Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey: Chapter 4 - Into The Night, To The Studio!

Story by ThelenOrca on SoFurry

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#4 of Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey

Hey, folks! Here's the fourth installment of the Helios Awaken, A Band's Journey series! The band is about to start recording their EP, and things are about to get serious!

WARNING: This chapter may contain naughty bits of the male on male variety. If that's not your things, back out now while you still can. It's all good!

Machoke is copyrighted to Game Freak and Nintendo. I do not own the species.

"Thel, get your blubbery ass out here! We're burning daylight!" Travis yelled.

In a rush, Thelen grabbed his two bags of clothing and ran for the door, his father behind him. Outside, Travis and Max were waiting by Max's vehicle, towing a small trailer of musical gear. Behind that, Garrett's car containing the other four members of the band was parked. Seven months into Helios Awaken's inception, the band was finally going to record their first EP.

Garrett was able to get a decent deal with a studio in a city about 350 miles away. Bargaining like a master manager, he was able to get a week deal on the studio for a 6-song EP, complete with living arrangements, for a solid four thousand credits. The band was easily able to scrounge up the money between the seven of them, especially with Rory taking advantage of his inheritance from his grandparents and paying one grand on his own.

Today was the big day, the five and a half hour drive to Doulmont City for recording of the Psychiatry EP.

As Thelen ran outside, Travis continued to yell at him to hurry up, anxious to get the drive over with.

"It's already noon, you know! We don't have too much time here, and you KNOW how Max is driving in the dark."

"I KNOW, I know, just had to double check my stuff," Thel said, placing his luggage in the trunk. "I can't afford to forget for this drive."

"Okay, sure. Just hurry the hell up, dude!" Travis exclaimed. He really got on Thelen's nerves at times, but he was able to look past the angst and understand that he wasn't all too bad. He was a reliable friend, and a fantastic drummer, not to mention he wasn't the worst looking dragon in the world.

"Cut him some slack, TM! I spent half an hour saying goodbye to Jill earlier!" DJ yelled from outside Garrett's car.

At that little jibe, Travis cringed and shut his mouth. He absolutely despised being called "TM"; it was an obvious reference to their favorite RPG games, and it embarrassed him greatly to be acknowledged by such a "nerdy" name.

"Don't be an ass, DJ! He gets the point!" Thelen shouted over, shutting the trunk, making sure the latch on the trailer stayed sure. Once the trunk was secure, the orca walked over to his father, standing by the door, a proud grin on his face.

"You got everything you need, Thel?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm good."

"Okay, be careful, it's a long and boring drive," his father now looking off into the distance. "I trust you know what you're doing though."

The older orca pulled his son into a tight hug, one that Thelen happily returned.

"I'll see you in a week, Dad. It's not that long."

"I know, but I'm going to still call every day. You're my son, I'm going to worry!" his father chuckled, not breaking the embrace.

"I love you son."

"Love you too, Dad."

With that, the embrace was broken. Thelen ran to the car, waving to his dad as they pulled away from the house and down the street, beginning their trip.


Thelen's father wasn't lying, the ride would've been boring had it not been for Max's genius time-wasting CD's. Four discs, packed to the brim with sing-alongs ranging from heavy metal ballads, pop-punk jams, and even cheesy pop hits from decades ago, helped the trio in Max's vehicle stay awake for the time spent on the road. Travis even joined in on the fun, though he wasn't the best of singers, but he acknowledged his lack of vocal talent and just sang along anyway.

There were a few rest stops taken along the way, which allowed the group to get drinks and use the bathroom, but aside from the rest stops, the entire drive was through nothing. It was a vast expanse of slightly hilly land, filled with farms, forests, and vacant land. It was a solid four hours before the group finally encountered civilization again, which surrounded them quickly, turning from outskirt suburbia into deep city within ten minutes.

The group had to drive through a lot of traffic, but after another hour of driving through crowded city streets, they reached their destination, a suburban building just on the outer edge of the city. A light-gray wolf with dyed white hair was waiting outside the building, and he walked up to our parked vehicles.

"How was the drive, you guys?" he asked politely.

"Long, boring, but not bad overall, thanks." Garrett said, also opening the trailer to get his bass gear.

"You could say that again!" Nat chimed in, climbing out of the car with an obvious bedhead; he slept for the majority of the trip.

The wolf offered his paw to the band mates, giving them a formal introduction.

"I'm Vincent Thor, and I'll be helping produce this album for you guys. I really can't wait to work with you all! I really enjoyed the demos I heard, especially "Anger." That song is going to sound even more chaotic once I get through with it!"

After shaking his hand, Nat blushed deeply, happy to hear their producer enjoyed their work. "Thank you so much! I really wasn't sure if we got it where we wanted it at first, so I can't wait to hear what you've got in store."

The wolf grinned down at Nat. "Oh, you bet. I think we're going to have one hell of a week here."

At that, the entire band grinned. They got exactly what they were hoping for, an optimistic and determined producer who was also supportive.


After the band got their equipment inside, Vincent gave them all a tour of the studio. It was a rather large building, complete with three bedrooms for the band, a mixing room, two sound booths, a vocal booth, two bathrooms, a full kitchen, a large living area with television, and a laundry room that they could use. In addition, there were dozens of different pedals and amps for the guitars and bass, as well as a backup drum set. Vincent also had a computer stocked with thousands of different synthesizer and electronic options, which made Max start drooling almost immediately.

"Okay, so now that you guys have the rundown of the place, here are some ground rules to the place." Vincent started, making sure he had their full attention.

"One: This is all yours to use, but I expect you all to respect it. If you break it, you replace it.

Two: I've got nothing against you guys having a little fun, but make sure it isn't on studio time. If you've got something to do, you get it done. There's no sense in your money go to waste by having too much fun, so get all you can out of your time here."

Three: I've got Wi-Fi here for you guys, so go nuts on your free time. But don't ever use the studio computer to go on the internet. It's not connected for a reason, and if one of you tries to use it for the internet, you run the risk of hackers getting your album early and leaking it everywhere. You guys already have fans: any and all progress we make WILL get leaked or even messed with if we're not careful.

And last: If you guys choose to get a little freaky during your nights here, I've got nothing against it. Just make sure you clean everything up before you're gone. I'm not running a studio with bedrooms that permanently smell of sweat and shame, you get me?"

With a group "Yes", the band agreed to the mandate.

"Good. I'll be in my room on the first floor if anybody needs me. Have a good night, guys. Tomorrow, we begin recording your album!"

With that, the wolf left the band to revel in the excitement, which they definitely did. Thelen and Max hugged deeply, and high fives were shared all around. Then the band went to separate their things and choose rooms. Thelen and Max shared a room, with a Garrett and Travis in the second. The last room, being the largest, went to Rory, DJ, and Nat.


Max and Thelen found themselves in a very familiar position, cuddling on the couch and watching TV. Thelen loved the feeling of Max's head resting on his belly, and he could tell Max was about ready to pass out from the comfort as well.

"D'awww, they're SOOOOO cuUUUUuuuute!"

The static-y female voice jolted the both of them, looking over to see DJ on his laptop, with his girlfriend Jill on webcam. She was already in hysterics from seeing the two of them jump, the golden retriever laughing her head off on the screen.

"I'm sorry guys, I just couldn't help myself when I saw you two," DJ stated subtly.

"Yeah, you two are so adorable together!" Jill said.

"Thank you, but don't do that. Ever," Max bluntly retorted. He was wide awake now, off of the couch and stretching.

The orca was disappointed at the lack of his gator on the couch by him.

"See what you did, Jill? You ruined our moment!" Thelen said, looking sadly into the webcam.

"I'm sorry, big guy, but that was way too funny. Blame me, not DJ."

"Fair enough. G'night Jill," Thelen said with a fake smile, waving to the camera. He got up from the couch and followed Max out to the porch of the building, which overlooked a river on the side of the city. The skyscrapers' lights crowded the sky, giving a great view of Doulmont City nightlife.

Max felt his lover hugging him from behind, the orca's arms comforting him in the night air.

"You okay, Max? You looked mad from being woken up."

"Yeah, I'm okay. A little frazzled, but I'll be alright."

Max turned his head, meeting his lips with Thelen's, holding each other for a moment. They then made their way to their room, where they cuddled in bed for the night. Max could've sworn he'd heard thumping from the next room over, but it ceased quickly. He shrugged it off as he drifted off to sleep, his big whale holding him tight.


"Oh god, did I need that" Garrett huffed, lying in the bed. His cock was completely spent, his cum covering his gray chest and head.

"...shut up, Garrett" Travis said, pulling out from Garrett's abused hole, now leaking the dragon's seed.

The two kissed deeply before cleaning up their mess. During the cleanup, Travis asked Garrett a question he knew was already on the Machoke's mind.

"So are you going to tell Thel about us? He deserves to know, you know."

A sigh was all the dragon could get out of Garrett. His lover was deep in thought, as he was every time after they fucked. Garrett still felt weird about it. Thelen was his first love, and though he wants to move on, and to let Thelen know he was okay, it still hurt him to think about saying it to him. He didn't want to move on; he loved Thelen too much, even now.

"I will tell him."

"Okay. Love you, Garrett."

"Love you too, Trav."

With a quick kiss, they finished cleaning up and got to bed. The Machoke took some time before he slept, lost in his thoughts. How could he tell somebody he still loved that he's moved on?

What if.... he can't move on from him?