Complex: Pool Party Day 1 -- Plots and Schemes

Story by AtomicCoon on SoFurry

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#15 of The Complex

_Its baaaccckkkk... The Complex makes it triumphant and extremely overdue return to the front page of YS! Sorry for the long delay folks. As some of you know, I had a bit of a dark streak, which gave birth to the Fayer House series. I'm in a bit more of a positive mood, which means the more positive series comes to the forefront. I want to thank all of you who have sat on my watch list, waiting for the Complex to return. Hugs all around. So now, the disclaimers!

Vulpeschild and Kiwi Cinnamon are use with permission. Adam Ethelwolf appears courtesy his player. All other (named) characters are property C. R. Ingtail (bka ME!)

Those new to my format, the 'Triple Dash' (--- ---) represents either a scene change or simply a point of view (P.O.V.) shift.

Blah Blah age disclaimer, since at least one of you lied on the front page, blah blah other stuff, dim lights, reveal movie screen and roll film!_

The weather couldn't have been any better as the first full day of the pool party took hold. The temperature was in the lower 80's, a mild cloud covering had taken control of the sky, and a faint breeze was in the air. Not the best for the few sun worshippers on the lawn chairs, but it allowed anyone and everyone to generally hang out. Greg was even nice enough to withdraw the canopy to allow sunlight to bathe the entire rooftop.

Elise was one of the few furs, let alone a true aquatic species, floating around in the pool. Well, the otter was more sitting on the bottom of the pool than she was actually floating, looking towards the surface to see if anyone of real importance had walked by or dove in. She soon gazed to her waterproof watch and saw she had under the water for at least five minutes, a new personal record for herself. She decided to pack it in, pushing off the bottom and gently rising to the surface.

"Hehe.. Go me," she said to herself, sneaking past a pair of splashing aquatic dragons before she grasped to the edge of the pool. She used one of her paws to force out the excess water on the top of her head, finally taking a moment to look around. She blinked quizzically when she saw all the males sniffing the air at once, then as all of their gazes turned towards the door that lead from the stairwell. Within seconds the door swung open, revealing a slightly clothed, gray furred vixen. All eyes seemed to follow her, the otter knowing that she was up here for one reason. She had beaten all eyes to looking towards the far end of the roof; spotting both of the lupine and the lupine-mix she thought would be involved.

She watched quietly as May spoke to Silvirus and Greg, the males respective actions giving her the faint idea of what was about to happen. The entire roof watched as the trio headed for the door again, but Elise continued to eye the feline left behind on the deck chair. She blinked as she watched the female cheetah huff lightly, the otter not giving a seconds thought as she pulled herself out the pool. She shook off her nude form of the water that trapped itself in her fur before she started towards the feline.

She soon realized she had been a bit heavy-footed, as the cheetah looked up to her within moments. "Hehe, guess your hearing is better than I give it credit for," Elise said with a chuckle, bending into a crouch next to the cheetah.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," the cheetah said, flicking some of her headfur from her face. She then laced a finger underneath one of her bikini top straps, adjusting it on her shoulder as she looked to the damp otter. "So, what owes me this little visit?"

"Well, I noticed that you were hanging out with Silver. And as you probably just found out, he's a little 'bound' at the moment." Elise gave a little snicker to her own joke, watching a slightly confused look form on the feline's face. She gave a light smile while stretching out a damp paw. "Ok, I think I'll explain myself a bit better. But first, I'm Elise Finas. What's your name, sweetie?"

"Elisabeth Goddard, but Lisa is fine. Nice to meet you." The cheetah reached out a paw, shaking the otter's softly. "Now. You mentioned about explaining yourself?"

"Right." Elise gave a light breath before starting. "I'll skip the long version, and give you a condensed one. What has happened a couple of days ago is that May, the vixen, gone into heat. She always seems to do that around the time of this party. When she does, she usually picks one guy among the normal tenants or guests to be her 'play toy,' for lack of a better term. And guess who she tagged this year?"

"She tagged my co-worker," Lisa mumbled out, slouching back a bit onto the deck chair.

"Wow, you catch on fast." Elise chuckled before continuing. "So for the long run, he's off limits unless you talk with May. And knowing her, the odds of you getting with him are slim to nil. Unless you happen to like girls." She looked over in time to see Lisa give a very blank stare. "Hehe... I'll take that as a no?"

"You can take it as 'I refuse to answer that.' At least to someone I just met." Lisa gave a coy smirk to the otter, causing one in return from Elise. A soft giggle slipped from Lisa's lips, the feline licking them and her whiskers before she continued. "Well, since I won't be able to get in touch with him for a bit, I think I'm gonna go back to my boarders and see what they are up to."

"Oh? Who you rooming with?"

"I'm with the 'Twins.' I know Nadal from a previous job." The feline got up quietly, looking back to the otter for a moment. "Oh. And their mate is back in town. Not sure if that was of interest to you, but I figure to let you know." She giggled gently before heading back to the stairwell, Elise watching for a few moments after the feline went down. She then continued to watch as Jamal followed behind Lisa.

"Ok. So I see that Silver is busy, and that fox boy is already at work trying to win." Elise gave a faint shrug before she stood again, stretching her arms out over her head. "Guess I'll need to step up my game a bit. Wonder where the loin could be?"

Kiwi had just stepped out the elevator, his jumpsuit and a sample size of laundry detergent in his arms. Not too far behind him was a husky with a basket stuffed with bed sheets and a container of laundry detergent. Both of them were chuckling lightly as they headed for the laundry room.

"Geez, Jen," the lion said calmly. "I didn't think he was that flexible."

"Well what do you expect? He hung around you for a majority of his life." Jennifer winked to Kiwi playfully before adding on. "And not to stereotype, but you felines are on flexible bunch."

They shared a light chuckle, Kiwi preparing a defense before they both stopped midstride. They were looking towards one of the lookout points turned temporary boarding, noting a male leopard was in a bridge gymnastic stance. He was craning his neck to give another male a rather eager blowjob while a female, white bunny was giving similar attention to the leopard's length.

They both stared in disbelief before Kiwi turned to Jen. "You know, I was about to argue that point. But he just proved me all kinds of wrong."

"Yeah, I would of won that one," Jen said, trying to keep a straight face. They both laughed before the husky moved towards the laundry room, stepping into it and looking around. Kiwi wasn't too far behind her, looking around her shoulder as he saw a few other furs. All were male, in either boxers or nude, and sitting on either a washer or a dryer.

"Hello boys," Jennifer spoke out, receiving a soft hello and various waves. She walked to a washing machine and stuffed in the sheets, pouring in some detergent before putting in the quarters to start the unit. "I take it you guys are all cleaning sheets?" she asked, not even turning her gaze away from her machine.

"You could say that," one of them spoke out. He was a dark gray wolf, slim in build, and the only one in boxers.

Jen chuckled lightly as she turned to face him. It was when she turned did that something clicked in her mind. There was a familiarity with the lupine. She blinked as she looked him over quizzically, tilting her head to her left. "I could, but we all know things have a tendency to get messy."

The lupine tilted his head as well before he smirked. "It depends on what you mean by messy, Skyline."

The canine smirked back, flashing her left paw to show a wedding ring wrapped around her ring finger. "Sorry, but its Hagauji now. But I never would of thought I'd see you again, Adam Ethelwolf."

"Yeah. Amazing what happens to one's life after a chance encounter on a hiking trip. Still one of the best times I had out in the mountains, you know." The lupine chuckled gently, watching the lion stuffing his jumpsuit into one of the other free washers. Adam blinked before looking back to Jen. "Hey. I thought you said you were dating this nice, military woodland fur. He doesn't seem like the most woodsy of species."

Kiwi had just started the washer before he turned, giving a soft chuckle. "Oh, you're mistaking me for my comrade. Chris used to be in the military, but got out. I still think it was cause he was chasing after this canine." He gave an innocent nod towards Jen, who countered with a slight scoff. His ears twitched to the sound, a faint smirk forming before he continued. "They're the ones who are mated. I'm just a friend here for the week."

"You're not the only one here for some fun," Adam said afterwards. "I just happen to know one of the guys on the ninth. Since he's out of town, I'm rooming in his place. I figure to at least keep his stuff clean, right?"

"Yeah, that would be considerate of you," one of the other males chimed out, causing a soft chuckle from the whole room.

Well, all but Kiwi. He had decided to just sit quietly on the washing machine he had stuffed his jumpsuit in. He was looking among the group of furs having a causal conversation, wondering just how one could talk such a lively and personal topics amongst complete strangers. As he adjusted the headset on his ear he wondered to himself the very question he posed, his gaze turned towards the doorway to the laundry room. His mind blanked in a heartbeat as he spotted an otter, swearing it was the one he saw yesterday. But was it really her?

He watched her gently as the female spoke to what appeared to be a hyena. The wild dog nodded towards the laundry room, it not taking Kiwi to figure a possible conversation. The otter appeared to giggle before turning, giving a very flirtatious grin right to Kiwi. He couldn't help but to blush, looking down to try and hide it. By the time he looked back up she was gone. His ears drooped lightly before he shook off the disappointment, giving a light blink when he heard someone speaking to him.

"So Kiwi, how do you know Chris?" Adam had asked lightly.

"Hagauji?" the lion stammered out, catching himself a moment later. "I used to be his partner of sorts when he was in the military. One of his friends talked him into a short tour, and he ended up staying around for about 6 years. Hell of a mechanic."

"That's ni-" the lupine started before he blinked and pointed down. "Hey, Kiwi. Cup check."

"Do what?" Kiwi stammered out before he looked down. He yelped loudly as he saw that he was pitching a tent in his jeans. He quickly covered himself, giving a very bright blush under his white fur as everyone else just chuckled to themselves. "Hehehe..."

"Hey guys, I wanna thank you again for letting me hole up in here." Hakim shot a light smile to the fox and the tiger that were cuddling in the living room. The puma himself was in the kitchen, loading a few plates with grilled food he had acquired from the barbecue on the roof.

"It's not an issue at all, Hakim," Raymon said softly, idly scratching behind one of the fox's ears. "You know you got a safe haven in case you and Jasmine have lover's quarrels."

"What he says is true," the vulpine chuckled out between murrs, nuzzling lightly into the rubbing paw. "But I'm curious. Just what did you and Jasmine get into this time?"

"Well, Kent, that's the funny part." The puma mumbled as he walked from the kitchen with three plates of food. "There wasn't much of an argument, per se. More like a difference of opinion."

"Yeah, and I'm the freaking Pope." Raymon said, grabbing the plates for himself and Kent. "Let's be real. I have heard wisps of you, Jasmine and a few others being involved in a little contest. Care to enlighten me a bit on that?"

Hakim had plopped down onto the couch across from the pair on the loveseat, taking a moment to lick the excess sauce from his fingers. "Do what? Oh... nothing to enlighten anyone. Except you might wanna be careful about Jasmine. She may go for someone a bit stripy."

"Do what?" the tiger spoke out, having stopped with a spare rib halfway to his mouth. "Alright, lemme get this right. Jasmine might come after me?"

"Just a thought," said Hakim. "Not to weird you out or anything. Besides, she doesn't know you're bisexual. And I'm not planning on letting her know."

"Uh huh." The tiger put down his meal on the coffee table, leaning back gently into the loveseat. "Looks like I'm screwed then. I think I know what's up here, puma boy. I'm yet to see another Bengal around these parts since the party started. And I know damn well she knows I'm bi."

"You think that's bad, Ray? Try wrapping your head around this one." Hakim leaned in closer, scanning back and forth slowly between the pair before fixing his gaze on Raymon. "What I need you to do is try your best to play hard to get. Get her sucked in on her efforts to try and sack you, so I could get the chance to win."

"Half." Both the puma and the feline looked to Kent as he said that. His demeanor wasn't the friendliest at the moment, leaning forward slightly against his knees. "If you want my Kitten to pull something like that, I want a piece of the pot. 50%, or I'm chaining him to the wall."

"Chain me?" Raymon said with a little disbelief. "I thought you weren't into that kind of stuff." He looked towards Kent silently, watching an evil smirk slowly form on his face. Ray gulped nervously before looking back to Hakim. "Yeah. I want at least some kind of payback for it."

"And I can work with half. Deal?" Hakim held out his paw over the coffee table, formed lightly into a fist. He waited a moment before he felt the tiger and the vulpine each tap their fists to his, locking the offer. "Alright then. I'm gonna need to teach you how to really set her off. Listen up, cause I'm only going over this once."

"You hear anything Neli?"

The rabbit shook his head lightly before he pushed off the wall, letting his form flop onto the couch. "I got nothing, Jasmine. The walls are thick enough that I can't hear." He huffed gently before he rolled over onto his stomach, looking to the puma. "So what you think Hakim is up to?"

Jasmine huffed lightly and shrugged, fiddling with the strap that kept her panties on her hips. She normally could sit nude, in front of anyone, but she felt more comfortable in her favorite lace underwear at the moment. "I don't know what that boy is coming up with. I'm pretty sure it's a plot against me."

"Well you do know you could always win now, right?" Neliken giggled playfully, a light sparkle emitting from his soft blue eyes. "I can quite easily change to a Bengal."

"Now that would be cheating." Jasmine chuckled slightly, fiddling with her tail with one paw. "Half the Complex knows that you're really a hermaphrodite vulpine, you silly shifter. A sexy one at that, I must add. But they'd know I was cheating to win. Especially your cousin."

"Who, Chris?" Neliken said, dismissing the simple notion of being ousted by him. "I'm pretty sure that he's the one who told half the Complex that I'm a shifter. He kills all my fun." The bunny pouted lightly before he sat up, scratching behind one of his long ears. He then acted as if someone planted something in his head, turning his form to face towards her. "Hey, I got an idea. I do believe that a white tiger is floating around this year."

Jasmine's attention was caught rather quickly, casting her tail aside to look towards Neliken. "There is? Oooo, an exotic." The puma couldn't resist a school-girl giggle before speaking again. "Think you could get me and him hooked up?"

"I'll see what I can do, sexy." Neli gave a sly wink before his ears drooped down over an eye. "But I'm still curious. Just why did you two decide to go into this contest?"

Jasmine just sat on her chair, pondering quietly. "You know, that's a pretty good question." She shifted on her seat, straddling her legs over one of the arms. "Guess I just wanted to see what my sexual prowess could muster for me. Or maybe I just wanted to try something a little different from Hakim."

Neliken could only smirk at that, his ears perking to attention. "What? He's not good in the sack anymore?"

"Oh, you'd wish," Jasmine said with a wink. "If all I cared about was the sex, I would have had another mate by now." She flashed the bunny a flirtatious grin before she sniffed the air. She then grumbled in annoyance as she quickly climbed off the chair, moving towards the oven in the kitchenette. "Dammit! I burnt my fries!"

Neliken snickered softly to himself before he got up, moving his swimtrunk-covered form towards the door. "That's a bummer, Jassy. But right now, I feel like wandering around for a bit. Catch ya on the flipside." They exchanged waves through a thin layer of smoke before he headed out, leaning against the door of the condo once he was outside. He flicked up his drooping ears as he looked around, noting an interesting and unmistakable scent. "Well Joan, I see you've been adding a few more victims."

A soft dolphin-like giggle came from around the corner before Joan showed herself, not wearing anything on her form. Neli found this a bit different, especially after he saw that her belly was as pink as bubble gum. The only thing she had on her form was a small stopwatch on a lanyard around her neck. He looked back up to her face, a light smirk forming on his muzzle. "Still running your contest?" he asked, forcing a soft chuckle from the dolphin.

"How'd you guess?" Joan said between chuckles, moving towards him slowly. "I still haven't found a winner. And to be honest, the last few I came across didn't even give me a full two minutes. And if I remember..." She smirked lightly as she was within a foot of the lapine. She then revealed a clipboard from behind her back, lightly laying it against his nose as she looked it over. "You haven't tried yet, hun. You wanna give it a shot?"

Neliken just chuckled, lightly pressing the board off his face. His swimtrunks were already down on the floor before she could properly pull the clipboard away, lightly taking her right wrist. He guided her next to the stairwell entrance, leaning his back against the wall before he pulled her towards him. "Do I at least get a chance to get used to the feel before you start the timer?"

"Nope," Joan said, quickly shaking her head. "Once you're hilted, I start. And as I can tell, I don't think you'll last." She gave her species unique giggle again as she took a firm hold on the lapine's fully erect length, eliciting a weak moan from him. "Yeah. Four minutes, tops."

Without another word from either of them, Joan stepped in closer, slowly and teasingly taking his cock into her hot folds. Neli bit his lower lip slightly, reveling in the tight feel that she already had on his length. He didn't want to look down, but he knew he wanted to. He peeked out the corner of his eye to see she only had a few inches left before she hilted him into herself. She seemed to slow her decent, grasping the stopwatch as she spoke softly. "Three.... Two... One..."

Right after she said 'one,' she fully hilted herself onto him. And Neliken had to claw at the wall to keep from jumping out of his skin. Joan had started what he could only describe as the feel of jacking off with both paws. A steady ripple along the length of his shaft, combined with the firm squeezing on the tip. He could feel his length starting to throb, taking in as many deep breaths as he could to try and stay calm.

Joan didn't let up for a second, knowing that she was starting to put him right where she wanted. She could have finished him within a minute, but felt that dragging him along would be more fun. She moaned weakly into his ear, the feeling of her efforts giving her a healthy buzz. Not to mention the dominatrix feeling that doing such a contest gave her. She looked to the lapine, watching him use the basic methods of deep breathing and self-inflected mind games to try and keep in control. She gave a smirk to herself prior to closing her eyes, deciding to not play nice anymore.

"Oh gods... gods that feels..." Neliken said in a hefty fog, trying whatever he could to hang on for a couple more minutes. All the efforts were proven to be in vain, however, when the actions against his length suddenly changed. The tightness around him increased nearly five-fold, with the rippling action along him feeling like several more paws had joined in. He inhaled sharply through his teeth and tried to not think of sex again. This attempt only made things worse, the lapine clamping his eyes closed as he felt his orbs lift. He gave an agonizing groan as he thrust into the dolphin, shooting his seed deep into the form that had practically abused his length. He groaned a bit longer before he slumped against the wall, what little of his brain functions forcing him to grip onto Joan's hips and pull her down with him. He panted for a long while, his tongue hanging out lazily as he tried to look towards Joan.

James continued to silently gaze through the small window on the door of the stairwell, observing Joan slowly stand to her feet after finishing off the bunny. "3:59," he heard her say through the rather thin door. "Looks like I called that one." James gave a smirk to himself before noticing that she was turning to head for the stairwell. So he quickly tucked himself into the space behind the door's swing path just as Joan opened the door.

Joan smirked as she petted the lapine between his ears, still giggling as she watched him squirm lightly on the floor. "Maybe next time?"

Neliken was still in a complete daze, barely even able to figure out which way the voice was come from. "Yeah... Maybe...."

James heard Joan's chuckling before seeing her duck into the stairwell. He knew this was his chance, forcing the door to its closed state with one of his paws. In one solid motion he reached with his unused paw, grasping onto Joan's right shoulder. He then spun her about and shifted his position, quickly and effectively pinning her back against the door of the stairwell. Joan was caught in a dazed, partly defensive and partly scared for a moment. She quickly shook this off, however, giving a firm series of whistles and trying to stare down her attacker. But instead of meeting someone eye-to-eye, she just got a face full of a white underbelly and a firm chuckle coming from above.

"Up here, Love," James finally said, a gentle smile forming on his snout as he waited for her to realize what was going on.

Joan took a second to comprehend, chuckling softly as she looked up to the soft blue eyes of the orca. "And a hello to you too," she giggled out. "Mind telling me why I'm against the wall?"

James just gave a soft smirk to her, leaning to press a bit of his weight against her gently. Joan continued to giggle before giving a soft erf, feeling an obvious swelling being pressed against her stomach. She knew what it was, but still down to confirm the slight pink tint on his belly. This time a nervous chuckle slipped from her throat before turning her gaze back up to him. "James?"

The orca didn't say a word, a rather firm look on his face now. He took a step backwards, turning his head in a way to motion for her to go up the stairs. Joan gazed towards him lightly, having never seen him like this. But she shrugged it off, turning to head up as directed. She didn't make it a couple of steps before she felt something grab her tail. She looked over her right shoulder in time to see James' massive paw grip her left, his second grasping her waist to bend her forward. She yelped loudly, reaching out to catch her fall. Using the stairs to maintain balance she looked to him, seeing that same firm look, but with a level of trust behind it. She figured what he wanted now, giving a playful squeak while lifting her tail slightly.

James demeanor quickly softened, soon giving a soft squeal of approval. He ran a paw softly along her hips, but raising an eye ridge when he came across a rough patch. "Joan?" he asked, slightly concerned as he rubbed at the spot. "I think you've been missing a spot when you shower."

"No I haven't." Joan chuckled to herself before smirking. "I went on the patch when you were on your last trip."

James couldn't but to chuckle now. "And here I was unsure how to bring it up that issue. Works better for me." He gave a firm slap to her ass now, forcing a soft cry from Joan. It also worked to get her tail up higher into the air, James smirking to himself before he thrust forward. He looked down towards her face, watching Joan's eyes go a bit wide. Probably because he had just rammed half of his monster cock into the smaller dolphin with no warning. He wasted no time before he started to thrust this reduced amount into her, knowing that she was nice and wet from her previous sex-capade.

James let the combined moans of him and Joan echo in his head for a while before looking up the stairs. And he couldn't help a smirk after spotting a bottlenose just looking down from the landing in shock and amusement. James just gave a mischievous grin before speaking in a dark tone. "Enjoying the show?"

"Yeah..." the male dolphin manages to force out. His gaze then turned towards Joan, murmuring his concerns in their feral tongue.

"No, she doesn't need help, bud," James answered for her, watching the dolphin fall backwards in slight shock. Before he could even be asked, James started to answer while never slowing inside of Joan. "Mphm... hehe. Here's the thing. This somewhat helpless girl happens to be my girlfriend. And a rather tight one at that." He gave her another slap on her ass, getting a loud squeak from her before continuing. "We taught each other how to interpret the others signals. But enough about those details. I'm a little busy."

Joan looked up towards the other male that had walked upon them, giving a hard blush from the level of embarrassment. But something else was a bit amiss. She looked over the bottlenose, seeing that even with his swim trunks pulled up his belly was starting to turn pink as well. This, along with her previous play, would have been enough to send her over the edge.

Problem was that she got distracted, James having nearly hilted into her stretched form. He grunts loudly and his body goes tense as he came, dumping his seed deep into her body. Joan gripped onto the stairs with her hands, shuddering from the warmth and wishing he would finish cumming so she could be finished off.

James panted for a bit longer before he slowly and carefully pulled out of her, patting on her rump gently. "Mmmm... thanks for that, hun."

"Do wha?" Joan stammered out, dropping to her knees against the steps. The best she could do was look up as the orca started to climb the stairs, not able to look up further than his heavy length just swinging in the breeze. "You're not gonna leave me like this, are you?"

"Yeah, I am," James chuckled out. "And you might wanna plug that leak." He pointed down towards her legs; all three of them following the trail of mixed fluids down her thighs. She suddenly felt a towel land on her shoulder, Joan quickly taking it and wrapping it around her waist.

She looked coldly towards James, and wishing to herself she knew how to growl. "James Emmanuel Grant, you best finish what you started."

James chuckled gently, knowing that she was genuinely pissed off. "Please, Joan. Don't act like you've been holding in an orgasm since yesterday. I think you can last a bit longer." With that he blew he a kiss, climbing the steps until he made it to the landing. He slipped past the other dolphin, looking him over before chuckling. "Hey buddy. Cup check."

He continued up the stairs while looked back, just in time to see the male give a startled yelp. He quickened his pace while smirking, getting a small ego boost from know he put that in the male's pants.

"Yeah Vulpes, I'm holding up fine. How many times do I need to mention it?"

"Well you just don't sound it, Kiwi, is all. Oh yeah... where's your jumpsuit?"

Kiwi was sitting on the edge of the roof, his gaze directing itself downward slightly. The lion was wearing his recreational clothing: A loose fitting, white T-shirt and a pair of dark blue swim shorts. His legs were swinging lightly in the open air beneath his feet, knowing a slight slip would spell doom. But he liked life on the edge sometimes. His right eye refocused to the headset, to the image of a slightly confused vulpine. "It's hanging out to dry on Chris' balcony," he said with a slight chuckle. "That thing has too much metal to run through a traditional clothes dryer."

Vulpes just couldn't resist smirking at the comment. "Yeah, whatever you say, Kiwi. You just don't want it to shrink and end up rubbing on you cr-"

Kiwi quickly growled towards the small microphone. "Don't even think about finishing that sentence," he barked out, though he saw the smirk never leave the fox's face. Kiwi took in a breath before he nodded to him. "But I needed to ask you something."

"Shoot," Vulpes said with a nod.

"Why didn't you tell me about the otter girl that was down here?"

The vulpine on the other end just smiled from ear to ear, giving a devious snicker as he leaned back into his chair. "Was it not you who asked not to be given a heads-up about the happenings?

"Yeah, I guess you're right on that one." Kiwi blushed to himself about being ratted out, silently running a paw through his blonde headfur. "But I think I can handle it. But I swear she's hitting on me."

Vulpes grinned lightly before looking over his shoulder, as if making sure no one was in earshot. He then leaned back in towards the camera. "Believe it or not, if I'm thinking the same otter you are, that's normal. Elise was a pretty massive flirt."

"If we're talking about the same girl here, then she still is." Kiwi shook his head lightly to himself, looking around to make sure no one was trying to make any surprise moves on him. "And thank you for helping me put a name to a face."

"Not a problem, Cinnamon." Vulpes smiled and flicked his headfur back out of his eyes. "So then, anything else you think I may be of service for?"

Kiwi shook his head lightly, silently adjusting the bottom of his t-shirt. "Not that I can thing of, Kitsune. I'm gonna get back to checking things out and making sure that my jumpsuit hasn't been hid on me. Cinnamon out." With that he touched silently to the side of the headset, the small screen and mic folding back into the earpiece. He gave a silent huff to himself, looking down towards the ground below. Eleven stories is a pretty long fall, so he decided to roll backwards and place his feet back onto solid ground.

He was kind of glad he did, because as soon as he was back onto his feet he could feel someone tapping on his shoulder. The lion had to decide quickly if he wanted to let his reflexes or his common sense judge his next action, choosing that simply turning around would have to work.

"Oh thank you for not swinging," Chris managed to chuckle out, a faint blush on his face as he let go of Kiwi's shoulder. "Normally I would have expected to be on the floor right now."

Kiwi just had to look at the raccoon for a moment, tilting his head somewhat towards his left shoulder. "And just what makes you think that I would have laid you out?"

Chris gave a chuckle to himself, reaching out on of his fingers to poke lightly on Kiwi's nose. And he was promptly rewarded by having the lion grab hold of the finger with his teeth. "Hey... That's mine."

Kiwi just let out a smirk before he reluctantly let the finger go, peering over the raccoon's shoulder again. 'Gods, there she is again,' he thought to himself, his gaze locking onto the female otter that he swore was flirting with him earlier.

Elise couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched again, though she had a possible reason as to why.

"Is something the matter Elise?" Oscar had to finally ask, seeing that the otter he was talking to had gone quiet. "You're acting like you're being followed or something."

"I think I may be, Oscar," Elise muttered out, quickly looking over her left shoulder. She did a quick scan of what she could see of the roof before spotting Kiwi, the lion quickly blushing before turning his attentions back to the raccoon he was talking to. "Yeah, I thought so. My target was the one looking."

Oscar had to tilt his large head at that comment. "You mean the species that you have to bag for the contest? Which one did you get again?"

Elise gave a soft chuckle, swinging her tail lightly in the direction of Chris and Kiwi. "I got lion. Which means I gotta get that innocent look lion boy over there. I hope he's old enough."

The equine took a moment to look in the direction motioned, soon giving a light chuckle. "Holy shit, I can't believe he's here."

That comment caused a slightly puzzled and concerned look to form on the otter's face. "Oh please, my dear pony, elaborate on that for me."

"Simple really," Oscar proclaimed, reaching down into a cooler to grab a soda. "I spotted him a little while ago at my job. Course he was wearing a very weird outfit. And for your info, he's 22."

Elise gave a weak nod. She didn't dare to mention that she had already seen the feline naked. Or that she had to sneak into Chris' condo in order to do it. Or that she was getting aroused from thinking back to that. Unfortunately, that last detail was detected by Oscar with a bit of ease. She had to hold back a blush as the equine stared her down for a moment, silently watching a smirk form. "Just shut up."

"I wasn't gonna say anything," Oscar simply chuckled out, taking another sip of his drink. "But I'm issuing a fair warning right now. No one has come to me yet asking for the cash. Hakim and Jasmine will both be trying to pull blocks on each other. But Hakim already has the huge advantage, since his species is currently running around giving sex away.

"Jamal has already started scouting out that cheetah girl that Silver knows. And only the gods know what Krishna is plotting, cause the only one of her species pick is pretty much incognito at the moment. If you're going to win, you need to make your move within the next few days, or you're toast. But don't listen to me. I'm just a dumb horse with a huge wang."

"Trust me," Elise started to comment back before a soft smile formed. "You think through the proper head on a more regular basis than others give you credit for. And besides, I have a plan."

"Gods, Elise, that's such a cliché."

"Oh bugger off, Oscar." Elise gave a soft smirk. "I do have a plan, though. But I ain't telling you, just to be safe. Now if you'll excuse me." She flashed a devious little grin to Oscar before she headed off for the stairwell, flashing one last glance towards Kiwi before stepping in.

"You know, Krissy, I don't have a damn clue on how you're gonna be pulling this off."

Jennifer couldn't help but to ask the simple question to the tigress walking behind her as the climbed the stairwell towards the pool. Both of which didn't have on full bikinis, mainly because they both hated the feeling of anything close to panties on their lower forms. So both were wearing swim trunks stolen from their respective significant others with just bikini tops.

"Oh Jen, you have such little faith in my abilities, I see." Krishna couldn't help but to let a slight giggle escape as she spoke with the husky, brushing a run away strand of her headfur from in font of her eyes. "You don't think that I could snag a guy after these years?"

Jennifer just had to shake her head lightly. "Well, for one, you have this rather unmistakable sheen of 'I'm married.' Despite that fact that you and Jamal have only been dating for the past year."

Krishna had to stop at that comment, sniffing lightly at her hair, under her arms and comically testing her breath. She held still, pondering the results before she shrugged. "I don't smell any different than I did last year."

"Probably because you normally can't smell your own funk." Jennifer just had to smirk at that, leaning against the wall for the landing between the 9th and 10th floors. "So who did you pick again?"

The tigress hurried behind the canine, stretching out her form once she was standing on the landing. "I got stuck with orca. And last I remember, the only one that showed for this thing just happened to be James."

Jen gave a slight wince upon hearing this. "Yikes. And Jamal got cheetah, right?" With her question answered with a nod, the husky just couldn't help but to laugh quietly to herself. "Gods, you and him got the short end of the stick."

"Yeah, not many cheetahs show, but they do." Krishna smiled to herself once she finished stretching. "But with Joan whoring herself out with her little contest, could mean that James could get a little antsy. "

It didn't take long for Jen to catch on to what Kris was getting at. "Which could mean that he'd want to try and get some action on the side."

"Exactly, my dear," Krishna said with a grin. "Hell, last year he said that he wouldn't try and mount anyone until the end of the party. He got so pent that he was bonking whatever walk into his condo after Day 3."

Both got a soft chuckle out of that before Jennifer looked upwards. She grinned lightly, reaching out to tap lightly on the tiger's shoulder. "Well, here's your chance to start laying the foundation. Your mark is making his way down the stairs now."

Krishna looked up, and sure enough the massive, dark façade that was James was making his way down from the 11th floor. The feline smirked softly to herself, signaling to the husky to follow and act casually. She felt like she had something to prove. And that was she hadn't lost her game despite being in a stable relationship.

Krishna had managed to time their ascent so that all three parties met at the 10th floor landing. James was about to reach for the door to step onto the 10th, Krishna taking the initiative and gently pressing the orca against the near-by wall.

James let out a light merf, having already started to speak before looking downward. "Aww dammit, Joan, I'm not finishing you off."

"Problem is that you haven't even gotten me started yet," Krishna said with a purr, causing a confused look to quickly form on the orca's face. That only caused a playful grin to form on the tigress' face, leaning her form against the much taller orca. "So what do you say?"

James blinked for a moment, his cheeks flushing lightly. He still hadn't put on clothing from his run in with Joan, having only enough time to get cleaned up before running to the roof to get lunch. "Well, I don't think we'd be able to work out. Us being in relationships and all."

Krishna just continued to hold that grin, one that only a feline could pull off. "So? Jamal and I have enough trust that we can have outside fun. And don't act like no one knows about your girlfriend." She helped drive her point home by firmly pointing a finger against James' solid chest. "Her little contest is probably the reason this party is a bit of a sausage fest."

James gave a bit of a chuckle, his cheeks flushing a bit more. Along with a small bit of pinkness forming on his stomach. "Well yeah, there is that little detail... But now comes the million dollar question."

"Why you?" Krishna said for him, pressing her body even closer now. She could feel the warmth floating from his stomach, reaching one of her paws down to begin massaging on the warm spot. "Simple really? I have this small stash of toys under my bed. And they're big. I've been... quietly training myself to take something that's about.... Mmmm.. Your size?"

James was getting silently worried, his tail flicking lightly against the wall behind him. From what she was saying, and that persistent rubbing on his stomach, he was getting a bit buzzed. To the point that he could feel his length pressing against his genital slit in an effort to get out.

Krishna looked down silently to the slight swelling on the orca's crotch, smirking to herself now. She looked back up towards the taller male, her tail silently flicking between her legs to rub at the base of the slit. "Mmmm... I think someone is getting dirty thoughts."

"Not my fault, Kris," James said somewhat calmly, though the new contact was threatening to be the end of his lengths hiding spell. He had to close his eyes, trying to keep himself calm and controlled. Kris took this as her cue, quickly pulling her form away to end all contact. She reached back to Jen and grabbed onto her wrist, leading the canine up the stairs to the roof.

James blinked lightly once he saw that both the girls were gone, looking up to see their forms on the landing to the roof. "Do wha?"

"Think about it, sweetie," Krishna yelled down through the small gap on the stairwell. "I don't think you want to going to Oscar for this." She giggled playfully before she and Jen stepped onto the roof. As soon as the door closed behind them, Jen placed a paw onto the feline's shoulder. Kris mewed softly, turning to the husky a bit puzzled. "Yes?"

Jennifer could only shake her head. "Gods, you're such a bitch."

"Last I checked, you were the bitch. I'm just a cock tease." She gave a gentle purr as she watches Jennifer give a faint growl from the term reversal, scratching lightly under canine's muzzle. "Besides, he'll be back now. Unless its orgasm-denial with Joan, he hates having unfinished business. Consider me the winner now."

"I would. But we still got six more days to go. And who knows what might happen." Jen gave a shrug to her comment before she firmly slapped the tigress' ass. "Now are we gonna eat or not?"