Pleasure on the Pelago - Part One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Pleasure on the Pelago

Luke the lucario is sent by his trainer to have some relaxing time in the Alolan region's Poke-pelago, but apparently Luke has a very different idea of how to relax than a lot of the local pokemon. ^^

This vignette was written for Shakal as part of my themed Patreon request day for September 2019. It contains M/M sex and masturbation involving consenting adult pokemon in a public space. :3

Pleasure on the Pelago - Part One



Quiet contemplation and relaxation. That was what Luke desired, and as he settled down, crossing his legs and closing his eyes to meditate upon the grassy, tree-dotted meadows of Isle Abeens, that was what he thought he had found.

"Hiiii there, I'm Simon! Great to meet you, friend!"

Barely a minute later, the lucario winced and opened his eyes as a loud, giddy voice addressed him in a rather campy, playful sing-song tone. Standing in front of him, grinning from ear to ear as he dropped to his knees and sat in front of the lucario eye to eye, almost nose to nose, was a sylveon. His coat was lush and vibrant, his eyes shining with eager glee, and his cock rock hard. Still, there was no overt flirtation in his voice as he addressed the rather more stoic lucario, just a whole lot of friendly warmth which while well meaning for certain was definitely not what Luke was looking for.


He murmured dryly, and was about to leave it at that, simply closing his eyes and trying to get back to his meditation again when Simon totally failed to take the hint and continued to talk in that same flamboyant, enthusiastic tone.

"So I couldn't help but notice that you're new here. First time on Abeens, or the whole Pelago?"

Luke took a deep, patient breath, and opened his eyes once again as he realised that in order to continue his relaxation and meditation, he would need to actively give the sylveon a reason to leave him alone.

"First time here at all. I came to relax, for some peace and quiet."

The sylveon pouted.

"Oh, well that sounds really dull. Are you sure I can't interest you in some activities to help you chill out? There are a whole host of..."

A soft growl escaped the lucario, cutting Simon's suggestion off in mid-flow as the clear warning threat behind that growl caused the sylveon to fall silent. Luke winced, and feeling that he'd gone a little too far with the clearly friendly, well meaning eeveelution he tried to walk that last reaction back a little.

"No, thank you."

He muttered as gratefully as he could muster on short notice.

"No activities. No fun. I just want to sit quietly, calmly, and meditate for a while. Please."

Simon smiled warmly despite the lucario's recent rather short response, and nodded as Luke explained clearly and in no uncertain terms what it was that he wanted. The sylveon rose back to his feet and took a step back from the other pokemon's still seated, cross-legged form, and gave the lucario a respectful nod so sincere in its understanding and acknowledgement that it almost looked like a reverential bow. Barely five seconds later though, before Luke could thank Simon for his understanding or say anything in return to the sylveon before his presumably imminent exit from his immediate vicinity, Simon snapped two fingers together, let loose a cry of shock and frustration...

"Ooooh, dammit!!"

...and darted off to a nearby tree, dashing around behind it and remaining out of sight for a few moments before coming scurrying right back, holding a handful of something between his palms.

"Sorry, I'll leave you alone right after this, it's just... it's an Alolan tradition. When a new pokemon arrives on Isle Abeens, you present them with a gift. A gift of nature's bounty, which only this island's trees can provide."

Simon held out his cupped hands and nodded down towards Luke's own. The lucario sighed, but raised his hands with his own palms cupped to receive whatever this offering might have been. Moments later he felt something, or rather a handful of small, smooth somethings fall into his waiting hands, and looked down as the sylveon withdrew his paws once again to see a cluster of brightly coloured poke-beans resting in his palms. Red, green, blue, yellow, purple, orange; a vibrant array of colours, but none so bright as the largest, plumpest bean sitting atop the pile, striped with rich rainbow hues from across the spectrum.

"Okay, well, have a good visit! See you around, perhaps! I hope you find the peace you're looking for."

With that gift given, much to Luke's surprise, Simon actually did leave without any further delay. He watched the sylveon stroll away, his every step enhanced with a sassy sway of his hips and a twitching of his tail. Luke huffed, and rolled his eyes at his own lack of discipline as he felt his sheath starting to thicken at the sight of the other pokemon's bare ass even as it retreated across the meadow and eventually out of view over a small, dry-stone wall. He didn't want to be horny. He wanted to relax. To be calm, and focused, and ready for whatever challenges he might face whenever he left the island again. Thus he fought to push Simon entirely from his mind, and in an attempt to prove he had no ill will to retain any thoughts whatsoever of the sylveon, negative or otherwise, he even plucked that rainbow poke-bean from its pile and popped it into his muzzle before casting the rest of the pile aside onto the grass next to him.

The lucario chewed and swallowed the rainbow bean, pleasantly surprised by how delicious it was; sweet and rich with an ever so slight savouriness that he couldn't put quite his finger upon, but which was definitely not a bad accompaniment to those other more conventional fruity flavours. For just a moment he opened his muzzle slightly as though about to thank the sylveon for the thoughtful gift, but then of course he realised that the other pokemon was long gone, and that any gratitude he should have shown was too late to be of any use now.

He sighed. He swallowed the bean, and almost immediately afterwards felt his eyes slide shut again. Once more he tried to clear his thoughts. Once more he tried to calm himself, to centre himself, and to attain the peace and quiet both within and outwith his mind which he craved. And for another blissful minute or so, he succeeded.

This time however, when he was interrupted it wasn't by any external factor, but rather his own brain suddenly and seemingly without warning filling his head with a rather vivid mental image. For a moment his eyes fluttered open in confusion, and Luke frowned as he felt his cock twitch and stir within his sheath. He closed his eyes and tried to settle again, but as soon as his eyes fell shut that time the image was back, and his cock leapt lustfully once more, beginning to stir and to swell despite what the lucario claimed to want being in direct opposition to that course of action.

"Mmh.. dammit..."

Luke growled as a few seconds later he pulled himself to his feet, the image of Simon's swaying, bare ass consuming his mind more and more with every passing instant despite his every effort to staunch its spread. Thus, he decided that the best thing he could do was lean into his mind's activity until it ceased. He would take a walk. A brisk walk in the clear, crisp air, ignoring his swelling cock and increasingly active libido until it simply got the message and settled down again.

Hurriedly he set off across the field, purposefully walking in precisely the opposite direction from that he had watched the sylveon head off in earlier, and without any particular destination in mind the lucario continued to walk until he found something, or rather someone in his path.

"O-oh... ahh, hey there..."

A toned, handsome mightyena peered around the edge of the poke-bean tree against which he was leaning, but though his cheeks flushed his hand did not for even a moment stop moving upon his fully engorged and throbbing erection. The other pokemon's eyes drifted down to Luke's own mostly erect cock, growing more so by the moment now as he regarded this other handsome male in a state of excitement even more intense than Simon had been, but the mightyena made no effort to ask Luke to join him, or indeed to say anything more. He just stood there resting against the tree with a goofy grin, glazed eyes, and a hand moving hurriedly upon his cock as he watched Luke's own erection quivering and straining until the lucario simply passed on by, and left the other pokemon to his masturbation.

After that though, rather than finding more open space for himself to stroll through without interruption or outside contact, Luke only found more bodies seemingly placed directly in his path. Stranger still, each and every one of them seemed to be intensely aroused to some degree or another. He passed by a raichu and a marshtomp locked in an intense sixty-nine, so busy grunting and moaning and slurping at each other that they didn't even seem to notice his presence as he wandered past. He watched as seven salandit swarmed around a larger, buxom salazzle, two of the smaller men fucking her pussy at once, another in her ass, one receiving a handjob from each arm, one humping her muzzle and another ploughing the furrow of her breasts as he sat astride her belly. Luke turned down the advances of three fire pokemon; a charmeleon, a magmar and an infernape all jerking off together and eager for him to join them, before finally reaching the beach which surrounded the isle's edge and finding it littered with dozens of pokemon jerking off, fucking or otherwise pleasuring themselves and one another.

He had to physically step over feverishly fucking, humping couples and sprawling orgiastic groups in order to make it across the beach to the next available break in the sand dunes where he could climb back up onto the grass, by which point his cock was throbbing so intensely, and his head spinning with such desire that all Luke wanted was for one more pokemon to ask him to rub his cock for them, to bury his cock in their pussy or ass, or even just to suck them off with the potential of them maybe returning the favour after the fact. He didn't know why he was so worked up, and for that matter he didn't know why every pokemon on this island was so out of their mind with pleasure and desire, but by that point he was passed caring. He had worked so hard to resist. So hard to deny himself each and every delicious situation he walked past. And now, as he left the beach and found himself alone in another grassy, bean-tree laden meadow, Luke was horrified that he had done so.

He didn't want solitude.

He didn't want peace and quiet.

He didn't want relaxation and contemplation, not any more.

What the lucario wanted now, right here, right now and without delay, was to cum. To cum long, hard, and... if at all possible, not alone.

Desperately Luke staggered forward towards the nearest trees, intending to do almost exactly what the mightyena he had witnessed earlier was doing. Find a comfy tree, lean back against it, and let his hand go to town on his knotted, throbbing cock. Already his hand was upon his shaft. Already he was squeezing, stroking, starting to masturbate as the hunger consumed him more desperately with every passing second. And, then...

"Well hiiiiii there, friend! Fancy seeing you again!"

He rounded the first tree, and there, resting against another of the bean-trees in the shade upon this beautiful island paradise, was Simon. The sylveon was stroking his own throbbing cock, his fingers dripping with his own pre-cum, and when he saw the expression upon Luke's face and the state of the lucario's own dripping, dribbling cock, he grinned and giggled gleefully.

"Fancy some company now?"

He teased, licking his lips as Luke's eyes bulged and the lucario staggered forward towards him with a frantic moan and a feverish nod. Just when Luke was certain that the floor was going to be pulled out from under him though, when in his frantic need for satisfaction he had convinced himself that there was no way the sylveon was actually going to give it to him so easily as that, Simon did something that made Luke horrified to have ever dismissed him for even a moment.

Even as the lucario was still lurching towards him, Simon turned around, dropped to all fours upon the grassy ground beside his chosen tree, raised his tail... and wiggled his incredible ass temptingly, teasingly to Luke, revealing in the process the glistening, awe-inducing truth that Luke could scarcely bring himself to believe. The sylveon wasn't just ready for him, he wasn't just seemingly eager to be fucked by him. The fairy type pokemon was seemingly so ready and willing and desperate to be fucked perhaps by Luke or maybe just by anyone, he was pre-lubed and ready to go.

With a wail of lust, Luke flung himself down atop the other pokemon, and in an instant plunged his cock right down to the knot within Simon's slick but still tight, hot backside. His tongue lolled out, his eyes bulged, and like a wild animal he began to breed the sylveon as with whimpering, wailing gasps of bliss Simon immediately started to grind and buck back against him. He wrapped his arms tight around Simon's midsection as somehow he found another level, another degree of intensity to which he could turn up his fucking despite already giving it his all, and howled in bliss as the sylveon grunted to him between violent hammer-strikes of the lucario's cock against his prostate.

"N..nnnhh... now, isn't this... a-aahhhyess... isn't this more relaxing than... ssaahhhh... some boring old mhh... meditation?"

The lucario's eyes rolled back in his head as he tried to parse what Simon was asking him. As he tried to wrap his head around whether there was some way that the sylveon could have known that this was going to happen, like his teasing, playfully blissed out tone suggested. It should have been obvious, he could practically feel the answer tingling on the tip of his tongue like the residue of that delicious rainbow poke-bean. But, if there was something that Simon had done to him in order to get him worked up just like all the other bean-filled isle's inhabitants, he was quite honestly too busy, too gleefully giddy fucking Simon senseless to consider it.

"Cum in me..."

Simon gasped in ecstasy, one of his own hands leaving the grassy earth where he was steadying himself on all fours to reach down past Luke's squeezing, cuddling grasp around his belly and to start squeezing at his own cock, jerking himself off as his ass was ploughed to ever more passionate extremes by the lucario.

"Fill me. Knot me. Then... aaahhyes... then you can rest. Then, I promise, you won't be able to have a single thought cross your mind whether you want to or not. Just please. Please, ooooh god. Just like that. Harder. Yes. Yes!"

The lithe sylveon with that perfect, irresistible ass shrieked with a high pitched squeal of rapture as once again Luke found a reserve of even greater power within himself, and slammed his cock into the other pokemon that it didn't matter whether his knot was fully engorged or not, it still popped into Simon's body with a hot, thick slurp. Simon's eyes bulged as his hips kept on pumping at breakneck speed, but suddenly he was limited in his movements. Each time he drew his hips back with his knot buried inside of the sylveon, the other pokemon's ass clamped down and a crashing tidal wave of pleasure erupted through him. Given just how fast Luke was still humping Simon though, and how loudly and blissfully the sylveon was reacting to his every stroke, it didn't take long after the knotting was complete for either male to reach the very brink of what their bodies could handle. They shook, they gasped and grunted and howled. Their cocks strained and spurted volumes of pre-cum which to most men would have easily outmatched their entire orgasmic loads, and finally... finally, they could hold back no longer.

A long, joyous, squealing cry erupted from Simon's muzzle as he began to paint the grassy ground beneath himself with thick ropes of cum, and a split-second later that already shrill wailing became an almighty, rapturous scream as the sylveon felt teeth on the back of his neck, hips ploughing hard into his sweet, plump ass, and white hot steel boiling within him as lucario let loose with an almighty roar. Two sets of heavy balls slapped together as they were drained of every drop they had to offer, Luke's hips still pumping, still savagely fucking the sylveon through every twitch of his cock, every lashing spray of cum coating the inside of Simon's ass and held in, inescapable by the swollen girth of his knot.

The sylveon's tight ass milked Luke for every last dribble and droplet he had to offer, while the lucario's cock quivered and throbbed against Simon's prostate to the same deliciously potent effect. Eventually though, there was nothing left. No cum, no energy, nothing for the two men to do but collapse to the ground in a gurgling, whimpering heap, Simon shivering and blushing as he felt his still firm cock and belly lying in a puddle of his own cum, and Luke whining as he felt his consciousness ebbing away.

"Mnhh... told you..."

Simon giggled, feeling Luke shiver and hearing him moan, the only response the lucario was capable of mustering in that moment.

"I told you some activities would help you relax way better than some dumb old meditation, and I was right, wasn't I?"

There was no response at first, and the sylveon pouted.

"Aww, c'mon. Don't be a bad sport. Tell me I was right."

Still nothing. The smile almost began to fade from Simon's muzzle as he wondered if really the lucario would have been happier with just some time alone. A moment later though, he heard the real reason for Luke's silence.

A loud, guttural snore, followed by a slight wetness between his shoulders, as he felt the already unconscious, slumbering, utterly satisfied lucario start to drool on him.

Simon beamed, and sighed happily as he pulled his arms out from beneath himself and rested his head upon one of them as a makeshift pillow.

"Told ya."

He teased the sleeping pokemon once again, his own eyes falling shut in peaceful contentment as he felt the lucario's weight pinning him down, and the other man's thickly knotted cock still resting in his cum-filled ass.

"And, if you think our way of doing things here on Isle Abeens is relaxing? Just wait until you visit the rest of the Pelago."

By Jeeves

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