
Story by GreyKobold on SoFurry

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From space, Undarius was a big, beautiful blue world. It was big, thirty percent bigger than my home world, but given to a sixth less dry surface, making the beaches long and many, and the many archipelagos and islands dance with lush vegetation across the surprisingly large islands. While the biggest of them was a bit more than a few hundred kilometers across, they were not densely populated - for the Decounda were an aquatic people who only went to shore to gather what could not be found in the sea.

From space, the barest patch of white could be found at either pole, when not hidden by the cloud cover that swirled in heavy patches, making for the great hurricanes that could rock huge sections of the globe at one time or another. From space, with the slightest patches of green could be seen across the grand blue sphere, one might think it a world of perfect heaven for a Terran, and they might have been right.

Except the Decounda were a bitch to negotiate with.

At the space port, jutting some three kilometers into the air above the island which was no bigger than a dozen miles across, I waited for my transportation to arrive, and leaned heavily on my cane. In my right hand was my bag, on my back was my pack, and in my head ran the numbers that had been drilled into me. This world was paradise, and the natives were cordial, if difficult. They had welcomed the first explorers with open limbs - they had welcomed and, after a terse affair of attempting to communicate, they managed to send greetings, and a polite inquiry about who they were. Long story short, they allowed a spaceport to be built for means of trade and exploration, but weren't too keen on colonists.

Having seen what a colonist could do, I understood completely.

But, I wasn't here to make an argument against it - I was here, paid in luxury, to facilitate rights to colonization and tourism, in exchange for nearly whatever the slimy creatures wanted. And as I waited, my leg aching from the stasis pod, I limped out to look down the plexus-made road, which cut through the jungle in a clear, straight path. I'd have preferred something more organic, but it worked.

"Mr. Johnson?" I heard behind me, and looked up at the scaled woman who had greeted me at the port. She worked for my employers at the Habilurton Hotel Corporation, though she was more a regional manager than direct corporate. I nodded to her, giving a look to her ID above her voluptuous chest, then back up. Her scales glittered like tortoise and onyx - she was a very gorgeous creature. "The beach is about two kilometers away, where we have the hotel set up - it leads into the waterway, so guests can experience it beneath the sea. The car is another twenty minutes away. I could give you a ride if you prefer?"

"No thank you, Ms. Mahagashaa." I replied. She didn't bare the mating mark to signal her as having been bitten and claimed by one of the less intelligent males as a brood female - which was good, she had an excellent record as a manager. Of course, from the pallor around her ear-slits, she was probably due to enter a brood phase any time now, and would rut with one of the bestial, almost animal like males. A part of me, a suppressed part, would have loved to watch. "Sometimes, you just have to be patient."

My vehicle arrived not less than fifteen minutes later. I slipped into the hovering vehicle and sped off - turning my thoughts to business before pleasure.

My bosses wanted rights, exclusive rights, to help colonize their mostly unused surface with beach homes, jungle retreats, and rights of colony. This would bring in a large surplus of money from the idle rich, who often had nothing important to contribute to society. In exchange, they would offer advanced tech, education, and whatever else they wanted. This world was a dream, and any company would pay out the cloacae to finance it - because the profits would return in tremendous quantities - from the long walks under the three moons, to the binary stars that were just far enough that it didn't roast the planet (though it did get hot!). Also, the corporation could keep off missions for a limited amount of time, which was all the better in my opinion. Nothing against religion - but the missionaries of all the many faiths ended up hurting the populations.

The trees bloomed, with flowers hanging from them, and permeating the air like an expensive perfume - one expensive enough to not make me sneeze or tear up - and expensive enough to actually smell good. I closed my eyes and breathed deep of salt and alien earth - and let the wind brush my hair back. The music played from the radio - a mix of the local tunes, though filtered through so that it made any sort of sense to my simple two-lobed brain. While comparable, humans lacked a third lobe like the native population - and while we were more skilled in the logical and reasoning department, they astounded with their creativity and intention. It made sense to the scientists at least. Overhead, multi-hued insects fluttered.

"Been here long?" I eventually asked of the driver - a dark skinned man with long hair. He looked back at me, and nodded softly.

"Aye, been here since the beginning. It looked like it was a beautiful place, and it was. My partner and I have been here for almost ten years. Couldn't dream of leaving." He looked back up to the road and hummed under his breath. "I was one of the explorers. I stayed behind, haven't regretted a bit. I've got native status after all these years. I miss some things, yeah, but a bad day for me, is a heavenly day for most."

He had a point, I thought. I could have stood for more buildings.

"Any tips for dealing with 'em?"

"Be polite, and be honest. They know if you are lying. And try not to take them too seriously. They love puns."

"Great." I muttered. I hated them, personally. "Thanks. Anything that's taboo?"

"You'll find out." He laughed, looking up at me with a hint of amusement.

The shore lapped with a slow and soft wash and lick - setting the white beaches to glitter like gems in the sun. I stood outside the car and took a long look up at the endless horizon and shore. The air was hot, and very wet - and made me relax considerably when I leaned into a wall. The sun crisped my skin and the wet air set heavy in my lungs, telling me stories and whispers of what had been on the wind. I took a long breath of it and looked out over the shore - and felt it lap at my bare toes - as I stood in the sand and water.

"Nerse voka?" A voice spoke, a whisper across my translator in my ear. I looked up at the speaker who stood a full head and shoulder taller than I - and gazed at the faintly luminous glow upon its face. Her eyes were beautiful and haunting - like small stars across the sky - and they gazed at me with the alien intelligence of this strange and enticing creature. The black chitin of its throat and face gleamed like onyx. She watched me - she, because of the dark mark of her body and chitin. A thin coating of mucous covered from her mouth and down to the underside of the far tail. Sand covered her, as she watched me - the eyes twitching and shifting slightly.

"Hello." I said, after a moment. I shook out my surprise to see one so close on shore - and I felt a tingle in the air, like a charge. Up above, the tendrils flickered, like halfway mobile pipes, trailing almost like hair. The two arms of the creature crossed, the thin hands twitching, with small digits wriggling just slightly, as though nervous. "You have a beautiful beach."

The mobile creature turned slightly, and then slithered towards the water, before cupping it in the four fingers and lifting, to watch it spill and dance down her belly, from her fingers. She could not hold it very well - her fingers were not built for such intricate things. I stepped beside her after a moment - and cupped the water and lifted it up, making a small pool. I could not read the expression on her face - but I could feel the charge become more rhythmic, almost pulsing. I couldn't understand it entirely - it was strange, making my hair stand on my neck.

"Char-rote" She said, running her finger through the water in my hand, before pushing it down - opening my fingers and letting it spill down and splash into the shore. She gave another pulse that made my head buzz - she seeming to glow for it, before diving into the water. Her back gleamed with the hard chitin - dark, but multi-colored and hued, a swirl of green, purple, red and yellow shifting under the waters.

"Alright." I laughed - shaking my head and entering into the hub of the building. I couldn't help but smile. It was darker inside and my eyes had to adjust - but it was at least cooler.

In a skin tight suit - with a breather in my mouth and a vocal translator at my throat, I swam deep into the open waters. Two escorts followed, the natives keeping an honor guard with a glow winding about their bodies and from their eyes. They moved lazily around me while guiding - small stones set across the seabed to show where they were to swim. I was hopelessly lost after only a few minutes from the lower opening of the hotel. It was gone in the shadows of the depths.

"Pink-as-Prey Slow-like-Larva, Move-with-Current." One spoke to me, both through the deep pulses that tingled through the air and small whispers and vibrations in the water I could feel on my skin. I kicked and swam through water a little harder. "Flail-in-Dirt Splash-in-Mud, Understand-not-Water."

I grunted as they wove around me again and again, laughing with the pulsing glows from their body and eyes. At least I amused them. I wriggled a little faster in the water to try and keep up, but even with the finned gloves and feet I did the best I could. "I'm doing the best I can." They pulsed another laugh - before a hand lifted up and grabbed upon my shoulder with one hand each - and pulled me faster through the water. It dragged on me.

"Carry-like-Wounded Weigh-like-Stone, Faster-than-Before." The other said, voice a little softer than the others, according to the translator in my ear. It tickled a bit. But the tickling sensation went away - when I found the ocean floor dip and fall away - to a great beauty of a city. Gorgeous and great - it was a living hive of coral and stone - black stone like onyx and blackened glass that was put into place and etched in a multitude of colors. The city was over a half-dozen miles in radius. Spires of shaped coral rose up quite high in the water - five towers of an amazing design.

It took my breath away.

I arrived at the grand opening of the domed city - and pulled myself in - finding small hand-holds in the strengthened coral. I pulled myself along as the two watched - leading me through the winding passages that gleamed with small lights of organic make. It was just barely enough to see - and left patches of shadow where I climbed - but it was enough for them, and I would adapt with time. After a grueling climb and an hour of passages and levels, I found my place that I would rest. It was damp, but the air was sweeter than the rebreather could give - and the plants growing within ate the nitrogen I exhaled almost gleefully.

"Dry-as-sand itchy-like-mating, come-by-waking." I was told, before the two departed and left me to rest in the alcove. I was unsure of what they had done to make this place - they didn't have the technical know-how to create pressure or vacuum pumps - at least, according to the intel I had. But the air was sweet and this artificial pocket of oxygen helped me to relax. I was enclosed and tight, and instead listened and read from the report, to help me get some rest.

They had developed an intricate society - exceedingly complex in comparison to humans. They were broken into several different castes, each with a distinct theme - and while castes were separate, one was not born but put into the caste dependant upon ones talents. Heading the castes were a selected demographic of leaders, each towards each caste - who formed a council to advise the three ruling heads - one male, one female, and one who had undergone a ritualistic desexing, to form a neutral and, often, spiritual opinion. And while these three ruled with authority and strength, they were still under the herald of serving the people, and the castes. My head spun, trying to chart it together. I was in over my head.

They were also theoretically inclined - the evolution of shamans into a quasi-priesthood. It had evolved beyond the shamanistic and animism aspect to a pantheon of less than two dozen gods. "Sounds-the-Deep Dancing-the-Veil, Mother-of-darkness", or the great sky of night and deeper darkness was one of the primary deities, and seemed to have the largest cult in her honor. It was by about this time I slipped into sleep, dreaming of charts and names and three genders all the same.

I awoke to a gentle poke on the side of my cheek, and the glittering eyes staring down - while a familiar face looked, unblinking, for they had no eyelids. She, females having slightly more developed crests and broader forms, I determined, looking down at me with curiosity, like I were something of fascination. She poked again, pushing and rocking me to the side, before I looked up fully, blinking in the dim light.

"Hello." I said, tapping the microphone at my throat. It translated with a dry clicking, pulsing signal that made her cock her head curiously. They had flexible necks - more than I'd expected given their shapes. Of course, I was open to all sorts of curious things in my line of business. "Time to wake up?"

"Mother-who-Egg Father-which-Mount, Desire-much-Knowing." She said after a few long moments. She touched her face to mine and smeared some of her slime across my cheek and face - making me blink and flail a bit, in surprise. She seemed quite amused before drifting back into the water, getting herself nice and wet again. She tasted alien - neither disgusting nor attractive, just simply there. I wiped my face off and she laughed quite a bit harder.

I slid the breather into my mouth and slid my goggles on - before diving into the water - glad that it was warmed and soothing to my body. I dove and swamp after her, using the grips along the walls to follow after her pretty, swirling colored form. The passageway was confusing and turning with all sorts of odd motions - before she lead me into a great chamber - where again, I was surprised by their ingenuity.

Their works with coral had shaped very intricate images, looking like over-large members of the Decounda species. I marveled for a moment, over the glitter of the eyes, and the smoothness they had managed to make of the chitin for head and neck. Most of what they had was grown, though stonework was being perfected with columns that raised up to support the dome, which itself had been decorated with further works of art. I was seeing a rare sight, and no human had seen this before.

"Pink-like-prey move-like-larva, speaker-from-deep?" The female spoke - her body coiled and relaxed, while she quietly consumed what appeared to be lobster - except it had twice too many limbs, and was much too large. "Find-it-Small Tiny-not-Large, Sperm-or-Egg?"

"Egg or Sperm?" I was caught off guard by the question - and flustered for a moment, unsure of exactly what was being asked. My brain racked as I rubbed at my belly through the suit, which helped to keep me from getting too water-damaged. I looked at the smaller female who seemed very amused by me, and quietly swam - circling me.

The female glanced at me, before she reached with a limb and pressed to a slit along what I would consider her lower torso - though it was a little more complicated than that. She pressed the digits in and twisted her fingers, revealing a very personal shade of color. She gestured as the male companion did the same, and he revealed his blue-black endowment to the cool water. I stared between them for a moment, and, almost shyly, pointed towards the male with the blue-black cock.

"Deliver-much-Sperm Curious-how-Large, Egg-is-Small?" She asked of me, her mate (I presumed) eating away at his meal, without retracting his genitals. I stared at her as she continued to eat herself, before remembering how hungry I had been feeling. The swim really took out a lot of calories.

"Very small. Don't lay eggs, actually. Grows in the females stomach, and comes out live." There was a grunt from the male, who stared at me, though it was hard to tell if he was actually seeing me, or just there to look imposing. I wasn't sure I wanted to find out - and looked away, towards the swimming female who seemed so very enamored with me. "I deliver sperm, ah, I'm male, yes. This isn't a problem?"

"Neutral-good-Negotiate Determine-high-Worth, Deeper-send-Male?" She was quite curious about that, if my limited understanding of their culture said anything. Males did not often take up precarious work as negotiator, or facilitator, or anything administrative. No, more often than not they built, designed, sculpted, and went to battle against foes. The females did a majority of other work, being slightly more intelligent than the males. The neutrals were better equipped for this sort of thing. Three genders was a concept they'd embraced, even if one was made, not born. "Deepers-lack-Neutral Send-only-Male, Females-not-Negotiate?"

"No, well, yes, they sent me, because I am good at it. Females, women, can negotiate just as well as men, and we do not have a neutral gender. We are bi-gendered." Culture shock for them, and something I didn't care to discuss for me. What a world. "Considered a great negotiator, I was sent to discuss plans and deals, to see if we may come to beneficial agreements."

"Shall-be-Pondered Worthy-of-Thought, Negotiate-with-Neutral." The male said after a long moment - the pulses making my ears vibrate - and the translator buzzing a little more. I had to get used to it. "Honored-as-Guest, Eat-and-Feast, Guest-of-People."

I was honored.

After several cycles of sleep and talk, I was allowed to return to the surface, both to get some goods, and to take a few days of rest where I wouldn't be in the dark. Outside of the city it was bright - and my eyes began to ache upon reaching the surface - to the amusement of my hosts, and the soft pulses of amusement of the female, who had snuck free and followed. She was really quite lovely, I'd grown to see - her questions and talk in the quiet times were always ones of wonder, as opposed to grilling me about every detail of what was proposed. It was relaxing, in a way.

Upon reaching the surface, the two guards swam back to the city, while the female remained behind - it was not uncommon for them to wander and explore - since there were few enemies around the city, either domestic or wild. She watched me enter the airlock separating sea from air - and slid in beside me - as though it were an adventure. She watched in fascination as the water slowly drained away from us, leaving it damp - and she was more amused when I stripped my suit off - and reached for a towel. Her hand grabbed my flanks once and I jumped - before she laughed again.

"They shouldn't be in here, sir." A voice spoke. I looked up as did she - and she inquisitively poked where it came from - a speaker shielded by a small plastic sheath. "It's against regulations."

"I know. But she's my guest, and it's permitted. She won't hurt anything." I replied - glad to feel the dry air flowing on me, without the musty smell of moss or wet rock. I stretched my legs out and she marveled at my toes - without the kicking fins or the gloves that were held on my hands. She touched and prodded, getting to know me before I swatted her hand off and gave her a grunt. She might have understood.

"You are requested at administration when you have a chance - they are requesting an update on your status." The voice spoke again - I nodding and making my way onto the smooth floor beyond the drying room. I walked, glad to feel the weight of my body. My guest looked mildly uncomfortable with it - so I slowed, so she could keep up. A mild trail followed behind her - a mark of where she had been.

"Dry-and-Dry Cold-like-Deep, Deepers-live-Here?" She asked of me. I gave a nod, before vocalizing a yes. I forgot they were not as adept at body language as my species - then again, we were almost mute compared to the Sissihiri. Ms. Mahagashaa watched me as I walked the hall - a smile crossing her face as she looked up from her comm. "Many-on-Many Deepers-have-Scales, You-are-Not?"

"Different types of 'Deepers', I said, while leading to my room and taking a look into it - before selecting something fitting. I headed to the bathroom to change, and she watched me - with those strange, concaved eyes. Even under the dimmed light (my eyes were still sensitive), they made hers glow and sparkle like small crystals. I grunted, turning away, perhaps to her annoyance, as I bent down to dress. There was a curious sound, and I ignored it.

"Face-is-Red Burning-like-Wood, Why-do-Garb?"

"Uhm..." I started, before turning and sliding the belt into place. She poked at it and ran one of her crude fingers slowly up from belly to chest, and then to my lower lip. She tweaked and tugged it before I turned my head away, and she went to investigate and learn of different things. I was allowed to dress, though my lip tingled from the touches. I was able to calm down from her question, and let her have free reign of exploring my suite.

Administration met me in a conference room - large and open and bright - I wore glasses to shade my eyes since they still ached considerably outside of the goggles. Sitting at a table, I folded my hands and let my feet get used to shoes, never quite realizing how constraining they could be. Three sat across from me in a real time display from halfway across the galaxy. Technology was wonderful, when it needed to be.

"How do things go, Mr. Johnson?" With a sharp beak and well preened feathers, the administrator looked down at me from his perch. An Avnari - one of the six races in the Confederacy. They could be shrewd, but humans could be obtuse and kind hearted when they wanted to be. "I pray you are making progress while dealing with the worms?"

"Decounda" I replied. "They are called the Decounda."

"Whatever." He sounded boerd. "Are you making progress?"

"I am. They are concerned but flighty, I would say - it escapes their care in the long term - they are more about their endeavors in art and creation and worshiping their gods. I've been invited to witness and learn of some of their rituals, if I have a chance. It's endearing me to their leadership and some of the populace, who I've met."

"Excellent. These Decounda seem quite like a relaxed people. Perhaps they would welcome an exchange of ideas and art? Are they interested in trading technology for goods? Tourists love that." A human, descendant of the founder of this company, looked up with her warm hazel eyes. She liked to smile - the stress of running one of the largest companies in the galaxy was nothing to her. "Are they willing?"

"So far, they might be interested, but I don't think they have a concept of trading for technology. Perhaps introducing them or giving them low-level medicine, or showing them how to create high functioning technology - or helping them reinforce their cities. They literally grow their cities out of the coral. It's quite fascinating. Anyway, they are willing to consider giving rights to build a hotel and open up the ports. I'm almost there."


Back to the suite, I laid back and felt her body beside mine. It was strange - her scent permeating the air like the smell of the sea. I had a second cot brought in, as well as a hydration system rigged up so she could watch the water fall and dance across her - she playing with the temperatures from warm to cold - and settling on a lukewarm temperature for her surprisingly hot blooded body. She lay back and seemed to relax under the consistent flow - her eyes staring at me, though not seeing.

Music danced from the speakers - a rhythmic and soothing trance theme that went with the low light, and the peaceful temperature of the room. I enjoyed being dry as she savored being wet, and a set up drain in the middle of the room helped cycle the water out when she was done with her showering. She let it run and ran her fingers through it - marveling at the difference between air and water. She was difficult to read, but I could feel she liked it.

"Water-to-Air Sea-to-Land, Deepers-to-People" She said to me, her voice drowsy, and she angling the water to spill across her lower torso, and dance the belly and wet down the natural chemical-sheath on her body. She savored it - and I turned to face her, my head on a water-safe cushion.

"We are very different, yes. There are many Deepers, who would like to know your people." I said softly. "They want to be friends, and show you so many things."

"Deepers-do-See Show-many-Gifts, Swim-in-Air." She said. I believed it a compliment and took it as such, while her hand came and rested on mine, before exploring my digits, feeling the difference and seeing five to two. It was as alien to her as it was for me, but I had grown calm about alien touches in my business, and life.

Soldiers are welcome in many ports, they say.

"What is your name?" I asked, after a moment. Her hands lift from my torso. She laid her head back down and relaxed further, her glow seeming to fade as she began to drowse.

"Swims-like-Hunter Dances-like-Rain, She-who-Dreams."

"Beautiful name, they call me Johnson."

And she slipped into rest, and soon enough, I did too.

It was quiet, but for the small click of my respirator as I hung in the water, watching the quiet ritual and heard the songs that echoed through the great domed chambers. The acoustics felt wrong to my less sensitive ears, but I would not begrudge a people their odd prayers. In my place beside the three rulers, whom sat high above the gathered of the city - I observed in the dim light - straining to see, though it was mostly felt. A grand alter of worked stone, what might have once been a boulder, lay half buried in the corral and sand - upon it carved the names of their gods in a flowing pictographic script.

Upon the alter lay one of their own - hands bound together with their growing sea-plants, almost like a seaweed except a little more fibrous. Upon the alter three of the holy ones sang - their pulses echoing in the chamber, and the multitude replying back in their tongue. My translator had given up trying to make sense of any of it - to my chagrin. The three leaders, and their families sat - I held a central position to observe it all, as did She-who-Dreams beside me. She twined her tail around my legs and kept me from floating off to the ceiling - and her warmth helped in the cooler waters.

"Praises-to-Mother Blessings-to-Father, Honor-of-Neutral." She spoke softly, letting my comm pick up on her and focus on her alone. I rested my hand on hers and leaned closer to watch. "Guidance-is-Asked Wisdom-be-Desired, Obedience-in-Duty."

At the alter a stone knife was laid - and pressed to the belly of the still figure - who did nothing but breath, still even for sleep. They were not dead, their eyes held the dimmest of glows. I watched, fascinated and scared about what would happen - for I was unsure of the events. I held a hand to my mouth, as the blade was dragged low, and back up. A line of blood filtered into the water, thin and murky, just enough to be seen, and felt in the water.

"Sacrifice-in-Honor Blood-is-Shed, Born-of-Sacredness."

This was repeated en mass - almost like a hypnotic chant amongst the many gathered, before the alter stone. I held tight to her hand as I watched, the knife dragged up, and lain across the throat of the shallowly breathing figure. The water was warmer now - warmer with the intensity of blood and fervor. I was scared, for a long moment, I was scared for the figure on the stone.

"Hunts-in-Shadow Passes-to-Deep, Remembered-not-Forgotten." The blade nicked the hollow of the throat before being laid aside, and placed beside the bound figure. A ritual done in blood, but not death, I watched as the figure was gently lifted in the small arms, and raised into the water, showing as a new child. "Born-in-Sacredness Honor-of-Many, Guards-many-Souls."

The chant was again repeated, pulses and low vibrations their tongue, and whispers their language. I shivered as the creature was laid free and cut - before slowly turning, and swimming free with a woozy body language, as though drugged and drunk. Blood trailed the water, marking where he went to the deep depths to rest, and to dream.

"Deeper-does-Like Excited-not-Ashamed, Honor-of-Gods?" I was asked, the voice of the neutral behind me echoing as a gentle static in my ear. It shocked me from my stupor. I gazed up, the markings of either gender shorn off by what had either been blade or bite. "Named-for-Deeds Remembered-now-Forever, Duty-and-Honor."

"We don't do things like this, not any more." I said, after a moment. My eyes raised to watch the quiet look down at me, before gazing back to the rest of the ceremony, the words, and the lore of the gods.

I swam through the city - I had learned well my way from the central dome to where I slept, from the temple to the gates, and a few places between. My journey had become standard, though it took an hour between places for me to find where I was trying to go. At least I was having fun - and they treated me like a novelty. I welcomed that, as I climbed to a higher ascent and prepared to dive deeper down - before surfacing.

I was enjoying myself for the first time in a long time - the odd behavior and culture becoming more understandable with each passing day. I found myself dreading the idea of leaving after spending almost three weeks amongst them. Maybe I could find myself a vacation spot here, amongst them. Or maybe I was going slowly stir-crazy and needed to pull out before I ended up carrying a larva or three. Stranger things had happened to those who spent too long amongst cultures.

I came to my climb back up, towards my private chambers - when I found myself grabbed from behind and firmly shoved into a wall. The grip was tighter than I had expected, and the corral made my cheek burn and bleed. I winced, face grinding into the jagged sharpness. I tried to turn, and saw a more slender figure behind me.

"Swims-like-Prey Moves-like-Larva, Tastes-as-Offal." The creature said, slamming my head into the wall again, and making my rebreather break free from my face. My lenses cracked and water spilled in, blinding me in one eye - the other tearing up in pain. "Not-want-Here Not-need-Here, Depart-lesser-Beast!"

My body was flung up and I swam powerfully - trying to get to my chamber, to fill my lungs which had begun to burn. My fingers grabbed stone and I kicked, my foot connecting to the hard skull, and harder teeth that landed into my foot. I screamed, losing my air, and scrambled for a grip to avoid being pulled down. I pulled, fear giving me wings as I climbed and found my head above surface just enough to gasp a breath, before being sucked back down.

Eyes, angry eyes, and sharp teeth loomed as it sprung towards me, intent on getting me in the throat. I brought my fists down and swung hard, which bounced me against the rock and again to the surface, to grab a breath. I scrambled and squeezed upon the rocks that had been leveled for me, and purchased a grip while being pulled back down. It was trying to kill me!

I let go of the rock and dove down, onto my attacker who slammed his mouth into my arm. Biting and chewing, he began to devour - which gave me time to slam my fist into the eye bud - again and again and again. The water dragged on me, but my fingers clawed and blinded - filling and making the area dark. I hurt - and the hands gripped at me, trying to pull me down again. I let it - and shoved my hand back into the creatures eye and squeezed. It screamed. Loud.

The fight swung as I pulled and kicked and pulled myself out of the water, laying flat and gasping for air as my body weakened - only to see the creature lift and pull itself out and reach for me, to drag me in. Reaching out, I grabbed for and hit the creature across the chittinous skull with a can - doing little good. Though blinded and having one good eye to see - it came for me, intent on snapping my neck. Considerably heavier, it landed on me and tried to smother and suffocate me. I fought back, and brought my bleeding arm up and punched - hard - at the cloacae.

It convulsed suddenly - giving me time to punch again, and shove up to toss it off of me. It landed and writhed - scrambling at the rocks to get free - except for my quick thinking to leap atop it and bash the back of its skull in with another can of food. The can dented, but so did the skull - eventually setting the creature still. I didn't stop for some time afterwards. I didn't stop, until I was too dizzy to continue.

I awoke, dizzy. I awoke, drained - my arm on fire, my foot swollen, and my face enflamed from being stabbed too many times. For a moment, a dizzy moment, I wondered if I was back in the service after the Weaver rescue. I was confused where my uniform was and why I was naked - but that passed, as the warm body lifted off of mine - and I stared up into the face of She-who-Dreams. She looked to me in concern - and I realized I was surrounded by metal, and not the confines of my chambers. She gently stroked my face, and the bandage that held the new-skin down while my body accepted it. My arm was much more savaged, as was my leg. I didn't lift my head to look.

"Fights-and-Kills Defeats-with-Valor Dies-but-Lives." She said, her hand stroking my good cheek. I was in my room, away from the smell of the brine and sea. She looked to me with concern, as best I could tell in my experience. I was also coated in her scent and slime - though I didn't have the strength to argue it. "Slays-without-Fear Fights-with-Wisdom, Breaks-enemy-Will."

"What happened?" I asked - my head resting back on the pillow, while she let the water run slowly over her and my body. I felt her warmth against me and felt comforted, enough that I didn't mind the wrap of her long tail, or the curve of her body meeting me, or resting on my groin. I wasn't in any mood to argue with her - and I definitely wasn't in the mood to offend my visitor.

"Insane-obey-Gods Sense-you-Evil, Attack-with-Surprise." She said to me, stroking the short hair atop my head, trying to sooth my injuries and my spirit. "Found-sense-Blood Foe-is-Dead, Deepers-go-Help."

"She swam and contacted us. Said that you were injured, Mr. Johnson." I cracked my good eye open to look up at the speaker, and at the face of the physician. He, a Dra'Nar-Philosopher, did not seem to mind my state of dress, for they wore very little being internally equipped. I grunted once and laid back down. "She inferred that you had been severely injured. You had lost quite a bit of blood in the fight, and lucky to be alive. Glad you survived."

"So am I." I replied back - and held a hand to my cheek. "What are the extent of my injuries?"

"Broken wrist, fractured ankle, possibly temporary blindness in one eye - you did get pierced pretty close to the eye. Three broken teeth and a dislocated knuckle and broken rib. I don't suggest anything too active for the next few weeks while you heal." The Dra'nar, an insect that resembled a cockroach and preying mantis' love child, gazed at me through large, intelligent eyes. "Partial drowning - you swallowed and breathed a lot of sea water."

"Thank you, Doctor, for saving my life."

"Thank her. She's the one who stayed here for the past three days and refused to leave. She was quite worried about you."

I blinked at that, and looked at her, as she stroked my face again. I wanted to feel awkward, except for the fact she had saved my life.

"Bravery-is-Honored Survive-many-Hurts, Strong-as-Rock." She said firmly - and held my face against her own, and shared with me the air, and the sweet kiss of water. I let it course and wash the heat off of me, and let her body warm me in the wake. Her hands stayed on me, touching and caressing and helping me relax, as did her strange, exotic scent, and even the taste as she brushed her throat to my face. "Strong-as-Warrior Speaker-of-Truth, Honored-above-Rest."

"We are pulling you out." It had been a further two days, and I was up on my feet, even with my leg in a sealed cast and my hand bandaged in water-proofing. I looked up at the displayed image of the three administrators, who did not seem happy to see me with one of the natives in my room. She had stayed beside me and even helped feed me - taking delight in the shiny metals, and more, in seeing how I ate. I lacked the odd suckling tongue-like organ in her mouth - nor did I eat my meals straight from shell or hide. My habit of eating cooked food was strange, and after proving she was not allergic, I ended up sharing a majority of it with her. "An attack shows they are not ready for colonization or peaceful integration. We will simply focus on beachfront development and island conversion."

"That would be a mistake, Mr. Administrator. It was the first attack in several years, and it was one individual. I respectfully disagree, and they have extended apologies and view my survival of such a vicious attack, as well as death of my opponent as something to celebrate. I've proven I'm able to act and be strong. I think, I believe, this is something of honor to them." I looked up from the resting form of She-who-Dreams, who looked in awe at the holographic display. I was glad I was clothed. "If I were to pull out, they would see this as Deepers as being cowards, afraid to get hurt."

"And if you do get killed? It will look even worse for our investments. They will suffer!"

"And if we pull out, are you prepared to wait three, four, five hundred cycles for them to accept us again? I am not willing to pull out on this - they live extremely long times, and they have very long memories, do you think investors will wait so long for profit, Mr. Administrator?"

"Calm down, Johnson." A sharp word came from my fellow Human. She stared hard at me - her jaw firmly set. "You do not give orders here. We will confer. Please, do not get yourself further injured, Mr. Johnson. And be careful with your lover."

The connection ended, and I felt my cheeks burn. Everyone assumed humans slept with the natives of every world they visited. Everyone, even other humans. It was just a myth, quite obviously, as no human would be so crass to do it with every alien they met!

I stared at her. I think she understood a majority of what was said. She watched me, her face still, her body tense. I had to wonder.

"I should probably take you back." I said after a moment - while reaching and pulling for my swimming suit. My bandages were still on - but they had been designed to resist water for up to several months, making them good for keeping the injuries safe. I dressed slowly, wincing at the sharp pain through my body - but did little to prevent the pain from stopping me. My eye bandaged, I slid my goggles up and sealed it down - though I couldn't see very well. "Come on, She-who-Dreams, we need to get you back before your sire and dame worry."

She fidgeted with the edge of the bed and let the water stop from flowing after a long moment - then reached to touch my bare belly. I was only half dressed by then.

"Wander-in-Question Unsure-of-Response, Lover-of-Dreams?"

"I like you, She-who-Dreams. But I don't think it'd work." I felt myself tighten up at the question, and drew her hand up to touch my chest, before I brought my hand to touch above hers. They did not have hearts, so much as a network of muscles through their system that kept the blood flowing. It was complicated, and surprisingly advanced. I could feel it, a part of her natural pulse. "We are too different."

"Does-not-Love Desires-not-She, Understand-am-Strange." She pushed me back with her hand. "Impose-not-She Ask-not-He, Dreams-will-Fade."

Her head turned away, and she bowed it once - before, without any further words, she slithered away, her scent subtly changed. And for a moment, I felt very sad.

"I need advice." I took my time to enjoy the sun and surface, and Miss... well, now Missus Mahagashaa looked to me - a rather prickly bite around her neck that looked like it was still rather sore. There was a colony on another planet used by her species - almost exclusively, as they enjoyed the dry heat. The bite told me wonders about the last few weeks since I had seen her - and she held a glow and a smile. It was good, because it meant she would be able to answer me more clearly.

"About what, Mr. Johnson?" She sipped a decidedly non-alcoholic beverage, and if I was right, she would be egging in around six months. That was a rather long time for most reptiles, but the development required longer periods for more intelligent species, or so I'd determined. Alcohol could weaken the shell or corrupt the ova, or worse. And from the way she still grinned, she was more than likely to have two or even three eggs at one time. Lucky bastard that got her.

"Humans have a... reputation for being rather feisty creatures. We are known for sleeping with almost anything - from Dra'Nar, to Avnari, to Sisshiri, to, well, anything that moves. I don't like the reputation my species has, but I can't deny there's a lot of truth to it." I said, stirring my drink. I didn't like alcohol either, it made me do stupid things, like sign up for a third tour of duty in military service. "But, well, we seem to find the most attractive parts about a species, and enjoy them, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Does this make us disgusting?"

"To us? No. Adventurous, lusty, and maybe over-active, but not disgusting. It's not proper to judge a species based off of their proclivities. You can judge the one. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I've... There's this Decounda. She has been very close with me through my last few weeks in the water, and in dealing with the elders and her people. She's shown me a lot and she has done nothing but help me out. And, I think she's got a crush on me. I mean, they are absolutely beautiful, but I don't see them as... that way, I mean, I don't even know how it'd work."

She nodded, looking up at the suns with a squint, then back down at me. Her scales glittered with the polish for her scales, the heat doing wonder for cooking it off of her, and helping her alter her hide to a more golden-brown. Golden-brown signified being gravid amongst their species - or having once had young. A mark of passage that was given after their first pregnancy.

"Ahh. Desmond, you know, the guy who transports from port to base? Yeah, he's got a partner who is a Decounda. You could ask him - but I think you'd want outside opinions. No, it's okay, it's completely okay to accept it - and to like her back. It's also okay to refuse because you aren't attracted to her. You think I accept the first male to lift my tail?" She tweaked my nose. "I've been with several males of my species - and a few who were not. I've not yet found the right one to stay attached to, outside of the recent one." She stroked her belly. "No, it's quite alright. Please, don't feel that you have to go for it... or reject it. Do what will make you happy in the long run."


"Yeah. You do what you need to, Mr. Johnson - even if it means learning how to dance in the water with something with a tail. Alright?"

"I guess. I'm just confused."

"That's alright, Mr. Johnson. That's what youth is for - making mistakes, or making wonderful discoveries."

"I'm almost forty." I said, deadpan.

"Close enough."

I took another day of rest before I returned to the water, this time with a knife on my hip. I had a little bit of work left to do - and wouldn't wait on the authorization to do what I had to. I swam, forgoing an escort and dove deep, my rebreather and a second stored incase. I had a small pack at the ready as I dove and followed the stones - my strokes long and slow - careful to not aggravate the still tender rib and ankle. I hobbled, passing by many who took a sight of me and left me be. They were active today, more than I had seen before.

I eventually made my way to the gates of the city - feeling the deep pressure make my body and wounds ache. Though I was less than thirty meters beneath the sea, I had to be careful, if I rose too fast I would die. But I was aware - and I was prepared. Looking up - I could see a large female waiting at the gate, and she stared upon me with questioning eyes.

"Speaker-who-Fights Deepers-sent-Voice, Seen-of-Dreams?" I was asked by her. She reached and took hold of me, to keep me still - before turning me to look out at the wide ocean. "Desire-be-Found Search-by-All, Vanish-in-Waking."

I felt a stab at my chest, and a pain at my gut - more so than the stab of teeth in my arm. I looked up to her, then out again, and shook my head slowly, painfully.

"I haven't seen her. I wanted to speak to the Elders, and to see her too. Do you know where she went?" I questioned - while slipping from her grip after a moment.

"Seen-last-Wake Swam-to-Feed, Vanish-as-Shadow." I heard, I understood.

"Which way did she swim?"

She pointed south - down into the deep.

"Where does that go?"

"Place-of-Neutral Egg-nor-Sperm, Holy-of-Holy."

The place the Neutral were made.

I swam to the south - letting the water cool over me, as I kicked and pushed. My ankle and side ached as I dove deeper down - letting my suit contract to keep in the heat - and the gauge warn me to stop every thirty feet so my body would adapt. I swam thirty, sixty, ninety, until I had hit four hundred feet in depth when I came to it - a place that spoke of being old - and made different than the corral higher and under lighter conditions. It was dark and cold - and I clutched at my knife at my hip as I swam towards it - avoiding the shadow of a greater predator who swam above me. At this depth, the light of my goggles gave me only limited vision - not counting the blindness in my injured eye.

I had been swimming for close to three hours - thankful the descent had been gradual - and while I was sore and tired - I felt I was going the right place. I dove deeper and further - coming to the entrance which had seen many passing through, and slid into the semi-twilight. It was darker than higher, and I could not see as far - but I would not give complaint about it. I was comfortable, as comfortable

My light illuminated before me, switching to a small UV pulse to reveal what was in front of me, about fifteen feet or so. I used the walls to pull and descend slowly, ascend where I had, and avoid the side chambers as they appeared. I felt called - I felt as though it were where I needed to go. The walls grew wider and opened to a dome - where light filtered from above - an opening made possible by polished stone and glass. The reflection was small but intense - capable of illuminating just enough, so I could see.

I could see She-who-Dreams, her body held down to the alter, and her cloacae slit forced open by the jamming of two long rods. She was held open as four surrounded her, and she was still - unable to focus - and the sight of blood leaking from cuts at her arms and along her chest.

"She-who-Dreams!" I shouted, as best and loud as I could in the water. "She-who-Dreams, answer me!"

"Whom-she-Cares Come-at-Late, Corruptor-of-Egg." The sound came from behind - and I felt a weight crash into my back, sending me into the light, and spiraling into a column. I was more prepared and had more room to react - and brought my knees up and kicked down at the column, catching it and slowing myself enough. I drew my blade as I was rushed - this time by another - large and angry and full of teeth. I stabbed down, the blade slicing across the chitin and sliding down over the snout, before I hooked up - thrusting my arm into the mouth, and up into the roof of the jaw. My attacker stilled, dying fast and cold.

The scent and sight of blood drew the chant to a halt - one holding a writhing creature, much like a snake and jellyfish hybrid. It spun and lazily drifted its tendrils - hovering over her open cloacae - and she stared up at me, watching me with confusion and fear and restraint. She was drugged, or she was forced into this - I did not care, or care to know. I withdrew the knife and turned - kicking towards the three - who met me with a charge. In the water they were fast - but with a knife, I was strong.

"Driven-by-Despair Seeking-her-Release, Freedom-of-Neutrality."

I spun, stabbing and twisting, my shoulder taken to teeth and another jamming both limbs up to dig and grasp at my belly and loins. A hard squeeze made me stiffen - and I stabbed again at the one who had been unfortunate enough to get close. I withdrew and went for the one who lifted to bite at my neck - only to get caught in the wrist instead. I struggled, kicking and flailing as best I could - trying to beat the two off of me. Blood filtered into the water, staining my vision and making it hard to see. I brought my legs around the neck of the biter and twisted - strangling while chunks were devoured in my thigh. I was going to die, but they would go with me.

"Corrupted-of-Egg Stained-by-Deepers, Freedom-of-Neutrality."

She whimpered.

I fought harder - I brought the blade up and tore through the throat again and again, before the blade snapped - as did the neck of the one in my grip. I jerked and wrenched and weakly swamp towards the fourth - who lowered the creature down, and the tendrils brushed her belly. She sobbed - she screamed and echoed and made my head hurt. I was dizzy and I shoved my hand forward - and intercepted the stinger with my fist. I could regret it later - and even as the pain began to build and my vision wavered, I caught the priest by the throat - the neutral staring at me in shock and horror. I must have appeared as a demon fish - my fins made of no known material, my goggles stained blood and my mouth filled with metal.

"Let! Her! Go!" I shouted - squeezing his throat - even as the mucous made my grip slippery, so did the blood congeal and make it tighten. I squeezed hard at him - while pain began to echo through my suit and skin and form - the nerves spasming and my arm twisting in agony - even as I tore at him. He would not hurt her - he would not make her broken and twisted as he and his dead fellows. My shoulder wrenched as the muscle reacted. A mere brush and my arm was dislocating, the bones cracking from muscular spasms. I was not going to last long.

He died in my hand, but she would not be harmed. And with but moments, from blood and toxin, I reached, and I tore at the threads with strength I knew not to have. I broke them, and perhaps her hand - but she could get free, free of the bindings. It was the last thing I saw - and I knew I could at least smile, before the muscles in my face wrenched and my heart began to throb, harder than it ever should have.

I heard her voice from far away, my body jerking and spasming and cracking.

And then I was dead.

Being dead was rather painful, I found. It was full of light that burned the eyes and agony of muscles being regrown and grafted - the pain of your chest open and taste of blood and saltwater in your mouth. I do not recommend death to anyone, and suggest it be avoided at all costs. To my chagrin, and my fear - I had died and woke in hell - though at least I had familiar company keeping me safe. I lay beside a tank - water splashing and shifting, and a figure looking to me, though still injured. I looked up to her - and she touched the glass keeping me from her - and I smiled, small and light - my face and arm unable to move. But I could see her, with my good eye, and gave her a smile with them that I think she understood.

Her eyes glittered like a thousand tiny stars in an endless black field, and her face, a grey-black mask that showed nothing, but the hinted beauty of her eyes - She-who-Dreams stared back at me, and I was glad that, if I would be in hell, at least I had good company to keep.

"Speaker-of-Truth Savior-of-Dying, Keeper-of-Soul." She said to me, and traced my hand with her own. "Must-afar-Love Will-not-Impose, Keeper-of-Soul."

I felt my stomach twist and churn - and not from the pain in my body. No, I forced my throat to work, strained as it was, and whispered: "Love you."

She smiled - with her eyes.

"You are fired, you know that?" I felt Mrs. Mahagashaa beside me - a hand on the tank that kept me secure and safe from infection, as my body grew new muscle and flesh and adjusted to a replacement heart. I ached all over, but that was my punishment for being stupid. "You got yourself hurt, it looks terrible on the report, and you disobeyed your superiors. You acted brashly, without support or approval, and killed several members of the tribe. That looks very terrible on reports, and it seems Habilurton Hotel Corporation is being investigated for fraud. They never had permission to settle here, and were not supposed to breach first contact. Thankfully, some fool went and rescued the daughter of two high-ranking officials in the local government which prevented a full scale fiasco."

"What an idiot." I wheezed - my head swimming. I didn't really care at the moment - my hand touching hers through the glass - She-who-Dreams watching me without blinking, and I staring back, with my good eye.

"Well, if he hadn't done that, we'd not have a chance to open proper negotiations with the local population, nor get them the proper, unbiased help they needed. We don't need another Weaver Fiasco on our claws. Thank you, Mr. Johnson. With that in mind, I'm here to offer you a job."

I turned my eye to look up at Mrs. Mahagashaa, who stood not in the managerial uniform, but the outfit of a security officer of the Confederacy - intelligence division. I would have stared and gaped, but it was enough to move my eyeball.

"Thank you. By acting outside of orders, you probably saved this from being a real problem. Because of that, and selfless heroism - not to mention your prior record in the forces - I'm authorized to offer you a position, on planet. You'll need to be briefed and make sure you never do something that stupid again - but you did prove yourself in the eyes of the locals. That's worth more than you know."

"What talk about?" I wheezed.

"I'm here to offer you a position as an ambassador. You can, of course, refuse, but the toxins require a constant treatment to keep it from resurging in your body - and can only be found here. Thus - it's probably in your interests to stay here, Mr. Johnson. You'll be handsome rewarded - both from the assets seized in the Corporation, and from the Confederacy. Don't answer now, rest, think about it, and be with her. That's all I've got to say, Desmond and I will be looking forward to your answer."


"You didn't think he was just a driver, did you?" She winked, kissed his cheek, and they left us alone.

It was many months later, before I could walk, much less swim - and she never left my side - She-who-Dreams. She stayed beside me, and we shared with one another - first learning more of the others people and culture, then of the others desires and wants. She wanted little, I wanted less, and I was happy to say she grew on me - her alieness becoming something close and comforting - and even the strangeness of her speech infecting me with a smile.

Things went well, they receiving medicines and educations - and they trading their poetry and songs and simple crafts for advancements in their technology. Anthropologists came to learn and study - as did tourists, who wished to meet the strange creatures of the water - and the man who had single-handedly saved a species from exploitation. Mr. Desmond Mahagashaa and Mrs. Hisskaa Mahagashaa stayed around - first for administrative duties, then a honeymoon, then to raise their children on a warm, wet world.

I fell into my duties, a liaison between the Confederacy and the people of Undarius. It became routine and I was able to walk out onto the beach, and meet her every evening - before we retired into a shared suite between her people and mine. Coral was grown for the walls, and an elaborate system kept her wet and hydrated as she and I dreamed. We never slept apart, and though we might have argued and fought time to time, our strength grew, as my scars healed.

But her Father was not pleased - he would not permit her to spend her life with one who was not blooded and named. It was not permitted, and would harm the legacy of the ancestors. So, with a heart filled with pain, I knew what I had to do. I had to let her go.

Mr. Johnson could not keep She-who-Dreams.

And so one evening I lay upon the alter - and stared up at the glowing lights - my hands bound above me, and my legs the same. I stared up at the dagger as they chanted - and found it draw down, cutting across my chest, above my groin, and at my throat. Each was small but blood flows where blood flows - and in that moment Mr. Johnson died. Mr. Johsnon could not live if he could not have She-who-Dreams, and he would not harm her legacy, or memory, by keeping her.

And so the first human blooded was born, the giver of seed, known as Runner-of-Shadows.