Kiddnapped By My Ex!

Story by slycamer on SoFurry

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#1 of Kidnapped By My Ex!

This story is based off of my avatar and my ?current? boyfriend. He sorta disappeared. long story short I'm kinky ass hell so have fun reading, this is only the first part. I really like writing this one so it should progress and be uploaded pretty fast.

The last thing I knew I was walking down the road when somebody put a rag over my nose then everything went black. I woke up slowly after that to find myself in a dark room with a stone floor. My black, rabbit body was cloth less; whoever had kidnapped me obviously didn't care for modesty. A fire outside the room I was in made crackling noise letting me know of its presence as heat. I don't know how long I waited but it felt like ages. Then there was the sound of heavy boots on the stone floor and the work of a key in the lock on the door and it opened. As I looked up to see who had captured me I recognized him instantly. "You son of a bitch! "I yelled at the dark wolf in front of me.

"Nice to see you too honey," The wolf replied. He was my boyfriend that had disappeared a while back without a trace or goodbye. He was currently dressed in Thick leather boots, a black leather trench coat, with matching leather pants; one of his favorite outfits.

"You asshole! why am I locked in this room? and why did you kidnap me?" I asked him churning with rage.

"Simple, because I think you need to be and because I felt like it," He responded with a devilish smirk quite unlike his normal self.

"What's tha-" I got out before he clamped a hand over my mouth and began to whisper in my ear, "listen here you little brat, you're going to listen to me and shut up or else." He looked in my eyes showing me he was serious and pulled his hand off my muzzle. The urge to yell crossed my mind but he seemed serious and was obviously in control of the situation. "Do you understand me? nod your head if you do," He ordered me and I nodded slowly trying to figure his plan out. "Good boy, now, first things first," He said devilishly as he grabbed a harness from the bag that he brought in with him, "something to show that you're mine again." He slipped the white, leather, English bulldog, harness over my head and chest and locked it in place. It was like my old one except now there was the word slut written in pink across both shoulder straps. He began to smirk at me brightly, "So cute, now to make sure you don't ruin my fun or make a mess...." He looked through the bag chuckling to himself, then pulled out my old chastity cage causing me to whine through closed lips. "Heh, you know you like it when your dick is locked up and useless," He mocked and began putting it me. I would have argued but It still felt like a better idea to listen to him at the time. Click, the lock rang as it was shut confirming that I know didn't have the option of getting hard until he decided that I could. As another whine came from my throat he mocked me again, "Oh look at that little useless dick you have boy, guess you'll have to be nice to me now." His smirk almost drove me to screaming profanities again and he could read my face. "Oh, you're getting pissy," He chuckled at me. I wonder where this new attitude came from; it was nothing like how he used to act. "Alright boy time for bed, got a big day ahead of you," he told me," now come here like a good boy so that I can dress you for the night." I did what he said and stood next to him and watched as he pulled out a strait jacket.

"Uhh, that's -" I said before he silenced me with his hand again.

"Shh, now be a good boy and put it on before I get mean," He threatened. Soon the jacket was on me and the sleeves where through the loops and being tightened in the back. It was pretty tight, not enough to be uncomfortable but enough to make sure you knew you were stuck. "Alright now open your mouth bitch," I was ordered. I complied and soon found my mouth filled with a warm dirty sock. He must have taken off his boots right before he came and worn them for over a day before that. He held it in my mouth with his hand then tapped it with some self-adhesive wrap. Next he pulled the matching sock over my muzzle making sure the toe section was at my nose before securing it with the wrap. The sock was still wet with toe sweat, damn him. He let go for a moment and rummaged through the bag quickly finding a thick, white, leather muzzle. My resistance failed quickly as he pulled it over my maw and locked it behind my head making sure the toe section of the sock showed through the nose opening on the muzzle. I tried hard to make yell at him but the most I got out was a small noise. The gag was effective and quickly started to drive me mad as the smell and taste of his smelly feet seeped into my head like a powerful drug. Seeing the dazed look in my eyes he smiled showing a few teeth. "You always have loved my feet and my socks don't you?" the question he asked was rhetorical at best, "now lay down on your cot for me." The socks drugging my head didn't even make me think twice before I complied. After he helped me lay down he began pushing a medium sized plug into my ass making me squirm and try to moan into the muzzle. He didn't wait and quickly slapped it into my hole making it hurt.

"Mff!" A small yiff noise is all that could be herd even though I had screamed from the pain.

"Oh that must've hurt, too bad, maybe next time you'll not swear at me first thing you see me," He justified. "Now one last thing," He pulled out a thick disposable diaper and I moaned what I could in my musk drugged state. It was done fast and soon I was left with a thick diaper covering my butt and crotch. I looked down to find the word "pup" written over my crotch along with a charmander. I whined as my cheeks flushed red and he pulled the crotch straps snug on the jacket to finish the job. "What a cute little puppy," He praised, "now sleep well." He raised some bars like a crib that were attached to the bottom of the cot. AI began to struggle the scent and taste making my head swim more and more. My cock began to ache in its new cage, unable to get free. Finally he left after turning a remote dial that made the plug in my ass begin to vibrate.

"Mffflll!" I tried to yell but it was pointless. I was stuck now. Kidnapped, strait jacketed, plugged, chastised, made to smell and taste hot socks, and diapered and left to squirm in my, now, crib. What a world.