Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 13)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#14 of Righting Your Wrongs

The End

I was carried down to the ground by Taine, I had fought against him originally despite the fact that both Syne and Saria told me to allow him to because I wouldn't move fast enough. Obviously. I had managed to fight them off until I reached the door, but immediately after that point I found myself in the same pain as before, it was very similar to the pain I felt when the Lucario hit me with Extremespeed from the gym battle. Taine now only needed one badge to compete in the annual tournament, but I had decided that it didn't concern me since I would have more important things to worry about.

The pain was one thing. But to not know when it was coming was something completely different.

It didn't take us long to reach the pokémon centre, mainly because the moment we reached outside Taine called out Kurath and asked her to do his job. At least I had a good view as she flew above the buildings, keeping Taine, Liun, Saria and Syne in view. I believe I heard Taine call back Rathe before we left the building, but again, I had more pressing matters to worry about.

"One more block and we'll be there Luyo." I heard Kurath speak to me. "I almost can't wait as much as you to see it."

"You should try.... Being... On this side..." There was another short stab, but they seemed to be weakening in intensity. I still felt that last one, but there wasn't anything to it.

She gave a slight grunt in response, but started to angle towards the ground as I saw a fairly large building with a giant "P" on it. I was told that it was the universal symbol used by all centres so travellers could point them out easily. It was a rather smooth landing as I'm sure Kurath has had more than enough experience carrying Taine all over the country. But again, against my will, I was handed over to Taine who carried me inside. This time though I prepared myself for the pain that was sure to come soon, it had been about the same time as the others.

"Nurse Joy!" I watched Saria run ahead to the counter where the same pink-haired attendant as the Jubilife city pokémon centre sat.

"Yes, what is it?"

"My Absol, she's almost about to lay her egg."

Taine eventually made it to the counter with Saria, only for the attendant to come around to our side. "You should be very careful when carrying a pokémon about to lay an egg, as where you place your hands could damage it or your pokémon." I felt a single hand wrap itself around my hind paws, and another one press up against my forelegs. "You must always try to keep her balanced and never support her across the abdomen." I hadn't thought about how I was being carried, but Taine tried to avoid my midsection as much as possible. Which, considering he was running most of the time, was a fairly good achievement. "But, by my calculations, we should have the egg safe by tomorrow morning at the latest, but for now, we need to get you a room."

"A room?" Saria questioned.

"Why yes, normally in the wild most pokémon would become very territorial during this time, more often than not they will turn violent and aggressive."

"But Luyo has been fine with us around."

"That's because she knows and trusts you all. But that isn't the only reason. It's also known that pokémon, like us, prefer some privacy during times like these. So it's in our best interest to keep them happy which will make the whole thing go smoothly." I was turned around as the nurse took me around into the back room. "You all follow me."

We walked through several corridors and stopped outside room fifteen. Fifteen? Room fifteen? Was this done on purpose? No, no. It must've been a coincidence. But, I was suddenly flooded with old feelings and emotions that I thought I had forgotten about. Room fifteen was a sign, it was a reminder to me of why I was here, how this had all happened. It was what had turned me into who I am today. It was the number I remembered Nion for, it was the final thing I remembered that day.

I was carried inside and placed on the bed which was centered in the room, there were several chairs that sat along the far wall sitting under a window, and another set of those machines that monitored a pokémon's health sitting around the head of the bed. I was put down on my feet on the bed. "It's good for a pokémon to find a position that's comfortable to them in this position as no two pokémon are the same. For now though I'll let her get comfortable, I'll be back to run a few tests to make sure my first assumption was correct, but in the meantime, the only thing we can do is wait."

I moved my forelegs forward and slowly lowered myself onto the bed. It was considerably softer than the last one I found myself strapped to in a pokémon centre. But I guess that was a different time. I heard the others thank nurse Joy as she closed the door and left.

"Well Luyo, I guess everything will be happening sooner than we expected." Saria spoke as she found a chair on the far wall.

I must admit, even though I can't wait to get this out of me, it is nice to know I'll be back to normal again tomorrow. I still didn't like the idea of staying in room fifteen. But there wasn't a choice for me. It was either fate, or a sign.

"Are you feeling ok Luyo?" I heard Syne ask, even though I couldn't see him. "Which side did she put you on?"

"Jump up near the end Syne." Not a moment later I saw him fly into view and land on the end of the bed, immediately moving himself up to my side and lay against my back.

"So this is it. Everything we've planned comes down to today."

"But I almost guarantee that today will go even slower than the day we planned to start this."

Syne laughed slightly and placed his head across my shoulder. "It was your idea in the first place Luyo."

"But you were the one who said you wanted a child too."

"So you're going to put this on me now?"

"Oh, look at you two. If I didn't know any better I would say this won't be the last time we're here."

We both looked at Saria, then glanced back at each other. It was true, I had considered it. But knowing that I have to go through this again isn't an exciting prospect. I noticed that Syne was looking back towards Saria after we had exchanged glances from her comment.

"Syne, I'm not going to rule anything out, but I don't want to go through this again anytime soon."

He smiled warmly back towards me. "I couldn't put you through this again unless it was something we both wanted."

"Then one will do for now. I don't want to go through this again for a very long while. I miss being able to move my position whenever I want to, I miss being independent, there's nothing more I hate than having people or pokémon try and cater to my every need."

"You want your life back."

"And the sooner I get this thing out of me, the sooner everything goes back to normal."


"Alright Luyo just stay as still as possible. Any sudden movements can cause you, or your egg, any number of injuries." Nurse Joy had returned, although I found her name more ironic than anything else. I was feeling no joy in this moment.

I had been poked and prodded by all kinds of different instruments she had used to check to make sure I was feeling alright. As if I couldn't just tell her how I felt, but then again, only psychics are commonly known for the ability to speak through telepathy. At the moment she had one hand placed on my side and the other was trying to feel the edge of the egg on my underbelly. I could tell when she had felt the egg because of the difference in tension I felt from her fingers.

"Alright. It is in a near-perfect position, and all my tests confirm that it should be over by the end of the day." I lifted my head to see her stand and turn to leave the room. "If you see her in any form of discomfort try to calm her down. Since it is her first time she might find some of the feelings unnatural and try to fight off the natural process. But the moment anything starts happening I should be on my way, so I will never be too far off." I heard the nurse open the door and step outside. "I believe congratulations should be in order next time I come around." And with that, she closed the door and left us to our thoughts.

"So you're getting your wish Luyo, before tomorrow everything should be back to normal." I heard Saria say to me. "Now I know that you'll want to fight against us trying to help you when the time does come. So I guess I should apologise now since I'm not going to stop helping once I start."

It's ok Saria. Despite my feelings and thoughts on what I want to happen, I know that both you and Joy will be here and there's nothing I can say to change that.

"Just know that I have you in my mind when it happens, then you can go back to your normal daily life until it hatches." Saria stood up and placed her hand on my side for the twelfth time today. "I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl."

"I would like to know that myself actually." Syne contributed. "Because we should probably start trying to think of a name for it." I felt him jump back up onto the bed as Joy had asked him to move when she started the tests.

"Syne, calm down. First I have to lay the thing, then it could be weeks, even months until it hatches."

"Then again, it could probably take weeks for it to hatch." Saria repeated my spoken thoughts. "So I guess we have to wait a while before anything can be set."

"Don't worry yourself about it. There's plenty of time for us to think of a name for it." I re-iterated for Syne.

"You're right. But that doesn't mean I can't start thinking now."

"And if you think of the wrong type of names?"

"Then I have to try harder."

"And who says that I don't have any names in mind already?"

"Then let's hear them."

I smirked slightly at Syne's almost immediate request. "Not until it has hatched."

"So you don't have any names yet."

"Oh you two give it a rest already." I heard Saria break us up. "Syne, you should let Luyo rest. She'll need her energy for later today since she isn't allowed to eat."

I felt Syne stand up and jump down off the bed. Leaving me to my own space. Although I didn't particularly agree with Saria's idea. It was a good one.


I grunted as I was awoken with a start. The same pain I had felt this morning had come back. It felt as I was being stabbed with one of the countless needles used in this facility. I opened my eyes and scanned the room, it was empty. Empty? Why? Where'd everyone go? I arched my back in an effort to try and relieve myself of the pain, feeling Syne get in the way when I tried. Without a second thought I flung my head back and caught him with my scythe blade. "Syne! Wake up!"

"Ouch, Luyo? What'd you do-"

"Get someone in here Syne! It's coming!" I cared that I had hurt him, but I cared more that no-one was here watching me at a time like this.

"Are you sure? Tell me if there's anything I can-"

"Just find someone!"

Syne leapt from the bed and exited the room while I was left to try and cope with what I was told wouldn't be easy. And it wasn't. It was like no other pain I had felt before. Being attacked from the inside, there was no visible sign of anything, but I could feel my toughest battles over again from the inside.

I heard someone walk inside the room, closing the door behind them. "Everything will be fine. Just try and remain calm." Remain calm? If only you knew what I was going through, then you try and remain calm!

I could tell from the voice that it was Joy, except this time I had no time to think of the irony. Agony was more suited to the time. I felt a hand against my side again, quickly followed by another one in the same position as last time. Poking into me trying to find the end of the egg. "Ok, now listen to me." I found it hard to believe that such a high-pitched voice could be so serious. "It is going to feel a bit worse than it does now before this is over." I let out another grunt in pain as another stab found its way into my feeling. "At this rate it won't take very long at all. Just try and keep focused." I heard a bash at the door, figuring that it was the others I still thought it was nice of them to leave me alone this close to-

Just breathe Luyo. Everything will be fine. I heard Syne's voice in my mind. Although there were almost a hundred other things I had to think about at the time, I couldn't gather my thoughts enough to reply.

I felt another sharp pain as I felt Joy's hand move from my underbelly further towards my tail. "No, this is happening too fast." I heard her try and mumble silently. "Luyo, you have to hold onto the egg. Your body is trying to remove it too quickly. You're not ready yet."

I heard her words, but even if I wanted to stop, I had no control. I had had enough. My body was only agreeing with my thoughts. I would give almost anything to get this thing out of me. I felt another stab of increased power reach me. An agonising groan found itself from me. I was over the pain, the weight, the helplessness. I wanted this thing out of me, now. But the only thing I knew that I could do was feel pain. But little did I know that it was going to get much worse.

I felt myself push down on the weight, ignoring any feeling of pain my mind was receiving. It was a whole new feeling of agony, but I continued to press against it. My claws dug into the bed, tearing the sheets as easily as I would skin a berry. The blade on the side of my head too found its way into the soft fabric as I contorted myself from the feelings sent from my hind quarters.

Everything felt strung out, like I had been feeling this pain for an hour. As if I almost didn't have enough energy to continue trying to remove it from myself. But as quickly as it had begun, it had ended. The great weight of the egg had been removed after so many weeks of pain and torture. I was free, free of the countless duties to protect myself from everyday activities just in case something went wrong. I could go back to my normal life, back to my daily routines.

I panted heavily as I felt the weight by my hind legs get lifted and removed, I heard the door unlock, open, and the immediate sound of light footsteps filled the air. "Can you call your pokémon outside please. She'll need some rest." I heard the nurse say quietly to Saria, who quickly called Syne outside.

You did it. I heard in my mind as the door was closed behind him. I shut my eyes and allowed what was left of my energy to deplete. I wished that I never had to go through such an ordeal again. But in this exact moment, I was at peace. I opened my eyes slowly to glance out the single window once more. The darkened sky wasn't the best sight for the moment. But I had accomplished what I had planned to do. I was to be a mother, but for the moment, I had my life back, again.

As I felt my last drop of energy run to almost nothing. I only had the wish to see Syne in that momen- "No! Luyo! Don't go to sleep! Hang on! You must hang on!"

I heard Syne's voice enter the room. There was some bashing on the door but I couldn't pull myself off the bed to answer it. I heard the door click open, and Syne step inside. "Luyo! Stay with me!" He shouted towards me, but I couldn't respond, I didn't have the-
