Ch. 62

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#67 of True Confessions of a Trainer

Closure of the first day of their voyage, rest, recover, battle.


For the death of me, I couldn't sit still. Poor Claire had to watch me pace and tap my claws on tables and even when we snuck off to enjoy a little time alone, I was so distracted about the fights we'd signed up for, I couldn't focus on the taste of her. It wasn't anxiousness. It was sheer excitement. To show him, show everyone who we were. What we could do together. To make sure if he had been right and there were anyone watching for us they'd think twice about trying anything where I could bleed them and feed them to the sharpedos. So we spent the day more simmering than burning off energy. Promises of what we'd do for the evening after we won taking place of what we could have done here and now if I could just settle.

Watching master approach us I could see the easy stroll. The way he looked. Knew that look. Freshly sated. And then some. Helena seemed a little wound up, on the other hand. Not hard to put two and two together. Whatever had happened left her wanting more, for all she was clearly pleased with herself. I'd have to get the story from her, or him, but later. Cocoa and Mira were not far behind. I had expected they'd be in no shape for a fight, I knew they'd run off to the buffet, but they seemed to know when to stop. Mira scrambled up master's back, hung over his shoulder, and had him wrapped up in her ribbons before Cocoa could so much as wave.

We had a little while before our match was scheduled, but still, nobody protested in the slightest when he suggested we go check in early, and watch the matches until it was our turn. Get some idea at least of who was around. So we walked together, up to the high rear deck, the view from the top overlooking the ship was beautiful. Doubly so when I caught the way Claire leaned in against the railing, just... stunned by it all. That odd little smile she got when something tickled her the right way. Master was staring at her, too. Somehow we were just both on the same wavelength, each taking one of her hands at the rail, more interested in her than the view. Nobody said anything, just let us have our moment together. It was only the first day, and we were all finally able to just breathe. For the first time in ages, just breathe and enjoy the view.


I hadn't understood how big the ship was until that moment. Looking out over it. Over the ocean so far below us now. It was magical. All the people and pokemon on the deck below milling about. Buzzing with excitement. The murmur of chatter, the bright colors of the umbrellas around the main pool. The warmth of their hands in mine just made it all complete. That and the brush of their consciousness and mine, the places we were entwined more than any other could ever be with me. So there I was, right where I should have been, at last. With my lovers, my partners, and my friends. It was the first time I'd taken a breath, and felt at home in it since ... before.

It was only when I realized they were staring at me that the spell was broken, and the blush crept into my ears. Still, I couldn't shake the smile I had, and I was in no hurry to let go of the warmth of their hands. So we lingered a moment more, just for me, I knew. Until finally I pulled away, promising to come back later that night and enjoy the view again. But first, we had a fight to win.

Mira turned a ribbon in my direction, silent acknowledgement of the thought we shared. We were about to tear the whole house down, if that was what it took. He was winning this damn thing.


I could feel it, overnight things had turned a corner. He was relaxed. More than relaxed. Walked with that kind of easy stride he'd had when I first met him. Eyes up, rather than fixated on the ground in front of him and the shadows around him. Smiling in a genuine way. Attentive, too. When I wrapped up one hand with my ribbons, he teased and pet them just the way I liked. Promises of affection, of attention. The warmth from him growing, glowing, and pure. He wasn't anywhere else in the moment. Wasn't pulled in different directions, or worrying about things. He was just there. And it felt so good I could have cried.

Whatever Helena had done, it worked. I'd have asked her the secret, but I already knew she'd never tell me. I'd ask him, but... maybe later. For now I was just glad he was back. Glad they all were. Helena nudged me from opposite him, and I found myself with a ribbon draped over her back in the exchange. How she managed it, I couldn't have said. Clever trick, but she was buzzing with anticipation. I could feel it in her shoulders, hear it in the click of her claws on the deck. Her energy only seemed to boost mine, and by the time we were settling into the seats, it had grown electric.

Her feelings weren't the symphony masters were. Not so complicated. No, it was like a low bass thrum. Her heartbeat. A slowly growing sense of urgency, of delight. I could have danced to it. In that moment, as we watched the other trainers and their teams compete and fight, there wasn't anxiousness in her. Just a quiet satisfaction. As if her heart itself was saying they weren't anything special.

It was oddly comforting. We were in for a busy week.


Mira was an odd one. Sometimes I'd catch her, pretending she was just going with the flow when she was actually directing it. Sneaky little fuck. But it was always for him, she was devoted, completely. So she kept the peace, as best as she could. Made sure everyone got their fair share, nobody got favored too much, nobody got left out. Brought the others in, to make sure everyone felt seen. Listened when anyone had things to grumble about, made sure he learned, one way or another.

I hated to admit it, but she had my respect, the little schemer. She was subtle, and it worked for her, and it worked for them, and she'd even made sure I got mine. Cleverly suggesting to the rest how they could spend their day, snagging Penance away for a good meal, "to make sure she had the energy to fight", when I wanted to take master for a massage.

It was hard to hate someone who tugged the strings to keep other people happy. I guess that was what she got out of it, as we walked beside one another, I realized that I was ready to protect her, like she was a little sister. Whatever happened in the arena, it was going to have to be through me to touch her. Maybe that's what it was about, with them. Why they worked the way they did, fought the way they did, even to protect me. She'd helped make that grow. Nurtured it, their feelings, all of them together.

Master was a good human, a good person. But she was the one who brought out the best in him, and in the rest of us, I thought.


It was time. Check in was a snap, a scan of our boarding pass, a quick rundown of the rules. League standard, no gimmicks. Not today. Later in the week, we were warned, things would get more complicated. Alliances made, and fractured. If we made it that far.

A standard six on six with our first matchup. One of several fights happening simultaneously. I couldn't blame them. These were preliminaries, a handful of announcers watching the matches and trying to ramp up the crowd to keep coming back for the good stuff later on. Standard matches, standard prizes, and the seven of us completely in our element.

It was Penance I'd sent out first. We hadn't had as much training as I'd have liked, but she was tougher than she looked, and wasn't afraid to take a gamble. She was up against a surly looking machoke who moved with surprising swiftness. I'd called out my warnings, but it felt like she didn't need them. As fast as he was, she was just faster. A lot faster. Even in the confines of the arena, her speed made her a hard target.

Unfortunately it was her overconfidence that caught up with her. An attempt at taking him down getting her thrown, hard. All the way back to my feet. It was her overconfidence, and my lack of training her out of it. I failed her, but we'd learn from it. The roar of the crowd drowned out the sound of her pained whine, but to her credit, she got back up.

She dismissed the notion of being switched out, and seemed to shake it off. I could feel it, simmering with rage, as the two circled each other warily. She was about to bet it all, and something told me she was about to win and then some.


It was a good throw. Hurt like hell. But if he thought that was the worst I've ever been hurt he didn't know the first thing about being a farm growlithe. I had to earn every scrap of respect I got from the herd. Had to show them there wasn't a damn thing they could've done to make me quit. There wasn't a damn thing he could do to make me quit, either.

Cocky bastard. I could see it. Yeah. I saw right through him. That broad fist coming down was there for me to duck, just so he could bring up the kick. Low and fast, right in the mouth. Right between my teeth. I knew it was going to make me bleed. But I'd make sure he didn't. Cauterize the wound as soon as I gave it. Least I could do.

And it hurt. Sure. Hurt like hell. That low kick wasn't a joke, but neither were my fangs, or my fire. That kick couldn't hurt half as much as losing my first fight for my lover. So you go right ahead. Whatever makes you feel better, because there's not a damn thing you can do to make me quit. I'm not letting go until you give up. So you can limp away, or I can take your damn leg home with me. What's it going to be?

Lucky for the machoke, he didn't have to scream twice, his trainer figured it out the first time. He'd keep the leg, but not his dignity. And us farm girls? Yeah, we knew how to hold our head up. I wasn't about to disappoint him now, I could walk back on my own.


I wasn't sure all the blood in her mouth was hers. But I knew enough of it was. She didn't let on at all. Just came back to my side, and sat down, proud and dignified. Never let on they got to you, I guess? Still. I switched out when the other trainer did. The scoreboard might have put me up a point, but I knew it was a draw.

Helena had stepped forward, a nuzzle against Penance. "Good fight, kid. But watch and learn." She'd remarked, a teasing wink as she glanced to me for approval. While I'd planned to send Tempest out next, I knew what a winner looked like when I saw one. Besides, she'd been working a lot harder than I expected out of her, she'd earned it. Even Tempest just shrugged and winked at me from the sidelines.

So it was she went out next, and I had thought, to disadvantage, the skarmory she found herself paired up against was clearly spoiling for a fight, and launched himself at her all at once. The roar of the crowd rose as they clashed in the center, trading a pair of hard shots and parting enough to prepare for a second meeting.

It was enough to make me second guess it, but Helena didn't seem concerned at all. No, if anything, she seemed to revel in the moment, almost danced. Like a boxer getting ready to unleash hell, the way she bounced in her motions. Prepared herself to spring into it. Ducked a sweep of an immense wing, and brought those hard claws up against the softer space beneath. She caught a retaliatory peck in the process, but the damage was done.

Again and again she seemed to bide her time, taking the shot she had to take but making sure hers hit home. Never rattled, never bothered. Scratched, pecked, battered, bloodied, but never concerned. It dawned on me, it was part of the show. Something she'd learned to do well before we ever met, and it happened to work. The skarmory's earlier enthusiasm for the fight came to bluster against her, fell apart as she picked him apart with well placed claws where the armor wasn't as thick. When he went down, turned her gaze on the other trainer with a withering glare, the roar of the crowd rising again as she came back to my side, doing her best to hide the tremble in her shoulders as she panted and caught her breath. She had a few seeping wounds, staining her fur red as she turned her gaze toward me. "Doesn't matter who you send out now. Bastard's done for. He might as well concede." She quipped, before sitting down next to Penance on the sideline.

When I sent out Tempest, I was almost insulted that he did exactly that. The crowd seemed to feel that way too. Even booing his choice to. But as a martial artist, rather than a trainer? I respected it. Getting injured for no reason is no way to improve. There's no point putting a novice against a black belt, for either of them. We were just above his level. Bad matchup, good effort. It happens. Tempest didn't seem bothered by it, though. Just grinned at me, and shrugged. She'd get her chance, tomorrow was another match!

So it was we moved on to the next bracket, money and a beautiful enamel pin depicting the ship docked at sunset to show for it. Not exactly the triumphant memory we were all hoping for, but not a bad one, either. A little time at the pokemon center to check up on my girls, and it was off to stroll the market deck, a little treat for everyone. That was the plan, at least!

Of course the pokemon center was fairly well packed with trainers over the course of the day. Nothing they couldn't handle, but it was a bit of a wait, with poor Penance nursing an aching jaw. They gave her a proper exam, and took care of her teeth. Nothing damaged in a serious or lasting way, but soft foods for the next few days and I was advised she was not to get in any battles or bite on anything for at least the next two. Helena was cleared for tomorrow's festivities, more scratched and cut than anything serious, and those little things could be helped along much more readily than loosened teeth.

Try as she might, Penance couldn't muster a proper sulk at being out of the battle tomorrow. When I had told her how proud I was of her for how she fared, her wagging tail gave her away, and the way she nuzzled into my affection was no small reassurance that she was going to be just fine. With so many other trainers around we didn't linger to talk, perfectly content to escape the relatively small confines of the center into the wider corridors and down to the market deck.

Helena insisted on getting a camera. Nothing too ostentatious, just a decent lens and an expansion card for the memory. It was an indulgence I was glad to offer, not purely for what we'd be doing with it in the near future. We'd settled on a cute little travel kit, a tripod, and a button on a pad to be used by pokemon without dexterous digits. It ate into the prize winnings we'd just had, but to be fair, she did earn half of it anyway. She agreed to carry the camera bag and keep it all safe, and I agreed to stop for pictures whenever anyone wanted them. Which meant we stopped ten times walking the markets to snap cute pictures along the way.

Penance didn't seem to want much of anything, content to stay close enough to me that my hand never seemed to leave her thick, warm fur. I'd have to find something for her, but perhaps another time. A surprise for her. It was with no small degree of guilt that I realized; I had no idea what she'd even want. Time enough to figure that out, at least.

Cocoa and Mira, naturally, wandered the food stalls. Occasionally being offered samples of this and that. Tempest got in on it after a while, the trio meandering while Claire and Helena caught up on the afternoon's festivities. Her brush of contact with my thoughts tinged with a sense of longing, and a flood of not-quite-guilty pleasure. Her questions growing more lewd by the minute, a delicate, playful probing of my thoughts on it all with a shake of her hips and the subtle lift of her tail betraying where she wanted me at the moment.

Part of me was a little worried there might be others who understood what they were saying, but if anyone noticed, I didn't receive so much as a passing glance. Maybe it was the same as the trainer at the sign ups. Sure. I saw it. I understood. It was their business, I was happy they were happy. Who needed to know?

I could get used to that feeling. I knew better than to get used to that feeling. But I could have, in a perfect world. As dusk fell to proper night, we made our way back to the cabin, Claire, Penance and I first to return. Promises from Helena that she'd stay close to Tempest. Tempest of course didn't need to say a word. She'd look after everyone, I could trust her and just enjoy myself for once.

So I did. Warm, and safe. Embraced in love, showered in kisses, and lost in silky soft fur, trapped happily between Penance and Claire. Despite the day's exertions I found myself with energy to spare, as they traded me off between themselves, each pushing me closer and closer to blissful peaks before slipping away, as if to suggest the winner of their little game was the one who didn't give me release. Pleasure drawn out to such lengths that by the end I was almost begging for it. Only then did they change their game, sharing me between themselves, racing me to my finish, only to lavish me with attention in the afterglow, making sure I was perfectly clean. Well. As clean as could be managed without a proper shower.

It wasn't until later I realized somewhere in the midst of our tryst, Helena had snuck her way in, to put her new camera to good use. An absol's-eye view of the fun for us to scroll through on her new toy.

Little troublemaker!