Love Will Bind Us

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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I want to give a big thanks to Catstihx for his idea along with proofreading as well as Foxohki for taking time to proofread as well. I also want to thank everybody for reading my stories and giving me 10,000 views. It thanks to you guys that I'm able to write and provide entertainment through my submissions. Another story I did thanks to Catstihx's idea. I thought it was cute so i went with it. As usual, comments are greatly welcomed. Sorry for the long length in advance.

The sun shone down on the beautiful field of flowers as the Butterfree and Beedrills flew from petal to petal enjoying the smell of the various flowers. The wind was a mere breeze but it was enough to make the day feel just perfect. But the calm scene was broken by a crash of thunder making the pokemon fly off.

"_Still not strong enough."_a young voice growled.

Another thunder attack echoed through the field, followed by another growl.

"Why can't I break this stump?"


Lyon turned around to see a Luxray walking up to him.

"And what are you doing out here?"

"_I'm trying to get as strong as you dad,"_Lyon replied, his star tipped tail wagging happily.

His father chuckled at that before rubbing his head making him murr.

"It takes time son. Don't rush yourself. Come on, your mother's looking for you."

His father bent down as Lyon climbed onto his back.

"Oh yeah, your girlfriend was looking for you also."

"_Girlfriend?"_Lyon asked, head tilted to the side.


"_She's not my girlfriend dad,"_Lyon said, blushing.

" __Sure she isn't,"_his dad chuckled walking through the forest. _"_ You say that now, but you'll see that its love between you two."_

Lyon let out a sigh as his dad chuckled again.

"Your mother and I were the same way. We started off as good friends, then the love we had for each other continued to grow everyday."

They arrived at a small den that was made inside a hill, a lone Luxray was sitting there waiting for their arrival. Lyon hopped off his dad's back and cuddled next to his mother.

"And where have you been young man?" his mother asked, nuzzling him.

"I was working on my Thunder attack on a tree stump but I couldn't break it."

"And why were you doing that?" his mother asked curiously.

"So I could be as strong as daddy."

His mom chuckled before nuzzling his cheek making him purr.

"You're already strong enough Lyon. No need to rush into everything. Now go get cleaned up by the stream and get ready for dinner."

"Okay mom."

After getting clean up, he ate with his family before they huddled outside under the night sky. The moon was full, its brilliant glow shining down onto the earth. Lyon's ears perked up when the bushes nearby started to rustle. Standing up, he walked over slowly and took a couple of sniffs.

"_Boo,"_a Vulpix said jumping out of the bush making Lyon yelp and fall backwards.

Everybody chuckled at that as Lyon blushed.

"_You should've seen your face,"_the Vulpix said laughing on its back holding its stomach.

"_Not funny,"_Lyon pouted.

"_What brings you by Firia?"_Lyon's mother asked.

"I was wondering if Lyon wanted to look at the stars with me in the field?"

"I'm sure Lyon wouldn't mind. Would you Lyon?"

Lyon looked at Firia, a blush constant on his face.

"Umm, s....sure. I....don't.....mind."

"_Great. Come on Lyon,"_Firia said, running off.

"_Have fun you two. Don't forget to make your move Lyon. You'll regret it if you don't,"_his father said.

"_Dad!!!"_Lyon sighed before taking off after Firia.

"Those two make the perfect couple," his mother chuckled.

"That they do. Even though Lyon's still too naive to see it."

" __They probably won't be back tonight. So, in the meantime,"_she said, getting up and trailing her tail under his chin. _"_ How about we "play"?"_

His father grinned before nipping her neck making her purr.

"Lead the way my kitty cat."

Lyon made it to the field he was at earlier as some of the flowers glowed from the rays of the moon. Looking ahead, he spotted Firia on top of the stump. She was on her rear legs and seemed to be dancing. She moved gracefully, like she was made to dance all her life. Lyon just watched her, amazed at the dexterity she possessed. The moon seemed to be a spotlight on her and made her more stunning to look at.

"_You like watching me Lyon?"_she said, her back to him.

"Anybody would. You move with and grace that many pokemon would think you're a trainer."

Firia giggled before hopping off the stump giving him a friendly lick on the cheek.

"You're such a charmer."

Lyon blushed before they both sat together, looking up into the night sky as the stars played second to the full moon.



"How long have we been friends?"

"A year now. A fun year if I might add."

"Do you think we'll be together forever?"

"I sure hope so. Even if we were to separate from each other, I'll never stop thinking about you," Lyon said.

Firia looked at him, before blushing.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I found something for you."

Firia looked at Lyon as he dug around the stump before picking up a red ribbon.

"I found this hanging from a tree. I thought it would look good on you."

He walked around her and attached it to one of her tails. She looked at it before hugging Lyon, her front paws going around his neck making him blush hard.

"It's beautiful. Thank you Lyon. I wish I had something to give you."

"Don't worry about it. Knowing that you're happy is a gift good enough for me."

Firia blushed before leaning down and kissing him quickly, stunning Lyon.

"_I think that should make us even,"_she giggled, looking at Lyon's stunned face.

She gave him a small push before hopping away.

"Bet you still can't catch me."

"_Wanna bet?"_Lyon grinned and ran after her.

He managed to close the gap before she slipped away with grace. She made a slight mistake and got pounced on as they laughed while tumbling in the flowers. When they recovered from their laughter, Lyon was on top of her, looking into her amber eyes as their noses touched together.

"Umm.....sorry," Lyon blushed heavily, getting off her and turning around, hiding the growing pain that was happening between his legs.

"_So you do like me that much huh Lyon?"_Firia giggled.

Lyon was blushing so hard he thought he would die. He felt a paw lay on his as Firia looked at him with a smile. He smiled back as they looked back up at the stars together.

Aaron walked through the small woods, his heavy bag bumping against his back as he made his way through the forest trail.

_"_Let's hope I find a strong pokemon today. The tournament is soon and I need a fifth one to complete my roster."

He made his way to an open field, looking at the variety of flowers and admiring the view.

_"_What a beautiful spot. I've got to remember this place and bring Tracy here."

Looking further in, he saw two figures near a tree stump.

_"_Wonder what those are?"

He advanced slowly, making sure not to make too much noise. He got close enough to see a Shinx and a Vulpix curled up together. Both of them seem to have a smile on their faces as they slept peacefully.

_"_Oh boy a Shinx. I could use an electric type on my team."

Reaching towards his belt, he felt for the right pokeball and smiled before pulling it off as it expanded.

_"_All right, go for it Zero!"

Both the Shinx and Vulpix jumped up at the shout as a Poliwhirl appeared in a flash of red light.

_"_Poliwhirl," it said, taking a stance.

_"_Zero, use Bubble-beam."

Zero launched a brilliant beam of bubbles that sparkled in the sun. The Shinx pushed the Vulpix out the way, taking the blast as it slid on the ground. The Shinx got up, shaking its head and collecting its wits before letting out a growl, sparks of lightning coming from its fur. Aaron smiled at that, letting a grin come across his face.

_"_Zero, use Bubble-beam again."

Zero launched another beam as the Shinx quickly dodged it before charging it with a Tackle attack.

_"_Zero, counter with Double-Slap."

Zero dodged the unskilled attack and hit the Shinx with the Double-Slap sending it sliding on the ground again.

_"_Alright, time to finish this. Use Water Gun followed by Hypnosis."

Zero fired a jet stream of water at the Shinx, blasting it towards the stump as it hit the ground. The circle on his stomach began to spin, catching the Shinx off guard as its eyes got heavy. It tried fighting, but was too weak and fell asleep. Aaron smiled, taking an empty pokeball and tossing it at the downed Shinx as it got collected into the ball.

_"_Yes. Good job Zero," Aaron said, giving the Poliwhirl a high five.

_"_Whirl poliwhirl."

Aaron bent down and picked up the ball as it registered with a ding. He looked at his pokedex showing the team he had now as he smiled.

_"_Now I should be ready for the big tournament. Let's go Zero," he said, returning the Poliwhirl to its ball.

With a spring in his step, he headed back down the path. The Vulpix peeked out from behind the stump it was hiding, tears in its eyes as it ran into the woods. Why did that human have to take Lyon away? The afternoon sun blazed up above as various pokemon went on with their daily business. Lyon's parents were in front of the den enjoying the cool forest breeze that drifted through the trees.

"_I wonder where Lyon and Firia are. They're awfully late,"_Lyon's mother said, cleaning her paw.

"_I'm sure they are having too much fun to recognize the time. They are still young,"_his father chuckled.

Firia came running up to them, tears in her eyes as they looked at her worriedly.

"Firia, what's wrong? Where's Lyon?"

"The.....the human....took him. He.....pushed me out.....the way from an attack. He tried to fight.....back but couldn't...."

She couldn't finish as she broke down in tears. Lyon's mother walked over and cuddled her. His father let out a sigh before looking into the sky.

"I never thought humans would venture all the way out here."

"_Should we try and go after the human? Maybe we can still catch him,"_his mother spoke up.

"He's on his own now love. There's nothing we can do but pray to Arceus that the human that took him, treats him with respect and care."

_"_Thanks a lot Nurse Joy," Aaron said, collecting his pokeballs back.

_"_No problem Aaron. You take care now."

Aaron gave a final wave before walking out of the Pokemon Center. He was all smiles as he couldn't wait to introduce his newest addition to his team. He made it to his house as he took his shoes off at the front door.

_"_I'm home mom."

_"_Welcome back Aaron. Did you finish your team?"

_"_Sure did mom. I got me a Shinx today."

_"_That's wonderful honey. I hope you do good in this tournament you keep rambling on about."

He headed up to his room and closed the door. Grabbing his pokeballs, he opened them all up as his team appeared which consisted of a Poliwhirl, Liepard, Sandslash, and a Hitmonlee.

_"_Hey everybody. I'd like to introduce our newest member."

Aaron opened the ball as Lyon appeared. He looked around, noticing the other pokemon and got into a fighting stance.

"Whoa, easy there. These are your new partners," Aaron said.

Lyon looked at all of them before sitting down, ears lowered and let out a small whine.

_"_What's wrong little guy?"

"Aaron, can you go to the store for me? I need some stuff for dinner tonight."

"Okay mom. You guys try and cheer him up. I'll be back."

Aaron walked out the room as his team looked at the Shinx.

"_Welcome to the team,"_Zero said, walking up to him only to get a growl in response.

"It's your fault that I'm here and not with my family."

Lyon's growl deepened as small streaks of lightning could be seen running through his fur.

"_Calm down little one. We're on the same team here,"_the Sandslash said.

"I don't belong here. I belong with my mother and father. You took me away from them."

The Hitmonlee chuckled before sitting down monk style.

"_You think you can take us all little kitty?"_it said with a chuckle.

Lyon growled louder at that, claws digging into the plush carpet under him. The Liepard stood up from where it was sitting and walked over to him. Lyon gave a threatening growl but it didn't stop before sitting next to him and pulling him into a hug. Lyon let out a gasp of surprise. He wanted to fight back, but the warm embrace caused him to cry. The Liepard smiled, rubbing his back softly.

"_So it was a little kitty after all, crying for its mommy,"_the Hitmonlee chuckled again.

The Liepard glared evilly at the Hitmonlee making it go silent as Lyon calmed down.

"_Feel better hun?"_the Liepard said with a motherly tone.

Lyon nodded softly, still looking down at the ground.

"Don't mind the big one. He's all brawn and no brains."

"_Speak for yourself Rose,"_the Hitmonlee said with a huff.

Aaron came back into the room and smiled as he saw his team. He walked over and gently picked up Lyon before sitting on his bed.

_"_How do you like your new team?"

Lyon didn't say anything except keep his head down, ears folded back. Aaron frowned at that. Maybe it would take some time before the Shinx opened up.

_"_Well guys, as you know, the tournament I want to enter is in a week. So during that time, we'll be training hard and learning to work with each other."

His team gave a nod in acknowledgment as Aaron looked down at the Shinx. He reached down and gave it a gentle petting along its back. It couldn't help but give a small purr at the treatment.

_"_Let me introduce you to the team. The Sandslash is Blade. Next to him is Tyrant, the Hitmonlee. You already met Zero, my Poliwhirl. And lastly, is my girl Rose."

They all gave a slight nod at the Shinx who kept its head down, not seeming to care.

_"_All I need is a name for you. Let me think here."

Aaron drummed his chin trying to think of a name. He then remembered how the Shinx fought, even though he was out matched.

_"_How about Spirit? I saw a fighter spirit in you when fighting Zero. I think it fits you perfectly."

Looking at the clock on his dresser he saw that it was getting late.

"Alright you guys, we have a long week ahead of us. Get some sleep early and get ready for a rough week of training."

He returned them all to their balls except Spirit. Laying down on the bed, he looked at Spirit who didn't move.

_"_You probably hate me for doing what I did. I probably took you away from your family and friends and for that I'm sorry. But I'm hoping that despite what I did, we could be good friends."

Spirit didn't move as Aaron let out a sigh. Aaron changed into this bed clothes and got under the covers. With a sigh, he closed his eyes. Spirit watched him get under the covers and turn his back. Looking out the window, he saw the full moon in all its glory. A tear escaped his eye as he thought about what Firia was doing. Was she looking at the same moon as him? A small breeze made him shiver softly as he looked back at his new trainer. With a small whine, he padded softly over to Aaron and climbed over him before cuddling into his chest. Aaron opened his eyes half way and smiled before holding him close.

Firia looked at the full moon, a tear in her eye. Why did that human have to take Lyon away from her? It wasn't fair. She laid down in the field, praying to Arceus to bring him back to her. Her ears perked up when she heard the sound of music. Getting to her feet, she followed the beautiful melody to its source. Peering through the bushes, she saw another human dancing to the slow melody with a Mienshao by a campfire. They moved so fluidly together, almost like they practiced every day.

For some reason, the melody made her tails move with it, followed by her legs. Soon, she was on her rear legs, moving with the music along with the other two. Unknown to her, that they heard her and were watching her movement with amazement in their eyes. When the music finished, they both clapped their hands snapping Firia out of her trance as she ducked into the bushes again.

_"_Don't run little one. That was beautiful," the young lady said.

Firia peered out from the bushes as the lady was sitting down next to the fire, the Mienshao by her side.

_"_Wasn't that a beautiful dance Halo?"

"Mien," Halo replied nodding its head.

Firia blushed, thankful that the night hid it. The lady held her hand out towards Firia who looked nervous. Slowly, she walked towards the out stretched hand, keeping an eye on the strange pokemon. When she was close, she give it a couple of sniffs before a small lick making the lady smile and rub her ears softly making Firia murr.

_"_You are a cute one," the lady giggled. "And that dancing was simply amazing. How would you like to dance alongside Halo? We could use someone such as yourself. You don't have to if you don't want to though."

Firia thought about it. Maybe if she went with this human, she could find Lyon again. It was a slim chance, but slim is better than none.

_"_Vulpix," Firia said with a smile and nodding her head.

_"_Perfect," the lady said. "You guys will make the perfect team."

The young lady let out a yawn.

_"_Well, I'm going to retire for the night. Don't stay up too late Halo."

"_Mienshao," Halo replied as they watched her go into the tent she set up before they looked at each other. _"So little one, what's your name?"

"It's Firia. What are you doing out here?"

" __We came out here to enjoy nature and practice a little bit on our dance routine,"_Halo said, taking a seat in front of the fire. _"_ But it seems like we just can't get the moves right."_

Firia sat across from Halo as he looked into the red flames that crackled in the night. She then looked back up into the night sky, Lyon running through her mind. Halo looked at her before noticing the ribbon on her tail.

"That's a beautiful ribbon you have. May I ask who gave it to you?"

"_A very close friend of mine gave it to me,"_she said with a smile before looking at the ribbon.

"Does this friend have a name?"

"Yes, Lyon."

"And where is this Lyon if I may ask?"

Her ears folded back as she let out a soft whine.

"A human captured him. He protected me from an attack and tried to fight back but couldn't and was taken."

"I am sorry to hear that. Maybe one day you two will meet again."

"_I really hope so,"_Firia said softly before letting out a yawn which Halo smiled to.

"Get some sleep Firia. Our coordinator will teach you all the moves you need to know before the talent competition."

Firia gave a small smile before curling up next to the fire. She closed her eyes as a single tear came down her cheek thinking of Lyon.

_"_Alright," Aaron said happily.

He had his team in the backyard during some training. Some of them had bruises but nothing too serious.

_"_Now it'll be Blade and Spirit one on one. Remember, it's only training so don't overdo it. I won't be giving you any commands. I want you to act on instinct instead. Are you guys ready?"

Both Spirit and Blade nodded.

_"_Then start the battle."

Spirit went on the attack first with a Quick Attack catching Blade off guard but managed to dodge in time as Spirit slid on the ground, his claws out to stop himself. Turning around, he saw Blade had disappeared. He took a defensive stance, ready for anything. The ground shifted under him as Blade exploded from the earth lifting Spirit into the air. Using the momentum, Blade lashed out with Slash attack knocking Spirit onto the ground with a thud.

"_What a joke. Why did Aaron have to get a weak pokemon like him?"_Tyrant said with a huff.

Spirit got up on shaky legs, a growl in his throat. His fur flashed with lightning before directing his anger at Blade. A Thunder attack crashed down onto where Blade was, covering the area with dust. Spirit was breathing heavily, hoping that attack did some kind of damage. When the dust cleared, everybody saw Blade curled up into a tight ball.

_"_Nice thinking Blade," Aaron said.

Blade uncurled with a smile on his face. He then launched a Sandstorm attack towards Spirit, making him close his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw Blade right in front of him making him gasp in surprise. Blade hit him hard with a Metal Claw attack, sending him spinning in the air below landing hard.

"_Wow, I think that was a little too much,"_Zero said.

Too everyone's surprise, Spirit started to move slightly, getting to his feet before falling back to the ground.

_"_That's a wrap," Aaron said. "Good job everybody. Let's get you all healed up."

He returned everybody to their balls before heading to the Pokemon Center. Once they were healed, he went back home, letting them out in his room.

_"_I'll be right back with some food for everybody."

Everybody let out a relaxed sigh.

" __You got spunk little kitty,"_Tyrant said. _"_ Hopefully I get to go against you next time."_

"_You couldn't even beat Rose. What makes you think you will beat him?"_Zero laughed.

"She has the damn luck of Arceus on her side. Nothing more, nothing less."

Rose cleaned her paw before looking at Tyrant with a grin.

"Don't get mad that you can't beat a delicate flower like me."

Tyrant let out a grunt before looking away. Blade looked at Spirit who was sitting in the corner head down.

"You did good out there little one."

Spirit didn't say anything as he kept his head down. Rose walked over and sat next to him.

"Cheer up hun. You're still growing so it's only natural to lose against Blade. Aaron did have me and him longer."

"I just want to be strong, like my dad."

"_What a baby. I can't believe Aaron thinks this team is complete."_Tyrant sighed.

"_Shut up Tyrant,"_Rose growled.

Aaron came back into the room, balancing five plates of food for his team. He gave everybody their food before sitting on the bed.

_"_You guys did good out there. Tyrant, you still need to be a little quicker with your kicks. Rose, your speed has slowed down a little but that's okay because you use your head very well. Zero, your attacks need a little extra punch to them. Blade, your reaction time slowed down so you need to work on that."

Aaron looked at Spirit who nibbled on his food. A smile was on his face when Spirit looked at him.

_"_As for you Spirit, I'm going to work with you personally. When I'm done with you, you'll be on equal footing with Rose and Blade. For now, you guys can hang out of your balls for tonight. Tomorrow, we'll switch sparring partners and practice some more."

Tyrant jumped out the open window and into the backyard. Blade let out a yawn and curled into a ball in the corner. Zero went down into the living room with Aaron's mom and sat with her. Rose sat next to Spirit who was laying on the soft carpet.

"You do have a big heart little one. You refuse to give up."

"My dad told me never to give up, no matter how bad things look."

Rose chuckled before giving him a friendly lick on the cheek making him blush.

"You are cute when you blush. I bet you have all the cute girls falling for you."

"_Not really,"_Spirit sighed, his mind going to Firia.

Rose looked at him before smiling.

"Oh, so you do have that special someone. What's her name?"

"She's just a good friend. Her name is Firia."

"Firia huh? Such a lovely name. What kind of mon is she?"

"She's a Vulpix. I've known her for a year now. I hope I get to see her again."

" __I'm sure you will,"_Rose said, looking out at the night sky. _"_ Get some sleep Spirit. Tomorrow is going to be another rough day."_

Spirit let out yawn before curling into a small ball. Rose curled her tail around him, making him purr softly. She gave a smile before licking his ear softly and laying her head next to his.

_"_Okay Halo, let's take it from the top," the young girl said before turning on the radio as a slow melody filled the room

_"_Shao," Halo replied.

They did a small bow before coming together, Halo holding her from behind as they dance to the music. Firia watched their movement with keen eyes, her tails swaying with the music. Halfway through the dance, they came to a snag as Halo went for a spin but tripped on her feet making them tumble to the floor.

_"_Man, we'll never get that part right," the girl sighed, turning off the radio. "But you saw how we did everything right Luna?"

"Pix," Luna said with a nod.

_"_If we can just nail that part, we will win that talent competition hands down."

_"_Tracy, can you give us a hand with these bags?" her mother called.

_"_Coming mom. You guys can practice the other dances we tried while I help my mom with the bags."

Halo looked at Luna with a smile as Tracy left the room, but not before she turned the radio back on.

"Shall we dance Luna?"

"_Indeed,"_Luna smiled.

Halo gave a small bow making Luna giggle before holding his hand out. Luna took it and got to her hind paws as they began to dance to the music.

"_How did you become such a good dancer? I never met a pokemon with such dexterity as yourself,"_Halo asked as he held her close.

"I don't know. My mom always said I was unique. I guess this is what she meant."

"Then I must remember to thank your mother. You are simply divine at dancing."

Luna blushed before being dipped as the song ended. They looked into each others eyes, locking gazes briefly before Halo lifted her back up. Clapping was heard as Tracy stood there with her mother.

_"_You were right Tracy, that Vulpix is something special."

_"_I know right? I can't believe how fast she picked up on everything."

"Maybe you might be able to beat that Jenkins girl this time."

_"_There is no maybe about it. We'll blow her away. Ain't that right guys?"



_"_You might be right Tracy. Anyway, get ready for dinner. I'll have something special whipped up for your dancing partners."

"Thanks mom."

They watched her mom leave before Tracy looked at them both.

_"_I'm so glad you decided to come along Luna. You probably have friends and family back home and I promise, once this contest is over, we'll go back to where I found you and visit them. How does that sound?"

_"_Pix vulpix," Luna said happily.

_"_Wonderful. Before we chow down, lets go over the first dance again."

Aaron gave a clap as Blade and Zero finished their sparring match.

_"_Great job guys. The final match will be Spirit against Tyrant."

Tyrant gave an evil chuckle as he stood in front of Spirit. Spirit didn't back down as he gave a growl.

"I'll try not to hurt you too bad little kitty."

"You don't scare me."

"Then I'll have to fix that."

_"_Remember, this only a sparring match so don't use super hard attacks. Are you guys ready?"

They both gave a nod.

_"_Then begin."

Spirit took a stance, not wanting to do what he did last time against Blade and waited for Tyrant to make the first move. Tyrant moved towards Spirit, launching a series of kicks which Spirit dodge nimbly before seeing a brief opening, using a Quick Attack to send Tyrant sliding on the ground.

"Not bad little kitty. But its time I stop playing around."

Tyrant closed his eyes as everybody knew what he was going to do.

"Tyrant don't do that. There's no need to go that far," Blade said.

Tyrant glowed with a Meditate move before opening his eyes and taking a stance.

"Come on kitty cat. Let's see if you have nine lives."

Spirit let out a growl and charged him, his fur sparking with lighting. He went for a Take Down attack, but was countered heavily by Tyrant, launching him in the air. Tyrant waited for the right moment, his left foot covered with fire before spinning and catching Spirit with a devastating Blaze Kick. Spirit let out a yowl of pain as he was sent flying into Aaron's father's work shed in a ball of flame.

_"_Tyrant!!! That was uncalled for," Aaron said angrily.

Aaron was about to run into the shed, when a brilliant flash of white light came from it making everybody close their eyes. The light died down as all eyes were on the shed in wonder at what happened. Sparks of lightning came from the hole in the wall before Spirit crashed through it. Aaron had a huge smile on his face.

_"_Alright Spirit, you evolved."

Spirit felt stronger than before as he locked his eyes on Tyrant. Tyrant let out a chuckle before taking another stance.

"Do you think that will help you?"

"_We'll find out won't we?"_Spirit growled.

He took off towards Tyrant with speed that surprised even him before striking him with several Quick Attacks, staggering the Hitmonlee. He followed it with a powerful Discharge, paralyzing Tyrant.

"_Let's see how you like this,"_Spirit growled.

His fur started to spark with streaks of lightning before let out a howl as a massive thunderbolt came crashing down on the paralyzed Tyrant. Everybody was speechless until Aaron clapped his hands.

_"_Excellent job Spirit. A little over the top but I think Tyrant kind of deserved it."

He walked over and gave Spirit a scratch under his chin making him purr happily.

_"_Lets get everybody healed up and some food in your stomachs."

He returned everybody to their balls and headed for the pokemon center. Walking in, he saw Nurse Joy behind the counter as she smiled at him.

_"_Hello Aaron."

"Hey Nurse Joy."

_"_Here to heal your pokemon?"

"You bet," he said, handing her the balls.

_"_Okay, be right back."

He hummed a tune in his head as the door to the pokemon center opened.

_"_Well, well, look who it is?"

Aaron knew instantly who that voice belong to as he tried to ignore it.

_"_You here to heal your weak pokemon? Don't know why you even bother."

"Shut up Anthony," Aaron said.

_"_Don't get mad cause you always lose to me. You just don't have the pokemon, let only the skills to beat me."

"Hello Anthony," Joy said, coming back into the room.

"Hey Joy. I'm here to fix up my pokemon."

_"_Right away. Here's your pokemon back Aaron."

"Thanks Joy," Aaron said collecting his balls before heading for the exit.

_"_I take it you're entering the contest in Viridian City?"

_"_Of course."

"Don't waste your time. You know you'll only end up losing to me, like you always do," Anthony grinned.

Aaron let out a grunt before exiting. He hated Anthony with a passion. But in some way, he was right. No matter what contest he entered, he always faced Anthony in the final and lost.....badly. But hopefully with the addition of Spirit, his luck would change. Making it back home, he let everybody out as he sat on the bed.

_"_Good job today everybody. You guys are improving at a great rate. Pretty soon, we'll be able to handle anything thrown our way. Tomorrow we'll be heading to Viridian City where the tournament will be held. I know with all the hard work you guys did, victory will be ours."

_"_Aaron, come down for dinner."

"Coming. You guys relax while I bring up your dinner also."

He left the room, coming back a few minutes later balancing five plates as he set them down. Spirit munched on his food along with the rest, a proud feeling inside of him. He got to the second stage of evolution. Pretty soon, he'll be as strong as his father, maybe even stronger. Once everybody finished eating, Aaron had them all in a huddle as he sat on the bed.

_"_Everybody did good today. Tyrant, I'm a little disappointed in you after what you did to Spirit."

Tyrant just crossed his arms making Aaron grunt.

_"_Look, we all need to be on the same page here. Teamwork is the only way to win. If we don't have that, I might as well give up on the tournament. Other than that, everybody did a good job. You worked on what I told you last time and I'm happy for that. Enjoy the rest of the day as a reward."

Tyrant jumped back out the window. Rose curled into a ball in the corner and laid there. Zero sat next to Aaron who was doing something in his pokedex. Spirit and Blade sat together in the corner.

"I like the way you put the hurt on Tyrant."

"_He deserved it,"_Spirit growled.

He took a glance at himself in the door mirror, admiring the black mane around his head.

"You're getting stronger. I'm surprised myself at how much. You really do put your heart into every fight."

"I was taught by my dad to. It's the only way to say I won't back down no matter how strong the opponent is."

Blade smiled and nodded at that.

"That's the right attitude to have. If you can keep up with the training, you just might be the ace in the hole that will help Aaron win."

Spirit looked at Aaron. Even though he was captured by him and taken away from his family, he was starting to warm-up to him. Night time came quickly as everybody was sleeping. Spirit woke up from his slumber with a yawn. Looking out the window, he saw it was a half moon. Getting up, he walked out Aaron's room and down the stairs to the pet door used by Rose. He sat on the porch and looked into the sky.

"How wonder how mom and dad are doing?"

His ears twitched as he turned his head to see Rose walking up besides him.

"Can't sleep cutey?"

"I was asleep. Just getting a little air."

Rose sat next to him, her tail curled up with his.

"You are getting better everyday. Pretty soon, you'll be on par with me."

"_Is that bad?"_Spirit asked.

"Oh no. In fact, I look forward to sparring with you if we get the chance."

Spirit felt himself blush a little making Rose giggle. He gave her a lick across the cheek surprising Rose.

"Thanks for supporting me these last couple of days."

"Anything for a cutie like you."

They gazed into each other eyes before Rose leaned down and locked lips with Spirit with a purr. Spirit was shocked a little, but his eyes closed and leaned into her, adding a purr of his own. After a few moments, his mind went to Firia as he broke off making Rose whine a little.

"I....I'm sorry.....but...."

Rose looked at him a little hurt but smiled at why he did what he did.

"Don't be sorry. Firia is a lucky girl to have you."

He gave sigh before looking down at the ground before Rose nuzzled his cheek making him purr.

"Cheer up cutie. You will see each other again. Love knows no bounds."

Spirit looked at her with a smile and a nod. A yawn escaped him before laying down under the half moon and closing his eyes. Rose laid down with him, their tails curled together as she looked at him.

"Firia is a lucky mon to have someone as dedicated as you."

Luna looked at Tracy curiously as she dug into her backpack.

_"_Look what I got for you Luna."

She pulled out a strange rock as Luna looked at it.

_"_This is a Firestone. It'll make you evolve into a Ninetales. I'm thinking once you evolve, it'll help with the size difference between you and Halo. Also, it'll make you beautiful as well which will increase the odds of us winning."

Luna looked at the stone in Tracy's hand. She could feel the power of fire inside of it, beckoning her to claim it.

_"_I know we only known each other for a couple of days and I don't want to rush you into evolving. But I feel with you and Halo working together, we can take home the trophy."

Luna looked into Tracy's eyes. They had been together only a couple of days, but Tracy taught her so much about dancing. The music she played and the dance moves her and Halo did together were just beautiful. Plus, she still had to find Lyon.

_"_Pix," she said with a nod and a smile.

Tracy smiled before rubbing her ears.

_"_Thanks a lot Luna."

Placing the Firestone on the table she backed away as Luna approached it. Taking a deep breath, she placed a single paw on it. Power surged into her making her gasp in surprise. The power of fire surged into her body and expanded. She felt her body grow bigger and stronger as a brilliant flash of white light filled the room making Tracy and Halo close their eyes. When the light died down, Luna stood there and blinked a couple of times.

_"_Tales," Luna said happily.

_"_Alright Luna," Tracy cheered, leaning down and giving her a hug. "You look simply stunning."

Luna blushed a little, her nine tails wagging happily. Tracy noticed the ribbon that stood out on one of her tails.

_"_Hey, where did this come from? I never noticed that until now."

She went to reach for it when Luna jumped back shaking her head.

_"_Nine ninetales nine."

_"_Mien mienshao," Halo replied to Tracy.

_"_I see now. That was giving to you by a friend. Understandable and I'm sorry for trying to take it off. Want to walk around outside to get use to your body?"

Luna nodded her head as Tracy lead her to the backyard. It was fairly big as Luna ran around, getting use to the extra size, speed, and weight she gained from evolving. She felt so alive as the wind rushed around her. Tracy and Halo watched from the door with smiles.

_"_You know Halo, I think we'll crush Jenkins this time."


Halo just watched her, admiring her stunning beauty as the sun made her fur glow. He wondered what she would feel like when he held her from behind during their dance routine. Luna bounded back and gave a happy yip before nuzzling Tracy's leg. She smiled and gave Luna a hug making her tails wag happily.

_"_Now that you got a feel for your new body, we'll go over the first couple of dance moves. The contest is in a few days and we'll need to be in top form."

Luna and Halo nodded their heads before heading back inside with Tracy.

Aaron was all smiles, Spirit in his lap as they rode into the city. Traffic was a little heavy due to the tournament being tomorrow as trainers came in from all over. His mom pulled up next to the hotel he would be staying at.

_"_Good luck Aaron. Make sure to give it your best."

_"_Thanks mom," Aaron smiled, hopping out along with Spirit.

He watched her leave before heading inside where numerous trainers were. He walked up to the front desk as the clerk smiled at him.

_"_Welcome to the Viridian City Hotel. Are you here for the tournament?"

_"_Yes. Name's Aaron Connors."

She type into the computer before seeing his name.

_"_Ah yes Mr. Connors. Here is your key-card. Good luck in the tournament."

_"_Thank you."

Taking his card, he headed into the elevator, taking it up to the fourth floor where his room was located. Opening the door, he laid his backpack onto the table before reaching on his belt and grabbing his pokeballs. He released them all as they looked around.

_"_Tomorrow's the big day. Are you guys ready?"

They all nodded their heads when Aaron's pokedex started beeping.

"Attention to all trainers attending the tournament: please report to the stadium for rules and regulations."

_"_Looks like I need to head out. You guys behave yourselves."

Aaron headed out the room and down the elevator to the front door where all the trainers were headed out. He followed the crowd to a huge stadium where there was a stage in front of the door as people gathered in front of it. The mayor watched the crowd gathered with a smile. He waited until they all settled down before speaking into the microphone.

_"_Thank you all for coming to the annual pokemon tournament held in Viridian City. For those who are new, I welcome you and hope you enjoy the event. Right now, all of your pokedexs are being updated with the bracket along with the rules. For the winner of the tournament, goes this beautiful gold medal and one thousand credits."

Aaron's pokedex started beeping meaning he got the bracket and info already.

_"_I wish everybody good luck."

Aaron smiled before heading back to the hotel. He waited for the elevator, a slight hum coming from him. When the doors opened, he bumped into the person coming out.

_"_Oh, I'm sor...Tracy?"

_"_Oh, hey Aaron," Tracy said with a smile.

_"_What are you doing here?"

_"_I'm here for the talent competition."

_"_Really? I take it you're still practicing your dance moves with Halo?"

_"_No. I got him a new dance partner, a Ninetales."

_"_Cool. When is the competition? I would like to see your partners perform."

_"_Right after the pokemon tournament that I know you are in."

Aaron chuckled at that.

_"_Yeah, I'm hoping to win it this year."

_"_I hope so too. Well I have to head out and get registered. I'll be watching you fight on TV."

Aaron smiled before watching her leave through the revolving doors. Hopping into the elevator, he headed back to his room where his pokemon were lounging around. When he entered the room, they snapped to attention and huddled around him,

_"_Well fellas, we made it. Let's hope all our training pays off."

They all nodded their heads before lounging again. Aaron laid on the couch and read the rules on his pokedex, Spirit on his stomach and he stroked his back.

"Hmm, you start off with five pokemon at the beginning and if you make it to the finals, you can only have two. Well, I know what two I'll be using. I'll know tomorrow who I'll be facing first. You guys make sure not to stay up too late and get some rest for tomorrow's the big day."

_"_Welcome one and all to the Viridian City Pokemon Tournament!!"

The crowd in the stands cheered loudly at that.

_"_Trainers from all around come here to test their skills and hopefully walk away a winner."

Aaron stood in the waiting room with the rest of the trainers. Everybody had butterflies in their stomachs not knowing what to expect and working through their game plans in their heads. He heard laughter in the background and knew who it belonged to.

_"_All you losers are wasting your time," Anthony chuckled. "I expect this to be an easy..."

He noticed Aaron leaning on the wall and grinned.

_"_You actually showed up? Well, at least I know I'll have some form of entertainment during this tournament."

_"_Shut up Anthony. You're giving everybody a headache."

_"_Don't be a hater."

The referee walked in as everybody stopped talking.

_"_Alright, the tournament will now begin. May the best trainer win."

"That'll be me," Anthony spoke up.

The tournament started with a bang. The crowd cheered on every trainer, whether they won or lost. Trainers that won, went over and shook the hand of the loser in a show of good sportsmanship. They gave it their all in an effort to become the winner, but it all came down to Aaron and Anthony. Aaron was in the waiting room, wiping a little bit of sweat from his forehead.

_"_Okay, I made it to the finals and yet again, I have to face Anthony. Arceus has a cruel sense of humor."

He looked at the two pokeballs he would be using in the finals and gave a smile.

_"_I'll be counting on you two, you most of all Spirit."

Anthony walked by laughing.

_"_Guess it's me and you again. Same old story with the same ending. Why not just give up now and save yourself some humility?"

Aaron ignored him as the referee came into the waiting room.

_"_Are you two ready for the final battle?"

_"_Ready here," Aaron said.

_"_I'm good to go," Anthony replied.

_"_Excellent. Head to the stage and get ready."

Aaron walked to the stage door, his two pokeballs in hand. He closed his eyes, feeling a rush of anxiety come over him as he took a deep breath.

_"_Alright, here we go," he said, hearing his name called.

He walked out to a loud round of applause as he gave a small wave. Anthony was already on the stage with his arms crossed waiting. The referee walked up and spoke to both of them.

_"_This is the final battle. You can only have two pokemon for this fight. Are you ready?"

They both nodded their heads as the referee held his arm up.

_"_Then let the final battle begin."

Anthony smiled before releasing his Lucario onto the battlefield.

_"_You remember Jedi don't you Aaron? Of course you do."

Aaron gave a growl before releasing Tyrant. Tyrant looked at Jedi and gave a growl himself when Jedi chuckled.

"_You think you can beat me this time around?"_Jedi smiled evilly taking a stance.

"We'll find out today won't we?"

They went at it full strength, exchanging blow for blow as the crowd cheered at the display of moves used. Aaron watched with a keen eye, happy to see that Tyrant was using his training to the full extent as Jedi was beginning to breath a little hard.

_"_Jedi, stop playing around with this guy and finish him off."

Jedi jumped back, hands to its side preparing a Shadow Ball.

"Let's see how you handle this one."

Jedi launched the Shadow Ball as it zoomed towards Tyrant. Tyrant stood his ground, holding his hands out as the attack pushed him back with a grunt.

_"_Hang in there Tyrant," Aaron called out.

Tyrant let out another grunt before digging in deep and throwing the ball back at Jedi. Jedi was stunned before jumping in the air as the ball exploded.

"_Look out below,"_Tyrant yelled.

Jedi looked up in time to see Tyrant come down on his head with a devastating Blaze Kick knocking him to the ground with a bang as the crowd cheered. Tyrant landed back on the ground as he watched Jedi try to get up but fell back to the ground.

_"_Jedi is no longer able to battle. The first round goes to Aaron."

Tyrant let out a sigh of relief before walking back to Aaron.

_"_Great job Tyrant. I knew I could count on you."

Anthony let out a huff as he recalled Jedi back into his ball.

_"_You got lucky Aaron. But let's see if you can take on my strongest pokemon."

He tossed the ball into the air as it opened up revealing an Absol. Tyrant let out a chuckle before walking up.

"This is his strongest? Oh my, whatever shall I do?"

The Absol didn't say anything as the referee held his hand up.

_"_Let the second round begin."

Before the referee could lower his hand, Tyrant was on the ground. The crowd was stunned at the speed of the knockout before cheering loudly. Aaron was shocked himself as the Absol walked calmly back to Anthony's side.

_"_I told you she was my strongest," Anthony chuckled, petting the Absol's back as it murred.

Aaron recalled Tyrant with a sigh. He took his last ball out and looked at it.

_"_It's up to you now Spirit."

He released Spirit as he stood ready. Anthony laughed at that before shaking his head.

_"_Is this a joke? You think that Luxio can stand up against Angel?"

_"_Don't underestimate him."

_"_Whatever dude. Angel, make this quick please."

"Sol," Angel replied walking up.

Spirit walked up as they circled each other.

"_Do you think you'll last against me?"_Angel asked, showing an evil grin.

"I've been up against worse."

"That's what you think. Don't worry, I'll make this quick and very painful."

Angel went on the offense, closing the gap quickly with her speed before launching a Slash attack. Spirit dodged it nimbly before countering with a Take Down knocking Angel across the ring. She got up, shaking her head before giving Spirit a death glare.

"Nobody has ever hit me before. For that, you will suffer dearly."

She let out a howl as a storm of leaves circled around her body before moving towards Spirit. Spirit let out a large Discharge, burning the leaves before they could do serious damage. Before he could recover, Angel was in front of him making him gasp before yelping in pain from an Iron Tail attack. Angel was like a blur on the ring, striking Spirit over and over with Iron Tail.

"This fight is over."

She opened her mouth, charging a Hyper Beam that would finish the job. Spirit got to his feet weakly, his body racked with pain with every breath he took. He looked over at Angel, seeing the attack she was preparing. He wanted to move out the way, but his body wouldn't let him. Angel let the Hyper Beam loose as it zoomed in on Spirit.

_"_Spirit, move!!" Aaron shouted.

The Hyper Beam connected with an explosion, flinging Spirit hard into the wall making a hole in it. The crowd let out a cheer as Anthony laughed.

"Look like that's game, set, and match."

The referee was about to call the match when a bright light came from inside the hole making the crowd go quiet. Aaron smiled as he knew what that meant. Spirit exploded out the hole, landing on the ring with clash of lightning and let out a roar. Anthony raised an eyebrow at this unforeseen turn of events.

_"_Interesting. It evolved into a Luxray. Maybe this won't be a dull fight after all."

Spirit let out a menacing growl, little sparks of lightning coursing through his fur. Angel let a grin appear on her muzzle before taking a stance.

"I guess I didn't do a good job of finishing you off. Next time will be a different story."

"There won't be a next time. I'm going to finish this!"

Angel growled before howling as another storm of leaves surrounded her. Spirit didn't give her a chance to finish as he struck quickly with a Thunder attack, making her drop the Razor Wind and dodge out the way. She used her speed to sprint towards Spirit, her tail going solid as she lashed out with an Iron Tail. Spirit timed it perfectly as he grabbed it between his jaws. With a smile, he let loose a strong Discharge, making Angel howl in pain as the volts of electricity coursed through her body.

_"_Spirit, finish her off," Aaron said with a smile.

Spirit used Double Team, creating a copy of himself before going on the offense with Night Slash, knocking Angel into the air before he let loose a giant Thunderbolt, sending Angel back down to the ground with a bang as the crowd cheered. The referee waited for a moment to see if Angel would get up. When she didn't he raised his hand towards the corner where Aaron was.

_"_Absol is no longer able to battle. Therefore the winner is Aaron."

Aaron let out a cheer before running up and hugging Spirit who let out a purr.

_"_I knew you were my ace in the hole."

"Lux luxray," Spirit said happily, getting his chin scratched.

Anthony recalled Angel before letting out a huff. He walked over to Aaron and held out his hand.

_"_I guess I misjudged you. That was a good fight."

"I told you not to underestimate him. I guess this proves who the real winner is huh Anthony?"

Anthony looked at him before chuckling.

"I'll let you have this victory now. Don't get too cocky because you one up me today."

Aaron grinned before petting Spirit's head.

"We'll be waiting for you then, won't we Spirit?"

"Lux," Spirit added.

Anthony turned and left the stage as the referee came over and held his hand up, the crowd cheering for the victor. Afterwords, the crowd left the stands with lots of chatter about the tournament as Aaron was met with by the mayor.

_"_Great job out there son," he said, shaking Aaron's hand.

_"_Thank you sir."

_"_I think you earned this medal and credits. Try not to spend it all in one place."

Aaron had a smile as he got the medal. Looking at Spirit, he placed the medal around his neck.

_"_I think you earned this more than me."

_"_Luxray," Spirit said, giving Aaron a lick on the cheek.

Aaron laughed at that before hugging him.

_"_Come on, I think we all deserve a nice, long rest."

Aaron was all smiles as he was at the Pokemon Center getting his partners healed. People were walking up and congratulating him on a great battle with pats on the back and hand shakes. After getting his pokemon fixed up, he headed back to his hotel room and let everybody out.

_"_I just want to thank all of you for your hard work and effort. Thanks to you, we were able to win it all."

They all gave a smile as Aaron gave Spirit another hug.

_"_But most of all, I'd like to thank Spirit here for not giving up even though he was out matched. He showed real courage today."

His phone started to vibrate in his pocket as he dug it out and answered it.


"_Hey son, how was the tournament?"_his mom spoke up.

_"_It was great mom. I won, thanks to Spirit."

"That's great honey. I'll be there in about twenty minutes to pick you up."

_"_Okay, I'll be ready."

Spirit felt proud inside. Not only did he get to the last stage of evolution, but he helped his trainer win. Rose padded over and gave him a lick on the cheek.

"Good job today Spirit. You really made Aaron happy."

"I'm glad I could help. I'm also thankful for his help in me being able to evolve fully."

Aaron click on the TV as the talent contest was being shown. The camera got a close up of Tracy watching her partners closely.

_"_Hey, there's Tracy."

Everybody looked at the TV as the camera focused on the dancing pokemon on the stage.

_"_Looks like Halo and his dancing partner are in top form."

Spirit watched the Mienshao spin the Ninetales in his arms before hugging it close. Something caught Spirit's eye as he looked at the Ninetales more closely. During another spin move, he saw the ribbon attached to one of its tails as he recognized it immediately.

"_FIRIA!!" _he yelp standing up.

"_What's wrong Spirit?" _Blade asked.

"_That's Firia," _he said again.

"_Oh, is that the mon you were hoping to find again?" _Rose added.

"Yes it is. Where is that place? I have to go to her."

"That's the stadium we were just at the for battle."

Spirit got up and ran to the door, scratching at it, desperate to go to the pokemon that he missed more then anything. Aaron looked at him confused.

_"_What's wrong Spirit?"

"Luxray luxray lux," Spirit replied, still scratching at the door.

He got frustrated and was about to just shattered the door when Aaron walked up behind him.

_"_Spirit calm down, you're starting to worry me. Do you need to go the bathroom or something?"

Spirit let out a growl and walked to the TV and pawed at it.

_"_You want me to change the channel?"

He shook his head.

_"_You want to go the contest?"

He nodded his head yes.

_"_I would love to go myself, but my mom is coming to pick us up any minute now."

Spirit let out a whine, a single tear forming his eye. He finally found Firia, only to have the hope of seeing her in person dashed away. Walking to a corner of the room, he laid down, his back to everybody. Rose walked over to him only to get a warning growl.

"Leave me alone."

Aaron looked at Spirit, confusion hitting him before his phone rang.


"I'm downstairs waiting for you. Come on down."

_"_Okay mom, be right there," he said hanging up. "Okay fellas, time to go."

He returned everybody to their balls before looking at Spirit.

_"_Come on Spirit, time to go home."

Spirit only replied with a growl, little sparks of lightning running through his black mane. He looked at the TV again as Tracy was standing beside her pokemon and being handed a trophy. Aaron rubbed his chin, trying to figure out why Spirit was acting like this. With a sigh, he grabbed Spirit's ball.

_"_Spirit, return."

He heard a snarl come from Spirit's muzzle before the red light sucked him in. He took one last look at the TV, seeing Tracy wave to the crowd before he turned it off and headed down to meet his mom.

"_Has he moved from the corner yet?" _Zero asked.

"_No. He's been there all last night and today," _Rose said.

"_Who was that pokemon he wanted to see anyway?" _Blade asked.

"Someone very dear to his heart."

Aaron came into his room and sat on the bed, his gaze shifting towards Spirit. He still didn't know why he acted so bizarre at the hotel.

_"_Spirit, are you feeling any better?"

Spirit didn't answer him as Aaron sighed. What was going on? He thought he built a good relationship with Spirit. Then he got an idea.

_"_Hey, I have an idea that might cheer you up. I'm going to take Tracy to the field where I found you. Maybe seeing your friends and family might cheer you up some?"

Spirit's ears perked up at this before turning to look at him. Seeing his mother and father would cheer him up a little bit. Getting up, he padded over and rested his head on Aaron's lap, letting out a soft whine feeling his ears get scratched.

_"_I think you deserve it, after all, you did win the tournament for me."

_"_Aaron, Tracy is here. Make sure that you call me if you're going to spend the night outside."

_"_Okay mom. Okay fellas, let's go," Aaron said, returning everybody into their balls.

Walking downstairs, he saw Tracy standing in the doorway with Halo and Luna.

_"_You ready to go?" he asked.

_"_All set here," Tracy replied.

Then let's go. See you later mom."

_"_Have fun you two."

Tracy and Aaron walked the trail, idle chatter between them as Luna ran ahead. She was happy to be back, but sad that she couldn't find Lyon.

_"_That was some great dancing Halo and Luna did," Aaron said.

_"_I know, wasn't it? It was all thanks to their hard work that we were able to finally shut up Jenkins."

_"_I was able to finally beat Anthony thanks to Spirit," Aaron said with a smile. "But for some reason, he started acting strange after the fight."

"Do you know why?"

_"_No clue. So I figured to cheer him up, I'd bring him back to where I caught him so he could see his family and friends."

_"_That's kind of you."

They made it to the small camp that Tracy made before as they sat down on a couple of logs, happy to get off their feet for a bit. The cool breeze rustled the leaves on the ground and in the trees making the branches sway lightly. Luna came bounding back, nuzzling Tracy's leg before letting out a small murr as Tracy ran her fingers through her soft fur.

_"_You having fun Luna?"


_"_Great. Go find your family and friends and spend some time with them. You earned it."

_"_Tales," Luna said happily before heading off.

They watched her leave before Aaron reached down to his belt and grabbed his balls.

_"_Come on out everybody!"

All his pokemon materialized and looked around. Spirit recognized where he was, a smile forming on his muzzle. Aaron walked over and gave him a scratch behind the ears making him purr happily.

_"_Well, you're back home Spirit. How about you go and find you family? I'm pretty sure they are worried about you."

_"_Lux," Spirit said, giving Aaron a lick on the cheek before heading into the field.

They watched him disappear into the field before Rose walked up to Aaron and nuzzled his leg.

_"_Well, since we're all out here, how about we have some fun?" Aaron smiled, giving Rose a friendly petting on her back.

Spirit ran through the field, joy in his steps as he headed for his home.

"I hope mom and dad are still there?"

He stopped at the den as nobody was present.

"_Hello?"_he said into the den.

His ears picked up movement as another Luxray came out. It looked at Spirit before baring its teeth.

"Who are you and want do you want?"

"It's me mom, Lyon."

The Luxray looked at Lyon before walked up and giving him a couple of sniffs before it's eyes widened.

"_Lyon!! Oh Arceus it is you,"_his mom said happily, bringing her paws around his neck and hugging him tightly which Spirit returned.

"Honey, come here quick. Lyon is back."

Another Luxray came out and smiled at what he saw.

"Well well, you evolved into a grown Luxray. I'm proud of you son."

"Thanks dad. But I couldn't have done it without my trainer. He also gave me a new name, Spirit."

"_Spirit huh? I like it," _his dad said.

"_So what brings you back son?" _his mom asked.

"He brought me and his other pokemon here so I could come back and see you. He said I deserved it since I won him the tournament."

"Well, it's good to see that he's taken good care of you," his dad said.

"Have you seen Firia? She broke down in tears when you were taken," his mom added.

Spirit folded his ears back and whined.

"I found her couple of days ago at some city. But my trainer's master came and picked him up before I could go to her. I was so close to her, but yet it seemed so far."

Spirit's dad walked over and nuzzled him making him purr.

"You'll be together again son. You and her and destined to be mates, even if you are too shy to admit it."

"_How long are you here for son?"_his mom asked.

"I don't know, but I hope for a bit so I can spend some time with you."

His parents smiled as they took a walk together as a family through the woods. Spirit told them about his battles and the training he undertook. He even told him about Rose and the connection they shared making his dad laugh.

"You have all the ladies falling for you. I wish I could be like you."

"You were like him dear. But then you met me and I had to bring you down a notch."

Spirit laughed as his dad chuckled.

"Ouch dear. That's mean."

The time passed quickly as Spirit enjoyed every minute with his parents, just like when he was a little Shinx. The sun was disappearing in the horizon, causing the sky to create a beautiful display of orange, red, and yellow as all three Luxray's were laying in front of the den, Spirit cuddled next to his mother who was nuzzling him.

"_Don't you need to head back son?" _his dad asked.

"I don't want to leave you guys again."

"_We'll always be with you Spirit," _his mom replied.

Spirit let out a small whine before standing up with a stretch. He didn't want to leave because he didn't know when he'll be back or if he'll ever come back. With a final nuzzle and lick to both his parents, he headed back to his trainer. The sky was dark as the stars glittered like diamonds along side the moon. Spirit's paw crunched the leaves that littered the path, his mind going back to Firia.

"I was so close to seeing her again. Why did we have to leave when I just found her? Oh Arceus, I would do anything if I could see her again. Even if it's just for a minute."

Walking through the field of flowers, he let out a sigh remembering seeing Firia dance on top of the stump. The way her body moved sent chills down his spine. Looking up, his eyes widened as he stopped in his tracks and letting out a gasp at what he saw.

Luna let out a sigh as she padded softly through the forest, her tails drooping behind her. Even though she got to see her parents and all her friends, she didn't get to see the one person that made her smile everyday. Whenever she was down, she could go that one person and be cheered up instantly. She made it to the field of flowers and smiled remembering the stump she danced on in front of Lyon.

"His face was so cute when he saw me dancing."

Hopping onto the stump, she lifted her face to moon and closed her eyes. Her mind drifted to the contest as she heard the song her and Halo danced to. Without even thinking, she lifted herself up and started to dance, humming the melody in her head. Her tails wagged happily behind her as her body moved with grace on the stump. Her ears perked up at a gasp as she turned around to see a Luxray standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there. Please don't mind me."

The Luxray didn't say anything as it stared at Luna, making her feel a little uneasy.

"Um, do you mind not staring at me. It's kind of rude."

The Luxray snapped out of its trance and walked up a little bit before Luna let out a small growl.

"I don't know you so please keep your distance."

"_Firia, it's me,"_the Luxray said with a shaky voice.

"Me who? I have a lot of friends."


Her eyes widened in shock before she walked slowly towards him.

" this a joke?"

"No Firia. It's really me."

Luna got close enough and took a couple of sniffs. Tears of joy started to collect in her eyes before she wrapped her front paws around his neck and buried her face in the side of his neck.

"Oh Lyon, I missed you so much. I never thought I would see you again after that horrible day."

Spirit hugged her back, his nose buried inside the side of her neck inhaling her sweet scent that made him purr. They broke off after a few minutes and gazed at each other. Luna walked around him, examining his evolved form with a murr.

"You evolved fully I see. And still as cute as ever."

Spirit blushed at that before shivering as he felt one of her tails trail slowly up his back.

"And you evolved into a very beautiful Ninetales. The ribbon only enhancing that beauty."

"_Well aren't you the charmer?" _Luna said, giving his chin a tickle with her tail.

She stopped in front of him and sat down as they both were quiet.

" __I thought I would never see you again," _Spirit said softly. _"_ I saw you on TV dancing with that pokemon and I recognized you from the ribbon I put on your tail. I wanted to go to you, but I couldn't."_

He looked into her eyes which reflected the moon making her even more stunning to gaze upon. He lost his train of thought before saying something out loud that he wanted to say in his head.

"Arceus, you are so beautiful."

Luna blushed heavily at that as Spirit gasped at what he said.


He couldn't finish what he wanted to say before letting out a small gasp as Luna locked her muzzle with his. His brain froze for a second before melting into the kiss, returning it with wild ambition. Luna let out a small growl before pushing Spirit forward making him fall on his back before locking muzzles again. Time seemed to stop as they were both lost in the moment, doing what their hearts told them to do. Unknown to them, they were being watched.

"_They do make a cute couple," _Rose said, sitting up in a tree.

"_That they do," _Halo replied.

Halo let out a soft sigh as he remembered trying to put the moves on Luna. After they won the contest, Tracy left them alone in the hotel room to get something to eat. He told her she was superb out there which she thanked him for. After that, he walked up to her and told her that even though they hadn't known each other long, he wanted her to be with him. She shook her head no, saying that there is a special pokemon that has her heart already.

"I take it she turned you down?"

"What gives you that idea?"

"Because that's the sigh of a person who lost everything."

Halo chuckled before sitting under the tree.

"I guess you're right in a way. But I haven't lost everything."

"_Why do you say that?" _Rose asked looking down at him.

"Because I still have Tracy."

Rose chuckled before jumping down and cuddling into Halo's arms.

"_Yes, Tracy is a great coordinator" _Rose replied with a purr feeling Halo claws gently pet her back.

"As long as I have her, I'm happy."

Rose chuckled before getting up.

"Let's give the love birds some privacy."

Lyon was in heaven. He had Firia in his arms and doing what he wanted to do for the longest time. They broke off panting softly, staring into each other eyes. Firia let out a gasp as she felt something poke her leg. Looking down, she saw Lyon's member sliding against her fur.

"_This scene is familiar,"_she chuckled.

"_I was young back then. Can you blame me?"_Lyon said, his cheeks red.

"Are you going to run away like you did also?"

Lyon chuckled before lifting his paw and caressing her cheek making her murr.

"This time, I'm not going anywhere."

"Good. Because I would have to chase you if you did."

She gave him another kiss before going slowly down his body, Lyon's rear leg kicking a little whenever she hit a sensitive spot. A musky aroma filled her nose as she reached his tapered cock standing straight up in the air. She darted her tongue out, grazing the barbs along the tip making him growl in pleasure. Small droplets of pre dribbled out which she collected quickly before taking the tip into her muzzle.

"_Oh Arceus that's good," _Lyon moaned.

She took his penis a little deeper, her throat getting adjusted before taking it fully with a satisfied moan. Her head moved slowly up and down, savoring the moment as best as she could. She had the love of her life right where she wanted and nothing could make her happier. Using one of her tails, she tickled his orbs making him yip and thrust into her maw. Pre shot out constantly as she swallowed every drop. Her ears perked up hearing Lyon's breathing increase rapidly making her grin.

Lyon's body twitched and squirmed under the ministrations Firia was giving him. His mind was in a state of ecstasy as growls of pleasure escaped his muzzle. Opening his eyes a crack, he looked down to see Firia's muzzle taking him whole, saliva coating it fully and dribbling down and coating his balls. Gritting his teeth, he tried to hold back but was failing.

"Fir.....Firia, I.....I'm going......too...."

Firia let go of the tasty meat in her mouth before chuckling.

"Naughty naughty Lyon. No cumming yet."

Lyon blew a sigh of relief and frustration. The urge to cum was so strong and to have it stop right there made him whine. Catching his breath, his looked at Firia only to do a double a take. She had her chest on the ground, tails up showing her vulva which twitched from a gust of wind.

"_Are you going to just stand there and leave me hanging Lyon?" _she said seductively, moving her hips a little.

Lyon rolled to his side and stood up. His throbbing rod underneath him demanded attention but he pushed it aside as he approached Firia's moistened lips. She let out a yip feeling his cold nose touch her nether regions and looked back at him.

"You know how cold that nose of yours is?"

" __Sorry," _Lyon grinned. _"_ Let me warm you up."_

Sitting behind her, he clasped his front paws on her back and slowly drew his tongue out, tasting her fully. A whining moan came from Firia as she felt his tongue dance around her opening. The taste was an exotic flavor to Lyon as he pried her lips open with his tongue and dove inside. A yip escaped Firia before moans as she felt that long appendage worm into her body.

She pushed back into Lyon's probing tongue, whining in pleasure that only he could give her. Lyon moved his tongue in circles, collecting everything she had for him on her fleshy walls. He caressed her flank softly, digging his claws gently into her and making her body shiver under his touch. Firia closed her eyes tightly, feeling the pleasure spike rapidly in her body. She never wanted this feeling to stop but it was time to truly cement their love for each other as she pulled away from him.

"_Did I do something wrong?"_Lyon asked, licking his lips to make sure he didn't miss any bit of her juices.

"You've done everything right silly,"_Firia giggled, looking at him with glazed and lustful eyes. " _But my body needs more than your tongue."

She put her front paws on the stump, raising her tails and looking back at Lyon. Lyon stared at her, the moon making her fur glow and radiating nothing but beauty. A throbbing sensation underneath reminded him not to neglect it. With a smile, he padded softly over before mounting her, hooking his paws on her waist. It took a couple tries, but he found his mark and pushed in.

"_Oh Arceus Firia," _Lyon whined, feeling the hot, tight confines mold around his member.

He pushed in until he felt a thin barrier preventing any further movement. He paused inside her, feeling her shiver and whine.

"Are.......are you ready for this Firia?"

"Arceus yes. I've waited for this moment for too long. Claim me Lyon."

With a smile, he knelt down and gripped her neck softly before drawing his hips back and claiming both of their virginities. Firia let out a yelp as the feeling of knives ripping through her body made her whine, a few tears coming down her cheek. Lyon stood there, letting them both get adjusted to the feeling. He licked her cheek hearing her moan softly.

"Are you okay Firia?"

" __I'm better than okay big boy," _she replied, licking his chin. _"_ Now, claim your mate."_

Lyon grinned at that before drawing his hips back and pushing into those welcoming folds. They both moaned in unison feeling the pleasure between them increase with each passing moment. Lyon couldn't explain the feelings he was experiencing. The tight, caressing walls of Firia squeezed him with every breath she took as he slowly picked up the pace.

Firia moaned with passion as her friend, no, her lover took her under the beautiful full moon. Her tails wrapped around his body like an extra coat, pulling him closer to her. Pre leaked out of her lips onto the ground below their rutting forms as the sound of their bodies impacting together filled their ears. She looked at Lyon through the side of her eyes and gave him a kiss.

" love. Take me.......harder,"_she panted, tongue hanging out.

Lyon hilted himself inside her and with a little moving around, managed to hook her rear legs around his allowing for deeper access. Getting a firm grip on her hips again, he thrusted forward, getting a howl of pleasure from Firia.

"Arceus Lyon, yes."

Lyon growled, a dominate nature starting to build its way into his mind. He thrusted harder, making Firia's rear legs shake with each powerful thrust into her. An idea stumbled into his mind as he grinned between a mouth full of fur. Using a bit of lighting, he sent a small shock through his barbs simulating her body. Firia's eyes shot open before letting out a howl, a powerful orgasm rocking her body. The extra simulation to Lyon's cock made him growl in pleasure.

"_Did that......feel" _Lyon panted, his thrusting never missing a beat.

"_More. Give me.....more," _Firia panted, pushing back as best as she could.

Lyon sent more shocks into her body, causing her walls to clamp down hard onto the pulsing member. Whines escaped both of their muzzles as they mated like wild animals. Lyon felt the cum build up in his balls as they slapped Firia's backside. He let go of Firia's scruff and panted in her ear.

"Fi.....Firia, I......can't....."

"Arceus Lyon it. with.......your cum."

There was no turning back now. Lyon's hip were a blur as he whined in pleasure. He sent another shock through his barbs making Firia howl, another orgasm ripping through her. The rippling and constant squeezing was too much for him. Locking his hips with hers, he joined Firia in letting out a howl as he came hard into her. Firia could feel each spurt coat her insides, claiming her which made her moan in delight. They came down from their highs with moans, feeling their combined fluids drip onto the dirt floor.

"_Arceus, that was wonderful,"_they both said in unison.

With a grunt, Lyon pulled his sensitive member out of that wonderful tunnel and laid on the grass with his back, getting his breath back. He let out a yip feeling something rough graze the tip of his cock. Looking down, he saw Firia cleaning him.

"_What are you doing?" _he asked confused.

"_Cleaning my mate off. Is that wrong?" _Firia asked, licking her lips as she tasted their love session.

"No, but..."

He couldn't finish as she took him fully making him yelp. Her rough tongue circled the tip, making his hips jerk upwards in reflex. The barbs rubbed the roof of her mouth as she moved her head up and down. Even though he just finished with one powerful orgasm, he could feel another one building up fast.

Firia felt his body tense as she opened her eyes and looked at him. His chest was rising and falling rapidly as small mewls came from his muzzle. He looked so helpless as she grinned at the sight before going back to work. Again, she used her tail to tickle furry orbs that would feed her want she wanted.

"_Arceus Firia," _he growled, thrusting his hips upward as his body finally gave up.

Her eyes widened in surprise as the first glob of sticky cum went down her throat. She smiled as she took everything he had to offer, swallowing as her cheeks puffed out. When the flow died, she let out a small whine and cleaned his cock as it shined in the moonlight from her saliva.

"_Feel better?"_she chuckled, looking at the dazed look in his eyes.

"I feel amazing."

Firia laid down next to him, her back on his chest letting out a murr as Lyon placed a paw around her and held her close. He gave her a lick on the ear and said the words he wanted to say since he was a Shinx.

"I love you Firia."

She turned around in his grasp and gave him a deep kiss before breaking off and looking into his loving eyes.

"I love you too Lyon."

Lyon gave her another kiss as she rested her head under his chin, sleep taking both lovers under the moonlit sky.

_"_Do you think we should wake them?" Tracy asked looking at the smiles both Spirit and Luna had as they were snuggled close together.

Aaron thought about it. Spirit finally helped him beat Anthony and win the tournament. Just as he was thinking about his answer, Spirit stirred and opened his eyes. He saw his trainer and Tracy standing there looking at him. Fear came into his eyes as he took he was going to lose Firia again. He let out a small whine and hugged Firia closer.

_"_Looks like he doesn't want to let her go," Tracy giggled.

Aaron looked into Spirit eyes. They were pleading him not to break them apart. He got his answer as he walked up to Spirit softly as to not wake Luna and whispered into his ear.

_"_Don't worry boy, I won't take you away from her. But I want you to promise me something? If I should ever need you, you'll be there for me. Promise?"

Spirit smiled and nodded his head, giving his cheek a lick. Aaron smiled before walking back to Tracy.

_"_You don't mind leaving them together do you?" Aaron asked.

_"_Of course not. I know if I need help, Luna will be there. Come on, let's head home," Tracy said, heading down the trail.

Aaron gave a thumbs up with a smile before joining Tracy down the trail. Lyon watched them leave before looking at Firia's sleeping form in his paws. She looked like an angel sleeping like that as a small moan escaped her muzzle before she cuddled closer to him. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before closing his eyes.

"I'll never leave your side again Firia. I promise you."

With that said, he drifted back to sleep holding the love of his life in his paws.