I'm Your Biggest Client

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Commission for IrvingWrites from FA.

Gertrude, a sixty year old lizard for longest time wanted to have a child. Since she lost her dear husband, it was the only thing on her mind. Luckily for her, a talented young tailor was working down the street, who seemed to be a perfect candidate for her. And it didn't mean marriage.

Gentle sounds of smooth jazz were coming out of the radio, filling the room with non-intrusive music full of harmony. Not like the current popular music, so-called 'rock, and roll', where young women were seduced by wanna-be singers, a bunch of nobodies. Or at least, it was what Gertrude was thinking about them.

Voluptuous, incredibly curvy, mature snake woman towered above the nearby standing mirror, preparing herself for the departure. While her scaly skin seemed to be worn out because of her age, she still got that spark, being clever and seductive, knowing what real men truly wanted.

Before preparing her clothes to wear, she stared at her body, surveying each nook and cranny with a judgemental look, but not treating the extra fat rolls as something that she should immediately rid off. While she feared obesity, Gertrude also despised the ridiculously thin young women who tortured themselves with a simple salad just to look like mannequins.

She used both of her hands to lift the bountiful bosom, not plump and perky like in the old days, but still able to lure almost any man to her bedroom, just by looking at those two light-green globes of softness.

The snake turned a bit, wanting to look at her rump, deciding to lie off the cake at least for some time, seeing it might be too large and heavy not only for her sake but for others who would like her to take a seat on their delicate faces. Not like they would want to, but she heard about this popularized sexual position where a partner was satisfying their lover with only their tongue.

"Oh, Samuel. It's so sad you couldn't give me a child. You were the one who truly knew how to fulfill my desires..." she said to a black-and-white photo standing on her nightstand, with a portrait of a rather thin and probably not too tall male snake. While she was no longer wearing dark clothing to mourn his loss, she still missed him dearly.

After catching herself thinking about the past for too long, she tried to return to her initial plans of dressing up and leaving for her favorite tailor in this small city. She gave her reflection one last look, thinking about all those women with a ridiculous-looking bush of hair between their legs. But being a lizard, she had no problem with something so trivial.

While looking into her wardrobe, looking for the best clothes for this occasion. While it wasn't a walk to a nearby church or dance, she still wanted to look astonishing, as always. Her hands touched a soft, tall bathrobe, thinking if she should choose comfort over looks. And not that bad of an idea either, since she was electric anyway. Not a fool, though. That name is reserved only for the poor.

It took a bit of time for her to put on the long and laced underwear plus a corset to slim down her figure a bit. Gertrude eventually picked a long, azure-colored dress, which worked pretty well with the color of her scales. She still refused to hire a maid to help with dressing her up, wanting to be completely independent, and believing in her abilities even at her current age of sixty.

The snake didn't trust heavy makeup, adding only a bit of cherry color to her lips, going for a more natural look of her scaly head with only that single exception. The woman turned off the radio and picked a box from the nightstand, wrapped in a ribbon. Gertrude looked at the clock, seeing the small hand coming dangerously close to the eight. I have to hurry, the snake thought. She finally finished it with a broad hat with a red feather on top of it, plus a rather gigantic, red purse before leaving her house, which sat in a rather noisy neighborhood.

Before she crossed the street, a loud Mustang drove fast past her, startling her almost to death. She remembered seeing an automobile when she was young, which was barely moving through the streets next to horse carriages, bulky and slow. Now those contraptions were more aerodynamic and colorful, but also expensive and blaring. While she tried to focus on the present, she still wanted to relive the old days.

Her walk was rather uneventful, despite the noises coming from the nearby club, where people drank alcoholic beverages and listened to modern music. The mature woman ignored it, focused on her current task. And there it was, a small tailor shop in a dark alley. While she usually avoided such places, thinking those alleys reeked of poverty and old cabbage, the owner was an incredibly talented young man.

A small bell chimed softly right after the voluptuous snake opened the door, squeezing herself inside the rather small room, filled with various boxes and racks with various clothing. While the shop didn't look like anything she would like to be in, the looks were deceiving. She wasn't the only rich lady who would buy merchandise from here.

Eugene, a young lion, beamed after seeing his favorite customer, now soaring above his more minor posture. He was like a baby doll, ready to be played by a much bigger person. But he wasn't afraid of that gentle senior citizen, not even one bit.

"Ah, madam DuBois, welcome. You're just in time because I was about to close the shop for the night. But I'll do everything to please my favorite customer." She gave her a wide, full-of-respect smile.

"And best paying, I hope?"

"Y-yes. But it's not why I welcome you the most, madam..." he replied, slightly disoriented. "I'm always happy to see you, despite our professional relationship.

The lion slowly bowed to her, quite confused. Was she mad at him?

"Professional..." she repeated, deep in thought. "Is my bathrobe ready? I miss it quite a lot, honestly..." while she sounded rather cold, just his presence alone was warming her heart. But she just had to play this little game for now.

"Of course, madam. Right away." He said, walking to the back of the story, still afraid that he made some kind of mistake. Or probably she was just busy and in a hurry.

He returned with a sizeable box, handing it over to the woman, sweating visibly on his face. While he had only to fix the hole and sew a single button to its place, was still nervous that his customer will be satisfied.

Gertrude opened it and took the material out, unfurling the clothing before her eyes, judging it harshly. She had to look perfect after all.

"Are you married? Or perhaps seeing another woman?" She asked while staring at the bathrobe, especially the spot where the previous hole was.

This sudden question took aback the lion. Why she had to know something so personal? But he answered truthfully.

"N-no, madam. I'm single..." he replied, while his nervousness grew. The lizard woman nodded.

"Perfect," she said, not clarifying if it was about his answer or the bathrobe, which she placed neatly back in the box. From her purse, she took out some money and a package that she had previously took from her home.

"Oh, that's a bit too much for a simple fix, madam." He said, but accepting the money and the gift anyway, with absolutely no hesitation. Gertrude didn't ask, but somehow knew this young man needed that cash.

"Open it now. I hope you'll like it."

The young man removed the ribbon and opened it with slightly shaky hands, not knowing what to expect. Inside there was a small batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies, a thoughtful gift, although not an expensive one.

"Oh, wonderful. I don't remember when I had those for the last time. Thank you, madam."

The lion placed the box on the counter before staring back at the scaled senior, giving a rather puzzled look.

"Is... there anything else you need, madam?" He wanted to please her with hospitality, but because of not only age but also a class difference, the lion did not know what more he could give his favorite client.

"Aren't you going to try it? Please, make this old lady happy and take a big bite. Tell me how it tastes..."

Eugene felt something strange about her demeanor. On one hand, Gertrude acted like a sweet old woman who would be his grandmother, spoiling him properly. But also in her voice, he could hear a command, something that he couldn't refuse. While strange, he dismissed it as something he only imagined. After all, it couldn't be any danger to try that confection, right?

"Oh, of course, madam. My apologies. I didn't want to upset you." He bowed before taking the cookie, sniffing it curiously.

The lizard squinted her eyes, trying her best to not lose patience. But she said nothing, not wanting to give any more suspicions about that intelligent young man.

The lion finally crushed half of the baked goods with his fangs, letting some crumbs fall on the wooden floor. The taste was divine, not too sweet, and quite soft on the inside. Eugene purred like a household cat, swaying his tail like the happiest child.

"It's wonderful, madam. Can't believe I'm so lucky to have a such wonderful customer like you. Is there anything else I can help you with? If not, I'll perhaps just clean the shop before closing it for the night." He said, before finishing the second half of the cookie.

"Oh, there's one more thing. But I'll have to wait a moment for it..."

The lion didn't understand what she was saying, and his limbs felt quite heavy and his mind was dizzy as well.

"W-wait? Wait for what, m'lady?"

The lizard smirked, showing some of her chipped teeth. Even at her age, she suddenly looked intimidating, like a predator slowly creeping out of its hiding.

"For the mixture to work. But I see it didn't take long at all. Just close your eyes and let the potion embrace you."

The lion didn't hear her last words, succumbing to darkness, not even getting some help. And with that, it went silent.



The soreness of his limbs and pounding inside his head woke him up immediately. The feeling resembled the after effect of an entire night of heavy drinking. Eugene looked around, seeing himself completely naked, lying on an unfamiliar bed, while someone attached both of his arms to the framing with thick rope.

"What the devil is going on here?" He tried to pull hard on the binds, but he had not enough strength to damage them even the slightest. After hearing footsteps, he immediately turned his head towards the entrance of the bedroom he was in. With a glimpse of the eye, he noticed a photograph on the nightstand with an unfamiliar male lizard. Eugene already knew where he was.

"Madam DuBois? Is that you?"

And there she was, tall and broad as before, but this time without her fancy, expensive clothing. Her bald head was smooth like the best china plate and her eyes were full of lust and hunger, like she was ready to go through his flesh immediately after impending pounce. Or at least it was what Eugene was thinking.

"Madam, I beg you. I've done nothing wrong. And if I did, I deeply apologize for any inconvenience you. Could you just... let me go?" The lion panicked, not knowing her intentions. But things looked pretty grim for him.


"Ah, what?" In a panic, he didn't connect the dots, giving her a confused look.

"It's Gertrude, sweetheart. Enough with that 'madam' silliness. We're enough acquainted, knowing ourselves for quite some time. Just relax."

Feeling slightly better, he finally noticed her clothing, which was the same bathrobe he recently fixed. It truly emphasized her figure. While not too tight, her wide hips, thick legs, and impressively shaped breasts were perfectly outlined under the silky material. The lion would think she wanted to flirt with him. But it couldn't be possible, he thought. The age and size difference was more than obvious.

"Why I am naked, ma'am? I mean, Gertrude? I won't lie that was something I was fantasizing about, but I didn't imagine like this..." he tried to joke about this whole situation.

"Like what? Oh, because I'm not a young cat lady that would do anything you want? It's not a fairy tale, sweetheart. But with your help, it can become one."

Before he said anything, the older woman approached the nightstand next to the bed, lifting the photo frame and letting out a long sigh, while staring at the male portrayed in it.

"Oh, Samuel..." she exhaled, before putting back in its place and looking at the young lion. "I loved my late husband dearly, and I miss him every day. I still remember his words before he left this sad world, that he wished for me to finally bear a child since he couldn't give him one. The thought of lying in bed with another man, even as a widow, makes me miserable. But knowing what my dear love wished for me, I'm ready."

The lion tried to understand this whole circumstance he was in, but they still tied him to the bed against his will.

"I sympathize with you ma-- Gertrude. But I still can't comprehend what it's all to do with me. Perhaps you'll untie me and we can talk this out? My head is killing me and I need to take something for it."

"Ah, a side effect from the potion. Here, take these two..." she said, taking two differently colored pills from a nearby flat tin box and handing them close to his mouth.

"Should I trust you?" He squinted his eyes, moving his head as far from her hand.

"I don't think you have much of a choice, sweetheart. Just swallow them." She commanded, taking a previously prepared glass of water.

Eugene had nothing else to do but obey, letting the woman feed the pills to him and drink the water afterward, swallowing all of it. Soon after, he felt a cooled down, wet napkin on his forehead, while the lizard was wiping off all the sweat from him.

"The slight fever is the other side effect of the sleeping potion. And those pills should work within the next few moments, don't you worry..."

The lion didn't have much of anything else to say, wanting to feel better before asking more mind-burning questions. And after that, the pain was gone. But with the disappearance of one, something else turned up.

"Ah. There it is..." she cooed, putting a broad smile on her maw.

Both of them could notice something growing fast out of the lion's sheath. A deeply red, pointy shaft emerged from its fuzzy shelter, twitching with raw power, almost painfully, while a lot of his blood rushed in to fuel such monstrosity. Even a large woman like Gertrude had to be impressed by such size and girth. While not ridiculously large, it was still larger than average.

"Now, for my plan. I already told you about my need for a child. You'll give me one." She stated bluntly, running her hands through his fur, touching the muscles of his chest and stomach.

"You seem strong and well-fed, not like other individuals who eat burgers and wash them down with soda every day. Also, you're intelligent and well-mannered. I couldn't find a better candidate than you, sweetheart."

While the pain was gone, the feeling of sudden lust was even more uncomfortable, and his heart raced. He again tried to escape, pulling on the ropes.

"It's flattering. But I still think this is all misunderstanding. I can't be a father just yet. I want to focus on my career. My shop. Couldn't you take care of an orphan, perhaps? Or look for another husband?"

"No, I couldn't." She answered bluntly. "There are no words that will change my mind. Just relax, it will not take too long. You'll still have time to open the shop in the morning."

The lion was too focused on his capture that he didn't notice the darkness outside the closed window. Should he try to scream for help?

"And don't even think about yelling. It's a quiet neighborhood and I don't want to wake up the others. Don't force me to gag you, sweetheart."

While pleasant, her voice was quite intimidating as well. The lion, now defeated, complied with her mad-stitched plan. What else he could do?

"So... what's next for me, Gertrude? Are you just going to take me right here and now? Not even a kiss?" Eugene tried to laugh in the face of danger. Deep down he thought it shouldn't end badly for him, somehow accepting his fate, no matter how crazy that was.

"I need to try your member out before shoving that pole down my womb. While it looks perfect, I need to taste your seed first, so I'll be sure if it's acceptable."

It confused the lion still trying to make some sense of this fever dream. Or maybe that's what it was?

"You can taste if the semen is good enough or not? I didn't know lizard women could do that with their tongues..." he said ironically, chuckling but stopping immediately under her icy gaze.

"Silent. But to make this experience more pleasurable for you, I'll remove my garments to let you look over my bare figure. While you can't touch it for obvious reasons, you can still fantasize about it.

After those words, the older woman untied the ribbon around her waist, before opening the robe and letting the material flop on the ground, revealing her wide and tall frame.

By any means, the lion couldn't say that their body was perfect, but somehow each imperfection added character and beauty to her. The slightly sagging breasts stretched out all over those long years weren't that much flattened or wrinkled, still probably able to feed over one child. The dark green areolas emphasized the soft colors of the rest of her globes while the thick nipples begged for attention.

The fat folds around her waist could be called 'love handlers' unironically, not making her obese or even too much overweight. Just another feature like a scar or mark. The old, worn-out scales here and there told a lot about her current age. But her rump looked like a master artisan chiseled it out of perfect marble. The lion couldn't help himself but look stunned at this portrait of maturity.

"You're... beautiful, madam. But perhaps you'll still reconsider? I'm flattered, but there still should be another way to fulfill your dreams." He finally said, before letting a long, loud gasp when suddenly the lizard wrapped her hand around his violently bobbing shaft.

"Enough of this rambling. Just look at my breasts and let the pleasure flow through you. You young people love... how do you call them... 'tits', right? That's silly. Those don't look even remotely like birds."

"Neither are boobies..." the lion muttered under his nose, not able to help himself but a joke.

Gertrude ignored his words, letting one of her breasts touch the tip of the lion's cock, grazing the hard nipple against the rigid flesh. The lion grunted, feeling that even the slightest touch was overwhelming. But maybe it was for the better? He thought. After all, the sooner he will ejaculate, the sooner it will be all over for him.

But the lizard old woman wasn't going any faster, toying with her prey like a cat playing with a defeated rodent. She massaged the shaft up and down, grazing fingertips against the current forming barbs, but too soft to pierce her scales. She grasped it firmer, trying to milk it like a cow's teat.

While trying to focus on the sight of her wonderful bosom, Eugene noticed her focused look, like it was something that her life depended on it. Perhaps it was about the offspring, instead of being a rape with extra steps?

With motherly care, the noblewoman caressed both of the orbs contained within the lion's furry sack below the currently pleasured shaft, weighing them carefully and massaging them as well.

"I'm sure those two can produce a lot of potent seeds. They look perfect, quite large, and even swollen. You want this, don't you? Speak up, young man." She said with demand in her voice.

"Y-yes. I think so. I was too busy to take care of it. And I don't even date any woman at the moment..."

Satisfied with his answer, she rewarded him, fearing that the sight of her slightly saggy breasts wasn't enough for him to make it a perfect experience. That and his arms still tied to the bed's frame.

"Now, try nothing funny. I'll stand above you and then slowly descend toward your face. I heard about this position, another thing popularized by your generation. Just like that wretched, so-called 'rock and roll'." She shuddered just by saying it.

The lion wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that, not having much against it. Soon enough she did what she announced beforehand, standing tall and making a move like she tried to take a seat on his precious, maned face.

"N-no, don't crush my head..." he whimpered, when the dark void approached him, suddenly stopping near his nose. When the moment of fear was gone, he looked at her smooth entrance with a rather meaty-looking labia around it. It was the first time he saw something like it up close and in the flesh, not counting the pornography.

"Oh, wow. I didn't know you from that angle, Gertrude..." he tried to play it off like a common occurrence as if other women did the same to him.

"I'm glad that you like it. Now, I'm going back to this much more important task..."

With these words, she rubbed the shaft harder with a circular motion, touching every inch of this long, thick member, even touching the top of his sheath. Eventually, a single drop of clear liquid appeared on the tip. She quickly took it with her fingertip, looking at it before the taste test.

"Hm... it's not that yet. Should've known that since it's not thick or pearly white. But it doesn't matter, we still have a lot of time for... ah!" She groaned out of a sudden, feeling something strange down there.

The lion was tired of solely looking at her plump body and warm, perfectly shaped cunt, wanting to try its flavor. As he thought, it tasted wonderful. Not a sign of bitterness, quite sweet actually.

"I told you to only look. You're... ooooh...." she couldn't help but squeeze one of her low-hanging breasts, tugging on the already hard nipple. She let the young lion shove his broad tongue inside her. The roughness of his wet organ only added to the experience, which she didn't feel for a long time.

"I changed my mind. Please, continue..." she exhaled, groaning under her breath, pulling out her long and thin tongue to wrap it around his still-twitching cock. While the lion kissed her slightly oversized, pearl-shaped clitoris, she added more strength to her grip, rubbing it even harder in faster motions.

Her mind immediately went to her younger days, to a year when she and her husband were consuming their marriage every single day, sometimes more than once. It was bittersweet because while he was gone, the memories still lasted within her.

After returning to what was going on here and now, she felt the upcoming climax not only between her legs but also inside the currently pulsating organ in her hand. She kept holding it, letting the cock spray its contents around, while a powerful orgasm flew through her, making her moan once more.

Both of them took long breaths, trying to calm themselves down after such a wild experience. She eventually stood up, before staring at her cum-covered hand. She tasted it, letting it sit in her mouth for a while before swallowing it. Gertrude smiled broadly.



Eugene swallowed another bite of cured meat before finishing the buttered roll. While he was rather embarrassed to be fed like a child, he somewhat enjoyed her motherly attitude. She placed the empty plate on the nightstand before taking a glass of water and a single pill this time.

"It was tasty, thank you." He finally said, clearly forgetting that he was here against his will. The lion eyed the pill, slightly upset. The woman noticed his emotion.

"We're almost done. Since you're rested, you now can take this, since the last one already lost its effect. Such a gentleman like you deserved the utmost hospitality. And you'll be rewarded afterward. Perhaps someday you'll leave that tiny shop of yours and open something that you truly deserve."

"But I like my shop..." the lion pouted like a kid, before being forced to take the pill, then washing it all down with lukewarm liquid. He then looked at his soft shaft, knowing what is going to happen next. The lizard woman waited as well, excited to have her dreams fulfilled. Just like Samuel's very wishes.

Just like a flower, the shaft sprouted before their eyes, hardening within seconds and standing tall, proud, and strong. The still naked, larger-than-life old lady positioned herself above him, placing her knees outside each of his legs, once again giving him a perfect view of her heavy so-called boobs.

"I promise you I will do it only once. No more kidnapping, just one chance. And even if it will not work out, I'll not bother you about it anymore..." she said in a soft voice, trying to comfort him. And it worked, giving him hope to get out of this not only alive but perhaps even wealthier.

She rubbed his chest with both of her skilled hands, moving her figure up his body, before playfully grazing the tip of his shaft against the lizard's labia, groaning gleefully. The lion wished to embrace her dancing breasts, maybe even kiss each of them.

Gertrude leaned over like she was reading his mind, almost smothering the smaller male with her globes, who accepted this as licked them, letting out soft moans. Then, with little of a warning, she sat on his cock, shoving the entirety of it down her tight, warm tunnel.

They both sighed in unity, letting out their pure emotions while their bodies fused. His member throbbed against the inner walls of her deep vagina, spreading them forcefully. That pulsating, pleasurable sensation mixed with a tiny hint of pain made her freeze in place, welcoming it comfortingly.

While grasping and releasing tufts of his chest fur, she slowly bounced on his shaft, trying her best not to harm his jewels with her immense weight. The swaying bust hypnotized the lion before his very eyes, like two plump dancers, inviting him to an unforgettable time of his life.

Gertrude lifted herself, letting his cock be almost out of her tight cunt, twitching against her hardened clit. The lizard shoved the entirety of it, before making the same motion repeatedly, treating his organ pretty roughly. But judging by his lack of words, the lion enjoyed that.

"You're perfect for me, Samuel. Take me whole..." she exhaled, bouncing on his lap.

"M-my name is not..." he started, before seeing Gertrude staring at the photograph of her late husband. So that was it was, he thought. He was just a tool. It was an obvious statement, but at least he will not have any false hopes.

Feeling slightly sore and a bit bored with this position and perhaps for another reason, she stood up and turned her back to him, before sitting on his thighs once again, somehow not crushing them under her mass. While looking at Samuel, her movement quickened, and they could hear loud, clapping sounds of plump ass hitting against the lion's body.

While Eugene lost the perfect view of the senior's fantastic breasts, they exchanged it for the second-best view of her amazing, broad buttocks, jumping up and down while his rigid cock kept reentering her delicious, moist cunt.

"Almost there, I can feel it.." she whispered to herself, while the lion felt that as well. He couldn't have any idea if she meant her orgasm or somehow could sense his upcoming one, but it didn't matter that much to him.

While it felt like forever for him, it had to happen eventually. The lion gritted his teeth, while the almost painful sensation embraced his cock, before releasing a torrent of hopefully potent seed, feeling not only her lizard pussy but her deep womb as well. Gertrude let out a long, powerful groan while grasping her breasts during her climax. She wanted this moment to last endlessly, but it couldn't be possible.

They both panted when the woman eventually stood up and faced him once more, approaching his side of the bed, while spreading her petals and exposing a still twitching, engorged pearl.

"Lick it, boy..." she commanded, giving him the last chance to touch her body for one final time. He gladly used his sharp tongue to lick off the wetness from it, like a good house cat. Afterward, she picked up the bathrobe from the ground, dressed herself up, and tied up the ribbon around her waist.

"So... am I free to go? Did you get what you wanted, Gertrude?" He asked, unsure what will happen next.

"It's madam DuBois to you, boy. Don't you forget that." She replied, returning to her previous demeanor, to the lion's disappointment. The older woman opened the drawer, taking out a long, sharp knife. The lion panicked, trying to escape.

"Wh-what? You said you'll release me! That wasn't part of the deal!"

Gertrude smiled mischievously, raising the knife while the lion turned his head with eyes closed. Was it the end?

His sore arm dropped on the bed before the second one did it as well. He rubbed them, looking at the lizard woman upset.

"That's it. Couldn't use your hands? Or warn me at least?" But her smile only broadened.

"I have a fondness for theatrics..."