My sister, my mate, my world

Story by Nulkurrak on SoFurry

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#10 of Quickies

This is a short story I've written for Teufel

Description: Life has never been easy for Vaeros. Born into a rare and extraordinary species bent on attracting trouble from those seeking to exploit his magical abilities, Vaeros' sole companion became his twin sister whose love transcended the boundaries weak-minded species dare inflict upon them.

Vaeros and Vaerosa belong to Teufel

***My sister, my mate, my world***

"Rrraah!" Vaerosa's tail whipped through the scalding air of her grand chamber, shearing the likeness of Anaella from her right wing shoulder down to her left paw. The enchanted dust she conjured her from rearranged into a cohesive form, repairing the damage as if it never existed.

"Grah!" the dragoness reshaped her tail into the likeness of a flail, bludgeoning her enemy's head with the momentum gathered from the previous swing into an explosion of fiery particles.


Next up, Vaerosa lashed out at her with fangs and claws, manipulating the apparition to move as though she fought herself. This level of skill far outweigh what the owner of this petty clone was capable of, providing a reflection of what a true fight between dragons looked like. Dust, chunks of magma, pebbles that resembled her eyes flew all over the place when hit, bit, mauled by her fury, always returning to their designated spot.

Futile as this exercise was, it helped keep Vaerosa's fury channeled at the enemy instead of fixating on her brother. He was the reason she tormented this representation, cutting through her with magic-enhanced thrusts of her wings as if she was made of the same pitiful flesh the clone emulated.

"Disappear," Vaerosa growled the command, returning her opponent back to the floor that spawned it. Words had no bearing on what her flow of magic seized, molded, manipulated, but it often felt rewarding to speak to her creation the thoughts she never was allowed to share with their live counterparts. The temptation always lurked within her mind, requiring just a spark to fan the flames of righteous retribution, but she always held back for reasons she barely understood herself. Her brother convinced her of the importance of allies at some point, but no matter how often the opposite turned to be true, she still clung onto that frail hope of being accepted into a community.

Stability. Peace. Bonds.

Bonds! As if she had any need of such pointless distractions!

"Mrrrhhh..." Vaerosa leaned back on her haunches, bringing about two flaming shapes. One of her, one of Anaella. She spurred them into motion according to her personal encounter with the dragoness, a nuzzle here, a friendly wing extended in invitation to visit her village. Every detail, no matter how small, was accounted for, including the hordes of humans lying in hiding, well prepared with their gadgets, weapons, spells and wards to try and subdue her. It looked so contrived when exaggerated to this extent, a pale imitation of how frightful and desperate her retreat had been.

In retrospect, she could have obliterated them and leave another patch of scorched earth to mark their passing. But her brother overestimated the capabilities of her and her allies, all so that he could keep his fantasy of mating a dragon other than her. What a sight that would have been, his molten seed devouring her unprotected womb, her expertise over fire magic too meager to protect herself from the noble seed of fire's embodiment.

Vaerosa dismissed those images, allowing complete darkness to fall over the chamber she shaped for herself deep into the bowels of the earth. It took several days to sculpt this elaborate hideout, her mastery over rock and stone limited compared to her natural control over fire. Quite reassuring, to be given concrete proof of the necessity of such a haven before venturing into a world unfit for their primordial kind. If only her brother perceived it in similar fashion...

In due time, he might. Right now, he likely took himself in his maw, tongue coiled around the spiked spade of his tip while picturing Anaella as the purveyor of those fine erotic acts. Pathetic, but also endearing and stomach-clenching in the honesty of his needs. Loneliness always affected him differently, both his gender and species plotting against him. It took Vaerosa some time to understand the intricacies of a male's need to spill his seed, and there was no doubt that his gender's inability to control its fire at the height of climax marked him with a lifelong curse. Whereas she could take any male of any breed inside her and relish their overflowing warmth bursting into her, Vaeros' only hope was to meet a dragoness refined in her control over the fire element to protect herself from his molten climax.

He had her. He'd always have her. But for reasons that befuddled the mind, that stopped being enough. She stopped being enough.

An unsettling upset set in the pit of the stomach. What a bothersome sensation, fueled by anxiety and helplessness. It bothered Vaerosa so much that she disregarded their pledge concerning their private time. Vaeros would resent her for it, but she had to drill some sense into that sorrowful whelp prone to get himself suckled of every mote of magic when left to his devices.

By infusing her mane with the radiant type of fire, Vaerosa cast her fiery light over the unnaturally smooth corridor branching into Vaeros' room a few dozen feet ahead. A waste of effort to carve a home whereas it all used to be just stone, all so that his climax could be slightly quieter.

No wet sounds of tongue dragging over the firm length of his penis greeted her. No growls, moans or groans. Just a few floating orbs of light floating aimlessly around Vaeros' slumped, defeated form to keep the darkness at bay. The sagged state of his wings best outlined his psyche, crumbled and drained of confidence.

"So sorry to disappoint," he flicked his dun tail in her direction, completely devoid of warmth, of light, of life. "There will be no pawing or licking or suckling for you to get wet over."

"Too perturbed to even get hard?"

"Too apathetic," Vaeros loved that word to an unhealthy degree. "There's no point to it. The need will come back and bring everything else with it."

Quite optimistic, considering it took only a few minutes to coax the seed out of him from the moment of mounting. Bold words aside, Vaeros never went soft inside her, but it far too frequently happened that he spent his seed much sooner than anticipated.

"You can be apathetic and comfortable," she silently slipped out of his room to collect a discarded pillow she placed in the hallway as an excuse to wriggle her way past his defenses.

"How clever, finding ways to excuse your breach of promise."

"What a bother, to listen to the clack of my claws for just a moment longer," Vaerosa dropped the gaudy satin pillow on top of his head, punctured by her fangs as proof of ownership. "Its enchantment will only last for a few more hours. I expect you know how to renew it."

"Rrrh," Vaeros grumbled at how it bounced frustratingly far from him. "How helpful of you."

Just as Vaerosa went to fetch it while spurred by guilt, her brother wrestled himself out of lethargy to grab it himself, his snout meeting her pillow-carrying snout.

"Thanks..." Vaeros accepted her offer, carrying it back to that silly excuse of a bed. What was that? Sand? Was that the best he could do?

"Don't thank me yet," she got ahead of him, drawing upon her magical reserves to break his coarse bedding down into fine ashen powder. Quite messy for an unskilled spellcaster, but very convenient for the likes of her, able to just disperse it into nothingness without even shaking her body free of it.

"Now you can," Vaerosa removed herself from his spot, laying back on her haunches several feet from him.

Vaeros barely paid attention to her second gift, more preoccupied with finding the best angle to set his pillow. Instead of just flopping chin-first down on it, he paused, his dark pupils straying in her direction. "These displays...they only accomplish one thing, of reminding me the many things you're good at compared to me. I'm naïve. What a fantastic ability that is!"

"Attentive with the one dragon that matters sure distinguishes itself as the forefront quality of yours," she strolled over to him, messing up some of his bed just to brush sides with him, their neck plates rustling as they kissed each other. "I'll volunteer for a demonstration if a few minutes longer with me don't bother you that much."

The playful sway of her hips awoke no visible interest in her brother's dejected gaze, nor did her bulk possess much of a challenge for him to overcome. Instead of pushing her away like she often did with him, Vaeros wound his way around, ever the pacifist.

"Are you going to sleep on stone just because I occupy your bed?"

"I may," Vaeros' mane flickered with a spark of molten orange, the weaving swirls of sleek hair making up his lush tail crackling with power. "It's better suited for the likes of me."

"The likes of you?" Vaerosa snarled, the growing fury within her manifested within the ribbons of ethereal flames brightening the ruffled strands of her mane. "There is no one like you but me. Though if you want to scour the continent and drown when the ocean turns out to be as boundless as it looks, you're free to do so."

"She still is surprisingly similar to us..." Vaeros mumbled to himself, ever a sympathizer of his enemies if it led to washing his cock in the juices of another's pussy. "She behaves different, yes, but the smell, her flight capabilities, the strangely captivating use of a magic that we believed restricted to our kind..."

"They borrow but a shallow portion of it," Vaerosa licked her snout to force a pause in an otherwise prolonged monologue on what set the two of them apart. "They're as similar to us as humans are to apes."

"I still...let myself convinced that such discovery warranted a closer, more personal encounter."

"You're right on that account." Vaerosa diffused her pulsing magic, not wishing to get into a conflict with her brother over such petty betrayal. "Those deceitful humans lying in wait for their ambush made for a spectacular introduction. If you were there in my stead--"

"I would have had my magic drained?" Vaeros somehow found the courage to snarl in her face, likely making up for his lack of initiative with that so-called mate of his. "Good thing you're always with me to uncover the taint present in everyone else but us."

"Such is the life we were born into," Vaerosa let out a heavy sigh laden with the burden she had to bear since their hatching. Vaeros could have made things infinitely simpler by just listening to her! By abandoning this nonsensical and reckless curiosity with a primitive species far below their station.

"So you always need to remind me..." the lick Vaeros wet the side of her neck with sparked tingling arousal between her legs. "Perhaps you are right, and there truly is no point to forging other bonds when I need but one."

He said that just to find his way inside her. A male was born to pursue a mate other than his sibling, a wrongness imposed upon them by a world Vaerosa had no ties with. Vaeros, on the other hand, grew wistful at how others earned their mates instead of being born with them, a flaw that she could control but never fully purge out of him.

Gullible indeed....

"What did you hope would happen between the two of you?" Vaerosa moved aside to let her brother lounge on his back, plated belly exposed to her scrutiny, moist vent included.

Liar. He did intend to take himself in his maw after all.

"Rrrrhhhh, you and those questions you always know the answer to," Vaeros grumbled, the plates surrounding his slit quaking and trembling to push out his peeking tip. They had played this game long enough for that well-groomed impulse to trigger, tugged forth by the promise of boundless pleasure.

"You wouldn't understand," his hind paw connected with her muzzle, pushing her back. "Affection is a tool you employ to your benefit. Mateship means nothing to you outside the bond we share. Pleasure is but a universal language you use to get your message across through the thickest of skulls."

"How efficient of me," Vaerosa licked between his ashen toes, triggering expected jolt in his ticklish paw. Without giving her brother a chance to realign his paws to hold her at bay, Vaerosa straddled his middle, hips crouched above his to share the warmth of her folds with the forming tip of his jutting cock.

"We use others before they can use us. That's what we are to them, Vaeros. A boon to be exploited. With me, there are no constraints. No obligations. Just the pleasure."

Her snout glided forth to meet her brother's trembling one, his lips juddering from the vast, irresistible delights throbbing through his cock.

"You're...hrrrffff....right...." his shimmering golden eyes squinted, struck by shameful pleasure brought by the awkward buck of his hips. So eager. So needy. So filled with seed that only her womb could accept in its fullest.

"From the first day, fear rippled in her voice and weighed down her steps. Her touch was hesitant, her gaze panicked whenever she spotted my peeking need. I would have hurt her, not because I want to, but due the kind I was born as. Maybe....maybe she simply wanted to relieve me of this curse. To make me....awwrhhh....more like her."

"A curse, you say," Vaerosa drawled her words in a playful manner, aware of how addictive the dips and rubs of her vaginal lips against her brother's now grown member were. She quite enjoyed those shallow kisses, meant to wet the top half of his spade with her silky fluids. The jerks of his cock sometimes earned him more than he deserved, bathing the crown of blunted, spike-like nubs jutting outward from his spade in the sweltering embrace of her sex.

"Does this feel like a curse to you?"

"Graaawwwwwh!" Vaeros replied in the only way she wished him to, exposing his deepest, most treasured vulnerabilities to the only female worthy to safeguard them.

It was so easy to remind him of where his allegiance lied; of who loved him most in this world. A simple squat to force the entirety of his shaft inside her, and Vaeros already whimpered in surreptitious bliss, still ashamed to fully embrace the necessity of their bond.

Pleasure never paralyzed her the way it did her brother. While the fulness of his cock pressing against her clamping walls favored her with jolts of fiery satisfaction originating from her underbelly and rippling outward, she still retained control. Her forepaws, sliding their way up the plates of his throat and meandering their way back to his stomach revealed as much, all while the controlled clenches of her powerful muscles worked her brother's ridges into firm, satisfying hills of rolling joy.

"You can think of her if you'd like," Vaerosa' pressed her hind paws against the ground, the powerful muscles of her haunches tensing against the strain of weight mixed with flowing delight quaking through her depths. The dragging of both nubs and ridges gripping and tugging at her soft, fleshy canal stole her breath for a brief moment, reminding her of why her brother's cock remained the best one she ever took.

"Make this into a new game of ours."

"Haawwrrhhhh!" The second one of Vaeros' heart-nourishing cries sailed into her perked ears just as his deflated along the back of his skull, always prone to wilt when his passions ran high. The second thrust, and his haunches already fanned out, toes splayed in surrender, his mane and fiery stripes painting his flanks blazing with fiery glow.

That was it. This was the brother she grew up with; the one she cherished with every fiber of her being. No matter how often his girth speared through her in search of her deepest reaches to flood with molten warmth, it always felt new, refreshing, awfully stimulating.

Having not been seeded for the better part of two weeks herself, Vaerosa's control faltered. Chinks began to appear in the irregular pace of her flow. A shudder here. A pause there, betrayed by stifled growls and guttural groans that she kept for herself. If Vaeros wished to fantasize about Anaella's softer moans, who was she to spoil his chance at mating her in his mind, if not in body?

Unlike his shuttered eyes, squeezed shut to preserve his fantasy and hold onto his seed for as long as possible as an awkward testimony of devotion towards her, Vaerosa preferred his visage. Those elegant browns streaked with midnight blacks over the top of his ears and wing arms. The fiery vermilion stripes brightening the dark parts of his back, casting their pulsing glow on the ebon inside of his wings. His colors, his patterns, his eyes mirrored hers down to the last detail, with only their voice and separate contents of their genital slit to set them apart.

And his cock...his overly tight spire filled to the brim with impatient seed eager to burst forth... it seemed molded as the perfect companion for her smoother, wet, trembling flesh. Its ability to tug, scratch and scrape throbs of bliss into her frame was surreal, pushing her into that plane of ubiquitous bliss every time it bottomed out into her squelching pussy.

So hard. So lovely. So eager to absorb and savor every inch of her as evidenced by his mounting spasms and bloating tip. Vaerosa held in her breaths, relishing every detail etched upon his shaft, so effective at stimulating her insides better than any male could. She understood every throb of his intimately, able to pace herself so that--

"Awwwrh!" Vaeros' paws clasped around the back of her neck, dragging her down to his throat, to the designated area where she always sought refuge when the pleasure became too much to bear. She wasn't yet ready to join his shuddering whimpers, strained growl and muffled roars, but the heating tip of his cock, flaring into a sizzling, red-hot embodiment of the element that birthed them, begged to differ.

Vaerosa's eyes widened at the absurd speed and strength of his jets, their splattering impact forcing her muscles to involuntarily clamp down upon him.

"Skraaaaaaaaarrrh!" The dragoness' yowl echoed through the entire cavern, her loudness accurately expressing the immense delight seizing her breath, body and soul. She never expected to hit her peak in an instant, her hips awkwardly slamming against Vaeros to ensure that his warmth flooded the most secluded parts of her throbbing, clenching depths.

"Nrrrhhh...." Vaerosa gritted her teeth through the ordeal of bliss, privy to every single spasm of his shaft, spurt and twitch. Such intimacy, of being aware of his presence with every inch of her fleshy canal, always elevated her orgasm to a mind-reeling, soaring state, befit of the intensity of his ejaculation. The longer they took, the richer his deluge of cum felt, and the sharper the claws of bliss tore into her, exposing the true meaning of what love meant for her.

Their molding essences blended in complete harmony, gushing out of the nook of their union as one mixture of pungent passion.

As they came down from their mutual high, Vaerosa remained snuggled against his throat, the purr rippling through her throat enriched by the reassuring pressure of his head leaned between her ears.

This was what mateship felt like to her, a merge between two bodies and souls entwined since birth, inseparable. The weakening throbs of her mate, their overflowing fluids worming their way down their kissing underbelly plates anointed their blessed relationship, its purity so radiant it blinded the rest of the world.

"I tried to picture her, but she's nothing like you," Vaeros showered her with utmost affection, the licks slow and filled with longing for the one who always brought him out of loneliness and despair. "You're my sister. My mate. My world, restrictive as it is."

His innocence swelled Vaerosa's heart even as her resigned sigh rolled past her nostrils as a curl of wispy smoke.

"Is that your resolve, or your pleasure-addled mind speaking?"

Vaeros rolled his tongue over the tip of her snout, touching that special spot between the nostrils. "Take me inside you more often, and my cock won't even have the stamina to harden for another."

A proposition she would have loved to consider, was the matter of her heat not a truly problematic affair. The more they mated, the more vicious the addiction grew, until neither had the strength to pull out before his seed bathed her fertile womb.

***The End***

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