Predator becomes Prey - Foreign Affairs

Story by Inja on SoFurry

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#5 of Predator Becomes Prey

A visiting professor learns more than she bargains for about the local culture after dark.

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this story are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal and consenting age, likewise if you are reading this story you should be of legal age in your respective country.


The tigress yawned as she stood at baggage claim waiting for her luggage to come around the carousel after her long grueling flight. Dr. Sam Red, a young up and coming Physicist had been invited to be a guest lecturer at the prestigious University of Tokyo. This would be quite the feather in her cap and help in getting her name out to the community along with hopefully making it easier to get research grants and the like going forward, so she'd grabbed the opportunity with both hands firmly. Of course it didn't hurt she'd always loved the country and had been wanting to visit, so being paid to come over didn't take a rocket scientist to see that was a good deal.

Shouldering her heavy backpack and hauling her larger wheeled trunk behind her, Sam made her way through to pick up where a smartly dressed Shiba Inu waited patiently holding a sign with her name on it, smiling politely as she approached. Despite being a head shorter than her, he managed to take Sam's luggage from her and strode at a brisk pace out into the darkness outside towards a waiting vehicle. Settling in the back seat, it was all Sam could do to not nod off from the Jetlag, only partially paying attention to the polite conversation her driver tried to keep up. Only catching slivers of what he said, discussing everything from sites she should see, to the best way to get to the university and even what things to look out for. The last thing Sam remembered hearing was her driver telling her to be careful of the midnight trains before she felt a hand on her shoulder gently shaking her awake as they'd reached the hotel.

Book in was thankfully swift and efficient with a bellhop taking her bags up to her room and helping her settle in, Sam collapsing back onto the large bed and falling into a deep slumber without unpacking a thing. Almost as quickly as she'd fallen asleep did the phone begin ringing, a groggy Sam rolling over to pick up the handset with a low growl, before she could snap at whomever was on the other end, a polite voice piped up "Good morning Ms.Red, this is your 7am wakeup call you requested!". Sam sat bolt upright in bed, suddenly wide awake as she remembered she was due at the university in a little over an hour and a half for her preliminary meeting.

The meeting was thankfully more of a formality, just nailing down the final touches of her visit to give a month long guest lecture. There would be plenty of time between classes for Sam to do some sightseeing which pleased her immensely. She was shown around the campus and where she would be lecturing, they even sent her back to her hotel with a friendly young rabbit student that showed her the railway system which would be the most efficient way to and from the university, or simply to get around and see the sights. He explained that while the city was rather progressive, some traditions still remained and that there were usually separate train routes for carnivore and herbivore species, the older generation preferred it that way though the younger generation didn't see the point. While it was not illegal for a person of the opposite side of the spectrum to join the opposite route, it was however frowned upon. The only exception to this was the last train route at midnight that visited all the stops, though this was considered to be a controversial trip and had a bit of a bad reputation for people misbehaving on the train due to lower passenger count and far smaller security presence. Sam listened and peered curiously at the young rabbit as he blushed while explaining about the last trip, curiosity almost getting the better of her and forcing her to ask for more information, but she could clearly see the young hare was very uncomfortable already so she just let the subject drop.

The following weeks went as smoothly as expected, Sam found her lecture was becoming rather popular as the classroom was almost full every session, though most of the students seemed content to just sit and listen. There were some very bright students in the room as well, Sam finding a young rabbit doe especially charming and unassuming. Soft spoken and shy, but the questions she asked showed a keen intellect and understanding far beyond her years. She had no doubt this small dark furred rabbit doe would be someone to keep her eye on in the future, perhaps even someone she could mentor.

The last week would be the toughest for the tigress however, Sam had come from a long line of rather virile tiger stock and her heat was fairly regular. Sure enough just like clockwork on her last week there that familiar tingly warmth began to make itself known. The first few days it was kept at bay by simple self-pleasure, but soon it began to grow as the week progressed. Sam hoped she could keep the monster at bay until her lecture was over, with any luck. This was not to be, Sam awoke early Friday morning with a burning need, breaking out her wand and her favorite Bad Dragon tentacle dildo she managed to work herself up to not one but two great climaxes. After a cold shower she felt almost normal and ready to face her last lecture, or so she thought. Gritting her teeth as the constant vibrations of the firm train seat beneath her on the trip to the university was more than enough to get her motor purring again.

All through the last class of the day Sam could feel it growing and coiling within her, that red hot ember starting to burn hotter and hotter, right-on queue. She was pretty sure the front row of her lecture could damn well smell it on her, she swore she saw a few of the male students and even a female student giving her a knowing look or grin. Ever the consummate professional however, Sam would ignore those looks and pretend like she hadn't see them or that nothing was wrong while managing to deliver another knockout lesson. Even despite her growing desire or rather by now, immense need to get back to her hotel room and ride her wand until she blacked out from pleasure. But that would have to wait unfortunately, as soon as the classroom was nearly empty the Dean and another important looking official popped their heads into her classroom to request an urgent meeting.

Normally Sam would be ecstatic about such a prestigious university such as this requesting to extend her stay, but all throughout the unnecessarily long meeting it was all she could do to stop from rubbing her thighs together. Thankfully it didn't look as though the large elderly boar or his rabbit counterpart seemed to notice her situation, or if they did, they certainly didn't let on they had caught her scent. Sam supposed this was probably down to the species barrier, being a feline and them being porcine and lapine she hoped it didn't register the same for them.

After a couple of long tedious hours of negotiations and signing of contracts, Sam finally made it to the train station well after dark. The platform was eerily vacant at this hour, only one or two other people lingered about. A well-dressed Akita Inu in a business suite stared down at his phone the entire time, paying her no attention other than a curt nod when their eyes first met. A rough looking young boar with a nose ring and leather jacket however kept giving her a sidelong glance, it almost looked as though he were grinning at her about something he knew she didn't. Sam just looked down at her wristwatch and sighed as she waited for the train to arrive, getting close to midnight already. At this hour she'd missed the last carnivore only time, but this suited her better she thought, it was less likely the herbivores on this late train would notice her current predicament.

Once the train arrived and the doors opened, Sam sighed in relief to find the car was almost empty, a young rabbit couple sat in the back on one side cuddled up with one another while making out as youngsters are want to do. Sam squinted as she thought she recognized the male rabbit, but it was hard to tell with his face almost constantly pressed into his partners lips like that. A tall handsome Kerama deer leaned against one of the poles instead of opting to sit down as he lazily browsed his phone. A friendly looking older Serow with immaculately polished goat like horns and a neatly manicured beard was sitting beside a curious looking fur; this was what Sam assumed to be what was known as a Tanuki, or a raccoon dog. She'd never seen one before and quickly looked away as he noticed her staring, thankfully though he didn't seem upset or insulted as he offered her a warm smile. Sam opted to stand close to the door, as this train was on a different route to her normal one and she didn't want to risk missing her stop. A brief moment of panic flitted through her mind as she swore she saw everyone on the train giving her knowing looks and smiles randomly. The feeling slowly ebbed away as the smartly dressed Akita stood beside her, still engrossed in whatever was on his phones screen.

With her curiosity getting the better of her, Sam leaned back as if stretching and subtly turning to look over his shoulder to see what he was so engrossed in and getting quite a shock as she saw the Akita was watching porn on his phone. From the few seconds she saw of his screen, it looked to be an upskirt shot of a random woman being groped and fondled on a bus. Normally she would be disgusted and appalled by such things, but with that ember growing to a near raging fire in her loins, Sam found herself watching his phone with growing curiosity.

A hand lightly brushed against her behind through her skirt, turning to look at the owner of the hand she saw the boar from earlier standing close by on her opposite side but facing away from her and showing no sign of even noticing her. Again she felt it another touch on her other side, but the Akita showed no signs of having done anything either. Something brushed against the side of her left breast, this time she caught a glimpse of brown furred fingers, turning to look at the boar she found him looking straight at her with a grin. His hand reached up again, his hand brazenly landing right over her breast this time with a firm squeeze. As Sam's mouth opened to say something to him she felt a hand slip under her skirt from behind to rub a pair of fingers over the crotch of her underwear between her thighs, her words leaving her and instead let out an involuntary gasp. Soon one hand turned to two, then three and four. The tigress found herself suddenly being groped and touched all over by multiple random strangers, the Akita no longer watching his phone, instead he had flipped up the front of her skirt and had his hand inside her panties rubbing at her nethers with surprising skill. Sam turned to look up at him with a questioning glance even as her lips parted in a heated silent groan while he strummed her throbbing clit expertly. The more Sam tried to push them away, the more aggressive they became. Somewhere during all the chaos the tigress realized she was now surrounded by almost the entire passenger compliment of the train, except for the female bunny, or so she assumed as it was hard to tell whom exactly was around her as they all crowded in close to touch and feel her.

Sam eventually caught glimpses of the rabbit doe between the various males pawing at her, her heart dropping into her stomach as she saw the rabbit girl recording what was happening on her phone. Before she could say anything, Sam felt her head being turned to one side as the Kerama deer caught her lips in a kiss filled with surprising passion considering what was currently happening. Someone popped open the top few buttons of her blouse before pushing her bra up, her soft white furred breasts capped with small pink nipples exposed and captured on film by the rabbit girl for a moment before two hungry mouths latched onto her nipples and began to suck and nibble on. Sam couldn't help it, she let out a soft groan against the deer's lips as her sensitive nipples were sucked, nibbled and tugged on while the Akita strummed her clit with unmatched skill. Her attempts to push their hands away growing weaker and less vehement the more they all touched and groped at her, stirring her growing heat into a near raging fire within.

Another set of hands reached beneath her skirt to grip at her panties, tugging them down over the curve of her rear and her thighs to the floor before her feet were lifted one by one to let her step out of them. Again Sam was surprised when the person behind her didn't stand up, instead she felt whomever it was grip and lift her tail and their muzzle pushed beneath it. For the first time in her life she felt a tongue touch her tail hole, slowly circling around and flitting lightly across her until now untouched opening. Sam couldn't believe what was happening to her right now, part of her was disgusted and ashamed with what was going on, but another part of her was shamelessly enjoying every second of it. Her thoughts suddenly derailed by a set of thick fingers rubbing side to side across her pouting folds before working their way deep inside her, quickly having her hips starting to buck and squirm against them as she was finger fucked fast and hard. Her paws long since guided down to two turgid cocks already dripping with desire as they forced her fingers to stroke back and forth, one was shorter than the other but had a lot more girth, while the longer cock had a decent sized knot which obviously belonged to the Akita. Somewhere along the line they no longer needed to force her to do anything, Sam's heat was winning out and she began letting herself go with the flow and get lost in the pleasure.

The world tilted without warning as the tigress was bent over at the waist, the fingers in her cunt quickly replaced by a stiff cock as someone began fucking her hard and fast with a grip of iron about her waist. Any complaints Sam might've had were cut short by another length filling her maw, looking up at the owner she was met by the smiling old Serow goat as he almost lovingly caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers while he stuffed her striped muzzle full of thick throbbing cock. The tigress's eyes bulged as he stretched her jaw wide, finding it almost comical that such a sweet looking old man was packing this much cock that he nearly choked her with it. Again her paws were guided to another two shafts to resume stroking as she was rocked back and forth between the old goat and whomever was currently behind her, using her tail as a handle to tug her back onto the eager length inside her every time she was rocked forward.

There was nothing but the desire to fuck and climax it seemed as both males finished relatively quickly inside her, the male fucking her from behind bucking hard into her while tugging on her tail, letting Sam feel what could only be a knot grinding against the lips of her pussy, clearly the Akita had been the one fucking her. No sooner had he finished than someone else took his place, this time a thicker but shorter cock stretched her folds wide as another set of hips began slapping against her bare behind. Not that Sam had any time to notice as the old Serow goat began flooding her maw with his surprisingly sweet seed, luckily for the tigress it was a taste she found surprisingly pleasant considering how much he produced and almost drowned her with, a fair portion spilling from the corners of her lips and running down her chin to drip to the floor below. Again her maw was filled within moments as the smiling Serow extracted himself, this time finding herself staring up at the tall handsome Kerama deer whom only offered a cursory smile before sinking her maw down on his eagerly waiting cock. The deer stared down at her with wordless intensity that mesmerized Sam, unable to look away as he slowly fucked her face, his pendulous balls swaying and tapping her chin each time his cock touched the back of her throat. No sooner had he begun did his climax hit, but only because Sam found herself unwittingly using her rough tongue on him to tease the sensitive underside of his length. With a clenched jaw and a snort of hot air he bucked against her muzzle, his shaft pulsing and twitching with every hot rope of seed he fired down her gullet. Sam panted for breath as he withdrew, head hanging low as she was bounced back onto the thick cock stretching her cunt wide. Her vision being raised by a gentle touch under her chin to meet the smiling face of the Tanuki, his look of serenity completely juxtaposed by the stiff eager cock he stuffed into her mouth and quickly began face fucking the stunned tigress.

Sam wasn't sure how many times each of them fucked her or had her suck them off, but she was pretty sure she'd gone through everyone at least twice if not more. Even at one point being surprised as she found her head guided down into someone's waiting lap, only to find no cock waiting to fill her maw. Instead she was met with the grinning rabbit doe with her camera aimed down in one hand as the other guided the tigress muzzle between her thighs to the damp waiting slit, making the striped feline get her first taste of another woman. The rabbit doe couldn't pass up the opportunity to get eaten by a tigress it seemed, within moments despite it being her first time, Sam quickly had her squealing and squirming with toes clenching under the attention of her rough tongue over sweet soft folds. Even over the sound of the train and the various grunts and huffs of the crowd around her, Sam could hear the squeaks of pleasure which brought an odd sense of pride. The situation feeling surreal as she feasted on another woman's cunt while various other strangers groped at her hanging breasts or fingered her pussy from behind, touching every inch of her mostly exposed striped form.

This wouldn't be the only first time experience she would have that evening as she felt someone lifting her tail and a pair of slick fingers began rubbing something against her tailhole, finding the rabbit girl had quite a grip on her head as she was unable to turn and shake her head 'no' at whomever was behind her touching her so inappropriately. Whoever's fingers were under her tail were very insistent, circling and probing to gently work her open until finally her body accepted the entry. A slight burning sensation followed by a curious full feeling that eventually shifted into a strange sick pleasure as the fingers built up speed and began pumping in and out of her for a couple of minutes. Whomever was behind her satisfied that she was accepting of the attention eventually guided his cock under her tail, all while the rabbit fem handed her phone to someone to record the moment of her anal defloration as whomever was behind her slowly and patiently worked their length under her held aloft tail. Groaning into the rabbit does cunt as inch after thick inch slowly stretched and filled her rear, feeling the slight ache of someone entering her behind for the first time, her tail trying to flick and curl low to protect herself, but the grip on it was firm and didn't let it so much as twitch.

Sam felt her attention on the rabbit doe began to wane as the person behind her started to slowly saw in and out of her behind, the sensations taking a lot of getting used to. Thankfully the doe didn't seem to notice, already so close to her own climax it didn't take much more of Sam's tongue to bring her to a climax, the does taste different to the Serow's seed. Tart but delectable, something Sam guessed she could get used to and might have to make an effort to experience again in the future, her mind briefly wandering about the dark furred rabbit doe in her lectures. The male behind her thankfully seemed overwhelmed by the tight heat of her striped behind to last very long, Sam finding herself soon flooded with a hot sticky mess in her back passage before the length slowly withdrew from her and left her feeling empty once more. With her tail now released, the striped length flicked and swatted behind her, feeling the sticky mess beneath from her first ever butt fucking.

Foolishly Sam thought her ordeal would be over after that last climax, but as she raised her weary head to look around she was shocked to see stiff cocks surrounding her still. Yelping as she was lifted from the floor and hauled back into a gentle embrace of the Serow as his stiff thickness aimed threateningly up at her exposed behind, she heard the old goat whisper into her ear "My wife never lets me do this!" he said with excited glee before lowering her down onto his waiting length. Sam had gone in a single night from a relatively sexually inexperienced Physicist to getting gangbanged on a train, having her first lesbian experience and not only losing her anal virginity, but now taking one of the biggest dicks she'd ever seen up her tush for good measure. What was worse was as her rump eventually settled in the old goats lap she opened her eyes to find the still pantsless rabbit doe once again recording, leaning in slowly to zoom in between Sam's spread thighs to get a close-up of her rump swallowing every inch of the Serow cock.

Her embarrassment would be short lived however as the Akita Inu knelt between her thighs, his long soft tongue began licking across her folds and between them as he started feasting on her well fucked cunt. Sam felt a pair of strong hands gently gripping and turning her head to find the boar from earlier standing on the seat beside her, guiding her maw down onto his short but thick cock. Sam huffed through her nose as he filled her mouth, stretching her jaw wide as he began face fucking her. Again not an inch of her was untouched as two pairs of hands began caressing and toying with her breasts, occasionally hot mouths and gentle nips occupied her soft mounds as she was slowly bounced in the Serow's lap. After the Akita had successfully cleaned her cunt and brought her to another bucking and writhing orgasm despite having a fat cock up her arse, he too joined in the fun. Exchanging a few unknown words with the Serow whom stopped moving for a moment as the Akita adjusted his position, once again sinking his eager cock back inside Sam's cunt. The tigress finding herself pinned between the two males as they slowly fucked her pussy and ass, bringing forth a surprise climax from Sam whom thought she'd be too worn out by now.

By the time the train's occupants began filtering out one by one, Sam had lost all track of time thanks to not a moments rest between stops. Luckily no one new got onto the train or she didn't know how long they'd keep going for. Eventually it was just Sam and the rabbit couple left on the train and it was rather apparent they'd long since passed her stop, the realization hitting her like a freight train and a look of concern washing over her features. This was not lost on the rabbit couple however as they shared looks of concern before the young male spoke up.

"Professor Red, it appears we have missed your stop. After...well, everything I think it would be amiss of us not to offer you a place to stay and cleanup for tonight" he offered with a friendly smile. Sam frowned as she stared at the young rabbit as he called her by her name, she'd never mentioned that to anyone, but then it clicked in her mind. He was the young man that had initially shown her around! A wave of relief replaced her growing anxiety as she gratefully nodded and followed the couple once they arrived at their stop.

After a nice hot shower that soothed her aching...well everything, Sam slipped into the silk bathrobe belonging to the doe. Though given their size difference it barely covered her chest and rode rather high up on her thighs. One thing she had not counted on however was the sleeping arrangements, padding into the bedroom Sam was met with the sight of a small double mattress with the couple laying either side and leaving the middle open for her. There was a knowing grin shared between the rabbits as Sam lay down between them, surprised to feel that odd tingle growing again after the thorough fucking she'd already had. But when the doe rolled over and leaned in to kiss her, Sam went along with it. Even when the young male spooned up behind her and pressed his stiffness against her still aching behind, she found herself pressing back against him too. It looked like Sam was going to be in for an eventful evening still...