Truth and Consequences: Chapter 8

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#6 of Truth and Consequences

  1. Dorzeli Honeymoon

Matt had been aware that he and Feih had been followed but he could not pick out their scents, because his mate's was so overpowering that it masked all others. The one thing he did know was that they were not Soriss because of their proximity to the Alliance forces.

He assumed that they were just curious soldiers and thought about chasing them away, because he was afraid how Feih, who he was carrying, would react if she also sensed them. When he looked down into her face that hope was smashed by the almost sinister grin he saw on her face.

He whispered in her native language, "Please, they're our allies."

She moved her mouth up to his ear and whispered, "I won't do anything to harm them and maybe after tonight they'll learn something."

He was not too surprised by her attitude. The Dorzeli, as a whole, were not shy on such matters; they had mated in close proximity to the rest of her family, something he never would have done before he met her, but he did not realize Feih would be such an exhibitionist in front of strangers.

She licked at his neck and face in her familiar sensuous way and kept at it until he felt that his suit could no longer take the strain. He left the trail and at the first open space he could find he placed her on her feet.

She grinned, stepped back from him and peeled off her flexible armor to reveal her sensuous, mammalian form. She further excited him when she walked back to him and removed his battle suit from his body. The moment she finished he returned her earlier affections with interest.

He suckled on one of her large breast while he massaged the other. Feih countered with a vigorous stroking of his shaft. Matt growled with pleasure as her actions brought his penis to its full length and smeared the first drops of his pre-cum along his length and her own groin, a sure sign to him of her acceptance of what was about to occur.

He looked down the moment she removed her hands and smiled; he was still amazed at his size. Since their first night together he had estimated that it was at least one and a half times the length he would have had if he had stayed human at his near seven-meter height. What was even more incredible to him was that it seemed to have grown slightly in size every night he had had sex with her; it was just barely noticeable but he could definitely tell that he was bigger. He assumed that it was because either his new body had not yet fully matured or that he had not yet pushed it to its limits. He would soon learn how close he was to the truth.

Feih bent down and licked at him for several minutes then engulfed him in her mouth and suckled on him for several more. She brought him so close to his peak that he almost gave up his load to her, but only more pre came out over that time.

She lifted her head from him and he looked down again. He was shocked to see that he had become even bigger, that if he bent his head down far enough and extended his tongue to its full length...his attempt was cut short by a gentle slap to his face.

Feih growled, "Not while I'm around you won't."

Embarrassed, he grinned and lifted his head.

She turned away from him, dropped to all fours, raised her twin tails high and looked back at him with a broad grin. Instead of plunging in he placed his face to her dripping sex and lapped at her secretions, intent of returning to her the "torture" he had just endured.

He inhaled her wonderful scent and sensed something different about her. Whatever it was caused him to want to spray his load so badly that it pained him.

She screamed, "Please Matt, do it now!"

He heeded her plea and pushed his engorged organ into her waiting sex with short powerful thrusts. She growled in pleasure with each effort of his to penetrate further into her body.

His growls also grew volume as he had to use more effort than usual to push his way into her tight hot depths, but even with this increased effort he only managed to get half of his larger than normal girth into Feih's vagina.

Impatient, Feih screamed, "Stop fooling around and shove it all in now!"

Her outburst both shocked and angered him to the point of forgetting about the possibility of injuring her; with one huge effort he tried to shove all of his length into her, but something still stopped his progress. Now, as impatient as she, he growled and rammed his organ home with all of his considerable strength.

She hissed, "Ahhhh, yessss," when his groin slammed into her rear.

He struggled not to dig his claws into her body as her whole vagina pulsed and throbbed around him. He somehow managed not to do this as he mated her at a pace more furious than at anytime since his change. Then he felt a familiar sensation from just below the base of his penis: she had inserted one of her tails into his pseudo-vagina and had triggered its highly sensitive nerve endings; connected to the very same ganglia that were responsible for male sexual stimulation. This only served to increase his aggressiveness.

Concepts such as time and space were lost to him as Feih's assault had driven him into a state of absolute feral lust; a lust that increased with each second and each cry of, "Harder...harder!" from her. It was when he regained a measure of rational thought he was shocked to find that he had pushed her so hard that he had almost knocked her into a tree; only the digging of her claws into it, which resulted in ten deep gouges in its bark, had prevented this.

Feih growled, "Harderrrr!" and shoved her tail as deep as it could go into him. He gave off his loudest roar to date and buried himself as deep as possible as his "female" side was set off. Seconds later the pressure upon her well lubed tail caused it to be expelled from his body as he came.

It felt to him as if a second heart had been awakened within his loins: one mighty spurt after another shot through his organ deep into his mate's womb until she was filled to overflowing with liters of his seed and still he continued to cum.

Lost in the heights of ecstasy he did not notice, nor could he have seen with his night vision, the pink color of the stream that flowed from their union. Only when he started to descend from the lofty heights of his dual orgasm did he smell that something might be wrong.

He tried to back out of Feih to check if his suspicions were correct, but found that he could not. It was if he had been locked in place. He tried again and Feih cried out, "Oh, yes!" On his fourth attempt his organ sprung back life to again and pumped even more cum into her. This second climax was so intense he reared backward and almost brought Feih up to an upright stance as their double roar reverberated throughout the forest and their combined scents drifted on the wind toward the camp.

Both spent of energy they collapsed to the forest's floor. Only then was he able to check his internal chronometer. He was startled to find that this one love session had been the longest and most exhausting one to date at nearly two hours. After a few more minutes of rest Matt again tried to pull out of Feih and this time he succeeded. She whimpered in disappointment when he pulled free.

He looked down and watched his cum coated penis shrink back into its internal sheath. "I'll never get used to that" he thought before he spied what caused him so much concern earlier. Just beneath Feih's crotch was a pool of their mixed fluids. He brought his face close to examine it. Feih chose that moment to turn her head.

She closed her eyes and cried out, "Please Matt, I'm still too sore!" She tensed, but when she felt nothing, except an affectionate pat her on her rump she reopened her eyes and saw him raise his head, licking his snout clean. She turned her head forward and breathed a sigh of relief and, in the back of her mind, disappointment.

Matt had been frightened that it was her blood that was mixed in with their mutual issuance. He found part of his answer in the Dorzeli database in the storage cells of his implanted communicator:

To become pregnant A Dorzeli female needs a male of sufficient size and strength to cause her to ovulate. This is usually accompanied by a small release of blood. If the chosen male does not cause this to occur while they mate during her cycle she may become extremely aggressive and turn on the male and inflict serious injuries, but this is rare.

"That's why she warned me against trying to please her when I was still human!" thought Matt. He shuddered at the thought of what could have happened had he not satisfied her back then.

He looked back to her and let his senses further analyze her blood and other fluids, including his. He suppressed a roar for joy when his instincts caused him to reach a joyous conclusion; not only did she ovulate but he had succeeded in fertilizing at least one egg. He decided not to let her know that he knew her present condition because he assumed that she would most likely want to tell him herself after the battle, that is, if they survived. A series of noises to his rear caused him to spin around and sweep his ears forward.

Up to that point their advanced techniques and equipment had hidden them well, but for some reason they had been careless and had exposed themselves to Matt's acute hearing and now smell. His ability to see into the infrared located their precise location.

Feih, having sensed his initial alarm, stood up and also located the intruders. She looked at Matt, grinned and pushed him forward. He did so with some reluctance, but also with curiosity of the two who could have been so foolish to follow them and expose themselves to the potential danger two mating Dorzeli could pose.

He sniffed the air and over the powerful scent of his mate he found out why. He smiled, thought, "I can't believe this" and moved forward on his well padded feet.

He soon found what he had scented; a male Mendall soldier was face down on top of a female human soldier. Both had stripped off their stealth suits and were enjoying each other's bodies; the male's ringed tail whipped about as if was in a tornado.

The woman was the first to see the dim outline of Matt's head looking down at them. She became frantic and tried to get her lover's attention.

He cursed at her reluctance to continue until she grabbed his head and turned it in Matt's and now Feih's direction.

"What?" he snarled just as his natural night vision, although weaker than her artificial version, focused on the two Dorzeli faces that were looking down upon them. He turned back to his lover, wrapped his arms around her and in a stuttering whisper said, "C-close your eyes. It should be over quickly."

Angered by what the Ring Tailed lemuroid had insinuated he and Feih were about to do, Matt dipped his head toward the couple, wrapped his tongue around the Mendall's long striped tail, pulled it into his mouth and, using only the pressure of his lips, lifted him from the grasp of his shocked lover.

She screamed "No!" and attempted to pull him free, but was pushed back and pinned to the ground under his other hand in the same manner Feih had done to him when they first met. He used just enough force to keep her still.

"Please Lieutenant Thorn," began the trembling primate as Matt sat up with him dangling in the air, "Take me but let her go. She's human just as you were."

He growled then licked at his tail and found its taste not too unpleasant. This caused him to think that his joke had gone far enough and that the trembling Mendall and his partner had learned their lesson.

He was about to release him when Feih said, "I think you'd rather have a female of your own kind."

She brought her face next to his, stuck out her tongue and wrapped it around the Mendall's exposed tail base. After a slight tug he relented and allowed her to pull it free of his loose but secure grip.

Before Matt could ask her what she had planned his implanted transceiver came to life; "I knew you weren't planning on eating him and neither will I, but I do want to make this a night for them to remember for the rest of their lives." When he received an impression of what she was going to do to his former prisoner and what she expected him to do he stared at her in disbelief.

"I won't consider it 'cheating', as long as you don't change back into a human." She winked at him, stood and walked away with his former and more panicked former "meal".

Still very much in the "mood" he looked down at the cowering female soldier and said, "A few days ago I was worried about what could happen if this type of situation presented itself to me and you know what?" She barely managed to shake her head no. "I no longer care." He smiled and lifted her toward his mouth.

She screamed in terror and struggled to free herself from his incredibly strong but gentle grip as he opened his hand and gave her a long wet lick from her feet up to her face.

He looked down at her and saw a sense of shock and a hint of pleasure at what he had just done. He felt it too: a feeling of joy and happiness that was almost as strong as when Feih had licked him when he was fully human.

"God" he thought. "If that was anything close to what Feih felt when she did that to me it's no wonder she didn't just take me when she caught me that first day." To her he said, "Despite what you're thinking I'm not a cannibal and I'm sure Feih will not harm your partner any more than I will you."

She looked in Feih's direction then back to him. "Are y-you sure?" He nodded yes. "Are you going lick me again?"

He asked, "You really liked that?" She nodded yes and a broad smile came to his face. "Then I'll do it as long and as often as you want me to." In truth his instincts were not going to give her a choice in the matter. Her taste had re-stimulated his earlier lust and it did not remind him of food and was totally different, but, in a way, just as good as the Soriss he had killed. It was when she smiled back and spread her legs that he felt compelled to do it.

He again raised her up to his mouth and licked her with all the enthusiasm he had used on Feih. Within moments his erection and desire for Feih were fully reinvigorated; he wanted very much to celebrate her ensuing pregnancy with another session of sex, even if he shot nothing but blanks, but the human's taste quickly became irresistible.

Matt increased the strength of his strokes with each passing minute and each time he paid special attention to her loins she arched her back and screamed, "Oh god, you're so good" or "Please, deeper." And he did so, for the more he licked at her, the more he tasted her sex the more his passion and his resurging member grew, until he felt he could no longer wait...

A scream from his right caused him to pause and to become worried about the Mendall's safety. A second joyous yell of "Yes!" from the Mendall eased his fears.

"Please don't stop" she cried and pawed at his mouth for his tongue, "I'm so close."

He eagerly resumed and forced as much of his tongue into her as he could. That was all it took.

She screamed and a mix of female human and Mendall cum flooded into his mouth. The taste so overwhelmed him that instinct took over; he opened his mouth wide and, from his venom equipped upper canines, he prepared to deliver the precise dosage that would be needed to add another human to the ranks of the Dorzeli, but he stopped when he realized what he was about to do, to transform her against her will, and how it must have looked to her. He pulled back and snapped his mouth shut, but his worries were for naught when he noticed that she had lapsed into unconsciousness. He was happy that he had satisfied her but he still felt that he needed...

"Had fun?" He turned his head and saw that Feih had returned and that the Mendall in her hands was also out cold. "They must have been at it for quite some time." She looked down at him, "He didn't last as long as I thought he would."

She took one look at his renewed erection, grinned and placed her charge back where they found him. Matt did the same with his just as she left to return to where they had started.

He looked down at the two lovers in disbelief of what he had just done: something he would have never thought of had remained human and was already in a committed relationship. "Have I changed so much in just so few days?" he thought. He sighed leaned down and licked both of the lovers once before he turned and ran after Feih.

He found her on her back, waiting for him with open arms in the same spot where they had started. He grinned, went to all fours and crawled until he was in the perfect position over her.

"How was she?" she asked as he moved to re-enter her.

"Very...tasty" He replied then pushed all of himself into her.

She arched her back and after a hiss of satisfaction said, "I told you'd have nothing to worry about when it came to your people."

He withdrew in preparation for another inward stroke. "And how was he?"

"Tasty, in a different way, especially after he realized he wasn't going to become dessert, but I'll always prefer yours, in either of your forms." She licked her lips then moaned with delight when he sped up his pace

He stopped seconds later when he heard renewed heavy breathing in the distance behind him. "They can't be at it again?"

She play growled, "Aren't we?"

Matt shrugged his shoulders and picked up where he left off. They both took their time to enjoy this second union and when they were finished they rested in each others arms until the dawn.

Daihas Desslat skidded to a halt when he ended his run back to the Alliance's encampment. His full run allowed he and Colonel Sarah Thorn to arrive back in time for the morning assembly but they were both surprised at what they found. Scattered across the encampment were soldiers and members of the civilian staff lying in the arms of their comrades in both traditional and same sex bonds. Even the smaller Dorzeli-An had found many partners among them. When Daihas spotted Jason walking toward them from his command trailer he set Sarah down and bowed to him.

She attempted to salute but he waved it off. "Good morning colonel. Good morning Chire Daihas."

"Good morning sir." She again looked the campsite over as Daihas returned Jason's greeting in Dorzel and rubbed his right cheek with that of the Alliance's Supreme Commander. "Begging your pardon sir, but what the hell happened here last night?"

Jason sighed, "Your brother and Feih are what happened."

Puzzled by his cryptic answer and the smile on his face she asked, "Sir?"

He inhaled deeply before he answered. "It's something I should have foreseen considering some of Freerah's more frisky 'moments' during the rebellion on Earth." Daihas smiled as Sarah's puzzled look turned into one of sheer astonishment. Jason also smiled. "Dorzeli pheromones not only heighten their own sexual desire, but also that of any mammal in their immediate area." He surveyed the area and saw that several of the soldiers were beginning to wake up. "We were lucky that the other three columns and Dorzeli-Ki were upwind of them."

Sarah turned to Daihas to confirm this and found him stroking the neck of a nearby sleeping Dorzeli-An who had a naked human male soldier clutched to her breasts. She did not know what to make of this until he said a phrase in Dorzel to his smaller cousin.

"The Desslat's have always had good relations with their smaller cousins," explained Jason. "He's just wishing them the same happiness he's found with you."

Her voice was just above a whisper; "I know."

The 'An female chose that moment to wake up. At first she was startled to find Daihas standing over her, but she relaxed and smiled when he repeated his earlier phrase. She looked down at her sleeping partner and tried to rouse him. Instead of waking up he turned his head and suckled her right breast. She looked up at Jason with an expression that told everyone that she enjoyed her partner's attentions.

"Please wake him," ordered Jason in a calm but firm voice.

She frowned and shook him harder. When he awoke, turned around and saw all who surrounded them he tried to stand at attention and salute until he remembered his state of undress and frantically searched for his uniform.

Despite the humorous sight before him Jason tried to sound serious, "Take your time soldier. Just be ready to move out in an hour with the others after they've clean this mess up." He looked to his partner. "And that goes for you and the others too."

When she released the soldier so that she could stand and greet him properly the man fell onto the ground. They all failed at trying not to laugh at his plight.

Daihas looked up from the comical scene and searched the camp. "Where are my sister and Matt?"

Jason looked at the main trail into the forest. "According to the two security personnel I sent to guard their rear they went at it really hard last night so I'm going to give them another hour to get back." He frowned slightly before continuing; "I'm going to have to remind both of them to behave around people when they do." He noticed that the pair were confused and explained further. "The soldiers removed their protective suits and were fully under the influence when Matt and Feih found them."

Worried, Daihas asked, "They're all right, I mean the soldiers."

Jason laughed, "Yes, they are. I just expected Feih would have been the one responsible for scaring them, not Lieutenant Thorn."

Daihas breathed a sigh of relief, but now it was Sarah's turn to become worried.

"Colonel, your brother pulled a stupid prank on them that could've had tragic results, so I won't reprimand him until after the battle." He turned and signaled her to follow him to his trailer and waited until she was next to him before he started to walk. In a lowered voice he told her that, "Matthew is still adjusting to his new form and may not be able to handle what's occurred here so neither he or Feih are to be told about this. I don't want him to be too rattled before carrying out his part in this mission."

Both Sarah and Daihas acknowledged his order. He excused himself to retrieve the other members of his clan while they continued toward their destination, where Sarah saw a personal transport depart toward the rear of the column.

She grinned and looked at Jason. "So, who did you bunk with last night?"

He saw her expression and said, "I think I better keep that to myself."

She checked for anyone that could overhear them then spoke in fluent Dorzel; "I saw that ringed tail just before the door of that car closed. Should I guess who it was?" A look of concern appeared on his face. "You know that I can keep a secret, sir."

He chuckled, "After what we've done before coming here I guess so: it was Greska." She stopped and stared at him in shocked surprise. He sighed, "I was affected as much as everyone else was last night." He stopped and stared at her.

"Oh, my God" she gasped.

He nodded his head, "If it wasn't for her coming into my cabin to give me a status report when it started I don't think you would've found much left of this command when you returned."

She whistled. "What will Yurex think?"

He grinned. "He shouldn't object too much considering she's been more than willing since we've met." Almost at the trailer he sighed, "Up until now I thought that I had to obey Freerah's request not be with any humans or Dorzeli, but last night, after we were finished, I received a sub-space message from her that said she had no problems with my relieving any 'tensions' before she returned." He stopped by the door, turned and looked at her. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it sir. At least we found my brother and I've finally found someone who can keep up with me." She grinned at his reaction of surprise.

"So you've made your decision?"

"Yes, with your permission of course."

He nodded his head yes. "Of course, just hold back until the battle is underway."

She acknowledged his warning, "Understood and that should be easier now that Freerah can help us with this battle."

He shook his head. "She's still too far away to make it back in time, so we're still on our own." He opened the door and entered. "Let's get this show back on the road."

Colonel Thorn resigned herself to the tough battle ahead and followed him inside.