Job Change Part 2 - FTM Behemoth TF

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Meant to upload this a while back, but I forgot to X3The second part of the Job Change storyline for , with Shade freeing the now-captured adventurer, as well as giving her a new form to play with. Also a side of Shade you don't really want to see :P The third and final part hasn't been set in stone yet, but it should happen sometime next year!

Final Fantasy elements (C) Square-EnixShade (C) MyselfConcept (C) ivanksDesign (C)

Posted using PostyBirb

Some time had passed since Lassiah had her encounter with Shade. The former Raen White Mage met the raven witch, who had been exploring in a realm which wasn't her own, whilst attempting to traverse a dungeon, and after receiving a special job crystal from the avian creature, she was transformed into a large, masculine dragon, specifically Bahamut, albeit one from a different world and not the same that was the harbinger of a world-threatening calamity. It did take a little bit of getting used to, going from being a human being to a great, scaly beast, but thankfully it didn't take too long to adapt to, especially with Shade and her chocobotaur friend, Amatsu, helping him out. She was able to help to ensure that people had nothing to fear from Lassiah being around - naturally, being a dragon named Bahamut would instil fear in the hearts of any normal people, but that was where the similarities ended. Shade returned to her own realm for a while, needing to deal with things closer to home, leaving Lassiah to his own business, travelling the realms and continuing on quests and adventures as if nothing had happened to him in the first place.

It didn't take too long at all for him to become a more-than-reliable ally to any adventurers in need of a literal god to aid them, or anyone who needed a quick lift from point A to point B, and he did enjoy helping people out where he could... but of course, he did end up drawing some unwanted attention from unsavoury types, namely anyone who could be perceived as a threat to the plans and machinations of the Garlean Empire, and whilst he had managed to evade them and give them trouble for the most part, it was only a matter of time before they'd get the drop on him.

One day, whilst flying silently above one of the Empire's many camps, he had been assaulted by a group of soldiers who were more than ready for him. Even with god-like powers on hand, the dragon was quickly overwhelmed by the surprise onslaught of both human and Magitek soldiers, and he was swiftly captured. The Empire were more than just a little bit curious in wanting to find out just what this creature really was, and if its power could be used to further their plans - a second Bahamut was unheard of, and they were sure that something with that level of sentience and free will could be twisted to obey their every commands - the power of a god could far surpass anything they had developed previous, even the Ultima Weapon.

With Lassiah firmly in their clutches, their chief engineers were able to develop machinery that could be used to syphon off the dragon's powers, storing it away, all the while running a multitude of experiments on him. When enough of Lassiah's power had been syphoned, he reverted from being a towering, imposing dragon, back to her original Raen form. This did come as a surprise to the Empire, wondering just how that energy had transformed her, but when the now-empty job crystal had reemerged, they were quick to piece two and two together, and whilst they couldn't restore the power to the crystal it had been drawn from, they were already forming ideas of how to put it to use for themselves. Even if they couldn't use it in the same way to turn someone into a draconic god, they might still be able to use it to create an army of dragonic humanoids who could swiftly lay waste to those who opposed them. Lassiah, in her weakened state, and stripped of her weapons, was chained up inside a dungeon within one of their main strongholds.

"Urg... damned Garleans..." She muttered under her breath, awakening from an uncomfortable sleep, looking around her cell - whilst she wasn't bound to the wall like some of the more unfortunate souls, she couldn't get anywhere near the door, or even within range of any guards. "I can't believe they got the drop on me like that... I was too careless..." She sat up on her bed, looking around the cell and its bleak, drab confines. It must have been about a week or so since she was locked up, but it felt longer than that.

"If only I had access to my magic, I might be able to plan some form of escape..." Lassiah sighed. "I guess all I can really do is wait and see if anyone comes to save me, torture me, or execute me..."

She could hear footsteps echoing through the hallway outside, a mix of human and machine as two wardens made their way towards her cell. "And I guess it's gonna be one of the latter two, delightful..."

"Alright, runt!" A voice called from the other side of her cell. "You're wanted to answer a few questions about that power we syphoned from you. I assume you're gonna try and put up another fight if we let you out?" They chuckled, causing Lassiah to scowl. She'd sooner die than give any useful information to the Garlian Empire. "No answer, eh? I guess we'll have to beat it out of you, then!" They cruelly laughed. "Just make it easy for yourself, and we'll - GUH!!!"

Lassiah paused when she heard the sound of something, presumably the human warden, hit the ground hard. "What the hell are YOU?!" The warden followed up. "I don't know what you are, but you're not getting out of here al-BAAAAAAAAAH!" They suddenly bleated before going silent. She could hear the Magitek guard getting ready to retaliate, before hearing the sound of a spell of some kind striking it.

"Hrm, so you're a machine..." A feminine voice mused, one that sounded oddly familiar to Lassiah. "I guess if I can't make you join your friend, I might as well do this instead!" Another spell struck the Magitek guard, followed up by a small explosion as the construct took critical damage, blowing the door to Lassiah's cell off its hinges.

"WOAH!" She was knocked back against the wall, the hallway filled with smoke. As it cleared up, Lassiah spotted what looked like a small, wooly sheep cowering from the blast, the mechanical guard reduced to scrap metal, whatever was left of its feet still smouldering. "What in the seven hells just happened?"

"I suppose you could call it a friendly check-up of sorts, though I did have to take care of a couple of unwelcome guests - I'm hoping that explosion doesn't draw immediate attention to us!" A familiar figure stepped into view before Lassiah.

"Shade? Is that you?" A smile crossed her face. "What are you doing here, and how did you sneak into a Garlean stronghold without being noticed?"

"You'd be surprised how little notice people take to seeing a common raven flying by, even if it's one with my highlights~" She chirped. "It being nighttime also served to make it just a little bit easier for me."

"Heh... I can't begin to say how glad I am to see a friendly face again! I was starting to think that no-one was gonna come and save me!"

"What can I say? I like to check in on my friends and satisfied transformees every now and then!" She stepped closer, picking the damaged door back up and placing it against the doorway in an attempt to cover it up. "And speaking of transformation, I can't help but notice a particular lack of a draconic hunk. What happened - did you do something that ended up removing the job crystal I gave you?"

"No, it wasn't me who did it... nor was it my choice..." Lassiah sank her head low. "I was captured by the Garlian Empire in an ambush. I don't know what kind of technology they've got on hand, but they were able to syphon the energy out of that crystal and turned me back to normal..." She handed Shade the drained crystal.

"They... drained my magic from you?" She asked.

"Yes... and now they're trying to look into a way to weaponize it for themselves so they can strengthen their army. At least I think, the last few days have been a blur in that regard..." Lassiah said solemnly.

"They... forced you back to normal... and messed with my magic..." Shade spoke, but the usual friendly tone of her voice had vanished. She gripped the drained crystal tight in her claws, so tight that if it was being held in a human hand, it'd be cutting through her flesh and drawing blood.

"I... take it that doesn't happen that often?" Lassiah questioned her.

"No... no it doesn't..." There was a growing anger in Shade's voice. She had transformed so many people over the centuries she had been around, she had never really encountered anyone who could dispel her magic. Granted, in her home realm, there was no real form of magic as it had long-since vanished, technology having taken its place, so there was nothing that could really compete against her. However, now knowing that there was some form of being or technology that could counter her spells to a degree, it only served to make her blood boil. Shade used her magic to improve a person, even if it was by turning them into a beast, it was still used purely for good. The closest she had gotten to being evil (of sorts) was when she was in her Arakkoa form in another alternate realm, whoever this empire was, they were something else.

"Are you ok?" Lassiah asked, backing away a little when she noticed Shade's markings and wings turning a furious blood red, the same colour overtaking her eyes.

"Oh, I will be once I've made these fools pay for what they've done to you..." She glanced over to Lassiah, her gaze piercing through her. Lassiah flinched - she had spent some time with Shade whilst in her draconic form, but she never recalled the raven ever getting angry. "If they think they're gonna warp my magic for their own twisted schemes..."

"OK, you're actually scaring me right now." She gulped.

"You've got no reason to be scared of me, hun..." Shade chirped, placing her hands on the restraints around Lassiah's feet, an unspoken spell causing them to break apart. Lassiah shaked her feet, glad to be free of the restraints whilst Shade did the same to shatter the shackles around her wrists. "If anything, it's this empire that should be scared of me!"

"You're going to try to take them on all by yourself?" Lassiah gawked. "I can understand that you're pissed, but I don't think that even you would be able to stand up against an army of THAT size!"

"Oh honey, I've cursed an entire TOWN that killed my friends and tried to kill me, you REALLY don't want to know what I'm capable of when my anger comes to the surface!" Shade cawed, and from the red markings and tone of her voice, Lassiah was inclined to believe her on that front. "However, I don't think that it should be me alone dealing some punishment to them!"

"You want me to help?" Lassiah blinked. "I mean I'd love to, but they took all of my weapons!"

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to?" The raven smirked. "You won't be fighting them as you are now, you'll be in an all new form!"

"Ooooohhh..." She found herself smirking back. "Like another dragon?"

"As tempting as that would be, they'll probably be expecting that, and as it is, I need to either reclaim the magic they syphoned from you or destroy it... and it just so happens that I've got something PERFECT in mind when it comes to destruction..." She giggled, producing another crystal from out of thin air - it was similar enough to what she had given Lassiah before, except this one was a mix of purple and red.

"What's this one, then?" She stepped in closer, looking at the new crystal.

"I could tell you, but it'll probably be more fun for you to find out for yourself~" She extended her hand, the crystal hovering in her talons. "Just equip it like the last one!"

Lassiah carefully took it, noticing the angry red aura flowing from the gem. "I'm gonna guess it'll be just as intense as the last time, isn't it?" She asked, equipping it.

"Oh yeah, maybe even more so!" Shade grinned, a strong wave of energy flowing through Lassiah, knocking her backwards. "Given the form you'll be taking, it's somewhat necessary for it to be intense!"

"Gah..." Lassiah trembled, her body already pulsing with an odd strength, her muscles throbbing and aching. Her hands trembled, the digits growing thicker, broader, the palms of her hands gaining rough pads. Dark purple fur sprouted all around her hands, the tips of her fingers sprouting large, sharp claws, the fur moving up her arms. As it spread, the muscles grew underneath, her arms slowly becoming wider, the muscles rippling.

"It's probably a good thing that you don't have your main equipment on at this point, either!" Shade commented, watching Lassiah start to grow, the purple fur moving up her arms. Her biceps expanded, the sleeves of the prison-regulated garb that she was wearing slowly beginning to tear, fur poking through the fabric. "What you've got on doesn't even suit you, so I'm sure you won't mind tearing out of it!"

"Grrgghhh!!" Sharp, deep-black spikes grew out from along her spinal column, as well as around her shoulders. Her muscles continued to grow larger and broader, her chest heaving in and out with each breath she took, barrelling forwards. Her breasts steadily receded into her torso, pectoral muscles expanding in their place. She ran her clawed paws over them.

Her breasts eventually receded completely, replaced by thick, meatly slabs of muscle under the thick purple skin, body steadily growing bigger. Stronger. A strength that couldn't be denied flowed through the changing woman's body, rage also heating up inside. And she wanted it - this felt GOOD. So damn good. She could see why everyone feared behemoths so much.

"How are you holding up, dear?" Shade moved in closer, running her talons along Lassiah's broader shoulders, feeling the fur between her talons. "This is a different kind of strength in comparison to what you were before, but it's no less invigorating, right?" She asked, watching the fur moving downwards, her abdominal muscles slowly rippling, growing.

"Ffffuck yessss...! I LOVE it..." She huffed, the talons running through her fur feeling rather nice, though that was eclipsed by the bestial power and lust throbbing through her body. She'd never imagined anyone or anything could feel so good. Her abdominal muscles pulled into iron-hard pectorals cushioned by the fur continuing to spread. And her lower region began to feel incredible, a deep, rumbling moan escaping her mouth.

"Good, good... though I'm pretty sure that it's going to get better very, VERY soon..." Her markings shone brighter, the crimson glow emanating from them adding a somewhat sinister feel to her words. Not that Lassiah minded too much, the sensation in her crotch growing steadily more intense - it felt similar to what was happening during her draconic transformation, yet at the same time, it felt more intense. Even the feeling of something tugging on her spine did little to distract her from the sensations of something spreading her lower lips wide.

Lassiah groaned orgasmically as she felt a large cock began to push itself out as her internal organs shifted around as he could then feel the large, red spire gaining barbs around the tip as it had a distinctly bestial appearance to it. A knot puffing out at the base whilst a thick sheath formed to protect his new equipment when it wasn't in use. Just before everything sealed itself up, a massive pair of balls also made themselves known, churning heavily as they produced seed worthy of the king behemoth they were a part of.

"Mmmm, look at that spear~" Shade trilled, her hands moving from Lassiah's shoulders to his thighs, idly stroking them whilst she guided her claws to stroke against his dick. "I know it's not the same as having two cocks, but I'm sure it being extremely girthy makes up for that!" She added, the muscles in his legs expanding, his thighs bulking up as they packed on muscle, the fur bristling as she felt them up. The spinal yanking slowly grew in intensity, a bump rising up against his backside.

"Oh TRUST me, it does. When one can't make do with quantity, one does with quality~" He purred as pre spurted from his shaft as his legs continued to pack on muscle and fur, a massive, thick tail sporting some fins on it began to lengthen out above his firm, muscular ass, lashing around in bliss for a while as he enjoyed regaining a tail. There was something about having one that felt so damned good. He couldn't place a claw on why, but he was also incredibly horny.

"Seems like someone's in need of some company~" Shade teased, running her talons along his aching member. "Maybe after the deed is done, we'll try and find you another behemoth to court." She goaded him on further - even with her markings glowing red instead of purple, she was more than content to tease him during, watching the tail swaying from side to side. "Of course, that's AFTER we've done some damage and reclaimed the magic they drained from you!"

"Heheheheh... trust me, they're gonna regret ever laying a finger on me..." He grinned menacingly, the idea of revenge and utter vengeance coming very easily to him, massive feet becoming digitigrade as thick, metal-rending claws replaced toenails. The beast he was becoming was absolutely massive and a wall of fury and teeth. Little could stand up to a king behemoth once it was angered, and his changes were getting closer and closer to completion. "You're far too kind to me, my dear raven~"

"Let's just say that I've never been one to allow any wrongdoing to go unpunished, and I speak from experience on that one." She seemed to growl, thinking back on some previous experiences, as well as the one that led her to become what she is now. She looked over to Lassiah's back, a pair of bumps pressing tight against his shoulders, the muscles in his arms and back growing broader and broader still. Before too long, a thick, muscular pair of arms erupted outwards, the fingers on each 'hand' spreading apart, the space between them being filled by a sturdy, leathery webbing, giving him a pair of powerful, bestial wings.

"Oh, I'll bet. You do strike me as the type who always does get the last word!" A grin as he gently rubbed up against Shade as best he could. Which, for the massive juggernaut he'd become, took some doing. The wings felt absolutely divine - flight was his once more! He could enjoy the skies, even despite his bulk. He could also feel his neck thickening as the changes began to turn even his head into a beastial state.

"Eheh - just don't get on my bad side and you'll be fine, hun!" She stroked along his chest, watching his horns grow longer, reshaping and altering, moving from pointing behind his head to pointing forwards, an additional, slightly smaller set of horns jutting out beside them. The fur crept over his head, spikes jutting out from the sides of his face, his ears growing to points, becoming larger in the process.

"I think I can avoid that!" His already deep voice became deeper and more baritone as his face crunched and cracked outwards into a thick, fierce-looking muzzle full of sharp teeth, nostrils flaring a bit in anticipation of the utter havoc he was intent on wreaking upon those who had wronged him. His eyes changed colours as well, pupils pulling into fierce bestial slits as the behemoth could feel his physical body fully change, a glorious mane filling in at long last.


"Mmmm, not too bad at all!" Shade smirked, looking over the new behemoth. "Although I notice you've not gone bang just yet... maybe you need a little bit of help with that BEFORE we get on to the task at hand?" She asked, looking at Lassiah's throbbing dick.

"Rrrgghh... that might help to keep me focused on the task at hand, yes..." He growled. "But do you think you'll be able to handle this?"

"Hey, I took you as a dragon, didn't I?" She said. "Although, I suppose I could spice things up a little bit..." She chuckled, focusing her magic on herself next.

"Oh?" He looked on at Shade, watching as the bird started to grow in size. Her lithe form packed on muscle, the talons on her hands growing longer and sharper. A thick, powerful tail worked its way out from beneath her tail feathers, thrashing against the floor.

"I figure that they'll have enough trouble dealing with a single behemoth..." Sharp spikes jutted out from her back, her wings elongating, becoming bat-like in design, yet still showing the glowing red runes around them. Her taloned toes dug into the ground as they too grew, the metal flooring buckling under the pressure. "So how well do you think they'd stand against TWO of them?"

"Rrruhrrhrr... I like the way you think, hun~" Lassiah giggled, moving in closer, eying Shade up. Her breasts expanded in size, an additional set growing beneath them, two smaller sets of teats lining up underneath those. She ran her hands over them with a low growl, turning away to present herself to him.

"Of course, we can't let you go in there all horned up now, can we?" She arched her back, her neck thickening up. Her beak filled with serrated fangs, growing longer and broader so more could fit inside, two sets of cruelly curving horns jutting out from atop her skull. "Let's see if you're just as good at screwing in your behemoth form as you were in your dragon form~" Her tail swayed from side to side, raised up ever so slightly to tease him further.

"I'm sure that I won't be a slouch in this form, either!" He snarled, rearing up as he rammed his thick, girthy cock deep into the raven-behemoth's moist folds, eliciting a low growl from her, his paws slamming down on her shoulders.

"RRRGGGHHH!!" Her claws sank further into the ground. "You're getting a bit rough, aren't you?" Shade laughed, bucking against him, feeling the beast thrusting in with every ounce of vigour that he had, his balls slapping against her feathery behind.

"Do you expect a behemoth to be gentle?" He asked in a joking tone, moving in to nuzzle her cheek. "We need to get this out of our systems so we can focus on the task at hand, and so that you can stop glowing red as well!"

"Eheh... you do have a point there, I suppose!" She purred, riding him harder, her inner walls clamping hard against his eager spear. They knew with all the noise that they were making that they'd have company soon enough, and whilst she was never one to rush a good fuck, they had more pressing matters to get to as soon as they were finished.

"Mmrruhgghh... gods, I'm already so clooose..." He huffed, feeling his dick pulsing, the knot at its base swelling wider, stretching Shade's pussy in the process. A squawking snarl left her beak as she clamped down even harder still, feeling his weapon spasming inside of her. That one last push from both beasts was enough to send them both over the edge, the duo throwing their heads back, letting loose a low, primal bellow as they came in unison, the freshly-transformed behemoth seeding the powerful witch.


"Oohrhrrhr...mmrrgghh..." Lassiah rumbled, slowly pulling out of Shade, his cock still spurting cum like a firehose, the excess seed leaking out of Shade's rear. "Damn... I think that might have felt better than when I was a dragon..." He said.

"H...hehe... maybe try again when we're not in such an urgent situation, I'll be the proper judge of that when we're able to take our time~" She winked, shakily getting back to her feet. As she did, the lights in the cell and the open hallway started flashing red, an alarm blaring around them. "And speaking of, it seems that they've suspected something is off here." She cleaned herself off. "I think it's time we got down to business, don't you?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"Alright, what's going on?" A voice called from outside of the cell, noticing the door was broken. "If you're trying to save that Raen, you're in over your - WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS?!?!" The guard froze up when he saw the two behemoths looming over him. Before he could say another word, Shade swatted him aside with her taloned paw, knocking him unconscious.

"Looks like it's breakout time - ready to unleash hell?"

"Whenever you are!" Lassiah laughed, the two charging their way out of the cramped cell and into the hallway.

"It shouldn't take me too long to find where they're keeping my stolen magic, but I don't plan on leaving too much of this place intact, so feel free to go nuts!" Shade told him as she punched her way through one of the walls.

"Right! Though how to do this without doing too much damage to the human guards..." Lassiah thought.

"If they're the bad guys in this, I wouldn't feel too bad about killing them, though if it does put you off, you can always try to incapacitate them or something. I'm pretty sure you can reduce those Meccano men to scrap metal without feeling bad, though!"

Lassiah nodded, storming down the hallway whilst Shade made her way through the walls, the duo wrecking havoc upon anyone who got in their way. The human soldiers were either trampled, launched through whatever was nearby, or generally knocked about (and in Shade's case, some of them were also transformed into lesser creatures), whilst the Magitek guards were mangled and destroyed rather violently, whether it was by being swatted, stomped on, or having their mechanical brains shredded and scrambled in numerous ways.

"Not gonna lie... given the last few days, this is some GREAT stress relief!" Lassiah cackled, causing more damage to everything around him.

"Mmm, smashing things can be quite therapeutic when you've had a bad day or four!" Shade responded, using her tail to strike at the wall, leading the duo outside of the building they were in. "In fact, I think there's a good move that we could use to put a dent in their plans once I'm done recovering my magic!"

"I'm all ears, what have you got planned?" He charged outside, looking around him, noticing another group of guards advancing to them.

"Let's see..." Shade closed her eyes, trying to pick up on the syphoned magic. Holding the drained crystal gave her a way to pick up on the trail of the drained energy, but to her displeasure, she wasn't able to pick up on it, at least not in their current surroundings. "You've got to be kidding me..." She growled, opening her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Lassiah asked, watching as Shade suddenly lashed out at the building beside her, causing him to flinch momentarily.

"Those damn bastards don't have my magic at this site..." The markings on her body pulsed with an intense anger. "Just what are they planning on doing with... hrm?" She glanced past the crumbling wall of the building she had struck, eying up the monitors and machinery that was set up in what appeared to be some kind of research lab. A group of soldiers tried to approach her from behind, but Lassiah intervened, knocking them aside.

"Did you find something?" He asked her in a hopeful tone.

Shade didn't respond, looking at the screens, various notes written on them.

'Curious magic of unknown origin'

'Strong aetherial current - similar to tempering?'

'Odd resemblance to the Primal Bahamut'

'Transformative in nature - target reverted to Raen when fully syphoned'

'Possible to weaponize'

'Project: Bahamut Soldier'

"What the hell?" Lassiah gasped - everything that had been discussed in front of him when he was captured wasn't just a hazy blur, and now it hit him clearly. "They're looking to use your magic to create an army of unstoppable monsters!"

"Rrrrggghh..." Another growl left Shade's beak, magic crackling from her claws. Her suspicions from earlier were all but confirmed at this point, and it was making her blood boil. She turned towards Lassiah, her eyes burning with anger. Once again, Lassiah felt a general sense of unease seeing the normally friendly raven so pissed off. "If that's the way they want to play, I suppose we'll have to track them down... we can at the very least put a slight damper on their plans and research, however..." She moved outside, unphased as another wave of soldiers began to charge at them.

"And how do we do that?" Lassiah asked.

"Just do as I do!" Shade smirked, focusing intently on the guards before looking up towards the sky. Lassiah mirrored the raven's moves, wondering just what the plan was and how it'd help given the seemingly unending waves of enemies heading their way. She then slammed her fists down to the ground, throwing her head back as she roared definitely on all fours, Lassiah once again mimicking Shade's moves.

Lassiah felt like questioning what this would accomplish, but then stood still as his gaze moved back to the sky, watching two large meteors hurtling down towards them. Before he could even utter the first few syllables of the words 'Elipctic Meteor', the rocks struck the earth, letting loose a fiery shockwave that more or less vanquished anything in the immediate area, the buildings buckling and exploding from the force of the apocalyptic force of the attack. The devastation caused by it could be seen from afar, the Garlean compound reduced to a smouldering crater, littered by numerous dead soldiers and mangled machinery.

"Seven hells..." Lassiah gawked, staring at the devastation around them.

Shade got back to her feet, dusting herself off. "Can't say I'd think of using that move in any normal situation - nor was I expecting it to go all 'Judgement Day' from two of them at once. Still, that should throw a pretty big spanner in the works for the time being!"

"I doubt it'll hinder them for too long, though..." Lassiah turned to her feathered friend. "They've got your magic at a different compound, and if we don't do anything to stop them, they're going to create an army of Bahamut-esque dragons! They'll be virtually unstoppable if they pull that off!"

"Mmm..." She nodded, looking at the behemoth. "I gave you god-like powers thinking there wasn't really anything that could oppose you - I had forgotten that this world actually has things that can equal a god's strength, be it through sheer perseverence, willpower, or just dumb luck. I can't leave my magic in their hands, otherwise even I myself might not be able to take them on!"

"Can't you just turn creatures back to normal?" Lassiah asked.

"It's not something that's usually asked of me - they all tend to be more than happy with their new forms, and whilst I can do a reversion spell if necessary, trying to do it en masse tends to be a bit more challenging and draining, and that's WITHOUT the targets being god-like beings!"

"Damn... so is there anything we can do?" He wondered.

"Yes, though I doubt we'll have too much time to plan it out - we'll have to find out just where they are and where they have my magic. Then it's all a matter of ensuring that the place isn't left standing afterwards!"

"Yeah, and I can think of another problem as well - they'll probably have gotten word of two behemoths wrecking this place, so they'll be expecting us like that!"

"Damn it, you're right on that one..." Shade grumbled. "We'll have to plan along the way!" She added, reverting back to her standard form, her markings returning to their normal purple coloration for now. "I do have a little bit of additional help at the least - I'll call on Amatsu to meet us up at the next town along the way, and we'll begin brainstorming then!"

"Sounds good to me... though, you'll turn me back to human BEFORE we reach the town, right?" Lassiah asked. "I mean they were quick to understand me being a dragon with no intent to harm them, seeing a giant, hulking behemoth heading their way would stir up some unnecessary tension!"

"True, true... I COULD pass you off as my mount, I know they've tamed some behemoths to be used for transport, but even then it'd make them feel uneasy." Shade hopped up onto Lassiah's shoulders. "For now, let's get a move on - I'm sure we'll get an idea or two going that'll be good enough to foil the Empire's plans!"

"Here's to hoping - they're not usually the type to admit defeat easily, though!" Lassiah nodded, lowering himself to all fours as he ran on ahead, leaving the decimated compound behind them.

"Oh, trust me, hun~" Shade smirked. "I don't think they've ever seen a creature like me before!"