Deep Black Files: The Shadow Over Cairo File #1

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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#1 of Shadows Over Cairo

Chapter 1: Eddie X Karin

September 1, 1926 Early afternoon: In an underground chamber at the Heliopolis Temple complex Karin stepped onto the large bathing pool with a waterfall of cold water cascading over the lime stone wall and into the hot water into the bathing pool filling the chamber with fog like steam.

She looked back and smiled at Eddie when she stepped into the pool and as Eddie s black tentacles danced around her nude body as he joins her in the bathing pool, he held her in his claws kissing her deeply.

The kiss broke when he held her on the wall letting the water flow around there bodies as he thrusts his shaft into her vagina making her gasp and arch her back as Eddie s hold her close as his snout played with her breasts and the water washing down his back and wings. The water over his snout poured over her chest.

The water increased the pleaser through her body as Eddie slammed into her, pants as she feels his hot dragon rod goes deeper and deeper into her.

She held on her shadow dragon lover s back as tightly as his hot hard breath hits her neck and chest, he kissed her neck when his right hand traveled from her thigh to her tit. She moaned softly when she felt the muzzle over her chest and his tong licking her nipples and breasts then start to suck on her left nipple as he made love to her.

Karin moans in pleaser when she almost lifted from the floor from the male dragon s thrusts before feeling his hot cum injected into her vagina.

Suddenly, they haired a set of foot steps coming from the entrance tunnel, then Eddie said "It seems that someone is coming, I will mate with you some more soon."

Karin smiles to him before Eddie vanished into the steam.

A large yellow dragoness in a light brown British uniform with a two other men with rifles stepped into the room, when she saw the nude female human stepping out of the bathing pool, "Alexandra asked are you Karin Hill?"

Alexandra said "The entity, Eddie is now reactive, there is a mess at the Museum at Cairo."

Chapter 2: The Crime scene

Erlier/9:19AM the main lobby: When Dr. Shava Hawass heads to her office at the museum she was greeted in this morning was a locked gate and a blockade with the British Army, Marines and the Cairo Police Department.

Shava slithered to the blockade only to be stopped by a young male jackal in a light brown cop uniform.

The male jackal said "sorry, you can't come in until the corner from the ear by clinic comes in."

Shava asked "why what happened?"

The male Jackal said "there are twelve staff members found dead in there."

Shava's blue and gold eyes got wide then her snout lowered and said "Damn, I got to get in before it's too late!"

End of File #1