What I did in my Holiday

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#1 of Exploration

The most that could be said was that I wasn't expecting it. How could I have? Ten minutes from meeting two supernatural creatures, and I was lying down inside my tent, reading a book about little blue men and a demented cheese. I must have been bloody mad, or at least extremely unawares.

Still, insanity is not what it was cracked up to be.Me, six foot two ape descendant from the planet earth, otherwise known as that tiny, remote place at the outer end of the Western Spiral arm. Would the bookies from the local TAB put down odds on the meeting of two distant civilizations on our planet? I don't think so.

As for where I was, that was easy. I was on holiday, and was enjoying myself in a tiny little hamlet in the middle of New Zealand. I had bought a two man tent, although it was only two man if said men got on exceptionally well and didn't move in their sleep, other wise it would quickly become a one man tent, or a ripped tent, which seats many.

It was a pale blue tent, the fly fitting comfortably to the 2x2x1 metre high inner. The fly extended out in one direction to make a sort of entrance where one could take their boots off on a patch of ground that hadn't got soaked by rain.All the zips were currently closed, and it was reasonably pleasant in the cocoon-like sleeping bag.

My possessions were few.I had a bag of clothes, the bag the tent had come in and was supposed to fit back into, and a day pack, which had mostly dry foods, but had some odd things that I had either added, or had missed when loading up. Thus there was a trowel, which was to be useful, a few books, a coil of rope, and my lunchbox.

Until what happened actually happened, I was totally oblivious to my oncoming situation. There were no harbingers of doom, no mad philosophers running down the street, and the sky was clear of cloud, so no thunder or lightning.I just kept reading about the demented blue men, and the equally demented cheese.

Then there was a noise, like the popping of a balloon, except somewhat quieter and muffled. I lowered the book, and looked around.By the lack of anyone cursing an air mattress hadn't exploded, but there seemed to be shuffling in the front of the tent, underneath the porch. I slid out of the sleeping bag, and crawled to the zips, undoing them, and pegging aside the inner door. Then there was a voice.

"Damn it, where are we?" this voice was heavily sibilant, reptilian, and sent a shiver down my spine. Whatever had spoken was obviously not human, and I got visions of a scaly creature, all claws and teeth, coming out from a hiding spot and attacking me. The strange thing was the fact the voice seemed to be coming from underneath the ground. I placed my ear to the ground, and listened, for there came a second voice.

"We're on the planet ZZ987, known to the indigenous fauna as Earth. The dominant species is a six foot mammalian creature, but little has been found out about them." this voice came out more like a growl, and again I imagined it was some sort of a tiger or other big cat.This voice also sounded like it was reading from some type of encyclopaedia.

The first voice snapped irritably." I know that, but where are we?"

I took my cue. "Currently, you are underneath my tent, in the middle of a holiday park. Would you like some assistance?"

There was a pause.Then the first voice spoke.

"Who are you, and how can you help?"

"I am one of the mammals your friend spoke of, and I could dig you out if you were unable yourself."

There was another brief pause. Then the second voice spoke.

"Yes, thank you. I think something went wrong with the teleportation device."

I went to my pack, and extracted the trowel from a side pocket, and started digging directly underneath the porch. I dug quickly and efficiently, and soon had a half a metre wide and same deep hole. Then the rest collapsed, raining down on the unfortunate travellers underneath. My heart beat fast, waiting to see what sort of things I had uncovered.

Looking into the hole, I saw a that my original estimates had been close. There was one scaled creature, about seven feet in height, his scales bottle green, lethal looking claws covering the eyes on his draconic head in the change of light, and a scaled tail slightly more than half a metre long. As my brain fused, I realised this was a dragon.

The second creature was less imposing, but by no means less different. He was six feet in height, and he was indeed a tiger. His pointed ears on the top of his head, his long striped tail, and the yellow and brown coloured fur covering his body gave assertion to this theory. He stood on his back two feet, and while he had claws like a tiger, his hands were not dissimilar to a humans, with the opposable thumb and four fingers.The dragon's hands were one finger short of this.

Despite the complex emotions rising inside me, fear, terror, interest, absolute amazement and so on, I lowered my hand to the dragon. His own hand grasped my arm like a vice, and I felt the blood drain from my wrist. He was extremely strong, and almost pulled me down while I was pulling him up. He went inside the inner tent, looking around curiously. Meanwhile I was helping the tiger creature up, until both of them were in the tent.

Realising that we might have made a bit of noise, I opened the window of the front 'door', and looked around. Incredibly, no one had heard the commotion, and the myriad of multi-coloured tents stretched away towards the end of the field. No humans were looking this way, although there were some about.I closed the window, and turned to the two intruders, my tone highly respectful.

"Who are you, and what are you after here?"

"We are travellers."the tiger replied." We visit distant planets, and learn about them, about the native creatures, the languages, the world itself.This way when others want to come, they know that they won't need a space suit, or a weapon."

"Scouting for the team?" I smiled.

"Yes." the tiger paused, unfamiliar with my vocabulary, which reminded me of something else that I should ask.

"How can you understand me, and I you?"

"We have devices of communication." The dragon lifted up a rather plain looking necklace. I nodded.

The tiger was very curious about the human race in general. we talked for a good half an hour on many subjects. They knew the mix of atmosphere, and the geology of the planet, but not much had been learnt about humans. He asked many varied questions about human physiology and beliefs,which led on to religion. But then we were back on the human body again, and he asked a highly difficult question.

"How does your race, er, reproduce?" he said." This is all for the record, but we know that some cultures,um, disagree with the discussion of sex."

I was busy thinking fast.

"I don't really mind,but there are who don't talk about it."

"So how is reproduction, worked?"

There was no way out of that one. I gave a quick talk on the anatomical differences of the male and female, and explained the, processes, of how it all worked. The tiger's eyebrows rose up in interest.

"Most amazing. It's almost like my culture, and Draco's." That was the closest description to Draco's real name. The tiger's name, translated, was Simba.This was a good name, because Simba is Swahili for lion.Then the dragon spoke.

"So, your sex is roughly like ours. Do you also have it, merely for pleasure? And I also heard about variations.Could you explain that?"

Now I knew for a fact that I was blushing at this point, but I began on the two types of relationships, Straight, and gay, again the tiger commented it was like his society. Then I, hesitantly, talked on the different ways of having sex, orally, anally and so forth. The dragon managed a laugh after I had finished.

"Practically the same then. We were quite lucky to find someone so well versed in the methods used on this planet."

I blushed again. "Not so quite versed as you think. I only know this because I have heard it spoken of, but I have never actually, participated."

The dragon nodded, understanding completely. I was, indeed, a virgin, but I had written enough stories on the subjects.

"You mentioned the male to male sex, is that accepted in your society?"

"Not by everyone.Many know it happens, and don't mind it. Several know it, and agree to it's advantages, but there are those who dislike it intensely, and condemn those who perform acts of such.In some countries it is in fact banned, or outlawed."


"No." What was the dragon going on about?I caught the two exchanging the occasional glance, and had a guess.

"Are you two romantically involved?"

The tiger looked at me quickly.

"Romantically, no. Sexually, we are."

"I see. I have no opinion of sex, not having experienced it."

"How would you like to get involved?"

STOP THE MUSIC! I didn?t say that out loud, but my face must have made some rather interesting reading. Some of me was saying go for it, some of it was saying back away.On the other hand, these people were being very generous, and they were new to the world. I felt it, disrespectful, if I had refused.

Also I was keen to break my virginity.

"Yes. I don't know what to do, but it would be, something I could learn."

"Oh, there's nothing to it." I had some kind of vision at this point that the dragon would be a more dominant character, and that the tiger was submissive.This was proved when Draco gestured to Simba.The tiger shrugged.

"Shouldn't this be for you two only?"

"Rubbish."Draco replied."I wouldn't dream of leaving you out.Besides, you get to have sex with a human, find out how they work. I thought that was the entire point of the journey."

"Do you mind?" Simba looked at me. I shook my head.

"Not at all."

The two wore many items, and it took them sometime to remove all of it. I took off my own clothes, and crouched down while they finished. My own body was reasonably attractive,in all modesty.I am on the thin side, but I am rather muscular, especially in the legs.The resulting look isn?t despiseful,and the tiger actually commented on my physique.

"You look like that, and you claim not to have had sex?"

I blushed once more.

"Humans don?t often see one another naked."

"Oh, the idea of exposure in public is, disgraceful?"

"Not allowed." I nodded.

Simba turned to Draco.

"How should we do this? Normally you fuck me, but with him..."

"Relax, I've worked it all out.That is, if he doesn't mind." he shot an enquiring glance at me.

"I shouldn't mind about anything."

Draco said a few words in his own language, a mysterious, hissing language, to Simba. Simba listened, and replied so I could understand.

"You know me, I'm not a dominant person."

I had no clue what they were talking about, but I soon got a pretty good idea. Draco explained his idea of a threesome. I smiled.

"Well, at least I'll know how all the women feel." I laughed. Being somewhat bi-curious, I had no complaints, and was in fact keen for Draco's ansible. Simba nodded in acknowledgement, and sat down in the corner of the tent. I knelt down in front of him, my face barely half a foot from his ribs.

Simba gently took one of my hands in his. He was actually quite strong, for someone so gentle as him, and he pressed my hand against a bulbous section of fur where I knew his cock to be. I gently massaged this area, until Simba leaned back and gave a sigh of content.I bent down, and started licking the bulbous knot, hiding the tiger's penis.Slowly, it rose. A good two inches in diameter, it rose under my caressing hand until fully erect. It was a good ten inches, maybe a foot in length.I encircled it with my hand, and slowly stroked up and down, feeling every slight fold in the tiger's skin.

"And I thought you hadn't done this before." the tiger rested his head against the canvas of the tent.

"I haven't.This is the first time."

"You learn so quick."

I smiled at the compliment. Then I thought of something else.

"There might be someone who could hear us. Do you have some secret method of making yourselves silent?"I turned to Draco, who was positioned behind me. The dragon nodded in a relieving way.

"We have a device that makes everything in a radius completely silent. Simba could roar as loud as he wants, but no one else would hear."

"Just checking."

I stroked Simba's cock for a bit more, then the tiger reached out, and gently held the back of my head. I let myself be lowered down, and licked the tip of Simba's erect member. I was teasing him, and he was enjoying it. My slippery tongue caressed the rough tip of the tiger's cock, until finally he could take it no longer, and gently forced my head down, until I took the tiger's cock in my mouth.

It was hard and erect by now, and I sucked gently on it, my tongue going around my mouth and rubbing against the the throbbing member.Slowly I began to rise and fall, my mouth stroking against him. I felt him shiver at this, and gently increased my speed.Then I felt Draco's legs against mine, as he positioned himself directly behind me.He hadn't explained this fully, and I began to turn.

Too slow. Draco's right arm wrapped around my chest as he leaned over me, and he brought his chest against my back, holding me tight, like a baby in his arms. His other hand went to my own cock, and started slowly, but expertly, rubbing and jerking it.Then he thrust his excited cock into my anus.

I gave a muffled cry of surprise and delight.Draco's cock felt all of eighteen inches, and he thrust it all the way inside.I stopped sucking Simba's cock, and he looked down, realising why I had stopped.

"Don't worry, he does this to me all the time."

Draco laughed, and then gently began thrusting back and forth.All the work was his, for he held me in place like an iron bar, but I was having difficulty concentrating on Simba which Draco doing his work behind me.I managed to speak.

"Simba, ow, I'm not used to this."

"Well, you said it was your first time."

"Can you?"

Simba looked in interest as my body was racked from another thrust. I really couldn't excite Simba with a dragon fucking me from behind and so placed his hand on the back of my head, and started pushing me down onto his cock.It was a nice arrangement. He chose the speed, I did the rest.

So we worked.Out of the corner of my eye I could see Simba's gratified face, his body heaving with my efforts, for which I was quietly proud.It was a very luxurious pace, I believe just so I became used to it.Every stroke the dragon delivered I felt a burst of pain and pleasure as he seemed to be stretching my interior to the limit.Every time Simba pushed down, he did it slowly until the tip of his cock was touching the back of my throat, and then made me come up, until it was underneath my teeth.And so the cycle would begin again.And ever so slowly, Draco's hand would stroke and jerk my own adolescent cock.It was not as impressive as the others,in all ways, but that didn't matter.

After a good ten minutes of this treatment, Draco confirmed my original belief. They were working slowly so I got the hang of things.

"Do you mind if we step up the pace?" he asked in my ear, stopping briefly. I rose off Simba's cock, and nodded.

Then I realised it might have not been a good idea.Draco stopped with his cock all the way in, while Simba increased his tempo. I went up and down faster than before, jerking and rubbing against the sensitive skin.Then Draco took his left hand off my penis, and wrapped it around my chest with his other arm, and began to fuck me at his speed.

My insides felt that they were being bashed with a hammer.My nether regions, already raw with the gentle work, sent out waves of pain that over-rode all my senses. I struggled in the steel grip, and let out a muffled cry.They stopped instantly.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, I mean, no." I gasped." I'm just not used to such treatment."

"We'll go a bit slower."

"No, I'll have to get used to it. Just ignore my cries."

"I'll give this for you," Draco smiled," you?re a determined bugger.Are you sure?"

"Certain.If you wanted to have sex with me again, then we couldn't keep going a speed that doesn't work for you." I managed to regain some of my composure. Draco ruffled my hair.

"You mean you'd do it again? You are keen."

Actually I did like it, despite the pain, and I had another thought. I lived alone, did a boring job, why not get involved with the work they did?I would live on Earth, but they could come regularly, maybe they could take me to where they came from. My writer?s curiosity was immense, and I would love to see new worlds.

Thus reassured, the two started again.Draco worked at about two strokes to the second, and pummelled my sensitive ass.But although I gave muffled cries regularly, my comments gave him the confidence in me, and he ignored them.Simba, too, dismissed my cries of pain, and even found pleasure in making me cry. He had confided to me that he was submissive, but I must have reawakened a streak of dominance in him.

So each time I let out a cry, Simba would thrust faster and deeper. Despite the savage pain, I felt intensely pleasured, as if some one was massaging my whole body.

It came to a climax quickly.With an almighty heave, Simba forced his cock as far down as it could go, and I felt my lips touching the bulbous knot.Then he roared, and ejaculated into my throat.I felt the rush flood up his cock, and then his hot,white semen erupt from the tip into my throat.I couldn't swallow, because his cock was far too far inside me for that.I couldn?t breathe for the same reason. Four more times he jerked, and more semen lined my mouth, until there was no more room, and it fell out of my mouth, dripping on his twitching body.Simba stayed like that for a few seconds, and then lifted my head off his penis. I coughed, and tasted the sticky white fluid.

It was delicious in taste, indescribable, but delicious never the less. I swallowed it all, and then started cleaning the drops that had fallen, licking it off the tiger's fur. Then Draco finished. He gave a roar, and thrust deep inside me, ejaculating as he did, and the same semen filled my rectum. My body arched under this treatment. He kept thrusting gently, cumming again each time he did. Eight times another amount erupted, and my poor body couldn't hold that much.But it did. With a final, savage shout, he withdrew his cock,and a few dribbles of white cum dripped down my legs.No more was spilled.

Draco got off me, and I slumped, rolling over and breathing deeply.I was physically exhausted, and Draco looked slightly tired.Simba was the only one who didn't seem tired, but he hadn't been doing that much work. Draco sat crosslegged in one corner, Simba in the other, and me in the middle.No one seemed to know what to say.

Simba finally broke the silence.

"You learn like a prodigy. Have you ever considered exploration?"

Wish coming true." Several times, but we don't have the technology to do what you can." I replied.

"That won't be a problem." Simba replied." In a week, we will be going to a new planet, and I think you should come. In fact, you should be the third member of this team."

"I would like that very much." I managed, overwhelmed.

"We will come along when we are exploring a new planet, and pick you up. You said you had a job?"


"We will give you advance warning of our arrival, so we don't cause panic when we appear. Like all scouts, you will get payment for being with us."

I was honoured, and said so. Simba dismissed it.

"You are a quick learner, curious, helpful, all the talents for a explorer."

Draco spoke up.

"I agree.A third person would be invaluable, and you are the right sort."

I sat up.

"So do you have a way of locating a single person?"

"Yes."Draco tossed a necklace he had in a pocket of his belt. I put it on.

"Now we can find you, where ever you are in the universe." Draco commented. "Now I believe I owe you something."

He crawled over, hanging poised over me, and then dipped down. His long forked tongue came out, and wrapped around my own cock several times.I lay back down, savouring the feeling surging through my body. He bent down further, taking my cock into his mouth, and one hand of his rubbed against my swollen balls. Simba smiled at this.

"So, what do you use as a nick name?" he asked.

I thought about this.

"I am known as Raptormaster." I replied.

"I like it." Simba smiled."How did you come by it?"

"It's what people know me as." I started to gasp, as Draco expertly manipulated my cock back and forth. He was very careful, his teeth would easily tear my vulnerable skin, and there was no doubt I was slightly nervous about that happening, but Draco was quietly brilliant, and not long after the conversation with the tiger, actually clamped his jaws down gently, holding my testicles and my cock all in his mouth, sucking on them like a child on a bottle.I sighed in ecstasy. Simba whispered to me that I should stroke his head, running down across the spines, and I did so.

He did like this a lot, as I quickly found out.He started working much faster, and I jerked in his grasp, feeling the waves of sexual emotion spiralling across my body.I could hold back no longer, and with a final gasp of delight, I ejaculated. My own cum burst out from my cock into the dragon's mouth, and he swallowed it greedily every time more came out.He milked me til I was empty, and then opened his mouth, letting go of my limp member, and sat down next to me. Simba nodded at both of us.

"I'm sorry to break up the party, but I need to submit the information you gave me to Central, so our races know about Earth. Back soon."

He disappeared in a small flash of light, and the popping of a balloon. Draco sighed.

"He will not forget his work.Me, I prefer to get involved, and let the reports go hang."

"So where is he?"

"Centre of the galaxy." he said, offhandedly.

Wow,I thought, and left it at that.

"So, Raptormaster, shall we see you in a week?"

"Of course." I replied, looking slightly shocked that he would suggest otherwise.

"Good. Actually, we have no knowledge about it what so ever, no one's ever set foot on it. There's food for thought. Stepping on a planet that no known race has walked upon before."

"What about atmosphere?"

"We found a way around that, a reasonably short and painless session with a medical doctor. When we pick you up, we shall take you to Central to get this implant, so you can breathe pure carbon dioxide, and be fine with it."

"All this technology is astounding."

"My branch of civilization has been advancing for a good five hundred thousand years.When did your exact race?"

"Well, true homo sapiens haven't been around for a shorter period than that.Maybe a tenth of the time."

He nodded.Simba reappeared, back in the hole.

"All done.Wait a second, what the devil is wrong with this thing?" he sounded slightly annoyed. Draco leaned innocently back, shuffling back towards the hole.

"What's wrong?"

"It keeps arriving two metres below the ground level."

"Well, take it to the techs, and complain to them." Draco left the tent."Raptormaster, we're off, so see you next week."

He lowered himself into the hole, and the two of them vanished. I looked in slightly stunned silence. What to do now? Carefully, I got myself dressed. First I would get rid off all this cum, no, let that stay there for now.Thoughts bursting,I gently lay down, and picked up the book I had discarded.After all that had just happened, a rest sounded like a good idea.