Toys Make the Couple

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Toys Make the Couple

By Von Krieger

Jacob ran a hand over the smooth, black and purple latex outfit in front of him. "It has breasts." He said, a little uncomfortable.

"Of course it has breasts!" Lita said with a scoff of disbelief, "You said you wanted to experiment with gender roles and dominant/submissive positions. You said you wanted to try being the girl for a little while, hence the breasts. Besides, it's not like anyone other than me is ever going to see you in it."

Jacob thought it over for a minute. His girlfriend was right; it wasn't like he was going to be walking around town in the thing. Plus even if he did, no one would recognize him with the mask on.

"So do you want help putting it on, or are you going to stare at it for awhile?"

They were standing in Lita's bedroom, naked, their skin glistening with the lubricating oil that the suit required for easy donning. The outfit was very complex, all sorts of straps, buckles, loops, belts, and zippers. Jacob couldn't even imagine what it would look like on him.

"Yeah, help me out. I have no idea where to start." He finally admitted, a little sheepish.

"Boots and gloves first; it sounds little backwards than usual, but it helps to keep the seams from showing. Gloves on first. You're going to be my submissive pleasure pet for the weekend, so that means you're going to be all fumble fingered." Lita said with a predatory grin.

"Yes, Mistress." Jacob said with a smile as Lita picked up the gloves. They were a dark purple and would reach to his elbows. The design was bird-like, and it appeared that he would be putting two of his fingers in one of the gloves'. The tip of each finger was adorned with a small, blunt, black claw.

He held out one arm and gasped softly as the sensation of the latex slide over his bare skin. "Geez, you were right, this stuff DOES feel really good."

Lita smiled, "I'm putting the mask on you next. You keep talking and ruining the feel of our little game."

"Sorry." Jacob said with a blush.

The first glove had been fully slipped on. It was padded liberally around the hand and fingers and it wasn't very flexible. It forced his hand into a flat position, making it difficult to bend and get a grip on things. Even though his ring and little fingers were crammed into the same avian digit, the glove felt quite comfortable; very natural. The other was slipped on just as easily, straps fastening around his wrists, making it difficult for him to take them off on his own.

Jacob ran his 'paws' over his body, moaning softly at the sensation of the latex on his bare skin. He grinned mischievously as Lita turned her back to him as she leaned down to fetch his hood and mask. He reached around and ran his gloved hands over her breasts.

"Naughty boy." She said in a pleasured gasp, "I'm already so horny just thinking about this, and you're making it worse!"

She wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling his chin down onto her shoulder and brought up a portion of the mask; the lower half of the gryphon's beak. The beak segment itself was the same purple as his gloves, but the molded section behind it was black. The gag itself was thick, rounded, and cock-shaped.

Jacob had no time to protest at the size of the obstruction as it was gently pressed between his lips. He ran his tongue over it, feeling the split at the base of the head, and the somewhat oversized hole.

Lita slipped behind Jacob, fastening the straps behind his head. "There we are, now there's no more backtalk from you." She said with a chuckle, giving her boyfriend a peck on the latex-covered cheek.

The upper portion of the gryphon's gas-mask-inspired face was next. It slipped into place perfectly over the gag. The tinted lenses of the masks' eyes turned everything a subtle shade of purple. It was surprisingly easy to breath in the mask. It didn't feel hot, stuffy, or cramped. Nor was he constantly re-breathing his own exhalation.

"The gag is mobile and very flexible it has three different positions. The one you have now, where only a tiny bit can get in. You can always dip your beak in your bowl and gulp down some water. I can pull it halfway out, which stretches it a bit further, allowing you to stick your tongue out with a little bit of oral acrobatics. I can feed you when it's like that, or put something else into your mouth. Or I can have it entirely in your beak, so you can speak normally. But I'm going to leave it like it is for now." She said with a grin.

"Now, get down on the bed and lift your feet so I can get your paws on." Lita commanded.

Jacob nodded and quickly complied. The boots were shaped to look like cartoonishly oversized cat's paws, complete with small slits at the end for claws. They were designed to force him to walk on the balls of his feet, like a true cat. He sighed with contentment into his gag, the more latex that was against his skin, the better he felt.

"Now, lay on your side." Lita ordered, "This is probably going to be the most uncomfortable piece."

Jacob did so and looked up at the uncomfortable piece. The dimming effect of the lenses in his mask and the odd nature of it made for difficult identification. He growled into the gag as Lita forced something into his rear. Sort of a reverse strap-on, more of a strap-in. It was longer and thicker than any dildo Lita has used on him before, and strangely shaped. But it felt good, it pushed into him every time his muscles tensed, like a slow, gentle fucking.

"Sit up." Lita commanded. She chuckle when Jacob moaned from the movement.

She fiddled with something beneath Jacob's vision, the other half of the piece that contained the butt plug. She pulled it into place, perfectly molding to his scrotum.

"The discomfort I was talking about wasn't from the thing going in your butt." She said.

Jacob howled into his gag as SOMETHING was slipped into his urethra. It stung and felt nowhere near as pleasant as the insertion into his rump.

"Don't be such a baby!" Lita scolded, giving Jacob a swat on the butt, "I said you were going to be in this thing all weekend. Without working hands to uncover yourself, how did you think you were going to pee?"

Jacob's pains vanished as Lita began to stroke his latex coated member. He felt like he was about to melt at the touch. It felt so good, the soft, smooth, slick latex sliding over his member at the merest pressure of her caress.

"Now let's finish your legs and get your proper gryphon cock on. We'll put the top on later. I want to put my suit on and give you one last ride as a male." Lita said with an almost sinister laugh.


Jacob panted, instinctively suckling the gag as he waited for Lita to return from the bathroom. Her latex outfit was supposed to be a surprise, and it wouldn't do for him to see it prematurely.

Just wearing the suit brought him close to climax. The heavy weight of the molded rubber cock that had been slid over his own member seemed to vibrate subtly with every small movement he made, the latex covering on his member milked him gently with every thrust, and the rod slipping into his cock also vibrated with each tiny motion.

He could scarcely imagine what it would feel like when he slid inside Lita. If his small movements left him near the brink of orgasm, how hard would he climax when actually making love?

He bit down slightly on the gag, resisting the urge to stroke himself with his gloved paws. Jacob wanted so badly to see what it felt like, and Lita was taking such a long time. He moaned with frustration. He wanted to fuck, but he didn't want to seem impatient and have his 'mistress' angry at him for starting without her.

Jacob looked down at the large black length jutting up from between his legs. The dildo was twice the size of his actual member and reached to his navel. It tapered to a point with several large swellings along the length, decidedly inhuman looking. The smooth, polished latex glistened even more as a trail of precum ran down it, somehow pulled up the length from his own cock.

It just might be long enough, he thought, to be able to slip into his beak and allow him to pleasure himself that way. He began to lean towards the glistening length when he heard the click of the bathroom light going off.

Jacob gasped at the sight of Lita. Her own outfit was gorgeous. The latex clung to her tightly, the straps and buckles blending in skillfully. If it weren't for a few tiny seams, one could almost imagine that Lita had transformed into a rather sinister looking spider-dragoness.

The tinted lenses over her eyes were a deep red, as was the shaped latex that was sculpted into perfect underbelly plates. The work on the suit was so skilled that even where the latex thinned, hugging the breasts like a second skin, the lines were maintained to perfection.

The rig that comprised her wings and tail was a work of art. Translucent red membrane strung between small struts that looked like insectoid legs, and two larger, jointed ones that stuck out several feet. With each step a ripple went through the wings, all the way down to Lita's tail, which swayed from side to side as she walked, just as a real tail would do.

Her boots were perfectly sculpted with three large toes in front with wickedly large, glistening red claws. A fourth toe in the back featured a larger claw that touched the ground, giving the effect of high heels.

Jacob moaned as her four fingered, equally clawed hands traced over the bare flesh of his belly.

"Mmm...." Lita rumbled, her voice seemingly altered to be lower, more controlling, "I've changed my mind. I think we ought to get you fully suited up, my pet."

The dragon mask's jaw moved with her speech and Jacob could almost swear that he saw the muzzle's lips move as she spoke. He nodded his consent. He wanted to be fully suited up as well.

The cool sensation of the latex as it pressed against his skin was heavenly. It grew even more delightful as the second skin warmed with his body heat. Whoever designed the suits was a genius.

Jacob had felt the weight of the suit's molded breasts the moment the base piece had slid on. It covered his back and chest and spread the weight out across several different muscle groups, just as real breasts would. The covering piece slipped on over it, the gaps in the latex so perfectly created that there seemed to be no break between the two pieces. It was as if Jacob had become a real latex gryphon herm.

Lita shoved him back down on the bed and grinned. Her mask's lips pulling back just a little from the white fangs.

"Oh fuck, your cock is soaked!" she said with a laugh, running her gloved hands over the length.

Jacob could only wriggle and moan in delight. The merest touch to his cock increased the vibration; it was almost like the cock was a part of him, the pleasure filling him as the dildo was stroked.

The gryphon's eyes widened and he wondered how he could possibly have missed THAT. It put his own member to shame, huge, and thick, and almost the same shape. But rather than taper to a point, the head spread out at the sides, forming a spade shape. He had never taken anything so large before.

But all thoughts of protest were annihilated as Lita lowered herself onto his cock, her own dildo resting on his latex covered belly. He could feel the weight of it; he swore he could feel the smooth length as it slid over him.

Lita growled and gripped his breasts and Jacob threw his head back as he howled in bliss. He didn't know how, but the touch seemed to be translated to his body somehow. Each finger's caress of the latex prosthetic sent shivers of pleasure through him, as if they were real.

The dragoness' cock dripped clear fluid onto Jacob's belly and he marveled at it. How could it possibly pull Lita's own sexual moisture down that eighteen inch length? Especially when the faux cock couldn't possibly have any sort of connection with Lita's sex; he was in her to the hilt, and the warmth had soaked through the dildo to reach his actual member.

It felt so good, so much better than normal sex; even the open muzzle to open beak kiss that the two shared as they clung tighter and tighter to one another felt incredible. Jacob wasn't sure how he was holding on for so long. The pleasure had long since reached the point where he would normally have climaxed. Maybe it was the ring that gripped the base of his cock, or maybe he had already climaxed and not noticed? Either way, the suit somehow managed to bring him past peaks of pleasure that he never thought possible, and pulled him even further still into lofty heights of satisfaction he'd never dreamed could possibly exist.

Lita snarled and growled like a proper dominant dragon with recently captured prey. Her muzzle moved from his beak to his throat, the mask's teeth feeling uncomfortable sharp against the thin latex between them and his skin.

"Fuck! It's even better than she said it would!" Lita moaned, one hand slipping from Jacob's breast down to her cock. She was actually jerking off her dildo! Maybe it did something to her clitoris?

All thought suddenly stopped as Lita released her grip on his neck. The dragoness threw her head back and roared. She was suddenly tight, incredibly tight, and almost painfully tight. Sweet, blissful, liquid heat coated his member, the warmth seeping inward and reaching his true cock.

Jacob finally erupted with long-awaited climax. He came, and came hard. Five, six, seven, eight full strength jets before he felt their strength begin to fade.

Lita pulled off of him, and to Jacob's surprise his belly was coated in a thick, pearlescent fluid. It wasn't semen; such didn't have a constant coloration throughout. Whatever this was, it didn't grow transparent in places. It seemed to seep through his latex outfit, which seemed to grow just a little bit tighter.

His thoughts were interrupted as a new sensation made him moan, the presence of Lita's fingers in his tailhole. "Oh don't think we're done yet." The dragoness growled, "I still haven't marked you as my female yet."

With a roughness and ferocity that made Jacob cry out, Lita shoved her dragoncock into him. The agony that the gryphon expected never came, but he almost did. The sensation of that cock in his ass was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. It was better than being inside Lita, better and more fitting for a slutty little gryph-whore like Jacob.

He lowered his head in a sign of obedience and let his mistress pound away on him. He didn't want to take the suit off, ever.


Jacob sat with her head in her mistress' lap. She was disappointed that her fun was about to end, and that she was about to end as well. Just fourteen more hours until Lita had to go to work, a few more hours of wakefulness and then a restful sleep with her mistress' cock in her rump, or the dragoness' cock in her pet's mouth, and then Lita had to go to work.

For Jacob that meant having to strip out of her beautiful gryphon suit and go back to being a male as he looked for a job. She didn't want to take off her suit, or stop being Lita's pet. As good as the suit felt when she'd first donned it, now that it had time to warm up and be broken in on Jacob's body, it felt natural. It felt like it was supposed to be there.

The gryphon sucked happily on her mistress' cock. The dragoness had removed her mask, to make watching TV easier. For some reason, it made Jacob uneasy; she liked her mistress with her dragon face on.

"Dammit," Lita sighed, "I don't want to go to work tomorrow. This feels so damn good."

She scratched Jacob behind the ears, drawing a feline purr from her pet. It felt so right, so natural, like this was the way they were supposed to be, but something had screwed up somewhere and the two were born to bland, one gendered, human bodies.

The dragoness sighed and turned the TV off. She looked at her shiny, clawed, four fingered hands. She hadn't had the slightest discomfort or clumsiness with them. Her draconic handpaws worked just as well as her ungloved, human hands. She didn't want to take them off.

She sighed once more and pulled her mask back on. Truth be told, she felt strange without it. The cool air on her bare skin felt unnatural somehow. She moaned as she tightened the last of the straps. Jacob's sucking seemed to double in intensity as she was once again properly clothed.

Lita was close to the edge before putting the mask on, and with it on she was shoved over the brink of climax. Jacob purred and eagerly gulped down her seed.

"Mmm... that's wonderful, pet." The dragoness rumbled, rubbing Jacob's back, scratching between the two small, feathered wings.

She blinked a few times. Had the costume come with wings? She couldn't remember having noticed them before. But they had to have been there before. She just hadn't noticed them. After all, Jacob had been on his back for a large amount of the past few days.

She sighed sadly, "C'mon, let's get to bed. If we're lucky we can have some fun before I have to take this off."

Jacob hopped down onto the floor and followed behind her mistress dutifully, nuzzling her legs and tail affectionately.


Lita looked over her dragonself in the mirror one last time before she was forced to abandon it. She looked back at Jacob, tied to the bed, legs spread, a large vibrator stuffed in his rump, one thin one in his cock, and two egg vibes held against his member by expertly woven silk strands. She'd pushed a large dildo into his beak as well, and tied it shut.

Her spider-dragon suit apparently has some rolls of the thick silk hidden in the tail rig. Doctor Baine must have mentioned it before, as when the idea had struck Lita this morning, she'd gone right for the stuff.

While she would have to put up with being a plain old human for the day, Jacob didn't have any such pressing appointments. So there was no reason why he couldn't enjoy being her pet while she was at work.

But Lita didn't want him to have TOO much fun. The vibes were set to low settings, enough to bring him close to climax, but not to tip him over. He'd be all frustrated and eager to play when she got home.

The dragoness smiled, and then frowned. She closed her eyes and reached up to remove her dragon mask. The latex, a few days of contact having molded it perfectly to her contours, pulled away slowly, almost reluctantly.

"Well, Aracha," Lita said with a chuckle, figuring her draconic body ought to have a properly somewhat sinister sounding name, "It looks like I'll just have to go back to being me for awhile."

She looked at her work clothes laid out on the bed beside her pet, and then back at the mirror. Hmm, if she kept her suit coat buttoned to hide the latex that came up to the base of her neck, she could easily wear the body portion of her suit. Though she would have to take her beautiful wings and tail off.

Lita looked down forlornly at the well-crafted appendages, the weight on her back and rump seemed so natural. She loved the way that they swayed and rippled with every movement she made. They made her look so beautiful.

With a reluctant sigh she unfastened the straps that held them on and wriggle free of them. The tail's buttplug could be removed and worn by itself, which is what Lita did, gently twisting it free of the ring that held it to the tail rig.

She placed them, along with her mask, on the bed next to Jacob. Her latex hood was next, and then her boots. Lita bit her lip as she began to remove her gloves, trying not to cry.

The dragoness ran a clawless, pale skinned fingertip over the slick blackness of her member, a shiver running through her body. Once it was off, she'd be back to being a common female, an inferior, one gendered, scaleless commoner. Not the mighty, regal dragoness that she had been for the past few days.

She still wasn't sure how it managed to give her such delicious pleasure. Nor was she quite sure where the white fluid she ejaculated upon climax came from.

Lita went for her suit's manual, hoping against hope that there was something she missed in the first reading that would allow her to keep her cock. And to her surprise, there was.

She had apparently skipped a two page section. While it looked like a solid piece of molded latex, the dildo was actually a cunningly pieced array of parts that could semi-retract, halving the length and altering the shape a little bit. There was even a diagram of how to wear the dildo for day to day use, pushing the rear segment up inside her, making the thing retract much like a reptilian cock.

The motions needed were easy, and Lita moaned as her member slipped back into her female sex. Her pants would still bulge ever so slightly in the crotch, but she didn't think anyone would notice. Her panties fit snugly, but her bra was too tight to be comfortable. The suit's breasts seemed to have some padding that made hers larger.

She slid on the pants and buttoned her shirt with a sad reluctance, seeing her beautiful black and red body disappear under the trappings of the human world. Lita looked at herself in the mirror and nodded. You couldn't see her dragon bits at all, and they felt so good on her.

An aura of confidant sexiness seemed to radiate from her. Lita felt calmer, more determined than normal. She felt more like Aracha forced into human flesh than her normal, shy self. Once in the bedroom she was a raging dragoness, but outside of it she was a rather meek and mousy individual.

Lita strode out the door, a smile on her face. She wondered, briefly, how long it would be into the work day before she had to lock herself in the bathroom and masturbate furiously. Though with the patience and self control of a dragon, she supposed it ought to be easy to make it through the entire day.


One hour and forty-five minutes. That was how long it took before the urge to fuck came over Lita. Thankfully she had enough time between her morning house walkthroughs to have a little private time to herself.

She locked herself in the handicapped stall of the real estate office's bathroom and virtually tore off her pants. Somehow the locking of the dildo had become undone and it was slipping out of her, uncomfortably constrained by her pants and panties.

Lita tugged her underwear down, allowing her slick dragoncock to slide out into the open air. It was slick with her juices, and she could smell the scent of her own arousal thick in the air.

There was no way she could contain any sort of climax she had with just the toilet paper, and she would have to lean up against the wall with one hand in order to aim her climax into the toilet bowl.

The eighteen inch length beckoned her to touch it, stroke it, love it, give herself the sweet pleasure that she knew it could. Her mouth watered, and she leaned down, easily able to reach the tip of the eighteen inch length. It parted her lips so easily, and Lita swallowed inch after inch, until she found herself bent in half.

Her newly acquired flexibility was strange, but the thought was foggy. She was a dragon, after all, and serpentine flexibility was perfectly normal. Lita slipping fingers into her needy sex, wishing she'd brought a vibrator to use. That way she could use both hands to fondle her plentiful, latex covered breasts.

She thought of Jacob, and imagined that it was her pet's beaked maw engulfing her prick, the sweet quadruped's latex tongue encircling the length. She imagine herself gripping Jacob's feline ears, growling and snarling as she used his muzzle and throat for her own pleasures. She thought of her proud tail, lashing from side to side behind her.

Her tail, her perfect, beautiful, sexy tail; she missed it so much. The very thought of wearing it again sent a shiver of ecstasy though her latex-deprived body.

A strange thought entered her head, the image of her boss bent over her desk. The fiery tempered Latino woman's hot blooded persona carrying over into coital bliss, moaning and screaming like a skilled whore, knowing just the right sounds that would make her draconian mistress reward her with sweet pleasures that a human male could never provide.

Lita was startled by the sheer intensity of her climax; not the sensation, but rather the force at which her fluids virtually exploded from her. Jet after jet of seed spurted down her throat at an almost painful pressure. She was never one for messy orgasms, but as she climaxed, fluids spattered from her cunny, drops landing all over.

She blushed; she would never be able to clean it up. Nor would she be able to wipe her pants clean of the offending droplets, as they had already soaked in. She slowly parted mouth from member, squeezing the last drips and drabs of seeds from her cock, licking them up. Her cum was sweet, and tasted strongly of latex.

The dragoness felt better as she began to retract her cock. Much more relaxed now. The low throb that had filled her loins from the moment she'd left the house. She licked her hand free of her fluids, which also tasted of rubber and latex. She dressed herself again, and checked her looks over in the mirror.

She seemed fine; the spatter of femcum wasn't too noticeable. She could always blame it on the rain. The weather matched her mood, somber and bleak, and very, very wet and messy.

Lita washed her hands and straightened her hair. She'd spent so much time with Jacob this morning she'd skipped eating breakfast and brushing her teeth. She opened her mouth and checked them. She ought to grab a mint since she'd forgotten to brush. A dragoness' fangs were very important.

She grinned, her elongated canines a perfect shade of white. Lita rather liked them; they had always given her a sense of being a wild, feral predator, even though she was a rather shy girl. Similarly her red eyes gave her a touch of the exotic and unique. She was quite proud of them.

The dragoness blinked a few times. She squinted at her reflection, putting a fingertip to the sharp point of a canine that stuck out half an inch past her other teeth. They seemed strange to her, unfamiliar, like they shouldn't be there.

Lita couldn't imagine why she felt like that. She had always has fangs and red eyes, hadn't she? She shook her head and sighed, of course she did! To think otherwise would be silly. She was just a little bit out of it after having so much fun with Jacob. Her suit's mask had red eye pieces, but that was only because Lita wanted them to match her natural eye color. Red and black made her look so wonderfully sinister.

She ran her hands under the blow dryer and returned to her desk, delving back into her work. The rest of the day went easily, enhanced by her boss walking past her desk several times.

Elena's shapely body, perfect skin that virtually gleamed, long, luxurious black hair, and a mix of South American and Asian features made her truly a sight to behold. Lita tried not to stare each time her boss walked by. She reined in thoughts of grabbing her and slamming her to the ground, pounding her draconic cock into the woman's awaiting, eager snatch.

She managed to rein them in, but just barely. It was with great relief that she managed to finally head home.


Left alone, tied up, and on the edge of climax for eight hours, Jacob was quite happy to see Mistress. The gryphon virtually pounced Lita once she'd gotten her rest of her suit on and untied her pet.

The bed was soaked, saturated with the gryphon's precum. Being a good girl, after nuzzling Mistress' face with her beak and hopping up into her arms, she'd ducked down, rump raised, tail in the air like a good girl. Her puffy, latex-lipped femsex dripping and needing attention after her maleness had been tormented all day.

Aracha, as Lita thought of herself fully suited, scooped up the gryphon in her arms and carried her pet to the couch, impaling the quadruped on her cock as she watched TV.

Jacob moaned and huffed softly as she was filled. The dragoness reached between her legs and gave her pet's cock long, slow, teasing strokes. The pet wasn't allowed to cum before her mistress, and Aracha enjoyed tormenting her so, keeping her on the very brink of climax until the grand release.

Both owner and pet loved it, the pent up seed and fluids made a very big mess. Aracha loved the sensation of the gooey liquid latex seed on her smooth, black body. What she loved even more was the creature's tongue as it traced over her.

"Mmm.... good girl." Aracha purred, stroking the gryphon's back as the two made love. Once her boyfriend, but now her pet, the dragoness didn't think Jacob suited her plaything anymore. Jacob was used for her female qualities, to be mounted rather than do the mounting. The pet shivered every time Mistress called her a girl. She loved it.

"Good girl, Jackie." The dragoness repeated, the gryphon letting out a soft caw of delight at her new name.

Aracha 's muzzle locked with Jackie's beak and she stroked her faster, thrusting into the gryphon harder, the sound of slick latex on slick latex a delight to both their ears. Aracha was a controlling and dominating dragoness, but she was not without affection. She dominated those who loved to be dominated, the only torment she inflicted upon them being that which they desired the most.

The dragoness hugged her pet tightly, a soft moan escaping her as the pent up longing and need of her day, the desire to return to her full latex form, was released with the body quaking climax that rocked her.

For all the times she'd climaxed over the weekend, nothing came close to the sweet release Jackie felt as she was finally allowed to spill her seed. So very, very much of it gushed between them. It took several minutes before the gryphon's cock had ceased spurting, the liquid latex saturating Mistress, pet, and couch. The wait had been so worth it.

As Aracha lay down in the sticky mess, panting, Jackie pulled away from her, latex tongue lapping up the mess. The gryphoness was sorely disappointed at the lack of fluids. It seemed they had all been soaked up somehow.

She folded her large, feathery wings around herself and curled up on Mistress' belly, playfully tickling the dragoness' muzzle with her tail, which Aracha seized and began to play with as she watched the news. She clenched and unclenched her handpaw, the liquid latex beneath Jackie's skin squishing around.

With a few minutes of absentminded smooshing and folding, Aracha had made her gryphon's tail disappear. She was puzzled as she went to fondle the tuft at the end, and found it gone.

She looked puzzled for a moment. Her plaything was very malleable for some reason. A smile spread over her muzzle as she pulled Jackie out of her curled up state.

Taking each paw in her hands, Aracha concentrated, shaping each limb in turn into a smooth, featureless rod. No bends to them, just solid and inflexible. Jackie looked up at her with confusion in her purple feline eyes. The dragoness chuckled and continued to work.

In a few minutes all four of Jackie's legs sported the familiar curves and bulges of her member. With the tiny prick of a claw at the tip of each, the limbs completed their transformation, making the gryphon purr and moan as each of her cock-legs were stroked in turn.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you tied up again tomorrow." Aracha purred, "But I do expect you to do your best in cleaning the house." She said with a giggle, reshaping Jackie's tail so she could play with it some more.

The gryphon chirped happily and gave Mistress a lustful look of thanks.


It was even harder to take her suit off and head to work. Not only did she feel almost sick to her stomach at the very thought of going around as a silly, flat faced, muzzle-less human, but her dry cleaner had done something to her other suits, and they all seemed very rough and unpleasantly tight.

Lita's herminess was quite obvious as her pants clung tightly to her sexy, curvaceous frame. She growled softly, as much as she didn't like it, it was quite apparent that she was going to have to wear a skirt.

Not only did pants draw attention to her maleness, but they were so tight she had problems walking as her knees couldn't bend. Not to mention the seam in the middle pressed up against her cock rather uncomfortably.

So it was skirt, panties, pantyhose and high heels for Lita. Not that she minded too much. The heels felt good. She felt more natural walking in them, rather than on her pathetically flat, slow human feet; not at all suited for proper running. But her boss had been trying to make her dress more 'ladylike' since she'd taken over.

Lita waved at Jackie, the gryphoness trying to balance on her stubby cock-legs, a broom in her beak. At least she'd be able to push the vacuum cleaner around with her snout. She was already quite sexually frustrated. She looked forward to the release that she would have when Mistress got home from work.


"Lita? Lita?" Jeanette said, waving her hand in front of her coworker's face.

Lita blinked a few times, her mind had been at home with Jackie, rather than on her work. She'd been pondering if she could shape her sweet bird-cat into a condom, and fill her over the course of an evening.

"Wha...?" she asked, dreamily.

"I'm headed to El Super Mexicano to get lunch for the office. You want anything?"

Lita shook her head, "No, I'm not hungry." She said.

As the redhead left, Lita began to think. She hadn't been hungry for quite some time. She tried to remember the last time she ate. She replayed the events of the last few days in her mind. The last clear, concrete time she could remember eating something was the romantic dinner that her pet and she had shared before donning their suits.

Her eyes narrowed, forget food, when was the last time she'd gone to the bathroom? That had been while in her suit just before showing it to Jackie, when she had tested out the plumbing that came with the prosthetic cock.

The train of thought was derailed by the sight of Elena Pantera coming back from her own lunch break. Lita was once more captivated by her beauty, by her sleek, lithe, sexy body. The way her miniskirt clung to her in a scandalous way, the shoes that made her walk on her toes, the way she carried herself with a natural, feline grace.

Unable to remember what she had thought so important only moments prior; Lita sighed and got up from her desk, feeling a stirring in her loins. She was going to take care of herself before she gave herself away with a massive tent in her skirt.

She had managed to last until lunch today, and was rather proud of herself for the accomplishment. Though to her annoyance the bathroom was occupied; Elena's secretary, Rose, was touching up her makeup and straightening her hair.

Lita's forked tongue slipped unbidden from between her lips, tasting the air. The scent of recent sex poured from Rose. Sex and submission. Rose was the inverse of Elena. While Elena approached six and a half feet in her heels, Rose didn't even top five. Whereas Elena's personality was loud and boisterous, Rose was shy and reserved. Elena dressed in bright colors, Rose dressed in shades of brown and gray; shades that matched her hair and eyes. Large, dark eyes and dull brown hair and her habit of using hand sanitizer, like a rodent grooming herself had earned her the office nickname of 'Mouse.'

The dragoness locked the door and smiled predatorily. Rose hadn't even noticed Aracha, the dragoness took the opportunity to slip off her heels and remove her panties and hose, her proud black dragoncock jutting out in all its black, glistening glory.

Aracha stepped up behind Rose and growled softly, one hand gripped Rose's breast, and the other went between her legs. The little human gasped softly and moaned, leaning into the touches.

"I have a problem that I know you can help me with, mouse girl." Aracha growled and crouched a bit to get her cock below Rose's skirt. The secretary let out a soft squeak, her brown cheeks darkening with a blush.

Aracha bared her fangs in a grin, "And what a naughty mouse, not wearing any panties."

"I... I'm not a mouse." Rose stuttered. She clenched her legs together, but couldn't help rubbing her rump against the massive member behind her, "A... and Miss Elena might get upset if-f-f..."

"Miss Elena can wait her turn." Aracha growled softly, silencing Rose with a kiss.

She didn't know how she was doing this, but just from her scent, Aracha could tell that the little human was a perfect submissive, and would willing accept anything that the dragoness had to offer.

The presence of a forked tongue in her mouth loosened Rose's legs. Aracha lifted the much smaller human onto the counter, guiding her member between the secretary's legs. She was dripping wet, hungry, eager. A good, submissive little sex toy for her draconic mistress.

Rose moaned softly, cutely, trying to hide it, not wanting to draw attention to her pleasure. Aracha pushed her cock in, deeper, deeper, impressed the little mouse-slut could take her. Rose was wonderfully tight, and her small size made for easy penetration. The dragoness felt her plaything's cervix part easily, the opening used to being violated by such large members.

"I feel how easy your womb opens itself for me, pet." Aracha rumbled, nibbling Rose's ear, "You're such a little slut, aren't you? Taking so many big cocks into your cunny."

"Yes, Mistress, I'm a slut." Rose said with a blush, her stutter gone, "A sex-hungry plaything for anyone who wishes to take and use."

Aracha purred, enjoying Rose's meek acceptance. She wasn't a rapist; she gave her toys exactly what they craved. The human gripped her shoulders, pulling herself up, and letting herself slide back down. A good pet did all the work, letting Mistress relax while she was pleasured.

"Cum for me, little mouse." Aracha purred.

"Nnnn! Not a mouse!" Rose moaned through gasped breathes.

The dragoness could sense her plaything approaching the edge, like a pro she held onto it, not daring to venture further before her mistress was properly pleasured.

While Jackie was such an eager creature, Rose had a great deal of experience. Her cunny muscles were strong and well trained, years of experience in pleasuring those with such great girth as was crammed to the hilt inside of her.

The human pulled herself up, mashing her lips against Aracha's, making sure the dragon's climactic roar was muted. Without the presence of Rose's lips, Aracha's roar would surely have shaken the building. Rose shivered and shuddered and quaked, her body twitching only slightly as she focused all the sexual energy inward, rather than have it release as bodily movement.

The two held one another for a few moments as they regained their breath. "W-w-wow," Rose stuttered, "I haven't had th-that big in a-ages."

"You've very good. I'd love for you to come and teach my pet a thing or two about pleasuring a cock." Aracha purred.

The secretary blushed, "I would have to ask permission from Mistress." She said shyly, moaning with longing as the dragoness pulled her member away, not a drop of seed being slipped from the pet's expert pussy.

"Well then, same time tomorrow?" Aracha asked, peering into the mirror and straightening herself up.

"S-sure!" Rose said with a blush, hopping down from the counter and doing much the same.

"B-b-better h-hurry, you have a sh-showing at 1:15." She said.

Aracha nodded, "And then two more on opposite sides of town." She said with a sigh, "Guess I'll see you tomorrow, little mouse."

The dragoness reclothed herself and headed for her car, wanting to keep her appointment.

Rose sighed softly, "I'm n-not a mouse, dammit..." she muttered as the door closed.


"Dammit all!" Aracha growled, resisting the urge to tear shreds in her suits with her claws. "Nothing fits!"

She smacked the pile of ill fitting clothes off her bed and onto the floor. The gryphon pounced her, wrapping her wings around her owner. "I'm going to be late for work, Jackie, I don't have time to play."

The pet cawed with annoyance and hugged to the dragoness as tightly as she could. "Jackie, get off!" Aracha growled, grabbing her disobedient pet and trying to pull her away.

Jackie's mutable, liquid filled body squished pleasingly as Aracha grabbed her. The dragoness grinned. "You want me to wear you?" she said with a chuckle. The gryphoness nodded in reply.

"Good idea, girl." The dragoness rumbled, pushing Jackie's head down to her crotch. She began to shape the gryphon's head around her member, the features smoothing out, liquefying. She molded Jackie's head into a pair of dildos, slipping one in her sex, and the other in her tailhole.

She pulled the gryphon's forepaws around her waist, molding them downward over her legs, coaxing more mass from his body, crafting herself a pair of pants and a pair of high heeled, platform soled boots that matched her draconian gait perfectly.

Aracha smoother the liquid latex gryphon's body out over her torso, creating a tight corset that enhanced her already sexy hourglass figure. With a small movement of a claw, she made a flap appear at her groin, a zipper inside to allow her to free her member if she needed it. She added pocket to the pants, a few straps and buckles to avoid plainness, and moved further up her body.

She melded Jackie's lower legs to her arms, long sleeves completing the unitard. She melded the gryphon's wings into the semblance of a suit coat, adding to her professional looking. She dissolved her pet's sexes and tailhole, having the pleasure centers spread out over her own form. Each tiny movement from her would bring her pet great amounts of pleasure.

Looking over herself, Aracha decided the outfit was perfectly. She hummed happily to herself and headed for work.


"Lita? Lita?! Liiiiiiita!"

Aracha looked around for the source of the noise, before seeing Jeanette in front of her desk. Oh right, Lita was her human name. The normally confidant Jeanette seemed a little shy towards Aracha today for some reason.

The dragoness inhaled deeply, taking in the human's scent. Jeanette felt a powerful attraction to Aracha today that she hadn't before, and the sensation deeply confused the human.

"Hmm?" the dragoness asked, knowing it wasn't lunch time. Even if it had been, she still wasn't hungry.

"Miss Pantera wants to see you in her office in fifteen minutes." Jeanette said.

Aracha could smell the human's arousal on the air as her forked tongue flicked from her muzzle. She nodded and waved the human away, "Thanks for telling me!" she said pleasantly.

Though she might be up for a little fun, truth be told, Jackie was fucking and sucking her quiet well. It made work a great deal easier. Especially since some prankster seemed to have switched her chair and keyboard for smaller models. Despite her dexterity, her claws got in the way of typing. She needed bigger keys.

Her chair also needed to be bigger, it was obnoxiously small. The arm rests squeezed her hips, and she was forced to sit, rather uncomfortably, on her tail. Not to mentioned the cramping that her wings suffered from being squished. The couch at home wasn't a problem; it was nice, soft, and rather plush, allowing her to sit on it normally, wings, tail and all.

Aracha blinked a few times, peering down over her muzzle at her clawed, four fingered, latex scaled hands. Her jaw dropped at the sight and her eyes widened.

She stood up, having the give the chair a good thwack to prevent it from coming with her. Aracha quickly made her way to the bathroom and locked the door. She stared at herself, her dragon self, in the mirror. She had forgotten to take off the suit! No wonder nothing had fit! And no one had noticed?!

She shook her head and sighed, "Bunch of cubical rats. Don't notice a damn thing, unless it's cheese in front of their face."

She looked so perfect, so sexy in her purple and black latex suit. The dark shades went well with her own black scales and maroon embellishments. She had molded Jackie beneath her tail and right to where her wings began. It flowed up over her smaller wing struts, secured there by small rings around her insectoid wing-claws.

Aracha realized she hadn't brought her purse, nor her car keys. She remembered the wondrous sensation of the wind in her mane, her wings rippling in the air. She had flown to work today. It wasn't possible. None of this was possible. She felt the counter beneath her latex fingertips, she felt the clothes she had shaped out of her boyfriend gently caressing the suit's skin.

Lita's breath caught in her throat. Her gloved hands reached up to the back of her head, claws digging in, trying to pull off the mask. The seam was gone. The straps her gone, all that remained were smooth latex scales. She ran a hand through her long, thick, maroon hair. That hadn't been a part of the costume! It had been perfectly smooth on the top! The mask hadn't had long, donkey-like ears, or smoother horns that jutted back.

She began to hyperventilate, she wasn't just a human wearing a costume anymore. She was a dragoness in the flesh! A seven foot tall, black and red, honest-to-goodness dragoness. She was a dragoness and no one had noticed. No one had even made a comment about it.

Lita smiled and let her fear fade. She was a dragoness. Cool. She took a deep breath, and with her pleasured sigh Aracha let Lita go. The human name had suited her as a human. But she was not going to be weighed down by a human name now that she was a proud, majestic dragoness.

Feeling calm, relaxed, at home with her body as a dragoness should be, Aracha left the bathroom and walked towards Elena's office, her tail swaying happily from side to side behind her.

She looked up at the close over Rose's desk, though Rose was absent. 9:55, close enough. The dragoness knocked on the door, and heard Elena say in her familiar honeyed purr, "Come in!"

Aracha opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her. Elena sat atop her desk, eying the dragoness with blue, slit pupilled eyes. She smiled, baring her fangs and her triangular ears twitched.

Her yellow-gold latex skin gleamed even in the harsh fluorescent light, showing the stripes of her face, body, and tail, and the spots of her arms and legs. Aracha was surprised, but not much. Her human mind never allowed her to see Elena's feline features. She had always mentally translated them into something else.

The feline sat on her desk, while Rose groomed her whiskers, her hairless tail wrapped around the leg of the chair she was sitting on.

"So, what's this I hear about you playing with one of my toys without permission?" Elena asked.

Aracha grinned and looked to Rose, a blush coming to the secretary's brown latex skin.

"Been telling tails of my prowess to your owner, little mouse?" Aracha purred.

"I-I-I'm not a mouse!" Rose stuttered and clenched her teeth, "I wish p-people would st-stop calling me that! I'm a-a rat!"

"Anyway Lita..."

"Aracha" the dragoness corrected.

"Aracha, you've only been one of us a short time, but you need to learn who's in charge around here!" Elena growled, leaping off the desk and pouncing Aracha.

The dragoness caught the smaller feline; their muzzles pressed against one another in a passionate, frenzied kiss. Elena wrapped her legs around Aracha's torso, reaching down and unzipping her fly.

Rather than bother with unzipping, Aracha just shifted Jackie around to free her member. The dragoness' large, sharp claws accomplished Elena's goal far quicker. The two dominate hermaphrodites, now free of restricting pants, were easily able to access one another. The two began groping, caressing, rubbing petting, each trying to make the other show a sign of submission, the lack of will to keep fighting, and instead just lie back and succumb to the pleasure.


Those in the office went home thinking Lita and Elena had got into a catfight, shouting and screaming at one another for hours. The argument was still going on when everyone began going home at five.

But when they all arrived the next morning, they were all pleasantly surprised. Apparently the argument had reached the ears of the regional office, and for all her work Lita had gotten a promotion. Elena and Lita now shared oversight of the entire office. Though for some reason having someone to share her job made Elena quite happy.

Thankfully for the ears off the office staff, they seemed to have stopped shouting at one another. Though complaints about motorcycles in the area increased; there was now a great deal of loud, rumbling sounds during office hours.


Elena leaned back in her chair and purred, her member buried in Jackie's beak, the gryphon back to her 'normal' quadrupedal state. The feline had taken a liking to Aracha's pet. The dragoness just sighed and turn to their secretary.

"We're most definitely a bit overworked between the two of us, Rose." Aracha said, the rat nodding.

"Commission rates are at record highs with the two of you. It's to the point where little ol' me can't keep up." Rose said with a blush. The rat only stuttered when she had clothes on, remembering her lonely human self.

"So I think it's time to scout around the office and get ourselves a personal assistant; a woman with some enthusiasm; a real work horse, if you will."

Rose smiled, "I'll see what I can do, Mistress. We all have a fondness for getting plowed."

Aracha laughed and plucked the rat from the floor, slipping her secretary into her lap.

"I'll show you getting plowed!" she purred, nuzzling Rose's neck.