Measure 1, Step 1.

Story by Phox_Sillanpaa on SoFurry

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'Lo, This is my first story submission to Yiffstar. I have mostly been posting on FA, but I decided to test the waters around here. Please do comment and vote and all that. It let's me know how I am doing. Just to cover my ass and what not, this story contains sexual themes and EVEN SEX. But not just any sex. Gay sex. If you're not 18 (or 21 depending on where you live) do not read this story. For all you very horny people... You know the kind who navigated here because they already had boner but needed a little more, I will mark the yiffy bits with this pattern "*-*" (Minus the quotations)


Katakeome Rust Copyright Katakeome Rust.

Reiko Grey Copyright Reiko Grey.

Everything and everyone else copyright me.

If you actually managed to read this without losing the boner the last awesome story gave you, congratulations. Sorry for wasting any amount of swelling you may have previously gained. Now hurry. Time is of the essence.

Ela sighed as she hung another pair of ugly pants that the royals wore up to dry. She hated her job and for the most part her life. At the end of the day her paws were covered in filth and wrinkled from working in the water so much. She was reaching soon her 19th birthday but was going to end up spending it washing more clothes. Her delicate features smudged with dirt from the day's labors. She was small for her age but not too small. Slender and graceful she could wash more clothes in a day then anyone she knew. Not that she was proud of it.

She hung the clothes up to dry and watched as peasants passed her by without a second look. She had no one in her life anymore. Her parents were taken into captivity by the French during an attack 5 years ago. She was an only child and had never had anytime to make friends. Ela's life consisted of work and sleep day in and day out. She didn't mind her lonely existence much really. She had enough money to eat and that was good enough for her. More often then she liked; she saw starving families and she never wanted to be as bad off as them.

She hung up another pair of ugly trousers and as she clipped them to a wire a strangely dressed figure made its way up the road. She could see the orange and black tip of its tail sticking out from the bottom of the purple and black cloak that adorned his shoulders. After a second or two the stranger turned and made straight line towards her.

"Great." She thought, "Another customer. He wants me to wash his funny freaking clothes."

Contrary to that thought she realized he had no bags on him or anything of the sort. He had nowhere to be carrying clothes. She decided to see what he wanted. She figured he probably just wanted directions or insight into some matter.

The stranger watched his target as he moved forward. She seemed to be studying him as he approached. He didn't mind. He observed the creature with a piercing judgment that no other creature could comprehend. Though she was attractive he honestly didn't see what was so special about her. His instructions were specific however. This was the girl.

Ela raised an eyebrow as the fox stopped in front of her and lowered his hood. He had a gleam in his eye an intricate earring in his left ear.

"Ela Barton?" He said in a smooth voice.

"Aye?" Ela replied levelly.

"I have a delivery for you." Said he.

With that he produced a small piece of paper wrapped with a silk bow. Ela eyed it with curiosity. Something interesting was happening right in front of her. Not only that but it seemed to revolve completely around her. She took the paper and opened it to read what it said. She looked up to question the fox but he was gone. All that remained of him was a small silver cross on the ground where his feet used to be. She picked up the cross and stuffed in her pocket then continued reading the note. It read:

The Grand Old Theater

The creature bearing this manuscript is to be admitted to the personal box of my name.

-Edgar Bauldamier

It was an invitation to a play. She didn't know who Edgar Bauldamier was but he must have a good amount of money to have a personal box at the Grand old England Theater. This was ludicrous. Who in the world would invite a laundry girl to sit in a private box at a play without even knowing her. Maybe he was a customer of hers. She didn't know for sure.

She placed the paper on a counter top and continued working. She decided to think about it later. There was much work to do. The rest of the day passed without incident. She folded and scrubbed and got even more grime on her pretty features.

At quitting time she picked up the paper again. What did she have to lose? The worst case scenario would be that the paper was a fake and Edgar Bauldamier didn't really even exist. What else would happen save for the man at the ticket booth laughing at her and sending her on her way? Finally she thought to herself one of her most common thoughts whenever she opted to take a chance.

"Screw it."

She went back to the section of the laundry house that she lived in and found her best clothes. They were nothing fancy really. It was a dress of her mother's that was given to her just before the French raid. It had a few furls and buttons but overall would have been laughed out of a ballroom. She hoped it would be fit enough for this occasion. She grabbed a quick bite of food and washed up before heading to the theater. As she walked towards the theater a crowd was gathering outside the peasant entrance. She figured that if she had a box seat she ought to use the upper class entrance. When she got to the ticket booth she presented her pass to the ferret operating it. He looked at it for a second and eyed her and her dress. Finally he snapped his claws and a smaller ferret shuffled up and offered her his paw.

Suppressing her surprise she took his paw and he led her to a box a seat. They went up and up to one of the nicest boxes. Ela looked to her left and saw the queen was in attendance. She was so full of awe at where she was she didn't even notice as a tall wolf slipped passed her and sat down right beside her as the play started. He crossed his legs and rested both hands on a cane, his hat resting in his lap.

Ela felt the fear strike her. She was such fool. To accept an invitation to a play from a stranger only to find out he was a large predator. She should have guessed when the invitation came from a mysterious fox. She tried to stand and make her escape but the paws of a fennec behind her pushed her back into her seat. She turned to look up at the oppressor. He gave her a wink and bid her stay awhile with a few motions.

Surrounded by predators with no escape she sat paralyzed and watched the play. Her mind was so full of fear that she couldn't really follow the difficult dialogue. She just stared and didn't make a sound. Her mind began working. She needed to find a way out of this. She recalled her previous version of the "worst case scenario" and almost smiled to herself about it. Unfortunately the situation would not call for a smile. She was so low class that this rich and powerful wolf could do anything he wanted to her and the law would ignore it.

The play finally reached intermission and the wolf gave a large yawn. Every one of his dangerous teeth came into view. They gleamed in the sunlight. They were so shiny she could almost see her reflection in them. Finally the wolf turned to her.

"Having a good time, my dear?" he said simply.

She tried to speak back to him but his impressive appearance and dangerous aura silenced her.

"Are you alright?" He asked quizzically.

"Y-yes, I-I'm s-sorry sir." She said weakly.

"Oh good, I was afraid you were ill."

He could tell she was afraid. He gave the fennec a signal and turned back to the frightened rabbit.

"My dear, you seem so shaken. I can assure you I am nothing to be afraid of. After all I can't exactly eat you in the middle of a play, can I? How would I look covered in blood in front of the queen herself?"

Ela was not relieved in the slightest. His manner of talking and choice of words were not the best. Edgar seemed to realize that almost as soon as he spoke.

"Well never mind, my dear, they are starting act two."

Ela relaxed only a little as act two stretched on. About five minutes after intermission the fennec had returned and brought with him two glasses of wine which he gave to Edgar and Ela. The bottle he kept for himself as he sat in the back of the box.

While act two was still dragging on a grey wolf of about medium size appeared in the entrance to the box. He exchanged a smile with the fennec, who passed him the bottle of wine, and sat down in a seat behind Edgar.

"Great." Ela thought to herself, "Another predator, if I get out of this I am just going to do all my laundry and forget about society."

Finally the play ended among much applause. Edgar stood and applauded with much enthusiasm.

"I love the Theater!" He shouted over the applause to Ela.

When everything settled down the theater began to empty out except for Edgar's box. The fennec and the wolf didn't move. Edgar too showed no signs of movement. Ela was beginning to get nervous. All the people were almost gone. She wanted nothing more then to never be alone with these three creatures.

"Great performance, wouldn't you say?" Edgar said to the group.

"I liked it." The fennec replied.

"I have seen better." The grey wolf said.

Then everyone turned to Ela and waited for her response. She misperceived the looks and had found it in her head that they were all staring at her because her time was up. The looks scared her. They all looked hungry and she was building up a very steady panic. After a moment or so the look turned into quizzical stares.

"Miss Ela?" The fennec asked.

"Alright enough is enough. Your attitude tonight has been steadily irritating. Get over it, girl. You're not in any danger and you never were. We're not going to eat you." The grey wolf said sharply.

"Then what do you want with me? Why the invitation? Why the play? Why me? Why not the lady who does the baking next door?"

"To answer your questions in chronological order, we wanted your company, you needed an invitation to get up here, we like plays, you seemed very lonely, and she doesn't shower." Edgar finally said.

"Are you through being difficult?" The fennec asked.

Ela looked at them with much doubt. "You don't even know me."

"Wrong." The grey wolf replied. "You washed my linens and did a wonderful job. Now please, Miss Ela, would you accompany me for a twilight walk?"

Again she thought to herself. Only moments after being in a situation where her life was in danger and she thought it would all be over she found herself thinking again, "Screw it."

"Lead on, Mr. Bauldamier."

"Grand! Phox and Reiko, prepare our home for a guest."

"We shall," Replied the grey wolf.

Phox turned to Reiko, "We should hurry. The quicker we get there, the longer we can have the house to ourselves."

Reiko nodded to the canid to his right, quickening his pace as he grabs the foxed hand and pulls him along with a wink.

The two trudged through the Darkclaw manor grounds, reaching the door and pausing for a second before Phox reached into his pocket and pulled out a large black key. He slid it into the lock and turned it with ease until the mechanism inside gave a large clunk. They opened the door and walked inside, the usual slight smell of must embracing their nostrils.

"Dark as ever..." Phox muttered, his ears homing in on all the sounds in the house due to his reduced sight.

"Well light the lamps then." Reiko replied playfully as he moved over to one of the lamps at the side of the large double door.


Phox moved up behind Reiko and wrapped his arms around him, making Reiko start slightly.

"Maybe I don't want to light them." He whispered into the fennec's ear.

The wolf felt his back pushed against wall next to the thick door frame, the cold from it's surface seeping through his clothes and fur and caressing his back, making him exhale and Phox leant against him. He felt himself blushing under his fur as he felt the weight of his partner resting against him.

Phox leant in and pressed his lips to the wolf's as he starts to murr softly. The wolf under him gladly accepted the kiss, pushing back into the fennec and rubbing his body up against the vulpine on top of him. He moved his arm up and wrapped his paw around the metallic pipe of the lamp above him to allow Phox better access to his torso as the kiss deepened.

The pair both began to quietly moan as Reiko, much to Phox's surprise, opened his lips and used his tongue to open up his lover's muzzle. He slid his muscle inside Phox's mouth and allowed it to caress the foxes tongue as at the same time he moved his other free paw around to Phox's back, gripping him harshly and pulling him closer.

Reiko began to breathe heavily as he felt his partners' member press up against his own, feeling the crotch of his pants tighten as he became aroused. He blushed heavily in the dark as he felt his penis begin to edge out of his sheathe. The wolf knew that Phox was also going through the same experience as he could feel him and the warmth coming from his body was much more than a vampire would normally ever give off.

Phox gave a sudden exhale and pulled out of the kiss. He was still breathing extremely heavily as he motioned to the wolf to help him remove his pants.

Reiko caught the signal; his eyes now adjusted to the dim light in the room and knelt down in front of the fennec.

"Edgar will be back soon, we can't."

"I doubt that, he's too busy with his new toy. I want to play with mine." Phox whispered in return to Reiko's comment as the wolf reluctantly fiddled with the waist of Phox's pants before pulling them down.

He was presented with his lover's member, already fully erect, and instinctively wrapped his muzzle around the tip, shuddering slightly as the familiar taste of his love embraced his tongue and sent sensations all round his body, causing him to begin to produce pre in his pants. He took the penis further into his muzzle, wrapping his tongue around it and sucking softly, as he moved one of his paws up Phox's leg and began to caress his balls.

Phox threw his head back and exhaled sharply at the sudden pleasure provided by his lover's mouth. He moved a use one of his paws to gently caress the top of the wolf's head, encouraging him to continue. He gripped his wolf's hair lightly as he felt himself emit some precum inside his partner's muzzle, his member now twitching from pleasure.

The wolf looked up at the vulpine's cocked head as he tasted the salty liquid in on his tongue. He smiled as he used to lubricate the appendage inside his mouth, applying it with his tongue and taking his chance to begin jacking his head. As he took his love slightly deeper with each thrust of his neck he took of his own pants, unknowing to Phox, as the build up of sticky liquid was beginning to become uncomfortable. He threw his pants to the side, glad that his wolf-hood could now do as it pleases without aggravating him.

Phox started to call out in pleasure and used his footpaw to gently rub his wolf's leg as thanks for the pleasure. He stood there as the exstacy from his lower half drowned his séances for a while before placing a paw on the wolf's chin and softly easing him off. Looking down; he noticed that Reiko's pants were missing and there was a near constant stream of clear liquid seeping down his penis. He gave a mischievous smile down to the wolf on his keeps and easily pushed him over with his knee.

Reiko fell weakly to the ground with a slight thump, his chin now rested on the floor near the middle of the dark hallway, his rear end raised up in the air.

"Now we get to have some fun." Phox said in a menacing tone as he knelt down behind the wolf.

Reiko said nothing; he just raised his tail obediently and prepared to feel his lover inside him. He felt two paws grasp his shoulders firmly and closed his eyes, already in deep pleasure just knowing what was about to happen. He inhaled as he felt Phox trace his still leaking member around the rim of his tail. He clawed at the ground as he felt the vulpine pull back on his shoulders. Rather than push into him, Phox was pushing him back to be speared on his member. He resisted only slightly and let out an audible moan as he felt his love's manhood pierce his resisting tail muscle.

Phox grinned down over the wolf below him as he felt the warm folds inside the canid slowly caress his penis. After a few seconds he released pressure on Reiko's shoulders, allowing him to slip forward a little before repositioning himself and giving one hard thrust inside the wolf.

Reiko jumped as the unexpected force in his tail, feeling slight pain, but murring all the same. He clawed harder at the tile below him as the fennec started to pump his hips. He was unknowingly lapping at the floor below him, totally lost in the pleasure of his love mating with him.

Sweat ran down Phox's brow as he sped up, now making audible "mrff" sounds on each thrust. He could feel his partner tensing and releasing his tail, making the pumping feel better than ever.

The wolf felt Phox claw sharply into his shoulders as he thrusted, causing him to emit sounds of pain, not that he minded too much. His member was now pulsating harder than he could ever remember before. Precum was dripping to the floor as he felt his knot glad developing and he could feel that Phox was also experiencing the same thing.

The fennec gave a loud moan as he gave a final push inside his wolf. Reiko, feeling the pressure, pushed back into his lover's spear, forcing himself further onto it. Phox constricted the wolf, pulling him back and pushing his hips forward until he heard a sudden "pop" sound. Reiko now pulled forward, ignoring that he had just been stretched to his limit, pulling Phox with him. The pressure now being inflicted on Phox's member pushed him over the edge and his hips buckled as he fell down on top of the wolf, beginning to spasm as he reached peak.

Reiko continues to massage the vulpine penis using his tail as he felt streams of hot seed spray his inside. He had been pushed down to lay flat on the floor, his own member still throbbing and him now lying in a small pool of his own liquid. He could tell that Phox was in complete extract and lay for a few seconds, feeling himself become more and more full before the fennec came back to life and breathed a few heavy breathes on top on him while still laying limp.

"My turn..." Reiko giggled into the floor.

"I..." Phox managed to get out before they both heard the large slightly rusted gates swing open outside.

Reiko sprang up, knowing they wouldn't take long to get though the grounds. He did his best to support Phox, who was steadily regaining consciousness. The wolf pulled against Phox, trying to get free of his loins. He bent down and collected his pants from the floor, the fennecs member coming out with another painful "pop" as he does. He left Phox free standing, wincing as he hobbled into a room, calling back.

"Light the lamps... And get your pants on!"

Phox not sprang back into action, remembering that they were meant to be preparing the house. He ran into the kitchen and lit a small lamp before running back out into the hallway and lighting the two gas lamps either side of the door from the smaller one.

At the same time Reiko had fetched a towel a dried himself as best he could, his penis now annoying him as it was still asking for attention. He also dies his pants as best he could before slipping back into them and hoping that his tail wouldn't start leaking.

He threw the towel to the fennec still in the hallway and took the small lamp. He then set off lighting the most of the ground floor lamps he could before walking back into the hallway to see Phox once again fully dressed. The wolf nodded at the towel that the fennec was still holding in his paw. Phox started and ran off, throwing the towel into a small room off from the kitchen before joining the wolf in the hallway.


Let's Back track a little. Ela and Edgar had just left the theater. The wolf offered his arm to the rabbit. Ela hooked her paws on his arm and allowed him to lead her. As they walk Ela decided to figure out more of what was going on.

"What is your profession, Mr. Bauldamier?"

"Please, my dear, call me Edgar. I am a jack of all trades of sorts. I have businesses and make many expeditions to find new lands. I am a profitable architect and I study archaeology."

"I see. Why is it you have chosen to spend your time with a laundry girl? Surely there is a noble woman around here with money and status to match yours. I may have washed your servant's sheets but you don't really know me."

"My dear, I know more about you then you think. Your parents were taken from you. You have no brothers or sisters. You wash clothes day in and day out. Your birthday is coming up soon and you don't often socialize."

Ela was shocked. How could this stranger know so much about her? Right as she opened her mouth to question him he continued.

"Reiko and Phox are not my servants. They are my friends. They are two magnificently lonely people I have come across on my journeys. You will find that they are with me almost always and I was equally as lonely when I found them. I offered them an opportunity to break away from their lives and they took it. We are all three bonded forever by blood and brotherhood."

"So you invited me here because you knew I was lonely?"

"Yes, and I want to offer you a chance to escape your lonely life. We want you to join us. You are not obligated to do anything you don't want to do. You won't have chores or responsibilities. Your troubles will be gone."

"I have only just met you. How can expect me to throw my problems onto you and your money?"

"A service I am more then eager to provide to you, Miss Barton. We are a family but you are not obligated to stay. You can leave at anytime that you so choose and the gift will remain yours. The gift is irrevocable and permanent. You can leave the family but you cannot leave the gift."

"What is this gift?"

With that Edgar stared at Ela very hard and all the comfort and sincerity left his face. His eyes flashed once, twice, and then shone a bright blue. His lips curled and Ela noticed his canines were longer then normal and sharper then any she had ever seen. Without realizing why she felt her hair stand up on end and a fear creep up her spine but she was unable to move.

Edgar returned to normal with a blink. Ela wasn't sure if what she had seen was real but she had regained her motion. She blinked once or twice and thought about sprinting as far as she could away from this situation. As much as she thought about it she didn't want to.

"This is my gift; the gift of Immortality and eternal youth. The gift comes with a small price; a pint of blood and the need to feed. It's your choice. Say good bye to everyday life, say good bye to loneliness and responsibilities and join my family. Forget the present and look to the futures you will get to see. What do you say, my dear?"

Edgar's face glowed with an irresistible aura that replaced his dangerous one. His eyes were magnificent and beautiful. His mouth had formed a half smile. He looked so sincere and strange.

Ela was entranced. She stood just staring into Edgar's face for sometime until she finally couldn't take his magnificent visage anymore. She was helpless and overwhelmed by his presence. Her mind had never wanted to yell "Screw it." more then it did right now. Finally she gave in to him. She knew that her life was boring and useless. All she did was laundry.

"I consent."

Edgar waited no longer. He came down upon her with a force that completely took the rabbit off her feet. They landed on the grass with Edgar latched onto her neck. She felt his teeth pierce her flesh. She squirmed in an instinctive attempt to defend herself. He was more aggressive then she expected. Her feeble movements only encouraged the vampire. He there stayed for what seemed like an eternity. The pain in her neck was mixed with a pleasure. This pleasure was an artificial dopamine released by the fangs of a vampire. He pulled his head back and bit into his own wrist. He placed his wrist at Ela's mouth and she drank willingly. Edgar allowed her to feed only a few moments before pulling his wrist back.

As Ela lay there on the ground she realized she couldn't feel anything. Her vision was going black then flaring into magnificent hues of color. Her heart beat faster then she though was possible. With every heartbeat her vision blacked out only to return with the colors when there was no beat. This lasted only a few minutes and her heart stopped beating completely leaving the colorful hues to be her visage. She regained the feeling in her limbs and she stood up with more grace then she ever knew she had.

"I've created a monster! Your beautiful, my dear!" Edgar laughed.

Ela explored her new body. Edgar's voice sounded so clear. The night looked so wonderful she felt a light headed feeling just seeing it. She could feel Edgar's movements as he paced around her in circles on the grass. She could smell all the people of the city.

One would think the smell would be terrible. However to her new nose this smell was in comparison to freshly baked bread or muffins fresh from the oven. She wanted to go greet the new world. She felt like dancing. All the fatigue of the day had left her body completely. She was reborn.

Ela did actually dance. She moved with such grace that the average creature would be transfixed completely by her hypnotic fluid motions. Edgar himself seemed to enjoy the show with a haze in his eyes.

"I feel wonderful."

"Remember with this gift you have a responsibility to protect yourself. You may be immortal but don't make the mistake to think that immortality means never dying. You have weaknesses. The sun will whether you pretty face right off your skull if you don't feed everyday. Should you ever forget to feed find the darkest place possible. The more light the more extreme misery you will feel. While only direct sunlight will kill you any light at all will cause you extreme discomfort.

Another rule is to never kill another vampire. Mortals are fair game but it is a crime against all vampires to take this gift away from one of them. Treat all vampires as your friends but also treat them with caution. Trust no one to soon."

"Was this your plan ever since we met today?" Ela asked.

"This was my plan since before today. I have had my eye on you since your 18th birthday. Enough of this talk. Let us join the rest of the family."


"Yes, My dear?"

"What about the fox that delivered the note?"

"Oh, his name is Katakeome Rust. He is a friend of mine as well. He left the family awhile ago for his own reasons. He visits every once and awhile. I had him deliver the note so he could see you himself. Amazing judgment he has. Right. Now off to the family!"

Ela noticed for the first time that Edgar didn't look older then twenty-two. He was unnaturally attractive. How could it be that a man of that age could have such a fortune? She guessed he was probably a lot older then twenty-two.

Apparently Edgar had been leading her to the house the entire time they were out for their walk. The house was a short distance away. She could see every detail of it from over two-hundred yards away. She saw Phox and Reiko passing back and forth in the windows. She guessed they knew Edgar was returning.

Edgar arrived at the door. It had the words "Darkclaw manor" carved ornately across it. Edgar opened the door and was greeted with hugs from Phox and Reiko. Ela walked timidly into the room. She realized this would be her new home from here on out. She saw Phox staring at her with a blank look on his face. Reiko slapped him in back of the head and the fennec realized his mistake and gave Reiko an apologetic smile.

Phox and Reiko hugged Ela and welcomed her home.

"I knew you would see it our way." Reiko said.

"I hope you like it here. We all do." Phox said.

She saw something in Phox that she hadn't before. But before she could figure out what it was, Phox made a gesture to Edgar.

"Ah, how about some wine?" Edgar asked.

"Yes please," said Phox.

With that everyone adjourned to the den while Edgar poured the wine in the kitchen. Ela began to question the other two members of her new family. Or she was about to but they revealed themselves on their own.

"I'm Reiko Grey. I was the son of an aristocrat. The last remaining member of the Grey family. My family was forced to flee their home when we were banished from our hometown. The whole town was poor save for us. Eventually the villagers got tired of us being the only ones with money. They killed my brother and father. My mother died from the fatigue of taking care of my little sister. My sister and I were separated when she was adopted. I was adopted by another wealthy family. I completed my education and left home. About then I became very depressed as my childhood had been wrought with distress and issues, I was anti-social and eventually was ready to take my own life. Edgar scooped me up before then."

Now that is was Phox's turn he spoke up. "My full name is Phox Sillanpaa. Edgar found me on the streets of Valisandre. I was a street rat. I never knew my parents or any of my siblings. I survived by stealing and doing street tricks. Edgar came my way and immediately saw right through me. I tried to scam him in a game of craps and he grabbed me by my scruff and threw me in an alleyway. I thought he was going to give me a good thrashing, but he was calm and he gave me his spiel. It was on my twenty-first birthday that he gave me a new life."

Ela now knew what she had sensed about him. He was different then the others as he was poor like her before Edgar came along. Now he lived well and he was happy. He didn't have to scam anyone and he had food in his stomach. He didn't even work.

At this moment Edgar entered the room with the wine and he passed everyone a glass. They all sat together through the night and enjoyed the wine and company. They learned about the new member of their family and Ela learned new things about her new family. As they soon came closer to sunrise they all left to go to their rooms. Ela noticed that her room had no windows and not a shed of light entered under the door or through any crack present. In this darkness the light headed happiness she had been feeling all night preserved.