arms..." He broke off not finishing what he was saying. Through his time with this stranger this was the first time Feign found him lost for words or silent for that matter. Feign was curious and waited for him to finish. An awkward silence arose in the clearing

"Yeah?" Feign asked.

"Well..." Lu was hesitant again. His eyes moved from left to right not meeting Feigns gaze. Even in the few moments spending time with him Lu hadn't been the hesitant one, it was Feign. Now the tables were turned. Feign waited for him to continue.

"Well you know how I can sense emotions, that's how I found you." Feign nodded "Well I can see and feel auras too." Feign cocked his head sideways. He never heard of something called an aura before.

Lu continued to explain "Auras are energies that surround all living things. I can read those auras and tell was kind of personality that individual has." Feign nodded again though a little skeptical at first. "Well when I found you, your aura was weak, shy, but with lots of determination." Feign could feel his face growing red again. "At first I just wanted to help you out, but when I held you close to me I felt your aura more clearly."

Lu looked at Feign and gave a nervous laugh. A light blush emitted from his cheeks as he continued. Feign weirdly found it curious that Lu was the one blushing. "Feign you have one of the most purest auras I have ever felt. I like it, I like it a lot. It was really hard to let you go. When I held you I felt calm and warm with not a care in the world. The energy was just radiating from your body."

Feign couldn't believe what he was hearing. So that hug was proof that Lu really liked him. Feign enjoyed the moment and all but felt a little awkward from the fact that the tender moment was shared with another male. He thought embraces like that were supposed to be shared with the opposite sex. However, he found that he did like that hug very much, but that thought of it kinda scared him.

Lu interrupted his thoughts "You are very special Feign." He smiled tenderly at him. "Any one would be lucky to have you. An aura like yours is very hard to find. I've never felt anything so nice."

Feign wasn't expecting Lu to say something like that. Feign became embarrassed, his heart began to flutter wildly. Lu gave him compliment after compliment. He became silent, he couldn't think of anything to say.

"If its alright with you Feign I would like it very much if maybe we can see each other again? Maybe even be friends? Only if it's all right with you."

Those words echoed in Feign's head. Being friends with another Pokemon that wasn't a Pikachu. Feign knew that was against the rules. If he befriended a foreign Pokemon he could get in a lot of trouble with the alpha. Feign searched within himself. He fought with the possibility if he should befriend him or not. He did, after all help him learn thundershock when others couldn't. He was very thankful for that. Lu had helped him a great deal when others gave up on him. He didn't think it would hurt to be his friend. Feign gave Lu a big smile "Of coarse!"

Lu's ears perked up and his face lit up. "That's great." He shouted. He picked Feign up and spun him around playfully a few times. Both Feign and Lu laughed wildly, ecstatic at their new found friendship. Lu put Feign down still laughing. Feign looked up at Lu and realized something was missing.

"Hey where's your spike thingy at?" Feign asked pointing at his chest.

"Oh this?" the spike shot out at the very spot that where it was bare before. It shocked Feign. "You were really lucky that I was able to put it away or you would have gotten hurt." He laughed. Feign was amazed that Lu could do that with his body.

Feign perk up his ears as he heard someone coming, calling his name, he panicked. "You gotta go someone's coming!"

Lu looked sad that he had to go, but understood the situation. He nodded though a little reluctant to go.

Feign felt a little twinch of sadness as well. He didn't want to leave his new found friend just yet but he had to. "When will I see you again?" He asked.

"You'll see me around, don't worry." Lu turned on his heals and ran in the opposite direction. He ran very fast, an within a few seconds he was out of sight.

Feign turned to face the voice that was calling for him. Out of the forest came a Pikachu from Feigns nest.

"There you are!" The Pikachu shouted looking furious.

"Adam!" Feign exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Adam was a Pikachu that Feign had grew up with. Even though they weren't the best of friends, Adam had a lot more patience for Feigns escapades than the others. He would act like a big brother to Feign. Giving Feign as much guidance as possible. He had been the one who hadn't given up on Feign to learn thundershock. After all the time he put in with Feign he had gotten him to the point where he could emit static. Which was a great improvement compared with nothing at all.

"Looking for you of coarse!" He gave Feign a stern look. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" Feign shook his head. "You were supposed to be back about one hour ago!"

Had an hour gone by already. Feign started to worry, he didn't want to get another lecture from the alpha. After the last time Feign didn't think he could survive another one.

"What are you doing out here?" Adam asked. Feign suddenly got very excited. He had to show Adam what he had learned.

"Just this!" Feign brought his paws up to his chest and concentrated. Adam stared at him quizzically. He replayed in his mind the lesson that Lu had gave him. Within moments Feign released a bolt of lighting right next to the spot where he fired his first one. The grass where it hit was burned to a crisp. He turned to Adam and gave him a cheeky grin. After all this time of not being able to do thundershock, he now wanted to show off his new ability. Adam continued to stared at him, his mouth open slightly with a stunned look on his face.

"Feign!" He started to say. "Feign that's great!" He exclaimed. Adam moved closer to Feign and patted his back congratulating him. He smiled just as widely for a moment, but as fast as the smile appeared it was gone. "Hey its really great that you learned thundershock, but did you forget what your supposed to be doing."

Feigns joy was short lived as he realized that he had totally forgotten his duties.

"You were suppose to gather food today, not train. Have you gathered any food yet?" Feigns ears drooped as he stared at the ground. "I'm sorry I totally forgot."

"He gonna be really mad when you come back empty handed again." Feign sadness grew as he continued to stare at the ground. He didn't want the alpha to be madder at him than he already was. Feign was always worried that if he didn't live up to the alphas expectations he would be exiled. He didn't want to gather food, he wanted to fight to protect the nest. He wanted to prove himself to be more that a gatherer, he wanted to be a warrior. His eyes began to water, but before a single tear could fall Adam pushed up his face to look at him.

"Hey relax Feign I'll help you gather a few berries. The alpha will still be kinda mad because your so late coming home but if you come back with something I'm sure he will be lenient." He smiled encouragingly at Feign. Feign nodded as he began to walk back home. Adam soon followed. As soon as he was in the cover of the trees he began his search for food. He found the Pecha berry that he had tried to shock earlier, but found that it was bruised and no good from the impact it took from the tree. Feign felt something touch his neck. It was Adam, his nose was hovering near Feign neck.

"Adam what are you doing?" This behavior Adam was showing was freaking Feign out a little bit. He looked up at Feign, a little look of embarrassment hit his face. His nose stayed in the same position, not wavering. He inched closer as he began to sniff.

"I'm sorry Feign but for some reason you smell really good today." His nose made contact with Feigns neck. The nose was cold and Feign reacted. He let out a small yelp and tried to move away, but Adams paw grabbed him so he could move.

"Adam stop!" He yelled, but Adam seemed like he wasn't listening. Adam pulled Feign closer to him in a soft embrace. Adam continued to sniff Feigns neck. His nose dug deeper into Feigns fur. He let out a small giggle as the nose tickled him Adams arms draped around Feigns back pushing him closer to him. Feign tried to push away from him while he continued to plead him to stop. He began to lick at Feigns neck. His skin felt electrified by the feeling, he shivered at the touch of his tongue. Feign found it surprising that it felt really nice to have Adams tongue lapping at his nape. He stopped struggling and closed his eyes as he began to moan softly, he didn't want Adam to stop, it felt so good. Adam eyes shot opened. He stopped dead as he realized what he was doing. He turned around quickly to avoid eye contact with Feign. Even though his back was turn, Feign knew that his face was bright red and he was trying to hide it.

"Hey Feign there are some apples over here. Let go grab some ok." He sounded nervous. He rushed off towards the apples, not turning to look at Feign.

Feign found his sudden outburst to be really weird and was a little disappointed that Adam stopped. What had Adam smelled on him that was so good? Feign began to smell himself, there was a scent that didn't belong to him. It was that sweet, alluring scent that Lu had given off. Feign smiled as he began to think about the hug him and Lu shared. The smell was faint , but the smell of Lu still lingered on him. He smelled himself again he couldn't get enough of it. He smelled himself again and again, wanting more. He began to feel a little bit funny. His heart beat became faster and his body began to feel tingly. He looked down and found that a pink tip was sticking out of his penis pouch. He looked for Adam in a panic and found that his back was still turned on him; he had been gathering apples. He turned around quickly to hide his embarrassment. The last thing he wanted was to be exposed to Adam in this way. Feigns mind raced, was the smell of Lu the thing that did this to him or was it Adam. Feign was very confused, he liked it when Lu embraced him and he liked it when Adam did as well. But they were both males. Was he attracted to other males or were these just flukes just due to certain actions. He had never heard of a male male relationship before. Was it even ok for those kind of things to exist? Feign shook he head and thought it best to just accept that these were just one time things. Lu asked to be friends nothing else right? And Adam acted the way he did because he just liked Lu's smell. He decided that next time he say Lu he would ask him about it. There is something peculiar about his smell that caused feeling in Feign.

As soon as he was sure that his body was back to normal, he turned to face Adam and help him to gather the apples he had found.