Chapter One: Reunions

Story by Azrael_Chaosblood on SoFurry

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#2 of Avenging Blaze

Hello everyone. Here is chapter "one" of my story. Sorry if it is short, my muse ran away from me part way through writing and I had to finish up on my own. Any comments on how to improve this chapter, the story in general, or requests for events to happen are greatly appreciated. I guess I'll accept flames as well.

Chapter One: Reunions

I finally did it. I escaped from that hellhole. I really should have teleported myself to a Vampire settlement instead of the outskirts of a human village. From the moment I was brought into the village I was waited on hand and foot. That may not sound like a bad thing, but I wasn't allowed to do anything. They dressed and fed me, carried me to the bathroom, read to me, and; worst of all; they tried to entertain me. They wanted to bathe me as well but I put a stop to that immediately. They got the point when I broke a vase and held one of the shards up to the throat of the person closest to me. They never left me alone though, and it was very aggravating. I was finally left alone when I used magic in front of one of the village's inhabitants. One of my regular "companions" entered the small cabin I was kept in to see if I needed anything and caught me levitating a pot of tea over a Fireball. All I said was, "The tea was cold." He flipped out. Apparently the humans had thought I was a normal human, but since humans can't use magic they now knew I was not. I was then locked in the Elder's hut and kept under constant surveillance. I was watched over like a wolf pup without a mother. The humans all kept saying if someone were to find me they'd kill me because humans can't do magic, yet I can. They apparently never stopped to think that I might be a non-human, but no one ever accused a human of being a genius. This is how my life was spent until the Day of the Lunar Festival two years after my imprisonment. My guards got close enough to the door for me to Compel them to go get drunk and leave the door unlocked. As soon as they left I ran out of the village. As soon as I was seven miles away I stopped and pulled a Midnight Crystal out of from where it was hanging on a chain under my shirt.

"So all I have to do is use the Crystal as a focus and I won't use up all of my Mana," I muttered to myself.

I focused all of my energy through the Crystal.

"Take me to the one who is closest to me."

I was suddenly in front of Castle Lycan. A guard was standing at the end of the drawbridge. I walked up to him like a child my age would. When I reached him I looked up at him.

"Excuse me, Mister Guard, may I please go inside? I really need to talk to Lorcán," I said in an innocent voice.

"Sorry kid, no one gets inside the Castle after dark unless they have a pass," the guard replied.

"I do have a pass," I informed him in a sweet voice.

"Then let me see it," he snapped.


I calmly reached up and grabbed the front of his armor, causing it to crumple like it was made of paper instead of magium alloy. I wrenched his face down to my eye level, forcing him to look deep into the Flame Light within my crimson eyes. His expression was a mixture of shock and perplexity at the conundrum of how a child my size could be so strong.

"I am Azrael Chaosblood, son of Doom Inferno, the leader of the Pureweres, and Mate to Lorcán, the Prince-Heir of the Lycanthropes. You will let me inside this castle to see my mate NOW!!!" I commanded in a threatening voice that spoke of inconceivable torments should my wishes not be carried out.

"Y-y-you're lying, all of the Pureweres are dead, you can't be Lord Azrael, you just can't be! You died two years ago in the Great Massacre. You and your entire clan," he all but yelled, visibly shaken. Apparently he had a very active imagination.

"Take me to Lorcán and he can decide. Now, move." I ordered.

The guard sprinted along the corridors, muttering apologies to people as he pushed them out of the way. We reached Lorcán's chambers in less than ten minutes. When we opened the door we heard a voice.

"This had better be of gravest importance, or else your head will be on a spike," Lorcán snapped, "If that's you at the door Kizuna, I told you that you would die if you came in here again!"

I bolted forward at full speed, slamming full force into Lorcán with all of my weight, causing him to stumble and grab the map and parchment covered table to keep his balance. I snuggled deeply against the small of his back and fiercely wrapped my arms around his waist, not wanting to be pried away by anything short of a Divine Act, maybe not even that.

"Lorcán, I have missed you so much more than you can possibly imagine!" I yelled.

Lorcán quickly turned himself around in my arms and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, with large tears of sweetest relief streaming openly down his haggard face. His golden eyes had the haunted look of someone who thought that they had lost the most important thing to them, something dearer to them than their very life. His pale golden hair hung limp and lifeless around his shoulders and he had that defining odor of someone who had neglected to bathe for a great while. Even his demeanor seemed to be downcast.

"By the Moon Goddess Luna, I thought that I had lost you forever Azrael. I don't know if I could have survived long if that had happened," Lorcán sobbed.

"You will never have to worry about that because I am not going anywhere. I am going to stay right here beside you for the rest of time, this I swear," I replied.

Lorcán and I stood there for a while longer, but he eventually pried himself out of my arms so that he could look me over. I cringed. My hair was a dingy grey instead of its normal black tipped white, due to the fact that I never let the humans touch my hair and I never bathed while I was kept prisoner. My clothes were a loose fitting grey tunic and loose grey hose. I didn't have a fragrance because I periodically cleansed my body with magic. My demeanor had changed drastically for the better as soon as I saw Lorcán, but I wouldn't let him see my eyes. He finally grabbed my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. He gasped when he saw the Fire Light in my sapphire eyes.

"Dear Goddess, what happened to you?" he asked.

So I told him, I told him every last excruciatingly painful detail.

"But you look the same as always. Are you sure you transformed?" he asked when I finished.

I looked deep into his eyes, and then my wolf ears stood up. Between one heartbeat and the next I was in my true form. My sapphire blue eyes had become a black and crimson spiral. Tears filled Lorcán's golden eyes.

"You really are a Chaosform. Oh Azrael, I am so sorry."

I grabbed Lorcán and began sobbing into his shoulder until I fell into a nightmare filled sleep. As I sobbed I gradually turned back into my child form, except I still had my wolf ears and tail and my wings.

The next morning, I woke up in a bed with my body pressed against Lorcán's. My body felt like someone had bathed me while I slept which neither bothered nor surprised me. Lorcán seemed to have woken before me as he was slowly and soothingly stroking my hair. I rubbed my head against his thigh when I noticed something. Lorcán was naked. I looked up at him with an inquisitive expression on my face and a question in my eyes. He looked back at me with a goofy grin and dancing eyes. He slowly leaned down and took my lips with his, giving me my first kiss ever. We stayed that way for what seemed like centuries, and then the door suddenly burst open.

"Lorcán, I heard you finally came to your senses and called off that ridiculous search for Erol or whatever his name was. I am so sorry for your loss but I came up with a way to take your mind off of it. Why don't we go for a ride in the forest and have a picnic. Today is a beautiful day for EEP!!! Who is that?" the intruder demanded.

The girl looked about eighteen. She had flowing red hair and a petite figure. She looked to be 5'7" tall and around 140 pounds. Her dress was dark green velvet with two black roses at the shoulders and another holding her hair back behind her right ear. Her eyes were a forest green.

Lorcán reluctantly broke our kiss and wrapped his arms around me protectively as well as possessively.

"Kizuna, mind your own business," Lorcán stated simply.

"You are not getting away from the topic that easily. You are mine, no one else's, mine," Kizuna replied.

I suddenly let out a growl that said 'Bitch, if you try to take him from me I will destroy you.'

"Kizuna, you may want to leave now. I have no control over Azrael's actions if you make him angry, nor will I intervene as you have challenged our bond, though it may not yet be physical," Lorcán advised her.

Kizuna's eyes widened then hardened.

"So this is Azrael. He doesn't look like much. I bet I could defeat him in a challenge."

That was the last straw. I turned around and glared at Kizuna.

"I do not like you. By choosing to ignore Lorcán's advice you have shown him great disrespect, and disrespecting Lorcán is a fatal offense in my mind. Now leave. Sweeping winds of Time and Space, take this interloper from this place. As a Chaosform I am the key, as I will it so mote it be."

Kizuna's eyes widened in shock and then she was gone.

"That was rather flashy love. I don't think that Kizuna or her Clan will appreciate that very much. You may have made a powerful enemy just now," Lorcán warned.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Kizuna is from a very powerful clan of Fox Daemons. They hold great sway in the Council."

"Any jackass can go through life without making enemies; however true leaders make an enemy everyday. We will just have to wait and see what happens with Kizuna and her Clan. For now, I want to sleep some more. Would you like to join me?" I asked Lorcán.

"Yes, I believe I would," he replied.

That is exactly what we did. I curled up against Lorcán and he wrapped his arms around me. We slept that way for another six hours. At that point, Lorcán's Captain of his bodyguard came in to make sure that Lorcán wasn't dead and yelled loud enough to wake the dead. From what I remember, he yelled out something like, "What the HELL?!"

Lorcán woke up immediately, yet I slept right through the Captain's shouts. When you spend most of your life being abused and deprived sleep, you gain the ability to sleep through a Clan War.