New Pride, New Priorities 4

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of New Pride, New Priorities

The lionesses are finally brought before the one that will judge them, and Sura gets satisfaction.

Commissioned by Repanbo

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New Pride, New Priorities

Part 4

For Repanbo

By Draconicon

Two hours later, the rest of the lionesses finally showed up. Most of them were caught either by the vines on the way to the village or by the villagers giving their gentle pressure to give in, and more than once, Sura saw someone come right to the finish line before giving in, collapsing and falling to their knees. Their plug would come free, and they would gasp and whimper and moan, throwing their tail high and swaying their asses from side to side until they were plugged again with something more alive. The locals were more than willing to throw themselves into it, to push forward and take advantage of a lioness that had fallen and was willing to offer herself, but she noticed that they never went further than teasing and nudging before the lioness actually took that last step and gave in.

That said, three more lionesses did make it over the line, giving them a full nine for the next round. The second that the ninth one did step over the line, the village faded, disappearing as if it had never existed, and taking the other lionesses with it.

Even the desert faded, and she blinked as she realized that she was standing -

"Oh goddess," Ra'jira whispered, and for once, Sura agreed with her.

They were no longer in the desert, but standing in the middle of a square filled with so many people that she thought that she had gone to some afterlife. Surely, there were not so many people in all the world, let alone right around her. They moved with a hustle and bustle that kept most of them from looking up, but here and there, someone glanced their way, and the bound lionesses could only shiver with exhibitionistic pleasure.

They were no longer in the desert. They stood on something hard, but cool, with a fountain behind them that pulsed with cool, endless water. The hard paths ran out from there, extending in straight lines towards greater paths that were filled with great things of steel and iron that moved at speeds greater than the horses and camels that they were used to seeing. And people, so many people, covered in clothing so different to what they were used to.

And then...

Then Gann showed up. The pearlescent dragon was a welcome sight as he appeared out of thin in, more modest than he had been before. He wore tight leather pants that did nothing to hide the bulge in front, and in fact, seemed to push it forward even further. He smiled at the nine of them, nodding his head.

"Well, not quite the collection that I expected, but -"

"Where...the hell...are we?" Ra'jira hissed, her face so red that she looked like she might burst into flames.

"Oh, this? This is where my master lives."

"That answers everything and nothing," Nilu muttered.

"I guess not, but you'll figure it out." He chuckled. "Anyway, if you'll come with me, I'll take you to him."

"Can't he come here?" one of the other lionesses asked.

"He could, but that would defeat the purpose of you working with him, wouldn't it?"


"Come on, come on. We don't have all day."

Sura was the first to step down, though she gritted her teeth as she hopped down from their platform around the fountain. She did land with a thump, but her feet went flat again, which meant that spell, at least, was gone. They were able to walk normally, and it made her feel a little more secure in her own movements.

The other lionesses followed, and Gann led them through the strange place in which they had found themselves. They walked down the hard stone paths, along the other, thicker ones that were like roads but made far larger and harder, and were filled with greater numbers of people. They walked, and walked, and it felt like all eyes were on them wherever they went.

The only comfort that Sura found was the fact that there were other people in the nude as they walked along. Here and there, she saw some that stood beneath lights on steel bars, the light red as it poured over them and gave them a place to dance. Some touched themselves, male and female alike, and they were quick to offer smiles and more as they put on a show.

She did her best not to comment, or stare. The other lionesses did more than enough of that.

They kept walking, her feet growing more sore with every step. She bit back her complaints as they traveled, knowing that there was no point in voicing them. Gann had a destination in mind, that much she was sure of, and there was no getting anything out of him until they arrived.

Then, they rounded the corner, and their breath was stolen away.

Looming ahead of them was a spire that was so massive that it seemed to cut the very sky. It reached higher than anything that any of them had ever seen, and certainly higher than the great mountains that Sura had seen in her homeland before her banishment. The tip reached the clouds and disappeared into them, fading from sight.

This...this had to be the place of Gann's master. This was the place that they were meant to come to.

The pearlescent dragon led them across the street and into the base of the building. Many people stared at them, still, and at the front door, a strange creature was there to meet them. Purple-skinned with red and lavender markings up and down her body, she had horns on the side of her head and white hair running down her back. She smiled.

"Bringing Drac his new toys, Gann?"

"I'm showing our new friends their place, Ailsa," the dragon said.

"You mean under him."

"I mean here."

"Heh, here, under him, it's more or less the same thing." Ailsa looked at them, her eyes glinting with a strange red glow. "Oh, they're going to fit in just fine."

"I know. I helped train them."

"And he's going to finish it?"

"That's the thought."

"Mmm...I look forward to the...leftovers."

There was a subtle chuckle in the stranger's throaty voice, and Sura shivered as those eyes turned red as they looked at her. It was like staring at some creature of lust, at some spirit that had risen from the depths of the world and wanted to drag her down there. Ailsa chuckled, walking on, and Gann shook his head.

"Ignore her. That succubus is always hungry."

"Succubus?" Nilu asked.

"Sex demon."

All the lionesses' eyes went wide. Demons...serving someone? Someone that had power over -

Sura adjusted her thinking. She had already known that they were coming to the place of someone powerful, but someone powerful enough to command demons with such ease, to have a servant like Gann who was powerful enough as it was, would be someone that they needed to be careful with. Even if they might be tempted to stay...

Am I that tempted?

She was, and she couldn't lie to herself about that. There were a hundred reasons that she should be afraid of this, that she should want to go home and forget about the idea of being here in the first place, but...

Well, she had admitted it at the finish line, hadn't she? She wanted to be somewhere, with someone, that made her feel alive. She wanted to know what it was like to have that power around her, to push herself against it, to feel like she was earning what she got and doing things that made her feel alive. Not just surviving, but thriving.

This would be the place for that, she hoped. This would be the place to earn what she wanted.

Gann led them through the base of the tower, taking them from one side to the other. They were the only naked ones here, the only ones showing off to such an extent, and even though they took pleasure in it, Sura knew that she wasn't the only one that felt a hint of embarrassment. They were sexual objects, now, bound up so that they couldn't cover themselves, forced to push their chests forward or their asses out just from the bindings on their arms. Their plugs were deep inside, rubbing against the inner walls of a hole that none of them could have believed was this pleasurable.

And here they were, in public, to be seen as little playthings.

Sura had never been so wet in her life.

She stopped with the rest of them at a metal door that stood before them. Gann tapped the wall, and the door opened, revealing a platform on the other side. He reached around the corner, lifting what looked like a child's toy, a little ball, from the wall.

"Come on," he said, stepping inside. They followed, and somehow, they all fit. "Now, hold onto something."

Gann through the ball up, and the lionesses held onto the only thing they could: each other. Barely in time, too, as the platform beneath them lurched upwards, carried along by -

Sura could barely believe her eyes. The thing above them almost looked like one of the great lizards of the sands, the hunters that charged and darted about catching little rodents and small rabbits, but made bigger. Much, much bigger, to the point where its tail alone was nearly twice as long as she was tall, and the rest of the body bigger still. It chased after the bouncing ball as it rebounded from side to side in the vast space above them.

And as they went higher, some of the lionesses trembled. It was impossible to tell just how high up they were, but they were all very conscious of the fact that their fate rested entirely on a rope that was pinned between the jaws of a lizard that was chasing after a little ball. It seemed entirely absurd...

And yet, they were safe so far. Sura clenched her hands tighter against Nilu and Ra'jira's fingers, gritting her teeth as they went up, up, up, and up some more, only stopping when it felt like they must be insanely high over the ground below.

The door opened, and it revealed a smaller chamber, thankfully, than the one that they had left at the base of the spire. Sura grunted as she had to step sideways to get through the door to follow the dragon that had brought them there, and the other lionesses followed suit shortly after.

The chamber was about twenty feet by twenty feet, with different hallways leading off to different rooms further out. However, the things that held their attention were -

"Oh goddess..."

"How is this possible?"


"It's flying..."

Sura kept her mouth shut, or rather, kept her tongue still. It was hard not to be surprised, though, as she looked out the window. They were high, higher than the vultures that wandered the desert, and she could see nothing but the faintest bits of movement down on the ground. People were less than ants, and the things that carried them around scarcely larger. It was like looking at the world while no longer being part of it.

She refused to look for long. Instead, she turned her attention back to their guide.

"What now?" she asked. "How much longer do we keep...these?" she asked, shuffling her shoulders and adjusting the weights.

"Oh, those? Master will take those off."

"And when will we meet him?"

"Right now."

If Gann's voice had been sultry with a hint of smoke behind it, this was something that had the full fire. She turned slowly, holding her breath. She hadn't heard anyone else come in, hadn't felt the crackle of reality that came with Gann's magic. This was something different...and so was the speaker when she saw him.

At first, it looked like a shadow had stepped off the floor and taken scaly form, but it was deeper than that. Those scales were darker than anything that she had ever seen, broken only by the white eyes that peered out from that face of utter black and the white horns coming out of the back of his head. The dragon looked down at her with those empty white eyes, and she felt herself being drawn forward already, that simple stare all but demanding that she lose herself into his eyes.

It was like the stare of a snake, she realized, something that paralyzed prey and those that were weak-willed, but so much stronger. She wanted to look away...and then she didn't.

The dragon gave her mercy, looking at the other lionesses, one by one, and she gasped for breath when he did look away. She gritted her teeth, shaking her head.

You fool...

Not for falling for that; she doubted that there were many that could have resisted that...that presence, for lack of a better word. No, it was more that she was a fool for thinking that it would be so easy to go back to the other life, that she had expected someone even halfway normal when they could rule over someone with such power as Gann and that demon that had met them partway down.

No-one normal could hold power over that.

No-one normal could comprehend that.

The black dragon finally turned to Gann again and smiled.

"They are all as lovely as they appeared while they were competing. I will see to them all today."

"Which one first, Master?" Gann asked.

"I think that the answer to that is obvious."

"Um...maybe not to me."


Gann gulped, and Sura bit back a small smile. There was a hint of a 'test' to that question, though one that she doubted that she could have done much better with. At the same time, considering that Gann had been teasing them, not quite but kinda lording it over them, it was nice to see a little bit of comeuppance for that.

The pearlescent dragon walked between them, looking from one lioness to another, before reaching out and grabbing one of the three that had arrived at the village square first. He held her hand up, his head cocked questioningly to the side.

The black dragon shook his head.

"Then I don't have any idea," Gann admitted.

"Heh, are you giving up?"

"Well, I already earned my reward. I don't want to look stupid."

"I know, I know, dear." The black dragon chuckled. "You are nothing of the sort."

She was surprised to hear such affection there. Power, in her experience, always tended towards corrupting someone, taking them down a road that made them care less about those that were under them. The sheer number of responsibilities that came with having power tended to make someone see others as numbers, as assets, rather than things that they cared about directly.

This was different. This was...closeness.

The black dragon walked over to her. He touched the weights on her shoulders with the tip of his finger, and they disappeared, leaving her able to stand normally. He flicked his hand in the direction of her chest, and the buzzing clamps were gone. She hissed, huffing at the sudden lack of stimulation that she had become all too accustomed to, and nearly fell forward.

"This one first."

"Yes, Master."

"Make sure that the others are comfortable, Gann."

"Of course."

"And you have permission to break out the good pillows."

"...Pillow fight?" the pearlescent dragon asked.

"If you must."


"And you." The black dragon smiled at her. "Come with me."

She stumbled after him, led through a side hall that she swore hadn't been there a moment ago, and they disappeared into something darker. The hallway was filled with shadows, some of which moved, some of which did not. Some were underfoot as she walked along, and she hissed at the tingling there and not-there feeling that she got as she walked over them.

The end of the hallway took forever to reach, but the door opened as they approached. Her host stepped to the side, allowing her to enter first. She took the offer more out of a lack of real options than out of wanting to.

It was first. As soon as the dragon closed the door behind them, the walls seemed to fade, and it was if they were surrounded by endless mist, without floors, ceiling, walls or anything. She stumbled, half-sure that she was going to fall through the floor, only for the dragon to catch her by the arms and help her steady herself.

"Easy, easy. It's alright."

"...What are you going to do to me?" she asked.

"You think that's all you're here for?"

"Gann said that this was sex." Sura looked over her shoulder, staring at the dragon that loomed over a foot taller than her. "Are we just here for..."

"No. That's part of it, but not just that." He chuckled. "It's partially a way to indulge myself, I don't deny that. But I also need some companions, some fighters. Bodyguards, perhaps."


"Four, to be precise. I imagine that there will be a good chance that you make it to the end, considering how you bonded with two of the others already."

Bodyguards. That was a little bit...less terrifying and intense than just being there as sex pets, at least. Her holes still clenched in anticipation of what they were going to do, but it was at least a little less fearful now than it had been.

A little less.

She shivered as the dragon pressed his hands to her ass, pulling her a bit closer, rolling her cheeks around the plug that all but impaled her. She groaned every time that she felt him press a little closer to that thing, his thumbs rubbing around the base and teasing her pucker, reminding her just how much she'd been stretched inside.


"Don't worry. You will be satisfied."

"I...mmph...not sure that you can...after all this."

"You don't know me, heh."

"Mmmph...will I?"

"Very shortly."

"...What..." Sura groaned. "What will you...require...of us? Of me...if I win?"

"Besides that you go where I tell you and protect those I ask?" the dragon said. "A few things. Your body, when I ask. Your attention, when I require. Your thoughts, when a plan is given. Other than that, you will be allowed to do what you wish, more or less. You'll be given something akin to the authority that the rest of my harem has."

"Harem?" Sura asked, trying to cling to her thoughts as the dragon's hands roamed around her hips, as he pulled her back against him. She could feel that bulge; it was just as big as Gann had implied. "How many -"

"A dozen or so, though you likely won't meet most of them."

A dozen people already serving his needs. That was more than she expected...and yet, with the way that he held her, less. Less than this strange spirit of power could possibly need. One of his hands reached down over her sex, rubbing right between the swollen lips, while the other reached for her chest, tweaking her bare nipples. She hissed softly as he pinched, as his claws found her places of pleasure, and she groaned as her pussy dripped ever more down her thighs.

"But that's not what you want to talk about right now, is it?" the dragon asked, his head lowered to whisper into her ear. "You want me to tell you how you are going to get your needs fulfilled..."


"I'm going to use you. Every inch of your body, if you win, will belong to me. Every inch of you will be mine to decide how to decorate, how to use, how to show off. Your body will no longer be yours if you win; it will be mine, and I will show you the best ways to use it to please me, and to accomplish your goals.

"But is mine..."

He squeezed her breast, and she groaned, huffing. His other hand curled, a finger sliding inside of her pussy.

"This is mine."


Her hips were twitching, pushing down against his finger, a whimper that she barely managed to kill rising in her throat as she wanted more. So much more than a finger. So much more than that one rough digit. She bumped her hips back, grinding against him, bumping that plug deeper again, and -

"And this..."

He brought his hand away from her sex, claws finding the base of the plug. Sura's eyes went wide, her breath catching in her throat once more. She remembered what had happened to the other lionesses when their plugs had come out, how they had all but collapsed like puppets without strings. They were helpless, then, needy and wanton, unable to think of anything but having something in their asshole.

She tried to squirm, but he held her tight as he pulled. The heat, the warmth, the sheer friction that came from the plug slowly rolling out past her rim was beyond compare. She felt stretched beyond measure, and yet, there was this need for more. The thickness of the base of the plug was driving her mad, even as it came with a pain pleasure as it started sliding further and further back.




"This...and all the rest of you..."




"To me."


The sound and feel of the knotted base coming free stole her breath from her, but it was more than that. Even as the thick toy came out of her, even as the rubbery shaft ground against her gaping rim, she could feel the emptiness that followed. Suddenly, she understood; the utter wantonness of the other lionesses made sense. Her legs went funny, her knees all but buckling, and if it wasn't for the fact that the dragon had his arm around her middle, she would have fallen to all fours. empty...

Her ass had been shoved so full that there should have been pain from it, but whatever it had been squirting inside her, inside them, had kept them from feeling it. It was just pleasure, pure pleasure, to have something that big in them.

And now it was gone.

And now she was empty.

And now it was unbearable.

Sura whimpered, whining as she rolled her hips back again and again, bouncing her ass off the dragon's crotch. She could feel the bulge there, knew that he was supposed to be big. He could fill her up, and -


She was panting in her own head now, the desperation to get rid of that emptiness hitting her harder and harder. She could feel it every time that she clenched down, and her hole was doing that more and more.

And it didn't matter that it was her ass and not her pussy. Not anymore. There was something about that feeling, that dirty, taboo feeling of getting fucked up her asshole rather than her pussy. No chance for eggs, nothing but dirty, rutting pleasure. She groaned, reaching back with one shaky hand to grip her own ass cheek, squeezing it, pulling it off to the side.

God, she felt loose. She felt open, exposed, and that made her wetter, somehow. The potion had to have done things to her, and some part of her loved it. She panted as she looked over her shoulder, finding words with great difficulty.

" want...females...that like it up the ass?"


"I want it...I want fuck my ass...right now."

"As you command."

He was teasing, but she didn't care. As long as she got what she needed, she doubted that she'd care about any kind of indignity ever again.

He pulled his robes open, and she finally saw it. Slightly over a foot long - perhaps fourteen inches - with a knot thicker than her fist at the base. Thicker than the toy, even. She could see how the sides had hints of ridges along them, almost like veins but popping out that little bit more, and the head was thick and wet with pre-cum. She could smell him, and the smell was like the heady musk that had filled the tentacle field. She shivered, dripping, clenching, reaching back to spread her other cheek to the side.

He laid that thick rod right between them, rubbing up from her pussy to her asshole, and even the touch of that thick head to her pucker was better than it had been at the other hole. She moaned under her breath, lowering her head slightly.


"You're going to be."

"Why aren't you already?"

"Because I like to hear you beg."

Nudge, squish. The feeling of the head of his shaft pressing against her swollen pucker was a pleasure in and of itself, almost like when she had rubbed her swollen pussy during heat before, but...but better. How sensitive had her hole become, she wondered? Just how obsessed was she going to be?

"Some of the winners will have other focuses in addition to this," the dragon said, his voice so casual despite her heat. "Some will be trained to enjoy attention to their feet. I believe that you've started to like that?"


"Barefoot girls are a thing for me."


He picked her up, lifting her legs from the ground. His cock slid between her ass cheeks as he tilted her back, his scaly chest against her back. He was almost inside her, but still teasing, sliding up against her rather than actually into her. The thickness...god, she needed it spreading her out.

"And others will learn how to savor scent. I'm sure that you understand that, as well."


"Soon. There will be all kinds of things that you have to learn if you want to be a bodyguard for me. Are you sure you want that?"

" already...already ruined me...spoiled give me the rest of it, damn it!"

Sura wasn't sure if she regretted being so angry-forward as she felt that thick tip press against her hole. There were zebras smaller than this, and she wasn't -


The long, slow wheeze of her air leaving her lungs accompanied the feeling of that shaft pushing into her. Her hole, puffy and squishy, felt like it was being pushed inside, her mouth hanging open, her raised legs shivering, her toes curling at the feeling of finally getting filled up once more.

She could feel it going deeper and deeper, and the more that it filled her, the better she felt. Every inch was a new reminder of her new addiction, and despite the knowledge that she'd probably need a plug to keep her from being distracted from the emptiness, she didn't care. She wanted more.

She needed more.

As she finally reached the top of the dragon's knot, she reached around to her front, feeling the bulge in her stomach. Bigger than the plug, but less violent, less over-rigid. She rubbed it, and the dragon growled in her ear.

"This is you, now," he whispered. "A lioness. Powerful, strong...and marked by me. This is something you will never forget...the touch of a dragon cannot be erased."

And Sura knew, deep down inside - probably about as deep as that dick had gone - that it was true. There would be no coming back from this. Nothing compared to the feeling of that fat cock so deep in her ass, the ridges along the sides tickling her inner walls, the knot that was still just that little bit too big to easily slide into her. It was all something that pulled together into a full package that no lion, zebra, or other species would actually be able to make her feel...

And she needed more.

She needed this as often as she could get it.

The dragon's hands shifted to her hips, holding her tightly, and she all but instinctively grabbed behind her knees. Supporting her legs, she braced herself for the bouncing, and then moaned as it began.


Her moans came quickly, and her orgasm felt right around the corner as her potential master - for that was what he would become, if she won - started fucking her properly. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets, and her mouth hung open as she was bounced up and down on his cock, feeling the tip sliding in and out, up and down through her ass. The feeling of getting fucked there...

God, the heat, the friction, the stretch was a hundred times better than any lion that had ever had her pussy. She was addicted, and she didn't care. If it was this good every time, she would be happy to swear off vaginal.

She arched her back, clenching on him as hard as she could, feeling her orgasm rising. She was so close, so fucking close. Her breasts slapped against her chest as he slammed her up and down faster, harder, deeper -


She screamed as she came, squirting on the floor, and he held still...only for a moment, only until she was done cumming, but he did. Sura panted, sagging forward slightly, and he chuckled in her ear.

"That's one...let's see how many times you can cum in an hour before I go for one of the others..."

An hour. An hour of ass-fucking, an hour of getting stretched around that thing. The plug would barely be enough to keep her sane after that.

Somehow, that only made it hotter.

The End

Summary: The lionesses are finally brought before the one that will judge them, and Sura gets satisfaction.

Tags: F/solo, M/F, Nudity, Exhibitionism, Lioness, Dragon, Exposure, Embarrassment, Series, Anal, Toy, Teasing, Groping, Dom/Sub, Orgasm, Cum,