COMM - To Tie For - Chapter Five - Commission for November

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#13 of Commissions

Ember gets more than she bargained for, when the Alpha of the wolf pack she has been studying and researching for years, takes more than a casual interest in her... Ember is both aroused and ashamed at becoming this season's mate for the Alpha - but she believes this shameful act between a wild male wolf and herself will stay between them...

Or so Ember thought...

To Tie For

Commission for November

Chapter Five

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

30th October, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Ember shuddered and came to her senses,. As she backpedalled on her rump away from the large, imposing wolf who continued to stare at her. He tilted his head to the side as if studying her.

"No, go away, shoo!" Ember whined.

He ignored her imploring as he stood and watched her with curiosity. As Ember rolled over onto her paws and knees and tried to stand up, he growled at her and she froze. It wasn't an aggressive sounding growl, more, like he was trying to bridge some gap between anthro and feral. Seeing as that had no effect, he moved forwards and his broad tongue lapped at Ember's rump and tail.

"Urgh - " Ember moaned, her senses reeling.

Could he...

Ember had no words, no answers, no...her rational mind washed away as he nipped her on the rump and his nose pushed aside her tail. With intent and purpose, his tongue slurped at her quivering labia and he tasted her sexual arousal.

His tongue was rough, but not unpleasant, broad and curling at the edges as Ember gasped and tilted her head backwards, her ears flattening. His tongue slurped her again and this time Ember pushed back against it as it swirled and slathered her labia and vaginal walls.

Ember whined in longing and desperation, her calm, logical mind erased under the primal urges and instinct that was driving her. Her furred fingers splayed out on the cold loam beneath the pine tree as she lifted her tail up over her back. He didn't waste any time in courtship or foreplay, tasting this strange wolfess' willingness and her scent told him she was ready and willing to mate with him.

His paws scrabbled at her back as he reared up and tried to clasp her between them. Ember cried and gasped as she felt the sharp dew claw slice down her furred ribs and cause a shallow, but painful scratch either side.

Quickly, he danced on his hind paws, firm penis poking and stabbing Ember's rump as he sought the right angle. His length was bigger than any human Ember had made love with, and when she lifted her hips, he finally pressed the tip of his canid penis against her folds. Instantly, he pushed forwards with a sharp thrust - his penile tip parting the labia and vagina, as it began to swell within her.

"Nnngh..." Ember whined, the longing and desire becoming an overriding urge within her.

He thrust recklessly, his penis slipping deeper, lubed with the copious spurts of his pre-ejaculate fluids. Seconds later, Ember growled and her fingers gouged at the ground. He began to spurt pulse after pulse of hot, sticky semen inside her.

Powerful muscular contractions squeezed down on the wolf, making him whine and begin biting at her shoulders and nape. His knot pushed apart Ember's labia, then as she yelped, he completed the mounting and the knot swelled to twice its size and bound wolf to bitch.

At least eight inches of wolf penis was buried inside her, spurting powerful squirts of his semen. His furred testicles rubbed and thumped against Ember's groin as she whined and struggled beneath his much greater weight. Again, he bit at her and snarled, before Ember drove a elbow back into his ribs and he yelped and released his tight grip.

He climbed off her, then Ember gasped as she felt the mating tie locking them together as it pulled and strained against her vagina and labia. Quickly, he turned rump to rump with her, him facing the opposite way, tail draped over her back as he pulled and struggled against her.

"Urgh...nnngggh - " Ember yelped, realising now, just why the bitch cried and whined when tied. It ached and burned, being tied like this, as yet more of his powerful semen spurted inside her.

Ember whined, yelped and shuddered. She was helpless to do anything except grit her teeth and claw at the ground, leaving large furrows in the cold dirt and pine needles. Whilst him inside her _was_undeniably pleasurable - far more so than any human had ever been - it also hurt with the strain from the mating tie pulling and stretching her out.

For nearly forty minutes, the wolf and Ember were tied, until he suddenly gave a sharp, savage pull and Ember squealed as he forcibly dismounted from her. Instantly, Ember crouched and a gush of his semen splattered on the ground between her foot paws as she gasped and moaned.

He staggered away a few paces, then curled up on himself and began using his tongue to slurp and lick at his still dribbling length, whilst Ember curled up and tucked her tail between her legs, both sickened and aroused at what she'd done.

He...and I...we mated like I was his...

Ember's mind reeled, trying to make heads or tails of it, whilst she tried to suppress the pain that lanced through her groin and into her entire body. When he had finished cleaning himself, he stood, shook himself off then padded over to the shuddering and whimpering Ember, before laying his head over her shoulder in the equivalent of a wolfish hug. It was at that moment, Ember knew one thing for certain - she was now a part of his pack, for good or for ill, and she had become the Alpha's mate...

Ember didn't know whether to touch him, to not touch him, or what. All she could do was curl up on the cold ground beneath the pine tree and shudder helplessly. Cold began to seep into her flesh, making her stiff and sore. Without a word, the Alpha tried to curl up around her - was he protecting his new mate, or to try and keep her warm, Ember did not know.

"" Ember murmured, as she timidly placed a quivering paw lightly on his shin.

He lifted his head and licked her furred cheek, before resting his head on her shoulder and fluffing himself out to twice his size. Ember felt his warmth, both internally and externally, despite her being naked, he quickly warmed her.

"Why me..." Ember murmured, as she inhaled his strong scent and sighed quietly.

You got more than you bargained for young wolfess - Her mind told her. I do not think you'll be able to put this into your thesis, on how you mated with and bonded to this wolf pack.

"No..." Ember sighed quietly. "Nobody will know what I done here, I swear it..."

His head snapped up and he growled, his lips curling back from his muzzle as he stared out through the pine boughs. Ember slowly became aware of the crunch of snow and voices that called out her name. A low, threatening growl come from the Alpha, as his eyes narrowed and he stood up, his hackles rising.

"No..." Ember whispered, as she placed a paw on the scruff of his neck.

His gaze snapped to her, then back again as he took a hesitant half step forwards.

"No!" Ember growled. "Go...I will find you, I promise!"

He looked at her, before he turned and fled in the opposite way, ducking under the snow laden branches of the pine tree. Quickly, Ember pulled her pants to her, then slid them on and her jacket.

"Ember?EMBER?" Came the shouted voices. "Ember, can you hear us!"

Ember hurriedly slipped on her shirt, then her ripped jacket. Looking around, she despaired about not only what had happened here, but if Jasmine found her like this...

Ember grit her teeth and twisted her left ankle, feeling the bones snap as she whined and gasped.

"Here..." Ember moaned. "Here, over here..."

Quickly, Ember smashed the radio against the trunk, to make it seem like it was an accident. Hearing her cries, the voices grew closer, as Ember dragged herself out from under the tree.

"I'm over here, help, please!" Ember cried out.

Four fellow Rangers congregated on her voice, dressed in heavy parkas and snow gear. One carried a portable stretcher the unfolded as they looked at Ember, who whined and clutched her fractured ankle.

"Oh thank you, I thought I'd never get rescued..." Ember whined. "I slipped and I think I broke my leg and my radio... I took shelter under this pine tree and..."

"Hey, its alright Ember, we found you! It'll all be okay, come on - can you stand up? We'll get you back to the station and get you to a hospital - it'll all be okay..."

Ember shuddered and whimpered piteously, partially from the pain from her self-inflicted wound and partially from what she and her new Alpha had shared. Carefully she was lifted onto the stretcher and carried back to the campground. Here, they carefully slid her into the back of the cruiser and took her back to the station.

As promised, they rushed her to the nearest hospital, where she was treated for her fractured foot and mild-hypothermia. On the second day, Ember was laying in the hospital bed, bored out of her mind, when a familiar dark furred head and muzzle poked through the doorway.

"There you are!" Jasmine's smile lit up the room, as she entered, holding a bunch of flowers between her paws. "Well, that's one way to get out of work for the next six or eight weeks!"

Ember looked down at the cast on her ankle and smiled weakly.

"I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times - " Jasmine gently chided Ember.

"Yes mamma..." Ember groaned and rolled her eyes.

Jasmine laid the flowers on the table, then sat carefully on the chair which she pulled over beside Ember's bed.

"Good news, they're kicking your furred rump out of here today - I've come to get you!"

"Really?" Ember blinked. "I thought..."

"Pah," Jasmine grinned that adorable smile of hers, as her leaf-like ears twitched. "I got a _whole_heap of paperwork to keep a foolish wolfess busy for months! What, you think you'd fracture your ankle and take a month or two off work?"

Ember groaned and rolled her eyes, then flattened her ears. "I should have known..."

"Besides..." Jasmine grinned wider. "Don't you want to see the _interesting_footage that one of the trail cams caught?"

"What...footage?" Ember blinked, then her eyes widened.

Jasmine's eyes closed in a knowing squint as she looked at Ember.

"You_really_ want to have_this_ conversation here?" Jasmine whispered into Ember's ear. "Turns out, one of your trail cams just happened to be pointed right at the pine tree you sheltered under... and it caught some rather..."

Ember's eyes tripled in size, as she stared at Jasmine, who stared back, then grinned lopsidedly.

"Yes..." Jasmine murmured. "Do not worry Ember, I've got _that_footage safely locked away where nobody can find it...oh, one last thing..."

Jasmine left the room, her cloven hooves clicking on the floor, before she returned a few moments later with a pair of balloons. One was a bright pink, the other a beautiful sky blue. Tying them to the end of Ember's bed, Jasmine tapped her cloven hoof slowly on the floor as she stared at Ember.

"Want to guess which it'll be?"

Ember shook her head, then stared at the balloons, then at Jasmine, who raised her eyebrows and continued to lightly tap her cloven hoof on the floor.

"I'm..." Ember gasped, her yellow eyes widening to the size of dinner plates as her muzzle fell open.

To Be Continued...