My Journey Through High School: Chapter 15: State Chess Championships Part 3

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#16 of My Journey Through High School


Here it is, the final conclusion to the State Chess Championships. The length isn't as long as the other two parts, but I tried my best. So please enjoy and comment. The usual legal warnings apply. This chapter contains sexual acts between two males. If you're too young or you find this offensive please leave without a word. Thank you.

And one more thing, the character Kevin belongs to user Boomerthemagnificent. Please do not use him without his express permission.


"Hey Kevin what's going on in the game?" A rat boy asked his friend, who was a rather tall dragon.

"I'm trying to see but it looks like it's at a standstill at the beginning still," The dragon replied. The two kids visiting from a far place, and were shushed by a couple parents nearby, then it was their turn to talk.

"Tony hasn't made a move for about ten minutes now, why is that?" One lady asked.

"If I had to guess from experience," The guy next to her began, "I'd say it's an intimidation tactic, he's trying to unnerve Ryan mentally."

"What about his father?" She asked again.

"The police took him away about five minutes ago, and good thing too. He has brought quite a disgrace to this honorable sport." This time Kevin and his friend were the ones to shush the talking couple. They continued to watch quietly with a relatively easy view from nearby windows.


Tony didn't make a move for ten minutes. Literally he didn't move for that long in any way. He just sat there in his chair, staring deeply into my eyes. I only looked back, not losing my determination. I could tell that the crowd outside was wondering why, but I think I was aware. But no matter what happened, I wasn't going to let him get to me. I didn't let the kidnapping ruin my train of thought either, even as I still felt lightheaded every now and then.

When he realized that his mind trick wasn't working, he made his move and hit the clock. I looked down at the board. It was fairly standard, and nothing seemed completely out of line. I made my own second move and hit the clock. I was light headed and down 25 minutes on my time, and in result, I started with several disadvantages. Plus I was black, and therefore brought to having to play defensive play, which did not suit my style.

Alduin was the first to finish his game with a draw against his opponent. This had left him with only one loss the entire tournament. Jake also finished with a draw, bringing him above the average point level with four points total.

Tony had continued to take his sweet time with the opening, and I took advantage of it. This was my best bet to think out my next move and play some sort of strategy while catching up my time. When playing an opponent like Tony, you can't afford to just play lufting moves and expect to last long. Grandmaster planned out a dozen or so moves ahead and I certainly did my best to emulate that ability. Our play progressed slow, in an opening I was all too familiar with. Why was he playing so direct? I had to be careful, but I was fortunate that I was playing even while keeping my time up. After 8 moves I had expended only 5 minutes off my clock, leaving me with 20 left. He had spent 25 minutes, leaving him only 15 minutes ahead.

Adair was the next one to finish his match. It had grown into a match that sped up for him, but he kept a cool head, and came up with a win against West, that was double points for us. He smiled happily as he walked out, and I winked at him for a millisecond before going back to my game. The rest of the gang was still very engrossed in their game.

Nothing from our own board had changed for another few minutes, before Tony made his move. We were only nine moves in, and completely dead even. This could turn into a closed game, which means we wouldn't be getting anywhere fast for a long time. His next move seemed to turn aggressive, he moved a bishop to a point where it was attacking my Queen. I had two choices from here, move or block, and I chose to block, it was not the right move. He attacked my blocking piece, and I had decided to capture with a different piece. It was a trap and with another bishop pinning a piece, he snuck in and captured my queen.

I mentally cursed myself. How could I make such a reckless mistake? I cut my losses and captured the bishop. After twelve moves I was down a queen to a bishop.


"This doesn't look good," Dr. Martin said looking through some binoculars, "Ryan just lost his queen."

"What?!" Alduin and Coach shouted in unison, "how?"

"You got me," The wolf doctor sighed, "he'll be in tough recovery." Half of the crowd groaned in disbelief. They were the ones who were hoping for the challenger to win, especially the dragon visiter Kevin and his friend.

"Wait, Ryan's smiling," Dr. Martin said. The rest of the team that finished had gone from sulking depressed to shooting up in an adrenaline rush in an instant. "He has to be up to something."


I had taken another look for five minutes of my time, and smiled. I may have made a mistake, but I had found a combination that would get me back on the fast track. I made a wild move though. And sacrificed my Bishop for a pawn.

"Check," I pronounced. He recaptured with his King, which was exactly what I was expecting him to do. I moved my knight to capture a pawn. It was now on a spot and called check again. It worked; my knight was forking his King and his Queen. I was about to get compensation for my loss. He stared at this position for another few minutes in disbelief before making his move. After another couple moves I had recaptured his Queen and was behind only a pawn to a Bishop in material. I was still losing slightly but I knew from here that I was back out of the red. The game from then had taken another pause on his side. After this he was only ten minutes ahead and I could've sworn that he started to seem nervous.

Lucian Snow and Eq had finished their matches at the same time, both with wins against West. Things were slowly making up for the last round, and they stood by my board for as long as they could, observing our tough game before they were ushered out by the Tournament Director. This had left us with only two players left, myself and Morrell. The Orca was deeply engrossed in his game.

Our game slowly progressed again, and by move twenty, we were still in tough mid game strategies. I kept a level head, I wasn't entirely the aggressor due to the disadvantage, but I had gotten all my major pieces active in the field, while one of his pieces were still hemmed in at its starting point. This gave me a slight force advantage, and I was willing to exploit it.

My next several moves went into getting the aggression, through playing forcing moves with checks. After a few quick forks from my only remaining bishop and knight I got myself another pawn up. Now I was even less behind. Even though the remaining pieces I had were less than his, I was now up on pawns, and I could hope to trade down to a winning endgame.

This was when I started the march of my pawns. It was time that I started pulling the aggressive moves on him, which had just befitted my style. Every now and then I would look over at Morrell's game, and although I couldn't see their board, I could see that the Orca was thinking with frustration. He was either losing or playing a really tough game.


"That is just like him," Coach Sundin said taking a look through the binoculars, "To go from a major material disadvantage to being tactically even again."

"What's the damage?" Alduin asked, everyone was crowding the windows.

"He's only one point of material down, but he's staring to get aggressive with his pawns, which means he plans to promote one of them," The human coach stated.

"It's risky," Dr. Martin stated, "if he loses his pawn chain his strategy will fizzle."

"It probably means that he will need to defend them quite aggressively," Coach said, "it may be a beginner's way of thinking when in doubt push a pawn, but it seems Ryan is likely going to play that."

"Dr. Martin," Lucian Eq asked, "what's our current scores against West?"

"It's very close," he said, "but by the looks of it, we need both of your remaining players to come out of it with wins, or it will be all over."

"So this is it huh," Jake said, "either we make it or break it. Good thing Morrell doesn't know or his game is going to crumble. How is the big orca anyway?"

"He's practically dead even," Coach stated looking over at his board, "but he seems to be lacking some aggression. It will be tough for him to play out to the end."

"Let us pray and keep watching," Dr. Martin stated.


I was down to only seven minutes on my side of the clock. We were finally down to the endgame phase and desperately duking it out. Tony had roughly 12 minutes left, which meant he was still ahead in time, but we were just about to hit the end of the road. Our pieces and strategies left pandemonium on the 64 squares we psychologically battled on. He was trying to get at my King, which I had moved up a little to keep from cheap checkmates. I was trying to keep the pieces after my pawns while I tried to promote them.

It was then that I found an idea, it required some sacrificing, but if it works out it will bring more than a few compensations. I made my next move and hit the clock.

Morrell was still playing his board, but it seems they were down to their last minutes as well. In fact we were the only two games left active, which meant only us four players and the TD were left inside the room. Morrell was now moving faster, and after hearing several hard clanking sounds of colliding wood, it stopped.

"Checkmate," Morrell said. His opponent sighed examining the board, before reluctantly agreeing. They shook hands and the TD who examined their game wrote down their scores. The rest of the team outside the window sighed in relief temporarily from the orca's victory. It was quite amazing when you think about it, the orca lost all the matches the day before only to come back and win it all. The Orca asked the TD a question silently.

"Is it alright if I stay and watch this last game?" he whispered, "The guy playing black is my teammate and I want to see him finish." The TD thought for a moment and agreed, emphasizing that he shouldn't make a sound. The orca agreed and walked over to examine our game.

Tony had pondered his next move for another good long while. And as he got down to only two minutes ahead, he reluctantly made his move. I went for it, advancing a protected passed pawn closer to the queening square. Another ten minutes of endgame play went by, and only the sound of our moves was echoing throughout the room.

I had two minutes left on my clock, while he had three. My next four moves were crazy. I sacrificed a rook completely, to force a nearby Knight to capture it. From there I captured the knight with a pawn, promoting my first queen. This forced him to recapture with a bishop, and I pushed a second pawn, bringing my queen back immediately.

"Check," I stated, and he moved his king to safety, but it wasn't going to last. I pushed a third pawn forward, and got a second queen on the field. Tony was now panicking outwardly, and brought his other knight to help protect his king, and from there I sacrificed my remaining major piece, my last bishop. This broke open his pawn structure, but when he took it, I made the fifth move of my strategy, pushing my last pawn to the end of the board and created another queen, with a gain in tempo.

"Check," I stated again. The sight was beautiful. I had absolutely no more pawns, while he only had two by his king. His only other pieces were a Rook, Bishop and Knight. I was now in possession of three queens. Regardless of his possible checks, I knew that I could fight comfortably to the win.

He tried to distract me from the game by checking with the rook, but he made the wrong checking move, and I used one of my queens to capture the rook for free. He stood gazing at the board in complete shock. He had no strategy left, and had ended up playing from a victory to playing right in my hands. He gritted his teeth and slowly reached over to his king, and with a flick of his finger, tipped it over.

The game was over; I gave a huge sight of relief. We were both down to just over a minute each and he surrendered. I reached a hand over offering a friendly handshake.

"Good game," I said. He just looked at me and stood up. He started to walk out, batting my hand to the side before he did so. It was then I finally noticed the crowd. They didn't seem to move at all from their spots. Their eyes were glued to the windows almost literally. It was unnerving but I shot a thumbs up to my teammates, and they broke the silence in cheering screams.

"Alright Ryan," The TD said, "you and Tony have five minutes rest before the Blitz match finals begins." I nodded and reset the board. I decided to stay seated. As long as I was in the mindset, I wanted to stay there, contemplating what I was going to do next. I was allowed white, and while setting things up. Morrell hugged me quickly.

"Awesome job Ryan," Morrell whispered before walking out. The orca walked over and talked to the team about the last blitz match and silence fell again. I just sat there, waiting for Tony Chen to return to the table.

But he never did. I started the clock when I was ordered to do so, but his time quickly ran out. Everyone else had dispersed to look for him, but he seemed to disappear into thin air. I had won it all again, this time by default. I stood up and walked out of the play room finally. Everyone charged over at me and nearly tackled me in a hug.

"You were amazing," Adair shouted.

"No kidding," Snow said, "I mean THREE queens? That's ridiculous."

"We're proud of you kid," Coach Sundin pronounced standing proudly. Even those who weren't on our team were celebrating. Except of course for West, who seemed angry about my victory against their best.

From then it was all a matter of waiting for the award ceremony now. While we did we silently waited in our portion of the waiting room, while cleaning up our area. Dr. Martin was calculating the score sheet, and we were all curious.

"So who won?" I asked him sitting next to him.

"Let's see here," he began, "Tony and Janice both got 6 points, Alice and Colin got 5, Tory got 4.5. So their total top five score is 26.5."

"Impressively high," Coach pointed out, and the good doctor read out our score.

"Ryan got a perfect 7, Alduin got 5.5, Lucian Snow got 5, and Lucian Eq and Adair both got 4.5. In total it's 26.5, which is a perfect tie." The rest of the team groaned a bit.

"Wait I'm not done," he said, "we still have tie breakers. It looks like Jake has 4 points, but so does their team's sixth. A tie again."

"What about Morrell's score?" I asked, and the mentioned orca hugged me from behind.

"Morrell has 4," he said, reading the lines carefully. While he spoke he was practically drawing out this final result.

"Go on," We all pushed at him. He looked some more and gave a smile.

"Their seventh has 3.5. You guys have won the championships." We cheered and jumped in jubilation. All of us had euphoric smiles over our faces. Even Snow had a dumbfounded smile on his maw. We yelled for a while raising the roof, jumping and hugging each other in congratulations.

The award ceremony was tremendously suspending, not because we were wondering if we would get first, but because we were waiting to get the team trophy. But first, we needed to get through the individual ones first. And it was there where the surprises came in abundance.

Absolutely every single player on our team had won at least one trophy, even Morrell, and everytime we were called up was met with louder cheers than the last. Morrell was the very first to be called up. He was awarded the trophy for "Most Honorable Mention" on the base of his impressive comeback win streak.

Jake was next to get a trophy. It was the second miscellaneous award known as "Best Upset" on the base of his impressive stance against some tough players. Adair was next to be called up. He was award 3rd Place for the ninth grade section. The sections were depicted to award players individually who weren't in the top ten category.

Lucian Equinox won 2nd place on the tenth grade section, beaten only by his brother Lucian Snow. He was one half-point better and took 1st place in the same section. Lucian Snow had also placed 11th overall and therefore was just short of getting a trophy for the top ten.

Alduin Raptormaster had gotten himself into this grand section with me, and attained a trophy for getting 7th place overall. The intelligent feline also attained a second trophy for placing in 3rd in the blitz tournament. Then it was my turn to be called up.

"And first place for both Blitz and Overall," The TD announced over the microphone, "is a brand new young ninth grader who came out of this tournament completely undefeated is Ryan Lewis." I walked up in a myriad of applause, and smiled basking in the glory as I took each rather large trophy into a hand. I held both up, while my teammates and Coach Sundin took pictures. I then carefully walked back down and sat next to my boyfriend, who gave me a playful pinch on the cheek.

When Pine View was called up to take the team trophy, we all voted unanimously and sent Coach Sundin up to accept our trophy. This trophy we dedicated to him for all the hard work he put to get us all here today. We wouldn't have it any other way, and it gave everyone on the team something to hold onto. We were greeted with several handshakes on the way out, except for me, who required both hands to hold the trophies, which nearly came up to my knees. I did however put one of them down just long enough to shake a particular dragon's hand, who introduced himself as Kevin.

After the crazy was over, most everyone had pulled out immediately. Night had fallen roughly an hour before this point, and it looked both dark and cold out there. The late February snow confirmed the cold, and we were told to wait in the lobby.

"Wait good old Pine View," Dr. Martin said, "We need a grand team picture of everyone holding their trophies." We nodded and got in position. Alduin, Morrell, The two Lucian brothers, and Jake all stood in the back, holding their trophies up high. Adair, Coach Sundin, and myself were kneeling in the front, with our trophies lined up in front of us. Our tall team trophy stood tall in the middle, and we let Coach kneel right behind it so all of us could be seen above our own trophies. Several pictures were taken of this legendary pose. This is one that all of us would cherish in our hearts until the day we died.

As we gathered our things to finally take off for the long trip home, we were gathered around for an announcement from our dear Coach Sundin.

"I would like to start by first off saying congratulations to all of you. Every single one of you have made me so proud, and not just because of the vast gold trophies we now carry with us. Some of you came here expecting not to do so well, and end up turning around for some spectacular finishes. Especially you Morrell," He turned to the orca in question who looked back, "to lose all yesterday and win all today, I think I shall call such phenomena a Morrell Monteque." We all laughed in approval and the orca stood tall smiling. The human coach continued.

"I congratulate you all again, and it calls for celebration. Dinner is on me tonight, and we shall indulge in somewhere nice." We nodded and gave a team cheer before finally leaving the guest school. It was only a matter of more celebration before we finally went home.


The Pine View chess team was taken to a beautiful five-star restaurant nearby to celebrate their grand endeavors. However all but two were there. Ryan and Morrell had excused themselves from the others to take care of a little business before they all headed home. Everyone had agreed and waved them their merry way. The group had agreed to rendezvous at the hotel before heading home, so there weren't any particular problems.

"Is this a nice place or what?" Alduin asked excited. The talk was both cheery and lively. The extravagant lights from the restaurant ceiling reflected brightly off of everyone's trophies. This in consequence received multiple stares in both admiration and annoyance from the other patrons.

Coach Sundin had explained the great story to their host, who was so impressed that she gave him a 50 percent discount. And even though it was a chess team, quite a few women had observed the team. A small group of felines had even given Alduin their phone numbers.

"Definitely," Warrior Scribe stated with a smile, "you guys earned it. All of you did." The black fox raised his glass in a toast like manner and everyone else did the same. After that, conversation delved once again. Adair and Jake were discussing some of their tough battles, while the Lucian brothers were poking fun on how jealous the other two brothers would be about their own prizes. Warrior Scribe was the only one not conversing, but he did quietly listen in on Alduin and Coach Sundin's conversation.

"So Alduin," Coach began, "As captain, who will you appoint for the position next year?"

"We still have a couple months before my graduation to figure that out," The blue cat answered, "It'll be a tough choice after all, with all of these fine players."

"No rush," The human coach sipped his drink, "but I figured you would have chosen Ryan as the new captain. I mean he already is our star player, and probably our best until he graduates from the school."

"True," Alduin said, "but he's only going to be a sophomore next year. He's still young, and has other obligations to tend to at the moment than just heading a chess team. Perhaps one of the older players might be better, as they've been here longer."

"Well I know one thing is for sure," Coach began, "I'm sure that he'll be one hell of a captain by the time he gets to your age."

"Amen to that," Alduin chuckled patting Coach on the shoulder.

"Speaking of the devil," he began again, "what kind of business exactly are Ryan and Morrell doing right now? I can't really think of anything." Alduin smiled inwardly chuckling.

"I can," He muttered almost to himself as he brought up his glass for a drink.


Morrell and I walked into our hotel room after bidding the rest of the team farewell. We took our trophies with us for the walk back, just enjoying each other's company during that time. The orca was nice enough to carry my trophies for a while so my arms wouldn't get tired. And while he carried mine I carried his. We weren't bothered by anyone during this time, which was exactly what we needed.

"Well it looks like we're back," I said looking about the newly cleaned room, "So what now?" I put Morrell's trophy down on the nightstand. He put mine on the floor carefully before softly hugging me from behind.

"I think you know what," the big orca said. He kissed my cheek and started to slowly and seductively rub my chest and stomach. I closed my eyes in satisfaction while still mildly blushing. He had quite the talent for doing that, making me blush. Yet I didn't know why he still did that.

"So the usual then?" I asked him while lowering my arms to slowly caress his hips.

"You can say that," he said chuckling softly, "but I have another idea in mind for you." I wondered what he meant by that as he slowly lowered his hand down over my crotch and rubbed it teasingly. He didn't go very fast this time. In fact he took quite a bit of sweet time teasing me to full arousal. He continued teasing me even when I was fully erect, my tent pressing against my pants.

"So what do you have in mind?" I asked him as he finally removed my shirt. He leaned down and smiled up at me.

"You'll see oh great chess grandmaster," he teased and leaned around my right side, before licking my nipple. The sensation had brought out a moan from my mouth. As he continued to tease me he had slowly begun stripping me completely. He only let off licking my nipple just long enough to slip my shoes and socks off. Once I was fully nude, and my hard member finally free he escorted me over and laid me on my back over the bed, and motioned me to remain still. I nodded and complied with his wish, wondering what to expect next.

He then stood back and started stripping himself. He put on quite a show, slowly swaying back and forth as he pulled his shirt up. He kept teasing by showing his abs and lower pecs before taking it off completely. He took another good few seconds to flex his impressive muscles before reaching down and unzipping his pants. After that and unbuttoning them, he swayed his hips back and forth and side to side as he slipped them off. As his pants came down his underwear had come into view. He always had a knack of wearing kinky underwear, only this time was little more flashy and surprising. It was a speedo like usual, only plain bright hot pink.

"Is that what you mean by different?" I asked, "isn't that a little girly for you?" He chuckled.

"This is something special for you," he winked and got on the bed on top of me, only to stop right with his muzzle on my hard member. After a few moments of him making long licks he slowly began sucking me off. Like the pattern before he went quite slow, teasing and stimulating me to no end. I would moan as he deepthroat me and lick the tip all at the same time. And as he did that he used his hands to slowly tease my balls and rub my belly. He was literally pleasuring me in nearly every possible way. However, just before I came to climax he stopped and pulled off. I inadvertently let out a whimper.

"Don't worry hon," he reassured me smiling, "this is where it gets good." He stood up and slipped his kinky underwear off, exposing his rock hard member. I knew what to expect from him next. He would turn me around and ravage my ass with great tenacity. But he didn't do that. Instead he climbed on top of me and straddled his hips. He then lowered himself on me, aiming my cock into his entrance, and I moaned as I felt his tight velvety walls envelope my member.

"Huh?" I asked, "why?" I panted while speaking through this newfound pleasure.

"Well it was Altoryu's idea," he began moaning a little bit in the process, "I didn't like it at first but now I think this is the perfect time to do it. So enjoy it because I won't do this much again." I made to say something else but he held his finger over my lips and shushed me. Then he leaned down and started to make out with me as he began a slow but pleasurable bouncing pace.

I was quite surprised. I could do nothing kiss back and moan as the skilled orca kept working me. He kept this pace up for a little bit. Whether it was to tease, draw out my growing pleasure, or for his tailhole to get used to my size I'll never know. Eventually he did speed up on me, breaking the kiss so he could focus his strength on bouncing on my member. My moans were matched with his own, as I watched his member bounce of its own accord. I made to reach for it but he stopped me.

"No my chessic king," he said through panting and moaning, "allow this servant to do all the work." I blushed at this comment and nodded slowly, lying back down and letting the orca continue. He lifted his right hand stroking himself off. This resulted in him tightening his walls over my member, which nearly sent me off the edge.

I was close already, but he was certain that I would be the one to climax first. It wasn't long before I was, and I howled in delight as several ropes of my human cum shot deep into him. Almost as if right one cue, he shot several ropes on my stomach, chest, and face. It was as if he had held his climax back for a little bit. Morrell finally slowed to a stop and sat on top of me. We both slowly caught our breath in the blissful afterglow.

"It looks like the honorable mention made a mess," I giggled and he did the same, pulling off my cock and hugging me.

"I sure did," he said and licked the cum off of my face.