Red and Tails 4

Story by Llyth on SoFurry

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#4 of Red and Tails

Red and Tails - Chapter 4

-- Sorry for the long wait. I have been busy as hell. To those who looked forward to this hear it is. Expect chapter 5 to be out within a month. And if you have any good ideas for the story, Please feel free to email me with any comments or concerns. If you want to use this story on your website, please give credit to me as the author and include a link to my email address for questions and comments. Thank you


Tails was laying on the bed when I came in. I could tell that her experience with Lan had not been like ours. I had been able to give her pleasure where all he could really give her was children. So I knew that I had to help her get what she wanted.

'What am I to do? I have to take care of her.' I thought with a smile. I moved my self behind Tails and lifted her but in the air. She looked back at me with anticipation and I could tell she had a smile on her face.

"Please do it now." I could hear in my mind. I patted her on the back to signify that it was time. I lowered my face to her waiting and trembling pussy. I stuck my nose in to get a sniff of what was waiting for me. It smelled like roses on a spring afternoon. When the tip of my nose touched her ever so slightly, I could feel a tremble tear though her body, as well as mine.

"Stop teasing me Red." I heard her say. A slight wimper escaped from her and I chuckled. I extended my tongue and licked the outside of her pussy. The taste was like sweet honey and necter. I licked the opening of her ever so slightly and another chill ran through my body. This was the most exciting time of my life.

I continued to lick her ever so gently and ever so slowly to savour the taste and and make it as pleasurable as I could for her. Her tails were draping over my back like they were protecting me if anything should attack me from behind. Every other lick or so she would either pat one or two of her tails on my back or she would rub my back with all nine of them like a furry massage. She keeped me in a state of constant arousal. And I in turn returned the favor.

I started to lick deeper and I noticed a difference in the taste. I was salty and smelled musky. I knew Tails was really wet from anticipation, but I didn't expect this much. I also noticed that she was pushing and squeezing unlike any I have ever felt before. As I continued to pleasure her orally the thought struck me why she was like this and before I could do anything about it, it was too late. She had had another orgasm but instead of just her juices gushing into my face, there was another mixture of juices pouring out onto my face. It was the other Ninetails Lan's sperm that was mixed up with hers.

I tried to lick up as much as I could but the amount was just too much. I tasted unique and spunky, but not as good as Tails Juices. Tails was shaking and her tails were shivering on my back. After she had stopped I pulled my face away from her and sat back and started to breath heavily. I had noticed was too busy sucjing up and swallowing the fluid from her that I had forgotted to breathe. I had her's and Lan's juices all over me. My face was covered as well as my chest. I looked over to Tails, She had collapsed onto the bed adn was too breathing heavily. I got on my knees and crawled over and plopped on my back just as the fluid on my chest and face were drying. She set her head one my chest and once it touched she immediatly brought it up and looked at me.

"You are all sticky." She said looking motioning towards my chest.

"You had a little more in you then what you did every other time. I couldn't keep it all from going everywhere." I said with a smile while placing my hand on here head and rubbing her gently. She placed her head on my chest and started to lick my chest, cleaning me off of the mess we had made.

"mmmmm...I taste different then the other times I have tried." She had completed with my chest and moved to my neck. I was starting to get really hard now.

"Well when you mated with Lan, he came inside you like I do when we mate." She bought her head up and met eyes with me.

"Well of course he did." I felt a bit of sarcasm in her voice when she said that. I just laughed at it in her mind and I could tell that she felt it and smiled and laughed. She returned to licking my neck.

"When you orgasmed, you expelled his juices with yours. It was weird. You have never done that before with mine." She had finished with my neck and started to lick my face starting with my cheek. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling.

"Well after I had mated with Lan and decided it wasn't what I expected. I decided that I didn't want his juices in me and decided to get rid of the. I did it the only way I know how." She had moved to my other cheek and I could feel her tongue touching the side of my mouth.

"But Why do you not do that with mine?" As I asked her this she locked eyes with me. I could feel a lot of warmth in her. I let that warmth reach out to my mind and I knew that feeling. I let it spread over me like a blanket. I knew what she was about to say before she was going to say it.

"It is because I love you Red, and you love me. I can feel it when I wake up in the morning to the touch of your hand rubbing against my body. Now let me finish cleaning off your face." She resumed her cleaning and was licking my chin. She started to the underside and worked to the bottom of my lips. She started to come up my face until she was just licking my lips. I opened my mouth and let her stick her tongue inside my mouth. I could feel her smooth tongue on mine. She was probing my mouth and licking my tongue and upper portion of my mouth. I was loving this. This was like we were making out. No. We were making out. I let a moan escape from my stomach. I opened my eyes and noticed that she had crawled onto my chest and a though of something new entered my mind.

"Tails, do you want want to try something new?" I asked her hoping she would say yes. She stopped "kissing" me. She looked me in the eyes and titled her head.

"What is it?"

"Well look where you pussy is. We can mate this way. All you have to do is sit up." As I told her this she followed my instructions clearly. I told her to rest her pussy over my cock and to slowly lower herself onto it. She looked at me confused for a second but then complied. I put my hands around her hips and helped guide her onto me. I found her pussy and as my dick slowly split her lips and entered her waiting pussy. The feeling of warmth and solitude ran over me. He waiting pussy was wetter then ever as I slowly slid into her inch by inch. She had closed her eyes and a growl escaped her lips. I could feel her pussy gripping my cock, almost like she was trying to make me apart of her. When I had slipped all the way in, we were not a human and ninetails anymore. We were one.

" I do now?" She asked me while I felt her legs shiver in anticipation.

"Let me guide you Tails." I grabbed at her hips and started to rock her back and forth. She placed her front paws on each side of me and was in a half standing position. Those first few strokes were bliss. Tails pussy was like heaven to me. After a few strokes, I let her do the movement. She had caught on right away. She would rock forward until only the head of my dick was inside her then she would rock back and grant me passage way inside her. All the while grasping onto my dick for dear life. She had the greated control over her muscles that no human could ever have. Squeeze and release, in and out. That was our rhythm.

During every strock I could hear her growl and in my mind I could hear her talking to me.

"Oh...this is so good...Red I can feel your warmth and you are so deep inside me...I need you...I love you...You are my only mate." She looked me in the eyes when she said that and I smiled. Our rhythm had started to speed up and I was starting to thrust into her. Her hind legs would shiver every now and then.

"Oh my god it is happening again Red. I think I am going to have one of those things." She was breathing heavily now. Even I was. She was the most amazing creature in the world. And we were attached in a way no one in the world would understand.

"You are have an orgasm. I am...too."

"I want you to cum inside me Red...I need you to come with me...make me yours Red." I looked her in the eye. She was rocking faster and faster and more or less just jumping up and down on my cock. I matched her every stroke with one of my own. I started to feel a tension rise in my loins. It wasn't to be long before I would cum. i didn't want it to happen. I wanted to fuck Tails forever. I could feel her pussy grasping at me with all her might. She was sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body. I could feel the back of her pussy as we got faster and I got deeper into her. It wouldn't be long now.

"I...I am commmmming Red...I am...COMMMMING!" And with that, a huge roar came from her. One which I have never heard before. My eyes shot open wide. Her pussy clamped down on mine and her whole body started to pulse. She had hit her climax. And that was all I needed to cum as well. With one final thrust into her waiting body, I spewed my juices inside of her. I came what felt like for hours. My hips off the ground and grasping onto her hips for dear life. My Dick was pulsing in line with her orgasm. Everytime she squeezed, I would send another wave of sperm into her waiting pussy. Wave after wave hit us. Until it had finally subsided.

After I had finished I stayed inside Tails as she collapsed on top of me. I looked her in the eyes and she started to lick at my mouth. I allowed her entry and we "kissed" for what seemed like hours but was only minutes.

"Red, thank you for helping me out. I really need this after my experience with Lan. You know me better then anyone else. I love you Red." She was looking me in the eyes with sincerity. I wrapped my arms around her trying to bring her as close as I could to my body. I kissed her on her nose.

"I love you too Tails." We started to Kiss again. But then she stopped. Her ears flicked up and she looked at the door. I got frightened when I heard a growl that wasn't from Tails. I look over to the door to see that it was slightly ajar. Lan had stuck his head through and was growling at me.I didn't move and neither did Tails.

"Lan NO!" I heard on the other side of the door. I was wondering if she was spying on us the whole time. Naomi pulled Lan away and opened the door and saw Tails laying on top of me wih my dick limp inside her. She had put on her night gown adn was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"I hoped you two didn't make a mess on my sheets." She said tapping her feet. Tails slid off of me and laid down next to me. I sat up in bed and just looked at Naomi while rubbing Tails head and back.

"Were you spying on us?" I asked Naomi. She just nodded and looked at me with a smile. She started to walk over to the bed and was going to sit down, but a growl from Tails stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Tails what is the matter with you?" I asked. Tails looked at me with a smile.

"I though I would just return the favor of what Lan did." I laughed a little and told Naomi to sit next to me. I turned to her and Tails got up and repositioned herself so that she could lay her head in my lap. I felt kind of weird that Naomi was the only one dressed. But since we have already seen each other naked. It didn't bother me as much.

"How much did you see?" I asked her.

"I watched about the whole thing. And when Tails growled really loud, that woke up Lan and he rushed up hear and broke my cover." She patted Tails on the head.

"You really do have a special connection with he don't you?" She asked me. I rubbed Tails back and she returned it buy licking me in my crotch area. Naomi laughed a little. I looked at Naomi smiling.

"We really do. I can talk to her and I know how she feels. She is the same with me. But aren't you and Lan like that too?" She looked at me and was kind of saddened.

"No, not really. I can speak to him through my mind but I can't feel him like you do with Tails. I guess he is just not as attached to me as I am with him."

"I am sure it will get better over time. Just show that you love him."

"I will try that." She said. And with that she stood up and went to the doorway.

"I suppose you will be leaving in the morning." She said without looking at me.

"yeah, we probably will. Thank you for your hospitality if we don't see you bright and early tomorrow."

"Most likely not." She said and strolled of towards her room. Lan followed right behind her. I laid my head down and rested it on a pillow. Tails laid her head on my chest and licked me on the lips on last time.

"Good night Red." With that she closed her eyes and fell asleep. She must have been dead tired.

"Good night my love." I said and closed my eyes and had sweet dreams about Tails and I.

I woke up to a dream of me and Tails mating. Except this was different. I too was a ninetails and I was comming inside of Tails. It felt so real. That is when I woke up to notice that Tails had her mouth over my dick and was giving me a blowjob. I came in her mouth and she licked it all up.

"What where you doing?" I asked half hearted. She looked at me and smiled.

"I was a little hungry. You can't blame a Ninetails for wanting breakfast." She said. The sun had just rose and a new day began. I got out of bed and headed towards the shower. Tails followed me into the shower and we had fun showering together. After we got out and had dryed off, I packed all my things and gotted dressed. As I exited my room, I looked over to see that Naomi's door was closed tight. I smiled and left the cabin. As I closed the door I saw Tails round the corner of the Cabin. She walked to the side of the House which Naomi's room was on. I wondered I she had to go the bathroom.

"Red come her and look at this." I followed her and when I turned the corner. I saw Tails sitting on a box smiling at me. Her head turned back towards a window that looked into Naomi's room.

"You know, spying on people is not nice." I told Tails.

"Well she did it to us and you might like what you see." I walked over to the window and my mouth dropped open to what I saw...

To Be continued...