The Devil May Care 4

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of The Devil May Care

Dusk is invited to Hell to have a chat with one of the Lords of the realm, and finds out that there's something rather unexpected on offer.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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The Devil May Care

Part 4

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

Corrupting an angel was tiring work, so it was unsurprising to Dusk that he was more than happy to completely collapse into bed when he returned to his penthouse. Even the snuffling of Apophis around his feet, the pig demon growling and grunting in lust, wasn't enough to get him to rise and rut again. For the moment, the mortal - for he was still mortal, despite the powers of the Devil Himself - needed rest.

And as he rested, he dreamed. He dreamed of the endless skies of heaven, and the deepest pits of the eternal depths. He dreamed of the angels that ostensibly watched over earth, and he dreamed of the Lords of Hell that were looking for nothing more than the opportunity to feed at will.

There were hundreds of them, thousands, and under each of them thousands more. The demons were limitless, the angels numberless, and they were swelling with the disturbance of the balance of power. They wished nothing more than to take what had been kept from them, to feed on what was locked away from them, to do what had not been permitted before.

This and more Dusk dreamed, and he was grateful when the dream ended and he was allowed to wake once more.

As soon as he returned to the world of the waking, he smelled the scent of something cooking further down in the apartment. That would have to be Seraph, he decided, as Apophis was too gluttonous to be able to fix something for someone else without devouring everything that he put his hands on. The angel was good for more than mere rutting, it seemed.

Dusk sat up, but before he could put his feet to the floor, the bull entered his room. He wore nothing but the apron that had shielded him from the bacon splatter, it seemed, and the front was tented by a large, throbbing erection. The cat chuckled to himself, shaking his head at the spreading dark spot of pre on the front.

"I see that you're having a good morning, my servant."

"I thought it would be best to get something ready for you; you seem to have an eventful life, and I doubt that we'll have time for more conventional schedules from here on out."

"Do you doubt my powers to keep things in line, Seraph?"

"I doubt that the world is going to give you the chance to use them the way that you want to, master."

"Then let me worry about that, and come here."

The bull did as he was told, setting the pile of pancakes on the bed before standing at attention at the foot of the bed. The cat smiled, reaching out and fondling that thick tent in the front of the apron.

From how wet the fabric was, he knew that this hadn't just been a recent thing. Either the bull had been milking himself almost all night long, or the corruption that he had pumped into the former angel's body had been enough to kickstart something else. He imagined that those balls were churning like mad, producing all the pre-cum that was needed to keep that dick eager for attention, to keep it drooling at the cat's command.

Further up, he saw that the bull's nipples were likewise wet, soaking through the apron slightly. He chuckled, pulling at the edge of the fabric, exposing one pink nub and leaning in to kiss it.

It was wet, warm, and with just the right amount of creaminess to appeal to any cat. He closed his lips around it, giving it a gentle nibble, just enough to get the bull to stand up a little taller. Another little bit, a little suck, and the bull was whimpering, gasping in arousal.

Yes, that was how one treated one's underlings, he thought. This was how one enjoyed themselves.

He licked up along the side of the little pink dot, encouraging it to keep dripping in his mouth. Turning his head slightly, he dragged his tongue over the hardening flesh towards the center, flattening it slightly before letting it spring up again. Every little lick drew more milk from the nipple, and more than that, kept the bull a whimpering, horny mess.

As he got into it, he reached down, fondling that bulge again. He knew that the bull could cum any number of times before he finally started shooting blanks, but he was curious just how long Seraph could last, as well. The fact that the bull was gasping, grinding, even thrusting forward into his hand, even with the apron in the way, told him how pent up his newest servant was.

I wonder if you can last for a few hours, or even -

Whoosh. The sound of magical fire caught both their attention, and former angel and mortal alike turned to look at the nightstand. An envelope had appeared, delicately decorated, with the seal of a boar face upon the front. Dusk cocked his head to the side, gesturing at it and making it float to his hand.

"Interruptions, master, as I stated."

Ignoring the bull for now, he curled his legs back onto the bed, using one hand to float the pancakes towards his mouth - the power of Sloth was such a handy thing - and nibbling on them as he opened the letter. It was easy enough to unfold, and the text on the paper inside was surprisingly delicate. Not feminine, but precise, spidery, running across the page in an almost web-like streak of red.

It was addressed directly to him, as well, which meant that there were probably some demons that knew his name, now.

_To Dusk Von Doom, Lord of the Devil Himself's Power,

I bid thee greetings. Due to the advent of Lucifer's departure from the throne, I wish to call you down to Hell to make an agreement with you. Of course, to ensure your safety and to avoid the looks of impropriety or a lack of impartiality, I also extend an invitation to a Masquerade that I am throwing tonight on my estate. You are, of course, welcome and encouraged to bring a guest, but I also ask that, if you accept this invitation, that you bring along one Apophis Diel, a pig demon that I believe that you have some acquaintance with._

I extend the full protections of my power and my hospitality to you should you accept this invitation, and offer my guarantees that nothing untoward will happen to you while you are within the boundaries of my estate.

I eagerly anticipate your reply.


Lord Brutus Diel

Setting the envelope back down, only for it to be enveloped in another burst of flame, Dusk shook his head. He had anticipated that there would be more interference from either side of the celestial spectrum after having Seraph show up, but he hadn't expected it to come this quickly. It seemed that the angel was right. He might have the power to do as he wished, but life would come at him fast enough to make that difficult to do.

"Well, it seems that we're invited to a ball."

"In Hell, yes..."

Seraph looked rather uncomfortable, and no wonder. He was a fallen angel, now, and that meant that he wasn't as armed against demons as he might like. Chuckling, Dusk reached around, rubbing the bull's muscled rump, sliding a finger under his tail and tickling the rim. Even that little touch was enough to get the stern bovine leaning forward, gasping softly from the stimulation.

"Don't worry. I'll look after my little milk cow down there."

"Mmph...Must I go, master?"

"Yes, you must."


"Because I want them to see my power. A broken angel on the first day...That will teach them how quickly I am learning the power of the Devil Himself."

"...I cannot fault that logic, master."

"Good. Now..."

He thumped his foot against the bed, and the pig demon that had taken residence under it oinked. Calling Apophis out, he spent a moment putting together a leash for the pig demon while putting his mind to the right sort of apparel for the trip down to Hell. They wanted to make a good impression, after all...


They appeared out of a whirlwind of black fire, devilish flames fading away as they found their footing on the grand stairway leading to the manor of Lord Brutus Diel. Dusk felt confident in himself, his fluffy tail swishing back and forth behind him, while he could tell immediately that Seraph was on edge, looking this way and that, obviously trying to keep an eye on everything at once.

He rested a hand on the bull's rump through the thick black fabric that covered him. He patted it a few times, and chuckled.

"Just relax. I can take care of both of us."

"You have the strength, master. I merely have the fear."

"Don't show fear. That will only make it worse."

"You know..."

"From great experience."

Even before he had bothered summoning Lucifer to his bedroom, he had summoned innumerable lesser demons to his bed. He knew easily how this could go, and he knew that the more vulnerability that a demon sensed, the harder it would push. The less worried one appeared, so long as it didn't verge into unjustified arrogance, the less confident a demon would feel. Even here in Hell - especially in Hell - that counted for something.

Knowing that anyone with more brains than Apophis had - who was leashed between him and Seraph, kneeling on the steps of his ancestral home - would see that someone coming into Hell probably knew what they were doing, and would merely watch them rather than molest them, Dusk took a moment to observe where they were.

It was quite the estate, he was pleased to see. Under the crimson sky and rusty clouds storming above them, Lord Brutus's home was cast in a shadowy sort of half-light, one that made the smooth stone walls that rose from the crags that they stood on look that much more intimidating. The steps leading to the door were black obsidian, and on either side were lines of half-living, half-starving trees, the branches of which were empty and writhing, almost as if they wished to plunge their needle-like tips into intruders and suck on their blood for sustenance.

The great doors of wood and iron opened ahead of them, and from them stepped a greater pig. No, not a pig, but a boar, as maturity and strength made him more vast and masculine than the pathetic pile of pink between him and the bull. Dusk pressed his hand to his hip, smiling to himself.

"I assume you are Lord Brutus?" he said.

The boar, shorter than Seraph by at least a foot, but with a stockier sort of build, bowed his head. Tusks rose from the sides of his mouth, but they were delicately curled, pulled back almost like how some would tease their mustaches into curls. The boar swept one hand over his chest, the great demon clothed in a jacket of emerald and a shirt of black. His pants swept down to hooves, and the trousers glimmered with the same emerald sheen as his jacket.

"I beg your pardon for my idiot son," was the first thing out of the boar-lord's mouth. "He has been ever greedy, and I cannot apologize enough for the trouble that he's given you, nor thank you enough for all that you've done to keep him alive."

"But -"

Dusk clenched his hand along the leash, strangling the smaller pig's protests. Brutus nodded.

"You treat him as a king should. And I thank you for your restraint in not taking it so far as the old lord of hell might have."

"You speak of him as if he is no more."

"Lucifer? He has long-since been hated down here. Upon his untimely 'death', he was escorted by as many demons as could be found to the pits. I believe that he is being tortured for all that he has to us, as much as for what he has done to others."

"Heh. And so, the tables turn."

"For Lucifer, yes. And for yourself, it seems, as well."

"Is that a threat, Lord Diel?"

"Not at all. Merely a statement that you were among the lowest, and now, you have the chance to reign among the highest."

Dusk nodded, though he did not quite let go of his suspicions just yet. For all that Lord Brutus Diel had been quite accommodating and had said all the right things so far, he had little doubt that the boar would turn on him if the situation allowed for it. After all, he did have the power of the Devil Himself, and as the cat had proved, that power could be transferred from one person to another.

If the boar had any ambitions, he would know this, and he would likely try and exploit it.

So, as he held the leash for the son, Apophis, to the father, he allowed his spells on the young male to expire. The spells of service, need, addiction, all faded as soon as the other demon took hold of it. After all, it would not do to allow one's spells to be examined and turned against one, would it?

As soon as Apophis was free, he snarled, turning around almost like a feral pig. Yet, before he could even make more than a half-turn, the older porcine demon grabbed the leash and slammed his son to the ground. Hard. The echoes of the impact spread through the earth, rippling out from underneath them and leaving a series of cracks in the black rock.

"You will not disrespect a guest," Brutus growled.

While the show of force was definitely more than what Dusk had expected, the way that this Lord of Hell respected him was certainly an ego booster. He smiled slightly, the cat feeling a bit like he had just gotten the cream. Glancing at the bull at his side, he nodded surreptitiously at him, and Seraph pulled back just slightly. Dusk, on the other hand, stepped forward.

"You implied that you wished to talk to me before the party, Lord Diel. Shall we make that a priority?"

"Yes...That would be a good idea."

As the great boar allowed his son to stand again, Dusk fell in step behind the bigger pig. They walked up the steps and through the open doors, traveling through a great hall of red stone and rusted metal armor. Dusk did not miss the state of disrepair they were in, and gestured as they walked along.

"Do you have so few servants that you can't maintain them?"

"They're there as decoration, and decoration only."

"That seems a strange choice of decoration."

"Why? They have seen war; they might as well be allowed to maintain their badges of honor."

"Rusted in blood, then?"

"The wars of Hell have been long and bloody, and Lucifer made them worse."

That was all that he needed to know. It was a display for him as well as for any guests, a reminder that the blood had been spilled throughout their history. It was something that the demons probably clung to, holding tight to those grievances, even more than the mortals did.

That was something worth remembering.

They passed through a series of rooms with many demons among them, some of them humanoid in shape, others far more bestial. They seemed to be arranged by their alignment to the sins, and he saw many that were brought forward through the sins of Gluttony and Wrath. The latter seemed contained in their own rooms, kept from interacting with others, while the Gluttony demons were in and out of the kitchen at all times. Half of them seemed to be servants, using their powers to replace the food that others diminished.

Further they went, past demons of Lust and Sloth, past those of Envy and Greed. There were any number of them, though the further they went, the more the number seemed to diminish. The fewest seemed to be gathered in the demons of Lust, though they were plentiful enough with more than two dozen in their chamber.

"Why do you keep them separate?" he asked.

"They will mingle, eventually. However, they come with their own, and they feel safest among their own. Lucifer forcing them to interact allowed for various...mixings...of their powers that they did not enjoy. So, they are more reluctant to do it on their own."

"I see, I see..."

They finally reached a private room, empty of any other person. Brutus held the door for the cat, and then stepped in behind him. The doors clicked shut, and black flames cast an unnatural light on the small office room.

The boar circled around the two pieces of furniture in the chamber, a chair that stood alone with ornate black arms and back, and a desk that had a chair attached to it, one made of a single stone slab that floated over nothing. The boar sat down, and invited Dusk to do the same. He did.

"Now, what is this about an offer that you had for me?" Dusk asked.

"You don't wish to be Lucifer, that much is clear."

"I have his power; that's all that I desire."

"Then you will have no need of the throne of Hell?"

"It seems to be vacant at the moment; perhaps in the future, I might be tempted, but for now, the mortal world is all I require."

"Then we have a chance to make quite the bargain, my friend."

"I'm not your friend."

Dusk held up one hand as the boar started to rebut his statement, shaking his head. When the Lord of Hell went silent, he continued.

"I am, at most, your business partner. Please, don't conflate my willingness to make a deal with friendship. I know better than that. There is no demon in existence that actually wishes for a friend that's mortal. All they want is someone that can be manipulated, someone that can help them achieve their own ambitions. Let's not split hairs here."

"...I see that I'm dealing with someone with some experience."

"I see that you are finally understanding what I want."

"Then let's cut to the chase. I offer, in good faith, a match of Unholy Matrimony."

Of all the things that Dusk had expected to be brought up between himself and the demon lord, this was not one of them. The cat's eyebrows nearly flew off his head, and he cocked his head to the side as he stared at the boar, half-expecting a laugh.

There was none.

Brutus spread his hands over his desk, a contract appearing between them. He gently pushed it across the table, and Dusk took it gingerly, arching an eyebrow as he started reading it.

"It's nothing but business," the demon said. "In agreeing to this, we merely state that you and I have the option of enjoying carnal relations, while I am given the right to wield the throne's authority throughout the realm of Hell. It will stabilize the other lords of Hell, and you will never have to be bothered to make a decision regarding how things are run down here."

"According to this, I will still have to arbitrate some of the disputes," Dusk said, skimming down the contract, then going back to read it properly. "You aren't given the full power of Hell with this, after all."

"No, but I am given most of it."

"I notice that you aren't trying to gain the power of the Devil Himself, merely the political clout that comes with being so near the throne."

"I doubt I could ever convince you to part with that. However, I will be more than satisfied with the ability to rule over my fellow demons...properly."

That was certainly an ambition, Dusk would grant Brutus. For all that the cat was truly satisfied with the mortal world for himself, the idea of taking the reins of Hell and pushing the demons to do what he wanted was certainly an enticing thought. They would be less of a threat if he had a firm grip on them, he knew.

However, that would mean that he would establish himself as more of a target. They would want to get rid of him for their own freedom after that, as well as to try and seize the powers that he now held. Even taking Brutus's deal would mean that he would be dealing with more intrusions into his daily life from below, seducers that wanted to try and take him away, people that would be trying to warp his own ambitions and desires.

And that was without considering Brutus trying to tempt him with other demons, things that would try and get him to break the terms of their agreement so that he could wiggle out of it and seize more power as a result.

You can never entirely trust a demon.

Dusk shook his head, laying the contract down on the desk once more.

"I can't say that I can agree to this."

"What stops you?"

"Several matters of distrust, if I'm honest, as well as not quite liking the idea of tying myself down to one person."

"I would never ask you to tie yourself down to one; that would mean I'd have to do the same, and I certainly don't plan on stopping my fun."

"Then we are on the same page with that, at least. Regardless -"

"Before you outright reject it...allow me to show you some of the side benefits of taking this contract..."

The boar snapped his fingers, his clothes disappearing. Dusk was not entirely surprised; for all that Apophis had come from a line of gluttony demons, there was certainly a hunger for lust mixed in with all the gluttony for food. And for all that the older demon had a hint of his son's gut, there was far more muscle on display this time around.

As the boar stood up, revealing a thick cock, the cat arched an eyebrow. He chuckled to himself.

"If you think that showing yourself off will sell the deal any more than you already have, you're mistaken."

"Oh, no. That isn't what I'm doing at all."

Another snap of the boar's fingers, and the shimmering whooshing of fire filled the air behind the cat. No sooner had that happened than the feeling of two other presences filled his awareness, and Dusk forced himself to look behind him more lazily than he wanted.

Standing there were two wolf demons, their bodies slender and sleek, but with tight muscles along the shoulders and arms. He glanced down to their groins, where heavy balls pulled thick cocks to point downwards rather than upwards, and then back to their mouths, open and drooling with need.

"Are they for me?" he asked.

"They are, if you are willing to allow me an hour or so to prove that I would be a decent partner."

"I see that you're willing to keep others around to please me."

"So long as you are willing to please me in return."

"You don't know many cats, do you? We are not what one would call eager lovers; we prefer for others to do the work."

"Then it's a good thing that I would be topping you, isn't it?"

The last person that he had let top him was Lucifer, but he had to admit, that had been a better experience than he had really anticipated. He wasn't entirely sure that he wanted to let another demon do that without the protections of a magical circle, but at the same time...

The wolves were already behind him, rubbing along his shoulders, encouraging him to relax. Dusk gradually allowed his suit to disappear, his body coming out into the open. While he certainly wasn't as built as the bigger boar in front of him, he wasn't a small man, and as he let his pants disappear, his larger cock started to rise. Brutus even reached down, cupping it gently and lifting it up.

"You are well-endowed, Lord Von Doom. But let's allow my incubi to treat you tonight..."

Dusk allowed himself to be lifted up and turned around, his cock pointing towards the wolves. They both fell to their knees in front of him, their long tongues immediately lavishing his cock with affection.

True to form, he felt the power of the incubi running through his cock immediately, forcing it to stiffen, to grow harder. He growled deep in his throat, a purring sound that mixed with a hint of annoyance. The aura of the Devil Himself might have given him some protection, but considering the raw power of Hell, and the fact that they were doing what he wanted them to do, it was less than usual.

He thrust forward, sliding his cock between their slick tongues, even as Brutus leaned up a bit closer to him. That thick cock, even wider than Lucifer's, pressed against his rump with some pressure behind it, grinding between his cheeks, and the head alone felt like it was going to do something to his hole that he had never felt before.

In a way, he was almost looking forward to it. It was something new, and there was nothing better to someone hedonistic than something that was new and pleasurable.

As the wolves settled before him, one moving down to lick his balls and the other opening its muzzle to receive his shaft, Brutus finally got a grip on him. Thick pig hands gripped him around the hips, holding him still as the big guy got settled into position. That fat cock slid between the cat's cheeks one more time, then -


The sudden thrust was followed by a breath-stealing fullness. Dusk's eyes just about bulged out of their sockets as he leaned forward, his hole feeling like it had been stretched beyond any capacity to take it. His cheeks burned, his eyes went wide, and his entire being felt like it was pushed beyond what it could take.

Then the boar started moving, that fat shaft forcing his hole open further, the tip rubbing against his prostate. Rubbing? No. Grinding against it, flattening it into the walls of his ass. He groaned under his breath, his toes curling as he was lifted off the floor, his ass stretching around the impossible cock inside of him.

The only saving grace was that it was shorter than Lucifer's cock. It couldn't go as deep as the devil's could, and that kept him from completely losing his mind. Even so, he could feel it pummeling some of his pre-cum out of him, making his cock leak, making his shaft throb desperately even as he was forced forward into the wolf's mouth.

Then the boar started pulling back, and he swore he felt his rim clasping tighter to the shaft, pulling on it, trying to milk it and make it shoot into him already. The cat grimaced in pleasure and a slight bit of pain, shivering as his body started getting used to the sheer size. The sin of Lust was making it easier, but not that easy.


Another thrust, and it was right back in, just a bit deeper than the last time, just as impossibly thick as it held him wide open. The cat wiggled on the shaft, driven forward a bit to mouth-fuck the wolf in front of him, but that fat thing...holy...shit...

After a few more thrusts, they settled into more of a rhythm, and Dusk was able to enjoy the feeling of a mouth around his cock, a tongue along his balls. They were eager incubi, sending tingling pleasures through him, encouraging him to get harder, to want to cum. They wanted his seed, but he still had the power of the Devil Himself, and he was going to make them work for it.

Yet, he kept thinking of that fat cock in his ass, the feeling of fullness that came from the big guy humping him over and over again. The boar's shaft was impossible to ignore, and he groaned every time that he felt it pop in and out of him. Brutus never bothered to hold back, never bothered to keep it in. Each thrust started with a new penetration, each thrust ended with the boar pulling out.

It forced him to keep focusing on his rump again, and he knew that was Brutus's plan, to keep him focused on how good his ass felt.

Well, two can play that game...

With an extension of his aura, he reached into his body, running it down his spine and into his hole. The next time that Brutus slammed in, he heard the boar grunt, a soft squeal of pleasure running through the bigger male, and he smirked as he felt the hands on his hips tighten.

That's you know what I'm doing...

The next thrust tried to go slower, but he wasn't allowing that. Not when he had been teased like this. Not when the boar had tried to cheat and break him with that thick cock. He used his power to focus on his hole, to make it slicker, to make it easier to fuck. And more than that, he made it pleasurable beyond belief, using some of the lustful powers of the incubi below to channel it into his hole.

Things sped up after that. They rocked back and forth, the big boar grunting in obvious need and lust, the wolves moaning over his cock, and Dusk? Dusk groaned in pleasure, allowing himself to be shared between the demons, his own cock throbbing and dripping like mad, feeding them his life and lust.

Eventually, there was nothing left for Brutus, and the big boar came. Dusk was ready for it, to a degree, but even he hadn't anticipated the sheer volume of a boar orgasm. The blasts of seed came, and then kept coming, hot, thick, heavy, flooding his inner walls and then pushing up towards his belly. He coughed, feeling it swelling him up from below, and he groaned as he felt his stomach starting to fill as if he was being fed from the wrong hole.

It took all of his concentration to focus his aura on his stomach, Gluttony feeding on the excess that kept shooting into him. He was held suspended on the boar's cock for nearly three minutes, during which Brutus filled him with every bit of seed that the boar had to offer. He was forced to keep draining it if he didn't want a swollen gut.

By the time it was done, he barely realized that he had cum himself. The wolves moaned under him, rubbing their muzzles, licking each other's tongues as they savored the taste. He was allowed to the floor again, and he conjured his clothes around him once more, the smart suit appearing again.

"Well...that was intense," Dusk said.

"You cheated."

"As did you; this is Hell, so that is to be expected."

"And the deal?" the boar asked.

"I will consider it."

"That is all I can ask."

"Now, let's get back to the party..."

The End

Summary: Dusk is invited to Hell to have a chat with one of the Lords of the realm, and finds out that there's something rather unexpected on offer.

Tags: M/M, cat, bull, pig, boar, demon, fallen angel, series, magic, corruption, anal, oral, blowjob, foursome, nudity, big cock, Hell, lactation, nipple play, masturbation, orgasm, cum,