Dancing With Fire: Chapter 29

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#11 of Dancing With Fire Act 2 - Fanning the Flames

"Hff...hff...Harps," Blitzø panted, "Why, hff, why'd you stop?"

Harper cast his weary eyes down at his impish lover. His hands firmly gripped Blitzø's hips. The smaller male was laying on the dragon's bed, legs curled around his waist and now squeezing it in an effort to get him to continue.

"C'mon, Harper," Blitzø insisted, louder this time, "I still got more, and I know you can go all night. Time for round five!"

The Overlord regarded the imp with an unreadable expression. His eyes wandered from Blitzø's flushed face, to the numerous nicks and scratches all over his bare body now oozing black blood. He had left them there, all at Blitzø's insistence.

His eyes wandered lower. The imp's dick flopped limply to one side, the sensitive flesh chapped and raw. It hadn't been hard for the past two rounds, and had only spat a meager, watery dribble when Blitzø came. The dragon demon's attention was drawn next to the warm wetness he felt running down his scaly scrotum. He didn't need to look to know that the imp was bleeding rectally.

Harper's expression hardened, and he carefully began to pull out. Blitzø's brow furrowed, and his grip on the Overlord's waist tightened.

"Hey, hey! Whattaya think you're doing?" Blitzø demanded as Harper extracted his blood-streaked length from his ass despite his best efforts. "Get back in there and fuck me! I'm not done yet."


The imp drew back and cocked his head. "The fuck you mean 'no?'"

"I mean, that is quite enough for one night," Harper clarified as he started to pull the smaller demon's legs off his hips.

Blitzø scoffed. "Bullshit! You're still rock hard. I wanna go till the sun comes up."

Harper cast a glare that made the imp shrink back. "Blitzø, this isn't like you."

"What's not like me?" Blitzø asked, his eyes narrowing. "Oh fuck no. You're gonna pull this shit on me too?"

The Overlord took a deep breath, then scooted up the bed alongside the other man. "We need to talk," he said, "You've been acting very strange for the past several weeks, and I want to know what's happened. Something is bothering you, and you won't tell me what it is."

Blitzø ignored Harper. Instead, he got up onto his knees and reached for the dragon's member. "Babe, c'mon, I need this."

"What you need is to talk to me," Harper retorted with a note of irritation as he took hold of the imp's wrists to pull his hands away, "You've recently become a veritable nymphomaniac. It seems whenever you come to visit, all you ever want is sex."

"So? Can you blame me?" Blitzø asked, "I just can't keep away from my smoking hot boyfriend~" he ended the sentence with a purr that made Harper shudder in a mix of revulsion and temptation.

The Overlord sighed again and pinched the bridge of his snout. "Blitzø, listen to me. This is not you, and it's not the way things are supposed to be. What happened to the man I fell in love with, who was at the head of an ambitious assassin-for-hire outfit? Where is the man I could take horseback riding with me, and with whom I could walk around the grounds deep in conversation for an entire day?"

Harper was acutely aware of the way Blitzø's face fell as he spoke. Good. Maybe he was finally getting it through his thick skull. "As enjoyable as intimacy with you is, it's all you seem to be interested in. You're becoming no better than the flings that I've had in the decades prior."

Blitzø gasped, then pointed at Harper. "You take that back, Harps! I'm not some trashy two-bit skank digging for gold."

The dragon demon slid his legs over the side of the bed and stared at the wall for a few moments. Then he turned to look over his shoulder at the imp. "You're right, I should take that back," he said gloomily. When Blitzø began to puff out his chest in victory, Harper continued. "This isn't like the others I've taken into my bed. You're becoming no better than Prince Stolas himself!"

It was suddenly deathly quiet in the room. Blitzø stared daggers at Harper, who had turned back around in full and sat resolutely on the bed, arms folded.

Finally, the imp found his words. "The *fuck * did you just call me?" he snarled.

Harper inclined his head. "I know you heard me the first time, but I'll humor you. You've become no better than Stolas."

The two demons stared each other down in silence. Harper noticed that Blitzø was quivering slightly. Suddenly, the imp lunged at him. "You FUCKING BITCH!" he screamed.

A split second later, his clenched fist made contact with the dragon's thick hide. Blitzø furiously but ineffectively threw a flurry of punches into Harper's chest and stomach, none of which fazed the massive dragon. His growled curses devolved into a feral, chirping hiss, and his eyes glowed bright red.

Apparently somewhere in the imp's rage-clouded mind he realized his blows weren't doing anything to hurt the Overlord. He bared his claws and attempted to gouge into Harper's scales while also sinking his teeth into his shoulder. Unsurprisingly, this was just as ineffective.

After just a couple of minutes, Blitzø's adrenaline rush began to wane. His biting and scratching became weaker, and the glow in his eyes faded. As the imp's body began to slacken, Harper finally saw fit to intervene.

"Blitzø," he said, as the smaller demon paused to catch his breath. Blitzø ignored him and resumed his fruitless assault. "Blitzø!" Harper repeated, more firmly this time. All he got in response was another animalistic growl from the imp.

The Overlord reached out and closed his hands over Blitzø's, anchoring them in place. Blitzø struggled against his boyfriend's superior strength.

"Blitzø!" Harper barked, "Stop it!" His yellow eyes locked with the imp's, and the room fell silent once more.

"You've been hurt dear," murmured the Overlord, "Please don't keep this from me. Tell me what's wrong. I can't stand seeing you like this." His hands gently squeezed Blitzø's for emphasis.

Just like that, the dam burst. With a suddenness that surprised even Harper, Blitzø collapsed against him and bawled harder than the Overlord had ever seen before. The dragon demon released the imp's hands and pulled him into an embrace, which Blitzø was quick to accept.

For several minutes Harper wordlessly held Blitzø in his arms and gently rocked him back and forth as months of pent up stress, fear, and heartache all rushed out in a tidal wave of tears. It felt like an eternity for the dragon demon, but it was one he was more than ready to endure.

At long last the imp began to calm down. The sobs wracking his body tapered off into sniffles. "Harps," he croaked, "I think I fucked up. I fucked up real bad."

Harper gently pulled Blitzø away from his thoroughly soaked chest - a minor inconvenience given just how much blood the imp had smeared on his scales. "First, let's get some pants on and cleaned up, then we can talk about this." The Overlord slid off the bed and stooped down to retrieve his boxer-briefs and lounge pants.

Blitzø crawled to the edge of the bed and wiped his face. "Okay, but why pants?" he asked amid a stray sniffle.

Harper offered the imp a warm half-smile. "Well, I don't know about you, but it's difficult for me to have a serious conversation in the nude."

Within the hour, Harper was sitting in his easy chair in front of the bedroom fireplace clad in his lounge pants and a bathrobe. One hand lazily swirled the snifter of brandy cupped in its palm. Blitzø laid against him in his lap, mostly dressed. His scratches had been bandaged, and he clutched a mug of hot chocolate.

"Now," said Harper, "I am normally not one to pry into the personal lives of others when it does not involve me. But something is bothering you, and has been for a long time."

The Overlord rested his other hand on Blitzø's shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze. "I want you to tell me everything, Blitzø. What is hurting you? Start from the beginning."

The imp stared down into his hot chocolate in silence. At first Harper thought he wasn't going to talk to him. Then, Blitzø spoke. "You remember that day when I came over after you got out of the shower, and we ended up fucking?"

The dragon demon sighed and swirled his brandy some more. "Yes I do. That was about when you started to make it a habit."

Blitzø winced and nodded. "Yeah, exactly. I told you things were really fucky, but then I got distracted by, y'know..." he reached up to pat the dragon's broad chest. "And I guess I realized sex was more fun than the shit I originally came over to ask you about."

Harper mulled that over for a moment. "Well, I'm here with you now, and ready to listen. What were you going to ask about?"

The imp took a fortifying gulp of his hot chocolate and steeled himself as Harper squeezed his shoulder again. He began slowly and vaguely at first. Occasionally he would pause to look up at Harper, who would only offer an assuring smile and a nod to continue. Once the first words were out, they began to flow freely.

Over the next half hour, Blitzø told the Overlord everything that had happened over the past few months: the growing coldness between himself, Millie and Moxxie, even his own daughter; his gripping fear that something was wrong but not knowing what to do about it; the helplessness he felt toward fixing the rift; the satisfaction and comfort he felt when he was with Harper, and his growing dependency on it; and the terrible fight he and Loona had the night before.

The glances up at Harper became more frequent as Blitzø talked about the fight and his meeting with Stolas in the aftermath. But Harper remained encouraging, and did not speak until the imp came to the end.

"That pretty much wraps things up," said Blitzø, "Brings us to me sitting in your lap with some hot chocolate, telling you all about it, heh."

Harper settled back into his chair and pensively stared into the fireplace. His ever-analytical mind turned over Blitzø's story again and again. All the while he gently rubbed his diminutive lover's back. "It seems much has been happening over at I.M.P. that I was not aware of," he murmured.

"Yeah, I was meaning to tell ya about it. I just got...yeah," Blitzø admitted.

The dragon demon solemnly nodded. "Your fight with your daughter was enlightening. I understand now what might be happening." When Blitzø looked up at him questioningly, Harper continued. "You said that the three of them are your family, right?"


"It would seem my addition to your life has knocked your family off-balance, so to speak. Like a too heavy weight placed on one side of a scale. Your daughter and employees don't trust me, which is understandable. Further, they fear me, which is even more understandable."

Harper set his brandy down on the end table to wrap both his arms around Blitzø. "Have you been neglecting your obligations to Millie, Moxxie, and Loona?"

The imp's head snapped up to glare at the Overlord, "Oh, so this is on me?" He frowned when Harper nodded.

"I'm afraid so, darling. And you've only made things worse by throwing yourself into my bed to hide from it all. Does it feel like you've lost control of your relationship with your family?"

Blitzø looked back down into his mug. "Uh-huh," he mumbled.

"And being in my arms is a situation you feel more in control of?"

The imp concentrated for a moment. "Well now that you mention it, yeah."

"Hmm," Harper picked his brandy back up to take a sip. "I have some good news and some bad news for you, dear. The good news is that it's not too late to fix this."

That got Blitzø's attention. "Really? You mean it??? Oh Harps, I'll be so grateful-"

Harper squeezed his boyfriend and shook his head. "That brings me to the bad news. It will be almost entirely up to you to rectify the situation. This is your family and your responsibility. They are hostile to your relationship with me, and they have good reason for it, given that you've neglected them in my favor.

"When you leave my estate, plan to have a very serious discussion with all three of your 'family.' Blitzø, don't give me that look, this is absolutely necessary if you want to keep them. You are going to hear some very unpleasant things from all three of them, particularly about me. But you will need to listen, because you've hurt them more than they hurt you."

The Overlord gently lifted Blitzø off his lap and set him on the floor. Then, he stood up and cracked his back in a long and lazy stretch. "I do have a little more good news for you, however. There is a thing or two I can do from my end." He took his brandy over to one of the large windows overlooking his estate with the imp following close behind.

"It's clear that they see me and my relationship with I.M.P. as a great unknown in their lives," Harper said as he slid the window open. The night air was crisp, and the shadows of the distant trees on his grounds could be seen on the blood red horizon of Hell's night. "It is natural for all creatures to fear the unknown, especially one with great power. I've neglected to ever really introduce myself to your employees outside of a few passing conversations."

Harper leaned out the window. Blitzø propped his elbows on the sill next to them as they stared out into the night. "I believe another business deal is in order," said the Overlord. The imp turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. Harper smiled back. "If you commit to smoothing over your strained relationships with your family, I will make time in my schedule to meet with and get to know them better. If I demystify my presence over them, they may become more accepting of it."

"No fucking clue what that last part means, but if things go back to normal that's great!" Blitzø said. He looked back out the window and rubbed his neck. "It's gonna be hard though."

The dragon snorted and rose back to his full height. "Come now, Blitzø, show me some of that bravado that first brought us together! You never back down from a challenge."

"Maybe when it comes to killing people and breaking shit, but this is-" Blitzø started, but was interrupted when Harper rested his hands on his shoulders.

"Blitzø, remind me of what you always say about family," said the Overlord.

The imp looked back up at Harper with a confused expression. Seconds later, realization dawned. "We don't give up on family," he said.

"Exactly!" said the dragon, "And are you about to give up on family, Blitzø?"

Silence dominated the room as the imp looked around the room, eyes wide and unsure. Finally, they met Harper's once more. "Hell no!" he said with a fire in his voice that had been absent for far too long.

Harper planted a soft kiss on Blitzø's forehead, then let go of his shoulders. "There's the man I love," he said as he returned to the window. "Now, I'm sure you have an idea of what to do now that I've laid everything out for you. This may perhaps be your greatest challenge yet, but I trust you to rise to the occasion."

When Harper turned to look at the imp again, he found the bedroom empty. The Overlord smiled, then adjusted his bathrobe and finished off his brandy. "It's a deal then," he said to nobody.

He would have to make some adjustments to his appointments over the coming weeks. There was much to do and little time to do it. That was, provided Blitzø held up his end of the deal. Something told him that he need not worry.

Moxxie wearily glanced at the clock perched on his nightstand. It was already past midnight and he was still wide awake. It was going to be another sleepless night; he could feel it.

Sighing, he rolled over to snuggle against his one solace on these worry-filled nights. Feeling his beloved wife against him took some of the edge off thinking about Blitzø, Harper, the former's constant absence from their lives, and of course what the Overlord had planned for all of them.

Strange, Millie felt a lot bigger and warmer than he remembered. Now that he thought of it, she smelled different too. It was like some weird combination of antiseptic and...sex?

Moxxie's eyes fluttered open. Instead of the back of his wife's head, he stared directly into his boss's face.

"Hey Mox," Blitzø whispered.

Moxxie leapt out of the bed in a flash, his shrill scream waking Millie as well as half the residents of their building. The lights came on to reveal his wife by the lightswitch, fully alert and knife drawn.

Millie's face lit up when she realized who was in bed with them. "Blitzø!" she squealed, then dove back in bed to pull him into a tight hug. Moxxie was still clutching his chest in a futile effort to contain his racing heart. Even so, he made his way back to the side of the bed.

Once the smaller imp had caught his breath, he pointed accusingly at Blitzø. "Do you have any idea what time it is?!"

"About quarter past one," Blitzø chirped as he ruffled Millie's hair, "Your clock's five minutes fast, by the way."

Moxxie ran his fingers through and tugged his hair. "You know what I mean, Sir!" he snapped, "I thought you'd finally figured out how to respect our personal space!"

Blitzø raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Look, I know it's late, but this couldn't wait until morning. Really kinda important. I came over to say I'm sorry."

I.M.P.'s Chief of Operations twitched slightly. "Sorry? SORRY??? Do you even know what you're sorry for?!"

"Well for waking you up for one. More importantly, I'm sorry that I've been blowing you and Loonie off. Like, I was completely ignoring you and spending all my time with Harper. Didn't even think about how you felt about him. Hope we can talk about it, because I fucked up big time." Blitzø stared down at his lap as Millie let go and slid away from him.

That was unexpected. Moxxie eyed Blitzø suspiciously. "You, Blitzø, founder CEO of I.M.P. want to have a serious talk with us about how we feel about you and Harper?" he probed.

"Ayup. And trust me, I'm not looking forward to this any more than you are," said Blitzø.

Moxxie pinched the bridge of his nose. "You broke into our bedroom at a quarter after one to apologize, and expect us to talk about this right here and now?" he growled, "You couldn't have had this epiphany a little earlier?!"

As Blitzø's face fell, Millie scooted between him and Moxxie. "Mox, please. We've been wantin' to confront him about this for how long?" She turned her attention back to Blitzø. "We've got a lot to talk about, Mister!" she said sternly, "But Moxxie's right. It's too late to do it right now. We'll talk in the morning."

Blitzø sighed, "Ah fuck it, I suppose. Hey can I stay over? Just for tonight. Then we can hash this out over breakfast!" he snuggled under the covers as he spoke, hands cradling the back of his head.

Before Moxxie could tell him "No," his wife answered first.

"Well alright, so long as you don't hog the covers."

"MILLIE!" he yelped, "You're not seriously inviting him to share the bed?!"

The impette hopped down from the bed and got into a huddle with Moxxie.

"Mox, Ah know you're upset, but Ah think Blitzø needs this right now," she whispered.

"Why should we care about what he feels?" he hissed back, "He sure didn't care about how we felt about his absence."

"But he's not absent anymore," Millie replied, "And he's willin' to hear us out in the mornin'." The two imps looked back at the bed, from which Blitzø waved. "Besides," she continued, "Ah kinda missed his late night appearances. Hell Ah miss him period. And so do you."

Moxxie opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. Dammit! Millie was right. There was a part of him deep down that was pleased at his boss's sudden arrival. It was his extremely inappropriate way of showing he cared. Though Moxxie would never admit it, he'd feel a pang of disappointment whenever he wasn't in their fridge, or their laundry hamper, or their shower.

The white-haired imp huffed and sagged his shoulders. "Fine, but just this one night! Then, we have a lot to talk about."

"Yay!" Millie cheered as she pulled Moxxie into a tight hug. "Now let's hit the sack. We'll need a good night's sleep if we're gonna work through this tomorrow."

The impish couple slid back into bed on either side of Blitzø, who had already donned a sleep mask and was settled in. As Millie turned out the light, Moxxie was chagrined to feel Blitzø suddenly roll and pull him into a spoon. He clenched his teeth, but said nothing. Otherwise nobody would get any sleep.

"Hey Moxxie?" Blitzø murmured.

The smaller imp sighed. "Yes, Sir?" he murmured back.

"I missed you guys."

Despite himself, Moxxie's grimace softened. "Honestly? We missed you too, Sir."

"S'not my name," said his boss.

Moxxie clicked his tongue. "We missed you, Blitzø," he corrected himself. What could he say? Old habits died hard.

Things stayed quiet for a moment. But before Moxxie could drift off to sleep, he was once again interrupted.


"What, Blitzø?" said Moxxie, irritation creeping back into his voice.

"Thank you. For everything. And for giving me the chance to make things right. I...I dunno what I'd do without you guys."

Moxxie stared at the nightstand for a bit before answering. "You're welcome," he finally said. More silence followed. This time, however, it was Moxxie's turn to break it. "Oh, and Blitzø?"

"Sup Mox?"

"Kindly take your hand out of my pants."

"No <3"

"Did you just say 'No, less than three???'"

"Boys, boys," Millie quietly scolded from behind Blitzø, "Save it for tomorrow mornin'."

Moxxie huffed in defiance, but settled his head back against the pillow. Blitzø was making that weirdly feline purring sound again. After going so long without hearing it, the sound was disturbingly soothing. This awkward spooning session was admittedly also comfortable.

Before Moxxie knew it, his eyelids had grown too heavy to stay open. Even with his boss's hand down his pants, he drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes. Because at long last, there was a chance things would be okay.