Twin Mews 3 - Deep Inside

Story by Zerodius on SoFurry

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#3 of Twin Mews

OFF: The next chapter of Twin Mews...



Time has passed since Mew and Mewtwo, the two Legendary Pokemon wielding opposite elements, have decided to rebel against their instincts in a rather original way...

To oppose their intense sexual instincts, they had decided to take the road of a passionate love. Rather than let their urge to copulate dominate their relationship, they had decided to turn the urge into a tool that they had used to suppress those same instincts.

With the instincts suppressed, the two could finally enjoy some platonic romance without having stupid mating instincts interfering.

"Fifty-seven!" happily said Mew, bouncing on the bed like a crazy Spoink.

The male Pokemon, Mewtwo, crossed his arms. He had strictly no idea what she was talking about and reading your lover's thoughts is, like, very rude.

"Meeeew?" meowed loudly the small female, tilting her head to the right, gazing into the male's eyes. Unlike Mewtwo, Mew had no knowledge... or rather, chose not to make use of her knowledge of social etiquette... and as such, most creatures in the Pokemon World seen Mew as very childish and immature... but since she was so innocent, playful, and nice, people ignored her flaws.

... although it IS quite annoying for Mewtwo to have his lover dive straight into his mind and steal information from him.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" his deep, manly voice echoed through the room... and although Mewtwo did his best to sound calm, it was obvious that he was annoyed. Mew, her, simply giggled in her high-pitched, oh-so cute voice. Sometimes, if not often, it was possible for one to wonder how beings that are so different ended up together...

"Oh... so you wonder what I was counting... well! Teehee!" Mew blushed upon finishing her sentence, smiling in such an innocent way... and totally ignoring Mewtwo's plights to stop reading his thoughts. Mew just remained there, on the bed, gazing lovingly at the tall male. "Well... I was counting how many days. You know... it's my very first time since I became mature, not mating for such a long time... fifty-seven days and counting! After all, I could never get some alone time for more than two days straight, you realize? Not two days before meeting willing males..."

Mewtwo rolled his eyes, sighing. Yes, despite being the Legendary Pokemon of Light, Mew was not quite the most "pure" of all females around and he knew that she had mated many, MANY times before meeting him... but he also knew that she liked to tease him, telling him how she mated with enough males to consider that she has been touched by at least thirty percents of the males in the history of the Pokemon World...

Still... if what he knows is right... she lies like a Hypno trying to tell his prey that gazing into its eyes is good for its health. Although more or less twenty-five different mates would be considered like a huge number of mates for any normal female, when one considered just how old Mew truly is, it is a bit surprising that she did not mate with more males.

But well... what interest does she have in having more mates? Considering how sensitive her tail is, mating truly isn't needed if experiences of that type is what she seeks... and anyway, she's more on the romantic side and it is quite probable that she might have always been this way.

Mewtwo rolled his eyes. Why bother himself with all that?

The male turned his back to the female and slowly left the room. As he left, he could hear Mew meow in confusion before jumping off the bed to follow him, tail high up... not that he mind it.

This is just going to be yet another common day... or so he thought.


Mew had been burning to get some facts straight for quite a while... for quite a long, long while...

Mewtwo knew that something was on Mew's mind... she didn't bother sitting on her chair usually and only sat down on it instead of on the table when something was on her mind. Also, no exploding milk bottles, no water traps, no flying pies, or any other prank from Mew had struck him today. Truly, he had suspected that something might be wrong...

As such, when she stared into his eyes and begun to speak, he was not shocked. "Mewtwo... I want to know..." she begun, hesitation present in the pink kitty's voice. "The night we mated... You kissed me, right?"

The male nodded, not understanding why she was asking such a question... After all, kissing someone you love is supposed to be a fairly common and obvious thing to do, isn't it?

"Mewtwo... Where did you learn to... well... to kiss?" the question thrown him off guard completely.

"Errr... well..." the male kitty's tail swung back and forth, his body language betraying his tension despite his tone being as calm as ever... "Why are you asking this? I do not see the point of this question..."

Mew raised an eyebrow, smiling in a naughty way. "Really? Kissing is not something Pokemon do instinctively. No Pokemon ever kiss normally... which means that you learnt to do this somewhere."

Mewtwo scratched the back of his head... well, busted. It's true, kissing is maybe NOT that common or obvious. It is not an instinctive act... even for humans. While to the main civilized colonies of humans, kissing was normal... there were smaller, less advanced colonies that didn't even know what kissing is supposed to mean in the first place. Then, there was the fact that Pokemon didn't kiss. Maybe it was because such an act was difficult if not impossible for many of the species or maybe because it was that kissing was not in their normal, instinctive behavior...

All in all, it is true, kissing is not natural. When he observed wild Pokemon from his base, he noticed that none of them ever kissed. Only humans and Pokemon who tried to act like humans did so...

Mewtwo wondered... why was she asking this question? He stared into her beautiful eyes... but he did not gaze at their beauty but rather, he tried to go beyond them and read the female's thoughts... but he felt as if someone had slammed a door in his face as Mew closed her mind to him.

"Heh! Not this time!" said Mew, smiling.

No way out of it. He would have to tell her the truth... which he found rather... embarrassing.

"Mew... actually... I... I wondered how each specie reproduced... and when I seen humans kiss... and when I seen what the humans thought of this act... I liked the idea and symbolism of it and convinced myself of trying it out the day I would find a mate of my own... and well, you know..." said the male, nervously scratching the back of his head while he twitched a little bit, his tail swinging a little, slowly, each time he twitched.

Mew stood there for a few seconds and then... she burst out laughing! Mewtwo rose an eyebrow, not understanding Mew's reaction while Mew, her, felt relieved. He had been so nervous that she had been able to read his thoughts without him noticing... and she had the confirmation that he had said the truth: he learnt to kiss by watching humans do it. She had been worried for a second that Mewtwo might have learnt it from kissing another female...

"So... you watch couples of other creatures go at it, pervert!" she teased. Mewtwo's eyes widened at the comment.

"Oh no no no! It's not like that! I gather information! I'm not satisfying lowly primitive instincts!" he said, his embarrassment growing each second.

Mew got off her chair, floating in the air, and smiled in a naughty way... "Why are you ashamed? It's normal. Even the most pure have hormones..." she said, her tone becoming somewhat... different.

Mew landed on the middle of the table, using her powers to send flying off the table all the objects that were on it, including Mewtwo's breakfast. Thankfully, he had finished it... but still, he did not like to see the bowl and the plate being sent flying away from him like that... and what he liked even less what the sound of things breaking through an impact on the wall. He will have to clean up all that... as usual... Messy female! "What are you doing, Mew?" asked the male, starting to find this more annoying than embarrassing, when he thought about it.

"Well... why watch couples when you can experience it yourself?" said Mew in a naughty way, standing on her knees, slowly spreading her legs as she took on a suggestive pose...

"Mew... I thought we had already suppressed our instincts..." said the male, not sure what to think of the current turn of events...

The pink kitty's smile grew wider and she stood there, holding the pose... "I know that... and that's why I choose to do this."

The male sighed loudly. Teasing him like this? What kind of idea was this? Mew read his thoughts, much to his annoyance, and replied to them: "I'm not teasing you, my love. Let us copulate once again..."

Copulate again? "Why? Why do it again?" asked the male, not seeing why she would want to get herself into such a situation again...

"For fun, of course! Do you really believe that sex is limited to the position we took? Believe me, it can get much, much better than this..." she meowed, changing her position, now sitting on the table rather than standing on her knees, still taking a pose as revealing as always...

The male stood there, rolling his eyes, amused... "Heh... and you were just boasting about how it had been so many days since you mated... how ironic." he commented.

Mew winked, smiling. "I only stated how many NIGHTS I spent not mating. I was not counting the days!" Mew then meowed very loudly, moving her body in a seductive dance of sorts... to which Mewtwo seemed totally oblivious.

"I find this to be rather... random... and we shouldn't tempt our instincts." said the male. Although he hated to admit it, the pink kitty was slowly making a dent in his seemingly oblivious mind...

Mew purred and rolled on the table, changing yet again her position. It was strange, seeing her dance by changing her position like this, alterning between more and more naughty poses... "Oooooh my dear, squishy, cutie male... Why should you be afraid of instincts you already tamed?"

Well, she got a point. By making love rather than be forced into copulation, they had proved that they controlled their instincts rather than them controlling them... so, why was he afraid? But then, why do it again?

... but then, why not doing it again? There was no reason to doubt. His love for Mew was genuine and not the work of hormones. Sex would be a pleasant extra to their relationship... so why deny it when it won't be harmful? As a living being, he do enjoy having fun after all... and although his experiences with sex were limited to a single night, he knew that he had enjoyed this experience. This second experience would probably be very fun as well...

"You're lucky. I don't have anything important to do today... so it is fine. Let us copulate once again." as he said this, the male couldn't help but smile just as much as the female...

The male approached the table and tried to place his hands under Mew so that he would lift her... but he felt Mew gently repelling him with psychic energy. "Why should we go somewhere else? I'm fine here..." said Mew using telepathy, staring deep into his eyes. He stood there, letting himself get lost into the stars within her beautiful blue eyes...

... and then, when her words finally reached his brain, he asked himself if this was a suitable location. This was the kitchen... it was probably the most clean location of the castle. If he mated here, he would have to clean up the table... but then, if he did anywhere else, he would have to clean that place too... and since Mew had hurled the stuff that was on the table all over the place, the place was messy already. Non-issue is this question after all. Now, the question is... what kind of position would be appropriate for such a situation?

"I'll answer that question for you!" echoed Mew's voice through his mind. "Stop reading my thoughts!" was Mewtwo's answer.

Slowly, Mew approached the edge of the table. Mewtwo grinned and felt the hormones starting to flow through his veins as he looked at her beautiful, feminine frame. Her frame was beautiful... almost half his size and not thin, yes... but the pink skin... the cute triangular cat head... the short, yet strong but delicate arms... the oh-so feminine and even sexy curves... the long, articulated tail... the long rabbit feet filled with strength... and her beautiful, beautiful blue eyes. She was breathtaking enough in her normal state.

She was already aroused as Mewtwo got off his chair, her breasts visible and inflated to form rather big but not too big not so round spheres, an opening visible between her legs... and as he stared at her, a similar opening opened between his own legs and slowly, his organ begun to come out and to inflate to the correct size. He noted mentally that it took a lot less time for them to get ready, this time... Mew read his thoughts and commented that he should maybe focus on what he is doing rather than seeing it as an experiment. After saying "Stop reading my thoughts!" in a falsely annoyed voice, Mewtwo decided to make Mew taste her own medicine... and he intruded into her mind, reading her thoughts.

Unfortunately, she had been ready... so he could not read much... but he could see that she thought that he wouldn't need to do anything unless she told him. Looks like she planned something... all that he hoped would be that it wouldn't be something too crazy... or maybe on another hand, he was fooling himself and actually wanted her to do something crazy.

"Sit, love..." she meowed, eyes locked into his own... although he knew that her stare was alternating between his eyes and... something else...

He had the urge to laugh at this situation but did not. He simply rolled his eyes, sighed in amusement, and sat down on his chair, waiting for the female to make her move.

Once Mewtwo was comfortable on the chair, Mew sat down at the edge of the table, her little feet kicking the air. Beautiful purple eyes in which she got lost so easily... and as her eyes gone down, she looked at every detail of her mate. He was tall... much taller than her, about twice her size. His skin was white with the belly and tail being purple. His hands were skinny and long, ending with hands that ended with massive round fingers. She knew from experience that those arms held a surprising amount of strength and that his grip was strong yet surprisingly precise and gentle. His chest looked like body armor and a tube connected the back of his head to his back... yet, it was not ugly. It just fitted him. His body curved a bit like hers, almost in a feminine way although there was a definite feeling of manliness about him that made the clashing curves only more attractive to her. His legs ended with feet that looked like a mix between her own feet and that of a dragon's. His tail wasn't as articulated and was thicker than her thin one. Many creatures said he was ugly... yet to her, he was beautiful, very beautiful. He was unique in his appearance... a kind of beauty unlike that of any other male.

Finally, her eyes locked into his organ and she giggled... Already ready? What a male! She remembered the pleasure she felt last time, that nine inches-long dark red cylindrical organ squeezed between her breasts, the tip in her mouth, drinking every last drop of the whitey liquid coming out... Mew giggled again and this time, more loudly. She was laughing internally at herself. What dirty thoughts she got! Oh my!

Her eyes came back to his eyes, the mates smiled to each others so slightly, and after reading each others' thoughts, opening their souls to each others, they nodded, agreeing to begin. Mew jumped off the table and floated to the male. She grabbed into him, hugging him and slowly dragging herself down... and then, the male's eyes widened and he yelped, feeling Mew pressing the entrance of her tail hole against his organ.

"Creamed on me last time?... well, I guess I'll have you cream in me this time..." whispered the female to the male...

The male stood there hesitant... Anal sex would probably feel good... really good even... if it wasn't from a fairly obvious problem Mew had completely overlooked it seems...

He's twice her size. That was his concern. A male is already feeling tight when humping a female his own size... and now, a female half his size? The breasts sex had went out safely since her size had not mattered a whole lot in the end... but this was different now. If the pressure got too great, it might turn out very painful rather than fun... or even worse, their organs would suffer damage ranging from minor internal bleeding to his organ or her own exploding because of the sheer amount of pressure. Usually, more pressure is better... but not when it causes the two to lose their sexual organs.

As such... as much as he anticipated penetration, he dreaded it. Mew, her, seemed perfectly calm. Was it that she knew something he didn't?... or was she completely oblivious to this danger?

"Mew... I foresee a problem with your planned course of event..." he stated, pointing to his organ. "I doubt our respective body parts can withstand such a high level of pressure..."

Nine inches... a massive spear. Most males his size had only six inches... and he had a whopping three inches more than them. It was absolutely incredible... how will he fit that in Mew's tail hole without completely destroying her or himself?!?

The female stood there, smiling in a very naughty, confident way. He was weirded out by her expression. Was she insane, oblivious, both at the same time? He didn't know...

"Mewtwo... Do you know what the Wailord told the Skitty before copulating with her?" Mewtwo turned to Mew, rolling his eyes. That fairy tale again...

According to some kind of crazy story, a male of the whale Pokemon specie, Wailord, which happens to be the largest specie of Pokemon in existence, had safely mated with a tiny female Skitty, a cat Pokemon found most often in Hoenn that was famous for its cute looks.

He already knew of the story and frankly, he doesn't care. Such a situation was impossible to believe. Wailord, a Pokemon that is as tall as a building, mating with a Pokemon the size of Mew? come on! That cannot happen!

He felt Mew browse freely through his thoughts... and as usual, his sharp, harsh "Stop reading my thoughts!" order did nothing to help.

"The Wailord... told the female Skitty... that she underestimated her ability to stretch." she said, inserting an image in his mind. Mewtwo rolled his eyes at the so-called memory. A female Skitty, under a Wailord, the tip of the massive male inside of the female's tiny organ, her stomach inflated to incredible proportions... and he know that it was, in truth, not inflated ; it was the male's organ that stretched the female's body. "Oh come on, Mew! That cannot have happened!"

"You said you watched couples and yet, you never caught sight of such pairings? I seen many impossible pairings happen. Zangoose and Seviper... Wailord and Skitty... and you clearly don't want to know what Latios used to do to his sister!" she said, her tail lowering and wrapping itself around his organ. She begun to stroke it quickly, to keep herself and him from losing their heat state while they spoke. Mew's sensitive tail tip made Mew shiver in pleasure while the male's breathing remained heavy, the sign that Mew was indeed successful. Yet, she did not stroke too fast or too hard, wanting to keep the full-fledged pleasure for the actual position...

"A Skitty's body cannot stretch like this, Mew. It just is impossible..." repeated the male. Mew, her, crossed her arms. "Well, so be it... but I can prove to you that my body can stretch more than enough for me to take you in, whole." the male rose an eyebrow. What was she talking about?

Mew dove straight into his mind. He prepared himself to tell her not to read his thoughts... but to his surprise, he felt... warm... and a bit shy for some reason... and he felt the touch of her soul... It was soft, gentle, as if she was shy herself...

He felt as if Mew had taken off clothes of some sorts mentally... he sensed her soul, looking at him in a naughty way and asking him to touch her... to dive into her... to grab into her and to penetrate deep inside of her most private thoughts... He was hesitant, a bit clumsy even. He was accustomed to her soul slamming into his own like a bullet, undoing any kind of resistance he might have and sucking away any information she wanted from him...

... but at this moment, the situation had been inverted. Her mind stood, small and delicate, standing naked in a mental way before him, waiting for him to make his move. The male closed his eyes and concentrated... and so did Mew, closing her eyes, her tail rubbing more slowly against Mewtwo's organ until it stopped completely, the body's hormones a mere insignificant surge of electricity compared to the exceptional experience both were now living.

The male touched the female's soul... The female, so very nervous, felt the touch, the brain waves seemingly folding at the place where the male soul touched... The male moved away, the female sighed, the tension reduced for a fleeting second... and then, the tension gripped her again as anticipation rose.

Neither of them said a word... Mewtwo stared into Mew's eyes with his blind soul, looking into her imaginary eyes and her own illusionary gaze locking into hers... the larger soul gently wrapped around Mew's... and she let herself be grasped, feeling the strong yet gentle touch of the male's mental energy...

Then, the male made a bit of pressure on a point of Mew's soul and she became very tense, the lights which she improvised as eyes wide open... and the male pierced straight through her mind, his massive mind penetrating with great force into the female's mind. Mew's soul recoiled as she felt the immense power piercing through her. She thrown her head back, smiling, letting the surge of foreign mental energy fill her entirely. An extremely loud sigh of pleasure came out of her mouth as she felt the male inside of her so completely, almost like a fusion. She was not shy or embarrassed anymore, abandoning herself to the male and letting her take total control, her most private thoughts, feelings, pulses, and dreams his... and slowly, his own soul leaked and she felt his own thoughts pouring out of him and mixing to her own as they shared a bit of each others...

"I am yours, body and soul, forever..." a thought of Mew between two sighs, as she smiled, closed her imaginary eyes, and let herself fall into the male's brain waves.

"My soul is yours as well, for all eternity..." the thought of the male slided out of the male's mind and joined Mew's as the illusionary molecules of his thoughts merged with hers.

To the one who would have observed the two, it would have seemed as if the two were copulating, Mewtwo being extremely tense as he hugged Mew, breathing heavily, moaning as the female meowed on and on, her entire body moving rythmatically, breathing just as heavily as the male, tense as she was, her heart beating so quickly... yet, below, his organ was free of any physical contact and her tail was now high up, not even remotely touching him.

... and yet, despite the total lack of physical touch, the two were in pure bliss, their souls mixing together, an experience unlike anyone could imagine going on between the two...

... then, Mew screamed and Mewtwo groaned, reaching some kind of climax... and yet, not a single drop of liquid dripping out of their respective organs. The two opened their eyes, blankly staring at space, their eyes widened to the maximum, pupils shrunken to mere dots.

Inside of Mew's mind, Mewtwo had penetrated into the thought Mew had wanted to offer him. The male smiled, his entire body tense, thoughts and feelings of amusement flowing into Mew's. Of course, she had to hide that memory into the very depths of her mind to force this act... not that he minded it. Actually, that was brilliant. As he had ripped the memory out of Mew's mind and read it before her, he reflected back on that mental experience...

They had not touched physically and yet, he felt the same as when he had experienced sex for the very first time... actually, no. That had felt even better. He just couldn't describe it with any word...

Both kitties sighed loudly as they relaxed and life once again returned to their eyes as they gazed at each others...

"Unbelievable... So... Rayquaza was one of your lovers in the past... and you had sex with him safely." memories never lie. She had indeed mated with one of the largest Pokemon in existence...

Normally, he would have been shocked of such a fact... but after such an experience... it seemed like nothing at all. All it did was remove something from his mind... an obstacle... and Mew nodded, smiling sweetly...

It all felt like the natural continuation of their experience... They had experienced it mentally... and now, they will feel it physically as well.

Slowly, Mew moved herself back down into position while the male held his organ with his left hand and placed his right one on top of Mew's head. The female, calm, placed herself just above it... and then, the male yelped a bit instinctively, feeling her press her tail hole against his organ.

Unlike last time, Mew did not come back up. Pushing on her head, Mew forcing herself downward as well, both kitties held their breath as a sharp pain was felt. Mewtwo kept his organ steady with his left hand as he forced into the opening, stretching it.

Mew changed her position, turning around and wrapping her tail around him as she pushed harder, gritting her teeth and the pain rising to be unbearable... yet, she kept pushing. The male kept pushing, beginning to sweat a bit, and then...

"ACK!" both kitties yelped as the tip of his sex was finally forced a bit within, a few drops of red coating the tip, their eyes widened, both flinching. Mewtwo let go of his organ and placed both hands on the female's shoulders.

Tension... so tense... yet, both being ready for what was to come... Slowly, Mew nodded and then, both kitties pushed with all of their strength, feeling their organs being crushed by the pressure and a slight flow of crimson coating the male's organ. They were sweating from the physical effort, the painful surge coursing their nerves...

Finally, both breathed heavily as the male's tip was completely in now. A few tears poured out of the female's eyes and the male didn't seemed to have appreciated it either... but then, both smiled, accepting the pain as a slight, pleasant feeling begun to rise... and Mewtwo pushed on Mew's head with both hands with all of his strength, Mew helping him push her down. Although she came down slowly, more and more blood flowing, it still came off in a much more natural way than the initial penetration... and finally, Mew touched the base of his erect organ, the whole nine inches inside of her tail hole.

"This... this hurts..." commented the male, closing his eyes so that he may not start to cry. "Don't worry... the pain... the pain's worth it. You'll like it." said the female, wiping the tears off her face and getting a hold of her trembling body.

The male slowly placed his hands on her breasts and squeezed hard, opening his eyes. "I know... I already like it..." the female, her, closed her eyes and abandoned herself to the rising sexual pleasure. "Oh... Mewtwo..." she moaned... "I feel... so wet... I... puurrrr..." the female thrown her head back and let the male grab her by the arms, keeping her in position... Slowly, Mew returned to her original position and as Mewtwo let go of her arms and slowly moved them toward her inflated breasts, she smiled... "Do me Mewtwo... I want you sooo much..."

The female purred anew. It had barely begun and she was enjoying it already. She could feel the hormones... the hormones flowing through her... and it felt great. Slowly, the red stopped flowing and dried on the male's organ and the pain completely disappeared, only the pleasure remaining. He was slow, much slower than Lucario had ever been... but it was not a disadvantage. She could feel it to its fullest with him, he let her enjoy every last second of it rather than pump like crazy, hoping for the best...

The male, him, slowly grabbed the female's breasts. He could feel it... so dry and yet, so wet at the same time... He was completely inside of her and he liked it. In fact... he was liking it even more than last time. He felt like remaining there, enjoying the flow of hormones... but the instinctive desire to push the experience further was strong and he did not resist it. He figured out that increasing friction and pressure would make this feel even better...

With his fingers, he stroked the Mew's tits... and Mew's purring turned into hard, heavy breathing... and he could feel her body. Although it had not begun to move yet, he could somehow feel her getting ready to do so... "So... ready?" he asked. The female nodded weakly. "Ye... yes..."

The male closed his eyes and begun to stroke strongly yet gently at the same time Mew's sensitive breasts as he slowly pulled out of her tail hole up to the tip... and then, he opened his eyes and slammed her into him, pumping into her ass with all of his strength, Mew slamming herself as well. A massive flow of hormones invaded Mewtwo's veins, making his eyes widen as he turned to the ceiling and moaned loudly, the female yelping as she felt a large wave of pleasure within her entire body.

The two stood there, breathing heavily and loudly, recovering from the shock... and this time, it was Mew that took the initiative. She lifted herself, pulling herself out until only his tip was inside... and then, "Mew." she meowed before closing her eyes and slamming herself down, the male helping, pumping the male's organ back inside.

"Oooh... yummy..." moaned the female in sheer pleasure... the male thrown his head back and said using telepathy: "Indeed. This... this is so pleasing... Oh... my love..."

As the two stood there, a question popped up in the male's mind... slowly, his organ still inside of her, Mew moved out of position, uncurling her tail off him and turning to face him. The male held the female by the sides while she tilted her head to the right, tail rising straight up... "Mew? I have been wondering... why this position?" he asked.

A naughty smile mixed to pleasure was on the female's face. She slowly moved her body up and down, not nearly as much as the two last thrusts but still rubbing her tail hole to his organ, causing both of them to feel a diminished but still pleasant feeling. As she did so, the female asked him: "What? You don't like humping me?"

The male waited until she stopped rubbing herself before catching his breath and taking the time to answer. He shook his head slowly... "No... this is not what I meant. I... I meant... Why didn't I insert my penis in your vagina rather than taking an anal position?"

The question took the female by surprise. Indeed... why had she taken this position rather than the regular one? After all... while it may be pleasant, her tail hole was not designed for this kind of action while the opening between her legs was.

But then... a hint of fear rose within Mew. Was Mewtwo... compatible? Most certainly... and this was why she had taken this position. Yes, it was stupid since he was putting drugs in her milk that prevented reproduction but still... it was then that she realized that although she was ready for sex and even soul sharing... she wasn't quite ready to give herself "for real" to Mewtwo.

The actual reproductive act... To humans, any sexual contact is counted as no longer being a virgin... but to Pokemon, only the actual reproductive act counted. More than this... the act of actual reproduction counted both as the first real contact and as... marriage. As the ritual of marriage was non-existent for Pokemon, it was the reproductive act that counted as the declaration that a couple has now united for real.

Although Mewtwo and her were lovers... she knew that the second they would push it farther, to the actual act, they would become something more... they would become actual mates, united physically and mentally to the eyes of all... and with their grasp of hormones, the aftermath instinct shattered, they would become even more... they would be life-mated for all eternity.

Mewtwo knew of those facts... she knew it. She sensed it with her powers... and Mewtwo nodded, having read her thoughts... "I understand... You are not ready for the full-fledged act. This is why you forced me into the "wrong" hole..."

Mew frowned a bit, turning away, a bit ashamed... "Please don't take it the wrong way. I... I love you but... but I'm not ready..."

"I respect your decision..." said the male. He respected her decision and frankly, she was right in a way.

Mew is far from being a virgin... from a human's point of view. From a Pokemon's point of view, Mew was still completely pure in that sense. Lucario, Jirachi, any of her mates... she never let any of them pump in her organ, none of them. Not only would it be something that cannot be undone, a declaration of an union... but there were also problems.

... and problems that concern the two kitties. He was Darkness, she is Light... it was obvious why such an union would pose problems. Furthermore, he is her clone, an unnatural being. The other Legendary Pokemon can barely tolerate his mere existence... if he and Mew were to become actual mates, it would be considered the ultimate blasphemy and they would probably go beserk. An unnatural being, a creature not even considered alive and made of the vile, evil energy becoming the mate of the most pure of all Pokemon? Heresy... The Devil and the Angel cannot unite! It is counter-nature!

... and yet, he loves her with all of his heart and she loves him with all of her heart. They desire nothing more than to unite... to share the most private of all acts together and bring out this incredibly mental experience to the physical level as well...

"Someday... we shall be ready." stated the male... the female turned to him, unsure... "Mew?" she meowed, the hesitation evident on her face. The male stroked her head, reassuring her... "I shall wait... Do not worry..."

The female slowly closed her eyes and let the sexual pleasure and the petting wash her worries away. She purred once anew, relaxing... and she breathed even more quickly as he lifted her, pulling out again... "But for now, let us enjoy this sexual act..." Mew opened her eyes and a naughty grin came on her face as she nodded. They will have time for such matters later. For now... he would hump her!

The female turned around, her back turned to her lover while he held her by the breasts, his organ still inside of her... and then, Mewtwo slammed on her head with his powers, slamming into her, pumping with a lot of strength as she brought herself down with her powers as well. The female's eyes widened and she gasped as the flow of hormones invaded her veins... and the male him, let the feelings flow through him as well...

"Let's... increase the speed." suggested the male, leaving himself and her less time to recover, pulling her almost out more quickly. "Hump me! HUMP ME!" begged the female, closing her eyes and preparing herself.

Obeying the female, the male begun to stroke her breasts anew and slammed her down quickly. Both gasped this time... but neither of them had the intention of leaving the other a breather as the male and female brought Mew upward, the friction growing, making the female feel so very wet and making the male shoot the first shot of juices within her behind... Mew felt it and found it... pleasing.

But she had no time to pur or close her eyes as the male slammed her down anew. The male picked up speed, not letting the female gain control over her body. Confused, she tried to position herself but the terribly intense feeling was growing as he slammed her faster and faster... and then, after a few more thrusts, Mew arced her body, throwing her head back, a big shot of juices escaping her organ, screaming in pleasure... and she decided to let him dominate her for this time.

"Oooooh... Mewtwo! NAUGHTY KITTY!!!" Mew screamed in pleasure, as the male pumped into her like a jackhammer, his organ and all of his body on fire, intense pleasure wrecking his nerves as he breathed so quickly and loudly, moaning over and over as the female yelped, her body moved up and down almost on its own, the breasts stroking and the liquid shot from the male's organ filling up her tail hole more and more only serving to make the pleasure even greater to the female. She spreaded her legs more and more, larger and larger shots of juices shooting out of her own organ as she felt the pleasure becoming greater and greater each thrust.

"Me... Mew... I... Meeeew... I'm go... going to..." the male thrown his head back, closing his eyes, feeling his organ fill up with liquid... and then, he stopped pumping, his body incredibly tense, as if locked into position.

The female, noticing the male slowing down, grinning... "Do... don't stop now kitty... Relax... There, allow me to... to give you your orgasm..." the female grabbed the male's hands and stroked her own breasts with his hands as the roles were swapped, the female now controlling the act. She used her powers to slowly, gracefully move herself, pumping his organ into her tail hole quickly using a lot of strength. The female slowly moaned as she did so. She was soooo wet... soo... nice... sooo... tense. Surely, she would feel it not long after the male.

The male stood there, letting the female please him. "OOooooooooeeeeeeew..." he moaned longly, growing so tense... too tense... he felt his organ like a bomb about to explode, so very full of sperm... and then, Mew thrusted his large cock into tail hole especially hard, pushing the male over the edge.

"MeeeEEEeeeeeEEEEEW!" the male groaned, his claws almost coming out from the tension as his body seemed to turn to stone, a massive amount of white liquid shot with incredible pressure out of his organ, filling up the female, which groaned in sheer pleasure. The female closed her eyes, throwing her head back. Looks like she miscalculated. She will not have her orgasm after his own... but during his own. Mew screamed as she had her orgasm almost simultaneously, the flow of transparent liquid pouring out of her organ at almost the same moment as the male filled her behind with his own white liquid, the two in pure bliss, letting the extremely intense feelings wreck their bodies.

Both kitties' eyes widened and they pulled out violently as their orgasms ended, the male's organ popping out of the female's tail hole loudly, the last drops of sperm spilling all over her behind as this movement sent Mew flying straight into the table by mistake.


The male heard the sound but in his state, an atomic bomb would have exploded and he wouldn't have heard it. Mew, her, although she felt incredibly dizzy and sleepy for a reason after popping out, had not realized what had happened since the hormones in her body had drugged her so completely.

Both remained there for a minute or so, feeling the aftershock of their respective orgasms, their organs slowly shrinking until disappearing, once again hidden. Mewtwo's was especially quick to shrink and disappear as the end of his aftershock was stopped in quite a brutal way by the sight of Mew, lying down by the table on her stomach, dizzy, a bit of blood next to her forehead, which was a funny color.

Instantly, the male sprung up, off the chair, and rushed to his lover's aid. He grabbed her by the hand and held her in his arms, sweating in panic. "Mew! Mew! Are you alright?!? Answer me!"

The female slowly opened her eyes and laughed in a stupid-sounding tone... "Ooooh... I'm so dizzy... and why do I have such a headache? You really blew me away... purrr..." the male frowned, annoyed. "This isn't funny! You're hurt!"

The female shook her head, getting a hold of herself and the sheer pain of the headache striking her. She held her little head... and also felt a rising pain in her behind and becoming bigger and bigger. The tail hole pain was an side-effect of anal mating with a male twice her size and although she would have endured it normally, the fact was that this headache was not helping... "MeeEeeEeew... What an aftermath..." the female cried, feeling her body aching all over.

The male shook his head sadly... and looking down to himself, noticed his tights covered small traces of red. He also noticed how Mew's pink skin was a bit reddish near the tail hole. He shook his head, asking himself if it had been a good idea or not... "Of course it was a good idea!... but you were right... but please hold on to me next time. I don't enjoy banging my head, personally..." said Mew via telepathy.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" quickly replied the male, a bit annoyed and the worries slowly vanishing as he noticed the color of Mew's forehead already returning to normal...


Celebi, the green time-traveling fairy and the Legendary Pokemon that both served the wielder of the power of Nature and Death, was hovering next to Lucario, the Legendary fox Guardian.

"Hmmm... it's the second time she smells like sex..." commented Celebi, talking to the pants-wearing fox.

"Yes... and she smells like the same male, too!" replied Lucario, crossing his arms.

Celebi shook her head annoyed. "I don't know who is this male she's mating with... but it's not someone that is a member of the council because else, I would have been able to know who it is!"

Lucario rolled his eyes. "Why do you want to know so much anyway? She can mate with whoever she wants..." said the male fox, not understanding what was the deal with the female fairy.

"You're truly this stupid? I thought everyone knew I had the intention of meeting and becoming Mewtwo's life mate. Fate dictated that Darkness and Death shall be natural allies and that the wielder of Darkness, Mewtwo, shall be the lover of the wielder of Death, me. I also know that Mew is somewhat of Mewtwo's mother and that she is strongly uptight. I will need to get rid of her in some way to get to Mewtwo... and getting her away from me by manipulating her lover should do the trick!" said Celebi to the fox.

"I know that. You already told me... and then, to make sure she really will not bother you anymore, you'll make her fall in love with me all over again and will make sure she doesn't leave me again, right?" asked Lucario.

The green fairy smacked the fox on the top of the head. It made a neat, loud KNOCK when she did so and the male fox whined like a dog upon receiving the hit. "OF COURSE YOU IDIOT! My plan cannot fail! I'll get that sexy kitty in MY bed within seconds and he will make me his second-in-command!"

Celebi turned to an imaginary sky, eyes dreamily shining with dreams. "Finally... that stupid oversized chicken Ho-oh will not boss me around anymore and I'll have a cool-looking, sexy mate! Mewtwo... oh you beautiful kitty... you are MINE! ALL MINE!" she said to no one in particular, imagining herself as Mewtwo's mate and second-in-command.

Lucario, him, blushed, thinking of Mew... "I do not know who has your heart right now... but I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my promise last time. I was so blind and insensitive... I won't do the same mistake twice. Our love won't be shattered twice." he thought to himself, dreaming of getting with Mew again. So foolish he had been not to plan accordingly to Mew's aftermath instinct... this time, he won't do that mistake and they shall forever be happy, together.

At this moment, Mew arrived in the council room. Ho-oh, high above his throne, looked down upon the pink kitty. "MEW!" he boomed. "YOU ARE LATE AGAIN! ANYTHING TO SAY FOR YOUR DEFENSE!"

Mew was unimpressed by her master. She knew she was stronger and anyway, everyone knew Ho-oh was a temperamental chicken that overreacted to everything. She smiled innocently and took on an adorable pose. "I'm sooo sorry Ho-oh. I'll be a good girl! Please forgive me... please?"

The massive overweight phoenix frowned and then said: "Fine... BUT BE ON TIME FOR LUGIA'S SAKE! I'm sick of you arriving so late!... and please take a BATH! You smell awful!"

Mew rolled her eyes and floated to her position. Whatever the big boss says. She sat down at her chair while Ho-oh begun the meeting, as usual. She dreamed of Mewtwo as she sat there, unaware that Celebi and Lucario were plotting to change the pairings...