Sky High Home

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#3 of Elysium

And so we have chapter two where Necross brings his new omega home and the jackal learns some interesting things and makes a couple comparisons to his former and new lives.

The rest of the ride was made in silence after he watched the dragon relieve himself in his subordinate, after which the eagle carefully returned his Alpha's loins to his shorts and returned to his own seat, leaving Anubis to his own thoughts and a throbbing sheath. He was left to wallow in his embarrassment and frustration at the situation, the musk having left him arousal despite his disgust at the act as a result of the mild conditioning he was forced to undergo while unconscious.

Shameful, just shameful. One whiff of his musk and it got me throbbing. God, I can still smell it now along with a hint of his piss from making the bird drink it. How can his scent be so strong, even after not bathing a few days I was never this strong...

The jackal forced himself to breath shallowly through the ride until he heard the dashboard ding and felt the car slowing down and begin to turn, eventually coming to a full stop. The bird, Vincent, opened his door and stepped out, walking over to the door at the back where he was and opening it. He hesitated in moving, which was just long enough before the dragon, smirking at him, slid down the seats and moved to step out of the car himself. He then felt himself yanked towards the door and pulled out onto his own footpaws, almost stumbling from the forceful tug.

He began to growl at the dragon before he noticed where they were, his eyes staring at the open, bustling entrance to a sleek, black and grey high-rise apartment tower while he himself was stark naked save for the chains binding his arms and chest. His cheeks flushed again at this realization and he froze briefly even as the dragon stepped forward and the eagle closed the door behind them, a lithe cheetah in a valet shirt taking the keys from him and driving off in the limo.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck! What the hell are we doing at an apartment complex? Why the hell is he dragging me out in public like this? Does he get off on embarrassing me?

"What the fuck are we doing at an apartment complex dragon? I thought you were going home. Don't tell me you live in such a small place after the price you bought me for."

He almost hissed the words while glaring at his new Alpha, crouching somewhat and curling his tail around himself in an attempt to preserve some form of modesty despite his new status. Necross simply turned back to him, looking at him with a curious expression as he gestured towards the high-rise while spreading his wings a bit, revealing the black membranes speckled with white stars.

"We are home, this is my Starfall Tower after all. Despite what you think, there are such things as luxury apartments and penthouses that can be comparable to homes and the mansion you had. Heh, I'd say a penthouse like mine may be better because while you had most space and such, I have an amazing view of the city and skyline on the 26th floor."

The dragon turned back from looking at Anubis after responding to him, shrugging his shoulders before he and Vincent began to walk towards the entrance, the chain in his hand forcing the blushing and still stammering jackal along with them. However, as they were about to step through the doors, they burst open as a tall croc with a scar over his left eye made his way out, carrying two large bags of mulch on his shoulders, and what shocked Anubis most was that he was just as nude as the jackal himself.

"Oh, welcome back sir. Thought you'd be gone longer than this, I haven't even gotten around to spreading all the mulch yet. Ah, before I forget, we might get a complaint sometime soon, had to toss some guys with hangovers acting all pissy this morning."

The croc talked formally, yet casually with the dragon despite his state of undress, beads of sweat dripping down his body here and there as if he had just started to work hard, and a faint musk could be smelled over the earthy scent of the mulch.

"No problem, Luther. You may be the groundskeeper, but you're also a guard, so I expect some delays if craziness happens. As long as things get done, I don't mind how long it takes you big guy. Stu and I can easily quash any complaint for people stupid enough to complain when they were hungover. Hopefully they aren't that stupid as it could get their host in trouble."

"Heh, never know with drunks. But let me get going, don't want to block the door too long."

The croc smiled as he walked away, his long, thick tail swaying behind him as he strolled along the sidewalk and into the yard of the complex, beginning to rip one of the mulch bags opening and pouring the contents around one of the trees. Anubis couldn't help but watch him as he walked off and go about working like it was nothing, but as he stopped moving he turned back to the dragon in disbelief at the interaction.

"Who the hell was that and why was he naked?"

"Luther, one of my personal Betas and an employee of the tower that handles groundskeeping and security. As for why he's naked, well, he's a nudist. Not like it's a rule only Omegas can be nude. Hell, I'm a naturist as well, but I know how society views Alphas that walk around nude, so I still keep my clothes on... not that I really care how others see me."

The dragon shrugged his shoulder as he spoke, thinking that it was a normal thing despite how uncommon anyone in general was seen naked out in public if they weren't an Omega, but the jackal couldn't dismiss the explanation as there indeed was no rule saying Betas or Gammas could not be nude. He was not given too much time to think on it though before Necross started to move again, pulling him along with the chain, with Vincent following up the rear. He silently whined to himself, something he hadn't done since he was young, as he was pulled along inside the lobby, but despite his embarrassment at being naked and dragged around by chains, no one seemed to pay him any mind beyond a curious glance.

"Oh, Bella?" the dragon said, having met up with an elderly vixen at the elevator. "How are you doing today? Have the kits been visiting you still?"

"Oh Necross dear, I'm doing well. The grandbabies have been good too, keeping this old lady busy all the time. David just got a raise too and we're planning to celebrate this weekend. He was so excited; you should have seen how fax his tail was wagging haha."

"Well, tell him I said congrats then. I'm glad the little ones are still coming around, one is getting close to their retreats, right?" the dragon replied, still smiling at the grey-furred female while they were waiting for the elevator to come.

"Ah, yes, Sammy is getting excited about them too, though we're pretty sure she'll be a found a Beta just like her daddy. Still, her energy gets infectious you know?"

"I remember those days, lots of different activities to do... also a lot of _fun_was had too heheh."

"Oh, you~ Such a naughty dragon."

The two chuckled before the elevator opened and Necross allowed the vixen to enter, waving to her as he allowed the door to close, much to Anubis' confusion.

"What about us? Why did you let just her go in?"

"Because only the left one goes to the penthouse. Best remember that too... Also, I'm surprised you didn't recognize her as a former Alpha Council member," the dragon said, pulling off his horn ring and clicking it against a sensor next to the left elevator door. The sensor turned gold, and mere seconds later the doors opened for them, and his new master and the eagle stepped in without any hesitation. The jackal hesitated for a brief moment, but ultimately followed along as well considering the chain still connected them, his heart pounding in his ears as the seconds passed, and then fell as the doors finally shut in front of him.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Necross had enjoyed seeing the former Alpha blush and attempt to keep some sort of modesty at being led through public naked, even while most didn't give him a second glance after seeing the chains on him, and likely having gotten used to seeing Luther strolling around in the buff too. They stayed in silence as they rode the elevator up, the jackal facing the closed doors and trying to ignore him as much as possible in the confined space, until the elevator finally dinged and began to open up. Evening light shines in from the side before Vincent stepped out first and going left, and his new Omega still being a bit defiant and stepped as he moved forward himself, but the dragon spread his wing open a bit, catching the jackal across the back and dragging him out as well.

He heard the elevator close behind them as he continued to the right, the jackal slowly following along due to the chain connecting them. The two exited the small hallway into the open space that consisted of the living room and kitchen, and almost immediately as they came into view of the living room a hiss could be heard and a bundle of blue and red scales began to move, a pair of yellow eyes staring back at the dragon.

"Ah, Raph. Have you seen Nel? He wasn't down near the entrance like usual."

The mound of scales moved as the large feral rainbow boa that they belonged to reared his head up, blinking again before towards the door across from himself that lead to the master bedroom.

"Nel... terrace... break."

"I see, on a break. Probably doing some stretches and exercise, heh."

The dragon shrugged his shoulders and turned to look back towards Anubis, who seemed to be staring at the rearing snake in bewilderment, only to snap towards him when he began reaching forward to him. He ignored the flinching that the jackal made as he began to unwrap the long lengths of chains binding the male, although he did take his time to enjoy looking over the male's body, something he was sure Anubis felt form the way his body tensed as he was unraveling the chains from behind him.

Once the chains were completely off, he set them aside on the kitchen island before turning to face Vincent who had just returned from using the bathroom down the hall.

"Now that he's here and untied, could you show him to his room downstairs birdie? I want to check in with Nel for a bit."

The eagle nodded his head to the request and left with the jackal shortly afterwards, so Necross turned and walked over to his bedroom, opening the door and slipping in while Raphael coiled back up on himself to return to sleep. The dragon made his way through the bedroom, passing the king-sized bed and his work desk, and opened the door leading to the terrace. As he opened the door, he saw the femboi shark he was looking for wearing his VR headset and jumping around while waving his arms around, giggling to himself as he played one of his games. He leaned against the doorframe and watched the shark's black-tipped tail sway back and forth in the air, seemingly naturally lifted at the base to show his perky rear off, and felt his loins throb a bit from watching the sight.

Eventually he saw the smaller male settled after a few more minutes, dropping the controllers and letting them dangle from his wrists as he worked to pull the headset off. Necross took the opportunity to step closer to the panting, smiling male, reaching up and bringing his hand down onto the inviting rump in front of him just as Nel had tugged his headset off, earning him a surprised 'eep' from the boy.

"Heheh, took a late break eh boy? Only got about another hour before your shift would end anyways and here you are working up a little sweat with your gaming again."

"Ah, master, you scared meeee!" the dragon couldn't help chuckling at the youthful whine the shark gave him. "And you know I love playing my games, plus they help keeping me in shape!"

Nel had a wide toothy grin on his snout as he looked up at the dragon, who smirked back and him and stroked him on the head, earning a pleased hum from the smaller male. He talked with the shark briefly on how the day had went, including the drunken visitors that Luther ended up kicking out, but otherwise there weren't any other issues that happened. The dragon sent the shark off to return downstairs to his role as the greeter and doorman, before slipping back into his room and began to disrobe, pulling his shirt up over his head and wings and then unbuttoned his shorts and letting them and his jockstrap fall to the floor.

He made his way into the ensuite bath and started up his shower, letting the water get heated before he stepped inside and began to clean himself, his sheath throbbing as his thoughts shifted between his cute shark's bouncing butt and the various things he was going to do with his newest purchase.

Heheh, I've already got some ideas for you puppy. I'm sure you'll be fighting me at every turn, but it'll be a pleasure watching you succumb to your new place.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"So, what's the deal, bodyguard? You've not said a word since we met even while the croc and snake have. The big bad dragon make you do that or something?"

The jackal grumbled after the elevator doors closed while he glared at the back of the eagle in front of him, still annoyed of the whole situation and his lack of attire. Despite the tone he was giving, the bird simple looked back at him over his shoulder, turning slowly as he shrugged before gesturing to his throat and shook his head. Before the jackal could question it, the bird pulled out a notepad from his pocket and turned to the first page before showing it to the canine.

Hi, I'm Vincent, Beta bodyguard

to Sigma Necross SkyWing.

I'm mute so please

excuse my lack of response.

The mute part explained why Vincent didn't speak up at all, but that part fell by the wayside when he read that second line again, and again, and again, and again. Sigma... his new owner was a Sigma! The shock of that realization made him realized just what sort of position he found himself in, and also explained why he was so easily affected by the dragon's musk before in the limo, but he did not get to dwell on that new fact for very long as the elevator dinged and the doors opened once more.

The eagle pulled him out of his reverie by taking hold of his shoulder giving him a slight tug to get moving. As they exited, Anubis found they were in a surprisingly spacious and luxurious hallway with two smaller hallways around the sides that had nine doors spread out, most of which had names on them already: Zeno, Vincent, Stuart, Snow, Luther, Nelliel, and R&R. Vincent led him to the last room without a name and smiled slightly before he wrote down on his notepad again, showing it to the jackal a moment later.

Other rooms are used by others,

this will be solely yours.

No kitchen in them as

we all eat together upstairs.

I go to relax in own room now.

The eagle then pat the nude male on the back before turning and going to the room to the left with his name on it, leaving the jackal to himself. He was still annoyed by his situation, but he was also becoming increasingly confused at how casual this group was being, was it because the dragon was so charming as a Sigma or something else? He didn't know, and likely would only be able to find out the longer he was made to stay around them.

Probably not worried about me leaving since I'm completely naked and got nowhere to go now.

He couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head, turning back to the door and taking hold of the doorhandle, turning the handle and opening the door. What he found inside the room was both simplistic and luxurious. The room, like the floor above had a modern rustic design with an open floor space besides the bathroom that he could see from the open door next to the entrance. From the entrance was a rather impressive living room area with an L-shaped couch, TV, stand with two gaming systems, desk and computer, wide personal bookshelf, mini-fridge, and a rug over the hardwood floor, while in the back was an open walk-in closet, dresser, and a large, comfy queen bed with soft-looking sheets already over them.

"... despite how simple and small it is, this is almost as nice as my place."

Anubis couldn't help muttering that as he compared the smaller space to his mansion's living room and master bedroom, even while the latter two were much bigger than his new accommodations, it still managed to appear homey and orderly inside with whatever one would need outside of its lack of a kitchen. He signed softly and shook his head, closing the door behind him before making his way to the closet at the back of the room. To his surprise, there were actually several pairs of jockstraps and two elastic sweatpants in the drawers of the dresser, though nothing was inside the closet, not that he was really expecting there to be in a previously unoccupied room.

While the clothes were definitely not what he was used to, the jackal took them regardless and pulled one of the jocks up around his privates before slipping into a pair of dark blue sweats, almost murring to himself at finally being able to relax and erase the persistent embarrassment of being nude before this. Anubis then flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV, and began to distract himself by immersing himself in familiar shows once more.

Knock Knock

His ear flicked at the sudden knocking and brought him out of one of his favorite shows, and he was shocked to notice that nearly two hours had passed when he looked at the clock up on the wall. The jackal paused the episode and stood up just as the door opened up and a short white house mouse, dressed in a proper suit and tie to fit his barely five-foot frame, walked in, surprising the canine and he stared at the smaller male while the rodent was doing the same to him.

"Hmm, shame you're already dressed, would have liked to get to see you undressed like master, Vin, and Luther. Hell, even Raph got to see you nude."

"And you are?"

Anubis' response was curt and sharp, the amusing tone the mouse was speaking about his prior state of undress getting on his nerves and making his hackles raise. Despite that, the mouse just waved his paw, as if dismissing the obvious hostility.

"Stuart, a Beta, and personal assistant to Necross as well as property manager for the tower. Nothing happens here without my knowledge or approval... including you getting some new clothes, so I would be on my best behavior or else those jocks and sweats will be all you ever get big boy. Now then, I came to let you know Zeno has finished cooking so we're all convening upstairs for dinner. I don't know how you did it at your place before, but here we all eat together so let's go."

As much as he wanted to retort at the superior tone the smaller male was using with him, the audible growling his stomach made at the promise of food made the threats die in his throat and he silently followed along as Stuart turned and made his way towards the elevator with him in tow.

Don't think I'll let how you just spoke with me slide mouse, one day I'll get you back for sure...