Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Three

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#35 of Spirit Bound

So, they got rid of Joseph Harper again, but it seems the Hunters won't be leaving Nathanial alone. What will the friends do, what CAN they do, to stay safe?

Chapter 33: Duty and Honour

Geoff woke up Monday morning to the agonizing shriek of his alarm clock. He cursed and fumbled for the blasted thing before he found himself falling to the floor with a thud and yelp of pain. He whimpered in further pain from the noise of his yelp. He crawled over to the faint glow of his alarm clock and clicked it off. Even the dim light leaking through the sheets of wrapping tissue he'd taped over it hurt. 'Oh, Apollo, god of healing, please end my suffering. Why does that blasted teleporter make me so sick?' He lay where he was, hurting too much to move. He manifest and lay in the dark, letting the soothing lack of light work its way into him.

A change in the darkness behind him, closer to his door, momentarily roused him before it vanished. The voice that spoke quietly after did rouse parts of him, "Hey, Geoff. I came over to see if you're, um, up, but you don't look too good." Nathanial padded over to him and placed his paw on Geoff's head. "Does manifesting in the dark help?"

Geoff groaned and rolled onto his back. Nathanial was kneeling beside him, naked, and concern creased his brow. Nathanial was definitely up; he was fully erect and slowly dripping. "Hey, pup." Geoff could tell his voice was faint and strained, "The teleporter always does this, it's why I never like using it. Yeah, the dark helps. It'll be a while, though."

Nathanial looked off into the distance, thinking about something as he idly stroked himself. Geoff chuckled quietly, trying not to hurt his head. Nathanial seemed surprised before he noticed what he was doing, "Oh, um, sorry. I woke up a little... needy. I set my alarm a little early so I could sneak over to see you. I missed you this weekend." He leaned over and carefully kissed the inky black muzzle. Nathanial rubbed his paw along Geoff's face; Geoff wondered what he was thinking about. It was so dark that there was no way Nathanial was using his natural senses, did he see colour with his ESP? Nathanial seemed to come to some sort of decision, "The Plane of Dark doesn't hurt you, does it? If darkness heals you, I could bring you there and that should really help, right?"

Geoff froze, his mind having trouble processing the surprising idea. "Uh, yes? It might help? I don't know. Let's try." Nathanial jumped up in excitement, his tail wagging furiously. He stood still as he concentrated, and a ripple appeared beside Geoff's bed, growing and solidifying into a large circle showing that bleak landscape Geoff had glimpsed before. It was a shallow hillside overlooking a large plain, with an empty riverbed winding its way through the middle. There was no sign of any life, no dirt, or even dead trees. Geoff couldn't believe Nathanial had ever said he liked it there, in any fashion. "Nice."

Geoff meant it sarcastically, but Nathanial must've missed his tone, "Yeah, it is. It looks a little drab, but once you step through it... grows on you. It's... glorious." He was practically bouncing like Micah, "Let's go!" His voice was a little louder than he meant, and Geoff heard Faelen quickly moving to his room. Nathanial must've heard, too, "Damn it. Well, let's get you to you up, anyway."

Faelen opened the door. His hackles were raised and he snarled at Nathanial, "What the fuck are you doing!?" Geoff whimpered in pain, squeezing his head with his paws, trying to keep it from falling in half.

Nathanial just grinned mischievously as he put a finger in front of his mouth in a shushing gesture, "That's what I was hoping Geoff would be doing to me, fucking me. I was going to let Geoff try to recover in the Plane of Darkness so we could have some fun before school."

Faelen stopped snarling and his hackles lowered as he tried processing this, "You seem unusually... chirpy." He glared at the pup, again, "You know he's not allowed anywhere without me. Don't you EVER try sneaking off!" Geoff whimpered again.

Nathanial met his glare with dancing eyes, "Shh, you're hurting your boss. I'll keep the portal open so you can keep an eye on him, okay?"

Faelen seemed to relax a little, "Fine."

Nathanial gently helped Geoff up and walked into the rugged terrain. Nathanial sat against a rock, facing the portal, and helped Geoff sit against his chest. Geoff took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. He could feel his headache rapidly fade and all of his small aches and pains go with it. He became fully alert and energized, too. The leaking piece of meat pressed against his back became very noticeable and soon fully occupied his thoughts. "Wow. This... this is incredible. I feel... great!" His paw slipped back between their bodies, grabbing Nathanial's penis, "And so does this." He spun around and planted a deep kiss on Nathanial's mouth. They began making out passionately, when they heard Faelen gasp behind them. They turned around to see him staggering back away from the portal holding his bloody left paw in his right one. Geoff and Nathanial jumped up and ran back into their home plane. Nathanial collapsed the portal as Geoff ran over to Faelen. Nathanial focused and found traces of Faelen's energy floating in the air near where the portal was. He 'grabbed' it and pushed it back into his friend; the deep cuts on Faelen's paw began to heal over. Geoff gently licked his friend's cuts, whimpering slightly, "Faelen, what happened?"

Nathanial shivered, half crouched in a scared and submissive posture, "I-I... Sorry, Faelen. I s-should have known better. It was the energy from the Plane of Darkness. It leaks out when the portal is left open, it happened when I nearly fed Dad to that Sarlacc thing. It killed all the grass around it. It was leaching out your energy. I'm sorry."

Faelen looked at the two of them, taking his damp paw away from Geoff's tongue, "I'm fine. I'll just take a steamy shower and be right as rain in no time." Geoff could tell he was in pain, but was amused by their reaction. "Stay in this plane, and have fun. That's why you came over, wasn't it Nathanial?" His voice became stern, as he snarled, "Never sneak off on me! Ever! Do you got that? And Nathanial, if you try to talk Geoff into something like that again, we're going to have serious issues."

Nathanial cringed, "Yes. I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

Geoff leaned over and licked Faelen's muzzle, "Sorry, Faelen. I wasn't thinking." Faelen merely glared at his boss and stalked off toward the bathroom. Geoff sighed and then pushed his door to, but didn't latch it. He could see that Nathanial wasn't as aroused anymore, just a small amount of pink was still visible. The way he was standing, looking so vulnerable and slightly aroused, hit Geoff right in the groin. He gave a dominant growl and ran over, scooping Nathanial up into his arms. He continued to growl as he nipped and nibbled around Nathanial's ears and throat. Nathanial smiled slightly as he whimpered and licked at Geoff's face. His tail was wagging rapidly and his penis was re-emerging, betraying his delight at this treatment. Geoff put his pup on his bed and lay down over him. He put his full weight on Nathanial, wrapping his arms and legs around Nathanial's to hold the Akita immobile. He opened his mouth wide and gently bit down around the white throat, his teeth pressing against the pulsing blood vessels. Nathanial gasped, a small surge of instinctive fear surfacing, and Geoff gave a much louder and dominant growl. Nathanial shivered as the vibrations ran through his body; he tilted his head back, further submitting himself to his boyfriend. Geoff could feel the fur on his belly getting soaked through by their combined emissions. He softly began 'chewing' on Nathanial as he ground his groin against his love's. He could feel Nathanial shivering and gasping beneath him.

After a mere two minutes, Nathanial spoke, "Ah, oh, Geoff, I'm getting close..." Geoff began grinding with more force, and Nathanial suddenly yipped and shook, his seed shooting out with enough force that Geoff could feel it reaching the base of his ribcage, despite the amount of fur blocking it's progress. Geoff wasn't far behind; he howled into the soft white fur of Nathanial's neck, and the chilly black fur of his stomach was painted white with his cum. He released Nathanial's neck and relaxed on top of him, panting. Nathanial sighed in contentment, he nibbled Geoff's ear, "That was a good first course, but I'm not going to be satisfied until you tie me. I want you to take me, love. Make me yours. Well, I'm yours already, and will always be yours, but you know what..." Geoff shut him up with a kiss. He suppressed his Spirit, and rubbed a bunch of their cum on his penis. He sat up and lifted Nathanial's legs over his shoulders, Nathanial just smiled up at him, "Please."

Geoff grinned and slowly pushed in. Nathanial moaned and arched his back, pushing his chest up and his head back. Geoff kept a constant, but slow, pressure. He could feel the tight tunnel being forced open around his hard rod, squeezing and relaxing as each new inch entered. He took his time, a full three minutes, to get down to his knot. Nathanial moaned almost the entire time, his paws running through the sticky mess on their bellies, reaching up to tweak Geoff's nipples and to rub the white goo into the white fur around Geoff's muzzle. Geoff laughed as he bottomed out, "We're a complete mess. This is going to be a challenge to get out."

"As long as you put some in, I don't give a damn. Shut up and fuck me." His eyes were unfocused and wild with lust. Geoff laughed again and obeyed his orders. He started out slow, but Nathanial growled at him and went to flip them over. Geoff bit down on the pup's throat and growled. He took the hint, though, and started up again, this time going fast and hard. Nathanial yipped and moaned, trying to push up to meet each thrust, but he didn't have much leverage. He changed tactics and began massaging Geoff's shaft with his intestinal muscles, coaxing out a moan from the Wolf. Geoff could feel the pressure building inside him when Nathanial's back arched up for a second time, but this time accompanied with a full howl as he came. Geoff gasped as his cock was squeezed in a velvety, vice-like, grip. He kept going, right through Nathanial's orgasm.

A few minutes later Geoff leaned back, "On your knees, pup. I want to fuck you hard." Nathanial yipped in excitement and rolled over, taking care to keep his prize inside him. Geoff balanced himself on his hindpaws, his arms wrapped across Nathanial's chest in an 'X', with the paws on opposing shoulders. He gave a hard thrust, letting Nathanial know what he was in for, before he went as hard and as fast as he could. Nathanial's breath was cut down to staccato gasps, as each time Geoff hips hit Nathanial's the pup's breath was forced out. Geoff could see Nathanial's tongue fall out the side of his muzzle and a dreamy expression cover his face, well as much of his face as Geoff could see. A towel floated over and spread itself underneath the madly rutting pair. Geoff grinned before letting out a loud growl as he bit into Nathanial's scruff, hard. He slammed his knot home and howled. Nathanial yelped before squeezing his ass around Geoff's cock a few times, working his third orgasm free. Geoff growled into the reddish orange fur, as a second orgasmic peak surged through him. Once it faded he collapsed heavily onto Nathanial, who shook for a second before his arms gave out. They fell with a splat onto the wet towel beneath them. Geoff burst out laughing, joined after a moment by Nathanial. "Gods, pup. What got you so worked up?"

Nathanial rolled his eyes, "Nick and Micah. I shared a room with them in Tokyo, which was absolutely incredible, by the way. They're insatiable. Saturday night they fucked six times in the hour and a half before bed. Then Micah woke up Nick three times, that I know of, during the night. Two of those times involved two sets of orgasms. And whenever we took a break back in the hotel, they were going at it. I was really trying to not jerk off at all, to keep it all for you, so I was feeling really pent up. I couldn't even go over to Dad's room because he had company, too. I think my brothers were even more randy because I was there and practically forced to watch." Geoff was having trouble stifling his laughter. Nathanial snorted and turned his head to lick Geoff's muzzle, "You can laugh if you want, but speaking of worked up, what was with the full dom mode, master?" He flipped his ears back submissively and stared with wide eyes.

Geoff growled and bit into Nathanial's scruff, making him sigh in contentment, and Geoff thrust into him a few times, "Oh, damn, pup. You're just so cute when you look all submissive and defenceless. I just find it a huge turn on, today. My protective instincts, I guess."

"I don't think I'd like this all the time, but it was incredible. Thank you."

Geoff was in a great mood, despite how miserable he was when he woke up, he started laughing again. "Thank me? Gods, pup, I'm the one with the dick locked in your ass! I should be thanking you! And thanking you for helping me get rid of that headache."

Nathanial clenched around Geoff's knot, "Love, you can't believe how good you feel inside me. I mean it when I say I'm happy and grateful for this. All the cum I shot everywhere should give you a tiny hint of how much I enjoy this. The last two were without either of us touching my penis, too. You feel absolutely incredible." He reached back around Geoff's head, pulling him over to where Nathanial could kiss him. They kissed for twenty minutes, until Geoff deflated enough to pull out. Nathanial whimpered as he was left empty. Geoff chuckled and licked up some of his cum that leaked out. Nathanial murred, pushing his rump up against Geoff's muzzle. "Dang. We better clean this gunk off, and then I should get home and dressed. I'll be bringing my brothers over to work out some. Hey, I was just thinking, my dogs can freely travel between planes, maybe you can, too. You are the Spirit of Darkness, anything they can do, you should be able to do, as well."

Geoff stood up, trying to make sure he didn't drip, "That's a stretch. Even two Spirits of the same type, like Earth Spirits, can have very different abilities." Nathanial stood up and picked up the wet towel off Geoff's bed. Geoff grinned, "Gods, pup. You really needed this. The towel is soaked, and so are you!" He leaned in and licked up the spots that looked close to dripping, "Mmm, well, part of this is me, from the smell of it."

Nathanial scratched around Geoff's ears, "I needed you, the sex was a bonus. But even if you can't do everything my dogs can, it's a place to start experimenting. I know you can do so much more than you're doing now. You just need to learn what your limits are and develop your skills inside them. Right now you don't seem to even have an idea of what those limits might be."

Geoff's ears folded down at the very correct and mild rebuke, before an idea popped into his head. He gave Nathanial a dirty leer, "Well, if this is my reward, I think I'll be very motivated."

Nathanial just gave him a quiet smile before stepping in and gently kissing him. He stepped back and cupped Geoff's cheek in his paw, "No, it isn't. It's yours whenever you want it. Your motivation is me, not sex. There are still people like Mr. Harper out there. They want both of us dead, and they're willing to kill everyone around us to get to us. What you learn may save a life, including mine. That should be more than enough motivation." Geoff felt a chill run through him as he thought of everyone he loved being killed because he was too weak. His good mood burst and the cold claws of fear wrapped themselves around his heart. Nathanial smiled with warmth, stepped back in to kiss him, and whispered into his ear, "Just remember my ass is here to make you feel better, whenever you need it." Geoff felt his tail start wagging as they went to shower.

Liam climbed off the bus by his, by Bao's Kwoon. It was not his, even though he often felt otherwise. He knew a simple request would find this, and many other Kwoons, signed over to him. It... troubled him. A life's work: hopes, dreams, sweat, and tears; all of a person's efforts given up to another person for no logical reason. Just out of devotion to something beyond his control. He never chose to be reborn, and certainly not this many times. Yet he knew how others saw him. Almost everyone but these fools. He could feel Faelen's eyes drift down his back to rest on his swaying tail. Nathanial was looking around him, excited to be seeing and learning something new; he did not seem to realize it, but he was much like Micah in the way new things excited him. It just was not so... blatant. Then his last new student, Geoff, climbed off the bus. He was the most refreshing of his friends, and the most frustrating. They frequently got along, but at times they just rubbed each other the wrong way and tempers frayed. He would never admit it, but Liam enjoyed his arguments with Geoff. It felt normal. Ordinary. Two teens bickering over stupid things. The Graces were indeed kind when they brought these people into his life, despite all of the trouble they gave him. He knew Nathanial was disappointed that Nicholas and Micah were not here, but there was no way Liam was going to train anyone who used Demon magic. Even if the Taint did not return, the very act of using something so forbidden indicated a deep flaw of character. He would consent to teach Micah as a favour to Nathanial, but it would cause too many problems if he taught Micah without teaching Nicholas. Micah had his own... issues, a nearly complete lack of self discipline and disregard for those in authority were primary. If he was not so eager to please, and absolutely devoted to Nathanial, he would be impossible to control. No, upon further reflection, he would not teach Micah, even without the concern of Nicholas.

He was jolted from his thoughts by Geoff, "Hello? Sensei? Are you awake?"

He looked back with a frown, "Yes, Geoff-san. I apologize, I was distracted." He turned back to face the Kwoon. He admired the classic Chinese design. The white walls were broken by the dark wood of the large front doors, and the clay tiles of the roof added to the appearance of old China. He reached for the door and paused, "I... have a request. Do you consider me a friend?" He nodded at Nathanial and Geoff.

They both froze in surprise and blinked at him. Geoff recovered first, "What? Um, well, yes. I'm actually a little hurt that you thought you had to ask." Nathanial nodded emphatically in agreement.

Liam felt his ears turn a bit red as he lowered his head, "May... I? Um, would you please just call me Liam? Not sensei or anything? Just Liam. A friend, not a teacher or revered figure. Just... me."

Nathanial walked up and hugged Liam, "Yes. Of course. If you drop the honourifics on our names, too, Liam-kun. If I can use that one." Liam met his eyes with a timid smile and nodded.

Geoff shook his head, "Another of those Japanese things you're going to have to explain, pup."

Nathanial let Liam go and they walked into the Kwoon, "Kun, an honourific, well, more of a term of endearment. It's used to address boys or someone of lower rank. I'm using it in the younger boy sense. Affectionate, not insulting."

Faelen smiled, "What should I use?"

Nathanial cut off Liam before he could answer, "Chan. It's a cute honourific, used between lovers. It's insulting to use it to someone you shouldn't consider cute, and it's typically used for girls, but not always. If it's used when you're talking to a male it's considered intimate and only for really good friends."

Liam put his ears back, "I would prefer to just be called Liam, I think." He blushed and looked up at Faelen, "But Liam-chan is fine in some situations. Or Liam-kun from Nathanial-kun, as he seems overly fond of Japanese honourifics. But, my friends, we should be starting." Liam felt a warm glow flooding through him, and an echo coming from the grey Wolf behind him. He led them to the changing rooms and they quickly changed into the clothes Liam had ordered for them. Geoff wore the set Nathanial had bought for his birthday, an icy blue that matched Geoff's eyes perfectly with the darker sky blue stitching that matched Nathanial's eyes. The others wore similar clothing picked out by Liam but they paid for. Faelen had a stormy purple set with a cloud pattern stitching on it in dark grey, in honour of the clothes he'd worn on their first date.

Cheng Bao, an elderly Panda, was waiting outside the change room. He bowed to Liam, who returned the bow, "Liam, there are some Si Gung here who still hoped to train with you. They were informed you had other students today, but wished for the honour of your presence. I would be honoured to train these students if you are willing."

Liam paused and considered his response, "Bao, please allow me to introduce my students. I ask for your discretion in this. This is Geoff McDougal. Faelen O'Conall, my boyfriend, great grandson of Lowell O'Conall, and bodyguard for Geoff. Nathanial Marks, the one I healed the other day, is a Mage and primary target of the Hunters. They refer to him as a 'Key' to eliminating all magic beings, or we assume all magic beings. Also, Faelen is more than my boyfriend, he has somehow become bound to me. He will be reborn with me, and when one dies, I believe the other will as well. My friends, this is Si Tai Gung Cheng Bao, he is the one who helped me through my first Awakening as Liam, and one I trust implicitly. He is the unofficial leader of the Monks in Nova Scotia. Si Tai Gung means great grandmaster, Cheng is the family name." His friends looked surprised when Liam introduced Faelen as his boyfriend, and even more surprised when Nathanial was introduced as a Mage.

Bao's eyes widened when Faelen was introduced as Liam's boyfriend, but he looked close to a heart attack when Liam told him of their bond. He hugged Liam after he finished talking, "I'm sure this bond caused you grief when it happened, but I'm really happy for you. I know you were really lonely. I repeat my offer, only more so, should you ever need it. I would truly, and deeply, be honoured to help in their training. I know how important they must be to you. Do not forget that you are important to us; I humbly request that you take some time to continue training with us, too."

Liam stifled a sigh and nodded, "Very well. I will accept your offer, with gratitude. I will go see the other masters for a half hour. I ask that you lead my students through a warm up and stretches. They have been shown the basic stances and the form San Sow Sot. Please practice that as well." Liam considered a second, "If there is time before I return, a lecture on the etiquette in a Kwoon would not be amiss. It is something I did not think of prior to now, I have never taught such... raw students before." Cheng Bao gave Liam a bow and led Liam's students to the smaller training room. Liam's heart sank as he ran Bao's words through his head, 'If you know I am lonely, why do you and the other masters keep me confined to this pedestal in your minds? Why can you not just accept what I am and let it be; treat me as you treat each other?' He walked into the main training room, almost all of the local masters, four out of the five Si Gung and eleven Si Fu, were kneeling in position waiting for him. He knew it was a gesture of great respect and reverence; it was touching on one paw, but on the other paw it was the furthest thing from what he wanted right now. He walked to the front of the room, and they all bowed in unison; their paws held out on the floor in front of them and then touching their foreheads to their paws. He maintained a calm exterior but his guts churned inside him. He really hoped Faelen could not feel his discomfort. He called the masters to attention and gave the standard bow in return, it was more of a handshake or salute than a bow when compared to the one they had given him. He turned away and slowly started a form they had not seen before, allowing them to watch it through twice before moving to the centre of the room and walking them through it.

At the end of his class Liam led his young students back to the change rooms. They went to their day lockers and stripped their clothes off and grabbed some soap and their towels. One of the Si Fu, from a different Kwoon, walked in and bowed to Liam, "Si Jo, may I have a word?" Liam nodded and waved his friends on. They gave clumsy bows to the college aged Polar Bear and Liam, who returned the bows, and walked off to the showers.

Liam stood with his towel tossed over his shoulder and arms hanging loosely by his side. The six foot eight (two metres) tall Bear seemed a little uncomfortable, he was a local boy from what he heard, Jim DeKou. 'If he is uncomfortable with nudity, he should not accost me in the locker room.' He waited.

Jim stood there for two minutes, obviously uncomfortable, and Liam just stood and watched him. The Bear finally spoke, "Si Jo, these new students of yours. Who are they? Why are you training them?"

Liam remained impassive, "They are my friends. They wished to be trained, I wished to train them."

Jim's eyes flashed, but he spoke calmly, "They aren't worth your time, any of us could train new students. No one else has the skills and knowledge you do, Si Jo; you should be training us, the masters and grandmasters."

Liam's voice became softer, "You presume much to tell me who I may or may not train, and who is or is not worthy of my time."

Jim looked a little uncertain but he kept going, "I-I wouldn't dream of doing that, Honoured Teacher, but I don't understand. Any of us can teach the basics, and any of us would be honoured to take on a student you recommend. We'd do it for free, just for the privilege of serving you. We know you're incredibly busy, why take on something so many of us would love to do for you? Shouldn't you be focused on higher pursuits and perfection and stuff?"

Liam shook his head and quirked the corner of his mouth into a tiny lopsided smile. He reached up, way up, to pat the young man on the shoulder, "No, you do not understand, but I have given you the answer, already. Think on it, step outside of your own thoughts and desires and try to see from a different view. Return when you have found the answer. Now, I have my mundane duties to attend to, as well as the higher pursuits."

They bowed, but Jim spoke up, obviously chastened, "Does that mean I'm not allowed to come back here until I learn my lesson, or to just tell you when I figure it out?"

Liam turned and walked toward the showers, calling over his shoulder, "Just tell me when you have figured it out. Had you been slightly more insulting, I would have forbade you from being in the room while I train."

Liam walked around the corner of the locker room and into the showers. There were six shower heads coming off of three stands. Each stand was built into a different wall. Geoff and Nathanial were using the two shower heads on the far wall, Geoff was scrubbing Nathanial's back, while Faelen was slowly soaping himself up under one of the shower heads on the wall to Liam's left. Liam walked up to the shower head beside him and started soaking his fur. Faelen looked troubled as he pulled Liam into a hug, "I heard what he said. Are we going to be causing you problems? I almost agreed with him, except that I don't want to train under anyone else, I want to train under you."

Liam gently disengaged, "You will train under me, but that will not be the only time you are under me, love. And, at times, I wish to be under you, as well. No, there may be a little jealousy to start with, but no problems. He does not understand, and nor do you, entirely, that I am training you because I want to. You are my friends. While during training I am the Si Jo and you are mere students, but I am still spending time with you. That is precious to me, more precious than any 'higher calling'."

Faelen smiled and gazed into Liam's eyes with genuine warmth, "I'm glad. I feel the same way, but what's a Si Jo?"

"Great-great grandmaster. It is the highest rank in Kung Fu. They do not feel it is appropriate for me, here, so they often call me the Honoured Teacher or Ancient One, among other such titles. I would prefer Liam or Smith outside of the training rooms, and Si Jo is sufficient inside, but they do not seem to understand. They mean well and they are sincere, it is just uncomfortable." Faelen began soaping Liam up when Jim walked in. Liam looked over at him, "Si Fu Dekou, I do not believe you met my friends." He gave the introductions, using just the first and last names. Jim DeKou's eyes narrowed as he looked at Faelen, he'd seemed surprised when he walked in and saw Faelen working the soap into Liam's fur. Liam turned and began washing Faelen's back, Jim's eyes narrowed further, "Are you needing your back scrubbed, DeKou? Once I rinse I would be willing to aid you, if you wish."

The Bear stepped back in surprise and blushed, "I, ah, n-no, that won't be necessary, Si Jo." He quickly turned to face the wall.

Faelen saw an evil grin cross Liam's face as he quickly rinsed. The diminutive Rottweiler gathered a large pawful of soap and silently padded across the room to stand behind Jim and reached up high to start kneading the soap into the thick fur. Jim gave a shocked roar, almost a yip or yelp if he'd been a canine, and spun around to lean against the wall, staring down at Liam in surprise. His glans was poking out past his foreskin, and his shaft looked a little chubby. Liam gave no reaction to what he saw, but looked up innocently at him, "Despite your protestations I believed you could use some help in washing your back. I notice during training that you have difficulty in any moves that require your arms to reach backward. Your body structure inhibits you from making such motions with ease. As you do not have a scrub brush with you, you would be unable to wash your back, and even with such a brush I believe it would be difficult, yes?"

Jim had recovered enough to drop his paws over his genitals shortly after Liam started talking, but he looked absolutely mortified. "I-I actually should probably be getting right back to my dorm. I have a lot of studying to do, and I ... wasn't thinking when... I..."

He slowly trailed off as Liam just kept looking up at him, his penis was slowly rising behind his paws. Liam could tell as he had to move his fingers and adjust himself a few times. "Stay where you are, and you need not be so bashful. It is not uncommon for young males to get aroused at inopportune times, and my friends do not tease others over such things, as they are frequent victims, themselves. I do not mind washing another's back, and if you are too uncomfortable with me scrubbing you for some," he gestured at Jim's groin, "reason, you may ask one of my friends. I cannot volunteer them, or guarantee they will say yes, but there is no harm in asking, and I know they would not find offence in such a request." He glanced around at his friends, "As a side note, I do not know if Bao has mentioned this, but playing or public displays of affection are not permitted inside the Kwoon. It is dedicated to Kung Fu, its students and teachers personal lives are left at the entrance, unless you are seeking advice from an elder. Placing an arm around another's shoulders in a gesture of camaraderie is permitted." Geoff and Nathanial blushed, they must have been affectionate before Liam walked in.

Jim blushed, too, "Sir, that's, heh, why I'm a little embarrassed, here." His voiced lowered, "I'm a little hard, and, well, that isn't really allowed, either."

Liam smiled, "Just don't make a show of it or jerk off in the showers." Geoff and Nathanial turned off their showers.

Jim gulped and looked away, "Ah, I don't need my back scrubbed, Si Jo, it wouldn't be proper."

Liam smiled at him, again, and walked back to his shower, Nathanial looked up at the horribly embarrassed Bear in sympathy, and asked timidly, "Would you prefer if I scrubbed you, then, Si Fu?" Jim looked down at the shy little Akita, appearing to see him for the first time. Nathanial was looking up at him with wide eyes and his ears slightly back; the Bear was intimidating in his height. He had one paw half raised as he reached up to Jim, the other paw was holding the end of his tail. He also had most of his weight on a single hindpaw. Liam knew he'd be very aroused if Nathanial looked at him in such a fashion, and it was obvious Geoff was getting turned on looking at Nathanial standing like that. Jim gave a very audible gulp as his eyes widened even further; he staggered back against the wall and shook his head vehemently. He glanced over and saw Geoff's arousal, and quickly glanced back and forth between the two.

Geoff smiled and put his paw on Nathanial's shoulder, Nathanial just looked back at him in confusion, "Shoo, pup. He doesn't want you... well, he doesn't think he should get you to wash his back. Let's leave the poor guy in peace. Good day, Si Fu." Jim looked like he'd inadvertently killed a little kitten, and turned to face the wall. Liam gave Faelen a quick glance, turned off his shower, and followed Geoff and Nathanial out. He leaned against the wall, out of sight, to listen.

Faelen turned off his shower and walked over to the upset young man, clapping him on the shoulder, "Hey, come on. Relax." He could hear the sound of sudsy fur being firmly scrubbed, Faelen must have decided to wash him without asking. "None of us think less of you, Nathanial's sixteen, I heard that's the consenting age here, and you're only... twenty? The guy is really cute, so don't get so upset that you reacted." Liam didn't correct Faelen, Nathanial was almost sixteen.

Jim was trying to keep his voice quiet, "But, I got hard in front of the An... of Si Jo. And then I was perving his friend! I didn't mean to, I mean, it's not like I'm gay or anything. My girlfriend just hasn't..." Liam could hear his head thud against the wall.

Faelen chuckled, "Girlfriend, yeah, right. I'm guessing you're just as likely to have a girlfriend as I am. It also looked like you were perving my boyfriend, too, not just Geoff's." Liam could almost see the poor Bear gaping in shock, "You, my friend, are at least bisexual, but I'm betting fully gay." Jim was shaking his head in denial. "Dude, look at what the sight of Liam and Nathanial did to you and try to tell me you don't think they're hot. If you really think that Liam isn't good looking I might have to deck you." Liam couldn't hear a response. "See, you didn't fall over dead, so it can't be that bad. There's got to be lots of hot guys at your university. You probably don't want to be hitting on guys still in high school, even if it's technically legal, it's still frowned on. But if you aren't out, well, you're going to get very lonely. Try to admit you find guys attractive, to start with, and then talk to someone. Whether it's a counsellor, a professor you trust, or someone at a gay student group. There's even hotlines to help. I'm sorry if I've read you wrong, but at least you got a clean back out of the deal." There was a thwap of a paw hitting wet fur, "I know what Liam is, Jim, so don't worry about your near slip, either. See you around, Si Fu." A barely audible mumble was his response. Faelen walked around the corner and smiled at Liam. Liam smiled in return, and patted him on the arm.