Secrets Ch. 26

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#26 of Secrets

Chapter 26

Passing through the portal back into the former lab I quickly step to the side and wait for Chase and Ranger to make their journeys through. Once both of them are safely through the portal and have stepped out of the runes perimeter I run a foot claw through the outer edge of the circle causing a small break in the outer most edge.

As soon as the runes surrounding the portal are disrupted the hole in the air begins to flicker and waver before abruptly snapping shut with a sucking sound. The remaining runes on the floor flicker weakly before going dark and turning into blackened soot.

Turning my back to Chase I begin taking my toga off and start shifting back to my wolf form. Once in my smaller form I begin to get dressed. All the while I feel Chase's stare boring into my back as the illusion to hide my scars reforms around my body.

When I am fully dressed I let out a weary sigh and ask without turning around, "Yes?"

After a brief pause Chase asks, "Are you ok Ebony?"

Stiffening I stand up a little straighter as the days revelations replay through my mind before answering with one word, "No."

Gathering my things I head to the door and open it before glancing down at Ranger, "You may wanna hide yourself and follow my scent to my room. Don't let anyone else see you."

With a slight whine he glances up at Chase before he vanishes into thin air, faint foot steps echoing through the air the only hint of his passing. As I move to follow him out of the room a gentle paw grabs my left arm. Without saying a word I just look down at Chase's grip.

In a soft voice he says, "Ebony, I think you should talk about this."

Turning my gaze back to the open door I reply without looking at him, "There's nothing to talk about. Your pack is in no more danger now than it was before my grandfather found me. You have the answers you wanted and I upheld my promise of not lying to you about any supposed threats."

I go to move forward by his paw retains its grip on my arm, "Ebony, you know good and well that is not what I mean. Don't try and pretend that what we learned today didn't affect you."

With a flash of anger I turn rapidly on Chase, flinging his paw away from my arm I bare my fangs growling, "I said there is nothing to talk about!"

Chase's face goes from soft to stern but his eyes never stop flickering with concern as he says, "There damn well is and you know it. You have no one else in this house you can talk to about this because of your stupid obsession with keeping your secrets. Look at where that has gotten you, centuries on the run from the only family you had for no reason. They may not be the nicest lot in the world but they are still your family and from what I saw today do care about you."

Snarling slightly I let out a low growling reply, "If, and I stress IF, I ever want to talk about what happened today I will talk about it. But I will NOT be forced into it..... not right now."

A look of hurt passes through Chase's face before his gaze grows cold and he says, "Fine. Go be alone then and wallow in your misery. Eventually others will stop trying to help you and you will truly be alone."

With that he pushes past me and stomps out the door with a huff. Watching him retreat down the stairs a complex mix of anger, fear, regret, sorrow, and humiliation swirl around in my chest for several long moments.

Eventually I let out a snort of frustration I gather up my belongings and walk out of the lab closing the door behind me. As the door latches I freeze for a moment as a thought hits me. Turning I quickly trace a small set of runes in the top right corner of the door with a claw. When I am finished a red shimmer passes over the door before it snaps fully shut.

Satisfied the locking runes are in place I turn toward the stairs and head to the second floor and my bedroom.

Reaching the slightly open door to my room I hear a click from down the hall and turn my head just in time to see the far door leading to Chase's room snap shut. Snorting I push my way into my own room and close the door behind me.

Throwing my pack and sword down on the dresser I notice a large depression in my bed. Sighing I say, "Ranger, just because your invisible to eyes doesn't mean I can't see the big dip you put in the bed."

With a panting sound the big hound makes himself visible again as he looks up at me with concern in his eyes. Sighing I sit down beside him and begin to scratch him behind the ears. Before long he is resting his head on my leg while still looking up at me.

For nearly an hour we just sit there in silence before a slight cough comes from the mirror above the dresser. Turning wearily I look at Dai, "What do you want?"

With a strange look on his face that I've never seen before he says, "I think you should talk about this Ebony, we both need to talk about it."

Snapping at the image of my inner demon I respond, "Don't you start on me too. If I want to talk about it, which I don't, I will talk about it in my own time."

Dai looks at me with an emotion I didn't even know he was capable of, sadness. For a moment he just holds my gaze before he says in the softest voice I have ever heard him use before, "Neither of us wants to talk about it Eb. But we desperately NEED to talk about it, and not between us. Im just as affected by what we learned today as you are. My entire existence was built around the sole belief that my birth was the cause of our mothers death. Today we learned that was not true. While most of your life was based on a lie, you at least had a few decades that were not. I have nothing that wasn't. If not for that single defining lie how different would our lives have been?"

I open my mouth to interrupt him but he continues on not letting me speak, "You kept me chained and separate from you for all these years, and not without good reason. But what would you.... Would we have become if not for the single defining event that we both believed? Would you have been afraid of my power? Would I have existed solely as a passenger locked away in your mind? Would we have merged into one entity like we were supposed to have done? Would we have met the one person trying to make us happy?"

My mouth hangs open as words are unable to form as I look into the eyes of my inner demon only to watch an inner turmoil of fear, uncertainty, regret, and loss that mirrors my own. Slowly I lower my eyes and whisper, "I..... I don't know."

With that Dai begins to fade from the mirror his last words echoing, "Me either."

Looking back down at Ranger I see his intelligent eyes watching me as I ask, "That must have looked weird to you huh? Watching me talk to my reflection."

He shakes his head at me then looks at the mirror then back at me. Following his gaze I feel my forehead wrinkle in confusion, "You could see Dai?"

He nods then flicks an ear at me, "You could hear him also?"

Another nod as he rolls his eyes in a 'well duh' manner. Scratching his ear a little I give him a half smile, "Your just full of surprises aren't you."

Letting out a huff I see a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head I groan, "Just what I needed another nose in my business trying to give advice."

With that Ranger lifts his head and looks me in the eye before turning to look at the door and back again. Watching him for a moment he repeats the movement before I catch on, "Oh so now your telling me to go talk to someone as well?"

He nods and moves off of my lap so I am free to move. Sitting there I just stare at the door for a long moment before my legs seem to make the decision for me and I stand and begin moving towards the door grabbing a change of clothes from my pack along the way. When my paw is resting on the door handle I say back to the room, "You two know it's rude to gang up on people right."

With that I open the door and step out into the hall. My first stop is to the bathroom. The smell of sulfur and brimstone still clinging to my fur and would be very hard to explain to the other wolves living here.

Closing the door behind me I turn on the water for the shower and wait for the water to begin warming up. As soon as a nice cloud of steam is coming I strip out of my clothes and step under the warm water. Letting the water soak into my fur I close my eyes and let my muscles try and relax under the pleasant stream. Slowly I lost track of how long I stood there as I let my mind go blank. Eventually I reach for some shampoo and begin to lather up my fur doing my best to get rid of the smell of a demon realm.

After three soaps and rinses I feel clean enough and turn the water off. Stepping out of the shower I grab a towel and begin drying off. As I do so I notice once again the small wolf statue on the shelf that I saw on my first day here. Looking at it closely I see just how lifelike the small figure really is. Smiling slightly at the small work of art I get dressed and step out of the room and start walking.

Without realizing which direction I had chosen I quickly find myself standing in front of the closed door leading to Chase's room. For a long moment I stand there looking dumb as I debate on weather or not to knock. Slowly I raise my right paw and tap lightly on the wood twice.

From within I hear a soft, "Doors open."

Swallowing hard I open the door. As it swings open I get my first look at his room. It is easily twice the size of my own room. Along one side is a large closet with a dresser and mirror matching the ones in my room. On the opposite wall from the door is a bed nearly half again as large as my own with large windows and nightstands on either side. Finally there is a large desk on the third wall where Chase is seated reading one of the books from the library.

Cautiously I step into the room and speak softly, "Uhm.... Chase?"

He turns and looks at me first with surprise then with confusion as he asks, "Ebony?"

I gesture towards the bed and ask, "May I sit?"

He studies me for a moment before waving a hand and nodding. Closing the door behind me I move to sit on the end of his bed as he turns his chair around so he can look me face on. Folding my paws in my lap I begin twisting my fingers around in a nervous manner as I stare down at them.

The silence between us grows longer and heavier until I can't stand it any more and just blurt out two words, "I'm Sorry."

I feel Chase's gaze on me as he asks, "Sorry for what?"

Taking a shaking breath I begin to feel a dam burst in my mind, "I'm sorry for getting mad at you, for snapping like I did. I'm sorry for bringing so much trouble into your life, I'm sorry for keeping so many secrets from you, for getting you involved in my family trouble, I'm sorry for...."

My tirade is cut short by Chase pressing his mouth against mine and shutting me up with a kiss. My eyes go wide at the sudden contact, both from the kiss and from the fact I never noticed him move.

Slowly he pulls back from the kiss leaving me staring at him in confusion as I ask, "What was that for?"

He gives me a soft smile, "Part because I'm glad you changed your mind about wanting to talk, and part to stop your apologies."

Shaking my head slightly I say, "I didn't change my mind about wanting to talk." He gives me a confused look before I continue, "I was convinced that I NEED to talk about it. Between Dai and Ranger ganging up on me..... I realized that I will never want to talk about anything that happened today. But if I don't talk about it then....."

Tears begin to fall down both sides of my muzzle a the damn which had been holding back my emotions fully breaks free and every bit of loss, anger, hatred, fear, and suffering I have kept bottled up for over eight hundred years begins rush out all at once.

Before I realize what has happened I feel Chase's arms wrap around me and pull my head down to his chest where the tears and sobs that have begun to shake my body pour out faster and faster. Soon I wrap my own arms around his abdomen and hold tight to the first person I have trusted fully since my mother died as I let every thing come out.

At first most of my words are nothing more than incoherent mumbles mixed in with the sobs but slowly, as Chase just holds me silently, my words begin to be more sensible as I tell him everything. Every crime I committed, every fight I won or lost...... every life I took. I no longer held anything back.

For hours I talked and cried into his chest. Never once did he try to interrupt me or move away from me. He just sat there holding me close as I spilled every secret I ever had and laid my life out bare for him.

Some time after I ran out of secrets to tell and shame to expose my tears began to stop as I slowly stopped sniffling. It was only then that I realized I had completely soaked his shirt and chest. Pulling back from him I wipe a paw across my eyes muttering, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you so wet...."

He just waves a paw through the air before he starts pulling his shirt off, "Eb, It's ok. I knew you needed to let go for a while now. Im just glad you finally felt safe enough to tell me."

Sniffing hard I say, "Its just that..... your the first person...... the first person I have fully trusted since...."

As I trail off in silence Chase picks up on my words, "The first person since... your mother?"

I nod silently as he continues, "You have been afraid all this time to let yourself get close to anyone because you were afraid of hurting them weren't you? That the same thing you thought happened to your mother would happen to them?"

Nodding I reply, "How could I have ever allowed myself to trust another when I could never trust myself?"

Chase takes the bottom of my muzzle in his paw and lifts it so I'm facing him. Gently he licks the tear stains from both sides of my face before he gently licks the tip of my nose, "Ebony, from the first day we met I knew you were not the monster you claimed to be. Yes I know you are part demon and can have a very monstrous appearance when you want. But you are not a monster."

He places his right paw gently on my chest over my heart saying, "You have a good heart, just like your grandmother said. I know you have never and would never cause me or anyone here pain if you could avoid it. I saw that the moment you woke up after we brought you here. No one who didn't have a good heart would have felt obligated to repay us the way you did nor would they have stayed for as long as you have to teach us how read, write, or even cook."

I go to open my mouth to object but he just pushes my jaw back closed, "Enough of that Ebony, you don't have to keep lying to me or yourself about why your staying here. We both know you are not on the run anymore, that you are not the threat to this pack that you had convinced yourself you were, and we both know that you very much do like being here and want to stay. Don't you?"

I try my hardest to come up with a counter argument, any objection no mater how feeble, to refute his claim. But no matter how hard I try, or how deep I search within myself all I can find is the undeniable truth. Slowly I close my eyes and nod my head agreeing with him.

Opening my eyes I seen Chase's soft smiling face looking back at me as he says, "Now was that so hard to admit?"

Letting out a short snort of a laugh I say, "Honestly, yes it was. For nearly my entire life I have been homeless, alone, never allowing myself to even consider the possibility of friendship, or that I might..... one day..... find a place I could call..... my home."

The smile on his face grows even wider as he says, "Ebony, we have always wanted you to consider this your home, for you to finally realize we want you in our pack. The only one who ever stood in your way of having all of this..." he waves his arm around the room gesturing to the house and pack within, "was you."

Lowering my head I mumble, "It's just never been something I thought I could have again. I have spent so long torturing myself and others for a crime I was convinced I could never be forgiven for. Then to find out that not only was I innocent the whole time but that everything I believed was a twisted lie...."

As I shake my head I feel the tears threaten to start again as Chase wraps his arms around me once again, "Ebony, you are not alone and never have to be again. I am here for you and will always be."

Looking him in the eyes again I see nothing but care and concern directed at me. Without thinking about it I lean forward and press my lips tight against his into a deep kiss. I try to put as much of my own feelings as I can into the the kiss to say what I don't have the words for yet.

He must have understood my meaning because he quickly and enthusiastically returned my kiss with just as much passion. Soon he begins to slide his paws up under my shirt and begins to work it up forcing us to break apart just long enough to get the shirt over my head and off my arms before we go back to pressing our muzzles together.

Slowly he pushes me back down on the bed and straddles my legs. His arms supporting his weight above me as my own paws grip tightly to his back running up and down his tight muscles as I do my best to pull him as close to me as possible. As we explore each other's mouth with our tongues I fill his rapidly growing bulge pressing hard against my own causing my own excitement to become painfully obvious.

With a pant he pulls away from our kiss sitting up on my thighs as he begins to run his claws down my chest leaving light tracks through my fur as electric pulses shoot through my body. Smiling down at me he says, "Ebony, I want to see the real you."

I open my mouth to say something but he places a finger on my lips, "No, the real you. The one you keep hidden all the time, and I would like if you don't ever keep that hidden from me ever again.... Please?"

For a moment I just lay beneath him before I nod and release the Illusion around me once again. As each scar begins to appear on my face and chest Chase traces each one with a single claw. The intimate exploring he is doing of my body does nothing to calm the excitement between us. If anything it only serves to deepen my growing trust for him.

Moaning softly from his touch I look up at him and say, "Only when we are alone, I'm still not ready to expose myself to everyone like this."

He leans forward and kisses my nose softly, "Ok Eb, we can keep this just between us."

Sitting back up he reaches down and begins to unfasten my pants before he gets off of my legs and pulls them off of me exposing my hard shaft to the air. He quickly looses his own remaining clothes before he settles himself back on top of my thighs and begins to grind his own substantial shaft up against my own.

Leaning back down he presses his nose against my neck and nibbles slightly causing me to buck up against him as I tilt my head to the side giving him more access. I run my left paw up and down his back as I snake my right in between us and mange to get a grip on both of our hard cocks. Stroking both of them at the same time sends a jolt of electricity up my spine and causes him to gasp before he bites down a bit harder on my neck causing me to moan loader.

For a few blissful moments we hold that position just loving the feel of each other before he releases my neck and begins to leave a trail of light kisses down my collar then chest, stopping briefly on my right nipple which he lightly nips before sucking on it. The sudden change of sensation sends a blast through my nerves that causes my cock to shoot out a large rope of pre which quickly soaks into our fur.

As he begins his trail of kissing going down my stomach he stops where my pre has matted my fur and begins to lick it clean. As he does this I quickly realize that I have a bit of a ticklish spot there. As my silent shakes of laughter become apparent he gets an ornery grin on his face and intensifies his licking causing me to loose focus as I try and push his face away from my stomach.

With a chuckle he relents and looks up at me asking, "Does the big bad demon have a ticklish spot he didn't know about?"

Glaring down at him through panting breaths I say, "I will get you for that."

He just grins at me saying, "Not if I get you first."

Before I can do anything to stop him he quickly sinks his muzzle down over my hard cock sucking my shaft in all the way to the knot. Bucking upwards at the sudden assault on my wolf hood my paws fall the side as I grip the covers of his bed tightly. Putting as much effort into the suction as he can it feels as though he is trying to suck all of my body into his mouth.

Over and over again he sucks my hard shaft into his mouth, the ridged roof of his mouth rubbing against the ridges of my cock causing me to moan and begin thrashing my head from side to side at the shear pleasure he is inflicting upon me.

Just as I am about to cry out that he has me on the very edge he releases my cock from his hot mouth into the cold air with a long last suck. Laying back panting I manage to raise my head enough to see him smiling over my cock as he says, "Oh I'm far from done with you my dear demon."

With a sudden shift he hooks his arms up under my legs and lifts them up so that my crotch and ass are lifted higher into the air. Before I can resist he buries his nose under my swollen balls and starts to lick from my taint all the way up to my nuts.

Over and over he laps at the area each time spending more time on my hole directly. Before long he is focusing all of his attention on my hole rimming it as though his life depends on it.

Falling back fully on the bed I let out a long low moan as a part of me is explored in a way that hasn't been touched by another in more years than I can remember. For several long moments I simply enjoy the attentions Chase gives to my body. Before long how ever I begin to want more.

Between pants I manage to get my words out, "Chase..... Chase stop.... I want...."

Chase stops his attack on my hole and looks up at me with a wolffish grin as he lowers my legs a little, "Oh are you wanting something?"

With a growl I manage to say, "I want... you to... fuck me... NOW!"

Grinning his eyes take on a more hungry look to them as he lowers my legs a bit more as he scoots up farther between them saying, "I thought you would never ask."

As he moves up closer to me he reaches one paw down and guides his shaft till the tip is pressing against my hole. Before he pushes into me however he locks his gaze with me again waiting for my permission. Swallowing hard at the situation I am finding myself in I look back into his eyes and nod.

Just as I finish nodding Chase thrusts forward and easily spears half of his length deep inside of me. Grunting at the mix of pleasure and pain as my ass is stretched wider than it has been in years I grip the bed beneath me and do my best not to clench down tighter. But I fail.

From above me Chase grunts mid thrust as he says, "So tight.... Damn Ebony, you feel so good."

Grunting Chase begins to pull out then thrust back into me again. Over and over he thrusts stretching me wider and wider. Each time he goes deeper and deeper until the swelling of his forming knot begins to press against my hole.

On one particularly rough thrust Chase falls forward with his arms on either side of my chest and his face not far above mine. As his hips keep thrusting harder and faster, his rapidly swelling knot popping in and out of my ass I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Pulling him close I plant my lips hard on his in a deep kiss at the same time as I pull my legs tight around him causing his knot to fully sink inside of me and expand fully.

Grunting hard into our kiss I clench my ass as tight as I causing Chase to only be able to give short frantic thrusts. When he suddenly breaks our kiss he looks down at me and says through frantic pants, "I can't... hold... on much... longer!"

With one final thrust he presses he groin tight against my ass as his cock explodes deep inside of me. At the same instant he reaches his climax he sinks his muzzle do to the right side of my neck and bites down in a hard mating bite. Then several things happen at once.

As Chase's fangs pierce the skin between my neck and shoulder, his large knot presses hard against my prostrate, and my own climax erupts between us. I grip Chase tight against me as both of us shake from our respective orgasms. His cum filling me up inside with a warmth I haven't felt before as my own seed soaks into our fur mixing between us and slowly sticking us together.

As we lay there in our mutual embrace I try to nuzzle my face into his neck but his bite on my neck is holding me in place so I just hug him all the tighter. Closing my eyes I bask in the after glow of our mating as I hold the wolf I care for most close to me. After a time I feel the pulsing of Chase's cock deep inside me slow down as he begins to release his bit on my neck only to begin licking at the punctures he put in my skin.

Relaxing my grip on him he pulls back from me just long enough to lift my right leg up over his head so that I can spin around his cock tied deep in my ass. The sensation of it moving within me causes my own cock to stir feebly and try to harden again. Soon though Chase has laid himself down behind me and hugs me close.

Letting out a soft whimper of pleasure I push back against him as much as I can as he goes back to licking at my neck. The steady rhythmic passing of his tongue over the tender spots on my neck soon begin to lull me into a deep contentment as my whole body relaxes into his hold.

Eventually he stops his licking and gently nuzzles his face into my neck and inhales my scent. Letting out a contented sigh he says, "Have I mentioned how much I like your smell?"

Chuckling softly I reach a paw up and entwine my fingers with his studying the differences in our fur. After a moment I speak up, "Thank you Chase, for everything. I really needed it."

He nuzzles against my cheek causing me to begin drifting to sleep. Just as I am about fall asleep in his arms he says four small words that cause my eyes to snap wide open and my heart to begin beating hard in my chest.

Fighting a yawn as he falls asleep Chase says, "Ebony... I Love You."