Truth and Consequences: Chapters 12 and 13

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#10 of Truth and Consequences

Sorryy for the long wait but personal troubles *read depression) and the holidays delayed me.

This story and all the characters within it are the copyright of the author.

Truth and Consequences

12: Consequences

Lieutenant Matthew Thorn stood nude before the surviving members of Feih's family and his sister at one of their main camp sites on the second morning after their return to the surface of Dessla. He awaited punishment for his behavior on the bridge of the ancient Dorzeli starship, now known as the Pressat (after her mother). The time since that incident had been spent mourning the losses incurred during the battle at Aybabtu, including the death of her cousin, Javfeis, whose body, as promised by Jason, had been returned to them without any form of alteration. soon after their return. For his whole time Feih had avoided him whenever possible.

He became nervous when she approached him with Daihas close behind her from a secluded area in a group of trees behind the others. When she came to a stop and faced him he hoped that she would not try anything too drastic with his sister present as she had always been very protective of him.

"Chire Matthew Thorn," she began in a stern tone of voice, "I know you thought that you were protecting me from Jason and I know that I haven't taught you all the nuances of my culture as I should have." She paused and small smile crossed her face when she remembered the reasons for her lack of time to educate him. "But that was no excuse for interfering in what we were about to do." She looked directly in his eyes and frowned. "I cannot tolerate any type of disobedience in such matters within this family. Do you understand?"

He looked downward and replied, "Yes, I do Feih."

"Good." She turned her back to him and faced the others. "Let this be your first real lesson in Dorzeli culture."

Even though he saw it coming Matt still just avoided Feih's swiping attack. He grimaced when he felt a burning sensation across his chest. He looked down and saw the results: four shallow slash marks across his chest. Had he not moved when he did they would have been much deeper. He looked up to see his sister grimace and Daihas in a position to restrain her if she should try to intercede on his behalf.

When Feih walked away in silence from him they ran to his side and examined his wounds which had just started to bleed.

"They're not too bad," assured his sister, "but you should get them cleaned."

Daihas looked after his sister and said, "She must really love you," he turned back to Matt, "I couldn't walk for a week after I challenged her last year."

"Do you need to talk?" asked Sarah.

He shook his head, "No. I just need some time alone to think." He walked away from the pair toward a nearby river. They decided to honor his wish and followed the others.

Once at its edge Matt sat down, bent over and splashed water on his chest to cleanse his wounds.

"Do you need any help with that?"

He did not look up when he answered, "No thanks."

"I'm sorry Matt but I had to do that in front of the others."

He looked up and focused on the opposite side of the river and not the reflection of his mate to his left. "I know, to 'maintain discipline'."

Feih sat down next to him, leaned over and licked his wounds. Matt was surprised when he felt the pain dissipate.

He turned and saw that she was as nude as he then said, "I just didn't want you to get hurt, especially in your present condition."

Surprised to hear of his knowledge of her pregnancy she pulled away from him and asked, "For how long did you know?"

"Since the incident with those two soldiers when I tasted your blood." He licked his lips at the memory of her taste then turned and looked at her. "How long will it be until our son is born?"

She smiled. "In about seven months, Earth time."

He returned his gaze to the river and seemed to Feih to have become more depressed.

"Well, you have it all now, the ship, the Soriss off your world, an audience with the Kroon council soon and the child you've always wanted. I guess you won't need me anymore."

Matt found himself slammed onto his back and Feih's angry face the only thing in his field of vision. "How," she growled, "dare you say that after all we've been through?" He squirmed as he felt her foot's claws press onto his abdomen; they were well positioned to disembowel him when she snarled, "I didn't choose you as my mate just for those reasons alone. I..." she stopped when she felt something constrict her throat and saw a smile on Matt's face.

"I know that you love me or you wouldn't have left your guard down enough to let me do this." He increased the strength of his grip then eased back.

She removed her right hand from his shoulder, reached up and felt that he had managed to wrap both of his tails around her neck. Without a change in her expression she looked down at him, pushed up on his upper tail and said, "If you place it right here you'll achieve a cleaner and more effective break." She smiled at the look of concern on his face when he removed them.

"I wasn't worried that you'd actually do it, but remember it just in case you have use it one day or someone may take advantage of you, like this..." She leaned down, licked the front of his snout then sat up so that her rear was strategically above his groin. "As I was about to say before your comment and excellent and very Dorzeli counter move: I love too much to ever kick you out of my family for something as trivial as what happened on board the ship."

"I know that now." Matt got up as far as Feih's position over him would allow, reached up, cupped her left breast and gave it a light squeeze. "So what are we going to name him?"

She churred, "Lesson two," she gave him a playful slap to the side of his snout then pointed an index claw at his nose. "In our culture we do not discuss such things until the time of birth, so you'll have seven months to think of one."

She leaned forward so that her breasts rubbed against his chest and licked at his throat. When she felt no reaction from him she raised her head and saw the familiar look of worry on his face. Annoyed she asked, "What's wrong now?" When he looked at her lower torso she smiled then said, "We have three to four months before we have to worry about that and I believe we can think of some interesting variations we can try then."

Matt smirked, "I know of something we can try right now." He took hold of her sides and repositioned her.

She looked down, grinned and planted her feet firmly on the ground. The moment he released her she lowered herself until his growing shaft pushed its way in between her outer lips.

She moaned, "Unngh....I've missed this so much," as she lowered herself. The moment she hilted him she raised herself until she almost pulled off from him then lowered herself again.

She soon built up a rhythm of bouncing up and down upon his member until it had grown to its full length; where she would have had to stand up in order to get his entire shaft out of her, but she has no intention of doing that any time soon and he made sure of this when he matched her downward plunges with upward thrusts of his hips.

He wondered where she could have come up with such a wonderful position that he felt was not the Dorzeli norm until he remembered a drawing he once had of a female kangaroo morph doing the same thing to a large cat. Whether she had somehow pulled it from Jason's private files she had downloaded the other day or had come up with it herself he didn't care as her actions where about to send him over the edge for the first time in four days.

He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth when she roared and clamped down on him then continued on and sped up as if she had not just undergone such a powerful climax. Seconds later he felt the familiar convulsions within his body that signaled his imminent release then answered her call and flooded her womb with liters of his seed.

She growled, "More, I want..." she went silent and slowed her movements.

He felt it too; the existence of a very powerful presence nearby. He opened his eyes and saw Feih's locked on something just up the river bank from them to his left. The familiarity of it and the nervous smile on her face told him who it was before he turned his head. He almost lost his when he saw that not only was it Freerah but that she was at her full battle size and almost naked, her torn and battered uniform hung from various parts of her body which exposed her magnificent and large breasts for all to see.

His eyes wandered down to her groin where he saw that she was bottomless and that the light fur around her slit was matted with new and fresh secretions whose smell hit him like a sledgehammer the moment the wind changed in his way. His shaft responded with a hard powerful throb that caused Feih to gasp.

Freerah clasped her hands together under her heavy bosoms and said, "You two are just so sweet. Don't stop because of me. Oh..."

She, Matt and Feih both looked toward the horizon when they felt another strong force approach them at high speed. He was only a dot on the horizon but they all knew that it was Jason.

Freerah let out a happy sigh; "He's getting very good at this." She looked back at the couple, locked eyes with Matt and spread her wings; "And congratulations."

She turned and, with a familiar burst of light from her wings, she darted off into the sky with a blast wave that almost bowled them over. Soon the reason for her swift departure flew over the couple in hot pursuit.

Matt gave off a nervous laugh as his cock throbbed harder than before within his mate. "They've haven't stopped since they left the ship." He looked to Feih "If they're like this now I can't imagine how they'll act when she becomes fertile again"

Feih growled, "Maybe like this." She lifted one leg, spun around without letting him go, laid her tails upon his chest then looked back at him with a smirk. "It's considered a high honor to have a casual mating with a Prime so when you're asked please do so, I won't mind, but until that time comes..." with a strong grip on his still hard member, she leapt forward.

He grabbed her tails and was lifted upright for a moment then fell onto her back which drove his organ back deep into her.

He gave of a lustful growl, took hold of her breasts from behind and resumed pounding into her from this "traditional" position while above the chase in the sky ended on an equally passionate note.

  1. Dorzeli Honeymoon 2: Daihas and Sarah

Colonel Sarah Thorn looked down at her mate as he slept on the second evening of their return to Dessla. The loss of his cousin Javfeis was a hard blow for his entire family, but it was hardest on him as he was the only lover he had ever known until they met. She smiled and thought back to the evening of the day she was reunited with her brother and some of the things Daihas had shared with her about that night soon afterward.

Daihas Desslat saw in her face and behavior that she had enjoyed the ride he had given her from the Alliance's main encampment to their present location in the forest where they had stopped and seemed to have had extended that enjoyment to the examination of the local foliage of the small clearing.

He was still amazed by what he had felt when they had touched cheeks in greeting and what she had written in fluent Kroon on the note she had handed to him soon afterwards that indicated that she was interested in getting to "know" him better, despite his being a mammalian dragon almost four times her size with certain unique physical attributes. But, as they had gotten further away from the camp, he had started to have second thoughts; if what she had indicted in the latter half of her note was not true, he would have to keep his species' well-known temper under control. Not only was she of an allied species, but she was the sister of a male that had already beaten him in single combat. He did not want to think about what Matt would do to him if he harmed her, but after several minutes of inactivity on her part he became impatient and gave voice to his suspicions.

His tone was civil, yet firm; "I hope you know that we Dorzeli don't like being lied to."

She turned and looked him in his eyes; a sly grin was on her face before she said, "I know that as well as some of your little secrets."

His mobile ears shot straight up, focused on her and, whether he meant to or not, his question came out in a low growl, "What secrets?"

She smiled then told him what she knew. "You and your sister inherited very special abilities from your Dorzeli-Mu heritage."

He became nervous, looked around to see if they had been followed then returned his full attention to her. "I-I don't know how you found out about my ancestry, but please don't tell anyone else. If the other families were to know of that they'd kill us."

Sarah saw how distressed he had become she regretted bringing up the subject. Her research on him had revealed that the killing of his parents and younger sister by the Soriss and the refusal of jealous rival clans to allow him to mate with any of their females had turned a once gentle soul into one of the most viscous and aggressive Dorzeli-Ki on the planet. She also concluded that this may be just a façade that he had constructed to cover up this pain and the fact that his older sister was a much better fighter than he was, so she changed her tactics.

"Listen, all I want you to do is treat me the same way as you did Hatelo when you captured her."

His eyes widened and his ears popped up, "You know about that?" She grinned and nodded her head. "B-but I might injure you!"

Sarah frowned. "If you read the note I gave you you'd know that that's unlikely, but if you don't want to do it I'll just leave." She turned toward the path back to the encampment.

She had taken only four steps when he used the speed his species was well known for to block her path in a four footed stance. She marveled at how natural he looked even though his people had been designed for bipedal locomotion.

He smiled and moved towards her. "I'll try to be as gentle as possible."

She took a few steps backward then stopped. "She said you were."

He paused. "You've spoken with her?"

"Let's just say I was in charge of interrogating her." When she heard him growl and his eyes narrow she grinned and held up her hands. She's all right and is being well taken care of. A matter of fact she should be with us in two days; you'll see her then."

He calmed then said, "Thank you," and resumed moving toward her

She took a few more steps back. "Isn't there something you forgot to do first?"

He stopped, stood up and his body glowed. Seconds later he had shrunk down to less than half his original size: slightly less than the average for a Dorzeli-An.

He seemed uneasy when he said, "I have to warn you that my mass and strength is still the same."

She brushed off his warning. "Hatelo is alive so I doubt I'll have any problems."

"If that's the case..." He grinned in a way that should have made her fear for her life when he moved to take hold of her. Then there was a bright flash from her position that blinded him for a few seconds.

Daihas shook off his initial shock and growled when he thought that she had used some type of weapon on him. He was stunned by what he saw before him when his sight returned; he stared down, not at a human, but two four toed digitigrade feet of a Dorzeli-Ki and that, instead of being a shade of brown (as all Dorzeli-Ki were) they were golden yellow. He looked up and saw that the being that the feet belonged to was a female that wore a uniform that was similar to his sister's anti-laser suit but it had the same pattern as Colonel Thorn's. He also saw that she filled it out as well as his sibling. When his eyes drifted up to her face she pounced upon him.

Slammed onto his back and pinned by her left hand on his chest he could only marvel at her transformation. But when she moved her open mouth toward his head he shouted, "No!"

She saw a sudden movement to her right and reacted. She reached out, grabbed her attacker and slammed him next to Daihas so quickly that he had no time to react to the brief moment when she had released him.

Javfeis had only wanted to protect his cousin and lover, but Instead of knocking her off and away from him he only succeeded in becoming pinned under her right knee in his gut and her right hand at his throat, claws first.

They both growled to protest their treatment, but became silent when she hissed at and increased the pressure upon them.

Once she was satisfied that they would not attempt to fight her or escape she smiled, then laughed. "It looks like I'll have two handsome Dorzeli males to play with tonight instead of one." She looked at the expression on Javfeis' face. "And I think one of them is jealous."

Daihas turned his head, looked at his cousin, saw that it was true, then turned back to Sarah; his shock over her sudden changed had not ebbed.

She looked into his eyes, frowned, then, in fluent Dorzel, said, "I didn't think I looked that ugly."

His eyes widened; "No, no; Y-you're beautiful."

She smiled, pulled him up and rubbed the left side of her face with his. They felt a return of the sensations from when they first met; the same ones that encouraged her to go through with her plan; the same ones that had convinced him that she could be the female that he could take as a mate and a possible means of regaining his previous status from before he had lost to her brother.

Sarah noticed that he seemed to be uncomfortable and separated from him. When she looked down she saw why, exposed her upper canines in a broad smile and teased his bulging groin with the tip of one of her twin tails. He did not protest, but went into a state of bliss as the bulge increased in size.

"I can see that you really do mean that." She looked down at her remaining prisoner who was still upset over what had happened and asked, "What about you?"

He looked her over from her knee to her plentiful bosom then to her face. "You're...nice, but you'd look better if I could stand up."

Her eyes narrowed. "You're not going to attack me again are you?"

"He won't." Daihas gave Javfeis a stern look. "Isn't that right?"

Javfeis lowered his eyes and said, "Yes."

Sarah released his throat, removed her knee, stood up and asked. "Did you follow us all the way from camp because you were afraid that a small lightly armed human was going to try and hurt one of the best Dorzeli warriors on the planet, or was it because you wanted to get in on whatever we were going to do?" He did not answer and kept his eyes diverted away from her.

He was startled when she grabbed his snout pulled it toward hers and licked it. A wave of euphoria like none he had ever felt swept over him from their brief contact.

She released him and said, "I didn't invite you but I guess all three of us can all spend the night together." She pushed him away. "But you'll have to wait your turn."

"You were telling the truth in that message you gave me."

She turned back to Daihas and nodded yes. "Jason changed me so that I could come down here and search for my brother and any survivors, but when the fleet tried to drop me off the Soriss pushed us back." The two Dorzeli saw a flash of anger on her face. "We became so frustrated and angry at that and the loss of a light cruiser that we took it out on the crew of a ship he captured."

Daihas grinned then said, "I can guess what happened, but if you were ready then why weren't you at the meeting?" When she struggled then failed to answer he shook his head in understanding "Ah, a post feeding stupor."

She sighed with a slight frown, "I still can't believe I went out of control like that; I couldn't move for a week."

Javfeis looked at Daihas and smiled. "That sounds about right."

"Besides that unfortunate part of my change there was a heightening of my other needs." She looked into his eyes; "Needs that I intend on satisfying tonight."

Daihas looked confused. "You and Jason didn't...?"

A look of disappointment came over her face "He refused me: said he wanted to remain faithful to Freerah; although I believe he was beginning to weaken. That also left me very frustrated." She glanced at Daihas' ever growing bulge and licked her snout. "I think you'd better take your suit off before you damage it."

"Let me return to my normal size, then..."

"No" she hissed, "For what I want to do your present size will be perfect."

He saw that she was not going to relent in her stance and started to strip. "All right, but shouldn't you be doing the same?"

She grinned, stood up, backed away from them, but before she removed her flexible suit she told Javfeis; "You will not touch him while he's with me if you want your chance." She winked at him and smiled.


"I know you two love each other very much but..." she stopped with her mouth open when her eyes focused on the largest penis she had ever seen on a biped hanging from Daihas' groin. She also was amazed that, at half his normal size, he was almost a meter long and that he was still only semi erect.

"Hatelo was right about you." He grinned as the scent of their mutual arousal grew. "Can you grow large like your sister?"

His voice had a note of depression in it when he said, "No, I can only shrink down; this is as small as I can get."

She again looked at his groin. "The one thing she didn't tell me was how she was actually able to take you, even at your present size."

He grinned. "Turn back into a human and you'll find out."

She smirked, "I don't think so; you're hung better than most horses and I don't intend on getting that stretched out." She thought she saw that he was confused and started to explain. "A horse is..."

"Like a Driska, but without the antlers; we have some knowledge of earth's animals thanks to your brother; and thank you." He looked her over and licked his snout. "And you're one of the best looking females I've ever seen, of any species."

She cupped each of her breasts in a hand and pushed them upwards; "Even better than your sister?"

He was saved from answering her awkward question when Javfeis made a low coughing sound. Sarah turned and saw that he has removed his suit; he was not as large as Daihas, but he was proportionately larger than any human male she had ever seen or been with.

"You look good too, but you'll still have to wait your turn."

He became disappointed and moved to join his cousin.

She growled, "For either one of us."

He looked to Daihas in a silent plea, but he did not relent. He frowned, bowed his head and backed away. It was the first time he had ever been refused.

Satisfied that the smaller Dorzeli would honor her terms Sarah undid the hidden fasteners on her lower half of her uniform and it dropped to the ground. She undid the upper section, exhaled and allowed it to fall away from her body to allow her firm generous mammalian breasts hang unfettered upon her chest.

She moved over to Daihas bent down and rubbed their cheeks together. This time she added the gentle caressing of his still growing member with her right hand. He licked her face and fondled her breasts in return. Seconds later, to his annoyance, she stopped, backed away and saw that he was fully erect at almost one and a half meters long.

He moved toward her. "Please, let me do with you at my full size what Jason's loyalty to Freerah had stopped him from doing." She nodded yes and he returned to his full stature and resumed his massage of her breasts.

Moans of pleasure came from her mouth and she grabbed and vigorously stroked his enormous shaft with both of her hands. After a few moments of this foreplay she stopped and again pushed him away. He growled in surprise.

"Remember, I want you to treat me the same way you treated Hatelo, then I'll return the favor, but this time I think you'll enjoy it more with a female more your size."

Javfeis attempted to approach them. She whipped her head around and hissed, "You'll wait your turn or leave!"

He backed further away.

Daihas laughed. "You're more like one of us than your brother."

Sarah brought her hand up to the front of her face and stared at her claws. "After what I did on that ship I'm starting to believe that's true." She licked her lips, smiled, laid down on her back and spread her legs. "Enough of that, let's get down to the fun."

Daihas stepped over her twin tails, lowered his face to her already moist groin and pushed his tongue through her folds into her inner depths.

She gave off a loud gasp as he alternated between several quick thrusts and slow casual explorations; he made sure that no area of her vagina went without his attention.

He had never tasted anything so good in his life; not even Javfeis in the midst of climax, and the feelings of joy and happiness he experienced as he pleasured her stimulated him to heights or arousal that his cousin had never been able to take him to. He also sensed something else from her taste. Something that made it harder for him to fight against the urge to just simply take her, in spite of the ease she had handled Javfeis.

Sarah's breathing had become heavy and loud when he upped his efforts to push her toward her first orgasm as a Dorzeli. However, he did not allow her to get there too soon; he withdrew his tongue, lapped up the copious amounts of her love juices that had flowed onto his snout then he started on her again.

Between breaths she gasped, "Your...experience with Javfeis has...oh God yes...paid off."

He raised his head and looked at her. "We Dorzeli males may be unusual to your people but that does not mean we're not as sensitive as our females." He licked his mouth then announced, "You've recently been with a male Mendall and..." his eyes widened in surprise, "And with her too?" He grabbed her thighs, gave a signal to Javfeis and announced, "If you can be with another female and a former sworn enemy like Lasteri, you'll fit right in here on Dessla."

She did not get the chance to ask how he knew of her habits or explain as he had plunged his head downward and probed her again, but this time he was more forceful.

His tongue felt as if it had grown several times its original size, then she felt the presence of the other Dorzeli. Before she could protest he brought his mouth down onto her right nipple and suckled while he fondled her other breast.

She could not take it any more; she cried out and came with an intensity she had not experienced in years; so intense that for a brief moment she forgot that she was ever human. She was also surprised by her new body's stamina as she felt almost as fresh as when they had started. When she noticed that Javfeis had jumped away she raised her head and saw that Daihas positioned to mount her face to face.

His advance was stopped when she raised her right foot, placed it against his towering shaft and pushed him backward; the heat she felt from it, the small puddle of pre-cum on the ground beneath his former position that was attached to the head of his organ by a long gooey string which she had inadvertently smeared onto her sole and the fact that his penis was much longer than her foot turned her on more than anything ever had.

Sarah fought off her rising need to be penetrated and said, "It's my turn now, or do you want me to go back on my promise?"

With an annoyed reluctance he backed away from her.

She sat up, took the base of his penis in one hand and lowered her mouth onto it. A long satisfied moan escaped his throat when she began to pump him.

She enjoyed the heavenly nutmeg laced taste of his pre and pumped him harder so that he would give up his load as quickly as possible so that he could mount her, but he managed to resist her: even when she dipped a clawed finger into the puddle and inserted it up into his pseudo-vagina which caused him to thrust up into her mouth. It soon became obvious that she was not going to get what she wanted; he seemed very resistant to her ministrations.

He growled, "You'll have to do better than that."

She, for a moment, wondered what her brother's reaction was when he first learned of this strange organ, but was distracted when a strange new scent came to her on a gust of wind. She recognized it as the mix of her brother's and Feih's, but there was something different about it. Then she felt her body react.

Moments later, she wanted Daihas to be in her more than ever before, but forced herself to continue so as not to break her promise. Then she was startled, angered and pleased when she felt her tails lifted out of the way and the insertion of the other male's member. She purred around Daihas' organ and increased her rhythm when Javfeis took hold of her waist and pumped himself into her.

Startled when Daihas growled and grabbed her neck, she tried to pull away, but this action only caused him growl louder and increase the strength of his grip. This caused her to think that going out into the forest with him was a bad idea until he started to massage her neck in sync with her own movements. She realized that he meant her no harm, opened her mouth wider so that her sharp teeth were no longer in the way and took the rest of his member deep into her throat. Daihas gasped then gritted his teeth as she did her best to swallow him.

"Yes!" he hissed through his teeth, "Take all of me!"

She needed no coaxing; with the Dorzeli's snake like ability to breathe through an extended tracheal tube while swallowing large prey, conscious and involuntary waves of contractions assaulted a phallus that was nearly the width of her human torso, a fact that reminded her of her and Jason's exploits onboard the Soriss scout ship. All the memories of deeds that still troubled her disappeared when Javfeis pushed her forward so that her nose bumped into Daihas' groin. He growled and pushed back, which hilted Javfeis within her.

His cousin, overcome with the sensation and the scents of the distant mating pair pushed forward again, which forced Daihas' monstrous cock deeper into Sarah's throat.

Back and forth they went with the former human between them, large amounts of pre discharged into both her ends.

When she felt Daihas' organ begin to pulse she opened her jaws a little wider and shook her head side to side. That was all he could take.

He roared and sent wave after wave of cum directly into her stomach. Her climax followed seconds later.

Javfeis also roared, re-hilted himself and filled her womb with so much of his love juice she thought she would explode.

Several liters of semen later her throat relaxed and allowed Daihas to withdraw. She took hold of his organ with one hand and discovered that he was actually harder than when they had started and when she licked him clean she was even more pleased with the rich taste and texture of the cum that had coated his rod and dribbled from its head. At the same moment she felt Javfeis pull free of her still convulsing slit. She glanced backward and saw that he too was still hard.

Egged on by the aroma from the other mating pair, she turned around, took Javfeis' into her hungry mouth and raised her tails. Daihas wasted no time and inserted his erect member into her waiting and very well lubricated slit.

Waves of intense pleasure passed through her entire body as they resumed their previous rhythm, but, unlike his cousin, Daihas added almost complete withdrawals followed by deep forceful thrusts. Then, as he started to go faster and penetrate deeper, she felt a change within her body and an intense build up in pleasure; he was hitting a sweet spot that Javfeis had not been quite long enough to reach. It caused her to remember a warning Jason Monroe-Talbot had given her when she was preparing to be dropped to the surface of Dessla to search for her brother and again just before they left the base:

"You must remember that if you choose to have sex in your Dorzeli-Ki form and become pregnant you will not be able to assume human form again until after you've given birth and even then you won't want to do it until the child is thoroughly used to humans; Dorzeli young are feral for the first four months of life and will treat all non-Dorzeli as prey.

"However, you will have up to three days to change back and forth before the embryo is implanted in your cervix, but after that it will be irreversible, so please don't mate with any males until after the battle. The soldiers under your command may not react well if you show up as a Dorzeli-Ki."

Sarah became concerned; she did not know if she was on a human or a Dorzeli reproductive cycle, or if her long-term human based birth control would work on her new form. She decided that she not to take the chance of angering Jason so close to such a crucial battle and tried to disengage from Daihas, but when she moved to do so he locked his arms around her to prevent her from moving. She did not know what to do.

A distant double roar told her of the origin of the erotic scent she had detected: it was Feih and Matt! She concluded that their pheromones had heightened her trio's passions for one another, rethought her decision and relaxed her body. That was when she noticed that Daihas had stopped moving.

He growled viciously and Javfeis pulled out of her throat and jumped backward. She saw the worried look on his face then turned her head around. The sadness she saw on Daihas' face caused her to believe that he must have somehow sensed her confusion and worry. He nodded yes and started to withdraw from her. She wrapped her tails around him and held him in place.

"Ever since I enlisted, hell ever since I was a teenager, I always took full responsibility for my actions no matter what the consequences were." She smiled, looked to Javfeis then back to him. "Maybe, if we're successful, Jason will perform another ceremony tomorrow." The joy she saw on their faces caused her smile to broaden. She was glad that she had brought some happiness into lives that had known nothing but pain and hardship and she had every intention of keeping it that way.

She returned Javfeis' organ into her warm and inviting mouth and felt Daihas start on her once again and this time he locked onto the back of her neck with his mouth. His teeth almost penetrated her thick Dorzeli skin as he resumed thrusting into her. Then she heard him mumble something in his native language. She did not need to hear it clearly to understand what he said; she closed her eyes and thought, "You're welcome"

That was her last rational thought she had as they were finally overcome by Matt and Feih's pheromone laden scents; only feral lust remained.

The Next Morning

Colonel Thorn opened her eyes when the preset alarm on her implant went off. She saw sunlight filter down through the trees and that Daihas and Javfeis were sitting near her with looks of worry were on their faces.

Still groggy she asked, "What's wrong?"

Daihas, in a low tone, told her, "It didn't take."

She had to think for a moment before she realized what he was referring to. "But how could you...?"

"There's usually a slight emission of blood when it happens. You must still be on your native cycle." He looked away. "Now there is nothing to keep you here with us."

She moved close to him and used her hand to turn his face to meet hers. "Last night you cared enough for my feelings and sense of duty that you were willing to give me up, possibly forever." She smiled. "I believe that I can stay with you two as long as you give my brother more time; he's not as 'outgoing' as I am."

He took her hands in his. "I'll leave him alone for now, but he'll have to finish the dominance ritual before his first year with us is over."

She smiled. "I think I can accept that."

She looked to Javfeis, saw that he was still depressed and beckoned him over.

He moved to her side and was surprised when she placed her right arm around his shoulder and asked, "Why are you still so sad? Do you think that we'll leave you out just because you're the so-called 'omega'?"

He did not look at her when answered. "Of all the times Daihas and I have loved one another we've never felt anything like what we experienced with you last night. I'm happy for him that you'll be staying."

"You may think that I won't love you as much as Daihas because of your status, but you're wrong. As far as I'm concerned you can join in whenever you want to; size is not everything." She leaned toward him and licked the left side of his face.

Overjoyed, Javfeis and Daihas joined her in a mutual hug. None of them could believe that they had found the one that they could spend the rest of their lives with, but what they felt pass between them the night before and at that moment confirmed for them that they had. Then the two males slowly pushed her down onto the ground.

She gently protested this move when she felt what they had in mind. "I-I can't. I have to be at roll call in an hour."

"We can run back there fairly quickly so there's no hurry." Daihas licked her face as Javfeis worked his way from her neck down to her breasts.

"But I can't let my troops see me like this." He began to message one breast as the other was suckled. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. "Not yet."

"Change when we're finished and I'll carry you back the same way I brought you here." He lifted his head and looked at her face. "Please?"

Before that moment she did not believe it was possible for a member of a race with the malevolent reputation of the Dorzeli to have the expression she saw; sad puppy-like eyes. So sad that she forgot any thought of dislodging them, especially when she felt their stiff members rub against her.

They made it back just in time for Jason's inspection.


Sarah lowered her head and kissed Daihas' cheek. Nothing she had done since their return seemed to have been able to console him. Not even the fact that Jason had used what powers he had at the time to preserve Javfeis' body so that there could have been a proper burial; one of the traditions both Dorzeli and some human cultures shared.

She had thought, at the time, that he had taken his lover's death well, but, as with his legendary reputation (which was, as far as the Soriss were concerned, was well justified) he had put up a brave front to hide his grief. She did not expect such a breakdown, but she too found herself on the verge of tears as she had pledged to be their mutual mate; she had truly loved them both.

Her voice was just above a whisper when she saw him stir, "I know you miss him and I miss him too, but we have to go on and prepare for our future together."

His eyes opened and met hers when he turned his head toward her. "Y-you mean you're going to stay with me?"

She hugged him close to her body. "You and Javfeis were not just a casual fling. I've reached the zenith of my career and it's time for me to settle down; and I planned on doing so with you two that night and I'm not going to change my mind because of his death."

He still seemed to doubt her sincerity. "What about Lasteri? When her change is finished she'll have a higher position in our family than yours."

She smiled. "We've already come to a mutual understanding on that point; we'll be, more or less, equal partners when she joins us in a few months."

His eyes widened in surprise at this unexpected news. "You mean...?"

She nodded yes and kissed him.

He hugged her and said "I accept."

For the first time since the ceremony she saw that he was happy. Then an idea came to her. "Let's celebrate our union the way Javfeis would want us too, unless...."

He brightened and said, "No, you're right. I've done enough mourning; we've lost family before. This shouldn't be any different."

"And this time I'll really keep my promise."

He did not know what she meant until she shrank and changed back into her human form. He grinned with growing lust as she disrobed.

She held out her arms to her sides and asked, "Well?"

He hissed, "Very nice", stood, and used his powers to reduce his size, but he looked uncertain, he was still twice hers.

She saw his worry and told him that; "One little secret Jason hasn't told anyone about his human form is that he is a lot tougher than any normal human and that goes for me and Matt too."

He licked his lips and removed his suit in record time.

It would be a day before she was able to walk straight, in either form.

THE END (for now)