Carnal Combat II, Part VII - Precious Things

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#7 of Carnal Combat II

Carnal Combat II

Episode VII - Precious Things



Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sex between adults. There's likely to be bondage, hardcore sex, softcore sex, tentacle sex, ninja sex, ninja beatings, ninjas beating off, and other unspeakable acts. If you are not of age to view this stuff, or if it might make you cry, please don't read it. Thanks.

The Throne Room was silent, save for the sound of parchment softly being shuffled. Nicodemus sat in a small room off to the side of the large throne area, where the Grandmaster could review any policy or requests that came his way from the other Houses. It was the role of the ruler, the emperor, the king - whatever title you likened it too, the title of Grandmaster meant that he and he alone was responsible for a great deal of decisions that could alter many a life. True, he did have a council to consult, but in the end the final word - and any blame or praise that came with it - was solely his.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew Nicodemus' attention. He looked up from his work, knowing just who was coming; accompanying the footsteps was the distinct sound of a staff clacking on the floor. Sure enough, Alexandros entered moments later.

"Good evening, friend," Nicodemus said. "What brings you about at this time of night?"

"I just received word of the outcome of Rhane's fight," Alexandros said. "I thought I should personally deliver the results to you."

Nicodemus' heart sank. The tone of Alexandros' voice, the fact that he was personally delivering the information, spoke volumes.

"She didn't win," Nicodemus said in a voice heavy with sorrow. " did it end?"

"Surprisingly, Daichi opted for an arena elimination despite having the opportunity to finish the fight in the arena. He certainly wasn't taking chances."

Nicodemus took a deep breath. "So...the standing Champion has been defeated. How does this affect the House of Light?"

"You will continue to hold the title of Grandmaster until the Tournament is completed. Once the new Champion has been announced, his or her House will then be allowed to come in and take over the duties of the ruling House. I am sorry, Nicodemus. Your rule was a credit to the word of the Gods."

"Thank you," Nicodemus said simply. "If a year was all of the time my House and I were allotted, then so be it. I only wish I could have done more in that year."

"You did enough," Alexandros said honestly. "Do not let it discourage you. Keep on the path that has been set for you. Right now, I think the individual with the most to mourn is Rhane."

"True enough. Have you seen her?"

"No, no I haven't. I think that, at this time, she needs her friends' support more than she needs her mentors' sympathy.

* * *

Only a few short hours had passed since Rhane's loss to Daichi. The vixen had not spent long being ravaged by the plants in the Garden; she managed to slip free eventually, thanks to the rain making her fur slick. She'd made her way back to her room then, wet, cold, sore, and completely devastated.

It took some time for the weight of the situation to really hit her. Not only had she lost the fight, but she had cost her House their role of authority and honor in the lands, and the reason she had lost all this was because of Daichi.

That thought hit her as she sat in her quarters drying off and cleaning up. It hit hard, like a fist to her gut: a realization that struck her just in time to break her.

Rhane broke down into tears as she admitted it to herself. She loved Daichi. She wanted him near and she looked up to him and she wanted him; she trusted and had faith in him and completely expected that the fox would catch her if ever she fell.

Instead, he hadn't been there to catch her. He had willingly let her fall, costing her so much that she held dear. The agony twisted her up inside, to the point that it felt surreal. In one night she had lost everything, from something as simple as a fight to as important as love.

The vixen sat on the floor of her bedroom in the dark, crying until her lungs hurt and her cheeks were soaked with tears. Eventually she was able to compose herself, stopping the tears and regaining some amount of control. Still, she knew that sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon. She needed someone to talk to.

Normally, she'd go to Daichi, but she pushed that thought out of her head quickly, before it broke her down again. The next thought was of Hitomi or Winter, but both girls had gone missing, and no clues had been found. The search was still on for them.

There was Spectre, but the vixen wasn't sure she was comfortable talking to him, especially now. Kassidy hadn't said two words to her since the Tournament had started; Reiko seemed far to angst-ridden to have a talk with.

That left one choice, so Rhane went with it. She pulled a kimono around herself and left her room, walking down the halls until she came to a door not too far away. The vixen knocked gently at it, and waited.

After a few moments the door opened and Suki peeked her head out, her ears slightly drooped and her eyes barely open. She blinked a bit as she saw Rhane, who looked terrible.

"Rhane? Are you okay?"

"No," Rhane said in a weak voice. "C-can...can I come in?"

"Of course," Suki said, waking up quickly. She had never seen the vixen so down. The rabbit led Rhane in and to a seat, and then she poured two cups of tea. Suki sat down the Rhane and gave her one of the cup, and encouraged her to talk.

Rhane was surprised at how willing Suki was to help, even though she'd been woken out of a dead sleep. Then again, Suki was full of surprises: The bunny was always quiet and polite, but she was very kind and very dependable.

The vixen told her of her loss, and Suki obviously understood the ramifications of that. Then Rhane spilled her heart out, telling of her love for Daichi, and her pain at his actions. Suki listened carefully, giving Rhane all of her attention. The vixen definitely needed it.

When Rhane finished, Suki sighed. "I can relate, in a small way. My fight with Reiko was similar, I suppose. Reiko felt I completely betrayed her, somehow. I haven't even seen her since it happened. She's like a shadow these last few days."

"Is it worth this?" Rhane asked. "Combat, I mean. Losing love and friendship over...what? Honor? Pride?"

"You know it's about more than that," Suki said. "You saw what happened when corruption ruled the lands. We're fighting for the right to shape the future. We'll have to make sacrifices on the way, sometimes big ones."

Rhane nodded and stared into her cup. After a long silence, the vixen shook her head.

"I don't know what I'm going to do now. I have no more fights. Nothing to do but sit here and wait for the next House to evict us."

Suki thought for a moment. "I think there's something left for you to do, actually."


"Well, there's something bad going on. Everyone knows it. It's worse than last year. So far, Winter, Selena, and Hitomi have gone missing. No one is talking about it. The Guard isn't coming up with anything. You,'re in the perfect place to investigate."

"I am?" Rhane perked up a bit, looking at Suki in puzzlement. "How?"

The rabbit leaned in close. "Don't you see the link? All three of those girls lost their matches, and they disappeared in that order. Winter, then Selena, and then Hitomi. My guess is that Reiko will be next, and then you."

Rhane's eyes widened. The realization of the obvious common link was surprising, but even more so was the thought that now she was on that list.

"You're right. I can't believe I didn't see that. I could wait and see who comes after me!"

"Even better," Suki said, "You could shadow Reiko. I can't do it myself because she's avoiding me like a plague, but you could do it. You could see who tries to kidnap her and get to the bottom of it. You may have lost your fight, but you're still one of the best of us, Rhane. If anyone could beat the kidnapper or kidnappers, it's you."

Rhane nodded her head slowly. She knew that Suki was right. She still had a purpose at the Tournament...and it might just be the most important purpose of all.

* * *

Daichi awoke the next morning, feeling remarkably fresh despite the previous night's fight. After a good stretch and some basic exercises to wake up and get his limbs loosened up, the fox got himself dressed and headed out for the day.

Waiting on the other side of the hallway, directly across from his door, was Spectre. The skunk waited for his friend to step out and then he approached.

"Heard about the fight. Congratulations, I suppose."

Daichi's expression didn't change as he looked at the skunk. "You suppose?"

"Well, you did just completely shatter a friend's hopes and dreams."

"Excuse me, but last I checked, we were in the Tournament, and you fight to win. Or did they change something?"

"Don't give me that," Spectre said, lowering his voice as he got in close to the fox. "I was there. I saw the fight. You dumped Rhane right into the vines when you could have pulled her in and finished the fight properly."

Daichi smirked. "And what's a 'proper' finish?"

"If it were anyone else, even me, I'd say it was fair. But's fucking Rhane, Daichi. The Champion, your friend, maybe more? Fighting for your House is the goal, but there's got to be honor too. You fighting Rhane was just as much about friendship and honor as it was about winning. You should have taken that fight to the end. It should have been a Carnality or nothing."

Daichi stood silently for a long moment before he replied. "Listen to me carefully: I see what you're saying. I'm not happy about how that ended and I'm not proud of what I did. You're wrong on one thing, though, and that's that this is about more than fighting for our House this time. It's about more than friends or honor. I have a destiny at the end of this Tournament that I have to face. That means that I have to get there no matter what, and I'm not going to get there by taking chances in a fight."

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but it would seem to me that if it's your destiny to get to the end of the Tournament to face Gods-know-what, then you'll get there. You don't need to take the easy way out of a fight."

"That's your opinion."

Spectre smirked. "Maybe. Or maybe you should go see Rhane, and then tell me that it's my 'opinion' and not fucking fact."

The skunk bristled and turned, leaving Daichi alone in the hallway. Slowly, the fox turned and went back into his room. Suddenly the day didn't seem worth facing.

* * *

Rhane wasted little time in seeking out Reiko. After her talk with Suki, the vixen had gone back to her room and managed to fall asleep. She'd slept late, and upon rising she had immediately set her mind on unraveling the mystery of the missing fighters.

Part of her focus came from a desperate need to make a difference. Not having a fight to prepare for, or a House to defend, left her feeling incredibly empty. She needed to do something, to somehow be involved. It just wouldn't do for her to sit around and watch the Tournament, as others did...or would do, if they weren't disappearing left and right.

The other part, though, came from her need to not think about Daichi and their fight. One night of sleep wasn't nearly enough to wipe away the pain of that one moment. She wondered if a lifetime would even be enough.

Rhane had to stop by Suki's quarters again to find out where Reiko was being quartered. The vixen felt a little embarrassed that she didn't know; she had been terribly neglectful of the new girl. She felt that some part of Reiko's ill-advised friendship with Khan could be blamed on her. Perhaps, she thought, she should have befriended the young wolfess before Khan got his claws into her.

That, of course, was another reason to find the wolf. Aside from the possible danger she faced, Reiko needed someone to wake her up about her tiger friend. No one knew Khan like Rhane did. She could open Reiko's eyes to the world of trouble she was getting herself into.

When Rhane turned down the hallway where Reiko's room was, she caught a fleeting glimpse of the wolfess turning the corner at the opposite end, heading away. The vixen jogged briskly after Reiko, trying to catch up.

"Reiko?" Rhane called, but the wolfess didn't respond. Curious, Rhane picked up the pace a little.

She rounded the corner just in time to see Reiko slip into a room just off the hall. What triggered the vixen's danger instincts was the fact that the wolfess seemed to be in a daze, and she was following a ferret femme that Rhane had never seen before.

Suddenly, Rhane realized what was happening. She was witnessing a kidnapping in progress. This ferret apparently was the culprit, or somehow involved.

The vixen slipped up to the door as stealthily as she could. Once there she waited for a long moment, listening for any signs of struggle inside. When she heard none, she steeled herself and threw the door open, rushing in ready for a fight.

The room was apparently some sort of small eating area. There were several long tables with benches in the room, but not much more. Reiko sat on a bench at the opposite end of the room, with her back to the door.

Rhane saw no sign of the ferret, though she was sure she'd seen the mystery femme enter. Carefully, the vixen approached Reiko.

"Reiko?" She said quietly. "Is everything okay?"

The wolfess didn't respond. Rhane sensed something out of place, and it made her fur stand on end. Gently, she placed a paw on Reiko's shoulder.

"Reiko, I think you may be in danger. I want to get you somewhere safe."

The wolfess turned her head just a bit. Rhane could see a hint of a smile on her muzzle.

", I think it's you who is in danger, Rhane," Reiko said.

Someone grabbed Rhane from behind. Slender, but strong, arms wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her sides. The vixen yelled out and struggled, trying to get free.

"Oh, vixens are so delicious," whispered a feminine voice in her ear. "Especially feisty ones."

"Gah...let...go! Reiko!" Rhane grunted and fought, looking at Reiko as she did. To her horror the wolfess was just smiling and watching. Rhane realized that she had been tricked. This must not be Reiko, but the strange imposter that had attacked Ruin.

She had other problems to deal with first, though. The furre that had her seized from behind wasn't letting go, and Rhane couldn't get her arms free. The fact that she felt the side of her neck being licked didn't make her any happier. The vixen growled and lifted her legs up, planting her feet on the edge of the table in front of her. She gave a mighty shove with her legs, pushing herself backwards and forcing her captor to stagger backwards as well.

Both vixen and assailant tumbled onto the floor. Rhane followed the momentum of the fall and rolled her legs up, flipping feet-over-head. It gave her enough force to break free of the arms that held her, and as she landed on her feet in a defensive crouch, the vixen finally got a look at her attacker.

It was the ferret femme she had seen earlier. It had been a trap indeed. It seemed she was wrong; Reiko was NOT the next target. She was.

"Alright," she growled, watching the ferret get up and dust herself off. "You're going to tell me who you two are, and what you're doing here...and if you don't, I'll beat it out of you."

"The odds are not in your favor, little girl," the ferret laughed in an unsettling, sing-song voice. As she spoke, Reiko - or the Reiko imposter - circled around beside her.

Rhane knew that the odds were indeed against her. Two on one, unfamiliar opponents, and tight surroundings didn't exactly work in her best interests, but she had a chance to uncover the truth behind the kidnappings right then and there, and she didn't intend to let that chance slip by.

The vixen pressed the offensive. Before either of her attackers could make a move, Rhane leapt and threw a high kick for the ferret's head. Reiko jumped back, but the ferret had nowhere to go - she had inadvertently ended up with a table right behind her. Though she managed to get a paw up to block the kick, it still staggered her. The ferret winced as she fell back onto the table.

Rhane focused, trying to keep her eye on both the wolf and the ferret. She saw Reiko out of the corner of her eye, rushing to the door to close and lock it. The ferret was trying to get back up, but Rhane quickly threw a open palm strike at her face, looking to put the girl down for good.

Her paw was halfway there when an invisible fist hit her in the gut. She cried out and doubled over, retreating backwards. Rhane looked up and saw Reiko smirking, and then the wolfess threw a kick in the air. Though the wolf was across the room, Rhane felt the kick slam into her leg, knocking her onto her back. Whoever this Reiko was, she apparently could mimic the real Reiko's powers as well.

Rhane started to get up, despite her aching side. She'd barely risen to her knees when the ferret grabbed the back of her fighter's dress, and tore it apart. Sharp claws shredded the back and the straps of the garment, letting the vixen's bare breasts bounce free. Rhane growled angrily and tried to sweep a let out to catch the ferret's ankles, but the ferret in turn leapt straight up...and onto the ceiling. Rhane stared in shocked surprise as the ferret clung to the ceiling with her paws and feet, and hissed.

In that moment of shock, Rhane left herself open for another attack from Reiko. The grinning wolfess was about to tele-strike the vixen again when the door she had just locked suddenly flew open, splintering at the latch. It slammed against Reiko and sent her sailing, dazed.

Rhane grinned as she saw another red fox enter. "M! Help a girl out, would you?"

The tod fox shrugged and pulled a sheathed katana from his back. He didn't unsheathe it though, and instead held it like a staff between his paws.

"Oh, I guess," he said with a wink, looking down at the recovering Reiko. "I'll take the bait if you take miss creepy up there. Deal?"

"Deal," Rhane said, and then engaged the ferret just as she dropped from the ceiling, flinging herself at Rhane.

M in turn rushed at Reiko. The wolfess scrambled to her feet to defend against the fox. She threw strikes at him, but he deflected them with his katana, driving her back. While he fought off Reiko, Rhane battled the ferret.

Without the wolfess to worry about, Rhane fared much better with the ferret. Though the girl was definitely fast and nimble, she seemed to lack true fighting experience. Rhane suspected that she relied more and stealth and trickery to overcome her opponents, and a fair fight wasn't going to favor her. Grinning, Rhane threw a fast uppercut at the ferret. Instead of a strike, however, the vixen opened her paw so that her claws sliced up the front of the ferret's corset. The ferret's breasts popped free of their coverings, leaving her just as topless as she'd left Rhane.

The ferret growled and lunged at Rhane. She tackled the vixen to the floor, pinning the girl's wrists over her head. The ferret took her turn to smile, and she rubbed her naked breasts against Rhane's.

Meanwhile, M had easily pushed Reiko back against a wall. She'd put up a commendable fight, but the fox was much faster. It seemed that no matter where she tried to strike, he was a few steps ahead of her. Eventually he delivered a solid upwards strike with the butte of his blade to the bottom of her chin, and she dropped like a bag of sand.

The fox turned just in time to see the ferret tackle and pin down Rhane. Her growled and started to rush in, to free the vixen, but he never had the chance. Something struck him hard at the base of his neck, and he crumpled to the ground, out cold.

Rhane cried out when she saw M fall. Behind him, a black, inky mass had oozed off the wall where there had once been shadow. It formed into a figure, and then into a jet-black canine, dressed in ninja garb similar to Ruin's.

Suddenly, things fell into place. The shadowy figure...that was Ruin's attacked. He had been hiding there all along. The groaning, slowly recovering wolfess next to him...really was Reiko.

Rhane was yanked back to the moment when the ferret licked over her neck. "A feisty vixen, as I said," she hissed. "But it's all over now."

The vixen watched as the black figure and Reiko approached, standing on either side of where the ferret had her pinned. With M out of the picture, Rhane knew she was now in deep trouble.

"Let's have some fun with this one, shall we? Wraith, Reiko?"

Wraith and Reiko reached down and grabbed Rhane's arms, yanking her to her feet while the ferret stood up. Rhane was slammed down hard onto one of the tables, on her belly. She practically snarled as she felt the ferret tear away the rest of her dress, leaving her naked.

"Wraith," the ferret said, nodding to the black canine. He in turn began to shimmer, and then he started to literally flow up Rhane's arm like black ooze. She shivered as she felt him slide over her body, squeezing around her until he had taken the shape of a tight harness around her form. He tugged her arms behind her back, forearm-to-forearm, and then flowed over her pussy. The vixen gasped as she felt something push into her pussy, spearing her deep.

The ferret smirked, watching Wraith bind the vixen with himself. It left Rhane's ass perfectly exposed, and the ferret licked her lips. She caressed her own bare breasts for a moment and then reached down, pushing the simple leather panties she wore down around her thighs.

Reiko, meanwhile, had stepped to the side to watch. She shivered as the ferret, Kalli, did what she did best. Kalli's sex was visibly puffy and wet, but her clit had grown and transformed into a fat, throbbing erection. When Kalli saw Reiko watching, she grinned.

"Come join us, my dear. Your loyalty has been proven."

A small, small part of Reiko raged at herself for what she had done, but that part was quickly buried. The wolfess nodded and stepped up behind Kalli, and she reached around the ferret's hips to grab her dick. Kalli moaned as Reiko started to pump her shaft with one paw, while the other fingered the ferret's folds. Soon, she had Kalli dripping from both pussy and cock, making a sticky mess out of her paws.

Then, Kalli moved forward. Reiko moved with her, closing her eyes as she rested her cheek against the ferret's bare back. She felt Kalli start to push her thick cock in under Rhane's tail, and then she heard Rhane groan. The deeper Kalli pushed, the closer Reiko's paws came to the vixen's upturned ass. Soon the wolfess found herself fondling Rhane's rump, squeezing two plump cheeks as a thick dick slid back and forth between them.

Rhane whimpered and groaned as the ferret fucked her in the ass with what must have been the world's most realistic dildo. It stretched her and filled her, and it was warm and firm just like a real cock. She even thought she could feel precum dripping from it.

The second set of paws that fondled her ass were certainly felt, but not as much as the strange phallus that was simultaneously fucking her in her snatch. The strange shadow-figure they'd called Wraith writhed around her as it restrained and pounded her, and wicked tendrils took pleasure in wrapping 'round the vixen's breasts, squeezing them as Kalli's hard thrusting pushed the pillowy mounds forwards into the table top.

Reiko let her paws wander, from the ass of the vixen being fucked, to the breasts of the ferret doing the fucking. She fondles Kalli's chest slowly, feeling the other femme's soft orbs give and play under her touch. The wolfess was lost in her thoughts when Kalli suddenly went stiff, and she heard the ferret groan in pleasure.

Beneath her, Rhane bucked and moaned. She found out, to her horror, that the cock in her ass somehow WAS real when it started to spurt hot, creamy cum into her body. She felt it pour out, and then she felt the ferret pull back, letting the cum spill in a stream along the vixen's back passage. Eventually her dick popped out, leaving a thick wad of jizz to roll down between Rhane's asscheeks, and over her slit.

The panting, moaning Kalli grinned down at her captured, defiled prize. The vixen squirmed hard, obviously hot but frustrated, being denied her own release. With a smirk, she slapped one of Rhane's asscheeks hard, letting the flesh jiggle.

"A delicious prize, to say the least," Kalli cooed, rubbing her softening erection against her own belly. Then, she leaned over Rhane's back, and kissed the vixen's neck while her paws slid up and down the captured fox's curvaceous sides, teasing her hips and tracing along the sides of supple tits.

"But I'm afraid there's no more time to play. Time to meet your friends, little slut."

The last thing Rhane remembered feeling was the sensation of a sharp bite on the side of her throat.

* * *

Deep in the darkness, close to where the Godhand siphoned power from three captive girls and yet somehow a million miles away from there, sat Adonis. Here, in his realm, he was truly at home. His chambers were glorious, befitting of a great ruler - no, a titan - such as himself. He sat in a gold and silver throne in the most elegant of robes, drinking a very fine wine he'd come to enjoy. There were only one thousand bottle of it in the lands, and he had managed to acquire three hundred of them thus far.

His throne was bathed in a pillar of soft white light that poured down from an unseen source. All around him throne there were pillows and pillars, giving it the look of a rather exotic harem. In truth, that's what it was meant to be. The dragon intended to eventually fill it with servants...once his work was done, of course.

As he sat in the silence, drinking and contemplating his next move, the room's only door opened up. Adonis' eyes flicked upwards, watching Khan enter his chambers.

"Yes?" the dragon said, quirking an eye ridge at the tiger. Khan in turn smiled and gave a polite bow to Adonis. The dragon was amused at how quickly the tiger had been broken of his more...offending traits.

"Same news as always, Master Adonis," Khan chuckled. "Everything went according to plan. They're all back, with the vixen."

"Excellent," Adonis said, putting his cup down as he stood. "No problems?"

"Well, one slight problem," Khan said, his smile breaking for just a second. "Reiko did good, lured Rhane in just like she was supposed too, but some fox tailed 'em and helped Rhane put up a fight. Wraith had to get involved."


"Naw, some fox I seen around, but I don't know who he is. Gave me a little hassle a few days ago."

Adonis considered the news for a moment. "Was he captured as well?"

"No, sir. Kalli and Wraith figured they should stick to the plan, so they just took the vixen. They said they tied him up good though, and hid him away. Should be a few hours before he can talk to anyone."

Adonis nodded. "Unfortunate, but not an issue. I suspect this will only confuse the simpletons more. Well, I'll enlighten them soon enough. Let me see our new catch."

Khan escorted Adonis out of his chambers. They stepped into a strange, foreboding darkness. The first time Khan had ever seen it, it frightened him. Now, though, he knew to just keep his eyes ahead and to move forward. The darkness would always guide him.

Sure enough, they emerged from the black void right to what Khan and Kalli had dubbed the 'collection room'. Here, the Godhand sat on it's pedestal, glowing each time Hitomi, Selena, or Winter shuddered in climax.

The three captives had barely received a break since being captured. Occasionally one of them would be released for food and other necessities, but Kalli made sure that they were quite pacified when this happened. Other than that, they were kept on the racks, fucked firmly to orgasm after orgasm to feed the Godhand.

As Adonis stepped into the area, Kalli grinned and greeted him. Behind her Reiko and Wraith were hauling the unconscious Rhane up onto one of the empty racks. She had been stripped nude, and she made a particularly impressive sight captured and bound.

Khan licked his lips and grinned. "S'been a long time coming, you know. Seein' that bitch of a vixen brought down off her high horse like this."

Adonis smirked. "Leave the personal vendettas out of this, Khan," he said. "When everything is done, you can have her as your personal servant. Let that be your goal. For now, she is a tool."

The tiger nodded and grinned, indulging in a quick fantasy where the vixen was on her knees, serving him. It made him hard just thinking about it.

Reiko and Wraith had barely finished prepping Rhane when the vixen started to wake up. She groggily shook her head, trying to get her bearings. She could make out several fuzzy figures all around here, and there was some rather odd noises off to her side. She blinked, and started to focus.

Everything rushed over her at once. She stared in shock as she spotted the three missing girls strapped to racks while some sort of bizarre devices fucked them roughly. They seemed to be begrudgingly loving every second of it too, from the way each of them writhed and howled in pleasure. Either drugged, or completely broken, Rhane thought.

Then she realized that she couldn't move, and was strapped to a rack herself. There was nothing fucking her, though - not yet - and she figured that had to do with the crowd leering at her.

Kalli and Wraith, she expected. Reiko angered her. Khan infuriated her. Adonis, though, surprised her. She didn't doubt he was behind all this, but his actual presence confirmed her fears that there was something sinister happening.

First, though, she turned her rage at Reiko.

"You," the vixen growled. "What have you done? You've betrayed your friends, your House...everyone!"

Reiko had been very quiet since the fight with Rhane. She'd remained focused on her task, on proving to Adonis and her friends that she was indeed loyal to their cause. The vixen's words stung, but the sting only fuelled her own anger.

"My friends? My friends are right here!" the wolfess shouted back. "Where were all of you when I needed you? You were all off in your little clique, and at best you were patting me on the head and wishing me luck! Khan, though...Khan taught me things, helped me learn, showed me the truth! And then Master Adonis took me in, and I found out what friends really are. These are my friends, not you!"

"You stupid, stupid girl," Rhane snarled. "They roped you in so easy. There will be blood on your paws by the..."

"Enough of this," Adonis said, cutting the vixen off. "Clearly you realize that change is upon your dying House and government, my dear. Your Grandmaster should have listened to you. You knew not to trust me."

Adonis smirked, but before Rhane could reply, she felt her rack tremble. Suddenly, a fat dildo pistoned up and pushed hard into her pussy, drawing a long, moaning gasp from her. It started to pump in and out, devilishly fucking her sex in the same manner that the other devices were fucking Hitomi, Selena, and Winter.

The dragon turned to Reiko. "You did very well, my dear. Your loyalty has more than been proven. Welcome to the House of Exile. I'm sure you'll be quite happy here."

Adonis caressed the blushing wolfess' cheek gently, and then nodded to Kalli. He led the delighted ferret off to his chambers, while Wraith faded away into the surrounding shadow. Reiko watch awkwardly as Khan leered at the firmly fucked Rhane, his eyes traveling from her bouncing breasts, down to her spread pussy. The tiger felt Reiko's gaze on him, and with a smile he broke his attention away from the vixen.

"Sorry, love," he chuckled. "Revenge is sweet, as you'll find out. Care for a tour?"

Reiko smiled softly and nodded. "Sure. Let's get out of here before we both get too into it."

The tiger grinned a little wider and offered Reiko his arm. She accepted, and he led her off in the shadows, enjoying a long, lewd squeeze of her ass as they walked.

* * *

Hours passed after Rhane's capture. The day went by with little commotion, slowly building up to the allotted time for the night's fight.

It was a fight that few of the guests had any interest in, at least not on a betting level. There was little expectation for Kassidy, the beautiful but inexperienced collie, to defeat the towering powerhouse that was Adonis - someone who'd manhandled Selena, a respected Combatant.

Had the fight been public, the interest would have been much higher. There was great desire amongst the guests to see the exotic collie disrobed and properly screwed.

Spectre was quite worried for the collie. He'd sought her out to try to give her some tips, but she was nowhere to be found. When fight time came, the skunk sat in the Courtyard, nervously waiting for word of the outcome.

Kassidy, though, was surprisingly calm about the fight. She had come to realize that she could not beat Adonis. She knew he would win, and probably win quickly. Her only two goals were to make him fight for the win, and to go down as gracefully as she could.

She knew that were Hitomi there, the mouse would berate her for thinking such things. Hitomi, though, was born and raised with the idea of honor and servitude to one's House built into her thinking. Kassidy, on the other paw, came from an entirely different world. In the north, things had been different. In the north, Combat would not have been tolerated. A clan would fight together. As a whole they stood strong.

Kassidy's involvement in the world of Combat had come about simply as a way for her to adapt to the new land she was learning to call home. She was not a warrior, but she was a fighter. That was a necessary thing, in her native lands.

So, in preparation for her "fight", she had spent the day in the Gardens. It was the only place in the Hall where she was truly comfortable. Nature was something she drew faith and strength from. Aside from the sometimes...grabby vegetation, the Garden was a place that made her happy.

It also hid her from a well-meaning Spectre. She appreciated the skunk's concern and friendship, but she knew that for him it went beyond that level of adoration. Her heart would forever belong to another, and she wasn't sure that Spectre would ever understand that. Still, she was glad to have him as a friend.

As the time for the fight drew near, Kassidy made her way to the arena. The Memorial Arena, where the fight was to be held, was somewhat ironic for Kassidy. There, deep down in the bowels of the Hall, was a single room, circular like most of the other arenas. It was carved from exquisite marble, and the outer walls of the arena were lined with rectangular slabs of stone, each bearing a gold plaque. They were tombs, and they contained the remains of great Combatants long since dead.

Kassidy had seen one too many funerals in her life. It was appropriate, she thought, that she would be sent to fight among the dead.

Unfortunately, Adonis was already there. The sight of the enormous dragon, standing still and statuesque with wings draped around his shoulders made the collie gulp.

"Ah, the northern girl," Adonis said, opening his wings up in an impressive, and intimidating, display of his size. "Kassidy, correct? I'm glad you are early. I don't care to waste time this evening."

"Aye, 'tis the same for me," she said, cautiously stepping into the arena. "Can't say I care to delay this."

Adonis smirked. "It will be quick, I promise," the dragon growled. "I'll make sure you enjoy it, too."

Kassidy felt herself getting both flustered and angry. She knew she didn't stand a chance against the dragon, but she didn't care for his arrogance. The collie had barely completed the thought when the match started.

"Kassidy versus Adonis. Fight!"

The collie felt a sudden surge of confidence and hope, no doubt spurred on by Adonis' smarmy attitude. Kassidy was no fool though, and she knew that she'd be quickly defeated if the dragon got in close. So, the moment the fight started, she drew upon the energies of the arena and summoned a barrage of vines up from the floor.

Adonis backed up carefully as the marble floor started to buck and crack. The vines exploded upwards with a dramatic spray of stone and dirt, and then they fired towards the dragon like arrows. He was fast though, and he brought his wings around himself in time to deflect the vines from grasping his limbs.

Kassidy growled and concentrated, willing the vines to go lower, looking for Adonis' exposed ankles. Just as they obeyed and ducked down, Adonis flung his wings open again and took a deep breath. He unleashed the air in his lungs in a huge gasp, and fire billowed from his open mouth, burning the vines to a black crisp. Kassidy cried out and staggered backwards, feeling the pain and death of the plants in her own body.

Kassidy's offense ended before it began. In that one moment where she was hurt, Adonis took control. A mighty flap of his wings sent him sailing into the air, landing with a loud *THUD* before Kassidy. He grabbed her by her throat and lifted her off her hindpaws with ease, holding her up with one arm. The dragon showed no expression as he used his free paw to grab her dress and tore it from her body. She gasped as she felt the cloth tear and give, followed by the heavy bounce of her breasts being freed. With one swift motion the dragon had stripped her down to her bare fur.

His grip on her throat was absolute, and the collie tugged at his wrist in futility. She was slowly blacking out, her chest heaving as she desperately tried to suck in air. Suddenly, Adonis swung her by her neck, tossing her overhead and slamming her down onto her back on the cold, hard floor.

Kassidy writhed in pain, curling up on her side as the relief of breathing was outweighed by the soreness building up in her back. She weakly rolled onto her hands and knees, trying to push herself back up. She was still determined, though the odds were now vastly against her.

The collie was yanked up as two gigantic arms curled in under her own, and the paws on those arms locked together behind her neck. Adonis lifted her up in this dominating hold, leaving her naked body to dangle off her feet and against his broad chest and tight belly.

Somewhere, Adonis had removed the leather and cloth that covered his crotch. Now his thick, throbbing dragoncock was jutting up from between his legs, and it was pointed threateningly at Kassidy's sex. The collie's eyes went wide and she whimpered once before the dragon speared her.

He snarled in her ear as he dropped the collie down onto his cock, still holding her in that vice-like grip of his. She screamed as her sex was filled beyond her limits, stretching her out like she'd never felt before. Adonis began to thrust his hips, while at the same time lifting and dropping the collie with his arms. She howled out with every deep stroke of his fat erection, feeling it work her hard. Her legs began to bounce limply with the dragon's thrusting, and soon she felt herself giving in. She was horrified, disgusted that she felt such pleasure from the humiliating fucking, but there it was: Her body was twitching and writhing in his grasp, and on his cock.

Adonis enjoyed it just as much. Plunging his dick into a warm, conquered female was certainly a physical pleasure, but for him it meant so much more. This was the last one. With her defeat, he could unveil himself.

The dragon roared and pulled down on Kassidy's torso, while his hips thrust out and pushed up on her ass. It forced her to arch her back sharply, thrusting her breasts out as the dragon folded her backwards. The sudden pain, and deep dicking that the motion brought, caused Kassidy to seize up. She was in the moment, and Adonis knew it. All that was left was to make her scream. The collie hit her climax with full force, clamping her sex down hard on Adonis. His dick started to throb and spurt cum out into the screaming, strained collie, until it spilled out from her snatch in thick gobs. As the cum filled her and rolled out of her, Kassidy's hips bucked and she came, feeling pleasure race up her tortured spine. Her legs twitched and her chest heaved, and then the collie went completely limp.

The panting Adonis straightened up and tugged Kassidy off of his cock, letting his cum roll out of her cunt and down her thighs in creamy drops. The dragon tossed the broken collie to the floor, casting her aside like a towel as he turned, panting, towards a shadow on the wall. He barely heard the announcement of his victory. It didn't matter now.

The shadow twisted and stretched out, peeling away from the wall until it formed into a figure. Wraith took a step towards Adonis and knelt, handing the Godhand up to him.

The dragon's eyes flickered with lust. He took the gauntlet from his servant, and slipped it over his paw. It fit perfectly, latching on it's own accord around his wrist. He flexed his fingers, and grinned.

"I can feel it, my friend. It is so close, I can taste it. The time has come. You know what to do."

* * *

Alexandros moved briskly to the Throne Room, with M at his side. The fox was in a foul mood, having just been discovered tied up in an abandoned cell in the Dungeon. Upon his release, he had reported the encounter with the ferret and Reiko, and of Rhane's capture.

As they crossed the small yard to the Throne Room doors, M took the lead and threw the doors open for Alexandros. They rushed inside, expecting to see Nicodemus.

What they saw instead was a massacre.

Nicodemus' personal guard were scattered around the room, literally torn limb from limb. Blood and flesh coated the bottoms of the pillars, spattered around in a manner that suggested violent, brutal ends for the poor beasts involved. The blood and trail of destruction led from the doors up to the throne itself.

There sat Adonis, lounging in the chair with a grin on his face. On the armrest of the throne, with Adonis' paw upon it, was Nicodemus' head. Where the rest of him was was anyone's guess.

M stared in shock, but Alexandros raged. He swung his staff over his head with fury, and his entire body lit up like a sun. M staggered back, nearly blinded as Alexandros literally flew across the room towards Adonis.

"MONSTER!" He bellowed, pointing his staff at the dragon. "You have desecrated this Hall, and everything that the Houses you swore to align with hold dear! You are a murderer and a traitor and the Gods shall have your blood!"

Adonis kept grinning, even as Alexandros lifted his staff over his head, about to rain his fury down on the dragon. Much to his surprise, though, he could not deliver the blow. The Gods themselves seemed to stay his hand. Confused, he stepped back, suddenly uncertain of what the Gods wanted.

"Are you quite done?" Adonis said with a smirk. He stood, leaving Nicodemus' head on the throne. "Wondering why the Gods hold back your fury? Could it be that they are...frightened?"

"The Gods do not fear you, Adonis," Alexandros sneered. "What have you done, creature?"

Adonis waved a paw at the carnage around him. "The Tournament is over. A new challenge is being put forth, by me. Give me what I want, and I'll spare the lives of your four girls. Oh, yes. I have them, and I will slaughter them like I did this weak excuse for a 'ruler' if you deny me my demand."

Alexandros shook with rage, yet unable to unleash it. Through gritted, gnashing teeth he answered the dragon.


Adonis smiled. "Good. Let us talk."


Story (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson.

Carnal Combat and Carnalities are (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson, unless Ed Boon or Midway call up and yell at me.

All characters are created and owned by F.J. Emerson.

Special Thanks: Setta Flamowitz (for creative input), Christin (for support), and everyone else who has been consistently reading this drivel!