Chapter 1- Birthday Present

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#1 of Mom & Mum

Jackie Dusk is just your average cat. He chats with friends, does well in his classes, listens to music, and loves his mothers very much, always doing what they say. Wait, mothers? As in plural? Yep! Jackie lives with his mother Stacy, who, after the death of her husband, marries a woman named Morgan. Though certainly a change from his younger life, Jackie loves his mothers more than anything in the whole world. On his 18th birthday, however, his life is turned around after getting a taste of how much they love him back. In the following days, the young man experiences love and lust like he's never experienced before~

Hey, my name's Jackie Dusk. That's me. I live here with my mom and, well, my other mom. Yeah, I have two moms. That beautiful sky-blue woman over there is my birth mom, Stacy. (I call her Mom) And that crimson cat over there is my stepmom, Morgan. (I call her Mum) See, when I was about 5, my dad passed away from a stroke. But my mom was too busy with her job to be able to raise me just by herself. I never knew my Mom was bisexual until she decided to go for marriage again but to a woman this time; Morgan.

I know how strange it is, but I honestly don't mind having two mothers. We live in a town that's okay with couples of all kinds, so I've never really been bullied over that. In fact, having two moms is fantastic! They care so much for me and I always love spending time with them. They do spoil me a bit too much, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Of course, I dearly miss my father, but that was almost 13 years ago. I'm gonna be 18 tomorrow, and I think it's time I put certain things behind me.

Mom and Mum have been kinda pissed at me because I haven't been telling them what I want for my birthday. But to be honest, there really isn't much of anything I want. I'd say I'm kinda happy in my life. My grades are okay, I'm fit, I'm going to a good college in two years, and I've got two beautiful moms who love me no matter what. But the only thing I've ever missed in my life is a woman. I never really got the chance to experience love. I always just guessed there was something wrong with me. Like I'm disgusting or something. The only girl I kinda like is my best friend Debbie, a pretty yellow cat that I've known since 1st grade. We tried to hit it off once in sophomore year, but we were just too different to be compatible. We're still friends, but it kinda saddens me that I can't find a girl like her that works for me. But I can't just ask my parents to get me a girlfriend. They can't do that, can they?

It's 8:30 on a Friday night. We finished dinner, and Mom is getting ready for bed because she's gotta be in for work early tomorrow. Mum and I are sitting on the couch watching some TV when all of a sudden she mutes it. I turn to look at her and she scoots closer to me. So close I can feel her thigh brush up against mine. It feels really nice for some reason. Mum looks me in the eye sternly. "Jackie, you're going to be 18 in a few hours. Are you absolutely sure there is nothing you want for your birthday?"

I smiled warmly and reassured Mum, placing a paw on her shoulder. "No, there really isn't. You guys are enough I could want. I just want to spend as much time with you two as possible this year before I graduate." She gives me a semi-smile; obviously happy with the answer, but expecting more. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Do you really just want to spend time with us? Not even money or anything? Or a video game?" Again, I told her no, but that wasn't all.

"No Mum, I really don't want anything like that. But..." Her ears perked up. She sat up and wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me into her. "What is it, baby? You can say anything you want. You know your mother and I will do everything we can to spoil you." _Oh boy, how the hell do I even start this? _I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Well," I cleared my throat and twiddled my thumbs a bit. "I've been pretty lonely these past couple of years, and I'd really just want a girlfriend." Mum stared at me in shock. Like I had just dropped a bomb on her like she's never heard. I don't know why; I could've sworn I'd told her this before. "Aw, Jackie, c'mere." She pulled me in for a reassuring hug, her breasts smooshing my face. I was slightly uncomfortable, but also slightly turned on. I could feel my pants tightening a little bit, and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.

Mum ran her fingers through my messy brown mane and kissed my head. "Jackie, I wish I could do that for you. Really, I do. But we both know it doesn't work like that." She grabbed onto my chin and moved me into her warm, crimson face. Smiling, Mum smooched the tip of my nose, causing us both to blush violently. "Your mother and I know you'll be able to find a great girl someday. You have so much to offer a woman, Jackie."

That felt good to hear, but it wasn't enough. I removed my face from her grasp and pouted. "Mum, I'm almost 18 and I've never been anywhere with a woman. You know more than anybody how bare-bones the thing between Debbie and I was. I don't even know what kind of girl I'd be looking for." I gave a defeated sigh and loosened out of her arms. She looked down at me with disappointment. I knew she wanted to help, but I had no idea how she'd do it. Mum adjusted herself on the couch and turned towards me. "Well then," she started. "Perhaps I could help you try and find somebody. What type of girl are you looking for?"

Oh jeez. Here we go. I can't just tell my mother that! It's... it doesn't feel right! But I could tell Mum wasn't going to let me out of this. I gave a defeated sigh and answered her the best way I could. "Well, I guess somebody like you." I knew the moment I said that that I'd have to explain myself. That sounded a lot less weird in my head.

Mum quickly looked at me, her face turning redder by the second. She pulled the collar of her shirt and gave a very flustered smile. "Like... like me?" I think I might've fucked this up a bit. "Yeah, I know that sounded kinda weird, but let me explain. You're beautiful, kind, fun-loving, and you care immensely about my well-being. I guess that's what I meant." Jesus, even with that explanation, that still sounded fucking creepy.

Mum wouldn't stop blushing. "A girl like me? Oh, yeah I guess that's something you'd want." I don't know if she was listening to what I said. I think my initial comment flattered her a little too much. I called her out on it. "Hey, Mum, you alright?" It almost looked like she was drooling. Now I was getting concerned. "Mum! You in there?" She flinched and then stared at me. Looks like she came to.

"Oh God, Jackie, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something. What you said was very flattering, though. I'm sure your mother and I could help you find somebody like that." Her blushing seemed to slightly die down. "Well, okay then, Mum," I said. "A partner is just kind of something I've been wanting for a while, so that's really all I can think of." She still had a dazed look on her face. "Yes, I understand, sweetie." Then, silence. She didn't even unmute the TV. We were both kinda uncomfortable from that, I could tell. Well, I was uncomfortable. I couldn't exactly tell what Mum was feeling, which doesn't happen very often.

The sweat emerging from my head was slowly starting to pile up. Suddenly, I blurted out. "Well, that was a nice talk, but I'm gonna hit the hay for tonight. Sleep well, Mum." I didn't even kiss her on the cheek, my legs just carried me off the sofa and up the stairs. Out of the corner of my eye, I could still see a modest blush on her cheeks. I opened my door and stripped myself, feeling too sweaty and weird to wanna get into my pajamas. That, and it was super fucking hot for them. After getting down to my boxers, I plopped onto my bed and tried my damn hardest to forget the fool I made out of myself.

I was in school. Walking down the hallway. My English class was gonna start in a few minutes and I didn't want to be late. I picked up my walk into an almost-jog, quickly weaving around everybody standing in the way. As I turned around the last corner, a head emerged and I couldn't slow down quick enough to prevent myself from crashing. I collided with whoever it was and painfully fell to the ground. It was Debbie. I tumbled over her and we both flew to the floor. I apologized profusely and stood up to get back to class. But Debbie grabbed my hand and stopped me in my tracks.

"Hey there, cutie," she sensually said to me. "Come with me." I'm sorry; what did she just call me? Cutie? Did Deb seriously just call me cutie? I wanted to head towards class, which was only a few yards away, but Deborah kept dragging me back. I heard the bell chime and suddenly everyone in the hallway disappeared. "H-hey, Deb," I started. "Where are you taking me?" My friend continued to drag me backward behind more and more classrooms.

Eventually, she reached a giant door in the middle of the hallway. It wasn't connected to any windows, so I assumed it was the custodian's closet. Before I could repeat my question, she opened the door and pushed me in. Hard. My ass hit the floor with a painful thud, and I fell with my back to the wall. "Hey, watch it, Deb!" I remarked. "What the hell are you-?" I couldn't finish what I was going to say; her mouth was on mine.

She was kissing me! I was so confused, but I obviously couldn't say anything. She pushed me harder against the wall and moaned while she continued kissing me. "Mmm, Jackie... I... love you... so... much," she said in between smooches. I had no idea what to say, but I went with it. I've never made out before, but I was trying. She opened my lips with her tongue and swirled it around mine. I tried to mimic her motions and she let out a sexy moan.

"Oh, Jackie, you're so hot." Her warm scent was intoxicating me. I had no idea that kissing with tongues was so... exciting. Each time we slid across each other, I felt a tingle in my crotch. It didn't take long for my dick to press up against my pants in a painful bulge. Deb took her warm hands off my face and slid down my body. She lightly caressed my chest, my stomach, my everything, all while moaning so sexily into my mouth. Her hands eventually stopped once they reached the waistband of my pants. Debbie pulled out her tongue and brought her head back, saliva running down our chins. My mind was practically blank. I'd never felt this kind of pleasure before. I knew what she was going to do, so I gave her a confirming nod. Deb gave a joyous squeal and practically ripped my shorts and underwear off. The floor was cold, but I was so hot down there that it practically didn't matter.

Debbie's saffron face quickly turned to a burning red as she reached for my hard cock. I huffed right when she held it up, feeling somebody else touch me there for the first time. Debbie got onto her stomach and slid over to my cock, now at eye-level with it. She was so close she could almost... "Mmm, Jackie?" I shook myself out of my thoughts and looked at my beautiful friend. Her hot breath washed over my length as she whispered to me. "M-may I have a taste?" Holy fuck, she just asked that. Oh my God, I'm actually... this... this is actually happening!

I nodded at her, trying to maintain my composure. "Go ahead, babe. It's all yours." Did I seriously just say that? I couldn't believe this was happening. It was so unbelievably quick. I would've never imagined something like this happening. It almost didn't feel right. But I didn't want to take away from Debbie's fun: she's such a good friend and a beautiful woman. And I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't still harbor feelings for her. She tightened her grip on my cock ever so slightly, and I sighed in pleasure. I could've died in that instant and I would be happy.

Deb slid herself back and lowered her head just millimeters from my shaft. My eyes widened as she glazed her tongue right across the tip. All the blood in my body moved to my growing erection. I noticed a bit of precum flowing out, and I stared in amazement as she licked it up. With a large blush, she smiled and gulped down the few drops. "That tasted good," Debbie said in a sensual, yet adorable voice. "Let's get another taste." Without warning, she forced my entire cock into her mouth. I couldn't help but call out her name. I couldn't grip the tile beneath me, but I tried to, regardless. The yellow cat started moving her head up and down, making sure to get every single inch of my length inside her mouth.

She started up at a slow pace but quickly started bobbing her mouth up and down at a frantic rate, almost as if she needed it. My face was getting so red that it felt like it would pop. My cock felt the same way, as I could feel my limit coming. No, I thought to myself. Don't let this moment end. Please. It was no use. My lips trembled as I called out my friend's name once more, but with concern in my voice. "D-Debbie..." I grunted out. She stopped at my tip and longingly looked into my eyes with a seductive glance. I weakly grunted at her again. "I-I'm gonna cum.

A sly smirk painted the cheetah's face that sent shivers up and down my back. "Good, I want your tasty cum in my mouth." My heart started beating chaotically. I had always wanted to hear that from a woman. Especially from Deborah. I lightly grasped the sides of Debbie's head and made her go at my pace. Her sweet moans reassured me that she wanted this. I felt it coming up. I was trying to hold my load in, but I just couldn't. "Debbie, I'm gonna burst!" I shouted. The smile on her full mouth was beyond precious. Suddenly, everything soon went white...

I woke up. _Wh-what? No, you can't end a dream like that! I didn't even get to cum yet! Why did that have to be a dream? It felt so real, too. I think I came in my sleep. _I moved my head down towards my privates, and my heart stopped. There I saw Mum, in pinky, lacy underwear, hand around my cock! I could make out some jizz on her face. Mine, I assume. "Oh, hey there, sexy! That was nice, wasn't it?" My jaw opened automatically.

I wanted to yell, but Mum quickly put a hand over my mouth. Luckily, it was clean. "Hey now," Mum whispered to me. "Don't want to wake anybody up." I started hyperventilating. Sweat was pouring from my body like a faucet. My mind was going a million miles a minute. What the fuck!? Did my mother seriously just give me a blowjob!? Why!? What the fuck is she thinking!? You can't just do that to your son!

Keeping her hand over my mouth, Mum climbed over my body until her face reached mine. She licked my cum off her lips seductively and slowly took her hand off my sweaty mouth. I wanted to say something, but my brain was working so fast that all I could mutter were three simple words:

"That felt great."

Why the hell did I say that?! I mean, yeah, that did feel pretty fantastic, but that's my fucking step-mom! We can't be doing this! All the time I was still panting like a dog. My beautiful mother happily beamed at me. "Aw, thanks, hun! I haven't done that in a while, so I thought I'd be too rusty. But I'm glad you loved it!" Grinning at me sexily, she gazed back down at my glazed cock. "Heh, you've got quite a tasty dick, Jackie." Mum's face was still almost up to mine. She was excited, too. Her breath was heavy and she had a sexy scent coming from her, and her mouth was wet with saliva. I wonder how wet she is down there... _No! You can't be thinking that, Jackie! That's your stepmother! _I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed her off me, landing right between my legs.

"Mum!" I started whisper-yelling at her. "What the fuck are you doing?! How could you think that is okay?!" Mum closed her eyes and sat up. "Jackie, calm down," she interrupted. Her sexy voice was replaced by a calming, motherly tone. "Take a deep breath and relax." It was hard, but I tried to do what she said. My mind slowed down. The sweat on my face cooled off. My heart rate slowly but surely came back down to normal speed. It took some minutes of breathing and de-stressing, but I eventually settled down. Mum's always been able to help my nerves.

"There, babe. Better?" I didn't say anything, just gave her a nod. It's amazing how much a mother can calm you down. "Good. Now c'mere, you!" She gave me a happy smile and pulled me in for a delicious kiss. For some reason, my body didn't start freaking out again. But I was so confused.

_Why is she doing this? Has she gone insane? I know her job is stressful, but did it finally bring her to her breaking point? _ Mum quickly pulled away from my lips and gazed into my eyes. She could tell that I was still concerned. "Jackie, isn't this what you want? You said you wanted a girl like me. Well, y'know who's a girl like me? Me!" Her voice escalated into a cute squeak at the end of her sentence, like she was really happy about this. Well, obviously she was; she just sucked me off and called my dick "tasty".

I took a quick glance at the clock on my desk: 1:25 A.M. I am officially 18 years old. What a way to start my adulthood. "I mean, you're not wrong." I stammered over my words. "You are indeed a girl like you. But this isn't what I meant! I wasn't saying I wanted you." Once again, Mum pulled herself up to my face. Her tail brushed up against my groin, greatly arousing me. "Well, you sure made it seem like you do. Besides, I _want _you."

I could feel my member slowly rise up to full length. Mum could notice it, too, as it lifted against her legs. "My, my, you're up again quick." Her hot breath glazed my mouth. Her eyes gazed down at my dick, and her face was getting red again. Not as red as before, but she was still very much aroused. I could feel some water drip down onto my leg: it was coming from her nethers. All of the confusion inside me suddenly morphed into something else. I think it was lust.

"Mum," I uttered to her, absentmindedly. She quickly turned her attention back to me with a dainty 'hm?'. "I... I love you." After saying that, Mum's face turned the brightest shade of red I've ever seen. Without warning, I pulled her into a deep, sensual kiss. Now her breath was getting heavy. As I pressed Mum's soft, sexy lips into mine, I could feel her heart pump faster and faster with excitement. Oh God, I thought. This is so fucking wrong. But it feels so fucking good...

Our tongues slipped and slid across each other for what felt like hours. We were both purring rapidly, in complete ecstasy. I decided to sit up and hold Mum in my lap. Her fuzzy arms locked around my back and pulled me in more and more until I had no more tongue left to give. I started moving my hands around her curvy body. Her beautifully plump rear was seated right on top of my cock, her sopping underwear pressed against my pubes. My hands slowly crawled their way down her warm back until they were on her tail.

She moved it out of the way, almost as if welcoming me to her rear. I playfully tugged on her lacy panties with my claws, and she quickly got her tongue out of my mouth. _Oh God, did I do something wrong? Was that too sudden? _"Oh, I'm sorry about that, sweetie. Let me get those for you." With her feet on each of my sides, Mum stood up and put her claws in her lingerie. Slowly, she pulled down her wet underwear.

I then saw it. Her gorgeous pussy. It was so wet and its scent filled up my pores. I looked up at Mum, who covered her face with one hand out of embarrassment. I took her panties and pulled them down all the way, showing her full labia. I was completely overridden by its beauty. I could've sworn my nose was bleeding. Mum lifted her legs to fully take the underwear off. She playfully tossed them onto my counter. "Keep them," she said. My dick got so swollen that it started to hurt. I could cum right now if only she helped me a little. I felt Mum's hand under my chin, as she slowly tilted my gaze towards her eyes. She opened her mouth and said those holy words: "Let's do it, Jackie."

Before I even got to react, Mum pushed me onto my back, my head just mere inches from the wall. Mum pushed her hands onto my chest as she lowered herself down behind my cock. Her legs were at each side of my body. She held it up in front of her, almost as if showing 'wow, this is how much I'm about to get filled up'. She seemed surprised at my length, as her eyes shrunk while her mouth opened in surprise. She looked back down and me and chuckled a little. "Oh boy, this is gonna be good." I couldn't agree more. "I..." I hesitated at my mother. She stopped her gawking and placed a hand on my chest. "Honey, please. Don't be afraid. I'm gonna make sure your first time is something you'll never forget~"

My pulse went even faster after she said that, and my dick twitched against her body with love. Mum giggled and lifted herself a little, ready to get the main event started. But even with her kind words, I was growing increasingly concerned about something: "Mum?" I hesitantly asked her. Her gaze moved from my dick to my eyes in a flash. "Yes, my dear?" Her words had the sexiest purr to them. She made me feel loved. "Uh, shouldn't I wear a condom?"

This isn't a story, as far as I'm aware. I can't just fuck my mother and have her not get pregnant afterward. I would 100% need protection. My kitty's face turned evil and she gave a loud purr. "Baby, just because I'm craving your cock right now doesn't mean I'm in heat. We're safe, hun. You can cum in me to your heart's content. Today, I'm your birthday present." My dick somehow got even more erect. Mum wants me to finish in her? This has to be a fucking dream. If it is, I might as well roll with it.

I moved my hands onto Mum's ass. Her cheeks were so round and beautiful. I grasped them hard and lifted her body right above my cock. My tip was pressing up against her opening, and I was about to lower her down until she called to me. "Oh wait! I'm being stupid." She said abruptly, alarming me. "I almost forgot something major." I was confused until I found a huge piece of lace on my face. It was her bra. I removed it from my head and was immediately mesmerized by her large bust.

Mum's glorious breasts were now on full display. Her perky, white nipples stood out against her red furry tits. They looked good enough to suck on. If I had to guess, I'd say they were D. "They're double-D, actually," she stated, matter-of-factly. Oh fuck, was I saying that all out loud? Aw shit, now she thinks I'm a total creep. Jesus Christ, this is so embarrassi- "Jackie, please take me." I fazed out of my internal panic and quickly looked at Mum. She nodded at me.

I clasped my hands back onto her wonderful butt and slid her onto my awaiting cock. As soon as the tip went in, we both gasped a heavy gasp. It was so good in that instant. Welp, this is your life now, Jackie. You are losing your virginity to your own stepmother. _"More, Jackie!" Mum begged. "Give me all of it!" I simultaneously lowered her downwards and thrust upwards until her hips met mine with a satisfying clap. Mum cried out with love. Now _she was the one being too loud. Of course, I couldn't help being loud, either. My dick just entered into my stepmother, for God's sake.

It was such a tight feeling around me. There was almost no room for adjustment. I could feel Mum's pulse around my length. It kept erratically jumping as she tried to contain herself. "Mmm, Jackie. Your cock is so good." Mum called out. Her voice was cracking. We didn't even really start moving yet and it sounds like I already broke her. "Your p-pussy is good too, Mum," I weakly said. Did I really just say that? That was a sentence I never thought I'd have to say. But it sent tingles down my spine just saying it. The initial thrust alone was enough to knock me out, it was so good. But we both knew how much we wanted to keep going, as my cock twitched inside her leaking cavity.

"Mum," I called to her. She looked into my eyes with intense lust. Before she could answer, I continued. "I'm going to move you forward." I placed a hand on her back and pulled her towards me, cock still inside her. Mum winced in joy. Though this was my first time in the sack, I had seen enough porn online to know what to do from here. With Mum's face in front of mine, I pulled out and thrust back into her wet cunt, cowgirl style.

"Keep going, baby," she loudly moaned. Her sensual voice caught me so off-guard. I gasped in her ear as I started up the motions again, shoving my cock into her with great force. It was a particularly hard thrust, so to keep Mum from shouting, I pulled her in for another sensual kiss. I kept moving my member in and out of her juicy pussy while licking the inside of her mouth. We both sighed and groaned as our bodies started getting hotter and wetter. It felt like Mum was practically lubing herself for me, as I started moving through her with less and less resistance each time. That meant I was able to go even faster. So, I did.

I sped myself up while continuing our make-out session. Eventually, I got to a pace where it seemed like I was fucking her like a machine. My balls slapped against her and produced such disgusting, wet sounds. I didn't mind them, however, as all I could really hear was the overjoyed moans Mum kept gifting me with. I swirled my tongue around hers as saliva ran down our mouths. It seemed she couldn't do too much with her tongue, as her senses were overridden by my thrusting. I guess I was doing really well, huh?

Every time our hips met, she would moan more and more. She took my hands and interlocked her fingers with mine. Now we're really connected. Mum released the kiss but kept her lips right above mine. She moaned my name as I continued pumping and pumping into her tender cunt. I could feel it was getting too much for her, as her hands started to tighten up and her head arched, releasing a sharp gasp. I think I hit her G-spot. Feeling Mum strain in pleasure gave me extra drive to keep filling her.

"Oh God, Jackie!" she gasped. "Your cock! It's so good! Oh God, I think I'm gonna-!" Mum was now shouting my name. I didn't want Mom to wake up and catch us in the act. So to shut her up, I brought Mum's head back towards mine and gave her a dirty kiss. I gasped as I felt I, too, was about to lose control. "Mum, I love y-" I wanted to tell her, but she interrupted me between gasps. "Jackie, please, just call me Morgan." Damn, we're just gonna keep breaking past barriers, aren't we? In that instant, my dick started swelling. I could feel my cum starting to bubble up.

I picked up my pace even more, to the point where the claps of our hips could probably be heard throughout the house. "Morgan!" I called out. It felt so weird to call Mum by her name. But it felt so good, too. "Yes, my sexy boy?" I could tell she was getting to her limit as well, as shown by her prolonged moans and gasps. I tried to say something mature, but all I could muster was "gonna... cum..." Her eyes widened. She moved to stare directly at me.

"Jackie, fill me up with your delicious spunk." My heart started beating so fast I thought I was gonna pass out. I still kept up my thrusting pace, and she still kept up the excitement. I could hear her say in between moans, "I'm... going... to cum... as well..." This gave me the final drive to seal the deal. I thrust my hips harder than I've ever thrust before. Morgan's pussy was clenching, and her hands were wrapping tighter and tighter around mine. A second later, we hit our breaking point. We cried out each other's names loudly. In one final thrust, I shot out my sticky load. My hips strained as I pumped every bit of cum left in my body into Morgan's cunt. I could feel her pussy juice flowing down my cock like a tap. It was finished. I had fucked my own mother. It was disgusting, taboo, and beyond immoral; but holy shit, it felt fucking great.

Morgan fell down onto my body, shaking in extreme pleasure. Our sweat was soaking the bed, not to mention what other juices came out of us. Slowly, she raised her adorable head to me, as we were gasping for air. "That..." Morgan could barely get the words out. "That was... fucking incredible... Your... cock... is fucking... great..." I could sense the tiredness in her voice.

I pulled her up towards my face until my cock slid out of her pussy, our cum running down my pelvis and onto the bed. "Morgan... your pussy is... amazing." She smiled at me, knowing she did a job well done. I pulled my luscious mother up to my face and gave her one last kiss. And with that, we both fell into a deep sleep, her face nuzzled into my chest, and our bodies soaked in each other's love.

What a wonderful birthday present...