Dragons Lair

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Courting

Dragon's Lair

Cindy let out the breath she was holding, trying her best to relax, shining her mag light torch left and then right, staring down the length of the tunnel she was in.

She was sitting against one wall, a map spread between her legs, trying to see where exactly she was going. She was dressed in hiking gear, with a heavy pack on her back with mountaineering picks, nylon rope, and a GPS attached. The GPS had gone silent a while ago, the orbiting satellite unable to pick up her signal any more.

All alone in this mountain, the young human was looking for, of all things, treasure. More specifically, a dragons hoard.

There were several legends concerning a mountain in this range that contained a vast hoard of treasure, apparently a dragon's. She didn't hold to such nonsense, obviously, dragons were fairy tale creatures designed to keep children in line with stories of their vast ferocity and general ill-tempered attitude towards everything.

But, the rumours of treasure were true. There was irrefutable proof, at least in her mind, in the village tales of the men who had trekked into the mountains and returns with armfuls of gold, speaking of a wondrous cavern filled with gold for the taking. They had, of course, tried to return to claim more gold for themselves, but they were never heard from again. She suspected that was where the legend of the dragon had come from.

A group of men stumble on a cavern filled with treasure, set out to get more and never return? superstitious villagers could easily claim that as a dragons doing.

Cindy folded the map neatly into a square and put it back in her pocket, careful not to wreck or crumple it. It was a very old map, found on the corpse of a man who had allegedly found the bodies of the men who had gone missing. She wasn't sure what that story was all about, but it was hers now, and she was following it, and it had led her only true so far.

Picking up her torch again, she set off deeper into the mountain, noting that it was gradually getting warmer, despite the fact that she was descending into the earth. Perhaps there was volcanic activity down here?

She pushed those thoughts out of her head and kept walking, noticing that up ahead, the tunnel widened out, and a peculiar glow emanated from around the next corner. "Lovely...Magma..." she muttered to herself, shaking her head.

If there was magma down here, it meant that it would have probably have radically altered the portion of geography she needed for the map.

Sliding up to the corner, she peeked her head around, cautiously, and her eyes went wide, a soft, convulsive spluttering coming from within her throat.

Magma! but more importantly, treasure! right there! Piles and piles of treasure! As far as the eye could see, pile upon pile of treasure!

She took a tentative step forwards, letting her eyes adjust to the light that reflected copiously off the reflective treasure.

It took her only a few steps to reach the treasure and then sit down heavily next to it, scraping a small pile of precious stones towards her, eyes wide and amazed. "It's real...It's all real."

She looked about furtively, as if to see if anyone had heard her talking to herself, and then went back to the treasure, picking a coin up and testing it's weight, giving a shake of her head, disbelieving.

Cindy dropped the pack off her back, and slid forwards, dropping her pack from her shoulders and inspecting a piece of treasure,frowning to herself before digging into the pile of gems, pulling out a small ruby, small being a relative term as the ruby was the size of eye, perfectly cut. She pocketed it, picked up her pack, and left.

* * *

Cindy returned later that month, same gear, same backpack, but this time, without the raw need for the money the treasure could bring. As a consequence, she was rather bouncy in her movements, happy, black hair flowing as she moved in towards the centre of the piles of treasure, pulling a clipboard out of her backpack and sitting down, dragging a vase towards her and peering at the carving on it curiously, frowning at the odd runes.

She wrote down on the clipboard a little bit of info about the treasure and then sighed softly, lying back a little. She was here to do some provisioning, to find out what held archaeological value, or historical value. The people at the museum who had hired her to go back down here were paying her a generous fee for anything she could find that might turn out to be the next Rosetta Stone.

"I hope you weren't thinking of taking that." A voice said, rather bluntly, from somewhere behind her.

Cindy sat up so quickly, that one would think that she had received a shock from an electric cattle prod.

"Who's there?" She asked, eyes wide as she looked in the direction the voice had come from. She had specifically said that she was the only person to go to the treasure, and hadn't even told the members of the board that had hired her where the treasure was located.

"Humans really are blind..." The voice said, and a sudden movement near her made her give a strangled scream.

It was huge. Absolutely massive.

All she saw was the head, which had been sitting near her all along, rise, yellow eyes slowly opening as the golden scaled muzzle parted for speech, the male, deep, masculine voice coming somehow from such a large creature. Now she knew what she was looking for, she could see all of him, the huge membranous wings, the massive body and gigantic legs. She could even see the giant golden tail lying like a dead snake in the treasure.

"Um...no! I-I wasn't going to take it!" She squeaked, scrambling backwards, painfully aware of how tight with fear her chest was.

"I rather think you were going to." The dragon said casually, rising from his position and taking a single step towards, a step that, in her imagination, shook the ground.

"O-okay! I was going to! but I didn't know you were here!...please don't eat me!" She said with pure fear in her every syllable, trying to scramble behind a suit of armour, knocking the heavy iron sword, encrusted with jewels from the suits hands.

Cindy dove for the sword, pulling it awkwardly into her hands and staring at the dragon, holding the sword as best she could. "Back! I-I'll hurt you!" she said, with as much bravery as she could muster, her voice breaking.

the dragon tilted his head a little, pupils dilating as he moved a little closer, an eye ridge raised. He pointed a talon sideways, where another suit of armour stood, and flicked his eyes to it. "That, is you." he said. "And this is what I can do." He continued, taking a lazy swipe at it with a paw and slicing the head of the armour cleanly from it's shoulders. "Now would you please put down the piece of metal before I get angry?"

"How do I know you won't kill me!?" She asked, still holding the sword firmly to her chest like it was a life vest.

"What's to stop me doing it anyway?" He asked, snorting, a plume of purple fire escaping his nostrils, making Cindy jump, squeak, and drop the blade.

"See? was that so hard?" The dragon asked in a lower voice, eyes narrowing a little as he looked her up and down appraisingly. "Just why are you stealing my treasure, hmm?" he asked casually, head tilted. "Or is that your past-time, a thief?"

"I'm not a thief!" She protested. "If I had of known you were here I wouldn't have touched any of it, I swear!" she pleaded, eyes wide, hands out,placating.

"Now that, I believe." The dragon said with a soft chuckle. "And please, stop acting like a scared mouse, I'm not going to eat you so long as you don't try to take any more of my treasure. You already staked your claim, and left, you have no right to come back looking for more."

"S-staked my claim?" She asked, bewildered. "I didn't do anything like that!" She protested, looking close to tears.

"Yes you did, you took a diamond, that was your allowance. The rule is that you are only one chance to take as much treasure as you can carry, after that, it is my duty to stop you taking any more." the dragon said calmly, smiling at her, a disconcerting effect that revealed far too many of his pearly white teeth for Cindy's liking.

"B-but why don't people know about dragons then?" She asked, looking at her feet, confused.

"My dear girl...are you going to tell any one about me?" He asked with a soft chuckle again, his breath washing over her, and rather than the hot, rancid breath she had expected, it was rather warm, and not nearly as unpleasant as she had thought it would be.

"N-no." She said, shaking her head. "I'm not going to..."

Tentatively, she peered up at him, looking him over from snout to tailtip, appraisingly. She was very in to dragons, and it was one her guilty fantasies that she would one day meet a dragon and be seduced by him. But that was her fantasies! Her mind was still coming to grip with the fact that she was sitting there, in a dragons lair, talking to a living, breathing dragon.

"I'm going to sleep now, you should leave, take all your stuff, and none of mine, and leave." He said bluntly.

"Th-that's all?" She asked, looking up at him, shaking her head a little.

"Did you want a scar as a souvenir?" He asked, tilting his head.

"No!" She said rather suddenly, scooting backwards away from him again. "I-its just that...You have so much treasure, and we...I mean...humans...could learn so much from it! I'm not being greedy...I just want to let people learn from what treasure is in here..." She said, and then shook her head. "No, forget I said anything."

"Forgetting is not so easy." The dragon said from right in front of her, his breath washing over her, making her look up with wide, scared eyes, right into the dragons own calm eyes.

They held her in thrall, frozen, unable to move, like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, and suddenly, she felt images, thoughts, memories popping into her mind, almost as if the dragon was going through her thoughts. But that was impossible? Wasn't it?

Her mind told her it was all impossible, the dragon, everything, and then suddenly, the image in her mind intensified, became sharper and more clearer, and she realised it was one of her many fantasies about dragon, and she gulped, forcefully pulling her head back and braking eye contact, her head spinning.

"....I believe you." The dragon said simply, inclining his head towards her. "You may take one piece of treasure from this room, when I say you may go, but until then, I wish you to keep me company. There is much I wish to know. I have not left this room in many a century."

"Y-you want me to stay?" She asked, about to protest, but then quieting herself. After all, he was a lot bigger than her, and, from the sounds of it, a very great deal older.

"First, tell me your name." The dragon said, lowering his large head to rest it on his forepaws, yellow eyes observing her curiously.

"Cindy." She said, looking at him, sitting on her ass with her knees drawn up to her chest, arms around them, protectively, rocking back and forth slightly. "W-what's your name?"

"My name, has been lost for many centuries, with the last person who knew it. You may call me Stonetooth, for now. Maybe, if I trust you enough, I will give you my real name." he said, eyes glowing like coals.

"O-okay." She said, looking at her feet, and then looking back at the dragon.

He kept her there for several hours, asking mainly of china, and how it was going, reminiscing about the times he had taken part in the festivals there, and gasping in horror as she relayed the basic image of what Chinese dragons looked like in the festivals. "So ugly!" He had remarked, and she had agreed with him wholeheartedly.

She was kept in the lair for so long, that she deemed it safer to stay there the night and return back to the nearest town come morning.

Stonetooth had, grudgingly, agreed, and offered the a space to sleep by him, where it warm and cozy, the reverberating beats of the dragons massive heart and the sound of his breathing lulling her to sleep. But sleep wasn't coming easy, the rifling of her mind by the dragon had awakened her long-dead fantasies of dragons, and she couldn't help but lay awake and relive them, and wonder if she had the nerve to ever try and live them for real now that she knew a real dragon. But no, she was far too timid for that, wasn't she? This was a real dragon, not some fantasy creature that was magically attracted to her.

"What is bothering you?" The dragon asked, twisting his large head down towards her, yellow eyes blinking open. "Your constant shifting is keeping me from sleeping."

"J-just sleep. I'll stop moving." She assured, brushing a bright red and breathing a little faster and shallower. "It's nothing.."

"It doesn't sound like nothing." The dragon said with a soft grumble. "So either tell me, or I'll pull the information out of your mind."

"I-its...." She paused, the nervousness in her voice very apparent. "Um...It's just..." her eyes rapidly flicked from side to side as she tried to think of what to say while still sounding truthful. "I'm just...um..thinking of asking you something that I don't want to ask...not really.." She said, with a firm nod, settling for being vague.

"Then ask." the dragon said irritably,frowning at her and laying his head down. "I won't ignite you if you ask the wrong thing."

"B-but the question is...it's...um...rude." She said, shaking her head frantically.

"Dragon's don't adhere to the same strict rules of formality as humans, we don't care what you ask." The dragon assured. "So just ask so I can go back to sleep."

Cindy tilted her head, and flushed a little further, looking the other way, leaning against his belly a little, looking down at her hand, and then tentatively lifting it, until her fingertips were pressed against the scales of his stomach, and she began a slow stroking motion, caressing his scales gently.

"An odd way to ask a question." The dragon commented, shifting a bit.

She let out a shaky breath and looked back towards his muzzle, and gave the softest of whimpers, steeling herself, before she slid her hand back and down a little, until it reached the entrance of his sheath.

Cindy heard, and felt the dragon move, his head popping up at the sudden feeling of something touching his most private area, his tail giving a quick thrash and knocking over several expensive vases with loud crashes.

But no rebuke came, and she continued to gently slide her fingertips over the entrance, kneading smoothly at the hard, scaled flesh.

With a slight shiver, she leaned in closer and stroked her fingers deeper into the opening, squeezing past the tightness to rub at the hidden flesh within, earning her a long, grating hiss from the dragon as he settled back down, rolling further onto his side to give her better access, tail twitching through the piles of treasure.

She took that as a sign that she was doing well, leaning in even closer, shifting so that she was sitting right next to his sheath, and holding it in both hand, spreading it open with her fingers and using the tips of her thumb to stroke and rub at the pink flesh inside, until it began to emerge, his sheath swelling as the head of his draconic member peeked from its home.

On impulse, she shifted her hand, sliding one down to rub at the dragons balls gently, kneading them, taking each in a heavy handful, while her other hand wrapped about the shaft, just below the head, and began to stroke slowly, up and down, her face flushed and her breathing hard and heavy.

She couldn't believe she was actually doing it, living out her fantasies with a real dragon, stroking at his stiffening cock and rubbing his balls.

"I-is that a yes?" she asked tentatively of the dragon, giving the head of his thick length a gentle squeeze.

A soft rumble was her only answer for a few second, and then, "Yes! please! go on!" The dragon hissed, a note of something that sounded suspiciously like pleading in his tone.

She nodded, and then returned her attention to the length in front of her, leaning in and blowing a cool wash of air over it, making the dragon gasp and jerk a bit, and, surprising herself, Cindy giggled gently.

Seemingly emboldened by the dragons writhing, she leaned in closer, giving a gentle kiss to the head of the dragons length, which very quickly turned into a laving tongue stroke, and then into a light suckle, the taste of the dragons length, the heat, the scent, more than she could have fantasized about in her guiltiest moments.

Giving the length a few more gentle strokes, she pulled back, rubbing furiously, encouraging his length to slide free to full hardness.

She moved back a little to see his length fully and couldn't help but gasp at the sheer size of it. She doubted that any human female could take it all without serious injury, and she moved back in closer again, running her fingertips from top to bottom, admiring the sheer hardness of it, how smooth it felt between her fingers. Her tongue returned to the head, even as her hands worked him once more, the human giving her slow licks from just under the head to the very tip, ending with a gently suckle on the very end.

Her hands moved faster, her free hand moving back to his balls and rubbing gently, her mouth sliding as far over the end as she could manage as her tongue swirled across him lustfully, rapidly flicking at his length as she felt him start to throb against her, streams of his thick pre spilling from his tip onto her tongue, making her moan at the exotic, alien taste.

Cindy shifted closer, and began to work him furiously, turning her head and suckling powerfully at the edges of his tip as she rubbed and stroked, eager for his seed.

It took only a another few moments of this stimulation, before she heard his mighty roar and felt his length pulse and throb wildly in her grip. She quickly moved back to his tip, licking along it as fast as she could, smiling as she laved her tongue on the dragons cock, before a sudden heavy pulse of his thick, hot dragon cum spilled from his length and jetted right into her mouth.

She was stunned, surprised by the creamy substance suddenly filling her mouth, swallowing convulsively, reflexively, even as another spurt quickly followed, shooting against the mass already there, the thick, glutinous seed splashing over her mouth and neck as her eyes went wide, trying to swallow faster as more and more followed, the heat covering her front and face as she suckled eagerly at his length, trying to get as much as she could, uncaring how much covered her, the copious spurts eventually coming to a stop.

Cindy turned back towards the dragon, her eyes still wide as droplets of cum spilled and dribbled from her mouth and down her face, her breathing heavy and hard as she looked at him, his head raising to look at her, a soft purr in his throat. "That was good..." He said with a long, heavy contented sigh. "But now...I need to sleep now.." he murmured as he laid his head down on a pile of treasure,eyes closing slowly, and quickly, he was snoring.

The young human gave a smile, licking her lips free of the mess he had created, eyes sparkling as she gave the dragons length an affectionate lick, exulting in the power she held over the mighty creature.

* * *

The next morning, she was all packed up and ready to go, the vase carefully strapped to her chest, where she couldn't break it, hopefully, and the dragon watched her go sadly. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." She said, with a smile.

Stonetooth nodded, and then slid forwards a little, delicately picking up a small ruby from a pile of treasure and dropping it into her vase with a plinking sound. "I'll be waiting."