Purple Temptress

**Warning, contains sexual relations/Lemon. If you don't like it just leave please ^\_\_^** **Also the first attempt on a story like this. Please read, rate, and review :3** It was afternoon in the forest. The sun casted shadows along the tall trees...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 5

Raichu slowly turned his head away from Feign. He was too ashamed of himself to even look at him. "leave" He whispered. "But" Feign started to say but was interrupted. "Feign leave now... please." He begged him. Raichu was hurt beyond believe that...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 4

"Hey I think we have enough Adam." "What?" Adam looked up at Feign. "Were done here." Feign said as he began to carry a large arm full of apples towards the nest. Adam soon followed not saying a word. The sky was turning a deep orange color,...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 3

Feign stayed in Lu's arms for a few more moments. Lu's fur was so soft he felt like he could fall asleep any second. However his mind began to race. "What am I doing?" he thought. Feign found it weird that he had just met this stranger and here he was...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 6

**Hello readers. Thing get even more involved in this chapter!** **WARNING (Mild rape/lemon involved)** **If you can't handle that you have been warned...** **Love you all ^\_^** Lu continued to stay up, admiring the small Pikachu that had fallen...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 7

**Finally after a couple months I am back with my next chapter! Sorry it took so long guys, school can be a bitch ya know. Since finals are almost over, it's given me sometime to focus on my story. Now I have been working on this on and...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 2

"Come on" Lu said impatiently, as he basically dragged Feign into the middle of the clearing. Feign found that Lu was pretty tall compared to him. At least a good two feet taller. Lu's stride was a lot bigger than his. Feign had to quicken his pace in...

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Thunderstruck Chapter 1

It was Mid-day afternoon, a warm breeze just started blowing gent;y though the trees of the forest; rustling though the lush green leafs. A lone Pikachu was resting nearby with his back leaning against a tree. This Pikachu was among many others that...

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