Antler's and Fur: A Festive Affair

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Samule, an Elk, and his beloved fiancee, a black and silver vixen, are known for hosting incredible parties, what -isn't- widely known, is these two just love a good time - in every sense of the word...

Antler's and Fur: A Festive Affair

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

9thJanuary, 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

It was the middle of spring, as late afternoon sunlight lingered over the distant mountains, casting its golden, life giving glow in rays that spread across Samuel and Selena's expansive backyard. An array of vibrant decorations and subdued, fairy lighting strung throughout the trees added an almost mystical nature to the scene.

It was all in celebration of a cherished holiday amongst the Cervid kind, and as Samuel and Selena were the hosts, it promised to be much more than a usual soiree.


Selena, a dark-furred vixen with beautiful silvery highlights, stood on a plush chair and draped an arm over her boyfriend, before giving the Elk's dark chocolate cheek a gentle kiss and leaning her head against his shoulder.

"My love, you've outdone yourself," Selena commented, as her dark blue eyes drank in the surroundings.

A large, rustic table took pride of place, adorned with an elegant cloth and carefully arranged dinnerware of fine china and crystal glasses. Comfortable, well padded seats were pulled in close to the table, and around the back yard were large plush couches, excellent for post-meal mingling and socialising.

As the faint sounds of their guests arriving reached the Elk and Vixen's ears, Selena gasped and hopped nimbly down from the chair and smoothed out her fur.

"Already?" Selena squeaked in embarrassment. "How did I lose track of -"

Her words trailed off, as Samuel crouched down, wrapping his dark furred arms around her and hugging her close, before giving a gentle kiss on the forehead and ruffling the silver tipped fringe he adored.

"Go on," Samuel smiled as he let her go.

Selena smiled coyly, before she sashayed off, her bikini clad forms hips swaying with each step.


As the door opened, Will gazed into the eyes of Selena, before his twin brother rolled his eyes and elbowed Will gently.

"Uh...hi!" Will stammered. "Selena? I'm will, this is my twin brother Ollie -"

"Will, Ollie, welcome!" Selena smiled, as she stepped aside. "Please, come in!"

First Ollie, then Will, stepped over the threshold, and the quiet clip-clop of hooves made Selena look up.

"Oh, you must be Chloe!" Selena smiled wider.

For a moment, Selena was silent, before she frowned slightly as she seen the smaller whitetail doe struggling, both paws wrapped around the handle

of a large picnic basket, replete with the stereotypical white and red checkered cloth over it.

"Please, let me," Selena murmured, as she reached out for the basket that Chloe held.

Chloe at first gripped it tighter, her eyelids widening slightly, before she blushed, her delicate inner ears turning a pale crimson, before bowing her head and allowing Selena to take the basket.

"Thank you," Chloe's sibilant voice reached Selena's ears. "I didn't know what to bring..."

Selena smiled widely and stepped aside, allowing the obviously timid young doe to pass her, before she closed the front door quietly behind them.

"Oh my - " Chloe gasped, her ears back and eyes wide, as she looked at the immaculate hallway.

Each timid step, muffled by the thick leather soles of the hoof-boots all Cervid wore, brought more and more wonders and amazement.

"You have a beautiful home - " Chloe spoke quietly to Selena.

"Thank you, I've put a lot of effort into it, I'm sure your own home is pleasing enough. I know what it's like living with _one_stag - how is it with two?"

Chloe's ears went even redder, before she glanced away and a quiet giggle escaped her lips, causing her to glance down at the ground. Selena laughed quietly along with her.

"Come, please, Samuel will be delighted to see you all! This way."


Samuel stood before the table, facing the exterior door, and as the two buck's and their smaller, shyer sister stepped out, he threw his arms out and smiled his most charming smile. By luck, the lights glistened like diamonds off the tips of his antlers, as he welcomed his guests.

"Please," Selena murmured. "Make yourselves comfortable, we have a wide selection of entrees, specially designed to be quite safe for Cervid, oh, please excuse me - our other guests have arrived!"

Chloe picked frugally at the assortment of fruits, vegetables and other snacks, whilst Ollie wandered around, gazing with rapture at the topiary and manicured gardens, whilst Will made polite small talk with Samuel.

"I'm so grateful you three accepted my offer," Samuel smiled, as he clinked his glass with Will.

"Sir," Will began, then at a raised eyebrow from Samuel, Will wilted and twitched. "Samuel... How could we not? It's not often we get too - "

Will looked decidedly uncomfortable, before he lightly tugged at the smart casual shirt he wore. Samuel grinned and placed an arm around Will's shoulders in a comfortable embrace.

"Second thoughts?" Samuel asked. "I'd never have imagined - "

Will looked decidedly uncomfortable for a moment, before his eyes flicked over to Chloe, who continued delicately grazing from the offered snacks.

"Oh, I think I understand," Samuel nodded and sat down, petting the large couch cushion beside him. "Our... _life choices_are... not exactly welcomed, are they?"

Will nodded and sat down beside Samuel. "No, not by most of society. I'm not prudish, or anything like that -"

Samuel's eyelids closed slightly and the smirk on his muzzle spoke volumes.

"I'd heard rumours - " Samuel quietly confided in Will.

Will laughed nervously and swallowed, before deciding to lay it all out.

"Chloe is young, of course, she's not a - well, she's just shy and a little insecure."

Samuel took a sip from his drink and swirled the crystal glass's contents, letting the fine wine linger on his tongue for a moment so he could savour the taste.

"Of course. My parties are - well- they're known for a bit of, shall I say - they're not the typical parties those of my own, and Selena's social standing, usually attend. There will most likely, be nudism, even out right sexual encounters of a strictly casual nature - between myself, Selena and our other..."

Samuel's ears swivelled as he heard the rear door open, before he tipped a wink at Will and stood up. Turning about, he watched as four russet coloured foxes - all in rather evocative attire - walked in like it was a sunday stroll down the beach.

"Samuel, amazing setup man, it looks a treat!" One of the males exclaimed, looking around, his face and posture radiating self assurance and confidence. "My friends, this is our _amazing_host, Samuel. Samuel? This is Lucas..."

Lucas stepped forward, his triangular ears slicked back a little and his thick brush of a tail twice its normal size from his nervousness.

Samuel stepped forwards, holding out a large paw, that almost dwarfed the fox's one. Giving it a gentle handshake, Samuel moved on to the next.

"This is Zach - he's a full on party animal and a real extrovert - he'll fit right in..."

Samuel caught the subtle undertones of Ethan's words and he smiled warmly, shaking paws with each of them.

"Who might this lovely blossom be?" Samuel asked, coming to stand before a young vixen, who gazed up wide eyed at the Elk who towered over her.

"I'm..." She muttered, then blushed, her triangular ears twitching along with her slender brush of a tail. "I'm Riley..."

Ethan walked over, gripped Selena by the hips before he spun her about, tipped her backwards and planted a long, deep and intense kiss on the lips of the vixen - causing the other vulpines to laugh, Will chuckling, Chloe looking shocked and Ollie, distracted by having his nostrils buried in a beautiful rose, oblivious.

"Well then - " Samuel laughed cheerfully. "Starting a little early? We haven't even eaten - "

"Anyone, yet - " Lucas sniggered.

Chloe nervously come over and sat beside her brother, her left paw sliding across the cushion to grip his gently. He smiled at her, interlacing his fingers with hers, and squeezed tenderly.

"It's all going to be okay Chloe," Will whispered into her ear. "This is a - well - you've heard stories and know what _this_celebration is about, you're not a fawn anymore - haven't been for many years. Here, its a quiet, safe and _respectful_party. Nobody will hurt you, or do anything you're not comfortable with - if you say no, they'll respect you and your choice. Myself and Ollie? Well, you just have a good time - okay?"

Chloe blushed worse, her ears flat, as she glanced side-eyed at her older brother. "I do know what this celebration is - I'm _not_a fawn, I'm nearly twenty one, I'm... I mean - I'm just a little scared, you understand? I've never mated - I mean - made love, outside our species, I've heard rumours..."

Will smiled and gently ruffled her ears and kissed her on the cheek. "You'll be fine, remember, if you say no, they'll respect it, I promise. Besides, there's _two_vixen's here..."

Chloe's ears looked to Will, like they'd catch fire, they went such a brilliant red, he swore later, he could feel the heat radiating off them.

"Enjoy yourself my dear sister, have fun, and don't feel pressured, okay?"

Chloe's smile curled the edges of her lips, as she gave a shy nod. "I will, I promise...


After an amazing meal, the gathered party attendees celebrated with a small glass of expensive port, before they mingled and chatted quietly in the early evening.

"Whose first - " Selena murmured, her nose tickling Samuel's sensitive inner ear hairs.

"Decisions - " Samuel pondered, his ear twitching as Selena's breath tickled it.

"I think Zach," Selena murmured. "He's been giving you the eye ever since they first got here..."

Samuel snorted in good humour, then winked at Selena, who grinned, the tips of her fangs showing behind her dark furred lips.

"About time," Zach laughed, as he stood and everyone turned to look - especially at the surprising tent that seemed to be being raised from his baggy shorts.

"I guess I'm not needed - " Selena huffed, crossing her black furred arms over her breasts.

"I didn't say that - " Zach grinned, as he peeled his clothes off and dropped them onto a couch, then pulled the thick cushion off and laid on it, his arousal obvious as his length slid from the sheath.

Samuel grinned and tweaked Selena gently on the rump, as she stripped off herself, a mischievous smile crossing her muzzle and she handed a small bottle to Samuel.

"Good thinking," Samuel grunted, as he too stripped himself naked and both the Whitetail buck's ears promptly went flat as they seen the thickening length of Samuel's package.

"Oh my..." Ollie gurgled, eyes like twin moons and muzzle falling open.

"He's quite a buck, isn't he?" Selena grinned, as she wrapped first one, then both paws, around Samuel's penis and gave playful caresses.

Samuel grunted and shuddered, his arousal growing swiftly under Selena's gentle masturbation.

"I've seen better - " Zach flippantly commented, as he wriggled on the cushion, then lay himself back, resting on his elbows.

"Never had an Elk, I bet - " Selena smirked, as she used one paw to pick up the bottle and applied a generous coating of lube to her paw, before once again masturbating Samuel,, who shuddered and squirmed.

Will and Ollie watched, both surprised and aroused, whilst Chloe blushed and looked away. Both the buck's yelped in unison, as Riley stuck her head between them both and gave each a subtle nip on Will's right ear and Ollie's left.

"I've never had a Whitetail - are you as tasty as you look and smell?" Riley asked, seemingly innocently, as she licked up Will's ear and down Ollie's.

"Uh..." Ollie gasped, then slapped his paws to his groin in embarrassment.

"Forward little vixen, aren't you?" Will whispered, as he turned his head and gazed into Riley's eyes.

"When in Rome..." Riley grinned. "How about it - mind if an experienced Vixen shows a pair of young, virile bucks, a good time?"

Before either could answer, Zach moaned as Samuel aligned himself, then carefully pushed forwards, easing just his penile head into Zach's anal passage.

"Ooh - " Zach moaned, arching his hips up and wriggling his black furred toes. "I'll never..."

"Mind quietening him my love?" Samuel asked, raising an eyebrow as he shuddered and fought the urges to plow Zach like a field.

"Sure!" Selena grinned, as she stood then walked up beside Zach and straddled his head, kneeling down.

"Now Kit, put that muzzle to _good_use..."

Zach's eyes widened, as he felt the slick, hot folds of Selena's vaginal folds brush his nostrils, her tail floofing out and draping itself between his black tipped ears. Eagerly he began to orally pleasure her, making Selena gasp and squirm, her quivering paws on Zach's chest.

"Wow..." Chloe murmured, both surprised and aroused, yet unable to break her shyness and participate in what was obviously becoming a full orgy.

Samuel gurgled, his head tilting back, as he hilted himself inside Zach, who grinned and wrapped his legs around Samuel's hips, holding the Elk inside him, whilst his talented tongue flickered and probed in, out and around of Selena's depths, eliciting squeals and moans from her.

Will and Ollie glanced at each other, any pretence of hiding their arousal forsaken, as they rose and shed their own garments, revealing much to Riley's delight, for whitetail stag's - they weren't exactly_lacking_ where it counted.

"One at a time, or both? I know _my_preference - " Riley grinned.

As Will and Ollie watched, she walked over to a sturdy small table and slipped her summer dress off, revealing her nakedness beneath it. Without asking, she draped herself across the table and lifted her tail up, curling it over her back.

"I've never, I mean - " Ollie blushed, as he moved behind Riley and placed a paw on her rump.

"Never? With one such as I?" Riley murmured, looking back over her shoulder. "Well, it's not that dissimilar to any other female, that is assuming...ooh..."

Riley gasped, as Ollie snorted and teasingly rubbed his penile head against her increasingly slickening labia.

Not to be left out, Will gently cupped Riley's muzzle with his left paw and in the other, he held his own penis, which already dribbled a small droplet of pre-ejaculate.

"I do so like eagerness..." Riley murmured, then twitched as Ollie slid inside her, her vaginal folds squeezing down on him.

Will cupped her muzzle, then Riley smiled up at him as he edged forwards, and with experience and eagerness, Riley opened her muzzle and took Will's full length into her muzzle. He shuddered as she smirked, using the bony ridges at the roof of her mouth to tease and tantalise Will's penile head, before she dropped her nose into the soft gossamer like belly fur and began suckling intently.

Chloe watched, one paw sliding into the waistline of her skirt, as she used two fingers to tease and caress her clitoris, her hooflet's twirling as Chloe shuddered and nervously giggled.

Her self-pleasuring come to a stop, as a semi-naked male fox loomed before her, then smiled at her.

"Mind if I assist?" Lucas asked, giving her his most charming smile - the seven inches of firm, pre-ejaculate leaking vulpine penis standing firm and proud. "it'd be a shame too..."

Chloe's resolve shattered, and she giggled, before laying back, then pulling Lucas down, so he straddled her lower belly - his furred testicles resting where her teats would have been as a feral, her fingers splayed out and supporting her, so she was partially sitting.

Lucas needed little time, as he reached back and down, using three fingers to teasingly tickle and probe - before his index and middle fingers pushed Chloe's clitoris like a button.

"Oh...." Chloe gurgled, arching her back up and driving Lucas' fingers deeper.

"You're amazing - " Lucas grunted, as his slick length probed up between Chloe's breasts.

Chloe blushed at the compliment, before she awkwardly looked down, seeing how Lucas's penile head rubbed between her breasts - and the thickening knot that formed just below them.

"Yeah...sorry about...urgh...that - " Lucas laughed nervously. "It's a canid thing..."


Ollie lasted the shortest length of time, a whole ten minutes, before he grasped Riley by the hips and drove himself as deep as he could, squeezing his eyes closed and gritting his teeth, as his semen exploded inside Riley's vaginal depths, causing her to gasp and snicker, right before Will shuddered and his own orgasm spurted - Riley pulling her head back so the hot, sticky fluids spattered her mouth and a long line drooled from her bottom lip onto the table top.

"Damn stags - " Selena playfully teased, as she rocked back and forth against Zach's eager muzzle, savouring every nuzzle and lick from the experienced fox beneath her.

Unable to resist, the scent of musk filling his nostrils, Samuel pulled himself back mid-orgasm, the residual jets splattering Zach from groin to muzzle and the last powerful spurt, launching itself to spatter across Chloe's frizzled tail.

"Mmmmph!" Zach gurgled, his muzzle covered almost by Selena's vaginal folds, that quivered and grew incredibly slick as her own orgasm built like an electrical charge within her.

He twitched twice, as Samuel, still hard as granite, pushed himself back in, placing his thumb and forefinger beneath Zach's swollen knot and applying a gentle pressure.

Zach shuddered, before thick, glistening ejaculate squirted like a fire-hose from the slightly bulbous tip and splashed over Selena's belly and breasts, causing her to snort and shudder, turning a baleful gaze on her beloved Elk, who merely grinned lopsidedly and rolled his shoulders at her.

"Urk - " Chloe suddenly gasped.

Lucas grinned from ear to ear, as he slid three slick fingers into Chloe's vaginal depths and ever so gently tweaked her clitoris between his middle and ring fingers.

Chloe bleated, her spine crackling, hips thrusting against against Lucas's rump as her orgasm gushed from her nethers and Lucas snickered, feeling the sticky fluids soaking into his groin and thighs, then down Chloe's.

"Wow - " Selena giggled, glancing over at the gasping and panting Chloe.

Zach snorted and flicked his head, making Selena's eyes go wide, before she leaned forwards, her dark paws grasping at Zach's forearms as she shuddered and her own much needed release flowed down Zach's eager throat.

His tongue flickered, curled and twisted inside Selena's depths, savouring the sweet taste and sensations, as the vixen's entire body trembled and she began panting heavily, her thick brush slashing back and forth on the ground behind her.

Samuel, still hilted inside of Zach, smiled at his fiancee's expression, as he gently took Zach's thighs in his paws and began a sensual, rhythmic thrusting, making the young Vulpine moan and tremble in pleasure.

Ollie and Will sprawled with Riley on a couch, Riley having hilted Will and eagerly showing Ollie what a Vixen could do with her tongue and throat, in a turnabout of the encounter they'd shared moments ago.

Chloe, her passions aroused, and knowing her own partner hadn't yet had the pleasure of his own release, tenderly lay Lucas on his back, before she straddled him and with a few hilarious, and akward movements, positioned herself over his not inconsiderate length.

"Uh, Chloe - it's fine - " Lucas murmured, looking up in to her wide eyes and open, panting muzzle. "You don't have..."

Without warning, Chloe barely mounted him, placing her paws on his chest and kneading his pectoral muscles before she sighed in longing and slid down his penis until the bulge of the knot pressed hard against her labial folds.

"No..." Lucas whispered, looking up at her.

Chloe leaned forwards, making Lucas gasp as the penetration angle rubbed his sensitive penile head against the walls of her sex, before Chloe snorted and relaxed her tense leg muscles.

With a slurp, Lucas was driven into the young Whitetail's depths and he felt the heat and constraining walls squeeze from the tip to the base of his retracted sheath.

"Oh - " Chloe gurgled, her tongue lolling and a drool of saliva dripping from the tip of her tongue onto his chest. "Now...we can..."

Lucas' eyelids squeezed closed, as he fought the urges, yet he may as well have tried to stop the tide itself. His not inconsiderable length and knot seemed to grow even more within her - quickly tying Vulpine to Deer.

"Tie the knot," Selena laughed.

"Bury the bone!" Zach wheezed, then shuddered as Samuel grunted and increased his eager thrusts.

"I've never...oh..." Chloe wheezed, her eyes wide as she felt the firmness within her.

Her vaginal walls squeezed and squelched as Chloe gently pushed forwards and eased back, her fingers interlacing with Lucas' as he gazed up at her and a weak smile touched his furred lips.

"Get comfortable my dear, deer. We'll be like this for...well - a while..."

Will glanced over at his sister, then looked sideways at Ollie, who grit his teeth and gripped the couch cushion as he shivered.

"Wow...really? Already?" Will chuckled at his brothers growing discomfort, knowing how close Ollie was to another orgasm.

Selena rolled off Zach's muzzle and flopped on the cool grass, trembling and sighing in pleasure, before rolling over onto her back and then onto her side, resting her cheek on one paw whilst she watched the others.


Next morning, Ollie and Will slept like the dead, their heads resting on the couch cushions, loud snores from Will and Ollie's muzzle hung open, his tongue lolling.

Chloe was flopped over a couch, the underside of her tail and upper thighs glistening with a mixture of her own - and others - sexual fluids, her paws limp on the ground and fingers curled back towards her palms.

"Urgh..." Chloe murmured.

Selena snickered and came over, sitting on the edge of the couch and gently stroking Chloe's ears.

"He's_quite_ a stag, isn't he?"

Chloe's right eyelid opened to a mere slit, before she shuddered and went limp again. "How do you..."

Selena grinned and leaned down, giving Chloe a gentle kiss between the tears. "A lot of practice..."

Zach was flat on his back, in such a deep sleep from exhaustion, his den mates would have to carry him out to the car later.

Riley was over near the now quite diminished food table, laying on the timber chair with her muzzle open and her right paw wrapped around the tap on the large water barrel. Gulping it down as fast as she could swallow, Riley's upper tail was matted and sticky and would require quite the cleaning later.

"Awesome..." Ethan moaned, as he tried to lift himself up off the ground on which he lay, before falling back down, his chin landing with a thud. "Party..."

Lucas lay enfolded in Samuel's arms, the Elk holding the exhausted fox tenderly, Samuel's impressive length dribbling the last of his semen down the front of the couch cushion.

"I do think," Riley winced and moved gingerly, her own over-enthusiasm from the night before, starting to make itself known. "This was quite a success..."

Samuel smiled and glanced at the well-bred and exhausted two vixen's, before he nodded his antlered head, patting the spare cushion beside him.

Selena curled up next to him, on the right, tucking her legs up against her rump, before she leaned her head against his chest, her eyelids slowly drooping closed. Riley curled up on the left, resting her head against his other shoulder.

"I do think you're..." Samuel murmured, gently stroking both Vixen's before his ears twitched and the snickered softly.

Both of them were in a deep, exhausted sleep, one, Samuel himself, was eager to join, the party have gone off better than he'd imagined it would...

How would they top it next year? Come Samuel's last conscious thought, before he too lapsed into a deep, exhausted slumber, surrounded by his friends and the gentle breeze that ruffled their fur.