Meeting at the Old Stones

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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A surprise meeting in the woods turn out in unexpected ways for Ombre de Loup.

Hey everyone,

_here it is something that I had been thinking about for so long. It's a fanfiction of the French comic book Freaks Squeele, a whimsical series about an University of Heroes, full of geeky shout outs and such things. I want to warn that this fanfiction is up to date with the 4th volume, so some of things in it might be corrected in the 5th volume, which I will steal soon from Gritou. _

This story is dedicated to Forge, since he made my orca discovered the comic, who showed it to me If this story interest you, you can find some scannalations here , even though you should buy it if it is possible :-) Also, thank you my love for helping me with the edit!

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Disclaimer: Freaks Squeele and its characters belongs to Florent Maudoux.

The forest was quiet, not even a sound breaking it, all bathed in a soft golden light. For someone not used to such a sylvan place nothing would have been out of place, but for the wolfman, born and raised in those tree-surrounded clearings the silence and the light would have been a clear sign that something was wrong. The place should have been full of the singing of birds, of the softs steps of the animals moving under the vine-infested branches of the tree.

But that wasn't the real forest, but a dream reflection of it, so Ombre wasn't worried about that; he had long since got used to the place, after years and years of coming there. He just stood there, leaning on a trunk, a foot directly against it, idly scratching his gray furred cheek where his black marks were while waiting for the others to arrive.

"They are being later than usual." The wolf thought, yawning without shame. Even if that was a dream, it still took some energies to come there and it wasn't exactly as restoring as a normal one; that's why he had agreed with the others on the hour, so that they could discuss the matters of the forest quickly before diving in real sleep.

He shifted legs out of boredom and took the decision that he would wait only a bit longer. Even if the morning after wasn't a working day he still had lots of things to do with the girls, like the homework for Camouflage class. Ombre had to work hard for that one, even harder than for all the other classes at his University for Heroes, the F.E.A.H., all thanks to his hulking mass of wolfish meat and muscles. The use of a hat usually did the trick of hiding him in plain sight, thanks to Clark Kent's Law, but even with that he was still as suspicious as a fox on a tree.

Those were the thoughts that were passing in his long haired head when his ears flicked, sensing the rustling sounds of something big approaching from his right. The wolf stood up correctly, facing the newcomer with the broadest of smiles.

"Hey man, what took you so long? I feared you wouldn't have come tonight!" He greeted the bear who had just appeared, moving slowly around the corner.

"Because of you Ombre, like I didn't have problems of my own." The ursine rumbled in his usual gruff tone, annoyance on his muzzle.

"Because of me?" The wolfman repeated foolishly, already conjuring all kind of bad scenarios. His previous hunting territory was in peril without his presence? Had Mother been hurt? Were the Lycans causing trouble?

"I was going to sleep, as usual, when some strange guys interrupted me!" The brown furred animal said, having stood on his hinder paws and now towering the tall wolf. "They were seeking you, Ombre!"

"Who are they? Did they say what they want from me?" He asked quickly, raising his paws as if to take his friend from the shoulders and shake the answers out of him. Not that he was going to do it, since that would have been very impolite of him.

"They just told me that they needed to talk with you. They are two, a catman and some kind of dog, he was too covered in cloths to discern what he was." The other snorted, hot smelly air washing on Ombre and making his nostrils twitch.

"Two werepeople? Are you sure they told you just that?" He said, amazed by the news. It was highly uncommon for weremen other than the natives to venture in the forest, to intrude themselves in the territory of someone else.

"Yes, I might be getting old but my memory is still perfect" The bear chuckled at the impatience of his younger friend. "They said that it was urgent, so you should wake up and go to them."

"Did they say where they are waiting me?" The wolf asked once again, thinking of strange, unknown foreign coming to the tower were he and the girls lived.

"They are in the forest, at the Old Stones." The ursine answered.

"Thanks man!" Ombre greeted his friend farewell with words and his paws, but he managed to catch the last words from the bear before disappearing from the dream.

"Be careful Ombre, they look strange to me!" The warning came, and with that he woke up in his comfty, fur-covered bed.

He sighed loudly, tiredness washing on him once again; he set aside Little Ombre, the only plushy of his collection he had been allowed to keep when he had lost his den and territory to the Bear, and he stood up, searching for his tattered clothes so he could cover his bare-chested self. He didn't turned on the lights, the darkness that blinded so many was of little hindrance for his eyes, plus he didn't want to wake the girls .

The wolf was dressed in little time, and he descended the stairs as quietly as he could, helped by his cushioned paws; no one grow up in the forest without learning how to move stealthily, and those skills were of great help even in the less wild environments of the city.

He was almost at their front door and already congratulating himself when a voice stopped him in mid-step, flattening his ears to the skull almost immediately and his tail freezing.

"I thought you were asleep. Where are you going?" The strong yet suave feminine voice spoke to him, full of curiosity and ringing with a faint foreign accent.

"Xiong Mao! Why are you still up?" He asked back while turning, in the hopes of gaining some time to think, his ears gaining back their mobility and dancing madly. He found her sitting at their dinner table, a small light showing her robe-clad figure and making her lustrous, wavy black hair almost sparkling.

"Why? I couldn't sleep so I came here to read a book. Still, where are you going?" She said, her stare nailing him in place from behind the glasses. Luckily, it wasn't her worst stare, the one that would make a tiger run for his life.

"Uhm, where is Chance?" The wolfman blabbed, managing only a quick glance at the old, dusty book in her hands calloused by the work in the forge, The Forging Process of Damascus Steel Through the Ages.

"Chance is out, I don't know where. She said something about a dark cemetery and meeting the undertaker." She dismissed the topic of their demon friend with a gesture of the hand. "But you are still not answering me." Xiong Mao scolded him, and he was sure that if she hadn't been sitting her hands would have gone to her hips.

"Oh well, I was, well, I have a thing to do with Val that I forgot about, that's all!" He lied, his hand going to massage his neck for the embarrassment, his eyes not meeting her beautiful brown ones. He couldn't tell her about matters of the forest; it was forbidden to do so with a normal human. "Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as possible, tomorrow I'll be here to do the homework!"

"If you say you will, I trust you." She said before returning to her book, apparently content with the answer. "Have fun."

"I sure will!" He smiled, sighing softly under his breath and turning again toward the door. His tail gained a bit of wag, happy for the success of his lie.

"When you will be ready to tell me what you really are up to, you know where to find me." The amused reply came from behind the book, with a hint of laughter surely brought by the silliness of the lie killing his wagging and flattening his ears for a brief moment.

Ombre didn't reply to that, instead he went out in the cool night filled with the voices of the crikets, shaking his head. He should have known better, he was a very bad liar, but at least Xiong Mao respected his secrets, as always. It was one of the many things he loved her, along with her quick wits and undying loyalty to her friends. If only he could find the courage to...

He shook his head once again, not wanting to dwell in that kind of thoughts for too long and focusing on the task ahead of him. The wolfman didn't take the pathway down the hill but a small track leading in the woods, walking until he was sure to be deep in the trees before falling on his four paws and beginning his run to the Old Stones. It was the fastest way he knew, but he didn't like to use it when normal humans could see him; he hated to show his animal tracts, the monster he was...

The trail soon shrink until only trained eyes like Ombre's could discern it, the underbrush hitting his flanks, but he didn't care to acknowledge the small pain it caused him, his mind busy thinking of what waited him, the two strangers. Who were they? He never met weremen from other countries, even during his period with the Commandos, so he hardly knew how to behave with them. What did they want? That was a mystery he couldn't solve, he tried to remember if father told him about affairs with other tribes before.... Before...

"It's useless to think about it." He decided to drop the matter, the lupine didn't want to remember the painful memories linked to his family. Whatever it was that the strangers wanted with him, he would face it. He increased his pace, paws milling the road and bringing him to the old place deep in the forest, where the trees quietly waited their death while rotting alive.

He stopped his run a few hundred meters before the place, the Stones still hidden by the tree; his experience as a scout kicked in, the need to know his enemies just too strong for him to overload, even if he had wanted that. So he approached carefully the clearing, being sure not to cause any noise by rustling the dead leaves that formed the pavement of the wood.

The last line of trees welcomed the werewolf and gave him the perfect spot to spy in the space among the tall Stones. A fire burned there, showing either the stupidity or overcoming trust of the two foreign weremen. He waited a few seconds for his sight to get used to the light, then searched for those waiting among the Stones covered by runes so old that could have been mistakes for the signs made by the weather.

And there they were, the light hitting them and projected dancing shadows on the Stones: the lion, easily recognizable by his lush mane with a few braids combed with assorted decorations, was standing very near to the fire, as if he was feeling a terrible cold. And he might as well felt it, since he didn't wear much on his muscled body, just some kind of red tunic with only one strips running on one of his shoulders, leaving his chest bare. His tufted tail showed up under it, lazingly moving in patterns Ombre couldn't interpret.

The other was not far away, polishing a long, curved knife while crouched with his back to one of the Stones, likely so that no one could surprise him. He was a strange fellow, all clad in clothes the color of the desert that would help him blend in the arid environment he came from; the wolf was sure he was a desert dweller, a jackal precisely, by his tall ears crowning his turban and the long muzzle, which, the wolfman guessed, usually should have been by the black veil presently around his neck.

Some minutes passed before Ombre moved from his position, he wanted to observe the duo and see if they would do something, or say something, but they didn't, the both of them immerse in their activities and thoughts. Taking a huge breath, he decided it was time to make himself noticed, so he walked the last few meters separating him and the those two, making sure to be loud enough that they wouldn't be surprised and alarmed by his arrival.

The canine sprung up from his position, ready to face the newcomer, while the lion leisurely turned with a big smile.

"Welcome, my friend. You sure are a careful one, stalking us for so long before revealing yourself." The feline spoke with perfect syntax, his greeting making him blush under his fur. "Are you the one called Ombre de Loup?"

"Yep, that's my name." He answered joyfully, still taken aback that they had noticed his coming.

"Good, good. My name is Kivuli, chief of the Ng'ombe pride. The dangerous-looking fellow here is Dabab of the Shamsrih." The big cat bowed a bit when presenting himself, and gestured toward the other when mentioning. The jackal, on the other paw, gave only the smallest of nods, his muzzle fixed in a stern expression.

"Uhm, should I present myself formally?" The wolf asked, embarassed that he might have insulted the mysterious strangers with his ignorance. Kivuli seemed to follow some kind of ritual, and he was deeply ashamed that he didn't know it.

"There is no need for that, young friend." The lion chuckled. " I tend to be overly formal at times, my dear Dabab always laments about that. Isn't that so, Dabab?"

The canine just stared at his friend, not responding to what it seemed to be a mere jab at his expanse. His ears didn't even flintch, showing that he was used to that.

"Okay. So, the Bear told me that you were seeking me. Can I ask you why?" Ombre said rather bluntly, but the curiosity had been eating at him, and he also needed to know if they were hostiles or not. They were two versus one, but he had the advantages of knowing the place and of being the stronger one. Not that his potential opponents were scrawny, they were both muscled, they were just smaller than him. Although, on a second look, the lion was almost as tall as him, and with only a few less muscle mass, and the jackal seemed to be deadly with his knife. Suddenly he felt like his victory wouldn't be as easy as he thought.

"You go straight to the point, don't you? Well, sit down with us and I shall explain you that." Kivuli said, already sitting down near the fire while his friend did the same at his side. The werewolf couldn't do anything but oblige, positioning himself in front of them. He stopped all the movements that could give up his nervousness, from the flicking of his ears to the wagging of his tail, all the while keeping a welcoming and warm smile.

"Good boy. We are here to follow tradition, a tradition you seems to not know since you asked the purpose of out visit." He quirked a brow, his paws resting in his lap. "Your elders didn't teach you all of the traditions, did they?"

That question hit a place of sorrow deep inside him, and he had to stop his ears to flatten and his voice to sound shaken.

"I... I was taught some, since I was entitled to be chief. But my... education stopped when... when..." He hesitated to say more, speaking of that would have been too much for him, even after all those years.

"We know of... that, and we both assumed you didn't have the chance because of that." The lion stopped him, saving him the pain of speaking that aloud. Dabab at his side stood silent, but the wolf swore that his eyes had softened a bit, at least for a few seconds.

"Don't worry for your ignorance." The feline in red tunic continued. "I don't mind explaning you. Long ago, werecreatures like us stood divided, all too proud of their own ascendance and form to stay united, or even together for a brief time. Hatred ruled us."

He paused, looking to see if his interlocutor was following his tale. Ombre was already caught up, looking like a puppy listening to a story beside a campfire.

"Which is kinda true." He thought.

"For that pride, many tribes fell at the hands of our enemies, humans who feared us, sorcerers who enslaved us. Soon, we were all facing ultimate destruction, and we got wiser, casting down our shallow beliefs in the name of salvation."

"What happened? A great epic battle, with lots of arrows and swords?" The wolf interrupted the narration, eager to know more and more and almost jumping on his place. He got closer to the lion, leaning over so that there was little space left between them.

"Oh no, nothing that incredible." Kivuli grinned at him, one paw waving away the silly question. "The tribes reunited in a huge gathering and formed a Covenant, to come to help those in need. Which meant a few battles, now that I think about it."

"The Battle of Ba'ther Reach." The jackal intruded briefly, not adding more. Ombre sure knew that battle, it was one of his favorite stories back when he was a pup; he never had thought it had been possible because of a Covenant.

"Yes, the Battle of Ba'ther Reach. To better unite our people, the Chiefs of old decided that tribes of different place should have created alliance, so that they could have support not only from those near but also for those afar. Our tribes, my young friend," he concluded his short tale, his rounded ears flicking among his mane, " have been allied since then."

It took Ombre a few minutes to digest all the information he had received, however few they were. He remembered, back when he was young, his dad telling him how there were times they had been on the brick of extinction, and that there were fights and battles against that terrible fate, but somehow he never told him about being closely allied to the Ng'ombe or the Shamsrih. He had always thought that they fought along the other werewolves of Europe, being united under their wolvish heritage. Then, something else dawned in his mind.

"Wait, if we are allies, why didn't you help us when... that happened? Where were you?" He asked, anger peeking in his voice and raising his tone. If they had been there, maybe his dad and his mother... his family.. They could have been alive now...

"We were late." The laconic answer came from the desert dweller, and the sudden move of his ears showed his annoyance at being accused.

"Even in this era of fast comunication, we got word of that too late for us to do something." The lion expanded on, sadness filling his eyes.

"But we are allies, so-"

"Even your wolf bretheren did nothing." Dabab sentenced sollemnly.

"It was too quick, I'm afraid. And our alliance is more to knit relationships between us weremen than for military purpose." Kivuli tried to calm down the wolf, who was showing even more signs of anger with his teeth almost bared. The lion even posed a paw on one of his knees, to transmit reassurance to the younger male. "We fought together, but that rarely happened, and for that, we must be thankful."

The werewolf tried to calm himself, taking great gulps of air; he managed to think straight again after a few minutes, the feline's words and gestures soothing him. Of course they hadn't the chance to help them, even the other wolf tribes hadn't; it had been too quick, and terrible, to gain outside help.

"Okay, you told me that we are allies, but not why you are here." The gray furred wolf stated, noticing only now that the lion didn't truly answer him. Were they in need of help? They should know fully well that it was beyond his capacity as of now.

"It's simple, young friend. To renovate our alliance, the chieftains of our tribes has to meet every ten years. And, since we guessed you didn't know, we came here." The lion said, his paw still resting on the lupine's knee and squeezing it from time to time. "Last time was among the tents of the Shamsrih. Isn't that right, Dabab?"

The jackal only noded, but Ombre barely noticed that. He recalled his dad disappearing for a few weeks, a decade before, and entrusting the pack to him, the first time he did that. He also remembered that his father had been very evasive to his questions, saying that it was to fullfill his chief's duties; he also seemed eager to do that, strangely enough.

"Okay, I understand. I am the chief now, so you have to do that with me." He said, his paw massaging his neck in an attempt to alliavate a forming headache. "So, what do we have to do? Some rituals, chanting or just tal-"

A pair of thin feline lips stopped him, pressing themselves against his own, while the paw on his knee tightened its grasp. He was too shocked by this sudden move, he barely saw the lion leaning forward to kiss him, and his surprise froze him long enough that the other man managed to snick in his muzzle his raspy tongue, the ribbon of flesh immediately starting exploring his mouth and playing with what he found there. The whole thing felt so pleasurable, the meeting of their tongues, feeling that heat and wetness, a strange flavor in his muzzle, that a stir appeared in his underpants before he got his wits back.

He forcely pushed Kivuli away and rose quickly, moving some steps away from the duo while panting heavily.

"Merde! What the fuck was that?!" He shouted at them, his fur bristling on his neck.

"My, I was just beginning the ... ceremony." The feline answered amusingly, raising slowly from his seat. That made Ombre noticed a bulge that wasn't there before, and a quickl look at Dabab confirmed one there too. Not that he looked at that on purpose, that was just sick!

"The ceremony?! You fucking kissed me!" He shouted once again.

"It is ancient tradition that, in order to be more... united, the chiefs has to know each other intimately." The golden cat explained, taking a few steps in his direction.

"That...That's sick! I don't like men, I like..." He trailed off, his thoughts going to Xiong Mao, to her curvey body, to how she made him smile...

"We do not either."The jackal spoke and, to his horror, he began to undress, taking off first the jacket and the shirt, revealing the toned upper body that it had been only suggested under the layers of cloth.

"But-but.." He stammered, blush appearing on his cheeks along with a rigidness in his pants, to his dismay. He never had thought about doing ... things with men, it should disgust him! But why was his body reacting like that?

"Don't panick, young friend. It's just part of the cerimony, no one except us will know." Kivuli said with a soothing tone, all the while losing his tunic in one, expert movement, leaving him as naked as the day he was born. And, if there had been any doubts before, now it was clear he was very much aroused, his member standing out proudly out of a sheath, much like his own at the moment. But it was different from his, it lacked a knot at the base, and it had some... He didn't even know the exact term, pricks? Barbs? Whatever they were, they were part of the throbing pink hard-on connected to the lion's body.

"I-I don't understand... Why... How..." Ombre said incoherently, his stare fixed on the sight of the approaching lion and his big erection. He didn't even try to go away, he just stayed there, strange feelings mixing up inside him. He never looked at other men in that way, so why did he feel this excited now?

"Shh, it's okay, don't worry, you will like it." Kivuli whispered once again before reaching him. He waited a few seconds for the wolf to reply, but he was too confused to do so, and an easy prey to another kiss. He covered the few centimeters left between them and once again pressed his feline lips against the much fuller canine ones, wrapping his arms around him before attacking with his tongue the muzzle of the younger wereman.

At first it was only Kivuli who did the action, his paws caressing and gropping the still covered muscles of Ombre, his member pressing against the one belonging to the wolf, and his tongue moving inside the long muzzle. That made the heat and arousal grow in the lupine, so much that it overan his brain completely, making him lose any coherent thought and protest and gave in to pleasure.

He wrapped his own arms around the smaller man, his paws reaching everything they could of him, running through the much shorter fur until they found their natural spot on the cat's rounded bottom, eliciting a moan from him. His other parts weren't idle, his hips rocking and causing a nice friction between his member, leaking inside his underwear, and the one belonging to the other. His tongue began counteracting the raspy invader, engaging in a battle with no clear winner, the expert appendage of the older man using tricks he could only dream of while the wolf used the natural length and freedom of movements. He even managed to enter the shorter muzzle, exploring its cavity and the wonders inside it. His tail, behind him, had gained a madly wagging, increased even more the times the lion groped at the ass under it, pressing buttons Ombre didn't even know to have.

He was so immerse in the kiss and related activities that he had all but forgot about the other man in the circle of stones. The wolf gasped with surprise when he felt another pair of paws on him, and tensed when they were followed by the cold touch of the knife, the weapon ripping his tattered clothes one by one with expertice, until he was left with none on his muscled figure.

They hadn't stopped the kiss during his undressing, only gave some space so that the ragged remains of cloth could fall at their feet; when that was done, they smasshed together their hips once again, now tasting the true pleasure of being in contact with another fur without anything between them, the rubbing of their sensible members making the wolf reach a new level of arousal.

He could have stayed like that forever, kissing for hours, but the lion had other plans. The action stopped without notice, and soon Ombre was tossed on the ground near the fire, landing hardly on his ass and air escaping his lungs.

"Hey, why did you do that?" He lamented, his erection now resting on his gray belly and coaring his furs with pre. He looked at the two men, only now having the opportunity of admiring the other canine in the clearing. Dabab stood there at his friend's side, sporting an erected member which was similar in size and form to his own, a big knot at his base, just over his balls. His body wasn't as developed at his, but it was firm and toned, the fur the color of the sand.

His inspection of the jackal was cut short by the kneeling feline, who was lowering himself between his white legs and didn't stop until muzzle was just a few centimeters away from his red member, his breath hitting it and making its owner moan.

"Why? Because I want to do this." The feline uttered before delving his muzzle to lick the treat before him and, after a second, to engulf it in its the wet warmness. Ombre couldn't stop a loud moan at such a feeling, a weird one sure, with the tip of his erection being immersed in such an unusual heat, followed shortly after with the rest of it. He settled himself on his elbows, so he could admire the hot show of his thick canine member disappearing between those lips, not all of it at first because of its size. What didn't get inside that mouth was jerked by a paw, with another squeezing his knot in a way only someone experienced with a canine should know.

Ombre didn't let the pleasure blind him as before, so he was well aware of the approaching jackal, still wearing his turban, oddly enough; he knelt near his prone body, the bobbing canine erection being so close to his muzzle now. He was merely realizing what Dabab wanted when two strong paws grabbed his head and pressed it against that pole of flesh, making him feel its obscene heat against his black-marked cheek. Some pre dribbled from it, falling on his lips, and, by instict, he licked it clean, savoring man juice for the first time: it was salty, musky, but it strangely made him drool and craving to taste more. He could almost understand why the feline was attacking his erection so vehemently, he wanted to have some of that delicious liquid, and fast.

"Suck it." The jackal commanded from above.

"What?" He whimpered, not sure if he really wanted to do that, despite the tasty discovery. The grasp of those paws grew harder, and he was pushed once again against the throbing cock, his lips making contact with the fleshy knot.

"Suck on it." The canine harshly ordered once again, making the ears of the lupine flatten at the tone. The Shamsrih seemed to be the kind of guy who didn't take well insubordination, so he didn't protest and just opened his mouth, using his tongue to angle the thick piece of flesh. He swallowed half of it, his lips adjusting around it, the strange feeling of having something alive and big in his mouth being repulsive at first. But then, he got a spurt of pre directly on his taste buds, and the heavenly taste reminded him what he got from having another man's cock in there.

He began to move his head, slowly at first, wanting to test how much of it he could take, and being impressed when he found it could take it all without problems, only stopped by the ball of flesh that was the other's knot. The wolf didn't know what to do at first, only bobbing his head, but then he took attetion to what the lion was doing on his own member, learning what to do and quickly putting it to use. He couldn't caress Dabab's balls nor massage his knot, as Kivuli was doing with him, but he could swirl his tongue around the thick cock, pressing it against the hot flesh and licking the liquids coming from it; he was sure that his tongue didn't feel as marvelously raspy as the lion's was, but it surely managed to wrap itself around the member in ways the cat could only imagine.

By the moans of the jackal he was doing a good work, probably as much as Kivuli was doing, the cat making the wolf moan too; the vibration seemed to please the other canine, so he tried to do it more consciously, while bucking his hips lightly so that he could get more of his own erection inside the whiskered muzzle of the feline. The paws on his head had long since lost their grasp, they just stayed there, scratching his head behind his ears, the smallest pleasure in the sea of sensations he was in. He tried to increase his pace and to suck a bit more, and by the reactions he heard he was doing a good job.

Even immersed in the task of pleasuring the lithe jackal, he felt the moment when his cock slipped out the confinement of Kivuli's muzzle, slapping loudly on his belly. The wolf tried to protest, but the sounds he produced were muffled by the big pole in his mouth; he didn't even dared to stop his sucking to ask question, though he surely wanted to when he felt his legs being raised and being almost folded on himself.

He couldn't think any reason why the lion wanted to do that when he felt hot air against the now exposed pucker, the only warning he had before the same tongue that had licked his cock began to do the same with his asshole. Ombre moaned openly, the raspy feeling at his tailhole being almost overwhelming, causing an increase of his pace that wasn't unwelcomed for Dabab.

Kivuli sure knew how to do things that the wolf never had imagined possible, his tongue caressing and licking his hole in circles, sometimes pushing at the center of it, all the while his paws wandered on his body and gropped what they found. He even started chewing on it, and penetrating it with his appendice, lighting up a fire the werewolf didn't know he had; he pushed his hips down, wanting to feel more of that inside himself, and he did the same with his head, he wanted to have both ended filled by thick things.

And the washing of his hole continued, like the bobbing of his head, his moans increasing more and more, then suddenly stopped when the wet movements down there ended. But he shouldn't have feared, since he felt something else pressing against his pucker, something thicker and longer; his muscles were so relaxed that they accepted the finger without putting resistance, it delved inside all the way without trouble, and pressed something unknonw along the way. A sudden bolt of pleasure passed through his body coming from somewhere deep inside his ass, so intense that he stopped everything he was doing. Not that Dabab cared, since he used his hand to move Ombre's mouth around his cock, again and again, giving him the only task of using his tongue.

And so the werewolf gave up, deciding to let the other two use him however they wanted, the lion moving up and down his finger, hitting the special place inside him every time, while the jackal just used his mouth for his own pleasure.

"Seems like he is enjoying this, Dabab." The cat chuckled while adding another finger inside Ombre, something that gave him even bigger pleasure thanks to the scissoring and the movements of the fingers, along with his hole being more stretched. The canine didn't answer, just snorted, adding now the thrust of his hips and transforming his use of the wolf's muzzle in a true face fucking.

"Don't you think it's time for him to feel something bigger?" Kivuli asked, and once again he was answered only with a grunt. He pushed forcely his fingers in another couple of times, with great moans of the subject, then took them out; Ombre felt his legs being lifted and posed on the shoulders of the big cat, while his gaping hole was teased with something that was surely much bigger than fingers. He couldn't resist but push down, getting the tip of the feline cock inside him, something that caused chuckles.

"He sure is eager, isn't it?" The lion said, content to be like that for the moment.

"He is a bitch." The desert dweller laconically stated, his attention focused in moving his hips and driving his cock in and out the willingly wolf. Ombre just whipered, he wanted something in ass too, not only in his mouth, if the prensence of two fingers had felt that good, he couldn't imagine what a member could do to him.

"You will use this bitch's ass soon, I don't think I'll last long." He said, then, with one push, penetrated the wolf, slowly but surely, making the recepient feel the long member enter all the way. And the werewolf loved it, it almost drove him crazy, to feel something that thick journeying up his ass, the place of before being hit with such force that he felt almost as cumming here and there. But he didn't, even when the lion's balls slapped against his upturned ass while those of the jackal did the same against his chin, nor he did when the cock embedded in him started to move, at first slowly, then faster and faster.

The barbs he had spotted before only added to the feelings, their scratching being just perfect and incredible for him, so much he couldn't resist but push back to meet each thrust, a heat building up in his belly. And he didn't forget to move his tongue around the prick invading his mouth, the continuous stream of precum seemingly giving him the strength to go on. He was beginning to wonder what cum would taste like, if the precum was like that, and Ombre was so lost in his own world that he missed the particularly loud moan of the lion fucking him, and the one hard thrust before he stopped. But he did noticed that his ass was flooded with something hot, something that escaped its confines when Kivuli slipped out of him and made his legs rest on the floor.

Ombre felt like protesting, shootig daggers at the cat who had been inside him moments before: he hadn't cum yet, and he knew that, with more thrusts, he would have reached his climax. The big cat managed to understand the meaning of his muffled sounds, since he was quick to apologize.

"Sorry, young friends, but us cats don't last long. But we do compensate for that." He winked to the wolf, then passed to the jackal. "It's your turn Dabab, I know you need something tighter than a muzzle to finish."

"Yes." He simply answered, letting go of the wolf's end and slipping his cock out quickly. Ombre stayed there along for a moment, his legs spread and cum leaking out of his ass, drooling and panting heavily. He was still posed on his elbows, and he didn't dare to shift position, else he would have toppled there and then; he didn't even feel like saying something, he was too quick for that, not that he had time to do that.

He was manhandled and turned around, put on all his paws before he knew what was happening, feeling someone behind him holding up his tail and rubbing his cock against his used hole. Kivuli appeared in his field of sight, so he knew that it was the jackal teasing him now. He glanced at the cat's prick and gasped in surprise to see it still erect.

"I told you that we make up for the lack of stamina. Now, be gentle and open your muzzled." The cat suggested, one of his paws guiding its lionhood. The wolf felt almost revolted to have in his mouth something that stayed in his ass just a few minutes ago, but he couldn't resist and just swallowed it all together. There was still some cum on it, and, even if it tasted differently from Dabab's, it was as good, even better than precum, so he eagerly scooped what there was and savored it, starting the same bobbing movement he used before.

At the same time he felt a canine's cock still pressing to enter him, and he just couldn't wait for that, since he had noticed that Dabab's was thicker and longer than Kivuli, even not counting his knot. His wishes were fullfilled, the cock he was craving had begun his swift journey inside his ass, that feeling spurning from the secret place returning again, now ten times stronger. He bucked his hips, not waiting for the jackal to be gentle, he wanted to be taken roughly, to feel a man's cock moving deep in him. He didn't stop servicing the lion, learning now that stimualting the barbs on Kivuli's member made him purr in pleasure, so he tried to do that every time he could.

His hips were grabbed by strong paws, and the thrusting was much more stronger and faster than before, his ass feeling so full. They all soon fell in a rhythm, with the man in the middle moving himself so that when one member was out the other was in, balls slapping against flesh. There wasn't any talking, just moaning and purring, the sounds of the rutting being the back ground of their sex.

Ombre found himself getting closer and closer to the edge, something that amazed him since he wasn't touching himself. But the feeling of having the barbed prick of the lion in his mouth, of slurping it, and the most prominent sensation of having a doggie cock in his ass, violating him in ways he never thought possible, all of that had turned him into a bitch in heat. The pleasure was building up in him, warmth increasing deep inside his belly with each thrust and each hit of the mysterious place.

That couldn't continue for long, it was too much, and all the warning Ombre gave to the other two was louder moans, and the tightening of his ass around Dabab's cock, before shooting his own precious seed on the dusty wood floor.

The jackal sure noticed that, because he increased his thrusts, his knot now banging against the abused hole before popping in, almost loudly, while the canine just emptied himself in the wolf, barking at such pleasure. Probably the show was too hot for the lion, since now Ombre's tongue was hit by spurts of salty cum, flooding his mouth faster than he could swallow, most of it dripping out of his muzzle.

The lupine just collapsed, his strength being sucked out of him, followed by the desert dweller who was still stuck in him, shooting more cum while being tied. They rolled on a side, to be more comfortable, and they were joined by Kivuli, who laid on the other side of the wolf, sandwhiching him between them.

Ombre began to regain his mental abilties, while Dabab was grooming him on the neck and the lion pressed his body against the wolf's, attracting him in a kiss. His mind was in confusion, but one thought was loud and clear.

"How can I face Xion Mao again?"