Decades - Chapter Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of Decades

This is the story of two furs as they go through their lives together, a decade at a time. It's a project I've been working on for a while now, in my head and on paper, and I'm so glad to be posting it for the furry public to see at long last. I can't remember the last time I ever invested so much emotionally in a series.

I really hope that you'll give it a read, and follow these two in their life together from start to finish. Hopefully it'll reward you at least a fraction as much as writing it has rewarded me.

The characters of John and Samantha were created by me, Jeeves, and should not be used without permission.

Decades - '24'

This was a good year. John and Samantha were fresh out of university, each with a Master's degree in their chosen subjects, and while John had started a paid internship at a rather successful consultancy firm his fiance... yes, they were engaged now, had finally started work on her lifelong dream of becoming a professional food writer and critic. It may only have been a local paper, with a circulation of a thousand or so copies each week, but it was the job she had always dreamed of. And, to go with their new careers, came a new home.

Husband and wife to be now inhabited a small but cosy apartment together, a world away from their stuffy, all too modern residences at university and far enough from either of their families to give them a sense of true independence. They were grown ups. Adults. Responsible members of society.

More importantly though, they were still head over heels in love with one another. And, much like their tastes, their minds and their bodies over the last ten years, how they showed this love had grown up too. It showed in the ring upon Samantha's finger, the small but perfect twin diamonds set into it as close and beautiful as she and John. It showed in the way she greeted him with a gentle kiss at the door as he got home from work, dinner already in the oven and a nice, quiet evening in front of the TV already planned out in advance. It showed in the fond reminders about groceries and appointments they left one another on the fridge, always accompanied by a string of 'x' kisses or a scrawled yet all too sincere 'I love you'.

At night, too, their now more matured, intense love for one another showed. Perhaps this was the most obvious change in the last decade, the most clear cut way in which Samantha and John had moved from adolescence into adulthood both as individuals and as a couple, but in so many ways, as with so many couples, it was a change that had been and still was very dear to each of them.

Samantha sat, mostly upright with a whole host of pillows and cushions gently supporting her back, in bed. Before the blushing, beaming lemur her legs stretched out across the soft sheets, and between those outstretched, openly spread limbs knelt her husband to be. Love making in all its forms had always been a deliriously pleasurable and intimate for the two of them; not always perfect, but honed and practised with glee until each and every time brought them both to the most exquisite heights of rapture. About the same time they'd gotten engaged however, the lovers had discovered something. A position, so tender, so easy and so perfect for all that they loved about sex, that since then they'd barely used any other. It wasn't that they were stuck in a rut, it wasn't that they disliked missionary, or doggystyle, or any of the more wild and out their positions available. It was simply the case that foreplay aside, this was the best, and the most insanely pleasurable and intimate position for making love that either fur had ever known.

"Love ya, Sammy..."

The raccoon's lips pecked and teased at Samantha's own muzzle as he spoke to her, shuffling ever closer on his knees until his thighs met with hers, and his erect member came to rest gently against the curve of her groin and the base of her ever so delightfully plump belly.

"JD, k-kiss me when it goes in. I... I wanna be lost in you."

This was far from the start of the lover's evening together. It had progressed from some light smooching and fondling on the couch to heavier teasing and foreplay on the stairwell, and now, at long last, they were ready to make love.

Face to face, body to body, with John kneeling before Samantha's upright, exposed body, it took only the simplest shifting of the male's hips to bring him within the warm, tight depths of his mate. Then what they shared was practically one long, pleasure strewn cuddle, hips rocking, tongues entwining, and arms wrapped around one another oh so tightly. There was no need for pressure, or urgency, or control. They didn't need to think about it, to try to keep time, or to worry if and when their partner was going to cum relative to them. All they wanted was to make love, to fuel their hearts, bodies and souls with fresh adoration and affection for their mate, and in this position they felt that they could do just that.

"O-ohh yes..."

Despite trying his hardest to kiss Samantha as he rocked his hips back, then forward, the head of his shaft slipping between her nether lips as she arched her own loins up to meet him, John couldn't help but moan through their heated lip-lock as he felt his fiance's passionate warmth engulf his member. It felt every bit as tight and moist and almost agonisingly hot as it had the very first time they'd slept together, only this time John had at least some idea of what to do with his seven inches of manhood. He didn't understand how some couples said that sex grew stale and dull after years together. For him and Samantha, and he was truly certain the lemur would definitely have agreed, their sex only grew all the more exciting and pleasurable with each passing night.

"T-that's it, JD. Ahh, d-deeper, all the way in. Yes. Yesss..."

A plaintive, giddy moan escaped Samantha as her lover pressed himself into her, the lemur's tail thrashing and her toes curling in bliss but otherwise Samantha's body remaining completely stationary, allowing John to do the work. He sank inward at the most delicious angle, grazing her clitoris with the pink length of his member until his crotch bumped up against hers and Samantha let slip a satisfied grunt of pure elation. She felt her innermost muscles contract, squeezing around those seven wonderful inches of her husband to be's erection, and shuddered violently. Samantha had never known another man in this way, just as John had never been with another woman. As they rested together though, catching their breath and still smooching tenderly back and forth, neither fur felt as though they were missing anything. They may have been one another's only sexual partners, but when the sex felt this good, who would _want_to look for anyone else?

Gently, but certainly not slowly, John began to thrust into the lemur. He didn't pull out, never removing any of his length from inside her or allowing his body to draw back from where it was pressed so tenderly against her own, but with each rhythmic jerk and roll of his hips the throbbing, flexing, twitching motion of his shaft was enough to send shocks of stimulating pleasure through the both of them. As he bumped and rocked against Samantha, delighting in the vibrations which ran between their muzzles as they moaned softly together, John's hands wandered casually up his fiance's body. He caressed her flanks, grinning through their latest kiss as the lemur squirmed and giggled, and then set upon Samantha's soft, plump breasts.

"Mmh... gorgeous. My gorgeous Sammy..."

John thrust a little harder, drawing a sharp, choked gap from his lover as the strongest wave of pleasure yet crashed over her body. She was smaller than him, almost a foot shorter, and it was at times like this that difference in size was most noticeable. Having his big, lean body bumping up against her own, surrounding her, suffocating her with its warmth and scent and indeed its very presence. She adored it, and she couldn't get enough of what it could do to her pleasingly plump form.

"Ahh... a-ahh... ohh JD. I... t-that feels so good..."

Drawing back from their kissing, her head falling rather limply back against the mountain of pillows beneath her, Samantha alternated between gazing up into her lover's grinning, panting features and down to where his dextrous hands were oh so softly teasing at her nipples. There was no rough tweaking or porno movie squeezing here, just the smoothest, lightest touches of his velvety finger-pads against her stiffened, increasingly rosy nipples. A single touch would have barely registered, but such continuous, albeit mild stimulation was washing through the lemur like ripples over a pond. Each one alone was small, but together they could propel the paper boat of her arousal over the water's surface at surprising speed.

"My fiance. My bride. God, you're radiant. Screw wearing a pretty white dress... I want you looking like this on our wedding day. Pink in the face, eyes glazed over with happiness, your tongue hanging out in that goddamn adorable way it always does, like you're my sweet puppy dog..."

If Samantha had been blushing deeply before, now she was on fire. Her cheeks would set the whole apartment alight, and she and John would ride the blazing trail of her meteoric bashfulness all the way to the havens.

"All the flowers, all the satin and silk, all the beautiful ice sculptures and exquisite foods in the world couldn't compare to seeing you up there at that alter like this. N-naked, w-waiting not just for my heart, but for my body too. Our cries of pleasure will be our Wedding March, and our own eyes can bear witness to one another's most intimate, honest vows. Ohh god, Sammy... I want to marry you. I want to m-marry you right here and now. Please..."

Even as John's hands slipped away from her burning nipples, sliding round her shoulders and encircling her torso in a deliciously firm yet tender embrace, Samantha felt her own hands falling down the length of her own body. She traced them over her stomach, oh so slightly rounded thanks to the good food which she cooked and ate for a living, and which she and John ate each and every night as a matter of course, and whimpered in bashful elation as she slipped just a few fingers of one hand down between her legs, right to the point where she and John were already so intimately connected.

Samantha looked deep into the raccoon's soft brown eyes, whimpering yet again as John smiled knowingly, nodding his head in eager encouragement. A moment later, she brought two fingertips into contact with her clitoris, one either side of the small but oh so sensitive little nub. Her back arched upward, hips thrusting more forcefully than ever against John's continued, ever more insistent rocking, and a heated groan of pure excitement escaped both Samantha and indeed her lover too as she began to stimulate herself to limits of pleasure beyond common reason.

"Take me as your husband, Sammy..."

The lemur nodded hungrily, her ringed tail whipping from side to side between her legs in urgent, feverish desire.

"M-make me your wife, JD. Make me yours f-forever, a-and... and be mine, too!"

John grinned, his own eyes glazing over with pleasure and his thrusting becoming faster and more powerful than ever. It still wasn't rough, but any sense of casual non-urgency to their love making had long since been left behind. He could feel his fingers clutching at the fur on his wife's back. He could feel his balls slapping against the very base of her buttocks. He could hear their hot, moist nether regions moving together as they made love, and knowing that Sammy could hear the very same sounds as she gazed hungrily into his eyes made John more determined than ever to please her. Not just now, but for the rest of his life.

"I will. I s-swear that I will."

By now John was leaning forward, pressed up tight against Samantha's body. His arms, wrapped around her, were supporting almost all of his upper body weight, and every bit of that weight was being channelled into creating ever increasing momentum for the rocking of his hips. Their faces, stricken by pleasure, muzzles wide and issuing forth hot, shallow panting at a frantic rate, were mere inches apart. Kisses came and went in a split second, a cry or moan or happy, giggly whimper breaking them apart before they could even truly sink into one another's hungry muzzles. There was barely time for words anymore, between all the moaning, kissing and gasping for breath, but somehow they both managed to keep on addressing one another right up until the end. Their feverish comments grew more and more lewd whilst at the same time becoming ever more tender and emotional, right up until the moment where no words could possibly do what they were feeling justice any longer.

"JD... J-John, I... I'm..."

"I know, Sammy, I know. Me too! Ahh!"

"Please, John. I... aahhhh, I... I need you. N-now!"

"Samantha, m-my beautiful bride! Ohh god! Ohhh f-god!"

"Keep it in, JD. Keep it in, d-deep."

"C-cumming, Sammy. G-gonna..."

"Yes! Yes! Now, John. Please, please do it now! I'm... y-yesss... I'm c-cumming too!"

"Oh god, Sammy!"


The climax itself, it wasn't a climax that could be described in terms of pleasure. Overwhelming bliss. Pure ecstasy. Violent, explosive joy. Each and every term used to describe the physical sensation of this glorious orgasm failed to come even close to describing the true extent of this momentary union of body, heart and mind. Perhaps the best way to describe how it made the two furs involved feel would have been to look at the expressions on their faces at the moment of climax, and of course, only Samantha and John themselves were privy to that wondrous sight. Overall though, when all was said and done, nothing that could be seen or heard in those blissful instants was ever going to do justice to what was being felt. So much love, such complete and utter togetherness as raccoon and lemur stared deep into one another's eyes and saw the same boiling pools of pure happiness they themselves could feel surging and flooding forth deep inside. It was the marriage of souls, if such things existed. A lifelong bond forged in fiery pleasure, and one which could be shared and re-solidified day after day, week after week, year after year.

"Sammy... my Sammy..."

Gasping his lover's name as the final tremors of orgasmic bliss passed through his weakened, trembling body, John collapsed forward onto the body of his beloved fiance. A few seconds later, with a soft murmur of satisfaction from somewhere against the male's chest, Samantha's arms pulled themselves from between the two fur's bodies and wrapped themselves as tightly as they could around the male. They held one another, and for quite some time simply sat there, snuggling and catching their breath in the wake of that most spectacular climax. After a short while John's head rose from where it had come to rest on his wife to be's shoulder, and he began to nuzzle, kiss and whisper sweet nothings to Samantha while she returned his affection sleepily. Neither one of them seemed in any real hurry to leave that blissful state of afterglow however, and indeed they didn't to any real degree.

Some time later, as another peck on the lips and one final Eskimo kiss passed between the pair, John began to wriggle backwards, away from where he knelt between Samantha's legs. Already his erection had softened and retracted, but it was still a less than wonderful feeling to separate himself from her warm, soft body after so long in such close proximity. It was all he could do to shuffle down towards the far end of their large bed and grab hold of two handfuls of thick, warm duvet, before tugging it back up towards the lovely lemur.

Samantha finally left her semi-seated position, sliding with a long, drawn out groan of satisfaction and peace down onto her back with only her head remaining supported by the pillows. She giggled as John crawled up over her, the sheets of their bed now wrapped around him from the waist down. As soon as he was over her entirely, his body casting a dark shadow over hers, he let his arms and legs go, crashing down on top of her and flattening the smaller lemur under his weight. It was a deliciously warm, soothing sensation to be so completely surrounded and pinned down, yet still to feel so very safe and secure. He pulled the blankets up around them, up to their necks, and drew his head back just far enough to look Samantha in the eye.

"I can't wait for the day I marry you. I mean, _really_marry you."

The lemur blushed, and craned her neck up to kiss John on the lips.

"Soon, JD. Just two more months, a-and we'll be bound together forever."

Another kiss, and as the lovers wrapped one another up in their arms again they rolled over onto their sides, heads resting peacefully upon the same large, fluffy pillow.

"I love you, John Douglas."

The raccoon churred happily, snuggling up closer still to his lover.

"I love you too, sweet Sammy."

There they lay, nuzzling, nosing and kissing one another amid yet more fond, post coital whispers of adoration, for almost five minutes before sleep claimed first John, then Samantha less than a minute later. Still nose to nose, the two furs sank into a deep and dreamless sleep. Both seemed to be smiling though, despite the lack of any good dreams to fuel such a subconscious action.

But then... maybe they didn't need to dream in order to rest happily, and totally at ease. After all, they knew that all they could ever wish for would be right there when they awoke again. Such was young love, at its most intense and most passionate. And that, above all else, was what had and would continue to make this year such a good one for both sleeping, smiling furs.

By Jeeves