Escape from Discipline Hall

Story by Warmaster Grael on SoFurry

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#5 of A Fine Trophy

(Authors note: this particular story series is quite a long drawn out story, and contains a fairly low yiff:storyline ratio. HOWEVER! this particular one is possibly my most frenzied of ones, so you can enjoy :D. But, If you dont like a long read, try another story :P)

(Prologue: several months have passed since the last story, and Grael and Chloe's odd relationship has strengthened quite significantly as Chloe awaits Graels returns, and Grael is rewarded for his hard earned haul with a lengthy session. However Grael secretly wishes for a little bit more, and Chloe secretly wishes to return home.)

Grael collapsed, wheezing and panting, gazing at his latest accomplishment. He grinned as he stroked her sides and gazed at her longingly. She responded slightly to his affection, and gave him a slight kiss on the forhead.

He closed his eyes, extinguishing the warm glow in his eyes, before he curled up, his claw resting over her. She looked at him for a while, making sure that he was asleep before she made up her mind. She slipped from his grip, and donned her white and blue robes before she walked around the room while he stayed asleep, small puffs of smoke rising from his eyes. She gazed around and found the small scorch marks on the ground, evidence of Graels rift travelling habits.

She found the stones tucked in the corner that she had been stashing, and by scraping it along the ground, she recreated the pattern that she had seen Grael draw before he made a rift. She focused on the image in her head, and began to draw. Once it was done, it glowed faintly, reassuring her that it had been done right. She stepped out of the circle, and held her hand over it while reciting a small incantation silently. She looked for Grael, and found that he was still asleep peacefully, small sparks now visible from his nostrils. He glanced painfully at him, and said quietly,

"Im really going to miss that guy." and with that she created the portal and started to step into it.

Grael sensed the small disturbance in the rift, and gazed up to see the portal open, Chloe's robe edge just out of it before she disappeared. He growled and raised his hand, fingers outstretched, jolts of pure energy glowing along his hand. He mouthed an incantation, and with that the portal shimmered an unusual red, before it closed. He smirked at his handywork, and returned to his bed.

"I think that i'll get her later on." was all he said and he dozed off.


It was dark, the air had a bite to it, and she was lying on a hard surface. She couldn't see anything, but knew that she was on some sort of table. She tried her arms and legs, but something was holding her down, and restraining her movement. The rattle of chains reaffirmed her hunch. She had no idea where, or when for the matter, but she was in a room of some sort and she was away from Grael. She was sort of proud of her freedom, but partially scared of what may await.

She thought she had enough of this realm at least, and tried to rift out, but was promptly awarded by a sharp jolt that ran through her body. The large red Rune overhead glowed angrily, and she knew that there would be no leaving from this place. This was a no-go zone. A strange noise made her forget her current situation as she gazed left, and saw a firey gateway open up in the wall.

The familiar sound of hooves on stone greeted her ears, as none other than Grael stepped through the portal.

"So, were you trying to escape, or couldn't you wait?" The voice asked, half serious, half teasing.

She had watched him use this particular rift at least a dozen times, and she then realized that she had been tricked. He had purposely done this in plain sight and earshot (hearing range) of her so that she'd eventually use it out of curiousity. She thought that she'd rift out to the outworlds that he had pillaged, but it turned out that it was a rift to this strange dungeon.

"Well, i thought that i'd keep it a surprise, but i guess that you couldn't wait eh?" He teased.

"Wait...what do you mean? What is this place?" she asked

"Welcome to my chamber...of Punishment....or pleasure. You can choose i suppose. It all depends on how you decide to behave... I call it... Discipline Hall" His tone was soothing, yet slightly menacing.

Chloe didnt know what to think of the whole mess, but gulped and expected the worst.

The portal burned up, and in a flash it was gone. He Leered at her, and gestured, his hands glowing an unearthly blue. The chains holding her too glowed blue, and she was starting to get hoisted upwards by the hands. She was partially reclined, at a sort of 45 degree angle and Grael gazed hungrily at his captive.

With the glow of the chains, she gazed along her self, and found that she was wearing a rather embarrasing and revealing array of leather, or rather, something leather-like. With yet another gesture, she was held in the air, suspended in the air by her ankles and wrists. Her delicate form struggled to hold up her figure, and her weakness delighted him.

She cried softly and began to sob as she realized the errors of her ways, and looked at her fragile and exposed body regretfully, her body under the barrage of his gaze. He splayed her legs, and ran his claw along her thigh, stroking up her leg until it reached her warm and inviting hole.

"Isn't that just...precious...It recognizes me" He said, and with that, his claw sank into her unprepared lips and stayed there.

She bit her lip, and winced at the sudden pain. Grael never grew tired of this whole virgin thing, and her pain fuelled his lust and urges. His finger ran along it once more, and she gasped as he started to make a gentle scooping motion and plunged into her. She howled in pain, but he was in a frenzy, his claw increasing in speed and vigour until his claw was slick with her pleasure.

She gasped as she climaxed, her muscles tensing as liquid ecstasy flowed from her. She thought that he'd bend down and lap it up as usual, but was mistaken as yet another claw entered her, right down to the knuckle. She screamed and straned, the chains rattling as she struggled against her bonds. The pain was unbearable, and they both knew that she wasn't relaxed or loose enough to take this, but this didn't stop him.

Chloe then realized what she had to do, and with that she started to plea.

"Im sorry that i tried to leave," she started ," and I haven't been grateful for all you've done for me." And with that she hung her head.

He continued his action, and started to slide yet one more finger in and drew it out, blood mingling and trickling out of her slit. He paused the action, and looked up once more at her, and seemed content with her remorse and started to talk.

"But why would you try to leave, have i not satisfied you? Have i not given you everything you could ever wish for?"

She hung her head in shame and defeat, she knew he was right. And he knew it too.

With that he put all three in once more and hilted them, the only thing halting his progress was the large iron cuff on his wrist. She bit her lip, drawing blood in an effort to stem the pain, but he twisted them around, making sure that she felt it. All her screams drove him into a zeal, his eyes flickering and flaring as he sped up. Her anguish sustained him, and his cock started to unsheathe and he gasped and drew out.

The sudden halt in action made her open her eyes, but she was greeted by the full size of his daemonhood. She trembled and closed her eyes, but he forced them open with his magic, she had to see this. He went over to her and loosened her chains. She was let down briefly and thought that her anguish had passed.

She broke down into hysterics and sobbed, crying while she spoke

"Oh so sorry! I - " She gagged as Grael forced his rod into her mouth. Her eyes opened in shock and she instincively tried to close her mouth, but he pinched her nostrils closed, forcing her to breathe through her mouth. He started to groan, and picked up a bit of speed.

"Mmm...oohhh...ERN! YEAH!!!" He held her by the back of her head and started a violent thrusting motion. She had no choice than to open her throat, or else get her split apart by his member.

Tears streamed from her eyes and all of a sudden he drew out a full foot, then plunged further in.

"You can scream if you want, nobody can here you here..." he taunted

She took the challenge and tried to scream, but she was fooled once more as he entered her once more and held her head down as he grunted and groaned as he unloaded his incredible load inside of her. He shuddered violently as gallons of his firey seed flowed into her, filling her stomach with his essence.

He drew out of her, his member dripping with her saliva , but incredibly still rock hard. She gagged as it came out, and collapsed and looked up at him. What she saw was beyond comprehension, as his rod now had these evenly spaced ridges along it in an almost hypnotic pattern. She laughed in her mind, as it reminded her of something in her sisters "secret box" under her bed. She remembered the odd shaped rod with its notches, but never realized until now what it was for.

She thought the ordeal was over, but was proved wrong when the chains took her up again.

"That was just the first bout my girl...we still have a whole match ahead of us" He grinned as he ran his claws over her.

She sobbed once more, and tried to close her eyes, but remembered his little spell as she found it impossible to. Since she couldn't do that, she instinctively tried to close her legs, but before she could, he wedged herself between her legs

His face was a mix between that of anger and delight as he held her knees apart with ease. She attempted to plead with him once more, but was brushed aside.

"Please Grael...stop....please..." Each of her breaths were laboured and she struggled to form the words.

In either ignorism or sadism, he spread her legs nice and wide, and rammed it right into her pussy. There was no teasing, no preperation or gentleness to his motion, and before she could tell what was happening, he had hilted himself in her. She was driving into spasms of pain as her body was racked by his harsh treatment. Her body shuddered in anguish as she was torn between heaven and hell.

Her breathing winced as he paused, and he attempted to draw out, but was having some difficulty doing so. She wondered why, and was answered as she realized what the ridges did.

He gazed at her and she mistook this as forgiveness. Did he forgive her? Was he stopping? She thought that this was clear when he fixed her up again, but no sooner was she re-flowered, that he thrust into her once more. Her body quaked with torment, as she was thrusted into and healed and thrusted into again and again and again, as he continued his brutal and sadistic ritual. He gave her some satisfaction, but always stopped before she could release, depriving her of her pleasure.

This constant strain made her really want to cum, but he was depriving her on purpose, her anguish and stress making him grin mischievously. Finally, he thought that the lesson was learnt and drew out, his enormous engorged shaft dripping with her mixed fluids. He knelt down, hands on each thigh, as his tongue went to work, flicking in and out of her ass and pussy repeatedly in succession. He felt her shudder, and knew that she was close, and he stood up and lined himself up once more. She was finally able to close her eyes, and she moaned, but the brief moment of idleness made her look up . His rod was just outside of her lips as he remounted her and drove in once more in a standing missionary and drove himself home, his primary urge to reproduce driving him into a frenzy as her tight cunt contracted around him as they both were driven over the edge, their mingled juices flowing out of her slit. He shuddered and growled as his torrent reduced to a slight trickle, and he finally pulled out and undid her shackled. She collapsed to the ground, and almost immediately held herself curled into a ball, her eyes clenched shut and her violated slit was open and overflowing with his brutal love.

"I...never could be so...brutal.." was all she managed to say as she cried herself to sleep. He readjusted his loincloth and took a pelt from the pile and wrapped her up in it and held her to his chest as he healed her, her tissues and muscles knitting together once more as she became whole. He stroked her hair and petted her and stroked her back as he lay down with her.

"Please... don't try that again, or I'll have to do that again. I really don't like to do that too often... please...don't." He mouthed in her ear. She mumbled and cried softly, tears rolling down her face. He resisted the urge to taste them, and rested his head on her shoulder before falling asleep once more.

*end chapter*

