A Bet's Bitch - Commission for Ragnorak (Ragnorak-MAL in FA)

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#15 of Commissions

Synopsis: Having been invited into a late afternoon lunch in one of Warfang's prestigious dinery by a dragon named Ragnorak, Cynder gladly obliged to the request of his brother's in law invitation as they ate the delicious food away that would make their bellies full.

While chatting, Ragnorak made a conspicuous bet with Cynder that ended up with her losing said bet and now she has to do one thing that the dark blue dragon wanted, and that was to be his fuck toy for the rest of the week.

Needless to say, she resisted the first few couple of days, but after being manipulated by Ragnorak's magic, she started to enjoy every moment she had spent being fucked like a bitch by the handsome, strong dragon that keeps fucking her cunt and ass every night.

And she wouldn't want to stop it, not even if she's a mated dragoness.

A Bet's Bitch - Commission for Ragnorak

Synopsis: Having been invited into a late afternoon lunch in one of Warfang's prestigious dinery by a dragon named Ragnorak, Cynder gladly obliged to the request of his brother's in law invitation as they ate the delicious food away that would make their bellies full.

While chatting, Ragnorak made a conspicuous bet with Cynder that ended up with her losing said bet and now she has to do one thing that the dark blue dragon wanted, and that was to be his fuck toy for the rest of the week.

Needless to say, she resisted the first few couple of days, but after being manipulated by Ragnorak's magic, she started to enjoy every moment she had spent being fucked like a bitch by the handsome, strong dragon that keeps fucking her cunt and ass every night.

And she wouldn't want to stop it, not even if she's a mated dragoness.

The afternoon rays of the bright sun shone above Warfang city as dragons big and small went on with their daily routines, either basking in the sun, strolling by the plains just outside the metropolis, training, patrolling the area around the city, or even slacking off just like three dragons who were drinking away beer in a questionable establishment right close to Warfang's school for dragon hatchlings, where they give educative training for dragons up until they reach adulthood before the later proceed their studies in guardian level or some opt on either to learn job related stuff and proceed on either their professional or business lives or even just laze off in idleness and live a simple lifestyle.

One such dragon who was teaching in said school was none other than Cynder, the former Terror of the Skies and the mate of Spyro, the legendary purple dragon. A couple years back, they had vanquished Malefor, the evil purple dragon who holds the title of the Dark Master. Since then, both dragons led peaceful lives afterwards and decided that after some much needed rest and relaxation they eventually settled down and proceeded to pursue different jobs that don't allocate violence or fighting.

As much as they were renowned for their fighting prowess, both were scarred by the events of the war and wanted a different change of pace in their lives. Hence, Cynder became an instructor for teaching hatchlings how to properly control their elements while Spyro became a diplomat in respect for his deceased mentor, Ignitus who had sacrificed himself on guiding both him and her through the Belt of Fire that was formerly impossible to pass.

Time passed by, Cynder and Spyro had settled in on their new lifestyle, eventually mating in the process and were now happily living in Warfang ever since. Though Cynder was busy most of the days where she instructed hatchlings how to control their magic and spells, she didn't have that much stress like she had back during the dark ages. Now, she doesn't get so tired everyday when teaching a couple of dragons how to manipulate their magic and elements through some proper training.

"And that is how you control your element through proper breathing. Any questions?" Cynder flicked her tail at her students who listened attentively at her lessons throughout the day. As far as she could tell, these students that were present inside the field have finally learned the basics. She'd consider that for now until tomorrow, she would teach them the next level training on how to manipulate their magical elements through their body.

"No Ma'am!" The children all shouted as they enjoyed her lessons for the day and some took notes in respect for their favorite female teacher that some found was so awesome in executing their powerful abilities.

"Excellent, you can now leave the premises of this academy grounds. Tomorrow, I'll expect each of you to attend another basic lesson on this field by the usual time. Now class is dismissed." With her permission, all the hatchlings began to gather their books and homework that Cynder assigned them to give them more studying hours at night and learn the lesson she taught them throughout the day.

A couple of them approached Cynder to have her sign their homework that had important questions to ask or asked her advice and opinions on a certain scenario before they all bade a goodbye before taking leave. All of them waved goodbye to their favorite black dragoness who also waved them goodbye with a small smile, and soon enough, she was now all alone in an empty academy premises before she too, took leave.

She looked at the horizon from where she stood and smiled at how Warfang and its buildings have been greatly improved by the dragon that governed this society ever since the Dark Master's demise. Everything has really changed for the better for all dragon kinds in these past few years that Cynder took a break and wanted to live in a peaceful manner after what has been through all those battles that they've endured for the greater good of all living things in their planet.

With another sigh, Cynder took one last glance at the stone-walled room before taking her leave outside. Once outside, she stretched her limbs and wings that made the joints and bones making her entire skeleton creak as it had felt somewhat stiff from instructing hatchlings throughout the day. She didn't mind though as the sun was still beaming bright as ever and some rays hitting parts of her body, mainly her black-colored scales, which produced some sort of shiny luster to it.

After relaxing her body a little bit, Cynder was now making her way through the hallways where other creatures besides dragons scurried about, doing their jobs as either aides or other administrative functions. No creature bothered to look at the black dragoness' way as they were either busy bustling away with paperwork or maybe tending on fixing the office's interior or such.

The black dragoness didn't care at all and was only making her way out of the temple after another successful day as an instructor to teach hatchlings to master the arts of controlling their elements. Soon, Cynder came across an outside pavement before walking towards the outer gates that lead her outside into another street which leads back into Warfang city proper as she spread her wings and took to the skies.

Some dragons who were still minding their own business flew past as she banked on her right that led straight towards a certain food establishment where she was invited by a certain dragon to have lunch with him earlier this morning. Said dragon that invited Cynder for lunch was Ragnorak, the brother in law of her sister, Violet, who she had known to be her sister a dozen years back when the guardians introduced her to be the same batch of eggs that Cynder herself came from.

Reminiscing aside, the black dragoness landed on one of the rooftops and hopped down onto one of the establishment's second floor before walking by a patio. There, she saw countless moles and dragons alike seated inside which all chatted to their respected company's own. Some were talking about business related affairs, some were talking about something trivial, and there were also few who were gossiping with another dragon which was mostly about celebrity-like dragons either in Warfang itself or maybe elsewhere.

Cynder spotted one certain dragon who sat by a secluded section which led to a staircase down on the ground floor where most of the dragons and moles were taking their order as she walked up to the familiar dragon who had invited her for lunch this morning.

Cynder was a sight to behold in respect for her species, though a mite on the small side compared to dragons such as herself, she still proved to be quite stronger even in her small physique where the shapely, enticing female black dragon has quite a powerful body that can easily pummel to the ground any dragon, big and small should they invoke the female's aggression.

Her body was slim but toned enough that if one would take a closer look, they might be able to see the visible layer of muscles that bulged every time she moved her forearms or tail from side to side which complimented her somewhat athletic yet attractive body that shows her as a dragoness of speed and agility. Her thigh was likewise as they were shaped to be not muscular, but slim as a visible layer of strength could be seen on them as well as they were not bulky or heavy.

"Huh, and here I thought you'd still be teaching with those hatchlings." Ragnorak said as Cynder sat on the wooden board that functions as an authentic seat for dragons where a couple of table utensils was set out and a couple of candles was lit on the table.

"Yeah, I'm done for today. You're lucky I didn't forget that you've invited me out to lunch." She replied with a smirk as she leaned against her forelegs on the table.

Ragnorak, who was a dark blue dragon who was a couple of years older than her, smiled at her remark before he too leaned on the table. "So, how's your day as an instructor going lately?"

"As far as I could say, it's getting easier now. At least it isn't boring enough for me to endure through every day. I feel refreshed after some much needed job done now." Cynder told him with a relieved sigh. Ragnorak nodded as the both of them looked around the food establishment that served various foods where it consisted of various delicacies served in plates or some came in bowls where they had dragon-sized spoons to eat them with.

"How about you though Ragnorak? Are business deals getting easier for you to deal with these days? I mean, with how your family runs one of Warfang's most successful mines, there should be a lot of heat with your rivals or something. From what Violet has told me, you have one too many dragons bad mouthing about the company." Cynder inquired as she asked the dark blue dragon of business related affairs that has something to do with mines where he or any of his relatives ran successfully for generations.

Ragnorak himself have started as a go-to dragon for most deals with businesses with his own family name aside, the dragon managed to obtain profits off through trades of gems and various mining products where they export them off Warfang that helps some of its businesses to earn more profits to sell more goods such as mechanical devices where moles were selling them for their own shops, other construction companies in need of either resources, raw materials, or such.

Ragnorak scoffed that those statements didn't mean much to him. "Just business Cynder, nothing ever goes off too well in what me and my family are in the current deal. And no, it seems my business rivals were just salty why their own families weren't even that successful like my own in terms of profit. I never have too much trouble with them actually." The dragoness only gave him a curt nod and an arched brow but took his statement for face value as what he said was true for the most part.

Cynder can feel what Ragnorak had gone through. Back when she and Spyro were not officially mates, they had to fend off countless dragons that tried to woo them. Some even tried to do underhanded tactics that started from fake gossips about Spyro two timing with a random dragoness to them almost being assaulted on several occasions by some dragons.

Fortunately for them, they were more than capable of handling a couple of brutes that tried to mess with them. Due to that however, the guardians, especially Terrador who had promised Ignitus to take good care of Spyro, was the most affected and immediately personally dealt with those dragons with Cyril and Volteer trying to calm him down as the Earth Guardian almost wanted to permanently off those dragons.

After calming down the earth dragon, Cyril pulled some strings through his social connections to let the dragons that tried messing with them to be heavily punished and send a message to those who tried to mess with their favorite dragons.

"Well, I'll let you handle that then. I don't know too much about your business affairs and you know how I hate that stuff anyway. Too complicated for my brain to understand." Cynder remarked and shook her head.

"Fair point." The dragon named Ragnorak only chuckled as they were now talking about some idle chat about what's going on in Warfang or outside its walls. The dragons and moles alike were chatting about their daily lives while the waiters and waitresses served them their orders and collected payment when they're done eating.

A few moments later, a waitress - a red dragoness wearing a maid outfit - came up to their table and gave them the menu and their respective utensils as Ragnorak told her the orders he and Cynder would have and she nodded and took her leave, leaving the two dragons alone as they talked more. Soon enough, their food came in minutes after as the black dragoness could see it was freshly made as her nose could pick up the enticing aroma it carried that made the her salivate and Ragnorak was likewise, though he may not show it for how polite he looked to other dragons that pass by.

After having finished eating on their respected ordered dishes, Cynder and Ragnorak then talked some more personal stuff while having some idle banter every now and then.

Both were amused by each other as a couple of minutes in their idle chattering made the dragoness laugh hard and snorted at one particular joke Ragnorak mentioned about as the dark blue dragon only laughed along which added some more humor in their banter before Cynder composed herself.

They eventually continued to have their food for lunch while some dragons who pass them by look at their way every now and then with envy for how Ragnorak was with a famous dragoness known around Warfang for vanquishing Malefor, the Dark Master while some other dragons felt disgusted at Cynder which was largely due for the fact she killed so many creatures in the past, hence the dragoness would completely ignore those dragons that kept on looking at their direction.

While eating, Ragnorak had an amusing thought as he secretly looked at the other patrons who were eyeing Cynder like she's some sort of goddess. "You know, these hopeless derg's sure are looking at you like some kind of eye candy."

Ragnorak smirked before Cynder arched a brow at her eating table mate, skeptical on why he mentioned such a thing which made the female dragon a tad curious. "Well, they're obviously jealous that you have lunch with someone like me rather than themselves. Not to mention how eye-catching you look, surely these male dragons have eyes for someone like you. With the looks of things, if Spyro weren't yours, there sure would be some lucky male that'll have a chance getting at you for their own pleasure."

"I'm not surprised." She remarked and snorted. "Ever since the war ended, I'm surprised I'm not getting a horde of suitors knocking at my doorstep. I mean, sure I'm flattered they have their eyes set on someone like me, but I'm pretty sure that none of them can satisfy my urges with their little 'poles', if you know what I mean." She explained before taking another bite at her meal.

Ragnorak's mouth turned into a slight smirk at her remark and couldn't help but ask, "Well, what if I tell you I can satisfy your urges~?" He then put his forepaw in his chest and exclaimed in a prideful sort of way. "In case you didn't know, I am more well endowed than the majority of dragons around here. I can assure you that." He winked as his remark earned him a giggle from Cynder who couldn't help but be amused at his lewd jokes.

"And how are you so sure?" She asked while looking at him with a curious glance, her emerald eyes locked at his blue ones.

Ragnorak leaned a bit closer. "Because I've fucked most females back in my youthful days my dear, and none compared...Trust me Cynder, you wouldn't want to miss a chance at me~"

Cynder couldn't help but give out a chuckle, the dragoness couldn't help but admire the dark blue dragon's bravado and confidence that she couldn't help but admit that she found him to be a comedian.

"You know, I can't believe we're having this conversation right now. Not that I don't mind, but it's still funny for us to talk about it. Not to mention, how you're hitting on me like this in public. Aren't you worried that my sister or, heavens forbid, Spyro might have heard about this at some point?"

"Well, not that they'd care anyway. You're free to do whatever you want after all and it's not like we're dating or something, right? Plus, Violet and Spyro won't find out unless they've read minds or something."

"Good point. So, does that mean you've been checking me out then?" Cynder asked playfully.

"You caught me. You are quite a catch, and you're a fine dragoness for sure. It's a shame that Spyro has been keeping you for himself all these years." The dark blue dragon remarked which made Cynder look at him with feigned shock.

Cynder folded her forepaws and rested her chin at them like a professional seductive dragoness. She smirked at Ragnorak seductively who eyed him with that same hungry leer that matched the female dragon's own. "Wow~ You're quite forward with your words, are you flirting with Spyro's presence not here? Does he know that? Not to mention Violet wouldn't take you hitting on her little sister kindly."

Cynder smiled as the blue dragon chuckled and said, "Oh please, I just can't help but admire how good-looking you are Cynder~ If I'm being honest with you, then sure I am." Ragnorak gave a sultry smirk.

Cynder almost felt Ragnorak's charisma in him which in turn, she gave out a purr at how his smooth-talking made her ego ignite in some kind of way. "Why, I'm flattered that you compliment me like that~ How daring of you."

"Like how the guardians said, always say the truth, and that's the case right now~"

They both soon laughed and conversed more about more of Cynder's free time as Ragnorak would try some form of jokes to get Cynder laughing hard while other dragons eyed at them jealousy of how the male dragon conversed so closely with such a powerful yet well-known dragoness while said famous dragoness found his jokes hilarious.

They spent some idle time conversing over for about an hour so that it was almost time for the dragons and moles alike inside the establishment to bid their leave. While waiting for their payment, both of the dragons chatted and conversed over some trivial stuff where Ragnorak had a mischievous idea.

"So about your earlier remark," Ragnorak trailed off which caught the dragoness' attention. "You said before you haven't tried bigger poles that rival Spyro's, then what about I propose something. How about I wager that my dick would outperform Spyro's?" Ragnorak smirked at how Cynder eyed him in a questioning look on such a stupid remark as if challenging that Spyro's own dick couldn't match his own and it's an insult on her beloved's malehood.

"...What?" The dragoness arched a brow like how much Ragnorak dared himself for saying such a remark where she knew Spyro would be hurt on the ego after finding out she heard from her own muzzle. She only laughed it off thinking that such a dare wouldn't sway her decision. "Yeah right, there's no way. I know for a fact that what you said is ridiculous as if that is even possible Ragnorak."

Ragnorak smirked again in an attempt to convince her, who couldn't help but wonder whether such remarks were true.

"Okay, fine, let's say I accept your wager. What do you have in mind?" Cynder boldly claimed as she folded her forelegs and rested her chin to them with interest.

Before he could reply though, the waitress who took their order came and gave them the bill, the black dragoness gave her the money and gave some tip in respect for the waitress' own while Ragnorak interjected first before they could leave the table as he leaned towards Cynder and whispered.

"...Here's the gist of it, how about we bet for a hundred gems that my cock outperforms your mate. If I win, then you are required to be mine and do me some favors that are, let me quote, sexual favors for the whole week. If I lose then I don't get to own you which isn't that bad at all, oh and that you'll get a hundred gems from me~ How about that?" Ragnorak gave Cynder a seductive gaze as the dragoness was tempted by the bet's risk and reward.

Cynder bit her lip as she felt some form of amusement. She knew that Ragnorak was just joking around, but she couldn't help how unnerved she was when she looked at his mischievous gaze. She just shook her head though and playfully accepted the bet.

"...Sure why not? There's no harm in having a bet like that." Cynder nonchalantly said which surprised the dark blue dragon that looked at her in the eye and grinned.

"Oh? Then we're in. Let's hope you won't regret betting with me~" As Ragnorak sealed the deal with the black dragoness, his eyes momentarily glowed purple as he discreetly used his magic with Cynder who had unintentionally satisfied all the requirements to make a binding vow.

Now she won't be able to escape their bet, not unless one of them will win.

"Well, you better make it worth my time Ragnorak. I mean, I've never seen you fuck any dragon that would prove you're so called 'well endowed' pole." She teased, not believing the dragon's boastful claims.

"Well then-" As Ragnorak stood up from their seat he noticed that a female dragon who was secretly listening to their conversation hid herself in a broom closet once the blue dragon noticed her presence. With a smirk, Ragnorak had an idea on how to show Cynder that his cock would outmatch her mate's as he continued his sentence, "-come to that broom closet over there after five minutes~" He pointed to the broom closet on where the dragoness had hid. "I'll show you how utterly wrong you are."

The black dragoness didn't know whether or not to be impressed that Ragnorak had balls on what he had just said, but nonetheless she couldn't help but give in to the dragon's remarks. She shrugged it off and nodded.

"Alright then, I'll go to that closet after five minutes. You better not disappoint me then~"

With that said, Ragnorak winked and walked off to the broom closet where he saw the female dragon earlier. Cynder shook her head and was amused. She had to admit, Ragnorak had the guts for such a remark and she'll see through his claims.

She stood up and stretched her limbs for a moment, and without even taking another look, Cynder walked to the counter to order some more food. "Might as well order something light to pass the time."

Narina shivered after having her presence exposed to Ragnorak, her rival in the mining business. Her family had tried to gain any sort of leverage against Ragnorak and his family, but despite all their best efforts, they were never able to outperform them.

And thus the reason why she tried to spy on him in every way she can, whether it was at lunch meetings or while having business related conversations. And when she heard earlier about Ragnorak having invited Cynder for lunch, she knew that he must be plotting something. However, it seems that all of her efforts were in vain when she realized that he had spotted her which made her hide herself in an empty broom closet with no other escape routes as the female dragon desperately thought on what would happen to her now that she was discovered by Ragnorak himself and tried to brace for whatever will come.

"Crap... Could this day get any worse?!"

It didn't take long before she saw that the door had opened and indeed, this day went a lot worse for her, as Ragnorak came inside and locked the door behind them. Narina tried to back up to a corner before bumping herself at the back wall. There she sat in front of the towering dragon and waited in fear whatever this dragon in front of her would do.

"Well hello there gorgeous~ Fancy meeting you here, am I right?" Ragnorak joked as he noticed how barren the broom closet was and that it managed to fit more dragons than he initially thought. Good for him though, because things will probably go spicy from here on out.

Narina blushed at how she was called gorgeous from her family's rival who sat in front of her. Normally, she'd either insult him back since he was an enemy rival, but something about him seemed off, and for some weird reason she couldn't fathom why that was, nor did the female dragon knew why Ragnorak seemed so handsome in front of her that had almost made her mouth drool.

"R-Ragnorak..." Narina stuttered before she snapped out of her trance and looked away from the dark blue dragon. "W-What are you doing here?!"

The blue dragon chuckled at her question and replied, "I believe I should be asking you the same thing. What are YOU doing here?"

Ragnorak leaned forward and pressed his lips against her neck and kissed it sensually. He moved his head upwards and gave her chin a soft peck. As he continued kissing her neck, the dark blue dragon slowly worked his way towards the dragoness' ear, where he nibbled and bit the flesh, and even licked it with his tongue.

"A-Ahh... Hahhh..." Narina panted as she felt the dragon's lips and tongue caressing her body. She tried to push him away, but it was futile as she was powerless against the dragon.

Ragnorak then leaned closer and whispered to her ear, "If you really want me to stop, I can stop~ But I can tell by the tone of your voice, you're not protesting." The dark blue dragon smirked before planting his lips back on the female's neck.

"N-No, please! This is wrong!"

Ragnorak ignored the dragoness' protests and kept on going. "I'm going to make sure you enjoy this as much as I will~"

Narina was about to protest when suddenly, the dark blue dragon slipped his tongue into her mouth. She tried to pull it out, but the dark blue dragon grabbed her jaw and held it open. She felt the dragon's tongue invade her oral cavern and explore every inch of it, making her moan louder.

"H-Hmmmppphh!!!" Narina was helpless as the dragon continued to ravish her mouth, tasting and exploring her insides while the dark blue dragon's tongue kept moving in and out like a slimy piston.

Soon enough, the dark blue dragon withdrew his tongue from her mouth and stared at her lustful face. He grinned and whispered, "That was nice. I love the way you moan when my tongue is inside your mouth~"

"Y-You're a sick pervert..." Narina retorted, her voice trembling as she tried to get up and flee the broom closet. However, Ragnorak didn't allow her to do so as he wrapped his tail around her neck and pulled her back down.

"And you're insufferable with all those stalking~" The dark blue dragon growled before he pinned her against the ground and positioned himself over her.

Ragnorak pressed his weight against her and pressed her further into the cold, hard floor. He was a lot heavier than her and the dragoness struggled under him, trying to get free. But it was futile as she was powerless against his larger, heavier frame.

"Get off me!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Narina. Besides, you're mine for now." Ragnorak growled as he licked her neck, causing her to shiver and tremble.


The dark blue dragon continued to lick and kiss her body. He trailed his tongue across her collarbone and chest. He moved his head downwards and buried his snout in between her thighs. He breathed heavily, inhaling the scent of her body. The female dragon whimpered, unable to move as she felt his warm breath caress her sensitive scales.

"Ahhh... Ahhhh!"

"Such soft scales, Narina. So smooth and tender..." Ragnorak purred as he ran his tongue over her stomach and along her sides. He moved his snout lower and pressed his nose against her slit. "Hmm, I wonder how good you taste~"

Narina tried to protest but was cut off as she felt his tongue licking her entrance, teasing and coaxing it open. She was forced to remain still, unable to move her legs. She bit her muzzle and moaned quietly.

"Hmmmpphhh!!" Narina could only whimper as the dark blue dragon lapped at her wet pussy, tasting and savoring her fluids. He flicked his tongue up and down, making the dragoness squirm and writhe. "A-Ahhhhh! N-Not thereeee... Stop itttt!!!"

The dark blue dragon ignored her pleas and kept licking her pussy. He continued to lap at her slit, lapping at her juices while he enjoyed her scent. "Mmmm, delicious~"

After several minutes, Ragnorak finally stopped licking her entrance and looked up at the dragoness. His eyes were glowing a faint purple and his fangs were bared, revealing his sharp canines. "So, ready to see the true nature of a real dragon~?"

"Y-You're a sick freak! Let me go!!!"

"Not a chance. Not until I'm done with you." Ragnorak replied as he positioned his member towards her entrance and pushed his tip into her pussy.

The dark blue dragon didn't waste any time and started to thrust himself into her, pumping his hips as his thick shaft penetrated deep into Narina's cunt. He could feel the dragoness squirm beneath him and gasp loudly as her pussy was being stretched open by the hard rod plunging itself deeper into her body. Her cries of pain and agony were drowned out by Ragnorak, who grunted as he slammed his cock deeper into the dragoness' passage.

"N-Nooooo!!! Please! N-No... Ahhh'' Narina's moan could be mistaken for a gryphon squawk filled with despair and ecstasy while Ragnorak force fed his cock down her vaginal hole, the massive, 20 inch, purple cock invading the dragoness' cunt without mercy and thrusting into her like there's no tomorrow. Narina couldn't stop trembling in both pain and arousal at how Ragnorak abused his malehood with the dragoness feeling full every time it pierced through her cunt and Ragnorak just didn't care what kind of torture he's putting his fucktoy through.

From his point of view, the dragon in command felt her incoherent noises were charming and just added to his excitement. He could already feel himself losing control as the touch of her folds warming his engorged tip sent shivers down his spine. It was like sinking into a soothing, sensuous bed of pure warmth. He could only imagine the sensation he'd have after he'd wrapped his full length in her heat. He wouldn't have to fantasize for long, as a gentle thrust of his hips pushed his shaft deeper inside Narina.

More involuntary noises of resistance and love from her jaws as his dick began digging into her pussy. His penis was incredibly huge and hefty, nearly causing Narina to catch her breath as it penetrated her. The patterned spikes down his length scraped against her walls. They weren't sharp enough to hurt her, but they were just enough for pushing her body's hunger farther insane.

His attempt to impale her on his shaft was cut short as his tip brushed up against another warm, meaty wall. Knowing this was the opening of her womb, he broadened his grin and paused to enjoy the wonderful feeling again. The fire encircled his tip once again. However, the flesh was so heated this time that the sensation was already flowing down the remainder of his length. He let out a perceptible shiver when he felt the mix of heat and desire reach his cum-inflated balls. Narina shivered as a result of his quick movement and the unmistakable sense of her womb being heavily invaded.

In sharp contrast to how roughly he had inserted himself into her, he quickly drew half of his length out in a single second. The lightning-like speed with which pleasure impacted both her pussy and his dick caused both dragons to howl in tandem. He didn't wait for her to adjust or gather her bearings before thrusting his shaft back into her depths, rekindling emotions of envelopment.

The dragon's earlier lack of speed has vanished. His shaft became a blazing piston that hammered Narina's pussy as his speed increased. Her head soared with unwelcome delight every time his length brushed against her walls, and his balls swelled with bliss and expectation. The tightness forced his entire shaft to throb and Narina's entire body to spasm every time he pierced her womb. As his bigger base crashed into her outermost lips, she was continually supplied ecstasy. This, along with one of his barbs tickling her clit just perfectly as he thrust, caused an unstoppable flow of her feminine fluids to emerge from her.

"G-Good grief... Hahh... You already... came!" The dark blue dragon exclaimed as he pumped his hips in a blur of motions. Each impact sent a shockwave through her entire frame. Each time the two collided, his tip was bathed in her juices and his cock was forced to swell, begging him to release his load.

"Haaa! Hngg--- Mphh!" Narina could barely speak coherently anymore as she felt the dragon's monstrous length stretching her insides. The pressure within her was increasing at an alarming rate and it was only a matter of time before her womb was flooded with the dragon's essence.

She could tell that her resistance was beginning to waver. Her body was screaming for the dragon to flood her womb, and her mind was pleading for him to end this madness. Unfortunately, his pace was far too fast for her to stop. There was no way he was going to slow down, let alone stop. He was far too close to release his seed into her.

Narina's head was thrown back and she screamed as a wave of ecstasy exploded through her pussy, and her juices spurted from her pussy like a fountain. However, Ragnorak was in a coherent enough mindset to muffle her loud screams with a kiss of his own, effectively silencing her.

"Mmmmh..." Narina moaned into the kiss as her mind began to fade away into blissful oblivion. The dragon's shaft continued to hammer into her, driving his massive cock deeper into her body while his ridges and spikes scraped the walls of her insides making her feel like falling into a massive cliff filled with erotic bliss.

With one final thrust, the blue dragon managed to shove the entirety of his cock inside the dragoness, tying the two together in the most intimate way possible. As soon as his spikes popped inside her, her entire body shook and trembled, her pussy clenched down around his pulsating member. A flood of draconic cum blasted from the tip, shooting straight into her womb and filling her body with his sticky essence.

Her eyes rolled back and she gasped for air as her orgasm took hold. She was completely helpless against the onslaught of pleasure assaulting her body. Her mind went blank and her vision turned white as her orgasm tore through her body, making her entire frame shudder uncontrollably.

She was barely aware that she had orgasmed multiple times in a row, or that she had moaned in pure bliss. Her mind was clouded by lust and her body was filled with the dragon's hot seed.

"Haaaahh! Mmmph!" She moaned as the dragon pumped his cum deep inside her, forcing more of his thick cock into her womb. Her stomach was bloating rapidly, yet it still felt incredibly good. She wanted more, even if she knew she would never get enough.

Her entire frame shook and trembled as she felt the dragon's shaft expand inside her, forcing her pussy to stretch to accommodate the bulging member. The pressure in her womb intensified and her inner walls clenched tightly around his length.

Her orgasm lasted for several minutes, and the entire time her body was convulsing violently and her mind was clouded by the intense waves of ecstasy coursing through her body. Her entire frame was quivering and trembling, and her mouth was hanging open, allowing the dragon's tongue to invade her oral cavity and ravish her tongue.

When she finally regained some semblance of coherency, she realized the dragon was still fucking her hard. Narina gasped for air and shuddered, her entire frame quaking as the dragon pumped his thick seed into her, filling her womb completely.

"Ahh, ahh... I can't... Mmmm... You're... Ahh, ah, ahhh..." She couldn't even complete a sentence without moaning or gasping.

Ragnorak rode the euphoria of his orgasm for a long while, until the intensity of his climax eventually faded away. He was panting heavily and his muscles were still tensed, but his orgasm had passed and his erection was slowly shrinking.

After a few moments, he roughly pulled outside of her, tides of cum came gushing forth as it coated the floor with his semen while leaving her sore and spent, yet still craving more.

She panted heavily and stared at the dragon with dazed, lust-filled eyes. Her body was still trembling and her pussy was gaping open.

"Well~ That was a workout." Ragnarok commented as he wiped his sweat off. He chuckled as the dragoness couldn't find the energy to retort.

Narina could only look at the dark blue dragon weakly, her limbs completely numb from all the intense pleasure she had experienced.

"You bastard..." She muttered weakly. "W-What did you... What have you done..."

Ragnorak just shrugged and gave her a cocky smile.

"Nothing much~ Just had my fun with a lovely dragoness like you~" He then grabbed a nearby rope that was hanging on a shelf and had a devious plan to show Cynder what he had done.

Cynder tapped the wooden table with her claw as she waited for Ragnorak to finish. She had been waiting for almost four minutes and only saw a couple of patrons come and go. It was late afternoon and most customers would have been heading home by now, but there was still no sign of the dark blue dragon.

"Hmph~ Looks like those hundred gems will be mine soon~" Cynder chuckled in amusement. She was so sure that Ragnorak doesn't have the balls to see through the entirety of their bet, let alone getting frisky with another dragoness.

Just then, the door opened and there stood the dark blue dragon who looked refreshed for some reason. As he walked towards Cynder, the black dragoness noticed a faint smell coming from the dragon. She sniffed the air near him and realized it was a scent that was mixed with the smell of sex.

"Sorry about the delay, Cynder. I had to do something... interesting~." He said as he looked at the broom closet that probably smelled of his cum.

"I take it your business with the broom closet went well then?" She asked in an amusing way as she cannot wait to take her prize of gems.

Ragnorak laughed, "Yes it did~ But anyways," He motioned for Cynder to follow him as the black dragoness raised an eye-ridge and followed him. "There's something that I would like you to see, Cynder~"

Weaving through the crowd that was curious about them, but smartly chose to ignore the duo, Ragnorak led her to the broom closet. Before going in however, the blue dragon muttered something under his breath that was barely audible for the black dragoness to hear as a transparent bubble surrounded them and the broom closet.

"Okay, let's go. No one should be able to notice us if we come in now." Ragnorak said as he entered the closet with Cynder following behind.

"Ta dah~" Ragnorak moved aside as she was curious on what he wanted to show here that made him think he was gonna win.

Immediately, her eyes went wide and her mouth opened in surprise at the sight of Narina held up against the wall and tied up with ropes, in a way that showed her exposed slit that leaked Ragnorak's cum like a broken faucet. The dragoness was unconscious and breathing heavily as if she had been fucked hard and the black dragoness couldn't believe what she had witnessed.

"R-Ragnorak! What's going on here?! What did you--" Her sentence was cut off when Ragnorak showed her his massive dong that for some reason was out of his slit, thick, and covered in smelly cum. It threateningly throbbed towards her as she wondered how she missed that massive thing waving around in public, not to mention how the other patrons failed to notice his large maleness.

"If you're wondering how the other creatures didn't notice it, it's because I casted a high tier ward spell to keep them from noticing my groin." Ragnorak laughed at the absurdity of that sentence alone. "And by the way~ This clearly means that I won~"

Cynder shook her head as she realized that she had been staring at his dick for quite some time. She quickly looked away and tried to defend herself against Ragnorak.

"F-Forget the bet! We need to clean this place up! Especially her! She looks like she has run a marathon or something!" She tried to fight off the blush that threatened to appear in her face as she kept looking back at his impressive dick that, for the love of god, was far larger and girthier than Spyro's. She had to admit, she was curious how the unknown dragoness felt to have his massive pole inside her, but she couldn't let this dark blue dragon know it. And besides, the bet was a joke, he couldn't be serious about making her his sex toy for the week... right?

Ragnorak suddenly grabbed her chin as he made her look at him in the eye, his purple pupils now glowing in a sinister but hypnotic light and his cock gave off some form of aura that the dragoness couldn't ignore for the life of her as if her will had been suddenly sucked up by it. "Oh Cynder~ You should know by now that I always mean what I say~ And you will obey my every words~" His voice was now booming into Cynder's thoughts as the dragoness looked between him and the bound dragoness, not knowing what to do.

"T-The bet was just a joke! I didn't take it seriously! There's no way I'll let you--" Her ramblings were cut off short when Ragnorak pushed his muzzle against her and kissed her hard.

"Mmmmppphhh!!! Mmmpphh!!!" The black dragoness tried to push him away, but she found that she was unable to move. She felt her resistance melting away as his tongue slipped past her lips and danced across her mouth.

After a few seconds, he pulled away and gave her a mischievous grin. "Did I forget to mention that I made a binding vow with you?~ Which means~"

With a wave of his claws, the dark blue dragon revealed a ghostly chain that connected Cynder's neck to his paws as the black dragoness' eyes widened with surprise. Cynder gasped as the chains floated in the air and attached itself to Ragnorak, making it obvious for her that she couldn't run away, which means she's bound to service Ragnorak for the week.

"You're mine~"

Cynder walked along the dusty cobblestone path with a frown on her face after leaving the restaurant. Rather than flying straight to her home, she'd rather walk and ponder at the lousy decision that she had made as the sun began to set for the day.

She was frustrated at herself for being such an idiot. It felt humiliating to know that she had been made a fool of by Ragnorak. What's even worse was that he added an extra condition to the vow by making her keep everything a secret on what happened in the restaurant, which means she can't ask anyone for help unless she wanted to experience an unimaginable consequence that was associated with the vow.

"That jerk... He actually was taking everything seriously and had actually managed to pull this all the way." Cynder grumbled as she entered the home that she and Spyro had been sharing together. Their house was made of finely carved marble with draconic features that adorned the outside walls of the structure. Their home was located in an isolated part of the city right next to the ruins, since they wanted some peace and quiet after their hectic childhoods.

As she opened the door, she noticed that nobody was home.

"Hmm, looks like Spyro isn't here yet." She thought to herself and sighed. After today's events, she hoped to just cuddle in bed with her mate, but that wasn't happening.

The black dragoness stepped into their living room and closed the door behind her. The room was dimly lit by candles and a few pieces of furniture were scattered about. She noticed that a letter was placed on the couch where Spyro would usually lay about and read a book.

She picked it up and began to read the note, "Hey Cynder, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, but I'll be going away for a few days to meet with the elder dragons and discuss the issue of the moles. I'll make sure to come back soon, I promise. Love, Spyro."

Cynder frowned at the letter. She was disappointed by the fact that her mate had to leave her alone, but she knew that it was important. Besides, she couldn't deny the fact that it was kind of advantageous to have her mate away for the time being. If he had found out that she was forced to obey Ragnorak's sexual advances, she wouldn't know how to explain things to him.

She decided to not think about the situation and went to their room.

"Well, no use getting worked up about things." She told herself. She needed to relax and enjoy herself for a little bit before she would have to meet up with Ragnorak tomorrow.

When Cynder got to their bedroom, she slumped into the bed and momentarily buried her head against the velvety pillows that smelled of roses. Their bedroom was spacious, with a king sized bed that could fit three dragons and a large hardwood closet that was filled with various things that included clothing. The room was lit up by a few candles and the curtains were drawn open, allowing the sunset to enter the room.

"Ugh, why did I have to lose to him? Now he gets to have his way with me, and I don't know how long he's gonna use me. I don't even know if I can trust him, given how he fucked Narina and left her in a cum-stained mess." Cynder thought as she recalled the image of Ragnorak's dong and the unconscious dragoness he had raped. She tried to deny the fact that it turned her on, but she couldn't hide the fact that it excited her, even if it was against her will.

After a while, her claws unconsciously ran towards her slit as her mind drifted towards the memory of how Ragnorak showed her his 20-inch cock and the bound dragoness. She shuddered as she imagined how big the dark blue dragon would feel inside her, and she couldn't stop the arousal that was beginning to build up within her.

She rubbed her clit and inserted two of her claws inside her pussy, letting out a soft moan. Her body tingled as her fingers penetrated her folds and she began pumping her digits into her slit. Her breath quickened and her chest heaved.

However in a moment of clarity, she immediately pulled her slime-covered claws back and stared at the sticky liquid. She could only imagine what the dark blue dragon would do if he saw her masturbating with her thinking of his cock.

She couldn't help but imagine the consequences that would come if he caught her doing something like this. She knew she shouldn't have done it, but she couldn't resist. Her mind was clouded with lust, and the image of Ragnorak's cock had aroused her beyond anything else.

"Dammit, why can't I stop thinking about his cock? It's driving me crazy." She said as she looked at the closet with her countless Bad Dragon Dildoes hidden inside a secret compartment that was magically concealed. She had secretly bought it from a wandering trader that makes a living by selling various sex toys and other stuff in the black market and had hid it before Spyro could ever find her dirty toys out of her stash. The dildoes were very special due to its unique magical properties where it can be adjusted into any size, shape and form.

"I suppose I could play with a few of them. Just so I can relieve some stress and all that." She told herself as she walked into the closet and opened the secret compartment, revealing several dragon dildoes of various shapes, sizes, and colors.

Cynder licked her muzzle at the sight of her collection, her arousal building up further. Each dildo had several unique characteristics that made them different from the rest, including different patterns and textures. Some were even enchanted with various spells and enchantments, which made them even more appealing to the black dragoness.

One in particular stood out to her and she picked it up. It was a dark blue, 20 inch, barbed, ridged and bumpy dildo that was shaped similarly to Ragnorak's dick, with a knotted base and a thick head, and even had the same vein pattern on its rubber surface. It had a feature where it could thrust itself into her orifice and was equipped with a special spell where it would suck up mana particles, store it and generate artificial cum, which made that dildo one of the best toys she had bought.

Cynder stared at the dildo for a few seconds before looking at the rest. There were some toys that had interesting features as well, and she thought that perhaps playing with a few more would be good. But she regressed that idea as she didn't want to make a mess on their bedroom, lest her mate found her stash, which would result in the most embarrassing conversation she would ever have with Spyro.

"No, I shouldn't do that. If I end up making a mess, I won't have any time to clean it up before Ragnorak shows up tomorrow." She thought as she closed the compartment and decided to focus on the dildo that she held in her claws.

Throwing the dildo in the bed, the black dragoness quickly climbed onto the bed and spread her legs apart, exposing her moist slit. She then picked up the dildo and slowly pushed it into her entrance, causing her to shudder in pleasure.

"Mmmm..." She moaned as she pushed the dildo deeper into her pussy, stretching her tight walls open and filling her up completely. She could feel the bumps, ridges, and barbs rubbing against her insides, stimulating her sensitive spots.

Her body tingled as the toy plunged deeper into her depths and she felt her vaginal walls clench around the shaft. Cynder couldn't help but fantasize that she was getting fucked by the dark blue dragon. The mental image of the bulky dragon breeding her with his massive dong turned her on immensely and she let out a moan of ecstasy.

"Ohhhh... Ahhhh! Ragnorak, yes! Fuck me harder!" She unconsciously exclaimed as she started thrusting her hips and moved the dildo in and out of her entrance, lubricating the shaft with her feminine fluids. Her fantasies were getting more intense as the image of the blue dragon's form dominated her in bed and took control over her.

Cynder began slamming the dildo into her pussy at a rapid rate, filling her cunt with the toy's length while imagining that Ragnorak was the one pumping in and out of her pussy. She imagined how good it felt to have the dragon's large shaft buried deep inside her. The pleasure was intense and overwhelming and she couldn't think straight anymore. All she could think about was how she wanted the dark blue dragon to fuck her hard and deep.

She imagined Ragnorak whispering seductive words at her ear, how he handled her small frame like a rag doll and how he slammed his hips against her rear. She could almost see him dominating her body and making her his personal fuck toy, and she was more than happy to oblige. The mere mental image was enough to bring Cynder close to another climax. She closed her eyes as she imagined Ragnorak grunting her name, thrusting himself inside her while whispering how naughty she had been all the while taking in the full length of his cock.

"Hraaa! Yes! Ragnorak! Breed me! Give me your eggs!"

The dragoness increased her speed and she began pounding herself harder and faster, moaning Ragnorak's name with each thrust. Her insides tightened and she felt her body reaching its limit. Cynder had to bite her muzzle and stop herself from screaming and shouting the dragon's name louder lest the neighbors hear it.

"I... Haaah... Ahh!!!"With a muffled cry, Cynder came hard on the dildo as thick jets of white fluid sprayed into her pussy, drenching it with the fluid girthy pole as the sex toy sensed the release of the dragoness. Immediately, the silicone dildo began vibrating as it took in small amounts of magicules from the air, turning the small essence of magic into cum as thick jets of artificial semen drenched her slit like a torrential river.

Her toes curled up, her claws dug deep into the sheets as she rode out her orgasm in full, climaxing in waves for half a minute or more. Cynder's chest heaved heavily, and a thin layer of sweat covered her scales. Cynder panted heavily as her orgasm subsided. It felt incredible to orgasm again after a long while.

She laid on the bed for a while as she relished the feeling of something big and long filling her up and satisfying her desire of climaxing while pretending to mate with the dragon of that was supposed to own her. Cynder then sighed as she grabbed the dildo that released a torrential amounts of fake seed with her tail and slowly pulled it out. Immediately, she can feel the ridges and spines scraping her insides as it moved, and she groaned lightly. After a while, she successfully pulled out the toy completely, eliciting a small sigh from her jaws while staring at the 20 inch dragon-shaped dildo.

She looked at the toy for a moment before realization dawned on her. With her fantasies gone and her lust had subsided, Cynder remembered the bet that she made with Ragnorak and was baffled with how she lost it all while masturbating using a large dildo.

"Fuck." Cynder swore quietly as she covered her face with her wings, embarrassed of how she imagined Ragnorak instead of her own mate when using her dildo to satisfy her desires. She now can see how weak she was to her body's primal urges when Ragnorak made the dragoness fantasize of his dick back in the restaurant and how he made her want him so bad.

Annoyed by that fact and unbothered to clean after herself, the dragoness grabbed a pillow and slammed it over her head as she sighed in frustration.

"Damn you Ragnorak..." Cynder muttered from behind the pillow as she forced herself to sleep despite having stained the bed with her feminine juices.

----The Next Day---

Cynder woke up after having a great dream with Ragnorak pounding her body until to which she came in her bed, coating the already-stained sheets with her slimy juices as she stared in horror at what she had done. She immediately pulled herself from bed and looked at the mess she made. It looks like her fantasies that involved Ragnorak being the one to dominate her instead of her mate still haven't dissipated just yet.

Her face turned into a frown as she stared at the mess. If she didn't clean this up right now, the smell might linger for a while and stick into the nearby furniture. She sighed as she began removing the bed sheets. It took a few minutes before Cynder finished cleaning up the room, and it didn't take long for her to get cleaned as well and get ready for the day.

Once everything was cleaned up, Cynder left the room and made her way to the door, ready to start her day. She was nervous, but she couldn't afford to waste any time.

The black dragoness exited the house, locking the door behind her, and flew towards Ragnorak's place which was outside of Warfang. She was anxious about meeting him again. After last night's events and yesterday's bet, she wasn't sure if she could look at him the same way. With how messed up her fantasies are, the dragoness wasn't sure if she was mentally prepared to face him without imagining the dark blue dragon taking her right then and there.

However, her mind drifted towards the memory of the unconscious dragoness that was tied up in the broom closet. How her pussy was drenched in his cum and her womb filled with it as well. How his member was huge, thick and girthy, and how it would feel inside her. And the worst part, was that the mere thought of being fucked by him made her pussy tingle and her arousal grew, in public no less.

"Dammit! Why does my body react this way when it comes to him?" Cynder thought to herself. She had never felt this way before and it bothered her. "It had to be that fucking binding vow! UGH! I just hope this week will end soon."

The flight was long and it took a while for her to reach her destination. By the time she landed near the entrance, it was already late afternoon. She could see the sun setting down the horizon, bathing the sky in a mixture of red, orange, and purple colors. The light from the sun's rays hit her body and her scales seemed to shimmer.

"Dang... Why does his home have to be so far away? It's a good thing that I canceled today's class in advance; otherwise it might have set a bad record in her teaching career. And the last thing I need is for the children to celebrate having no classes for the rest of the school year while having learned nothing." The black dragoness let out a sigh as she looked at the large cave where her captor resided. She was nervous about what would happen when she entered. Would Ragnorak rape her right then and there, or would he just make her perform some sort of lewd act? Cynder shuddered at the thought.

"Okay, this is it. Let's just get this over with."

She took a deep breath and stepped into the cave, not knowing what awaited her.

Upon entering the cave, Cynder was impressed with how well lit the interior was despite the fact that there was no visible source of light inside the cave.

"Must be some kind of magic spell... Ragnorak was very fluent with the arcane arts." Cynder thought as she walked further into the cave and saw that further inside was a lot more spacious than she thought. Judging by the broadness, she surmised that it could house a few dragons comfortably and wide enough for them to take flight within the confines of the cave.

The cave's walls were also adorned with various paintings and tapestries depicting several different scenes, many of which were erotic and showed dragons engaged in sexual activities. She doesn't know what to feel about this except be creeped out by how Ragnorak lives, though the depictions were a good art nonetheless.

"Still... What does Violet like about that dragon? He's so creepy!" She then stopped walking and face palmed. "And horny... Gosh, why do I have a sister that's as horny as him? Ugh...."

The cave was divided into different sections, with a kitchen, dining area, a study room, and even a living room where Ragnorak sat patiently in his cushions with his dick exposed. He had a big grin on his face and was stroking his member slowly with his tail as Cynder couldn't help but stare at the real thing.

"Well hello there, Cynder. Hope you don't mind the mess~" The dark blue dragon said in a mocking tone, and the dragoness could only sigh in response but still stared at his cock nonetheless as it dripped pre-cum into his scales.

"What a pervert..." She thought to herself, but couldn't deny the fact that she was attracted to his cock. Her feelings were conflicted, and she doesn't know what to do in this particular situation. Still... Her curiosity was killing her, and her body ached with desire.

"You're not gonna stand there all day, are you?" He asked as he stood up and walked towards her. His cock bounced with each step and he approached her. Cynder didn't know how to respond, but she felt compelled to move forward as well, her feet carrying her against her will as her body moved on its own.

Cynder's heart raced. She could feel her blood pumping through her veins and her heart beat quickened. She couldn't explain what was happening to her. It was like she was a puppet on a string. Her mind was hazy, her vision clouded, and her thoughts were muddled. All she could think about was Ragnorak's dick and how amazing it felt inside her.

Ragnorak then walked beside her as she was busy sorting out her thoughts. He put a paw on her shoulder as he then leaned down and whispered in her ear seductively. "I know what you want. Come..." He then walked back towards the cushion, his tail swayed back and forth as Cynder felt a longing to touch his rod that swayed with each step he took.

She wanted to object to his advances. She really did. However, when Ragnorak offered, something deep within the dragoness ignited. Her pussy grew wet at the mere thought of being bred. His warm breath on her neck sent shivers throughout her spine. The scent of his musk assaulting her nostrils overwhelmed her senses. She had no choice but to comply with his wishes and followed him to bed where he would then begin their lovemaking.

As soon as Cynder got close enough, the dark blue dragon pulled her down and pinned her against the soft cushions, making her yelp in surprise. His large paws caressed her sides as his strong arms kept her firmly pinned beneath him.

Cynder tried to resist, but his strength proved superior to hers. She struggled beneath his grip, but it was futile. His weight was too much for her. Her strength was no match for him. The dragoness could only gasp and whimper as Ragnorak continued his advances.

"Shhh... Don't fight it." Ragnorak cooed in a soothing voice. His words echoed throughout the room, causing Cynder to shudder in delight. She didn't understand what was happening. It was as if her body had suddenly become possessed by a foreign entity. It felt strange and unnatural, but at the same time, she found it exhilarating.

Cynder's eyes widened when Ragnorak pushed his muzzle against her neck. He then began licking and nibbling on her scales. His hot breath warmed her neck and made her heart race faster. She closed her eyes and let out a moan.

"That's right, relax." He whispered seductively in her ear as his tongue flicked across her cheek. His tongue traced along her jaw line before moving downward towards her chest. His rough, scaly tongue flicked against her belly scutes, causing Cynder to gasp and shiver.

"Oh... Oh... Oh! Ragnorak!" Cynder exclaimed as her back arched upwards. She squirmed beneath his weight and writhed around the cushion in pleasure. His claws raked across her sides, sending shivers of pleasure through her body.

His tail began to curl around her legs as he moved his head down between her thighs. He licked and kissed her slit before plunging his tongue into her wet folds, causing Cynder to gasp in surprise and pleasure.

"Ahhh! Oh... oh gods... ahhh!" Cynder cried out as she gripped the cushion tightly with her talons. Her claws tore through the fabric, ripping apart the silky material as she moaned loudly. She didn't know why she was acting this way. Her body seemed to have gone into overdrive. Her mind was racing. Her heart was pounding. Her muscles were tense.

Cynder's body tensed and shivered, her extremities violated and her pussy leaking like a broken faucet. "Ahhh! Fuck, yes!" She cried out, her eyes rolling back as her whole body shook violently. Her toes curled and her tail twitched.

Ragnorak continued to lap up her juices. His tongue ran along her folds, tasting every drop of her sweet nectar.

"Mmm, your pussy tastes delicious, Cynder. I could eat it forever." Ragnorak murmured huskily.

His tongue licked between her folds as he slowly slid it deeper inside to which Cynder squirmed in pleasure as she bucked against Ragnorak's muzzle, grinding her wet folds on his rough scales.

"Gods Ragnorak... Ahhh... Ahh!" Cynder gasped out. She wrapped her legs around his neck, trying to pull him further inside. "Fuck, Ragnorak! Ugh!" She cursed out as she gripped the cushions hard, ripping apart the fabric beneath her claws.

Cynder's moans became louder and more desperate with each lick. Her heart raced. She gripped harder. She tensed up. Her body tingled and trembled. Her pussy felt like it was going to burst from Ragnorak's touch and every lick from the dark blue dragon made her feel like her insides were gonna be blasted apart.

He kept lapping at her insides while her body quivered under his assault. Her body twitched uncontrollably as soon as Ragnorak pulled out his tongue and brought his cock towards her lower lips.

Cynder's pussy was dripping wet, which made it very easy for him to enter inside her as he thrusted his cock head with utmost ferocity, drawing out a loud gasp from the dragoness as the dark blue dragon's member spread her pussy walls further open to the size she have never encountered in her entire life.


Her eyes grew wide as her heart pounded against her chest. It was too much. She thought she might pass out. Ragnorak's cock was just too much for her to handle. She thought she had its girth and height spot on when she saw it back in the restaurant, but she was clearly mistaken due to underestimation. The blue dragon's cock was indeed way above 20 inches, not only in length, but in thickness and it spread out Cynder's insides in ways she didn't want it to go as the dragoness barely took the first two inches that violated her virgin tunnel.

Cynder gripped at Ragnorak's scales as she cried out in a mixture of intense pleasure and slight pain. She was sure that it'd rip her apart. She bit her lower lip in anticipation as tears formed at the corners of her eyes. Ragnorak began slowly easing his member into her trembling form as Cynder winced loudly from the intrusion.

His girth slowly pierced past her folds and stretched out her insides even further while his length penetrated her body completely, pushing deep into her womb with the head bulging out from the dragoness' stomach in an abnormal manner while Cynder couldn't even scream from the experience. She was too preoccupied gasping for air to make any coherent sounds, and it looked like Ragnorak isn't even starting his mating as of yet.

"D-Dammit, Ragnorak!!! W-wait! This is too big!! Ack... ack!!!"

Cynder felt her stomach bulge as he began to move and pull out slowly before pushing in once more. A sharp pain filled the dragoness' mind and her legs quivered with the wanton need to be bred. She gasped for air as her pussy spasmed uncontrollably upon having his dick retreat a bit before pushing his girth back into her again, forcing her body to adjust and stretch out to his monstrous proportions.

"N-No... AHH! Stop... I... Ahhh~"

She tried to resist, but the pleasure was too intense. Her pussy clamped down hard on his shaft, squeezing him tightly. Her juices flowed freely, lubricating his cock. She was getting turned on by this and she couldn't help but feel ashamed."I... Ahhhh!!! H-Harder! Oh yes!"

Her eyes rolled back into her skull as Ragnorak thrust his member inside her tight pussy again, hitting the deepest parts of her womb with his girthy shaft while her pussy tightened even further, making it impossible for the dragon to pull out and making her his sex slave.

Ragnorak's cock felt incredible. It was so hot and thick that whenever he pushed deep inside her it was as if it was meant to be. It stretched her insides open, filling her completely. The pressure was building up. She could feel herself getting close. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck yes!!" Cynder cried out as her body trembled uncontrollably. "Graah! R-Ragnorak cum inside me! Give me your eggs!" Cynder exclaimed in lust and desire as her body was forced to accommodate Ragnorak's monstrous member that was almost tearing her apart.

"Hehe~ Eager are we? Beg me, and maybe I'll give you what you want, dragoness." Ragnorak grunted, grinning as he relinquished his methodical pace of insertion. He looked Cynder in the eye, and saw the desperation in her gaze.

What he only received though was a whine to which Ragnorak let out a small disappointed sigh. "Tut tut~ You should know by now what a servant would do if they require something from their master~" He then gave her a smug grin and stopped moving altogether. "Now, beg."

"Ugh... Please Ragnorak... Breed me..." Cynder pleaded softly, her voice wavering as she spoke. Her pussy twitched as her insides squeezed down on his shaft. Her juices trickled down her thighs, pooling onto the floor beneath her.

"Louder, dear~"

"Please, breed me." Cynder repeated, her tone slightly louder than before.

"Still not loud enough~" Ragnorak said mockingly, giving her a small chuckle.

"Grr... Please breed me, Master! Fill my pussy up and cum inside me!" Cynder begged loudly, her cheeks flushing red."There you go. Good girl~" Ragnorak said lustfully as he could feel himself starting to lose control. With a grunt, he shoved the entirety of his dick deep into her awaiting depths of flesh and cum, hitting the dragoness' cervix and bulging out her stomach in an unnatural manner while letting out a low growl.

The sudden penetration drew a loud cry from Cynder's lips as her body spasmed in ecstasy. Her insides clamped down hard on Ragnorak's length, squeezing it tightly. Her pussy tightened and clenched around his member.

Any of the dragon's earlier lack of speed has vanished. The dragon's shaft became a blazing piston that railed Cynder's pussy as his speed increased. Cynder's head soared with unwelcome delight every time his length brushed against her walls.

The tightness drove his entire shaft to throb and Cynder's entire body to spasm every time he pierced her womb. As his bigger base crashed into her outermost lips, she was continually supplied ecstasy. This, along with one of his barbs tickling her clit just perfectly as he thrust, caused an unstoppable flow of her feminine fluids to emerge from her.

As Cynder's first orgasm rocked her body, this torrent turned into a tsunami. She felt as if she had just fallen down a tremendous cliff, and the fire within her increased even more. The dragon that had triggered her climax quickened his speed, desperate to attain his own. This would not happen soon, as his thrusts caused more orgasms than she could count even before he got near to her.

In her orgasmic stupor, the black dragoness heard him grunt, and felt his member begin to twitch. He was close, and her own arousal rose with his. She wanted nothing more than for him to spill his seed within her. In her muddled state, she barely comprehend that he was holding back.

The dragons were in the midst of a passionate sexual encounter. As he rammed his hips into hers, their entire bodies trembled and flailed. Warmth and excitement rushed from their crotches to their entire bodies. Their extremities became numb as a result of the feelings, leaving both dragons to concentrate entirely on their sources of pleasure. In their imaginations, this sex represented the entire globe. Nothing existed but their flailing bodies and the shocks of internal electricity that came in fast spurts. They were both sweating and panting uncontrollably, their frenzied pairing had reduced them to nothing more than sensual monsters. Pleasure was thrown about them and the heat from both their bodies steamed from their scales.

Cynder was completely at the mercy of the dragon. He had transformed her body into a tool for his use, a means for him to achieve both climax and his objectives. He now had power in a macabre way that was handy for her, as she had lost all control of her own body at this point. Cynder's tongue fell out of her mouth quickly, and her hips jiggled magnificently with each thrust he sent into her.

Any plans she had for escape had been replaced by a thoughtless acceptance of his dominance. Her location was the epitome of a slut's desire, whether voluntarily or not. In her current situation, Cynder no longer cared where she was, or even that she was mated to Spyro. Despite her being used as a sex toy, the situation she currently felt was blissful.

Cynder let out a gasp as he spilled his hot cum inside her. The warm fluid flooded into her body and leaked out of her slit, leaving a trail as it dripped onto the soft surface. A large puddle began to form beneath them as Cynder was surprised at the amount of fluid that he poured into her. She then felt as if her own body was melting away in a state of satisfaction as his sperm mixed with hers.

Ragnorak let out a long, contented groan as he slumped on top of Cynder, his cock locked firmly inside as he lovingly looked at the black dragoness' face who had a look of utter euphoria on her features.

"How are you feeling, Cynder~?" Ragnorak asked as he chuckled. He then leaned down and gave her a wet, sloppy kiss which made Cynder mindlessly lean in and return it, her pussy clamping hard on his shaft once more for another intense climax after having experienced her countless consecutive orgasm.

Cynder suddenly felt incredibly full. It felt as if she had taken a big meal. Her stomach looked bloated as she lay there, taking short breaths. Ragnorak's load seeped out of her as they lay there, dripping down onto the floor.

This would be her new life, being Ragnorak's personal secret concubine where the dark blue dragon would take her for many times throughout the week just like they were right now.

"Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" Ragnorak grinned as he helped Cynder get up from having her belly filled with his cum. It was very big and it somehow sagged against the ground with how much cum he filled her womb with. Cynder wasn't even pregnant, but the amount was simply inhumane which was sure enough to make her look like one...

"Y-Yeah..." Cynder breathed out weakly; as her insides felt like they were gonna explode from just being filled up with an abnormal amount of cum.

"That's good~ Wouldn't want your first experience with me to be sour~" He then gently leaned forward and gave her a sloppy kiss as Cynder whimpered but leaned in and returned it anyway while rubbing her stuffed belly from how much dragon cum he poured her entire body with. "Want to keep going for today~?" Ragnorak breathed into her mouth in the middle of his sloppy, wet make out.

Cynder was lost in her sexual trance as the only words her mouth was capable of making were, "I... No... I need to go... home," while panting lightly as her face turned into a flushed look while her vaginal fluid dribbled to the floor's surface from how stuffed her cunt was.

"Hmm... Alright~ I suppose it's about to be night anyway~" Ragnorak didn't hesitate, having slapped her thighs that jiggled with each impact. "I look forward for to our next session tomorrow then~ Have a lovely rest~" The dark blue dragon chirped as Cynder weakly nodded her head at that before she struggled walking back towards Warfang due to how bloated her stuffed pussy was after having Ragnorak pound her tight snatch several times earlier today.

It was almost late, and she still had classes early in the morning. She just hoped her body won't give her anything troublesome in terms of mobility. She let out a sigh as her day's worth of energy has finally gone from mating with Ragnorak so much despite her not having broken of the binding vow and forced herself to be with him.

Her pussy was still sore, and her insides were stretched wide. She felt so full. Her mind was still a bit fuzzy, and her body was still tingling. She wondered how much longer this would last. She needed to find a way to deal with this.

As Cynder walked through the streets of Warfang, her legs wobbled and shook. She was so exhausted and sore for having walked so far that she could barely stand upright. She could hardly believe that this was happening. It felt like a dream.

When she reached her house, she went straight to her bedroom. She laid down on the bed and tried to relax. She could feel her heart beating faster and her chest tightening. She took deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. She could feel the warmth of her breath on her scales and the sweat that coated her skin.

She laid there for what seemed like hours, but was actually only minutes. Eventually, Cynder groaned as she couldn't hold it in anymore as she then relaxed her muscles, the overflow of cum inside her vagina finally oozed outside the rim of her slit, leaking all the way down to her anus before dribbling out to the bed sheets beneath her.

With a sigh, she let sleep overtake her as she closed her eyes, and drifted off to the world of dreams.

As the night sky darkened and the stars began to shine, the dragoness slept peacefully in her bed. Her mind was filled with thoughts of what the next day would bring. She wondered what she would do with her life now that she committed an adulterous relationship with Ragnorak.

Would she continue her career? Would she remain faithful to Spyro? Was she even worthy to call herself a mate to a dragon such as her lover? These thoughts plagued her mind as she drifted deeper into sleep.

---Day 2---

The following day, Cynder woke up with a yawn. The sun shone brightly through her window. The air smelled fresh and the birds chirped outside. She glanced around her room, noting that it was a mess. Pillows were strewn everywhere, male cum stained the sheets, and blankets lay tangled on the floor. She was alone in the bed, save for a small note written in beautiful, elegant cursive:

"Hope you're ready for another round~."

Cynder read the note and blushed deeply. She looked around her room and realized that her bed was covered in male dragon cum, and there was a distinct scent of musk lingering in the air. She sighed, knowing that this would have to be cleaned up.

The black dragoness slowly rose from her bed and stretched her wings. Her mind was still reeling from the previous night's events, and she felt a little dizzy. She was a little sore and exhausted from all the sex, but the soreness didn't stop her from thinking about the blue dragon.

Cynder shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She needed to focus. She needed to get ready. She looked over at her bag and saw that it was filled with her teaching supplies. She sighed. This was going to be difficult. She didn't know what to do with her complicated situation.

"Okay, everyone! Pop quiz! 20 items on the list! No cheating!"

Cynder called out her orders to her students, as she picked up a clipboard which contained all the questions and answers. The dragoness then proceeded to call out the names of the students, one by one, asking them the questions that were written on the sheet.

"Now, let's see. Hmm... What are the three different types of magic that exist?"

A young red dragoness raised her claw.


"The three types of magic are elemental, arcane, and divine."

"Correct! And what are the main categories of elemental magic?"

Another dragon raised his claw.


"Earth, Lightning, Ice, Fire."

"Good. What about arcane?"

A female dragon raised her claw.


"Telekinesis, teleportation, and conjuration."

"And lastly, divine?"

"Healing, shielding, and summoning."


Cynder smiled at her students, nodding her head in approval.

Time passed by, her students managed to answer every question with no errors. The dragoness couldn't help but be impressed with her students, yet she noticed that one of them, a small blue dragoness hadn't even raised her claw the entire class. Her body language was very fidgety, almost nervous. Cynder glanced down at her quiz sheet, checking to see if the student had gotten any questions wrong.

Nothing. Not even a single mistake on the sheet. Her body relaxed. She must just be shy. It wasn't an uncommon thing and as a teacher, she was used to dealing with it.

"Okay! It seems everyone has gotten their answer correct. Let's now go to the next lesson which is--" Cynder called out but was interrupted when someone knocked on the door which caught her attention.

"Excuse me, Cynder. Do you have a moment?" A familiar large earth dragon ducked down and entered the room as the hatchling got excited by seeing a famous dragon having entered their classroom. "Oh, hello students! Sorry for intruding your class. There is something I need to discuss with Cynder for a moment. Would that be okay with you little dragons?" The class just nod in affirmation as Terrador then looked at the black dragoness.

Cynder, couldn't even protest since Terrador already gestured for her to come signaling her that this was urgent. She let out a sigh of resignation before clearing her throat as she looked at the students once again.

"Well, if it's come to this. Everyone will have a reading session. Please refer to page 69 and read rule 34 of the Advanced Elemental manipulation."

Upon her announcement, everyone complied to the instructions and opened their books where Cynder walked outside, just out of earshot from her students where Terrador was waiting with a frustrated look.

"Alright, so what is it that you need to discuss? And why did you come to my class unannounced? No offense by the way." Cynder raised her brow as Terrador let out a sigh of frustration while massaging his own forehead.

"Listen Cynder, I'm sorry for intruding your class, but the situation was so sudden that I had no choice but to personally get you."

"Situation? What situation?" Cynder tilted her head at the sudden notice coming from Terrador that confused her about this conversation they were currently having right now.

"Let me be frank with you. Have you met a dragoness named Narina?" Immediately, images of the dragoness that Ragnorak had raped back in the restaurant resurfaced from her memory as she cautiously answered Terrador's question.

"No? Who is she?" Cynder feigned ignorance as Terrador sighed. He seemed frustrated and agitated.

"She's the heir of a small company that runs 14% of the mine industry. A few days ago, she was reported missing. Last time someone saw her was in a restaurant where you were eating." Terrador disclosed, causing Cynder to freeze which prompted Terrador to immediately ask more questions.

"Have you by chance met her? The restaurant had told us that she was dining on the same section as you, which coincidentally had a suspicious dark blue dragon." The large earth dragon seemed to be pressing Cynder with each question which only made her anxiety build up inside her mind as it was overwhelming for her, having her affair getting exposed. Fortunately for her, she was quite good at hiding the truth.

"Hmmm... I suppose I kind of saw her? But then again, it could be any dragon." Cynder shrugged as she then continued. "There were a lot of costumers there, so I am not sure. It was the lunch rush hour at that time. I'm sorry I can't be much of a help..." Cynder lied and faked her ignorance on this matter which Terrador let out a frustrated sigh at how her info is less than what he needed.

"Ugh... Okay... Well, if you managed to see her at any point or figure something, please inform us immediately." Terrador sighed.

"I assume this isn't the only thing you wanted to tell, since you made all that effort to personally come and meet me?" Cynder inquired which the earth dragon nodded at her words.

"Right, I was getting to that. For some reason, another mining company had requested for your aid in dealing with some internal conflicts for the rest of the week. I don't know the full details, but they paid quite the heft for your aid to go right now." Terrador informed the dragoness who let out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her muzzle.

"Well, I guess this is what I get for being a part-time freelancer as well. I assume that you will be taking over my classes for the week then?" Cynder raised her brow as Terrador nodded, giving her a wry smile.

"That was the plan, yes. Though, I didn't expect you'd have such a high demand of yourself."

"Well, what can I say? Being popular comes with the benefits of fame and money~" Cynder grinned, as Terrador nodded, agreeing with the dragoness' statement.

"Well, it seems we have nothing left to discuss. I'll be going ahead first. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will gladly help you." Terrador nodded and went to take over Cynder's class.

With Terrador leaving, Cynder couldn't help but feel relieved. It wasn't easy lying to one of the Guardians, and especially someone she looks up to. However, this was the best course of action for her, considering the fact that her reputation was on the line. If word gets out that she had an affair with a mated dragon, then it would ruin her reputation and career.

As Cynder made her way back to her home, her thoughts kept drifting back to her recent affair with Ragnorak, how he bred Narina secretly in the restaurant, and the feeling of pleasure coursed throughout her entire body as she remembered how his cock ravaged her pussy, his tongue caressing her folds and her clit, and his teeth nibbling on her scales and flesh.

For some reason, she was excited at the prospect of being bred again, and as soon as she reached her home, she quickly went inside and locked the door. She wasted no time and began to prepare herself.

Her tail wagged in excitement, as she went upstairs to play with her sex toys and hopefully prepare for what's about to come later this day.

However, upon reaching her bedroom, she was surprised when she found Ragnorak lying on her bed. The blue dragon was surrounded with her sex toys as she could also see a couple of other things that weren't hers, presumably the blue dragon's as he smiled lewdly upon seeing Cynder come.

"Happy to see me, my Queen?~" Ragnorak cooed as Cynder narrowed her eyes. "Sorry if I have to break into your house~ I just couldn't wait for you, so I decided to come and surprise you~" He then sat up from the bed, his large member throbbing visibly as Cynder's eyes couldn't help but be fixated on it. "Like what you see~?" Ragnorak teased which Cynder snapped out of her trance.

"W-Well... Usually I would kindly ask you to leave..." The black dragoness gulped as her pussy moistened after seeing that wonderful dick again. "But for now... I think I can let it slide."

"Hehe, that's the spirit, my lovely dragoness~" Ragnorak chirped and licked his lips. "Now, let's have you dressed up for the main course, hmm~?" The blue dragon then beckoned her closer, his eyes half-lidded in a seductive manner as he showed Cynder a rather sexy leather harness.

Clothing was more of a fashion statement, something that was mostly worn by dragons as a sign of status. However, in this particular case, it seems that Ragnorak had bought one specifically for lecherous activities.

Cynder blushed hard, but she obliged nonetheless as the blue dragon helped her dress up with the harness. Once everything was tight and snug, the blue dragon marveled at how the black dragoness' clothing that accentuated her figure all the more.

"Beautiful~ Simply stunning~" Ragnorak cooed lustfully as Cynder could only blush further from his words and eyes that had roamed all over her exposed areas. "Hehe, and now comes the last bit~" The blue dragon grinned as he picked up a dildo with a horse cock appearance as he inserted the lubricated tip inside the dragoness' maw.

Cynder gladly accepted it and proceeded to suck it while letting out soft muffled moans which Ragnorak could only grin wider from her display. It took only a couple of minutes before it was completely soaked with the black dragoness' saliva and pre-cum in which the blue dragon immediately removed it from Cynder's muzzle as he shoved it on Cynder's ass without any warning.

The black dragoness let out a yelp in surprise as her eyes went wide from the sudden penetration. She had never had something go in her anus before, and the sensation was alien to her.

"Oh, fuck..." Cynder whimpered, as her ass clenched around the rubber toy. "Gods, Ragnorak..." She let out a moan, as her insides tightened around the foreign object, causing it to push deeper into her.

Ragnorak watched with a lewd smile, his erection growing as his eyes wandered all over her body.

"Now then, I guess that should do it." Ragnorak mused aloud before looking at Cynder with a perverted smirk. "I want you to put a show for me, Cynder." The dragon then spread his legs wide, exposing his throbbing, leaking shaft to the dragoness. "Go on~ Make me cum with that slutty body of yours~"

"Hnggg." Cynder answered, her cheeks burning red, as she slowly crawled toward the blue dragon.

Her body quivered in excitement, and her pussy began to leak. The leather straps that bound her were rubbing against her scales and sending sparks of pleasure throughout her body.

She then positioned her hips above the dragon's massive erection and slowly lowered herself onto it, making her pussy cheeks spread wide apart as she swallowed his member inch by inch.

She closed her eyes and let out a gasp as her body was stretched by the thick rod that was invading her. She was still a bit sore from the previous night's events, but that did not stop her from wanting more.

Ragnorak grinned, seeing the dragoness' reaction. He then placed his claws on her hips and gently pushed her down until her pussy lips were firmly wrapped around his shaft.

"Fuck, Cynder~ You're still tight!" Ragnorak growled as his member throbbed within her depths.

"Now, make sure you give me the ride of my life, you slut~" He commanded as the dragoness began to bounce her hips, causing his member to slide in and out of her in a rapid pace.

The black dragoness could barely keep up with the rhythm, and soon, she found herself screaming in ecstasy, her pussy clenching tightly around the dragon's length.

She felt like she was in heaven.

Ragnorak watched, smiling lewdly as the black dragoness pleasured him, his eyes filled with lust and desire.

"That's it, Cynder~ Keep going~" He whispered huskily as the dragoness continued to ride him, her eyes closed, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

He could tell she was enjoying it more than him, and it only turned him on even more. He loved seeing the look on her face that screams with ecstasy and pleasure. He couldn't help but wonder what other faces he could get her to make.

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes widened as he felt something warm and wet dripping down his shaft.

"Are you... cumming already?" Ragnorak asked, his voice tinged with surprise.

"Hnggg! Ahh~ Ahhh~" Cynder cried out, her eyes screwed shut, her pussy clenching down hard on his member. "Raaar! More!!"

Ragnorak was surprised by her answer. He couldn't believe that she could get off so easily. He smirked and began thrusting his hips upwards, grabbing her waist with his claws as he drove his member deeper into her.

"You like that, you slut~?" He growled, as the dragoness moaned in pleasure.

"Y-Yes, Master!" Cynder gasped, her body trembling as his thrusts intensified.

"Good girl~" Ragnorak murmured as the black dragoness' pussy squirted all over his member. The dragon that had triggered her climax quickened his speed, desperate to attain his own. This would not happen soon, as his thrusts caused more orgasms than she could count even before he got near to his.

Cynder's head spun. She felt dizzy and disoriented. Her body was covered in sweat and her breathing was heavy. She felt like her entire world was falling apart. She didn't know if she would survive this.

It didn't matter, though. All she could think about was the pleasure coursing through her veins. She wanted more. She wanted it all.

The dragoness screamed as she released another torrential load of cum violently, sending her juices splattering across Ragnorak's cock. Her whole body shook uncontrollably and her claws dug deep into the sheets as her orgasm racked her entire frame.

"That's it, you dirty slut. Keep cumming." Ragnorak panted with euphoria, his tone laced with amusement. "Let's see how long you can last."

"M-Master..." Cynder whimpered weakly, her body convulsing in bliss. "P-Please... Cum inside me..."

With how much she begged at him to release, the large dragon didn't relent, as his pace continued to ravage the black dragoness' pussy with his powerful, relentless thrusts that caused her to scream loudly.

"Fuck~ You're still cumming, huh~? You really are a dirty slut~" The blue dragon purred lustfully, his thrusts growing even more fierce as Cynder let out a high-pitched cry. "Can't believe that you're sorry excuse of a mate haven't made you feel this good~"

Cynder merely panted like a dragoness in heat, as Ragnorak's thrusts kept hitting her deepest spots continuously that resulted in her releasing another powerful orgasm.

The blue dragon enjoyed every moment he spent fucking her as he could feel his orgasm coming near which prompted the dragon to go even fiercer with his movements. The waves of warmth and excitement shot from their crotches to all over their bodies. Their extremities numb while having their body tremble and writhe by pleasure alone.

In Cynder's hazy mind, all she could think of at that point was her future as Ragnorak's personal sex mate, secretly of course as Spyro would suspect them. It would mean a whole lot of pleasurable experience whenever she got fucked by the large dragon, but would also mean she wouldn't see him during special occasions or when Spyro himself plans to get Cynder into a more personal setting, making her feel conflicted in her choices for their new, sexual relationship.

But as of now, what she wanted most of all was his cum! Cynder wanted Ragnorak's baby-batter and for her to bear his whelp. She wouldn't mind not being impregnated though, as her desires and the need for a proper, more daring dragon to impregnate her completely filled her mind at this moment. She wasn't sure why this was happening to her, but she couldn't think straight. All she could focus on was the pleasure. All she wanted was to feel good.

All she wanted was him.

Cynder's vision turned blurry as she felt like her heart was ready to explode from the amount of excitement coursing through her veins.

As the black dragoness moaned with extreme fervor, Ragnorak was suddenly reminded of his intentions and regained a clearer head amidst all the pleasure when he felt a familiar sensation begin to grow. His cock throbbed as his grin widened. His pounding of Cynder grew more frantic in anticipation of the moment's finale. His thrusts were even fiercer now. With an abrupt roar, he unleashed his load.

finale. His thrusts were even fiercer now. With an abrupt roar, he unleashed his load.



With the utterance of a feral growl, the dragon hilted inside Cynder one last time. Pulling her towards him in final tight embrace, this roar became a growl of passion as the final spurt of seed exploded from his tip and leaked outside her overloaded pussy.

"Fuck~ That was incredible..." Ragnorak sighed as he wrapped his forelimbs around Cynder, holding her close.

"H-How long are you gonna be inside me?" Cynder asked with a weak whimper as her insides were still being filled with the dragon's cum. "I still have to go meet with the m-mining company that wanted my help..."

"You still haven't figured it out~?" The blue dragon breathed, a playful smirk plastered on his snout as the dragoness cocked her head on the side. "I pulled some strings to have you take a week off hun~ That news about the company wanting you was simply a lie."

"D-Damn you..." Cynder panted as her head leaned against Ragnorak's chest as the two dragons simply basked in the afterglow. "W-Well... I guess this is fine..."

"Oh, believe me, it is more than fine~" Ragnorak smirked, nuzzling his cheek against the dragoness who could only smile weakly in return.

No doubt the two dragons, especially Cynder had begun to take a liking to her new cheating lifestyle as she cannot wait for her next day with the blue dragon where he will continue his conquest and ravage her even more than before. But as for now, she wanted nothing more but to lie on his chest and enjoy the warmth and comfort the dragon's body was providing her with.

Surely, things couldn't get any better... Right?

--- Day 3 ---

"Hmmph! Hmmph!" Cynder moaned around the red ball gag that was shoved inside her maw as her body was tied up in what appears to be a sex swing in the middle of her bedroom.

Meanwhile, Ragnorak was prepping up Cynder's asshole with lubricant that he bought earlier today.

"Hmmph, Mmmmmmppphh!" Cynder whimpered behind her gag, her muffled noises of protest were silenced as Ragnorak was intent on shoving a sex toy that was the exact same shape and size of his dick inside the dragoness' puckered anus.

"There we go, now let's see if you can handle it, shall we?" Ragnorak smiled as he slowly inserted the rubber toy into the black dragoness' anal entrance.

As Cynder could only widen her eyes, she braced herself of what's to come as soon her insides stretched to make room for the rubber shaft.

"Hmmmnn... Hmmmmmmmph!" She could only cry out as Ragnorak simply pushed the rest of the dragon cock toy in as the tip met with resistance of Cynder's asshole. The black dragoness groaned as he felt like her ass was on fire and it made it even worse for her. But the worst was yet to come, as he slowly pushed the knot in which made the dragoness clenched her eyes shut and whimpered in pain.

"Rrrhhmnnnpphhh!" Cynder let out another pained whimper from the stretch that it caused on her tight sphincters as her vaginal fluid started to dribble down her wet folds.

"Perfect~" With her ass secured, Ragnorak then proceeded to lick the dragoness' pussy lips, causing her to let out another moan of ecstasy. The way he ravenously ate her out only increased the pleasure, which resulted in Cynder to involuntarily clamping her legs around the blue dragon's head as he made her hips buckle while lapping her insides in delight.

With Ragnorak lapping her snatch like he had never done before, it was no question that the dragoness quickly came, squirting out more of her fluids that smeared the blue dragon's muzzle as he inhaled the addictive smell of a female dragon's cum.

"Delectable~" The dark blue dragon pulled back and admired his handiwork on turning Cynder into a lowborn sex addict as she swayed within the confines of the sex swing that kept her suspended in the middle of the room.

With no time to spare, the blue dragon immediately mounted Cynder from behind as she could only whimper meekly from behind her gag due to their current positioning.

With an insatiable grin, the blue dragon impaled the dragoness's folds with his shaft, sliding into her easily now as she was so wet, slick, and loose with all the breeding she had endured these past few days. Cynder could only close her eyes and hold on.

The room was soon filled with the scent of hot dragon cum and female fluids as both dragons enjoyed each other's body as if they were starved animals in heat that tried their utmost best to make their mating session last all night.

--- Day 4 ---

"Urk... A-Are you sure you want to do this... right now?" Cynder asked the blue dragon that loomed behind her as she tried to make herself comfortable on a clean piece of slab that was in the middle of the ruins. "S-Someone might see us here..."

"Hehe~ Don't worry~ Even if someone would see us here making love, I highly doubt they would complain~" The large dragon smirked as Cynder blushed which was quite strange for him to see due to how lewd their current situation was as both were in the open for someone to see and do things. "Besides, isn't it exciting, hun~? Having someone potentially find you in front of their very eyes~? Getting caught fucking in public as you try to finish hard and fast?"

"Ragnorak! Geez!" Cynder squeaked, covering her cheeks with her paws. "J-Just fuck me already! I still have to-- Ah!" She immediately covered her muzzle with her paws as Ragnorak suddenly thrusted his member deep inside the dragoness' folds that successfully swallowed the appendage as they started mating like horny beasts.

"That's it~ You love having some danger with me, right?~" Ragnorak grabbed Cynder by the hips, thrusting wildly into her slick cunt. "Look over there~ There's someone walking nearby~ I wonder what he will think once he sees us making love in this sacred ruins of Warfang, hmm~?"

"U-Ugh! Ahh! J-Just fuck me hard~" Cynder begged which the blue dragon gladly did. Ragnorak gritted his fangs as her pussy spasmed on his rod which drove him over the edge and thrusting wildly, on a feral, fast pace, to cum deep inside the dragoness that moaned lewdly in absolute delight.

Cynder lost track of time as she lay in the ruins, her thoughts closed off to everything but the feelings emanating from her rear, the throbbing of his pussy, and the noises of their fairly harsh, loveless fucking. She couldn't tell if it had been five or twenty minutes. All she knew was that the repetitive, brutal thumping of his ass went unabated. Ragnorak eventually switched to placing both forepaws on her back and pressing down hard to prop his chest and head high, nearly standing on Cynder to partially adjust the angle of his breeding and scratch an itch that was obviously needing to be scratched on his dick, but beyond that, the blue dragon's hips worked tirelessly to drive him towards release. Small obscenities escaped his lips between snorts and heavy gasps as he, too, got engrossed in the rising crescendo of his rutting, but it was all music to the black dragoness' ears.

Upon reaching their limits, they then screamed out loud, reaching their peaks where their bodily fluids sprayed out the slab as well on the ancient mosaic beneath them. Cynder simply collapsed after such a climactic finish, whereas the dragon above admired the expression the black dragoness was making as he then leaned down and licked her cheek.

--- Day 5 ---

*Plap, Plap, Plap!*

*Slurp, Lick, Slurp!*

Lewd slaps and lecherous moans echoed across the cum-scented bedroom as both Ragnorak and Cynder sucked each other's extremities in a sixty-nine fashion. With the blue dragon on top and the dragoness below, the Cynder's tongue skillfully snaked on all the nooks and crevices across his member as Ragnorak moaned while his muzzle was squished between the female dragon's folds.

Both dragons indulged in the sweet nectar that they were producing as they tried their utmost best in driving the other to an explosive, powerful orgasm.

With a determined and cheeky look, Ragnorak groaned as he wrapped his lips around her clitoris and began nibbling hard, causing the dragoness to squeal around his penis as he smiled in victory of making Cynder squeal in pleasure.

No words were being exchanged between the two as they were determined to have the other succumb first.

It wasn't long before Ragnorak started lapping on Cynder's clit harder as his teeth and muzzle moved fervently to give every speck of flesh some proper attention. This sudden increase of ferocity prompted the dragoness to whimper and moan. The way his tongue flicked her clitoris, the way his snout pressed against her vulva, and the way his teeth grazed her scales sent the dragoness reeling. Her toes curled, her claws dug into the sheets, her entire body convulsed. It was clear to the blue dragon that Cynder was about to cum.

Not wanting to give in, Cynder did her best to ignore the waves of pleasure washing over her and returned the favor. Her tongue traced the contours of his penis, and her lips wrapped tightly around his member, applying a light suction.

With her snout buried in his crotch, she breathed in his musky scent and took in the intoxicating smell of his manhood.

Suddenly, Cynder felt something twitch. A small trickle of cum leaked onto her tongue. The dragoness smiled and increased the intensity of her assault. Her tongue slid along the length of his penis, her lips tightened around his shaft, and her snout pushed forward, taking in as much of his length as possible.

Ragnorak gasped as he felt Cynder's snout press against his scaly pelvis. Her lips and tongue were wrapped firmly around his member, and her tongue was rubbing his glans. He could feel the warmth of her throat on his tip, and the wetness of her saliva soaking his shaft.

It was all too much for them. The sensations were overwhelming, and it was impossible to resist the pleasure that was building up. The dragons' bodies trembled. They were both at the peak.



With a mighty roar, both dragon unleashed their load to each other's maw as they lapped every last drop of cum that they could get.

Afterwards, they cuddled together, panting heavily as they recovered from their intense orgasm.

"Fuck, you taste great." Ragnorak murmured as Cynder only purred and licked her muzzle clean.

"Mmm, same to you, hun~" The black dragoness responded as she nuzzled against the blue dragon's neck.

"So... Are you looking forward to tomorrow's plans, my dear?" Ragnorak whispered, nuzzling the dragoness' cheek.

"What plans?" Cynder asked.

"Oh, nothing~" Ragnorak replied, grinning mischievously. "It's a surprise~"

"Well, you know I love surprises~" Cynder giggled, nuzzling the dragon's neck affectionately.

"I know you do~" Ragnorak chuckled, nuzzling her back. "That's why I love spending time with you~"

Cynder blushed, giggling before giving the blue dragon one last nuzzle before lying down and settling in for some rest. "Goodnight, Rag."

"Goodnight, Cynder~"

In the middle of the night, a certain black dragoness that had almost the same body structure as Cynder, but had a pink underbelly, walked alone in the dimly lit ruins of Warfang as she held a paper of what seemed to be a crudely drawn image of her mate having sex with a familiar black dragoness in one of the ruins that were nearby from her location.

Determined to investigate this strange information that was given to her by a random dragon that looked awfully suspicious, she decided to check it out and see this for her own eyes and also confront the dragoness and her mate at the same time if it happened to be true. She wanted to make sure that this sketch was fake and that her mate was not cheating on her. If he was...

She shook her head as she began looking around for said ruins, her eyes eventually gazed towards an interesting opening that was shrouded in complete darkness within an ancient looking set of buildings surrounding it. No doubt, the buildings covered every angle, making it possible for any person outside to see what was happening inside as she went in.

Immediately, she saw the place where the paper had shown and had begun investigating it ASAP. Nothing was out of the ordinary though as she began looking for clues that would prove the strange dragon's story.

Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that something strange has happened to this sacred place as she looked at the dark night sky and let out a sigh.

"Oh Ancestors... What am I doing..." The black dragoness said as she left the ruins after having found nothing as the picture that she had left in the ruins revealed to be a blurred image of Cynder and Ragnorak fucking.

--- To Be Continued ---

End of Chapter 1!