A League of His Own

Story by Z-Byte on SoFurry

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#14 of Machinations of a Trainer

And we have sex again!


Enjoy, friends.


"First of all," said Champion Seth Albright, taking off his blue hat and revealing the short, black hair beneath it. "I'd like to say: congratulations to the winners of this contest."

I smiled when he said winners. I figured knew my victory wasn't a solitary effort.

The man began pacing back and forth on the stage, putting his wrists behind his back in a calm manner that was the complete opposite of the fiery entrance he made. "However, this is more than just a pat on the back for a job well done. You all may or may not realize this, but it takes more than simple skill to climb to where you are today."

I turned my head over to May, who I was sure could be the leader of the Seth Albright fan club, to see if she knew what the Champion was talking about, but she was still staring at him with a twinkle of awe in her eye. I returned my attention to Seth, hoping that he would clarify what I believe I already knew. Smiling, I put my hand on Katherine's head. All of my Pokemon were behaving as they should: Katherine was sitting up straight, her spine frozen in a mix of awe and anticipation as she looked on at Seth after his meteoric entrance. Kiki was asleep on top of Angel, who stared in silence. The chairs weren't built for flygons, so Celia stood behind me, leaning against my back with her claws around my chest in a sort of hug as she looked over my head and at the Champion. Trent was still outside, and I made it a point to go find him after Seth's show ended. Fara sat beside May, giving her the same look she gives me when we telepathically connect. I wonder what she was saying...

"Skill is only one part of being a trainer," said Seth, moving on. "You also need knowledge, strategy, guts, spirit, bravery, and luck. Your performances today have shown me that you are in no way lacking in these departments."

In the back of my mind, I was chuckling. Those were the fundamentals of being a trainer. Luck, spirit, bravery, and guts I knew I had, but matters of knowledge and strategy were, as I have been told, 'beyond me', despite the crap I pulled when I battled Tameri. Who knows, maybe I'm getting better at this whole 'thinking before you leap before you look' thing.

"Yes," Seth continued. "A good trainer who possesses these attributes is lined up to become a master. But, to become elite, to reach the pinnacle, to possess the Champion's belt, that takes something more. A bond."

Katherine was still staring at Seth with almost as much awe as May, but her eyes lacked May's twinkle that said 'he's so amazing'. The Champion smiled, "As a great man once said: 'Pokemon, in their natural state, are wild and free. At times they hinder us, at times they help us. For one to fight alongside Pokemon as partners, one needs a virtuous heart. Pokemon touch the good hearts of trainers and learn right from wrong. They touch the good hearts of trainers and grow strong.' I believe in this man's words."

Seth stopped in his tracks, addressing everyone as he stood in the center of the ring. "In ancient times, the line between Pokemon and human was blurred to non-existence. Human towns would conduct trades and transactions between tribes of Pokemon, and some would even go as far as to create a place where Pokemon and human could live together as equals, eating at the same table and working side by side with us as partners. In order for a trainer to achieve true power from this bond, they must cast aside their own distinctions between them and their Pokemon and look upon them as those before us have: as their friends and companions, unlike other, less reputable sources would have you believe that Pokemon are wild animals only here to be used as our tools and weapons."

Tameri seemed to wince at those words, almost as though she wished she were somewhere else right now.

"But I digress," said Seth, removing a pokeball from the center of his glimmering golden belt buckle and enlarging it with a small burst of embers, eliciting a little gasp from May and several 'ah's' from the crowd. "None of you came here to watch me talk your heads off, and a visual aid always helps in understanding. Allow me to show you the power you can achieve once you cast aside the line between Pokemon and human."

"I summon you," said the Champion, tossing the pokeball into the air with a little flourish. "Ares!"

The audience was silent as the ball seemed to flow in slow-motion with their anticipation. When it reached the height of its arc, the seemingly normal capsule opened, filling the air with a loud click and illuminating the darkened room with a bright flash. A wide, heavenly beam of light shot down from the ball, hitting the ground behind Seth and spreading in a circle of ethereal flame. The form within the circle began to rise from a kneeling position slowly, its materializing form making the white light turn shades of dull yellow and red.

As it finished, a blaziken stood back to back with the Champion, its powerful, feathered body flowing downward into thick, powerful legs. Its arms ended in three sharp, bird-like talons, and its head was like a horned falcon, its golden, piercing eyes staring over the crowd as its long, white hair slowly danced with the wind from its recent release. "Beautiful," I heard May say, eliciting a nod from Fara. Katherine shivered, and I think I knew why. When Ares was called out, I felt something in the pit of my stomach. It was like a shockwave of power that passed through us and continued to move, as though we weren't worth its time.

With a roar of cheering from the audience, Seth removed his jacket, revealing the black t-shirt he wore beneath it and two strange, silver bangles around his wrists. There were strange, red stones centered in both of them. Seth and Ares stepped apart wordlessly, as though they knew exactly where to go and what to do without communicating a single word. To me, it was obvious that this was rehearsed in some way.

As I watched Ares walk, I noticed that, despite his obvious grace of movement and almost noble demeanor, he seemed like an ordinary blaziken. I haven't seen many of them, but they all looked similar to the one standing before us all. Both of them reached about five steps away from the center of the ring, standing on opposite sides and turning to face each other. "Ares," said Seth, spreading his legs from back to front and bending them slightly into a martial artist's stance. "Let's show everyone how we train."

Ares nodded and assumed a different stance, a heavier one more focused on putting weight into the legs, and the crowd went silent, the murmurs of the great bird's entrance slowly dying down as the heavy tension clouded the room.

With a step, the blaziken leaped into the air, the powerful legs of the creature capable of clearing a building with their strength. He reached the ceiling and began his descent, blasting like a rocket downward onto his trainer. Seth was smiling upwards at the beast as it came crashing down, the Champion raising his arms to block the attack. The blow connected with the bangles on Seth's arms and a loud crack was heard as Ares' claws slammed against the small silver shields, the force of the blow being sent through Seth's body and into the ground, creating a small vortex of dust as the power behind the attack dispersed into the ground.

The audience seemed stunned; Ares just attacked Seth! The power behind that blow would have crushed a stone, let alone a human being. I want to say that the blaziken was holding back so that his trainer wouldn't be hurt, but I couldn't be too sure.

With the speed of a lightning bolt, the Champion took both of his arms and wrapped them around his blaziken's leg, twisting ferociously and sending the bird into a flying spiral backwards to the place where he began. Ares landed on his feet, spinning around and returning to his fighting stance as the crowd let out sounds of awe.

Seth began running, covering the ten-step distance in only a second before launching a wave of punches at his own Pokemon. With the same grace as his steps, Ares bended and blocked each one, taking some steps back and returning a volley of kicks that lashed out at insane speeds, only to be parried by the bracers on the Champions arm.

Ares made one more powerful kick against his trainer and another ringing clash rang out into the audience, Seth using the force behind his Pokemon's blow to return to his side of the arena with a long leap. I've only seen old kung-fu movies move this fast, and I know for a fact that those are sped up beyond the capacity of a normal human. They must have rehearsed this one event for weeks.

When they became still once more, I noticed something strange. They weren't even breathing heavily! In fact, their breaths were slow and focused, and each inhale and exhale was met at the same tempo as their counterpart, the synch of their moves even going so far that they breathe at the same rate.

Then, Ares did something I was certain Seth couldn't copy, and it revealed his awesome power to me. With a high, falcon-like cry, an explosion of sapphire flames erupted from the blaziken's wrists and feet, burning outwards and upwards like a torch and lighting the room with their flickering, almost blinding blue as the heat made tiny sparks of what seemed to be lightning dance across the creature's form. Ares leapt forward this time, reaching Seth within half a second and wheeling around his burning leg in mid-air. Katherine's, May's, and even my own eyes went wide; even if Seth could block the force of the Blaze Kick, how would he stand against the fire?

He wouldn't. Instead of dodging, the champion simply closed his eyes and brought his arms to block the blow. As they connected, a loud roar and a stream of blue flames shot outwards above the audience, giving us all a taste of their extreme heat while it impacted harmlessly against the wall behind us all. Everyone gasped. Had something gone wrong? Seth's body was completely engulfed in the blazing fury of Ares' attack.

With another roar, the flames encapsulating the Champion flickered and died, leaving him standing there unharmed as Ares kicked off of his bracers, returning once more to his own side. Somehow, Seth seemed different. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he seemed to change as the fire around him dissipated.

Seth slowly took his hands down, as though the attack had nothing more than a slowing effect on him. Taking a deep breath, the Champion let his arms fall to his side. "The warm-up is over!"

In a flash of red, the gems on Seth's silver bracers ignited, sheathing his arm in crimson flames and reflecting into the whites of his eyes, making them seem as golden as his Pokemon's. The audience gasped; I even heard someone scream, probably May. Seth's entire calm, collected stance melted away into a burning mass of fury, charging Ares as the blaziken reformed his azure blaze and met against his trainer head on.

Red met against blue in the middle of the flames, sending roaring wings of heat upwards and outwards, the streams like arms that swept over the audience, seeking to grasp them with their burning claws of ruby and sapphire. Falcon-like cries and shouts of effort rang out through the grumbling fire and clash of claws on metal. I had to strain, but I noticed one thing about their eyes. There was this look in them, and I felt a wave of realization to couple the wave of heat that swirled around my ivory hair, tussling whatever wasn't held down by my headband.

This routine wasn't rehearsed. At least, not in the same way one would rehearse for a performance or a play. This was practiced in the same way me and Trent practice my swordplay and his leaf blade at the same time. There is a routine, but there isn't a point in doing it unless both of us are giving our all. I've ended up with more than a few bruises from misplaced guards.

Seth and Ares broke-apart their close quarters combat and slid to their sides of the ring, returning to their stance and building the flames up one more time. Their entire bodies were sheathed in flame, and unless they were color coded by the flames they bore, I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart. They charged each other one last time, colliding, fist against foot, with an explosion that created a large, beautiful dome of blue flames being encircled by a serpent of red, the blast surrounding the entire stage and obscuring our view of the trainer and his Pokemon.

The curtain of red and blue flames died, falling as though broken as Seth and Ares stood back to back once more, on opposite sides of where they began. The entire audience cheered, save for me, my Pokemon, and Tameri, for we were too busy looking on in awe. What those two just did shocked us on so many levels. That was power, and lots of it. Too much...

As the cheering died down, Ares took a noble bow as Seth recalled him to his capsule, placing him back on his belt. The lady with the serpentine, red hair spoke of a few more things on the Champions behalf, but my head was too busy swimming in its own thoughts to register the things she said.

I blinked, putting my hand down on Katherine's head, knowing that she was thinking the same thing I was.

*Do we even stand a chance against them?*

In order to become a Champion, you have to defeat the other in an official six-on-six battle. I could become a gym leader, even a member of the elite four easy, but if I want to realize my dream, the man standing before me must fall.

Shaking my fears of defeat away, I looked back onto the stage, where Seth was stepping off with another roar of applause, picking his blue hat and coat off of the ground the same manner as I had after my performance with Angel. He turned back to the audience, almost directly at me, and smiled, waving once before stepping out the stage door, the rest of the audience beginning to leave.

The show was over.

* * *

"Fantastic," said May, absolutely beaming as a result of Seth's amazing performance, hugging her new treecko doll tight enough to choke an actual member of the species. "I thought we needed a hospital when he burst into flame, but it was all part of the show! When he started using that kung-fu that he used, I realized that the rumors behind his disappearance where they said he trained with a bunch of martial artists were true!"

"Yeah, it was impressive," I said half-heartedly. Katherine stepped to one side of me with a solemn expression, Fara to my other, closer to May, and Celia hovered behind me, fidgeting as though she had something to say. I smiled, knowing my flygon was more obedient in her little vow of silence than Katherine was. "May, could you get me checked in for one more night at the Pokemon Center?"

"You know, Mauville has a nice hotel. With the prize money you won, you could afford to spend a night or two there."

"Prize money?"

"Yeah, you forgot to pick it up before you left. Here," May walked over to me and handed me a small card. Mauville's name was printed on it, so I figured that I could only spend the money here. My gear was already stocked, save for one full restore, and I doubted that they sold those here. Sighing, I took her up on her offer. "Sure, on one condition."


"Katherine doesn't need to stay in the ball."

My absol looked up at me when I mentioned her name and smiled. "M...Master?"

"There are some things we need to talk about, and I'd rather do it sooner than later."

May thought for a moment, and then nodded. "It's a pretty big hotel, so I'm sure they have some trainer suites. I think Seth is staying in one now before he returns to the League. Tameri, too!"


I sighed, "Alright, if that card can get me a free room, then I'm all for it. Take Fara and Kat with you; I'm going with Celia to find Trent and Bastilla."

"Kay," said May, the two quadrapedal Pokemon stepping to her side obediently as Celia lowered herself to the ground, offering me the lift I needed. "I'll give you a call on my pokenav when we've booked your room, alright?"

I nodded and Celia's wings started to sing. As I rose above the ground, I saw Katherine watching me leave. It probably wasn't a good idea for me to leave her alone, especially at a time like this, but tonight I'm going to set us both straight.

I took out my pokenav and began the hunt, the interference from the recently lit neon lights causing the machine to hiccup and take longer to find my sceptile. About a minute into the aimless flying, Celia spoke to me, her angelic, soft voice. "Er... Master?"


"Um... I wanted to tell you. The man with all the fire?"

My voice went deeper. "Champion Seth?"

"Yeah," she said, her voice a little shaky as though what she was about to say would get her in trouble. "He... um... is the person I talked to on top of the cliff."

I raised my brow. "So, the Champion is the one who knows all about me, huh?"

"I'm sorry-"

I patted her neck. "Don't be. It's only fair that he knows as much about me as I do about him."

"So... It's okay?"

"It's okay."

I heard her breath a sigh of relief beneath the song of her rapidly beating wings. Truth be told, I was a little upset, but Celia didn't mean anything by it, and no harm was done.

Still... if he was the one that talked to Celia, then maybe he could tell me more about this bond that allows me to understand my Pokemon's speech. I made a mental note to look him up once I found Trent.

My pokenav beeped, signaling that it had found my sceptile's location. I was delighted to see it wasn't too far from here, and he seemed to be on the move back towards the town. I gave Celia the directions and she nodded, slightly shifting her flight course. I knew she was a little tired with the night approaching, but I was happy to see that her heat no longer had such a heavy effect on her. I reached my arms around her broad neck and looked over her shoulder, spotting the green blur of my sceptile as he made his rapid return to the city. He must have heard Celia, for he stopped and looked to the sky. *The black ball on his shoulder must be Bastilla,* I thought, my flygon beginning her descent.

"He looks like he has something to say," said Celia, watching as Trent shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"Well then,' I replied, moving to hop off of her back.

"Let's hear what it is."

* * *

"You shouldn't stress so much," said Fara in her natural tongue, looking at her absol friend with a worried expression on her vulpine face. "You honestly think that you can't take Seth down?"

Katherine glared at her. "I shouldn't stress? Were you even paying attention!? The guy was on FIRE, and then he EXPLODED, only to emerge from it all without a scratch! And, from what I've been told, blaziken has a Fighting type! Fighting types and I don't go well together!"

Fara shook her head. She wasn't going to be able to council the absol herself. Zack was going to have to intervene. The two Pokemon followed May into the hotel, where they were met by the female receptionist. "Welcome, trainer. How can I help you?"

As May carried out her the proper paperwork of getting Zack and herself some rooms, Fara looked to Katherine. She was still down-trodden, and she didn't like seeing one of the usual pillars of strength in the party weakened in such a way. The ninetales put a paw on her friend's shoulder.

May turned around, holding two room keys. "Alright, let's go get you all set up. The card was able to pay for both of our rooms, and get us a good dinner and breakfast tomorrow."

Kat sighed, standing on her hind legs and looping her horn on Zack's keychain. "Lead the way, squishy."

The insult didn't have the usual tone to it, and May felt bad for Kat's current mood. They turned and walked away from a confused receptionist, leaving her to wonder if she just heard an absol talk.

* * *

I walked up to Trent, watching as May's sneasel crawled off his back and walked over to Celia. My sceptile and I stared at each other for a while, though I don't know what I was expecting to happen.

I don't know why, but I felt as though I had to break the ice with my own Pokemon. The silence was beginning to get to me. "Hey, Trent, how have ya been?"

"I've been well," replied my sceptile, his deep, yet serpentine voice giving him an elegant, yet powerful accent. I knew he didn't know I could understand him, so I was glad he still responded to me in such a way despite our apparent language barrier.

"So, are you ready to head back? May is booking us a room at a hotel. I don't know if I can allow you guys to roam free in it or not, but I would think it's time for a rest anyway, yeah?"

"Of course," said Trent, but he seemed to be put-off on something. "But on the subject of May, I have a request."

I was a little surprised. If he didn't know I could understand him, then why would he ask me any questions? I came up with an answer to satisfy my curiosity: Trent and I are so close that maybe he had already known I could understand him somehow. It wasn't that big a deal, so asked; "Sure, what's on your mind?"

My sceptile gave me a curious look, as though he didn't expect me to respond so easily to him. "Er... Okay. This is a bit awkward for me to say, obviously, but I feel it has to be said. I am in luff-damn it, love, with May. I seek your approval to pursue her."

I probably should have been more surprised, but to be honest, other things were on my mind. "Why do you need my permission, Trent?"

"You were her first mate, and as far as I know, you are her current one. I do not want there to be complications between you and I, especially this close to the Master's tournament, so I want to make sure it is alright..."

"Hey, it's fine with me, pal." I stepped forward and patted my shocked sceptile's shoulder. "Wha... Really?"

"Sure, why not? Hell, I'll even help you."

"I... don't understand."

I cocked my head. "Hm?"

"I was expecting to speak about my reasons, about how I've had these feelings for May and about how, while Katherine occupies your time, May seems to still want companionship. I just... wasn't prepared for a blatant acceptance."

I couldn't help but laugh. He was prepared for everything but 'yes'. "If you want, you can run them by me on the way back. Celia needs a break, and she can't exactly carry all of us."

"No, I think I can handle getting something that I wished for," said Trent, smiling. I turned and walked back to Celia, stroking her neck. "Ready for a nap, girl?"

"Am I ever! OH, sorry, I didn't mean you were being a burden or anything, I'm just..."

I shook my head. "Get some rest. You can apologize all you want when you wake up."

My flygon giggled, which I thought was a little funny. I recalled her to her pokeball, turning back to Trent as Bastilla climbed up by back, resting on my backpack. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," said Trent, beginning to walk on all fours as he made his way back to the town, me by his side. "Though I have one question for you, Zack."

"So does everyone. What's up?"

"Why were you not surprised that I can speak your language?"

I stopped in my tracks, looking to my sceptile with wide eyes. "Wait..."

"You're speaking human!?"

* * *

The cat was out of the bag as far as me, Trent and Bastilla were concerned. I explained my newfound gift to the best of my ability, while Trent gave me a rundown of his time practicing the human language with Bastilla, giving me a grander scale of how much my Pokemon cared for my best friend. We all made a joint agreement to not tell anyone of our language skills, and then walked into town.

At the front desk, I was given my room number and an ultimatum: I could only have one Pokemon out of its ball in my room. The rest would have to stay on the revitalizer located in the room. I already made plans to have a talk with Katherine, so I returned Trent and Bastilla to their balls, looking for May to return her sneasel. When I found her, she asked me a question before I could react. "Can Fara stay in my room tonight?"

"Well," I started, hoping that I could have had Trent stay with her instead, to give him that window he needs. "Why Fara?"

May bounced. "I can't say, but she told me it's important. Please?"

*Damn it, Fara,* I thought, watching the window close on me. I didn't want to raise any suspicion, wanting Trent and May's moment to be more romantic than something that I had to trap May into, and I couldn't exactly make up a reason for Fara's absence seeing as how she can speak as well. While I never like having secrets held against me, maybe this is just karma for keeping my ability to understand Fara and Kat's poketongue. "Alright, on one condition."


"We start traveling together for a while."

"That's odd. You sure I won't be a 'burden'?"

I smiled. The way she said burden was a mockery of Katherine's usual fiery attitude. "Naw. You're just what my team needs?"

May smiled and crossed her arms. "A squishy little girl to make fun of to boost everyone's self-esteem, right?"

"More or less." I said. Half of me was hoping she'd decline, but either way, we would get what we needed. If she agreed, then Trent will have all the time we can spare to spend with her.

"Alright," she said, uncrossing her arms. "Consider May Birch at your service, Mr. Stone. Your life seems like a much more exciting study then the migratory patterns of the West Hoenn swellow."

I patted her on the shoulder. I wanted to say that Fara wanted to bed May like a vixen in heat, but something in the back of my mind shunted that idea out. There was something specific, though I wasn't sure why I thought that. May knew what it was, but she wasn't supposed to tell me, and she was excited about it. The day May is excited about sex with a Pokemon is the day that Katherine starts wearing pink.

Again, however, I shook the thoughts from my head and cleared them, arriving at the entrance to my room.

The quarters were lavish, though no window was in sight. There was a shelf and other accommodations for guests that had an extended stay, and a computer and other equipment for trainers to use. I put all of my pokeballs, save for Kat and Fara's, on the revitalizer, walking to the PC. I took a look at my trophy, admiring my white hair in its reflection before putting it on the small table beside the monitor and sending it to my home. I have a rather lonely trophy case that I know it would love to be acquainted with.

After sending the golden chalice, I turned around to see Katherine lying on my bed, her white-furred form curled beside the equally white pillows, her black face staring at me with a frown as her crimson eyes sparkled with a glint of inner frustration. She opened her mouth with a sigh. "Hey."

I walked over to her, sitting on the lip of the bed. "Hey. What's up with you?"

"Stupid question," she replied coldly. "Seth and Ares. I don't think I can beat 'em."

"Of course not," I said, my words making Kat look up at me with a hurt expression. "You can't beat him. Neither can I. None of our friends or any one Pokemon on my team has the power to match him blow for blow."

"But," I continued, lifting her chin with a gentle hand. "This may sound a bit corny, but if we combine our strength, I don't see why we couldn't hold our own, even bring him down. Everyone has a weakness, and if we work together, I'm sure we could find a chink in his armor."

Kat smiled, her eyes softening. "You're right."


"Yeah. That was a bit corny."

I returned her smile as she pulled her head into my lap, leaning heavily against my stomach. I scratched the sensitive spot beneath her horn, smiling as she gently kicked the pillows with an uncontrollable spasm.

"I...ah...hate it...when you-oh...do that. I can't...control my leg!"

I chuckled, "You know you love it."

A playful growl emerged from my absol's throat as she continued to kick. I stopped scratching and she sat up, shivering and shaking her head. I wondered if she knew anything about Fara and asked her about what I saw, only to get a "No clue, Master. You sure they aren't fucking?"

"I doubt May would be so enthused about having hot lesbian sex with a Pokemon."

"You'd be surprised..."


Kat grinned, her ivory teeth showing under her black lips. "Ah, nothing."

"In any case," I said, bringing up my next point, "She's going to be traveling with us for a while."

"Aw, so I have someone to pick on? You're so sweet, Master," said Kat, licking me on my cheek.

"It's not for you so much as it is for Trent."

My absol cocked her head, her horn pointing sideways with its new position. "Trent?"

"Yeah," I confirmed. "You'll find out later, I'm sure."

I lay back, letting my head rest on a pillow as Katherine's warm body walked up to mine, leaving little imprints on the ruby colored sheets as she straddled my upper body. "You know... Seth might be strong, but this bond he has with Ares has nothing on us."

Nodding, I placed my hands around Kat's white neck and pulled her in. "That it doesn't, my mate."

"These beds are nice... don't you think?" My absol's gaze began becoming more and more amorous. "Outside is nice, but something soft to lie on wouldn't hurt."

I let out a breath, smiling. "My, you're a horny little thing aren't you? Is your heat flaring up?"

"No," replied my absol with a coy smile, her body moving down my stomach and her crotch resting on my own, the fabric of my jeans separating my flesh from hers. "But thanks to my ex-mate, I have a lot on back-pay that I've been meaning to get out of my system."

I nodded, remembering her story about Hemlock and his absence during her many times of need. I sat up, causing the weight of her body to push down on my crotch, feeling the growing warmth of her arousal through my pants. I didn't see this spontaneous scene coming on, but the best sex is the kind you don't see coming.

"Let's see how dirty we can make the sheets before housekeeping calls tomorrow," I said, grinning with a sudden surge of passion and arousal. This was going to be different than before; we were in a public place. We couldn't scream as loud or move as hard, and there was the idea of being caught in the act that both horrified and thrilled me. The door was locked, the lights were off, and only the soft glow of the activated computer screen illuminated my mate's ivory features, glistening off of her black horn and making her beautiful, crimson eyes dance. I don't care if all of this sex ends up being the death of me, for, ever since that night, I've fallen into my own personal heaven, where others know me for my deeds and love me for what I am.

Surprising myself, I let out a primitive growl of pleasure in my throat as Kat leaned in, put her arms around my shoulders and began nibbling on the base of my neck. She seemed amused by this, giggling as she allowed me to remove my shirt. "So, is someone feeling like a Pokemon?"

Throwing my jacket and shirt aside, I looked back to my mate. Without a word, I shifted my weight forward, returning her nibbling treatment as I pressed my body onto hers, feeling her warm fur and beating heart beneath her chest. She gasped as my teeth found her neck's skin beneath her fur, her body tensing beneath me.

With one hand, I undid my pants, using my other to keep my absol 'entertained' by toying with the hot, soft flesh of her vulva, teasing them lovingly, coaxing the ginger smell of her arousal out of her as her lower lips became hotter and wetter.

Soon, I was completely naked, the hot fur of my mate and the cold, soft blankets beneath us creating a tiny whirlwind inside my body as the temperatures collided. I sat up, letting my erect cock stand at attention as Katherine leaned forward, her black face coming to rest before my throbbing head, her eyes following its bobbing head with hungry eyes. She brought her claws around my maleness and licked it, her warm, wet, pink tongue teasing my tender cockhead and eagerly swallowing the beads of pre that leaked from it.

I moaned, putting my hand on the back of my absol's head as she lowered her maw, taking my maleness into her mouth and pumping back and forth, swirling her head around my tip, her cheeks pulsing with suction, her throat vibrating with a humming moan and swallowing convulsions. Feeling the heat and delightful dampness of her mouth caused me to shudder, sending sweet shivers down my spine as I held onto her horn for support. "Ah... You're good, Kat..."

My absol withdrew from my crotch, parting with a teasing lick. "Thank you, my Master."

I put my arms on her shoulders and lifted her, pushing her back onto the bed with a gentle thud. Gripping her thighs, I turned her over and lifted her moist cunt to my face, taking deep the scent of her ginger arousal and extending my tongue to her black box, softly teasing the outside and replacing her juices with my saliva. Knowing she couldn't scream, her face dove for the blankets, her mouth biting small holes through the sheets and her claws bunching more of the crimson covers beneath them. Despite her efforts, a few loud gasps made their way out of her mouth as my mouth muscle made its entry into her wet tunnel. Her back legs, not touching the bed, began pedaling in mid-air as she spasmed, signaling the approach of her orgasm.

"Ah... By the Original One," panted Katherine in her own language, partially muffled by the sheets. My mouth cracked with a smile as my lips parted, taking her entire box into my mouth as I started sucking on her, drinking her feminine cum as she came onto my tongue, her loud yell barely stifled.

While my absol was in the throes of her orgasm, I dropped her body, wrapping my arms around her chest and pulling her against my chest. My standing cock was placed against her shivering cunt and, with a thrust, I pushed into her, making us both wince and moan with our stifled cries of pleasure. Her paws shot outward, flailing, almost swimming in midair. I put my hand over her mouth to muffle her cries and began pumping, her lips drooling on both ends and leaking onto my hands and flowing onto the sheets. Her warm cunt seemed to be having a seizure as my thrusts began, her arms dangling weakly as my other arm stabilized her by reaching around her white furred body. I loved the positions he was in, sitting on top of me, her head held high as she whimpered and gasped into my hand as I drove into her. She couldn't escape from my grasp, even if she wanted, and we both knew that that wasn't the case. Her helpless, almost limp body gave me that feeling of control over her normally powerful form, the feeling of domination that I should hold over her during our mating. It felt wonderful.

The odor of my masculine sweat and her soft, yet sharp ginger scent wafted through the air, blossoming out with each thrust. I looked over my mate's shoulder at the point of our union and I smiled, watching as the computer screen lit up the glimmering web of our sex in a glistening, lewd web. I pumped faster, watching the web collapse with the force and speed of my thrusts as Katherine clenched her teeth, drenching my organ with a wave of her warm cum.

"Kat," I gasped, wincing with pleasure. "I'm going to cum!"

Her helpless, weakened arms traveled to her sex, feeling the slight bulge my cock was creating as it pressed upwards against the inside of her cunt. I took my hand from her mouth and gripped her haunches as my orgasm piled against an invisible wall. With three powerful, lust filled, gasp inducing thrusts, I shattered my wall and let my seed flow into my mate.

"Ahn! I feel it! Ah... so... warm..." A look at my absol's red eyes revealed their lust-filled haze as she savored every spurt, every surge of my cum as it coated her inner walls. She fell limp in my arms, letting my cum fire into her and slowly roll out of her swollen vulva, leaving a pearly trail of white leading from her cunt and over my balls, letting them drip onto the sheets and stain them with our blissful act.

"This will be an interesting story to tell room service," I said, coming down from my orgasmic high.

Katherine was still panting, her tongue slightly lolling out of her mouth. "Only if I... get to tell them."

"Hah. I love you, Katherine."

"I... love me too... Master. What do we... do now?"

I smiled, hugging my lover more tightly to my body. "The computer is still on. I think I should show you a few sites I found."

"I'm all eyes, Master," said Katherine, being lifted by my strong arms. I pulled her off of my body, sighing as I felt my warm cum pouring from her hole and onto my slightly softened cock. Carrying her in my arms, I knelt in front of the computer screen and began pulling up several taboo sites, bringing up several pictures of men and women with Pokemon.

"I'm sure this isn't what Seth meant by 'bonding', Master," said Katherine, giggling as she watched an animated picture of a woman being lifted and plowed by a huge blaziken.

"He doesn't know what he's missing," I laughed, clicking over to watch the full movie.

The moment caught up with me. After a passionate bout of sex, I was watching Pokemon porn with my interspecies mate, making jokes about a nearly unstoppable opponent. And I was happy. I thought about what Seth had said, about how Pokemon and humans would eat at the same table, and that nearly no distinction would exist between the two, and I thought how much that rang true at this point in time. It was funny how fucking my Pokemon made me realize an epiphany, but that's how it happened.

"This one gives me some ideas, Master..." Said Kat, pointing to a picture of a young man a female machop. He had her pinned against the wall, one hand pressing hard against her back while the other guided her hips against his body. It was rough, but the pleasured look of the machop as her drooling mouth was pressed against the green wallpaper hinted to her true feelings.

I imagined doing this to Katherine and I felt my loins stirring once more. "I agree... Though let's try not to wake the neighbors."

Katherine smiled and walked up to the wall, placing her arms against it and spreading her legs. I got behind her and pulled her body upwards, one hand under her chest and the other around her haunches. As I slammed into her once more, a gasping moan alluded to a wild night. We were going to bleed that site dry.

And that was only the first page.


I hope you enjoyed it; I feel bad for putting this one off until the last minute. I've been working on it since 2 in the afternoon, and it's been 12 hours since I started.

A page an hour isn't my best work, but quality over quantity, dammit!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go destroy the Sinnoh elite four.

Thank you for playing,

Matt, the Z-Byte