Family Love Chapter 5 Family Fun Time

Story by Umbro/Quil on SoFurry

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#6 of Family Love

Hehe, I hope you guys love this chapter. Once again though, I am not good with yiff scenes so go easy on criticizing them. Anyway, I'm sure you'll love this chapter.


Chapter 5: Family Fun Time

"Why'd you close the door father?" Sheena asked. Dusik approached his daughter. He sat down next to her.

"You look beautiful," Dusik complimented.

"Thank you dad," Sheena responded. Does he plan on having sex with me? I hope so.

"I...I was hoping to do something. A little activity." God I want to fuck her so badly. Pace yourself Dusik or you might scare her.

"Fuck me daddy!" Sheena blurted out. Dusik was shocked by the outburst request. "Please." Dusik walked behind Sheena. He started to massage her shoulders. While massaging her, he leaned close to her ear.

"Oh Sheena. Oh baby," he moaned quietly in her ear. Sheena let out a small whine. Dusik continued to massage his daughter.

"Daddy," Sheena whispered. "I want you."

"Do you now?" Dusik whispered in her ear. He then slid his paws gently down her back, breathing lightly in her ear. Sheena's breathing got a little heavier and faster. "How badly do you want me?" he asked.

"Badly," she whined. He then lifted her back end up and pushed the tip of his member into her ass, making her moan quickly. "More, please." Dusik continued to push his member into his daughter. Sheena let out a big moan as her father pushed himself further into her ass.

"You ready?" he asked once he was fully in her ass. Sheena nodded, eyes closed slightly tight. Dusik began thrusting. He was soft and slow at first. He wrapped his arms lightly around Sheena's waist. Dusik continued to fuck Sheena, unaware that Leefal was on his way back from the bathroom.

"A nice bath will help me relax," Leefal said as he started the water. Once the tub was half full he stopped the water and got in. Leefal let out a sigh as the warm water hit his fur. He closed his eyes and just laid there in the tub. I can forgive my sister. She has never lied nor tried to hurt me. This other Glaceon, however, better stay away from my sister and home. Leefal thought. After a little while in the tub he got out and dried off. Once completely dry, he headed back to his room. When he opened the door he saw his father having sex with his sister/girlfriend. Sheena and Dusik noticed his presence. Dusik then whispered something into Sheena's ear. She nodded.

"Leefal come here," she said. Leefal did as she asked. "Lay down on your back."

"Okay. I'm on my back," Leefal said after he had done as she asked. She then started licking his member, trying to arouse him. Leefal gasped as he felt his lover's tongue make contact with his member. Once he was aroused enough, Sheena took his member and put it in her mouth. Leefal's breathing quickened and got slightly heavier.

"You like what your sister is doing?" Dusik asked Leefal.

"Y-Yes I d-do." Sheena put her paws on the sides of her brother and started bobbing her head up and down his erected member. "Oh sis! This feels so good! Your tongue, your mouth. God I love how your saliva soaks me!" Sheena moaned in response. Dusik then began thrusting harder. With each hard thrust he gave her she sucked Leefal's member just as hard.

"Good girl. Blow your brother," Dusik said. At this point Sheena was blowing her brother at the same pace her father was fucking her. Leefal had placed his paws on his sister's head. The two males could feel themselves about to cum.

"S-sis, I'm about t-to c-c-cum!" Leefal exclaimed loudly. Sheena was doing all she could to get her brother's seed. Her tongue was wrapping around his member repeatedly as she sucked on it like a lollipop.

"Sheena! Oh you sexy girl," Dusik moaned loudly.

God this feels so fucking good! I have both my father and my brother's members in me. Sheena said in her head. Soon after thinking this both Dusik and Leefal came at the same time. Sheena let out a loud moan, but was stifled from having Leefal inside her mouth. Dusik slid out of his daughter and Sheena pulled her mouth off her brother's member. She swallowed Leefal's liquid.

"That...felt so...good," Dusik said, trying to catch his breath.

"You were...amazing...daddy. Brother you...taste really...good," Sheena said, also trying to catch her breath. The three of them just laid on the floor, trying to calm down.

"Where is Aquenus?" Leefal asked.

"He's going to have some fun with your mother," Dusik answered. The trio laid there once again in silence.

Fierra was lying on her bed listening to some music. Aquenus stared at her from the doorway. He took one paw and used it to jerk off for a few seconds. Once partially erect, Aquenus approached his mother.

"Hello mom," Aquenus greeted.

"Hi Aquenus," Fierra greeted back.

"Mother do you think I'm handsome?" Aquenus asked. Fierra looked at her son. After looking her son over twice she began thinking that he did look hot.

"Yes, you are." Aquenus smiled then hopped up on the bed next to Fierra. He laid down next to his mother. A few seconds later, Aquenus took his tail and ran it down Fierra's spine slowly and gently. She gave out a small moan.

"Mother, I want to have sex with you." This statement shocked Fierra.

"You want to have sex with?" she asked. Aquenus nodded.

"Yes mother. You're so fucking hot! I want you. I need you!" Aquenus then started humping Fierra.

"Aquenus get off me." Despite how badly he wanted to fuck her, he stopped. "What would you like to do to me?"

"A lot of things mother."

"I'll let you do whatever you want to me, but only this one time. Tell me what to do and I'll do it." Aquenus smiled.

"Lay down on your back." Fierra did as he instructed. "Start masturbating. I want to see you rub your pussy. I want you to moan Kilandra's name." Fierra took one paw and started to rub her pussy with it. She started moaning. "Moan her name mother."

"Oh Kilandra! Kilandra!" Fierra moaned, rubbing her pussy a little harder and faster. "Kilandra!!"

"That's it mother. Get me excited," Aquenus said as he stared at his mother while she masturbated. Fierra was about to shove her tail inside her pussy when Aquenus stopped her. It was then that Kilandra walked in.

"God mother you were turning me on. Hearing you moan my name really worked me up," Kilandra said as she hopped up onto the bed.

"My goal to begin with. Okay mother I'm going to jerk off. What I'm going to do is cum all over your belly. Then I'm going to have sis lick it all up."

"I'm loving your ideas brother!" Kilandra squealed with delight. Aquenus started masturbating in front of his mother and sister. He moaned their names. It didn't take long for him to spill his seed all over Fierra's belly. Aquenus fell onto his side while Kilandra began licking and sucking up her brother's cum off Fierra.

"Kilandra!" Fierra moaned as her daughter's face and tongue were all over her belly. After finishing with Fierra, Kilandra approached Aquenus and cleaned his member with her mouth. He moaned a little as she did so. Once clean, Aquenus got up.

"Now it's time for the finale. Sis, lay on your back. Mother, get on top of sis with your mouth over her pussy." Both girls did as he instructed. Aquenus mounted Fierra and shoved his member into her ass. She gasped as her son started pushing himself into her. "Okay, mother start licking Kilandra's pussy." Fierra did as he said. Kilandra let out little whimpers with each lick she received. "Sis, start licking mother's pussy." Kilandra began licking at her mother's pussy. The both of them whimpered as they went at each other. Aquenus then started thrusting. Fierra moaned as she felt his member go in and out of her ass.

"Yes! Oh yes! Aquenus!" Fierra moaned. Aquenus gave quick but hard thrusts. Kilandra decided that her mother needed more. She burrowed her head in between her mother's legs. Kilandra then pushed her tongue in as much as she could and licked up all the juices her mother had produced. Fierra moaned louder from the combination of Kilandra's tongue and Aquenus's member working her ass and pussy.

"Oh mother! This feels so good!" Aquenus moaned.

"M-Mom I'm g-going to cum!" Aquenus said after a quarter of an hour of thrusting. Minutes afterward he released his seed into his mother's ass. Fierra moaned his name loudly as he came. Kilandra had stopped licking her mother a bit before Aquenus announced that he was about to cum. She was still underneath her though.

"Aquenus...that good," Fierra said in between breaths.

"I know. I...loved it," he responded. All three just laid down on the bed. No one moved and everything was silent.

Back in the other room, Leefal and Sheena were talking. Dusik had left a shortly after the threesome.

"I know what you're thinking brother. I don't have to read your mind to know that you hate Logan."

"Is that who that Glaceon was?"

"Yes. I know you hate him because he kissed me, but promise me you won't attack him."

"Why do you want me to promise that? I thought you didn't love him."

"I don't. However you'll get in a lot of trouble. Also he has a type advantage over you. I don't want you to get hurt." Leefal knew that she had a point. He would take twice the damage for being weak against Ice attacks.

"Okay, I promise I won't attack him." Sheena nuzzled Leefal.

"Brother may I ask you something?"


"Would you like to start a family with me one day?"

"Yes my sweet sister." The two of them nuzzled each other then laid down.

"I love you Leefal."

"I love you Sheena." The both of them fell into a nice, deep sleep.

Dusik walked into his room to find Fierra surrounded by both Kilandra and Aquenus.

"Hello father," Aquenus and Kilandra greeted at the same time.

"Hello my children," Dusik greeted back. "Did you two have fun with your mother?" Both children nodded with smiles. "Good, but I must ask you both to head to your room so I may speak with your mom."

"Okay father," Aquenus said. Kilandra and him left the room.

"What's wrong baby?" Fierra asked.

"I overheard Sheena and Leefal talking about some guy named Logan. Apparently he kissed Sheena and Leefal saw. I'm worried that Leefal might attack him if the two ever meet."

"I'm sure Leefal knows better than to attack someone unless he is attacked."

"I still worry." Fierra walked over to Dusik and kissed him.

"He'll be fine. Nothing bad will happen." Dusik smiled and the two of them went to bed.

"I can't wait for you to fuck me Aquenus." Kilandra and Aquenus were in the female bedroom.

"Don't worry sis. You'll have your turn," Aquenus said with a big grin on his face.

"I saw how big you were and I almost pounced on you," Kilandra said as she giggled.

"Well you won't have to wait much longer to have it in you." Aquenus wrapped his tail around his sister's tail. The two lovers rested their heads against each other. They stayed like that for a little while. Afterwards they went to bed. Everyone was now asleep, unaware of what the next few days would bring.