Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 11: Brass Bed

Story by Kiran on SoFurry

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#12 of The Chronicles of James Travant

She tugged on his pantline, her beg urgent and desperate. "Please lover?"

He grinned down at her, ears flicking. "All you had to do was ask, but I'm afraid I've made it my policy that you unwrap your own gifts."

He shifted beneath her so seat himself more comfortably against the headboard.

She grinned in return, slowly undoing his pants button, his zipper, unbuckling his belt, stripping him from it and tossing it to the side.

"Forgive my need of you lover... but I don't want to wait." She shifted his pants down, before stripping her own quickly, and straddling his hips.

She hesitated, looking to him as if for approval, hovering her hips so that his tip were mere inches from her slightly moist opening.

He smiled at her. "Just be careful, you've already got me aroused, if my knot forms, you'll need to be gentle not to tie to me, it's quite big."

He brushed his pawtips across her cheek. "Other than that, please, let's enjoy each other again."

She smiled softly, her want was obvious and she wasted no time shifting herself down onto him with a silent groan. Her lips parted, no sound relinquishing from them as she hilted him as best she could, he was a bit bigger than she remembered, but it felt godly nonetheless.

She looked into his eyes as she started to ride him, his arousal starting to be able to feel inside her as he got harder and grew inside her slowly.

She heaved a heavy breath her eyes closing with the pleasure he brought to her. "Mm, oh god, I've missed you so..."

A deep growl resonated from with James' chest as he took hold of her waist and helped her thrust down onto his now fully aroused shaft.

"I missed you too." He whispered to her, nuzzling under her chin again to nip at her neck, then, with another growl, he shifted up till his teeth made contact just behind her ear.

She hummed in enjoyment as she rode him with grace and passion, his paws on her hips guiding her pace was a wonderful feeling. He was enjoying her as much as she was enjoying him, she didn't want it to end. No prejudices could match the way they were, the love they shared, no, not in a million years could something such as people's views come between them.

Her nails came up to his chest, weaving through his fur gently, that was until he hit her G-spot and her nails dug in and were dragged down like a cat would to a wall. She sat straight up, being caught off-guard at the feeling, and her moan seemed to echo out around the room.

As she sat up James shifted his hips and pulled her down onto him again, intent on not letting her stop pleasuring herself due to being caught off guard by the physical differences.

As she looked down on him, his eyes narrowed, the whites taking on a shining opalescence, giving her no illusions to the sole focus of his attentions.

She swooned in his embrace and the connection between them. She gave a sweet sigh that spoke of her love, the pleasure of what he meant to her all in one little sigh.

She was thankful for his forcing of continuance from her, for she didn't want it to pause despite her brief break with the unexpected feeling, but all the same enjoyed. Her eyes locked with his, she seeing herself within them, her smile became soft and her heart skipped a beat, the eyes. They were the same but different in the same they captivated her; they were the first tip that lead her to know it was him. Even before he gave her the positive notion. She rode him with a wild passion, her hips soft but their thrusts hard in want, her inner walls stretched around him, accepting him, wanting him.

James groaned quietly, keeping his shining eyes on her despite the pleasure flooding his senses and threatening to push him over the edge. He had certainly missed her, but even now, it was proven to him that whatever fears he'd harbored had no base. He needn't hear her words to have his proof that she still loved him even if he wore a new hide.

His paws remained clasped around her hips, helping her ride him, but allowing her to set the speed, forcing her to keep moving if she slowed or paused. She was his, but equally, he was hers. A sweet, erotic cycle that held so much meaning to him.

He offered up his prayers that it would never be broken in his own form of speech, the low growls and murrs the only thing that could be heard.

Tanya shivered, the pleasure almost too much, her inner walls quivered around him, but she fought her orgasm with not wanting the connection to end.

She groaned out his name, leaning down to his ear, whispering that she was close, and to slow down a little to make it last, licking the rim of his pointed ear. She gave a throaty moan and felt herself tighten more around him, almost ready to let herself be flooded with her orgasm.

James growled again, nipping at her neck before replying that there was no need to slow down, because he wasn't going to be done with her so soon.

And he kept his word, continually driving her down onto him at the same pace.

Tanya screamed out as her orgasm gripped him hard her juices covering them both, flodding her clenching tunnel and washing over his shaft before drenching the soft fur around his groin beneath her, and when he didn't slow or come to with her, her sigh of passion was not one of disapproval, her jaw sat agape her eyes tightly shut in the continual pleasure, keeping her at a mild peak to build from.

Her hands slid up her body, and her nipples got caught between her fingers as they rubbed, teased and played roughly with them. Her tongue professed a delicious moan, her inner walls sensually snug around his shaft as she rocked her hips, grinding them down into him each time he eased her to his hilt.

James continued pulling her onto him, his own thoughts almost devoid of sense as he felt her trigger his third arousal. He lifted her up, slowing the pace for a moment as he drew her slowly back down, and this time, instead of settling against his body, she felt her hips settle against his knot.

James finally opened his eyes, as much to see her as to make sure he didn't frighten her.

Tanya's eyes opened with a slow motion flick, and smiled down at him, rocking her hips against his knot, completely aroused, and although it was a strange feeling for her, it only turned her on more, it was proof that he was as aroused, if not, more aroused than she was at the moment.. Aroused because of her, her heart raced with the back minded thought.

Her fingers kept their slow playful tease on her nipples, making her softly groan in lust filled want, her hips rising off on him, only to go back down a little firmly on his knot but not enough to let his knot slip inside.

James's grip tightened over her hips and he opened his muzzle to speak another warning, but after a second's hesitation, staring up into his lover's eyes, he closed up and drew her down onto him again.

If he'd learned anything about women in his time, they knew the limitations of their own bodies far better than he'd comprehend anyway.

Tanya groaned, thankful that he hadn't protested as he looked like he was about to. She was testing her boundaries true, but in this act she was curious to fell him fully inside her, but she'd let him make that move, she wasn't about to make him uncomfortable, or worry about her anymore.

She had enough just being with him again, if she never felt that experience of being tied to him as it were, then she would have to accept that. She was willing to deal with any pain for him. Yet she didn't do more than tease the thought with a little grind of her entrance against his knot, her entrance just starting to slightly spread around his knot but then she'd pull off and repeat the movement, it to her felt exotic, pleasurable and made her want to scream with how is excited her.

James groaned, his glowing eyes finally leaving her form as they closed and his head turned to the side.

"You're driving me wild Tanya." He panted, struggling not to pull her more forcefully down onto him, and occasionally failing.

Tanya smirked down to him, even though he couldn't see her. Her voice called out in an almost growling tone, but softer than an angry growl, more distracted.

"Good... cause I don't plan... ohhh... on stopping soon. Unless you give me reason... to."

She felt her insides tighten around him with every hard meeting of her entrance and his knot, her entrance occasionally threatening to let it slip past, but she made no objection, gave no warning, and only groaned loudly.

James's control finally slipped, his hips surging into her as he rolled her onto her back, arms caging hers in as he hovered above her, growling deep in his chest as his knot again slammed against her entrance.

"Do you want it?" His voice was low, booming in the silence of the room.

Her reply was raspy almost delirious with want, it was an unknown notion as to what possessed her to want such a think knowing there would be pain, but she couldn't help out moan a simple, "Yes." She rocked her hips against him, struggling only lightly in his pin, her own growl, no matter how much more human it was, to resonate from her.

James nodded once, his eyes watching her every move and expression as his pace began to slow and become more urgent. Again his knot pushed against her entrance, then drew away, his growl reverberating in her ears as he thrusted into her again and again until with a fierce push, his knot slammed against her entrance and this time didn't relent, his heated flesh spreading her folds wide open as his knot slipped past and seated itself deeply within her. With a sound something akin to a snarl, he felt her entrance close tightly around his true hilt moments before his own orgasm took his senses from him.

Tanya cried out, in both pleasure in pain as her orgasm came closely in time with him as he tied with her, connecting them fully, She felt his knot inside her, against her insides, it was a truly alien feeling, but she didn't reject it, only accepted it, craved it, cherished it.

She leaned down to kiss him just under his muzzle where it met his neck, her breaths sounded almost akin to a purr as she settled in with the feeling and sully relaxed into him,

"Its so amazing.." Her eyes closed after blinking away the tears that had formed from the pain, her heart leapt with joy that he was willing to share this with her, especially with this. "Thank you, James..."

James sighed, heaving a heavy breath as the pleasure flooding him and, consequentially, her, finally left him and he lowered his heavy torso to her before rolling back over, allowing their joined hips as much as his arm to draw her back on top of him as he settled back into the pillows and settled her onto his chest.

"No need to thank me." He whispered quietly, his voice almost sounding like he had in human form, the guttural tones of a Kaynine's vocal chords lowered by exhaustion and lack of volume in their close embrace.

"I'm glad that you accepted who I am." He finished, nuzzling her hair again.

Tanya hummed with his nuzzle, "I couldn't love you any less. Body may be different... but who you are to me, that... that will never change. Sorry to say, but your stuck with me for as long as you want me by your side. Even if after this you do not want to share your bed with me."

She nuzzled him back in response to his nuzzle, almost as if she were an animal returning affections to her mate. "You had no need for fear of rejection from me, although..."

She bit hard on his neck with a growl that bore a heavily seduced quality to it, "You played me from the moment you walked into this house." Her teeth let his fur and flesh rib out from between her teeth gently. "I love you, James."

James sighed, giving her a gentle, human kiss. "I love you too Tanya."

He lifted his muzzle up and tucked her head under, murring softly as his exhaustion finally claimed him and pulled him into a light doze, keeping his arms wrapped around the woman still connected to him, protecting her from both cold and whatever nightmares she have.

Tanya smiled, her body arching in an almost animalistic fashion, molding herself into his body, matching her breathing to his as his somber heartbeat and relaxed breathing got into her head, rung out in her ears until her heartbeat and his, tied in with their matched breaths was all she could hear as it lulled her into a peaceful rest for the evening.