Part 1: A storm and a stranger

Story by Tharamir on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Anyone under 18 should not read this due to the sexual content and yiffy situations blah blah blah.

Please bear with me on this story as it is my absolute first and it is kind of long. This is really an intro story to what I hope will be a fun-filled series. Constructive criticism is welcome throw anything you got at me. Ideas and concerns and suggestions welcome please leave a comment about anything. I have a thick skin (I am a dragon ;)) so I will not be offended. Enough of my comments now on with the story!

The dragoness had been flying for almost three straight days now and as a result was quickly losing her strength. She could smell the scent of rain on the air and felt the temperature along her scales drop sharply as black storm clouds rapidly started to close in.

As the dragoness flew onward, leaning on past experience, she knew soon enough it would be very dangerous for her to fly because of the weather so she began to look for a place to land. Spotting a small clearing, about three hundred yards away, she began to coast towards it as small droplets of cold rain begin to fall.

As she flew above the clearing and began to circle she could feel her wings falter slightly dropping her a few feet. Cursing, she suddenly began to plummet as her wings gave out totally. The time she had spent flying had suddenly decided to take its toll as she dropped like a rock towards the ground. Struggling to keep in the air was futile as her exhausted wings let her do nothing more than steer slightly as she shot towards the trees below..

The branches of the trees seemed to rise up at her gripping like clawed hands ripping what little clothing she had on and sending her tumbling to the ground in a bruised heap.

Her soft, clear voice rose in a little grunt of pain as she lifted herself off of the ground, "Ow! Okay from now on I have to remember to pace myself."

Assessing her injuries she was happy to see she only had a few scrapes and one bruise. Scales often came in handy.

Moving to a nearby pool and stripping down she began to rinse the sweat and dirt from her body. Letting the water slide sensuously down her fit form she couldn't help but look into the pool as she washed herself. Smiling to her reflection, she gazed at her beautiful form always having been proud of how perfect her body was. Her slender yet strong frame was accentuated in all of the best places. She took pride in how good she looked.

Her scales were completely silver until they reached to just below her breasts and here they turned pure white all along her stomach and below to her crotch. Her scales began to soften and become more of a harder than average skin just below her navel, down around her pussy lips and here finally the sensitive area became a soft, smooth skin.

She had a perfect, slender face with a flowing mane of silver hair running down in between her silver horns to the base of her neck. She was not incredibly thin nor was she plump but the perfect proportion for a female dragon. Her breasts were very large, full and round and bounced lightly on her chest as she moved. The perfect, silver orbs were graced with large white nipples that were centered perfectly and as she ran her hands and the water over them, they came beautifully to attention.

Her flat, toned tummy was just the right slenderness to give her that hourglass figure that was craved by so many females. Her wide hips were well proportioned to the rest of her body. The perfect round ass she had was toned but soft and seemed to call out as if longing to be touched. She rested her silver claws on her hips, that swayed slowly from side to side teasingly, and smiled the smile that easily quickened the hearts of every male, and even some females, that had been interested in her. Her name was Lilian.

Grinning seductively at herself she ran her hands down her sides gently squeezing her breasts and moving down her entire form loving the way she felt and moaning slightly with her growing arousal. She longed for time to herself but knew she must get out of the rain soon.

Bringing the bra-like piece of white leather over her breasts she positioned it to keep them barely in check but only enough to cover over her nipples. She brought the matching leather thong up over her hips and snapped it in place, groaning slightly at the feel. The thong only covered the minimal amount of her pussy showing off her outer labia lips in all their glory. She then brought the tight white T-shirt over her head that was so small that it really only acted as a tube top. Finally she brought up the tight jean shorts that fight tightly to her hips that seemed to want to burst when she walked.

Moving along a forest path she had discovered she began to quicken her stride as the rain fell harder making her mane moist and making her scales shine with the wetness. Thunder boomed and lightning tore the sky and as she ran faster the rain began to pour buckets drenching her instantly which, unnecessarily explained, formed her coverings around her amazing assets even more.

She looked up shaking the wet mane out of her eyes and saw a castle farther down the path. She was stunned. First, by the fact that she had not seen it from the air and second, what was a castle doing in the woods? She must have definitely been too tired if she missed something like this! Running gladly to the front doors she, without bothering to knock, opened one with ease and slid her way in as the thunder and lightning boomed and slashed through the sky.

As soon as she stepped inside she shook herself and tried to wring out her clothes and mane as much as she could and gave up quickly. She looked around the grand hall and was stunned by how beautiful everything appeared. There was certainly no lack of gold and silver ornamentation in the room!

"Wow!" She exclaimed in her crystal clear, bell-like voice that seemed to sing with every word. "This is simply amazing! How could anyone miss something like this?"

She was in total awe of the statues and carvings along the walls that left no room for a definite amount of artistry and splendor matched by only a few. The piece that most drew her eyes was the biggest, most beautiful statue of them all.

The statue was of a black dragon with its head held high, wings spread in a massive span, and a mischievous grin on its face. She marveled at the beauty of the masterpiece and how beautiful the black dragon was.

The statue of the dragon itself had the only coloring of its silver horns, the silver streak running down the middle of its mane, the silver claws on the hands and the feet and the golden eyes. The eyes were what drew Lilian the most. They seemed to stare right at her as if the beast was alive and suggestively staring at every feature of her dripping wet form. It was at this time that her complete exhaustion began to fully set in and noticing a conveniently placed mat and blanket at the base of the statue she smiled tiredly in appreciation. Lying down softly she was so tired that she did not care about the hard surface and instantly fell asleep.

Hours Later

The whole time Lilian was asleep she felt the odd sensation of floating and moving but pushed it aside smiling and eventually the sensation of being set down and moved some more. Her eyes fluttered open and she could tell immediately that there was something wrong. She blinked her eyes as everything came into focus. She was lying on a bed, her wings folded beneath her, and the light in the room only extended a couple of feet beyond the bed leaving everything else in total darkness.

"Welcome to my castle dragoness." A deep, rich, and extremely sensuous voice softly said from the darkness in the room. "I am glad you happened to make it here and that you were so properly dressed for the occasion!"

The soft, silky laugh that uttered out made her stomach flutter and made her relax instantly in its soothing embrace. It was then that she noticed that she was totally nude lying splayed out for the being to see. Losing the feeling of ease she immediately began to be afraid and quickly covered herself as much as possible, this being a very difficult task of course.

The voice softly and seductively uttered in an almost hypnotic tone, "I can see that you are a very desirable creature dragoness. There is no need to cover yourself in this manner as you should not hide such beauty."

She slowly, without noticing, lowered her hands wondering why she felt so at ease with this creature who had obviously just kidnapped her.

Moving a little closer to the headboard she gripped it tightly still not trusting the voice totally. She felt the presence of the being draw closer to the edge of light and as she looked into the shadows, she saw twin orbs of golden light that seemed very familiar as gazed at her. She could not place exactly what made them seem so familiar but knew that she had seen them somewhere before.

"There is no need to be frightened dragoness. I mean you no harm. What is your name beautiful one?" The voice again.

It seemed to slide out smoothly all over her form like warm, melted chocolate running over her naked body and making her become slightly aroused as if the voice itself were doing this to her.

She responded without thinking, "Lilian. Although, my friends call me Lily."

Immediately snapping her jaw shut, she wondered what had possessed her to respond to this creature and again felt the same sense of ease take hold of her.

"What do you want with me?" She asked unnecessarily knowing to some degree by the fact that she was nude.

Again she did not feel the need to cover herself which she found surprising wondering why she should show herself like this to this creature but brushed it aside lightly.

The voice took on a hypnotic tone again, making her fell strangely even more aroused than she was before. "Why I intend to do the most special things Lilian. You must relax. I promise that only the most amazing feelings will be felt tonight."

It is then that the creature stepped into the light and her eyes widened when her gaze fell upon the living counterpart of the statue she fell asleep under!

The huge, beautiful dragon moved closer to her, wearing nothing but black silk robes that exposed his bare torso. He moved to stand at the foot of the bed.

She replied becoming less able to think clearly around her growing arousal, "Why do you say that?"

She groaned a little as her gaze fell on his form and the sheer amount of muscle and power that it portrayed to her. Becoming less and less able to control her growing arousal, the deep, hypnotic voice swirled around her telling her that he was indeed the root of the feelings of arousal. She could not fathom why she no longer cared about being brought here against her will and could now only think about what amazing things this gorgeous god-like creature would do to her.

He responded again running his rich voice over her like warm milk, "Just a feeling I have."

He grinned slowly licking his lips with his long tongue running it over the sensuous line of his lips. His eyes were drawn to her breasts that bounced and expanded lightly with her quickening breath. Feeling his gaze rake her form she moaned louder as she ran her hands slowly down her body fully aroused by his beautiful form. He licked his lips slowly once more as his gaze traveled hungrily down her tight, needful body that she teased him with so freely.

Smiling, he smoothly approached the side of the bed and his tail moved forward to run down her form slowly caressing her side and then teasingly in between her inner thighs. He loved the way she felt. She was so hot to the touch and so soft! The way her body reacted to his touch and the fact that she was giving in turned him on even more.

"I-I not...know your name." She panted out lightly.

Sweeping her gaze over his form, she felt the desire and longing make her stomach flutter lightly. She could not control her hunger-filled gaze that swept down his bare chest which seemed to be made of solid muscle. His muscles quivered and rippled with his movements and his eight pack in turn rippled teasingly to add to the show. As he ran his claws down her side she leaned smoothly into them. She had never been so turned on by anyone before and frankly she loved it!

"My name is Tharamir." He smiled widely undoing his robe and letting it fall to the ground.

She unknowingly licked her lips as her gaze was transfixed to the enormous sheathe that was bared before her eyes. The dragoncock had already begun its slow move out of the sheathe and its bright, white length throbbed and twitched as it extended slowly. The massive, vein covered organ pulsed and twitched as if alive and seemed to call to her needs and desires hungrily.

Her arms moved up to wrap around him not being able to hold back any longer and she pressed her lips against his in a firm passionate kiss fully giving into her desires. Lowering her down slowly to the bed he positioned himself over top of her and broke the kiss for an instant.

"Lilian what do you desire? Do you desire me?" He asked the question, his eyes flashing a deep gold, as he gazed down at her.

"Yes! I want you! Make love to me now!" With a ferocity and a hunger for a male that she had never felt before she pulled his head back down to her lips.

Smiling he moved his tongue into her mouth and ran it along hers as they wrestlde one another inside her maw.

His hands moved slowly up her stomach dancing in sensuous circles to her breasts. He caressed the large orbs in the palms of his hands stimulating them fully as he ran along the sides, pressing them together and squeezing and kneading them into the palms of his hands as his thumbs stimulated her pure white erect nipples.

She arched her back into his hands as they touched her breasts and let a small moan escape into his mouth softly. Breaking the kiss once more he smiled down at her and teased her with his eyes.

She sensed what he was doing and she cried out to him, "Please! Don't stop! Pleasure me you beautiful dragon!"

Laughing softly he ran his now fully erect, massive cock along her crotch and positioned the tip at the entrance of her snatch. Feeling the contact between them, his cock throbs hard and a huge knot begins to grow at the base of his cock in response. He gently pushed against the opening of her now dripping snatch, eliciting a loud groan from them both as the sensitive tip of his cock just barely pressed and scraped against her rock hard clit making her grind against him a little to try to get him inside her.

"Don't...tease me...anymore just take me now!" She pants out at him grasping at his mane and trying to pull him back into a kiss.

"With pleasure!" He laughed out again.

With practiced, agonizing slowness he began pushes into her tight passage inch by inch spreading her wider than she had ever been spread before and making his knot quiver lightly as his cock was pressed down on. He moaned along with her when he felt the tight passage squeeze him and felt his eyelids flicker slightly.

"Damn you are tight! All the better!" He grinned as he panted slightly with the exertion of not shoving in hard and fast.

Moving into her more and more as he stimulated he breasts and kissed her firmly she moaned and sucked on his tongue as she tried to push up against his cock but his knees held her just enough to keep her from moving in.

Growling with frustration she wrapped her legs around his waist to try to get him to go faster but he only laughed and continued his agonizing;y slow entry. Moving almost all of his nineteen inches into her he got to the massive knot and slowly pushed it into her snatch. Moaning out loudly, the knot shoved into her with a pop immediately gave her a small mini-orgasm which let the juices from her pussy drip onto its length. Shuddering and moaning she wrestled with his tongue lustfully in her maw. Her breasts now molded to his hands and she arched her back into his palms as the nipples were teased beneath his thumbs sending bolts of pleasure through her.

When he hilted her he twisted on way and then the other with his knot independently and which in turn made her flood over him again as an orgasm hit from the shock of the sheer amount of control on his knot! Popping out of her forcefully he began to pick up speed to come back out to the tip of his cock just before leaving totally. He added strength and speed to his entries making her wild with passion and lust as his knot made her lose total control stretching her to her limits in such a way that she had no control and as a result is brought into her orgasm after mind blowing orgasm driven by a hunger for his massive cock and amazing knot.

They shuddered and moaned loudly as wave after wave of pleasure went through them making them shudder and buck into one another. Still driving faster and stronger he tilts and rocks and twists his hips making every angle that he enters different to stimulate her fully. Her tight passage pressed down on his cock like a vice which drove him crazy as he neared the edge but manages to hold back just barely. His tail moves up to slide in between her breasts and as he presses them together he slides it in and out roughly beginning to tit fuck her roughly with his tail making her groan loudly.

As she begins to fall down from her orgasm she enters yet another one right as once again his amazing knot enters her dripping pussy and slams her hard with more waves of pleasure making her juices shoot out to try and keep his massive length lubricated.

Never feeling so pleasured in her life she holds nothing back.

"Yes! Yes! Take me Tharamir! Take me!" She screams out.

Entering yet another blissful orgasm she clamped down hard on his cock which finally drives him over the edge eliciting wave after wave of hot, white seed entering her pussy in buckets coating every inch and the massive amount of volume filling her womb and spilling back out to coat her crotch.

He continues to ride her moving his tail from in between her breasts and around to her tail hole matching the rhythm of his entries and proceeds to abuse her tailhole just as much as her pussy. He moans and pants with her as both drip sweat riding out the amazing feeling shuddering through them. As his now fully lubricated cock pounds away he now seems to be everywhere at once.

His speed is so intense that he seems to enter the same time that he exits making her orgasm again and again making her scream out to him. "Oh god yes! I can't stop orgasming!"

He roared out making the walls seem to shake as he cums again into her emptying his balls totally as he rodes her roughly and collapses on top of her passionately kissing her once again.

The cum leaks in rivers out of her pussy, her womb now totally filled with the warm liquid.

She sighed feeling the most satisfied she has ever been. "You are truly amazing! I have never had so many orgasms at one time before!"

He chuckled weakly and he pants a little, "Yes and I have never been with someone who has made me feel so damn horny! You make me want to make love to you all over again!"

As their breathing became more steady they begin to fall asleep nestled together and his cock retracts slowly back into its sheathe.

Her final thought before she falls asleep enters her mind, "I could definitely get used to being here."

To be continued ;)

Hope you enjoyed it!
