Lifting a God's Curse.txt

Story by Bacent Rekkes on SoFurry

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This is pretty much a dream a while a while back, and I wrote it down before I forgot it. Though I was pretty lazy in going back and editing it into something somewhat easier to read, so hopefully itll make sense now. Though I kinda rushed while editing this, so any mistakes you see in something are accidental really, oh well. I may or may not choose to continue this, but feedback is welcomed. And I'll write a part two if I get any feedback, or if enough people like this.

There was a lot of news on TV about a brand Anubis Egyptian exhibit at the town museum, so when Bacent heard about this he just laughed at the TV. He really isnt a fan of religion, which includes gods that were worshipped years in the past. He sighed loudly as he saw the commercial for the exhibit for what felt like the millionth time today. He picked up the remote and hit the power button before he stood up and headed for the door Might as well see why everyone wont shut up

Shortly after arriving at the museum, he joined up with one of the tour groups for the exhibit, standing in the back of the group so he could take his time and see how 'fake' everything was. Though he was still annoyed he gave into all the publicity about this event.

As the group moved through the exhibits, he took his time looking at everything as he slowly trailed behind the group. By the time he made his way to the new exhibit his tour group were no longer in sight. Well no annoying tour guide to over explain every little thing now.

He walked into the room where the stuff from Egypt was set up. In the middle was a slightly bigger than life size statue of Anubis, sitting on his throne with his staff with an Ankh on the end of it in his hand as he gazed down at whoever stood in front of him.

So he looked it over as well as he could a while, muttering things along the lines of 'this thing was probably made in a factory or something' and the occasional comment due to the fact that even though the statue was fake, they still made it look pretty attractive.

As he finished looking over the statue, he moved around the room to look at a few other things, mostly the positions of the security cameras and doors through the exhibits. He was planning to come back later in the night to try to find anything that would prove that all these items were fake.

As the museum was getting close to closing time, he made his way to the bathroom, grabbing one of the 'broken stall' signs as he walked in and putting it on the stall door before locking it behind himself. He sat on the back of the toilet, waiting impatiently for the museum to close, occasionally taking out his phone and texting someone or playing a game that he had installed on it.

Eventually 8:30pm rolled around, and most of the lights shut off. He waited another half hour to make sure anyone on staff that was still there was gone

When he was sure, he slowly climbed off the back of the toilet and creped out of the stall. He moved to the bathroom door and slowly poked his head out, just to be safe. He looked around for a few moments before slowly walking from the bathroom, and heading for the Egypt exhibit again.

As he walked into the room, the room had an eerie glow to it. The full moon that was out tonight, casting its light onto the exhibits. He made his way to the statue again, looking over the back of it for a few moments before going around front looking at the small info panel that was on the side of it.

As he read it he muttered to himself ....blah blah blah god of death Anubis...blah blah blah Anubis was cursed....blah blah blah curse lifted once every blah blah years goes back to being a statue at sunrise... He had a dull expression on his face as he read the last part, and thought to himself ~If Anubis was 'cursed' and the curse it broken once every blah years, then why hasn't he com....~ His thoughts trailed off as he looked back up to the statue. The chair was empty He quickly looked around the room for any sign of it "How could a statue that big be moved that quickly. or without me hearing it..." He began to panic lightly and quickly turned around to head to an exit. He quickly stopped as he ran into something bigger than him, and warm, and casting a shadow over him

On instinct he closed his eyes and put his head down "I'm sorry for breaking into the museum! I just wanted to see if everything was...fake...or....not....uh oh..." he gulped loudly as he opened his eyes.

What he saw made hum gulp loudly. He saw a pair of black feet with sandals, golden ankle bracelets on both ankles. He slowly moved his gaze upward, seeing an odd cloth with a golden belt that reminded him of a kilt ~Please tell me I fell in the bathroom and this is just a dream....~ Eventually his eyes met with the eyes of the bigger male he had bumped into. He gasped loudly and stumbled back a bit. "....theres no way that...."

Anubis cleared his throat for a moment before he spoke "No way for what? If you mean that curse, then yes its true. Now tell me, who are you, what kind of place is this, and why I am here" He looked down to the tiger, roughly a foot shorter than himself, and a lot less built than him.

Bacent stuttered a bit as he spoke "T-this is a museum...and its where artifacts a-are shown to the public....and m-my name is Bacent....I'm not....I shouldn't be, Ill catch ya later" Bacent took a few steps back as he looked around quickly for the exit, the only one being located behind Anubis

"And why are you not to be here?" He crossed his arms as his staff stood beside himself. Are you a thief?

"...I snuck in after the museum closed for the night, so Im not allowed to be here actually"

Anubis gently rubbed his own chin as he thought, the muscles on his arm flexing lightly as it moved. "How about this, I will help you get out of as you put it, and in return you will have to do me a favor. This way we both win and nothing bad happens either of us. Does this sound good to you?" his eyes looked to Bacent's with a calm expression.

Bacent on the other hand was still shaking lightly, his heart beating quickly "....w-well I guess. I really don't need to get into any legal trouble at my are you going to get us out of....Waitwhat are you doing!?" He yelled in a somewhat hushed tone.

The gem on Anubis' staff was glowing brightly, a pitch black portal forming on the wall. As the portal fully formed, the gem stopped glowing. Anubis calmly walked for the portal, and stopped a few feet away from it "It is going to close after I go through it, and you will be stuck here. If you don't want that to hap-" Anubis was cut off as Bacent quickly dashed into the portal. Anubis chuckled lightly as he watched the blue tiger run into the dark portal. "This will defently be interesting..." He went through the portal as well, it quickly closing up behind him as both he and Bacent were out behind the building.

Bacent sighed loudly as he plopped onto the grass "I can't believe this weird dream...statues coming to life, weird magic portals, and the fact I'm five feet away from the actual Anubis. Man what did I eat earlier to make me dream this"

Anubis crossed his arms and cleared his throat "This is all real. If you don't believe if I can prove it to you." And with that, he clonked Bacent's shin with the end of his staff, Bacent quickly grabbing his leg and hopping on one foot. He grumbled a bit as he looked up to him. "Why'd you hit me with that?! That hurt a good b...if I felt that then that means this is all real...." He fell onto his butt in the grass as he stared at the ground holy crap.

"I was trying to tell you this was all real, just like how you promised me a favor earlier for getting you out of there. You read how I was cursed and that the full blue moon will grant me a small bit of time to walk on the earth again, but if I want to keep walking on this plain, I will need to form a pact with someone. By forming a pack with someone, this will break my curse, and allow whoever I make the pact with to live a much longer life, Similar to the life of a God. And seeing how you are the only one around, and that you know more than other people on my situation right now, I request that you make this pact with me."

Bacent's jaw hung open a bit as he listened to him, his eye twitching slightly "... so you mean I have to make a pact with you so your curse will be lifted, and Ill live a lot longer than I should?"

"If you choose to accept the pact, a marking in the shape of an Ankh will appear on your body where you choose it to. The more visible the mark is, the stronger the pact will be, and the stronger my powers will become as I recover."

Bacent sighed loudly as he thought to himself for a bit. Eventually he pulled out his car keys and looked to Anubis "....fine, I'll think about that pact thing, but not here. We'll go to my house first, and then I can let all this sink in."

"Do you have a chariot to take us to where you live?" Anubis looked around the parking lot, not seeing any sign of one "I don't see any horses... could it have been stolen while you were in this building?"

"No, we use things called 'cars' now; they have four wheels, air conditioning, a radio, and many people can be in one at once. Though not many due to how big you are"

Anubis cut him off mid sentence "I have never heard of a 'radio' before. Is this some kind of futuristic magic?"

Bacent tried not to chuckle as he just shook his head. "Just follow me, my car is over there." He pointed to the back of the parking lot before walking, Anubis shortly behind. Thankfully you brought us behind the museum where my car is parked, so we wont get anyones attention.

Eventually they got to his car, and Bacent hit a button on his keychain to unlock it. The car 'clicked' as it unlocked, and the lights inside of it turned on. Anubis was a bit surprised as he watched Bacent step into the car. "This is called a 'car'? This must be some form of high sorcery..." he tapped the top of it with his staff. It is made of metal as well

Bacent rolled his eyes as he turned the car on and opened the front passenger door from the inside "No, its metal that runs by something kinda like oil, and captured lightning, and cushions inside of it so its comfortable to sit in too."

Anubis took a few minutes to get into the car, poking at and looking at everything as he climbed into the car. At one point he hit a button on the radio, turning it on. A few moments later music coming out of the speakers, making Anubis jump a good bit. "How the..."

"See? That is a radio. It uses special communication to play music where ever you are. But only works when you turn the car on" he reached over Anubis' lap as he closed the door "Now put on your seatbelt and we'll get going" he said as he put his own on, showing Anubis how. Thankfully the blush on his face wasnt showing in the darkness of the car as he realized he reached over Anubis lap.

Anubis watched him intently before grabbing his own seatbelt and attempting to put it on. After a few moments it finally 'clicked' and latched into place. I believe I got this strap in place now.

And were off. Bacent changed the gear on the car before taking off, Anubis gripping Onto the armrest as he looked out the windows and at everything that passed them "...this is a lot more different than what I expected"

"Trust me, you've seen nothing yet. I'll show you more when we get to my house"

Anubis just nodded as he watched cars and buildings go by, fascinated by everything he saw. His face was nearly glued to the window like a puppy in the car, his gaze following everything that passed until it was out of view.

The drive to Bacent's house was pretty quiet, Bacent looking over occasionally as Anubis and chuckling lightly. Anubis had his hands on the bottom of the window as he continued watching things go by, somewhat like a kid going on a big trip.

Eventually they arrived, Bacent hitting a button to open the garage as he pulled in. He turned off the car and unbuckled both seatbelts before he got out, Anubis pawing at the door for a minute before finding the handle and pulling it, opening the door "This is all so different....I can not believe how long I've been gone and how much everything has changed" he watched the garage door close before following Bacent into the house

Bacent headed into the kitchen as Anubis began to look everything over in the living room. He played with the switches on the wall as he watched the lights and fan turn off and on "This is all amazing.....I cannot believe how much you can do now with no effort at all..."

Bacent moved into the living room with two cans of soda and sat on the couch "Go ahead and sit down so you can fill me in on that last part of the pact" He opened his can of soda with a loud POP before lifting it to take a sip.

Anubis sat down on the couch as well, and grabbing the can of soda. He withdrew his hand for a moment as his eyes widened "How did you get something this cold then the room is much warmer than this?" He slowly picked it up and looked at it for a moment, trying to find a way to open it.

Bacent rolled his eyes and laughed a bit as he took the can and opened it "There. And its called a fridge; it can make stuff cold or even freeze it."

Anubis slowly took a sip from the drink "...this is very sweet." He licked his lips and took a few more sips before carefully setting down the drink "But yes, let us focus on the more important matter at hand. If you choose to accept and make a pact with me, you will get to choose where this mark will go, and you can choose any location on your body. The more visible the marking is, the more powerful the pact will be, and the faster I will regain my full powers. But we must do so before sunrise, or I will become a statue again until the next full moon cast its light upon me."

Bacent leaned back into the couch and began thinking a bit about all of this. As Bacent thought, Anubis eventually got up again, wondering into other parts of the house to look at everything that was still new to him.

Eventually Bacent sighed to himself and looked up "Ok Anubis I'm ready to ma...he's more ADHD than I am in a store with glow sticks" He got up and began looking through the house for him, eventually finding him in the bathroom. "Finally found you, I decided I'll go through with this pact thing and I chose where to put the mark. So I'm ready when you are"

Anubis snapped his attention away from the sink and turned off the water "I am relieved to hear that, Bacent. Where have you chosen for the symbol to appear?"

He thought for a few moments before lifting the sleeve on his shirt a bit "Could it be on my upper arm a bit below my shoulder?" He looked up to Anubis

Anubis nodded his head and pointed the end of his staff at Bacent's arm, a dim glow appearing on his arm as the marking slowly appeared. Bacent lifted his shirt sleeve as he watched it slowly form "Whoa....this is actually kinda cool..."

When the marking fully formed, Anubis set his staff down and smiled "Only one thing left before the curse is fully lifted" He looked down at Bacent and took a step closer

Bacent was busy poking at the marking that had appeared on his arm "M'kay what part is lef-" he was cut off as Anubis' lips were pressed against his own. Anubis pulled Bacent deeper into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his upper body. Bacent's eyes grew wide for a few moments before he slowly gave into the kiss, pushing back into it. The dim glowing from the Ankh marking on his arm slowly vanishing, until it looked like a normal black fur tattoo. The kiss lasted a few minutes before Anubis slowly pulled back from it "And the pact has been successful, thank you again Bacent for helping me lift my curse."

Bacent had a bit of a blush on his face as he looked up to Anubis " need to thank me big guy" ~Damn that was hot...~ he thought to himself as he let out a small happy sigh, a small smile on his face.

Well that's it for this one for now, though just to say again if enough people like this I'll most likely write an part two to this. Again, feel free to leave comments. Though I don't have any story series...yet. Also many of the stories I may write will be non-canon if/when my own characters are used (Mostly Rule 34 type stuff and whatnot). Oh well, hope you liked it..