
Story by Baphijmm on SoFurry

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"So in closing, welcome to Camp Interlude!"

Finally, the over-enthusiastic camp counselor was finished with her boring introductory speech. I disliked summer camps immensely, largely due to such folks, far too happy about where exactly they are in life. Don't think I'll ever understand it.

This was my first time at Camp Interlude; my parents insisted on sending me, citing location and atmosphere as their main reasons. They do it because they think it would be beneficial to me to go out and make new friends; quite frankly, I'd rather play video games or study.

"Now kids --" Pfft, kid hell, I'm fifteen. "-- we're going to divide you up into cabins; if you hear me call out your name, go to the counselor with their hand raised! Cabin One, counselor Mike if you could hold up your hand: Richard Fletcher, Jeremy Stock..." Oh goodie, room assignments. I'll bet there are even bunk beds here, just to complete the "camaraderie" feel.

According to their pamphlet -- I was made to read it far more often than I would have liked -- Camp Interlude is "a rugged outdoor environment nestled in the scenic Drugpa Mountains"; it has, over the years, expanded to encompass roughly 100 acres of forested foothills, 20 of which are covered by the Watts Billet Lake. The camp facilities, however, take up a mere five acres; the rest has been carved through by hiking trails, all leading to equally-pointless nowheres.

"...Roth Dolm..." Ah crap, I hadn't been paying attention and now they've called my name; where's that damned raised hand...

The raised hand belonged to a lizard that appeared to be in his mid-twenties; from the looks of the rest of the cabin, we were separated out from the rest of the campers by our scales. I understood the reasoning behind it - you're more likely to converse and get along with someone more like you - but at the same time I couldn't help but wonder.

"Hey, you must be Roth," greeted the counselor. "I hope you'll enjoy your week with us. Once everyone's gathered, we'll go around and try to learn each others' names."

Eventually, the entire cast was assembled, and we went around in that annoying round-robin manner of introducing ourselves, followed by a short quip about us. I merely stated my affinity for video games, hoping the counselor might have taken the hint. He didn't.

"Alrighty then; now that we've done that, we're scheduled first to go canoeing. Pair up, two to a boat, and let's head down to the lake!"

"But Mr. Canth," inquired an overly-childish-looking crocodilian (Steve something, I think his name was), "what about our stuff?"

"Don't worry about that; the camp staff will take it to our cabin while we're out on the lake. Now come on everyone; pair up!"

I sat on the floor, arms crossed, trying as hard as I could to project an aura of "Don't even think about it." Some folks just don't seem to pick up on these things, do they?

"Hey!" interjected the raptor, extending a hand towards me; from the previous exercise, I knew his name to be Randolph Clat. His rusty-red coloration greatly clashed with my own turquoise-esque scales. "Want to be my partner?"

I shrugged, taking his hand and standing up. "Sure, I guess; seems I need one anyway. Though, I have to warn you - I really don't want to be here, so I probably won't be doing much, uhh, canoeing. Paddling? Much enthusiastic activity at all, really."

"Alright, looks like everyone's paired up; let's head out!"

"Listen... Roth, was it?" Randolph started; "I know exactly how you feel. My first year here was exactly the same; I didn't want to be here, everyone seemed too damned cheery - maybe that's just because we're both raptors, I don't know - but if you just let yourself have fun, you'll enjoy it, even just a little."

"Very well, Randolph, I'll try to see it your way. Wait, first year? How old are you? You look younger than I am."

"Seventeen as of last month, kid. This is my third year. Stick with me, and I'll fill you in on all the ways you can have fun at this camp." He smiled at me, and I just nodded. "There, see? We're conversing already! You're all right there, Roth."

Canoeing was just as fun as I thought it would be, at least at first; Randolph then navigated us to a small island in the middle of the lake, where we just sat and watched the sunlight play with the ripples of the water. We were apparently scheduled to canoe for the rest of the afternoon, as by the time we got back to the main hall dinner had already commenced. We ate without mixing words; the boating had drained us both more than we'd realized, and all we wanted to do was stuff our faces. After that was some stupid campfire speech by all the staff, then it was off to the cabins for final evening preparations and, eventually, lights-out.

Randolph and I just happened to be in two adjacent beds; the assignments were made that afternoon when the staffers tossed our belongings into whatever random bed they felt like. Tossed was the right word, too; I could never find my toothbrush.

"Roth? Psst, Roth!" Randolph was whispering in my direction; seems as soon as everyone's eyes were closed, he'd flipped his bedding around to be facing me. "You awake?"

"What do you want?"

"Come on, be as quiet as you can, and we'll sneak out!" Couldn't argue with that; sure, it was dark, but hell, it was only 10pm. The night was young. As quietly as we could, the two of us tip-toed through the door, making sure to close it lightly once outside. We then bolted for the nearby woods, hiding behind a small grove of trees.

"Okay, so we're out," I pointed out, still whispering. "What was your plan after that?"

"Remember how earlier I told you I'd show you how to have fun here?" He grinned. "There's an old legend I'd been wanting to investigate for a long time, and thought you might like to come along for the ride."

"Legend? What, like some myth about this place?"

"Well, you see," he began, "if you look at maps of this place there are parts of this camp where none of the trails go; rumor has it, one of these has a big secret, like some sort of treasure or something."

"Treasure? What do I look, ten? Besides, even if there were such a thing, surely the owners would have scavanged it by now."

"Oh ho, but that's where things get interesting..." He leaned in, whispering into my ear: "Legend is, no one who's gone near it has come back to tell about it."

I pushed him back, annoyed. "What, so you want to go investigate? Hell, if that's true... screw it, I'm going to bed." I turned back towards the cabin.

"Oh, come on Roth!" He laid a hand on my shoulder, trying to keep me there. "I'm sure the whole story is a steaming load of crap; still, I feel like exploring anyway! Where's your sense of adventure?"

I sighed, then turned back around. "Very well, I'll go with you, but it had better be worth my time. Where were you thinking of looking?"

"There's a part of the camp that's completely secluded, devoid of trails, cabins, anything; according to a topographical map, it's a small valley on the East side of the lake. If we hurry, we might make it in an hour."

We started in the direction Randolph had indicated, him leading the way of course. This time of night, everyone in the camp seemed to be asleep, something I hadn't really expected. "So, what's this crap you were spewing earlier about a treasure? Where did that get started?"

"Well, supposedly -- and this isn't a camp legend either; this part is from one of the local temples -- somewhere in that valley, a foreign demon decided to take up residence. It was a particularly nasty one; the guy who found it ended up killing it, something very rare for his kind. However -- this part is camp legend now -- the demon left behind a wealth of treasure that the guy who killed him just didn't look for. Again, I'm sure it's all completely bogus, but it's an excuse to go out and have fun doing something we're not supposed to be doing, eh?"

"True, true... this sense of adventure is something I've never really experienced before, either. Thanks for inviting me."

"No problem."

After about forty-five minutes of hiking, we swerved off the trail, in the direction sloping down since that made the most intuitive sense, considering. Another half-hour later, I was beginning to get worried. "Randolph, I think we're lost."

"Nah, I'm sure it's just a little bit further; come on, we're almost there."

I shrugged and continued following him deeper into the valley, down into an area with a lot of moisture, a low fog hovering over the ground. Looking around, I took notice that a lot of the local foliage seemed to be flourishing a lot more than usual, but didn't think anything of it. Moments later, Randolph stopped, sniffing the air. "You smell something?"

I sniffed around; indeed, there was a faint smell in the air, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. "Yeah, I do; smells familiar somehow, but--"

"Yeah, but I don't know what it is..."


We continued on into the valley, the night air feeling strangely warm. The further we went, the warmer it seemed to get, an unusual all-encompassing heat. Within minutes, we were both sweating.

"Uff, hang on there Roth," said Randolph; "I have *got* to take off my shirt. I'm perspiring like pork."

I nodded in agreement, removing my own shirt then watching Randolph remove his; as he did so, Something about the way the moonlight struck his glistening, sweaty-- no! I shook my head abruptly, trying to rid myself of that mental image. I wasn't interested in men; hell, I even found it hard to find interest in women, either.

"Wow, you never told me you were so lithe," said Randolph, interrupting my thoughts. "If I were gay, I'd totally be all over that." I blushed deeply, though not entirely out of embarrassment; something about the heat was throwing my circulation out of whack, my heart rate increasing steadily. I covered my chest with my arms, the scales brushing against each other oddly feeling incredibly good, making it hard to just look at Randolph with disdain. Somehow, I managed; "Sorry, I was just saying," he chuckled weakly. I noticed he too was blushing, but not only that he was panting, the intense warmth seeming to be taking its toll on him faster than on me. He turned back around and trudged on; I forced my arms to my sides and followed once again.

A few minutes passed, the heat getting more oppressive; strangely, even though now I was panting sharply from it, it felt really good. I had to fight my arms to keep still and not go back to my chest, but that wasn't all anymore; now, I'd started to get a little aroused as well. My previous slipped thought combined with staring at the back of the one who initially elicited them wasn't helping at all, and very soon I was trying to hide the growing evidence of such. Keeping an accidental erection private in pajama pants is surprisingly difficult. Making sure Randolph was focused on looking ahead, I put my hand down my pants, trying to rearrange everything in there for ease of embarrassment. I found it quite difficult to pull myself away from the task, but somehow I was able to manage; looking back up, I gulped and straightened my posture hastily - Randolph was glancing back at me, a smirk across his face.

"You okay back there, buddy? Everything... holding up?"

"Uh, er, I, uh, yeah, everything's, uh, fine! Nothing wrong at all!"

Randolph stopped, sighed deeply, then turned around; as he did, I bit back a yelp as I looked down, his own shorts tented quite obviously. I had no idea he was that well-hung-- stop it! I didn't care whether or not he was hung!

"Don't worry; this heat is getting to me, too. I think... I think it's our own body heat. Something strange is going on, but... heh, but it's got me all worked up. Want to take a break, crank one out, then keep going? Maybe... maybe that'll calm us down a bit." I nodded curtly in agreement, then turned to find a bush to hide behind, only to feel Randolph's hand on my shoulder again, making my heart skip a beat. "Actually... I was wondering if maybe... umm... if maybe we could watch each other do it."

I broke free from him, stumbling backwards. "No! I mean, no, please, I'm not--" and at that, Randolph lowered his pants, revealing the source of the tenting. "...okay, maybe just once." What was I saying! No, no, a thousand times no! But, at the same time, I felt... no, I *knew* I needed to see more of that glorious cock before me, my own arousal getting the better of me as I too stripped down, shaft bouncing lightly as I pulled the elastic waistband down past its tip. "But this doesn't leave these woods! Once we get back, we did NOT watch each other masturbate, okay?"

Randolph's hand was already on his cock, stroking gently. "Ohh... sure thing there, man..."

I felt my own hand guide itself back to my crotch, gripping my length and beginning to play with it almost on its own; never before had I experienced lust like this. As my stroking sped up, my mind reeling from such sudden intense pleasure, it finally came to me, what the smell was that had permeated the valley since they started feeling warm - sex. The entire valley reeked faintly of sex, was my thought as I satisfied my now intensely-throbbing genitals. One claw cupping my balls, the other stroked my length madly, all the while as I watched Randolph get his own rocks off. My eyes couldn't be drawn away from that glistening, pulsing, drooling shaft; it was almost as though, through watching him play with himself, my own pleasure was intensified.

It didn't take long for either of us; I came first, moaning as the strongest orgasm I'd ever experienced in my short-lived sex life hit me by surprise. My seed flew, fountaining from my spasming cock a good two feet before pooling on the ground before me; I never knew it was even possible to shoot that far. Randolph gave a terse chuckle before bucking harshly and crying out, his own climax following mine by mere seconds. His semen was blasted harshly, making a distance of easily four feet before landing. I gaped in awe at not only his power, but also his virility; the amount he produced was alarming, forming a small puddle, a trail leading to it from his cock as each shot got weaker. Maybe it was watching him cum like that, but suddenly I was feeling just as horny as I had been before.

"Oh god..." Randolph panted, "I... wow... just watching you paw was enough to... to make me want to orgasm, but... but watching you do it... damn..."

I grunted, barely paying attention to him; my hand was already back at my cock, stroking needfully, my eyes still never leaving the sight of his wonderful length. "Oh my, I'm... I'm already so aroused again... what's happening?"

I could literally watch Randolph's cock jump to life again, back to full hardness in less than a second. "Ahhh... dammit, me too now... shit, I need something to fuck so bad..."

I was already on my knees, my paws working my package frantically; "Guh! Me... me too..."

I watched as Randolph stood up jerkily, keeping his body tensed as he approached me, his meat soon bouncing in my face. "P-- Please, will... just... suck me off! Oh god, I can't stand it! I'll return the favor if you want, but please..."

I didn't hear anything else he said; my mouth had wrapped itself around his shaft almost immediately, his hands coming down and covering my ears as he held my head and thrust needfully. I lost my grip on my own length, my hands instead grabbing at his waist, the mere sensation of his cock throbbing and leaking on my tongue pleasurable enough. Within a minute, I had cum again with more force and duration than before, my seed splattering hard against the ground beneath me. I shuddered as my sudden helpless release died down, only to be replaced by an almost vengeful lust, my entire body on fire as I sucked Randolph off. It didn't take much longer for him to orgasm again, the sheer amount of semen his twitching cock forced down my throat almost enough to choke me. He roared as his own arousal came back even stronger, his shaft almost growing in my maw as it sprung back to life instantly.

I pulled myself off his groin after a lot of force against my own body, my cock achingly hard in my lap as I leaned back, afraid even to touch it lest I go mad with sexual desire. Randolph, as usual, didn't get the memo and dove straight on it, his tongue lashing at it hungrily, ass in the air, proud eager erection straining beneath. I gripped his head as he had mine and bucked needfully into his willing maw, watching as his shaft, like mine had mere seconds ago, twitched violently and released his seed forcefully; a large amount of it ricocheted off my tail, only driving me more insane with lust as his cock pulsed swiftly back to full erection.

The valley had claimed another two victims. The legend lived on.