Who's Ardom?

Story by Kraz226 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Order

Hello all. It's been a while eh? This is Kraz226 here with part 4 of my series "The Order" . This one should expand the story more so by adding another main character. Who is that? Well you'll just have to read to find out ^__^. Also, PLEASE READ THE BELOW PARAGRAPH. It explains some things about the series that might not be clear to some readers.

The world of Gaia is in a medieval stage: swords, bows, magic, that sort of thing. Magic is not rampant; only some people in the world can do it. However there are some people that reside in the land that are powerful, as you will come to see. I'm sorry I didn't include a more in-depth description of Adala in my first story. So, if you would like a visual aid, one of my favorites (Blue dragoness lounging) should provide one (Imagine Adala as that dragoness with no wings and shorter horns). Also, in this world there are humanoid/anthromorphic races like Adala, and there are feral ones like the animals in the real world.

OK. Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the story!


Through the covert, it was peaceful. A nest of young birds chirped loudly trying to coax a meal from their returning mother. A squirrel busily tucked an acorn into the knothole of a tree, preparing for winter. A small basin gave way to its own ecosystem of tadpoles and fish. However the bustling forest grew eerily still as all of its inhabitants slowed to a stop and retreated. What they were running from came swinging through the canopy of trees as fast as its claws could take it.

Kirie leaped through the trees with great haste, she prayed to Gaia that he hadn't seen her.She had broken the code she lived by: never let your target know of your presence. Using her extreme agility, the leapordess turned on a dime and aimed herself toward her home.

Kirie landed near the base of a gorge. This particular fissure rested on the outskirts of the forest, but was almost completely concealed by foliage and massive trees.

Kirie climbed to small ledges with her extreme grace and sauntered behind the rock face that concealed her "home". She squeezed past the two tight boulders that only one with her trim physique could pass and entered her inner lair. Kirie then removed the thin black cloak that enclosed her frame. Now naked from the waist up, the black leapordess reviewed her bare furred glory. Kirie possessed a 5 foot 8 height but was very well endowed with her 42DD breasts (familiar, no? ^__-). Kirie removed the remainder of her undergarments to expose the ridiculously large butt she sported. She then removed the band in her hair and allowed her flowing black hair to escape.

Now naked, Kirie ambled over near the caves entrance to see that darkness was starting to take the land. She sighed heading back into the cavern and, using some left over flint, started a fire in the small pit that accentuated her dwelling. The leapordess then strolled over to the sharpened rock that was embedded in the cave wall. It held all of her texts as a makeshift shelf. She sifted through the dozen or so volumes until she reached her destination: a old sketchbook.

Kirie sighed as she pawed through her sketches, finding the one of her late lover.

This new human reminded her so much of him.........

"Oh well........" the feline sulked. She knew she would never see him again. However she could fulfill his final wishes and teach this human. She thought back to when the human first arrived. She had been so eager to see if he fulfilled the prophecy that she had almost revealed herself to that pesky dragoness that she had seen coming to the clearing over the last few months. Kirie knew that the dragoness might be the "key" to the human's "lock" just as she had been so long ago, so she elected to leave the human in her care for the time being. If the human did awaken from the dragoness' actions, she would be near enough to sense it. If her observations were correct, then the dragoness was infatuated with the human. It would only be a matter of time now.

Kirie removed her field sketchbook from her nearby satchel and viewed the illustration she had finished of the human. It portrayed him parrying a sword strike from the dragoness. She had been drawing this sketch ever since the two had started sparring.

Kirie tried to summon up the thought of why she had murred when she saw the human up close. All the days she had observed him she had not seen him up close.

Maybe because she had not seen a human since.................No, that couldn't be it.

Maybe it was just some slight lust since she had not seen another male for a few months. Yes, that must have been it. Kirie decided that maybe she should just take some time off tomorrow to get her mind in check. With that thought, Kirie rested her head upon the makeshift pillow that graced her bed and was quickly claimed by sleep.


As she slept, the leapordess dreamt of a presence approaching her sleeping body. She could feel the form place a velvety finger along her neck as she dozed.

"Oh.....Ardom........" Kirie purred leaning into the touch.

"Who's Ardom?" said the foreign voice.

Kirie's eyes flew open as she looked up into the eyes of the human.

"My name's Anthony" Anthony said, returning the look with a grin.


Anthony yawned as he awoke from another nights slumber. Rubbing his eyes, he viewed

his surroundings: the cave.

Nope, still not a dream.

He was still in an alien world with a dragoness.

'Oh well.' he thought. At least the dragoness part wasn't bad. Anthony marked another day on the cave wall with a sharp rock, it had now been 15 days since he had arrived. Adala was leaving in another 22. He still had no plan as to what they should do. Should he just go with her and talk to them point blank? Should they disguise him some how? There was just no obvious answer.

"Well, there's still time" Anthony said to no one in particular. He got up and donned his clothing to go see Adala where she always was at this time of morning: making breakfast.

As Anthony walked across the field, he realized the rain had made the field damp. Meaning that his sparring practice today with Adala would be hampered. Anthony walked to the clearing that was designated for eating, which was now sending a smoke stack to the heavens as a testament to its bounty.


Kirie was perched on a tree limb. This particular limb resided on a large tree in the north end of the clearing. It gave a perfect view of the pair eating an early breakfast. Well, it gave her a perfect view, with her superior leapordess sight in addition to her "abilities". Kirie muttered under her breath with a snide temper:

"Why does he have to resemble Ardom so much?"

Kirie had woken up to her first wet dream of over two months thinking about him?! She

dismissed it again as a feeling of lust since she had not seen another male in quite some time.

Kirie then saw the two rise from their seating to spar as they usually did at this time. The human was getting better, but was still easily defeated. That would change soon enough.......

"Well, no reason to meander around here today" Kirie thought. She leaped through the dense foliage of trees on her way to her favorite daytime rest spot: a small plateau on the top of a nearby cliff.


Anthony headed into the water of the pond to wash the mud and grime of sparring away.

"So, are you going to send me home today?" Anthony asked of the pond, lowering himself slightly into it. When no response came, he shrugged and immersed himself into the cool liquid. Anthony sighed as the chill subsided. It had been an uneventfull sparring session with Adala. Yet again, he was easily beaten by the technique and physical prowess of the dragoness.

"Oh well" Anthony said out loud. He dipped his head into the water and inhaled some of it to wash today's breakfast taste from his mouth. After rinsing, he removed himself from the water and dried off. Anthony gave a grimace after remebering the tase of today's breakfast. As usual, it was a very bland soup. It wasn't bad, but Anthony new that he may go mad if he had the same army ration meal every day for much longer. He longed for the easily made eggs and toast that graced his plate on the weekends he went to Denny's.

Anthony looked up into the heavens as he finished dressing himself. He saw a few clouds that graced an identical sky as his worlds'. However what caught his attention more so was a massive bird that soared across the sky towards a large cliff a mile or so in the distance. The wingspan was easily 6 feet. Inspiration suddenly struck Anthony. He wouldn't be doing much today until Adala got back, and that was still a few hours off. Why not go get some eggs?

After leaving a note at the cave's fire pit with some salvaged notebook paper, Anthony ventured into the wilderness towards the large plateau in the distance.


Kirie ventured up the small side path that was carved into the side of the steep cliff. The top of the plateau was about 70 feet from the ground, but the small mountain it rested on was a steep slope. However a convenient walkway that was forged by a rockslide created an easy ascent to the top. Kirie climbed to the summit without much difficulty and found herself at the plateau that rested atop the mountain. The plateau itself was a flat surface about 100 feet in diameter with a good amount of spires and boulders strewn throughout. She sauntered over to the other end and viewed a golden eagle soar in towards her direction and land on a small perch about 50 feet away on a spire. Kirie admired the bird. The way it soared so freely was poetic. Kirie then ambled towards the edge of the plateau and glanced down. It was a long way down, but not a straight 90 degree cliff. Kirie glanced up at the sun and, using her vast field knowledge, judged taking a nap here would be perfect. Kirie ventured over to a small section of rocks that jutted out of the center of the plateau. It would serve as a good resting spot and the shade would feel better than the glaring sun. Kirie sprawled herself out under the cool shade of the boulders while using a moss covered rock as a makeshift pillow.

Before drifting into sleep, Kirie thought she could here a sound eminating from the bottom of the plateau. Not wanting to be bothered, Kirie just dismissed it and closed her eyes.....


Anthony climbed up the path on the side of the plateau at a slow pace, he didn't want to let the bird know he was there. He knew from too much National Geographic that predetory birds could be very territorial. Anthony found his way to the top of the plateau with relative ease. He shaded his eyes from the harsh sunlight and looked for some sort of nest the bird might leave eggs in. Seeing a nearby spire, he headed over. Anthony ventured towards the large rock and tried to reach into the perch atop of it. Seeing that the nest was too high to reach easily, Anthony looked around for anything to get the nest down with. Anthony saw a formation of rocks poking out of the middle of the plateau and headed towards it, hoping to find a stone to throw.


Kirie stood before her bed, a rather large stallion currently occupying its end.

"Come here my little slut...." beckoned the stallion.

"Yes master....." said Kirie without hesitation. She ventured toward the horse in a quiet manner and sat beside him.

"What is the matter my pet?" asked the stallion, pressing his long muzzle into Kirie's neck and nuzzling it prevocatively. Kirie moved into the affationate contact with vigor and awnsered:

"It is nothing my love....."

"Come now, you know you can tell me........" said the black-as-night stallion.

"Well..." Kirie began. However, the stallion withdrew himself from the embrace and revealed his rapidly enlarging member from his pants. Kirie continued speaking.

"It's just, he looks so much like you...." she said removing her clothing daintily.

"And what is wrong with that?" said the stallion, now fully erect.

"Oh! Nothing!" said Kirie, finishing her cloth removal. She then crawled on all fours behind the stallion towards the other end of the bed.

"Well I think I can get you to talk......." said the stallion, holding the leapordess' hips in their current location as he positioned himself above her.

"Where would you like it my pet?" asked the stallion, moving his enormous length a few inches behind her large ass.

"Please.....in my pussy love......" said Kirie while lifting her rear in the air slightly.

The stallion slowly pressed the tip of his cock against the wating slit and tantalizingly moved it up and down over it. This elicited a moan of pleasure from Kirie.

"ooohhh.....master........don't.........tease me........like this...." she said through short breaths.

"Do you want it my love?" said the stallion, suddenly stopping. Kirie turned her head to look into the eyes of the stallion.

"Yes....please drive it in!" said the leapordess, surprising herself with the statement of lust.

"Well, I hate to keep you waiting...." said the stallion with a curl of his lip. He moved the cock slightly forward and breached the entrance of Kirie's lips. Kirie's moans of pleasure urged on the stallion as he slid even more of the length inside. Kirie could feel the enormous member press against her vaginal walls, completely filling it. The stallion continued to move forward into the slit. After what seemed like an eternity to the two partners, the stallion reached the entrance to Kirie's womb: the cervix. As he reached the cervix he stopped, his length more than 3/4 of the way in. Kirie made a request as she was filled.

"Please......faster" she hissed through her fangs.

"Anxious aren't we?" joked the stallion. He then pulled out slowly until the tip was almost back at the vagina's entrance. Then, not wanting to keep his lover from pleasure, he thrust back in faster than before. Kirie was in bliss by this time as she took almost all of the length into her. The stallion reached the cervix faster this time, and then removed the cock and replaced it even faster. This continued until the stallions thrusting was at a rapid pace, just barely breaching the cervix with each thrust. As the stallion rammed his length into Kirie's pussy, he could hear her moans becoming a slight roar. Kirie was nearing her climax with every thrust as they just barely penetrated her womb. She began rocking in time with each thrust, trying to get the entire length into her.

"Would you like me to fill you slut?" said the stallion as he felt his own climax approaching.

"Arrghh........Yes.......fill me with your seed master!" Kirie roared as she felt her climax erupt from inside her. This was all the stallion could take as he finally placed his entire length into Kirie, the tip potruding directly into her womb as his seed spurted forth. The seed continued flowing into Kirie's womb as the pair basked in the magical afterglow of their passion. Just as the flow wavered, the stallion removed himself from Kirie and laid down beside her panting heavily. Kirie laid face down on the bed beside her lover, also panting.

"That was wonderful love......." said the stallion, moving his hand through Kirie's fine hair.

"Yes, it was Ardom......" purred Kirie. She enjoyed having her head stroked. However she knew what this moment was, and what it wasn't.

"If only this were real........" Kirie somberly anounced.

"I miss you so much........" she said, staring into the eyes of the stallion.

"Well, I am here for a reason...." said the stallion, his mood turning serious also.

"I can tell he is the one you prophesized, but......" Kirie said as she sat up alongside the bed.

"But?" said the stallion in a questioning tone.

"It is nothing......." continued Kirie.

"It's definitely something if I'm here" stated Ardom as he sat beside Kirie.

"I just.......When I look at him I see you again......" said Kirie, finally realizing why she murred like she did yesterday.

"I know I don't feel the same way for him as I did for you though!" the leapordess said


"Kirie...." Ardom began.

"There's no way I feel for him!" Kirie said as she turned away from the stallion.

"Kirie" said Ardom, finally getting Kirie's attention. Kirie looked up into his eyes.

"Who are you trying to convince?" asked Ardom.

"Me? Or yourself?" he finished.

"But I love you!" Kirie sobbed as she placed her face in her paws.

"Kirie, it's ok. I'm not here anymore. You need to accept him into your life. If doing that means you love him just as you did me, then so be it." said Ardom

"Is that it then? Is this the last time I will see you?" Kirie asked, knowing she only had visions of Ardom when she felt great emotion for him. Ardom brought his muzzle up to Kirie and kissed her deeply. After the brief show of affection, he said:

"I am always here my love........"

"Yes, I know....." said Kirie

"By the way, when did you get that form?" she continued, pointing at Ardom.

"Oh" said Ardom, noticing his equine body.

"Remember that nice stewardess at the Inn in Runeford?" Ardom said with a smile.

"Ah, I wish we had done it with that one at least once" Kirie said smiling back.

"Well, it's time....." Ardom said with a frown.

"I will always love you, but it is time to move on and establish a new love dear....." he continued. As he talked Ardom was becoming more and more translucent.

"I think he's nearby also......." he finished, disappearing completely.

"Oh.....Ardom........" she murred.


Anthony picked up a small stone. It was light but would probably do the trick. As Anthony turned around to head back to the nest, he could hear something rustle behind him. As he turned around nothing was there. Feeling curious, Anthony went back to where he found the stone to investigate. He ventured behind a few rocks and just as he turned a corner, saw a human-like form sprawled out under the shade of a large boulder. Not one to deny curiosity, he neared the figure cautiously. When he was within ten feet, he could see the form was in the shape of some sort of predatory cat like a panther or something. Since he could not see any movement from this distance, Anthony finally decided to just go check on the creature. He walked straight up to the inanimate form and knelt down beside it. Whatever it was, it was a she, Anthony determined from the breasts and physique it had. Anthony placed his hand in front of the animals' mouth and felt breath. That was good, she was breathing at least. Anthony then placed a finger along her neck, feeling for a pulse. Anthony heard the cat mutter:


"Who's Ardom?" Anthony whispered to himself.

Suddenly the cat's eyelids flew open as she stared directly into his eyes.

"err........Hi, my name's Anthony......" Anthony said awkwardly with a fearful grin.


Well, that should do it for this chapter. I hope anyone reading this enjoys the series. I do encourage criticism from anyone, so leave a comment or a shout at my channel. The next chapter should prove even better than this one (maybe Adala and Anthony will get busy?). I guess you'll just have to tune in to find out ^__^!

Kraz226 out!