Chapter One-A Love Lost

Story by Kissaki on SoFurry

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#1 of Runnig for the Sins We Make in Love

I have had this story stuck in my head for some time, I just needed to get it out. It is the first part in a series. Though there isn't much Yiff in this one, and it is only human, well, you can figure out that it won't be like that for long. This story is nothing more then my perverted imagination, and my vision of the future. Hopefully you will like reading it as I liked writing it.

Usual disclaimer space, no reading if you are under eighteen, blah, blah, blah. If you offended by Yiff, by sexual conduct, or by anything in that nature, hit the little "x" in the right hand corner of your screen.

Chapter 1-A Love Lost

He lay by her, his Kat lay in his arms. The love of his life, his newly wed bride, his half to make him whole, laid contently by him. Her raven black hair lay to her side, and she slept deeply, comfort, knowing that he was there.

He had finally drifted off to sleep, and dreamt of the night's earlier 'excitement.' They had returned from their honeymoon earlier that day, him carrying her sideways through the door, as not to hit her head upon it. The memory's still played in his subconscious, lingering on the time they after they had gotten home.

Their passion had been heated, after carrying her through the door, and before he had even set her down, their lips were interlocking, and exploring the depths of the others mouths. His dreams were recounting those events, of his arms going to her bare shoulders, of as his hands slowly removed her dress, revealing her beautiful, tight, C-cup breast, and pulling it down to reveal her gorgeous waist, leaving it at just below her belly button.

They broke their locks on each others jaws, and his mouth quickly went to her exposed breast. He sucked on her tit, as a new born would suckle for milk. As he gently bit upon the nipple, and began teasing it with his tongue, before sucking at the flesh once more.

Breaking the powerful suction cup lock on her breast, he began to pull off her dress the rest of the way to expose her lovely legs, and 'other' parts.

Just as he began to go down upon them......

Beep....Beep....Beep.....Beep.... The annoying sound of the alarm clock, as usual, woke him from his paradise.

Slipping out of bed, slowly, as not to disturb his sleeping wife, and he slowly made his way across the room. Stopping at the door, he stared, and someone stared back at him. A five foot, eight inches tall man, with a lightly defined body, ice blue eyes, and hair just lighter then that of the one sleeping in bed. Reaching toward him, the man grabbed the knob of the door, and opened it, causing the other man to change positions, as the mirror altered its angle.

He reached into the closet, and grabbed a pair of jeans, and s short sleeve T-shirt, taking them to the shower with him.

The lukewarm water woke him up, as he washed his body, and got out. As he was shaving, his Kat had woken, and come into the room, giving him a hug, so to avoid getting the shaving cream on her face. As he finished up, she undressed, and made her way into the shower.

He dressed himself quickly, and went downstairs to make breakfast.

Having the breakfast done when she came down, which consisted of an omelets and toast, he handed her a plate, and they ate it quickly, they both had work to get to.

Leaving before she could finish her breakfast, and went outside. Their stood two vehicles, a 2032 Zeus, a truck that was only a couple of years old, and it still looked new, and a 2034 Phoenix, a nice little sports car that he had bought her for her birthday not to long ago.

Getting into the Zeus, he pulled out of the driveway, and left their small suburban neighborhood, and got on the highway. It took him twenty minutes to get from his dream home, to his work place at Social Genetics, where he worked.

Pulling into the parking lot, he found his spot in the parking lot, and headed for the door for his first day of work coming back from his vacation. He walked, and was stopped by the security guard on duty.

"Hey Mack" he called over to the guard as he handed him his ID.

"Hey Mike, good to see you back, Watch out for the boss, he is in a bad mood at the moment." Said the security guard as he swiped the card and passed it back to him.

"What happened? Don't tell me another one."

"Yep, Another Illegal activity, another law suit, and he is just looking for someone to vent on."

"Thanks for the advice man, see you later" Mike called back as he entered the door.

Entering the building, he was in a long, sterile, white hall. After walking for about a minute through a maze of corridors that he had long ago memorized. Passing a few other scientist, such as his colleague D. Warrals, a scientist, determined to get Parrots to speak proper English for those that can't speak for themselves. Though he found the goal "amusing" he did give credit to the guy for being a brilliant scientist.

After passing Warrals, he almost made it to his laboratory, when a voice rang over the intercom, and a womanly voice rang out. "Will Micheal Thomas, please report to the main office, will Michael Thomas, pl ease come to the main office." The voice belonging to the secretary Mrs. Smithson, a plump woman of about 46.

Walking down to the main office, back near the door he had entered the building at. The office, a room of not much, but the usual office. An intercom system, and a door leading to the office of his boss.

The secretary, hardly looking up, speaks up. "Just go right in, he is waiting for you." Pointing at the wooden door.

As he entered the office, a huge room, compared to the he had just left. A two part desk, with files in front, and a computer in back, with the chair facing away from the door, towards the computer. Upon the desk where several files, and a magnetic top, spinning around, and a few ball bearings batted back and forth on the other end. In the middle sat a name plate, with H. Bumm. After standing for a few seconds, the chair turned around, and for the first time since he left for vacation, he saw his employer and boss. A slightly short and plump fellow, by the name of Herald Bumm, or Harry for short. The thought of his parents, who must have been humorous, in order to give their son that name.

"So, do you know why you were called in here."

"Is it something to do about me getting back from my vacation, and the review of my salary, and the inspection of my lab, to make sure I wasn't performing any illegal activities." Mike quickly answered back.

"Yes, we had just come out of a lawsuit, because someone cut corners on some experiments, and the results weren't pretty, good thing only a few people were hurt, and none were killed."

"It is quite fortunate that no one was seriously hurt. Wouldn't you say"

"Yes, Yes, Now tell me, will your new wife get in the way of work?"

"No, she won't, We may be just married, but I value my job."

"Good, good, now then, on to business...." Herald was interrupted by a loud explosion, and he screamed. "WHAT IS IT NOW!!!" and looking over to Mike, "Get going, don't you have work to do? Our talk can wait, now scram."

Leaving the room quickly, just as the sprinklers came on, and Mrs. Thomas pulled out an umbrella, just in time to keep from getting wet, as she handed one to him, as they left the building.

By the time the fire department came and went, and a black faced employ was dragged out, and chewed out by both the well visited fire department, and Harry. Walking back into the building, and on his way down the maze of corridors, past, a blackened room of the scientist who had mixed a few of the wrong chemicals, just down the hall from his laboratory and entered.

He looked around; he saw the familiar plane of glass that separated him from the Genetic Compiler, a machine that they used for speed cloning creatures. It looked like a tall cylinder phone booth, with metal doors, and no way to see inside. Walking over to his computer, he turned it on, and was greeted with a welcome screen, after quickly signing in; he got the customary "Good morning" from his computer, which chirped out through the speakers.

Turning over to his sterile test tubes, still a bit wet from the sprinklers, he began messing the genetic DNA, that of a Persian cat. Some people are willing to pay big bucks if someone could find a way to keep those cats with no nose from not getting sick.

At about noon, he took his lunch break, eating a lunch that his wife had fixed for him, consisting of not much more then some instant beef, and a few other instant foods, that were thought impossible until just recently. Calling her on his cell-phone, which was not much more then a headset hooked onto his ear.

"Hey Darling" She said, when he picked up the phone to answer him.

"Hey Hun, how are you doing? Yea, about an average day at the office, only one explosion thou, so I count it lucky."

"Well, that is good Dear, well, I have to get back to work. I have some work to do, unlike you, I don't have a nice boss like you."

Alrightty, I will talk to you when I see you at home. Love you Darling."

After finishing up his lunch, he got back to work, and began messing with the DNA once more, putting it back under a microscope.

He had worked for a few hours, till about 4, 4:30, and about ready to leave work, and to head home. He didn't know the exact time, he never bothered to check the clock, when his cell-phone rang, ringing. Picking it up, and hitting talk, giving his usual, "ello" into the microphone.

The reply was, in an official sounding voice, was a question. "Micheal Thomas?"

"That's me" he replied.

"Your wife, Katherin Thomas, was involved in a severe traffic accident, she didn't survive. I am very so..."

The worlds were cut off as the phone fell to the floor, and a cry that he was sure that was heard halfway across town tore from his throat.

Comment, I want to know how I can make it better.