
Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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Shadowfall Sunset over the quiet peaceful countryside and a cool wind springs up, blowing through the trees to rustle the browning leaves as the days become longer and the chill of winter begins to make its presence felt. Several broken shutters eased and creaked on rusty hinges of the old dilapidated house, its owners having fled sometime ago in panic which led to stories and rumours of the place being haunted and as a result, widely avoided by travellers and patrols of soldiers who occasionally roamed the area. The weeds and creepers had claimed most of the man-made conveniences while the fences had fallen into a state of disrepair; the large wooden shed had holes and planks of wood missing where some of the braver furs had tested their courage by visiting the house. Deep inside the old home, curled up on one of the large beds lay a white furred vixen, her dark hair splayed out on the bed sheets as she hummed quietly and toyed with a blood stained knife, several pieces of food sat nearby, half eaten as the femme seem to be lost in thought. "Silly men", she growled to herself. Silly for believing in things that weren't there, making it surprisingly easy for her to scare a wanderer into dropping his supplies, food she readily snatched up to eat and feed one of the hungers she held within. She had heard of this place while travelling the darkened alleyways of the last town she passed through, finding it to be utterly deserted of both living and dead and deciding it would fit at least one of her needs. Grinning in an evil fashion she thought about her other things she desired, cursing under her breath that she couldn't lure a good strong male to her hide out where she would show him her strength, her dominance. She gritted her teeth and stabbed the knife into the mattress, it was the same knife she had used to escape with, slaying all those who would try to stop her. She groaned as a paw slipped down over a firm breast, she still wore the straight-jacket they had given her, and it was the only thing she had on, her flight not allowing her the time nor luxury to find decent clothes, not that it mattered to her in the frame of mind she was in. Her mind drifted back many years to the night her family were slain, the sounds of the soldiers angry banging on the doors until they broke, the screams of agony and pain, the cries of her mother and father as they were killed, the fresh smell of blood as it was spilled carelessly by those who cruelly tore her life to shreds. Her eyes were now closed, her back arched as her paw had moved down to her sex, trembling fingers teased and danced over her folds as her memories become vivid and almost realistic, her fathers voice calling out her name. "Shizuka..." The vixens tensed and relaxed, licking her lips and pulling her paw away, gripping the knife once more. The angry one had been found deep inside, the pretty one had found her while locked away in her own mind and coaxed her out into the open, and while both appeared to be the same the difference in behaviour was most evident. The Princess, as she was labelled by the angry one, so sweet and shy, innocent beyond words and longing for the one who would take her hand and comfort her aching heart, tolerated for she would accede to the other swiftly despite having a deep need that mirrored her other. The Mad One was the other who hid, laying in wait until she could lash out in vengeance at those who harmed her, made her, she wasn't sure if those she attacked were guilty but this was beyond the point, her needs and desires pushing her to dominate and control, to hurt and be hurt to taste the forbidden and revel in it. Sighing in bliss the Mad one rolled onto her back and gave off a giggle, deep in her psyche the pretty one slept and dreamt of her father, or at least someone she could relate to her father, it was too sweet for words and left the dark half of the girls mind wondering what the shy princess would do if her "parental" dreams became more intimate. The vixen turned onto her side again and curled her body up, her white fluffy tail looping over her body as her loins ached slightly at the thought, one of her needs sought attention, one she had not appeased in such a long time, she closed her eyes and pondered depraved and evil thoughts. In the kitchen of the abandoned house the shadows shifted and swirled, coming together as the air became thicker, shreds of reality blurring as a large figure formed, the table and chairs rattling and suddenly scattering when a black tiger stumbled forward into them before bracing himself on them. He stood close to seven foot, his fur a deep black while dark red stripes seem to flare and throb with a hidden power before fading into a matching black colour, blinking to adjust his eyes he slowly looked around trying to get his bearings. "Surroundings: Unfamiliar. Bearings: Scrambled and disorientated." He growled deeply and looked at his paws. "Conclusion: Not home." The tiger had no real name; he wasn't sure what to call himself, as he had not come across anyone who knew him. His first real memory was waking in some dark alleyway while a gang of youths were attacking him, calling him a "freak" and other names that made little to no sense to him. "Vision: Returning and clearing, scanning interior." He said taking another long look around at the darkened kitchen, taking in the various smells and sights. "Not in Kansas anymore Toto." He whispered quietly and tilted his head at his own reference, looking a little confused before continuing. "Surroundings: Unfamiliar and quiet. Conclusion: Ideal place to rest and recharge." Moving around the kitchen shadows seemed to ooze and trail behind him as steam would drift from a warm road, It was something he had noticed after dealing with the group who first attacked him and in the weeks to follow he found that not only could he control it but it gave him various powers which he used on his travels. "Not home." He sighed again, not noticing the pair of eyes watching him from the doorway behind him. Shizuka was surprised, something that didn't happen to often given her state of mind, she heard the rattling coming from the kitchen and crept silently to investigate, her knife in hand. What she didn't come to expect was the big male tiger who apparently found a way inside somehow, a male tiger that was ripe and very, very naked. Licking her lips the vixen felt the ache in her loins flare up, her grip on the knife tightening as she looked over his muscular frame closely, defined back and chest, long untamed hair and firm jaw. Mine, she thought. My home, my territory, my male. Uncaring that this tiger was far bigger than her she suddenly pounced from the shadows with a loud screech of "Mine"; sailing directly at the startled male as he turned, the knife she wielded lashing out and striking him in the shoulder. The tiger grunted in pain, the knife sinking into his flesh as the crazed vixen flew into him, his paw reaching to snare the female around the neck and slam her into the nearby wall, hissing as blood began to well around the blade embedded in his shoulder. "Pain." He snarled as his grip tightened around the girl's throat, Shizuka pawing his wrist and digging her claws into his skin in an effort to be released. "Mine." She whispered and snarled back, her nostrils flaring at the new smell of fresh blood. "Reconnaissance: Incomplete. Native: Hostile. Actions: Despatch with..." He growled as the red stripes on his body began to throb in anger but the squirming vixen brought her legs up around his waist and began to squeeze as she writhed in the males grip and while this action was an attempt to free herself it had a far different effect on the dark feline. The females crotch was now grinding against his lower abdomen, rubbing roughly over his sheath, his eyes widening a little as deep down his instincts growled and stirred, his grip loosening as she squirmed more. "Yours?" He asked curiously as the sensations built and his sheath filled in arousal. "Mine." Shizuka sneered, trying to squeeze tighter with her legs, licking her lips as her eyes glanced at the blood around the knifes blade. Even in the darkened room he could see what she was looking at, her hands no longer trying to pry his paw from her throat as they caressed and fondled his arm, pawing at the knife as the male pushed his hips forward, grinding and rutting against her spread sex as the smells of lust began to overwhelm the hostily in the air. The shadow tiger smirked, his tail snaking up to grip the knifes handle and slowly easing it from the wound, more blood trickled from the tear in the flesh that made the vixen buck and whine. "Trade offered." He said by way of agreement, holding the blood smeared weapon close to Shizuka's nose but away from her seeking tongue. "No, mine." She growled weakly, snapping at the knife and missing, her sex now wet and dripping due to the tigers grinding and the teasing. "Mine, please." Purring at the sound of the vixens begging the tiger snared one of her wrists, forcing it to the wall where the shadows gathered to secure her arm firmly, another moment later her other arm was snagged and caught, the moaning female fox literally hanging from the wall while her legs remained clamped around his waist. "Mine?" The tiger chuckled, collecting some blood on him fingers and held it close to Shizuka's lips, the vixen closing her eyes as the felines big shaft rubbed along her slit. "Y-yours." She finally relented, grunting in pleasure as her captor penetrated her roughly as soon as she submitted; the rich tangy taste of his blood gracing her hungry tongue. "Slut, whore, toy." He grunted, ramming his hard ebon cock in and out of her tight wet cunny, his tip reaching deep and pushing against the entrance of her womb, causing her to cry out in pain and pleasure. "Yes, your play thing." She screamed, her hands clenching in her bonds as this stranger humped and ravished her captured body, her juices flowing as his meat pounded her over and over. Shizuka's belly was on fire, the ache fucked into hot desire as the tiger used her, his cock throbbing as pre oozed into her with each deep thrust, her body trembling as she lapped hungrily at the bloodied cut on her tiger lovers shoulder until she yowled in climax, her sex quivering around the hard length inside her as her nectar flowed. His roar following as he rams in and cums hard sending his hot seed gushing into her belly as he holds inside her, his cock twitching and jerking as each sticky wad of cream floods her womb and passage. "Good slut." The shadow tiger growled as their mixed juices drip from her stretched pussy and pool on the floor, the vixen gasping and nipping at the wound as more of his load squirts in, her lips and muzzle smeared red as she gasps for breath. "Time to test something, yes?" He grins slowly as behind him the shadows coalesce and form into a second tiger, similar to the one who just ravaged her bound form. "W-what magic is this?" She asks as the tiger withdraws, her body tingling as he pulls away, her legs dangling off the floor thanks to the shadow bonds holding her to the wall. "Construct: Golem, homunculus." The dark male explained as the creature pads forward. "Like the real thing only better? We shall see, yes?" Shizuka squirmed as the creation reached for her, its eyes empty and soulless but it's touch as warm as the one who just fucked her, it pulled her off the wall easily but before she could lash out at it her arms are quickly bound by shadows behind her. "No." She cried out as it turned and dumped her onto the table, forcing open her legs to show off her drooling snatch, her cheeks suddenly turning red as the thing climbed onto the table with her, its cock hard and erect. "Heh, my toy, my whore, my play thing." The black tiger mocked as the golem thrust its length into the helpless vixen, her scream one of pleasure as another hard cock fills her hot passage again. "Heh, my slut." The male growled as his creature thrust and pumped, the vixen yipping and moaning hotly as her legs wrap around the golems waist, her head lolling back off the table and her eyes focussing on the real tigers shaft. "Slut is still hungry." He remarks, moving closer and taking up the knife, this time making a cut along his leg leading to his balls. Shizuka sniffed and yowled as the relentless pounding of the golem forced another climax through her body, her mouth and tongue seeking out the tiger's life source and lapping at it until she was suckling his furry sack. Another orgasm followed and it was clear the tigers construct was nigh insatiable, the vixen closing her eyes when she felt rough paws expose her heaving breasts and the salty taste of tiger cock invade her mouth. The Mad One was in heaven and while the two tigers molested and fucked her on the table she chose to peer into the pretty one's dream, chuckling with malicious mirth as the Princess was molested and used by the figure she called "father", the girls cheeks bright red with shame but submitting to the sexual ravishing all the same. On the kitchen table another climax rocked the vixens body, a load of tiger cream erupts in her mouth as the shadow tiger reaches his peak, he pulls out as she drinks his seed to shoot his load on her face and tits, the golem releasing hot goo into her as a way of orgasm, the femme squealing in delight as he belly swells a little and mixed spooge drools from her sex onto the table. The three moved to the room with the bed where the tiger watched his golem screw Shizuko several more times before its power faded, then he himself mounted her and made her call her passion to the stars before he too fell exhausted to the mattress, the shadows at his beckon call dissipating. "Tired: Rest required." He sighed in content, an arm coiling around the vixen as she cuddled close finding she was no longer bound. With the sun slowly rising Shizuko waited until she was sure he was asleep before sitting and stretching, licking a mixture of blood, tiger cum and black goo from her lips, smirking inwardly at how she had worn the male out as she produced some leather straps she had hidden under the bed and began to bind him. "Mine." She said quietly before snuggling up with him again, and later she will show him her strength, her power but until then she will rest too. "Mmm Father." * * *

Shizuko (C) Jessica Elwood; Shadow Tiger (C) Jaffah. story (C) Jaffah 2007